HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-10, Page 4Aza
Lewis. F. As itn w.*t Huron.
The II -Wren eleCtien return
give * X. wig rnaaotitY ef 87, but
until Ile eterning makes hiee
deetareatie l'aie exact fiutesoaeeet
.4.144h , ASHFIELD e4`
thetiiii etated.
Godsrich Township.
no fowl -supper given wider the
auepices of L. 0. L. No. 189 tit the
roidence of Mr, 'William Currie of
the ith cou, on Pridity °venter laet,
yes largely attended, The exceneeee
of the xepast upheld the repetatiou
of Mrs. Currie, and her very, capable
b4vi.a No1 °Inl,„e„"'"1,, • aides. There was an abundance and
. ,
'at 1'1' to spare of the delicacies ot the
• a 4„2„ 2e8, sone Atterwards an adjournment was
u4 Made to the hall of No. 189 where a
27 7,8,
program Was given. effruittY °out"
5 either Connolly presieed in his usual
fee 6 7$
' 131
eir lioInees 38.
cheerful ana wItty manner. 'MON.,
2,4 see were delivered by Revs. Swan
and Tolland. An iustrumentel 4eleet-
ion was given by Miss Weeds whieh
o No . . 3 e0 85 was WW1 enjoyed. 'the Maple Leal,
$141.4 -Div„ • 00 el oteliestra, under the leadership ot Mr.
O . 2
3 5$ 77, -George Vanderburg, was eppreeieted,
4 63,•55 Their services aro always n halian• d,
40 hereabouts, Last'but ;net by Ally ine-•
, 75 70 ens least •were the comic eonen of Mr.
7 85. 44
)for Lewis 100. ,
Sub -Div.
Sub -Div:
4ir etiAWANOSH.
m No, 1 08
45 57
3 33. 68
4 75
5 • 55
for Holmes 3.
eet No. 1
It A. Downs of Cluttou, from. whom
encores were insistea upon.
This township gave Mr. Lewis a
majority of 174,. which is uot 'gre-
at as et the previous eleetion, but
the total vote was smaller. With a
new list the majority will et) back to
34 the eld agures,
39 Lox-Werclen Cox is freely .spoken of
West Huron at ti twat election for
es 'the Conservive candidate- in
the Leeislature.
84 •09
2 28 50 •
3 63 86
4 50 36 ,r •
for Lewis fl.
M:F. C. lford has moved his
DERICH TOWNSHIP. tami1to Ottawa which will -be his
,y E
ni No. 1 • 96 34 hea,4quarters in. future. Be came ho -
2 41
3 40
4 21
6 31
Major? for Lewis 17e.
St. An
St. Gek
St. Ja,
St. 4o1
.'s 54
• •87 02
65 . 56
for Holmes 51,
The MOM News -Record
Builett Township. Stanley Toiveship., Auburn.
Miss Mime Melville of Seaforth ie
visiting at Mr. Andrew Tyerman's at
M. Lou Fernhain left on Saturday
to see hie uncle, Mr. Roliert War-
wick of Winghaen, who is seriousle
M. Thomas Troop spent a few deys
with friends at LucknoW and vicin-
On Tuesday of last week a tele-
gram was received by Mr. Thomas
Nott notifying him of the death
his on 'William at Pilot IViound,IVIaa
The young man, he was in his twee-.
tyeeecond year, went West last sp- -
lug. This ran he has beea threshing
and , vrhile thus engaged met his dea-
th. They were molting their outfit
and in some way ale fell in front ot
the seParator. The front wheel pass-
ed over and crushed .out his life for
he was dead when picked up. - The
body arrived. in Clinton on Friday
night and an Saturday afternoon the
iuneral took piece to Clinton ceme-
M. Henry Copper has moved his
family onto the farm on the Huron
Road which he bought some time
1V1r. and Mrs, Joseph •Payment • at-
tended the wedding of Mrs. Pay-
ment's Wither on Wednesday.
