HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-10, Page 3•
HE DEAREST GE AD tie.: btelfrotiga�. 1.fie parte IV aZee
UL i
God So
Loved. the World That He Gave
11,is Only Begotten Son,
•Thou shalt, hive thet Lord thy, God The leve of jestus-*wleet it le
'With all. thy.; heart owl with all thy Noue but Hie loved one knew.
POW. Thie is the first. and great ivr
• POMPAIlttnente,"Sti. iltattheW XX% "4". waste years in the vaio spoof
No man can truly, loveh neige_ latimt as to Or ocl'a revelation of Ilini-
bler as he loves leiniself until he bag self to US. with the GircCkc of Q34/:'
Arkt learned to keep this first, . and "Me Bay to Oonfuclue and to Bud -
great canunandmeet, No eL),Sy tatee dha and to Mohammed. "Show uts
will this' be, but. that it is not, an the father and it sufficieth us."
ilnPosffible ore is teetifieel by the What is truth? aome ask With Pilate,
lives of urinenaliered thousands who and like Pilate wait not for the an -
hare lived and, in all. WaYa done -serer. Yet to us to -day it is spoken
their hest. :Tear God, and keep the word of life by the eternal Word
EU commandments, for this is the Jesus Christ. "HO that bath seen
Whole duty of men," was the, text the Father." And the clarion -voiced
Of the great Preacher hundreds of declaration, "I ani the way, the
years before. Christ came. To -day 'truth and the lite," "God so loved
...we teach our children that they were tho world that He gave His oely be-
madeto know God/ to lave God and !gotten son to the end that all that
to 'serve God. It is true .that "per- ibelieVe in Him should no perish, but
tnYonlii, (or short sight), hypermetro-
Pia (or Wog Welt), and astigmatiste.
' (or irregulerity in the ehape of the
eye), wera proved to have been cared
in tio far ati the patieots were able
to dispense with glaseel ite an aid to
defective ,
Nearly the *whole of the patients
Weise engaged in electrical pursOlteItt
Th Home
134,11 papers ehould be • carefully
gelectoi us regards color, according
. to the Size of the room. Pa.pers dtf
a light blue shade make roam look
much larger, whilsit dark paper si with
"• big patterns reduee the apparent
size of the apartment.
. pleavant violet scent is eaelly
. Made 'with orris, root and spirit of
• wine. Out . half a pound of orris
I, root into little pieces, put it in • a
bottle, and Pour over it an ounce of
the city, and all fOoloi in high ternie SEX.ECTED RECIPES, spirit, Cork tightly and leave fur
Of -the akkeentages they lied derived Eggs Newport Style. -Take mut about a week, A. 'few drops of this
from tile treatment, pint of bread erilinhe e.ild soak in •On a haedkeechief will haVe a smell
Ilk treatment 1St gentle and •gradu- oue set or mine. Beat eight eggs of the sweetest and freshest of
al; no pain is created, and there ia very, light, and, stir with the soaked violets.
never the Slightest 'injurious effeet. crumbs. beating live minutes, Have. Corpete may often be washed over
The patient ie treated fer a few mire- ready a saucepau in which are two Instead. of ewept, With great advan-
utes daily, Some are Cured in a tablespoonfuls of butter, thorolegh- tage. In half o pail cd warm water
week, but in ail whoa the cure ie ly hot, but not seorching; pour ie put in A spoonful of annoopia, ande
rapid, the mixture, eeasloo with pepPer and rinse a cleth lie this before care -
salt. ets the maga is opened. awl stir- fully wiping over the carpet. This
red With the "ecrambling," which method not only removes the dust,
• tion than the poorly bred one in the
h• endi Of a geed feeder,
. looking over many of the re-
. ports from, men who have been
throirgh the eountry taking a, cow
• eentati, nad that the deirymen Whe
has tried to improve tbe stor,.k by
introdecing into hie herd a thorough.
, bred sire of soma of the distinct
. dairy breede its the one who has real-
, •„ ized the most peel% every time. I
want dairymen. • to have the beet
SrALLIveruia: trietihICeadTOing CUSTOMERS. Cows. and if 1 sPoak cot the special
de should have been,-"petcloselitahgbliAalriktif; Einra;:$7ZoadbeaseeirYdaouileceo:Iiebeaeotnlidelivieduogthsiethodfitirreyciti
for that la the phew° of milk eellbeg
correSPOncient. NO man that has I miZir traeytebi istrhbrIteorgeeheibe country
not peddled milk can know what the
tliat I intend to consider, Writee thie le not living'up to the full Poe.
milk peddler has to enclure: The, and laee the ellild"lan at°ek It la and
that has had this experience is ae,, how they are cared for and the teeth
grumbling that the milkman is
ways willing thereafter to pay the lice°, 1 "4 Inelkied to think that
Milk, without . perhales there is a pleee for the
common, er dual purpose cow, uatil
current • price for
shld late done qoickly with the but else brings out the colors with “getting ehere is any eueh a ae he Obeli turn over a
point of he knife, for three minutes, far greeter freshness than would the
a hoe platter, with squares 'of hut- Buttermilk pie, of which you have
or until thoronghly hot. Serve on meet thorqugh brushing.
era it to eustonier ways of feeding and taring for his
"Quit his meanness,” as .
and improve his
roan that cares all he get0 it is the, new leaf.