Mr. Richard Tasleer is Again atta-
Mr. Henry Cook has been laid up
vvith. au attack ef ellihieY- •
56 me to vote and, it must, be saad, Mr. A, E. Bra,dwin ot this village
84 ' looked very well, indeed, Miss Emma •will be a, candidate for the Comity
ee Courtice Accompanied Mr, and Mrs. council in Division' No. 7-, comprising.
,3e Elforde They will be missed by their East and 'West Wawatiosh, Winghem
niany friends: .• and Blyth. •
• Mr. and. Mee; Wm, Elford of Gode'. • The News -Record. will be sent to
. rich visited here an SunaaY. •anY address Until the -end of .1905 for
Tire Misses Chant of Clinton spent one dollar, . '
• 47 Sunday the guest of Mrs. W. B. Fos- Our old veteran. shoexuakeri
ter. • ,John Sheeritt, Genie from 'London o
Mrs. A. X. Birks of Seaforth was pee " in his vote to swell the •Cene
in our 'village this week.•e servative majerity East • Hume
' Mr. Fred JerviS.4retureed fromAlie The old chap 'felt twenty • years
•Yukon where be :spent , several mon- younger when the victory was etre -
tbs. • • • ' - uounceihe . . ' .• • . •
• . • • •
On Monday. evening :theEpworth - On Monday Mr. JosePh.Certer left
'League 'elected the following officers foe Jackson, Mich., to be in time for
.president, Geo Geuld• ' the Presidental electiOns.
lst vice,: N. W. Tre-veaetha • • Ort Saturda,y. George Dickson left
2ird. Vice, Mrs. G. Tebb,utt this station with a ear -load Of .cattle
5rd. vice,. Miss. Gould • . • for Toronto. ' ' •
4th.: viaereMiss Courtice" • The local 'Liberals feel •very sore
• Sec -Treasurer; :Miss Stanley • beca,uee of !coping the three Herons,
,.. Organist, Miss 1V1yrtle Lavis• Missionary • services were held in the
Treasurer Forward Movement, is . Catholic church on Sunday and caeh
:Walter • • evening ...until Wednesday, when the
• Choir .Leader, Lewis Tibbutt Jesuit Father :who conducted, theta
Organizer Welker:_of the C...0.. F., went to Clinton. There Were' largo'
5j.• - is. here this week in the interests of congregetions at all the services. .
10 I the local Court. • • i The Conservetives engaged , Indus-
•The News -Record, givee the news. et try hall Thursday everting. laet to
jori• ter for a..,ewis 87.. .
••Goderich township, • It you, • - dear 'receive the .eleetiOn returns. The hall
reader, are not already on our •sub Was eroWded; to its earnest capacity
•• scriptIon list, We would*, pleasedlo and the fair sex was well represent-
add your name. Only one dollar un- ed. An Antertaniment was givendu-
til the endeof neXt year, -• • -ring the -evening by some of ouetal-
• • • ented • ones which Was much . app.reo:
. • . •iated but When it 'beaame- certain
, ppriees Hill •that the -three • Hurons °bad • gone
•• • • .Conservetive • there was a scene of
:Why' has' ' Jitie Ilaerieon looked so.- great erithusiesni. A. -torchlight pro -
happy lately ? Why, because his Wife cession was formed and the rejoicing
presented hilt with a bouneing boy . :Was kept' Up till inideight when the
:a couple of weeks ago. , crowd • diapersed very • well -pleased
Mr, 1 George Weston moving to with the day's, results.
the old Ellicott .limilettead en 'the Oti • ` •• •• ' '
concession, Ruiner eels . that -the : ' • • •• .!• '
Sub -Di en No. 1 62 e 52
• 2 • 57:52
• 3 . . -48.8 . . 8
4 • " 74 • 44
5. 37 • 27
6 ' 53 31
• 7 • • 44 • 4.:.
IVIajori .for flohnes 104. .
Ashfield 38
• Goderne nen idn•
West Ve onosh• 3 '
Colborn ee to,
Goderic ownship • • -- ;174
Mrs. Wm. Keys Sr. of the Babylon
Line ia at present visiting her'dau-
ghter, Mrs. Samuel Peebles of
Messrs. W. L. Keys of the Babylon
Line and Wm. Logan of the Parr,
:Line were in Goderich Iast week at-
tending the funeral of their cousie,
Mr. A. P. IVIeLean.
Miss G. Graham, teeteher of Baby -
lea Lino school, has been re-engaged
for the coming year.
ltdr. Ben. Keys of the Babylon Liee
accompanied by his sister, Wes
Phoebe, were gue,sts et their cousies,
Mr. and allies Fee of near Zurich,
one day recently..
-• We are glad that Mr, Gilbert Dow -
son. ot the Babylon Line, who has
-been. on the sick list,is able to be
out again. •
Stanley eotureil met as per adjourn-
ment ou Monday. After reading the
minutes ot the previous meeting
council resumed business. Legal
Advice was read concerning the Sep-
arate School of 'Stanley and of. flay
which was quite favorable- to the
couneil. The. subject or snow fencing
W'as brought up and left over. Mr.
A. Githe, contractor; dropped lit as
council was about to adjouen and
stated that he expected to complete
Stanley Big 1)main in a week, AU
credit to Mr. Guile for 'his persevere
anee amidst Stumps, logs, etc.; -whi-
ch he had to micounter. After sev-
eral small accounts were paid the
Council adjourned to meet Nov. 28th.
when it is aesired that those • who
have 'weenie with the council sea
as gravel, etc., will come to the
meeting and settle. The collectee
will ale° be present to take in taxes
during the meeting. Any pathmase
tees' lists out yet are' expected to
be in before next council meeting,
Mr, JW. Reid: :paid a flying vieit
to Port lelbert this week. .
M. and Mrs. William Pollock vis-
ited at the 'MAO'S old home • one
.day this week. -
'Mr. and Mrs. Devid Dewar visited
at the twine of Mr, L. Omit . On.
Sunday east. "
Mr. and IVIre. George MeClinchey'
vieited. at ,IVIr. Charles Johnson's last
gddie Wash of Clinton spent a few
deys' last week at the home' • of Mr.
Edward. :Johnson.
The Misses 'Rubel and Susennalt
,CIaelte Were the guests of Mrs.
Clark on. Monday.
Mr, .Valentine and Miee•Flora Wilds
accompanied by their sister, Mrs. H.
Yoeug, loft on a. fortnight'svisit: • to
the St. Louis Exposition 'on Tues-
Mr-Chas. Johnston hes purchased
.e; • handsome nevi been, from Mr; B.
A. Higgins' of Varna,. • .
• 41r. Obt Penhele hag leased the
Johnston faere. on . the Brownson Line
for a term 'of -two years. e
Mr, Roht. 'Greer lies purchased two
more bronches from W. Elliott Of
Goderich township.
-.".Mr. A, McGee has leased farni in
Geelerich township: from Mr. Nand
for a term. •
4 -In the list of marriages in thiS'
_ iseue of . The News -Record may : be
seen. that of GrahenieStephenson of
Marlette,. IVfich..„ • vehicle "will 113e Of.
interest to the many relatives •in
this. township ef. the happy couple.
. .
• ..
• .
. • Billg0f41d. •
. . • ,
Mies. • Ellison Sinclair Of Sun -liner-
- hill • in ;the. guest ;of her. aunt, .Mrs,
George HH . . ' :
• Areniversary...services Were held. in
. the,presieyterian Ohureh here on Sale -
hath Jest when, the. Rev. Maxeeeli
of Ripley, preaehed two „very eleteneet
sermons, and on. Monday evening del -
leered, a, • leethre On `'Sonie of the
Successes' and Failures. in life."' The
• choir supplied the •mualcal,, pert
• sted by left. McBride, who sang' a,
'couple of solo's., and the hearty app-
lause showed how touch they
were appreciated, •
• '
Mies Jackson of tBayfield called on.
friend's here ;this week.: .
The election rehltS in South Huron
were a great' surprise to our Grit
Miss Myrtle Wooden spent a few. ,
days in London kat' week.
Mee Alex Ross, who holds a dov.
ernreeht position in New Qntarie,
came down to vote on Thursday. '
MISS G; Marks Visited London fri-'
ends les.t, Week. ,
IVItes Aggie Salvers is visiting her
'sister, Mrs. Ilewiek, near
Mrs. Weldrort has returned from a
• Vneerirevi
preaSant :visite in Kingston and
The manyfriends here of Mrs, Wm.
StinlAtry wero very, sorry to hear of
her deatiewhich occurred at her home
On -the London Road ou Monday eve
Quite a number of the ladies eta,-
• aided the annual ingetingeW;
Society at Iiensall on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ti„ ET, Rothwell of ToronioiS
the guest ofMrs. VIII. Rattenlette.
Weadinglelts are Again tolling in
our midst ere • long.'
East 1 ron •
Goes C.onservatiVe.
Owing o a difficulty in seeming
the cr • •t, returns froth the differ-
ent di), as we are only able . this
week t. ve the majorities :
East V . anosh
128 -
- 15
- 13
, - 162
396 • 249
for Chisholen 147.
Meese lately occupied. by hint, : •. •' ' LoOdtibOket.
belongs. •CaptahreMePhail, is to •• '
have a,- fairs tenant • before long.•• - Mr, • Re G. Webb moyee his effeets
Mr, George Vanderburg, our new to Seaforth last •Thersclay where be
storekeeper, has 'taken. iMesession ntends. to reside for a time. Sorry
and Mr, Morgan- Moves • to Goderich to -Ipso' sect' tgo,od citizens, but . wish,
this week. We are all sorry to hese them -health, • happiness • and prese`
. Fred. and his .estimable wife and eexity in their ne* home.
wish him euceess where he is going, . Meesrs. James Herailtori, Arch:
Reasc for the Defeat
I Mr, Robert HolmeS.
• Now the elections• are over our far- Reid and others have purchased.winde
The e mto News of Saturday,hati
the toe ng :
An a, ishing turnover occurred in
the thr aurons, all of which have
returnee 'onservatives, though the.
South A ng may be protested, West
Huron elected Mr. . E.N. • Leiris,
Mayor . Goderieli, by 73 majority,
over M. tobert Holmes, the former
member 'he . Liberal 'majority last
electior. es 25. His own town gave
Mr. Le • a niajority 100, and in'
lhankir. the • electors he ascribed
considr e credit to the independent
Liberal he had for onee 'thrown off
party • • to vote for hire. The Gr-
and le • Paciile was made the chief
issue e very platform duriug• the
camp'. and the defeat • of 'Mr.
Holnie•• understood to be a, distinct
A• t• exprese• of disapproval of the
echerne, ; propbsed by the Gn.
ment. . Lewis' only assistant' 01.4
the pia rut during the light wes the
Rev. e 'whose
are ne well known; it is en ad
• mitted et that he defeated Hoe.
C. S. 1 • tan at the Liberal meeting
in CM. . Mr. Elliott, it is rumor-
ed, wil mtest West Mum, ' in the
Previte election, ife the Couservae
give in at. ••
• One i Which has escaped gen-
eral no is the feet that Mr, Hol-
mes le in this election, a consitiere
able m .-er of, votes that were givee
him be'. accouat• of the temper-
ance ph his•platfOrea. His cam-
•paigein n the interest of Mr. M. G.
Camaro the present 'member of the
Ontario louse, rather -spoiled the
• effect els proleseed attitude On
• this qu.
West • rob was considered so•safo
for the, • !weds, eepecially since the
redistro • ion, that their candidate
expree ethe belief that no one in
• ehe rid could defeat him. How-
ever, 1 or Lewin is the • member -
G erieh Townthip.
Mr. .1, e. Emmerson returned last
Naga f Souris, Mall., Where he
tad • he tr s�veral mouths. "
, re not already a sebscribee
to 'rho We -Record, we would say
Oat w- Ill be pleased, to add yont
leaned .1tr •iitt. until the end •of
tett y .for one dollar. •
An' • is of L. O. L, o. 800 Will
hel• • .ft IVIonday evening. next
,when•t • '11 'attendettee fe requested,
4.44`ranl Maiiter,
mere are takinadlantege of ' the male: from Brttesdoii Bros. far '-
line weather' tO take' up their roots purpose of pumping Water. , '. • .
ie. •'order to be ready. for the *met • Anniversary services will be held
;tug of ' wai:i. :' . . in the MethoOlst church inext Sunday
M. James A. IVIrtedonalii has pnr-, .whert Rev, Dr, 'Cook Of Clinton ..will.
chased a span of breeches irom Mr, preach • beth moreitig and evening',
William Elliott.• • , On Thanksgiving Evening a•fowI sup -
lir, John Sha -has returned fiote per: and prOgram will be given. Tea
Manitoba satisfied that there is no will be served fromsix to eight o' -
place like Ontario,. and tuore espece .clock, after which addresses will be
tally Porter's kill. • -. , given by Revs; Manning and Greene
. ' . •ol Clinton and Ildimee of Blyth. Th-
• .•• , • ere will be special music ley the eh-
• Constance. • ••
latish Eva Itapson Of olin.toti • spent
!Sunday under the parental :roof.
• The C. 0F. held an oyster supper
at liar. Albert Coates. -This was a
farewell supper as. Mr. Coetes • and
family leave this week for their fute
ure home in Idaho.
The Anniversary sermons -on Sun-
day, Nov. 13th, will be preached at
2.80 by the Rev. Dr, Cook of Cline.
ton and at 7 o'claele by the • Rev.
Carswell •pf Winthrop. On. • Monday
eight rollout* addresses will be de-
livered by .Rev. A. X; tirks of Sea -
forth and Roe. Clement of Londese
bora. Miele by the Senforth • 'quar-
tette. A freewill offerhag will has take.
' en at the door; Dente open at half
.past seven. • -
• Huron Road East.
Mr. Edward VenEgmorid is' visiting
with his daeghter, Mrs. Ech. Minch-.
ley of Seaforth. •'
Mr. W. T. Noble and "datightet Haze
- el of East Wawanosh visited at the
home • of his mother, Cedar Grove
Farm, on Sunday.
Mr, Peter <Nagler who' has been
liviiig in Oliver Mill's house, has
moved to Mr. l*cliertnid's house.
,Mr. Ed, Jones Of the Huron Road
spent Sunday with friends- in Sea -
forth. •
Mr. and Mrs. White went to see
his motherwho is very ill, at her
home in T'uckersinitle.
Mrs, J, Noble and Mrs, Ed, Jones
visited at the, home of Mr. Peter
Hawthorne on Tuesday.
Mr, Toni. Carter of Stapleton is
on the sick list at present.
Miss Florence Ponnabaker of Olin.
ton spent Monday., with her friend,
Miss L. Draft,
Mr. floury nrovVer spent last Sun -
.day with hie Mater, Mrs, Willie Of
Mts. Ed. Jones, we are sorry to
say, is on the siek list.
Mr J.Nobhe and his mother Sun.
00.Yed at the home of Mr. 'T. Mee
„ •
mr.• . •, •
• A eerrespondent writes : Some time
age *e noted the fact that Local
• Option. wouldbe a good thing ' for
Hullett. 'What are the Temperance
people doing? • The interest in -the
question, so far as the good people
- of this part of the township are
Concerned, • is not great and we sin-
cerely believe that ' if the hustle is
not started soon Local Option will be
a,• failure, We do not expect . , per
\township fathers to earry the • Whole
urden, and if they see timethe
, emperanee people are not taking at
intereet in the qetestiou we can fired
no fault with 'them if they tern us
down • again. •
, And the bridges. -Hat the electien
anything to do with the bridges. We
are pleased to euete that they •have
been axed, but would like to remi el
our friend of a couple of week); a :0
that if• the council 'had let titer
contracts sooner thes,e bridgesi woteld
have been finished ,now. We admit
that the bridges that •aro being built
are excellent ones and likely to lest
for some years, yet we see no reason
why they shoula postpone .the letting
of the contracts until it is impossible
for any company to get the Worl
Iiillsgreen. • •
Mr. Je Dumart of Zurich is make
Mg large sales of native babe sinee
the elettion. Quite a, number feel ine
disposed since last Thuesday. • It is
an III wind that blows nobody- good.
Mr. E. IVIeteavirt, -Leather of S. S.
No, 10, Goderich, visited hichrother.
teacher, Mr. W. E. Jarrett, over
• A number from this Vieinite. atten-
ded the tea -meeting at SeXsmith on
Thursday °Vetting.
There will be no service in the
Methodiet churn net Sunday owing
to the anniversary services at Kid-
• pen.
anew Lillie Workman ot ltenstil
Visited her home here on, Sunday.
Mrs. lVfaxwell is this week visiting
la neon%
. Varna
• The Methodiste here intend holding
their 'fowl supper on the evening of
- Nov. alst when a grand time is ex-
• pected.
Mr, and Mrs. T. I -L Johns spent
Thursdiy and Friday under the par -
elite' roof.
Mr, B. A. el-Iiggine was in Goderich
, on IVIondey.
Miss M. Hugill is visiting with her
sister, 111re, W. Cook. .
Mr. Ilenry Cook of Woodstoele paid
a flying visit to Varna, friends last
Mr. and WS, nougats and 1Viiss
• Irene spent Sunday at Mr. C. Log-
• Mr, and Mrs, James Jehns were
atele'eatorth on Wednesday,
The annual Quarterly services were
hold in Verne, Methodist thurch On
• Mrs. J, and Miss Ethel JOhne were
in Clinton ott Tuesday. • .! 1111
Mr. Frank Muuro is IMMO from
Montreal. •
November 10th 14104
I I 1
I ":"1,1,1111
MoKINNON & 00., ET *H.
Rev. Mr. Lang of Vancouver gave 4 -7- -7 Aw~r
a good addrees on the Bible Society X
last Sunday night te large audien-
ce of Methodist, Presbyterian and t
English church. people. The collec-
tion amounted to $4.07.
Theealethodist quarterly board met
Itra....Xelfday gnu). 4ieci(D.1 t:) •bur a
coal stove for the personage.
Tlie 1. O. G. T. met aud elected et -
Deere for the ensuing 0=36: :
Chief Templar, II. IL Sturdy
• P. C. T., J. tr,,, Wilson.
Vice„ Mies . E. A. Blair
Secretary, Miss IL Ferguson
Fite -Secretary, Miss E. Kuox
Treasurer; G. L. Sturdy
Mersliall, .E. Munro
Guard, Miss M. Errate.
Chaplain,. Jas, Jackson
Organist. Miss 'A. Sturdy
Three candidates were initiated last
• Monday. e
There is a petition in circulation in
thie distriet asking • the township
council, le aubmit a Local 'Optien
bylaw. •
Fiw Jackets
°This week we:have rl. eefved bowler Ill r.gct ehiPmailt ef Leese ee Alr To
:See Jackets direct from the Mae ufaCtorers, whieh, puts our I. ree•k lit ereendid .
9. shape. Severalanonths ago we made large contractf4 for Furs whseepricee I.
were at the lowest. Theee contracts were made on a spot cneli basie, 'write '
X the followinggood values tm".
3 Aid riatterbAtuaene1431 asCakteitti,SoiktiV 1302 t$0154.2. e:o. e ,,Felosey viol, lined eon fairy z
4 Greenland Seal .laclivta., ltt ail sa, ,q, co ma.
+ Hair Seal Jackets, all eizete at 6:;.: Cs) t .2, EIW.
4:4, BOkaNtilJnek0tb, Vepy special, al g:"3, .;.4.
*a Electric Seal Jecket. all sizes, at'.4135 and $10. •4:4
gEietlect al $.1.415teridts$,57).ith snide etift'a and reveres, tomething very 4%1
• ' These jackets are all made of•No. 1 skins and every garment is guar- is
0? ne
+.1; -..,.. MEN'S FUR COS
v. . .
_ . .
le We show a reat variety of Mee' ; leir Cots, in Calf, Dyed Wombats t .
'es Doeskin, Blaea .Gallovvay„ Ott b Bear. E. from $13.50 to $30. "
" Men e•Ei leek Coney Wedge Caps, at $1.83 end $1.50,
es • 0
4, Men's Persian Lamb Cape, at $4 ..i0, $5.00 and $0.50. .
Men's Heavy Moth Oaps new stvles, at 40e 50eand 750 .
r . . . . • 0
y . ,
• gee
+ . • • Men's Lined cod and Mocha Gloees, in greae variety, at 50e, 70.e; $1,00, *,.4
it . , , . . ..,t4.
mr3.. ...., ......,...,,....."116'777
y . Boys Winter Caps, ihe very hie( et, trona 25c up,
• 4.1*
MeKillop, Township,
$1.20 and $1. M. •
The elections' passed eff quietly. In
• the northern. half -of MeKillop Mr.
Glum had 'a. Majority of $5 and in
the southern part •Freser's mejarity
wa'Tshenthr‘ es"hars are about w.flIding up
the season's operations.
• Jecob Barrows, has lese than
six brooches which he bought at , a
sale pi Western horses held here re-
cently.. '
Our loeal Grits are down 'in the
month over. tbe result in South Hur-
on, and 'all the other Hurons., ,
• Mr. Alhert Godkin has got, his barn
re -shingled.'
An early resident of Mcleillop,itt
the person of Mr. August Herniate is
• dead. He leaves a large family ' of
grown up -children, was a native
of Gerxnenyeancl. 70 years of age.
• Single "Fare -for Round .Trip;
alt' • stations in Canada,
also to Port Huron • and Detroit,
Mich., Suspension. Bridge,. Niagara
Falls end Nuffelo, Y, •
Good going Nov. 16th • and .17th.
• Valid returning. until 'Nov. 21, 1904
The Royal Templars are -preparing
• for the Lbeal Notion campaign and
• gOing about it in a. practical Way.
At onaeof their Meeting teld recent-
ly • a list Was passed around and
in the neighborhood of twenty dol-
lars was raised.
0*.• •:41.0+04:40:444.:444004.-
ea PLEASE NOTE . . + •
AeCeunts :are being ,•sent ' +
• 0 out from this office tie those •
•:e of our subscribers. who are el%
• 0 in arrears.. • ' •
• * To those conaerned we +
0 ,would seer: Please give, the 0
• matter your prompt. atten-
• tion.' By so ,doing • you •
+ . will ohlige.
A wgtrt AT ST, Lot's.
bo you' know that. the : Greatest
,Exposition ever held closes ill' four
weeks and that, if you miss it you
will always regret doing •so. All the
world is interested and, naeions are
represented with palecee, statuary
and exhibits; etc, Throegh Pullman'
sleepers leave for the World's Fair ••
Daily, Remember that in additiOn to
reduced rntes, You have 'privilege •
stop over at Chicago, Detroit or at
intermediate Catiedian stations. 'For 44
tickets, handsome illustrated booklet
and full information call at Grand
Trunk offices, or address J.' D. llfec-•
• Tdootereolndt,o.listriet 1Passenger Agent,
*f MckINNON & 00 . BLYTH• :i...
.. .# ,I 4 , ,
i:s•C4441044.04Tro:01.4:•;*•:,••:04•414,4.:..:A5:+4.4.10 l•
' 4: -74).........***041,44. l04$ 110.0.............404, i
We cordially invite you. to call and inspect •.3
• OUT new stock of ••
Stock ever shovvn in Clinton. You will
which is the largest and most complete -
be ugreeably surprised when you
see our. assortment and comp- ,• .
* •
are our. prices. We can
save you Money on
• your Fall Shoe,
• . rB
Full Stock of Gambilyi., Kant'Krack and
Canadian Rubbers.
Iiigh Prices claimed by our systernfof swan. .
proffits and big sales. .
• It will please us to '81. -ow you our• stOck and
• quote you our ckse Cash Pikes,
The Old:Reliable
* *******************************************9 •
. . . . r. .
************4$4**.***34********************1- •
. . . . .
• •
'B.. HOOVER. • • • .NELSON BALL. 4
. .
. .
. .
5) •
.driGA.A: I ill , 411I I Ovili;:11 10i SI II ..seresetlaciagassecisri
s To the person* who
writes the' words ,
oWatertriates Ideal
. Fountain Pen' 4
on the beclant a Omuta- - •
hen postcard, the great -
pat number ot times, eva
. give a handsome
Wietertnan's Pen, whieh
sells all over the veorlel
at $5.00. ' . •
• 0.7ttk •
• pen may be used. The
ink,. but any kind of a e
Writing must be in - ego lea
card may Wee/Jailed to .
• as or enclosed in an Acl., • .-
dresseri envelope, , and
.'yetiare requested to put
your bard° across one
and of the f tont of post
card, so that weal know
where it canne *ono. •
Your. wants can be supplied best by
us. Our prices bring us the
.1 •
• •
1.33- yeti have our. personal supervision .
and sati.sfaction guaranteed.
Undertaking•promptly attended to by night or day... ,
0e. Wight 4nd. Sunday calls arise eeed As residence of either of the prieci;.
<te pais.
•- 1•44/41**)...*****40t0414/...,>44****44).4.41044.4).4404104
eberielesesesat;-teeesiAieneseeeeallevevAteeleeeeeev. ;;1•4000V... „
We are prepared for . •
Ill! Biggest F811 EllsifiesS1.101.1.1fittorli
Large, Stocks rightly bought and
' . Low Prices is a combination that
. Put nothing•o'n heck
of the card except the
Worde Weiterrean's Ideal
Potain Pen" and the Oftener
you ear) Write these words the
better chrome) you will have of
t, dotes December 121091.
sneering the prize, e con-
Fernier County Court Judge Hteelt-
en, of .St, Thomas, who recently .ot-
teed after fifty, years' SerVieti. on ?he
Ilench, is to he Married) next Week.
Spells Quick Sales
. • ,
• Of course' the choicest bargains will go first, 7
. so you will have to be on hand early to -get
your choice of the 1o4 ely
flats in the Millinery DeiPartment or ,
Secure the Snap's in Our New Carpets.
\II`'`!"....""."47'r•An"?'"&tft.t4tP '+'-lrettl7tt
• Have You rriead Who .
Cooper Co
Does Not Read The. Arows-Ilecrd?
• • . Tell him the price of a 4441 8e.lbeSCIrliPt101;
ireeelereeemeeameemeliemeemeepipeeTo ASio o
O.0 A anuary,1905, Is only 200*
.C14NTON • , r