Man thet produces milk and deliv- Sam Jones says,
tered toast. , heard so zauch, shoield be prepared Th d atock
ed E s -Put a spoonful of
high -seasoned gravy into each cup;
Sufferings of the Woundede--Oora-
• ,. set the cups in a SaucePan 01 bailing
taisamat Could •Ilardly water, and when the graver heats,
feet love cesteth mit tear," but, as :have osierlasting life." e gave the ' • ' ,
Be Worse, ' drop st. fresh egg' into each cup; take
With the, infant races ein pre-Christe I best, • . ' • off the saucepan, and cover in dose
Ian daye, man had first Ito learn to e.oreespondent 41 the Leaden
' .fear' God, so Oven to day that ele- THE DEAREST GIFT NN -HAD, . DailyTe
Telegraph at ,$t Petersburg till the eggs are nicely and tenderly
. e cooked; dredge them with nutmeg
'Tor a good roan ono would: dare eends s nie hirid pictures. of mattere and salt. Serve them in a plate
- Went, of fear is needed which is. with. 'For
die, but while we were yet sinners at the °frone. 'At •Harbin :• where the eovered with a napkin.
out apprehension, bot fell of rover-
,ezitiaI awe. ',' t I
Christ died for us. Is it any won- troope• rest in erder t 'prepare for To Po h E H th
ac Eggs ave e water
We menet love God until we know d that ' "We love ' Him ' ' o
i active work, vocitlea, cards and coarse well salted; and not let a boil hard,
. elieto In our infancy we knew Hine ' s." ' sw" slay "
• by faith. In manheod we enter up- recalls° He first cared, ils ? . !pleasures, he says; are the prepare++ 13reak the eggs SeParately into a
God ,made, nie; I come from God; tions that most of them make, He ' saucer, imd slip gently into the Wa-
ge, a more intimate knowledge of 11 belong` to God. - AU religions be- ;quotes a general' order of the day tete, when nicely done, remove with
Him in the daily school of e:qiere fere Christ were eliadows of the ;issued b;sr Gen, Vallee:0ff, which says:- a -skimmer, .trini heatly, and lay each
issue. In, maturer years we say with 'truth. in...eo.fer..#0.1 they,tanglit truth, reloeuttleen....selliiere are..met„nt,eyerie..egg,.u.pon a small, thin square of
certain confidence : "We. knew ITilli.
311 Wheel we have beliON'ed," we do again
with incareetion light. cattle ;hand's turn on the streets eS: well buttered toast, then 'SPrinlele with
this beceuse He ,has made Himself again, The ineffielation was a riew 13.8 at the railway Station, , Many salt and pepper, Some persons Pre-
' known to ue in a thousand loving creation, and the Aoly Nativity I
a .WhO have been insolent and disobecli- ler them poached, rather ,than freed,
ways. As father, mother, lover, new birth as the second Adam came ant have teen ceurtemattiallede, with ham, in which cats) substitute
husband, friend; as rider of our, des- into the world. In Jesus Christ , A Russian. correspondent *th'us Oi1s. the ham for toasto
tiny and goide of our devious path- alone can be found the answer to tin the General's eleetelio-PI had White Stock or SoupoeTwo koucke
way; as a shadow from the heat and eVery riddle asked ),y the sphinxes ot scarcely quitted tlie train at Liao- les of veal, tveo' onions, taro tablee
•a refuge from the storms which •fret all ages, "I -le' is our Ged; we • have Yang when the wouneted began " to spoonfuls' of ODA, end eight quarts
the days of our earthly sojoerning. waited for Him," Efeart, mind and arrive, Gradually the moaning ' of of water; boil six hours; strain into
THF„, LOV.r, Or GOD , •
in loving service. • till it, deadened the din, of the sta.:,
will must all be concentrated' to Hite rhe bleeding soldiers grew in volume
place, When cool take off the fat,
a stone . jar, end keep in a cool
is no passing passion, no !variable Buttermilk" Breed. -Sift enough
, 'emotion, but through all the ages In .this feith many have lived 'and -tion. Marc and 'more' the etreoaphere flour into a' quart of hot • buttermilk
• :God's 'paean rings out, "1 have laved died. In this world they have lived, became eaturated with the -peesdlitr to niake a thick batty. add n. yeast
, thee With an everlasting love." For yet not of it. They have lived as tim.ell of bleod knoive only on the cake which has bee‘n. 'dissolved in
our own goocl He ,shastene us ' but "seeing Him mho is invisible," but , battlefielde• •• • : ,
. ware,. water, and set to rise. When
DRANK CHAMpAGNE. light, work in half a teaspoonful of
But this Melantholy • picture lied soda .whieh' has been disselyed ..thor-
r4 s
nix sabering effect upon the grouP •of •oleglile in a, great • simonftil • of' waim
pis chastisements are those ot one their visions were realities and their
whe knows our needs. Pain and dreams the eternal truth. They have
sickness, poverty and 'suffering, are belonged to. the 'true aristocracy of
as follows ; Beat two• eggs to a froth way usually sells it to nearbY neigh4 1 have "ell III Flame
n a erne
buttermilk, and a tablespoonful of returns are mostly all profits. wheracows are kept out of doors all
in winter
with half a teacupful 91 sugar, a
- here, and this kind of delivering is • right here in the state of Wisconsin
tablespoonful of flour, ono pint of .without appreciable cost, and the
gother thoroughly and, bake with increase the Maribor of hi herd. stack f°r
Winter, with a rim in the corn field,
a little Poor hay and. the straw
butter.' Whisk all the ingredients tee This stimulates the cow owner to .
Lemon Candy ,-Cook together over increast) the prat eix times .and under these conditioos? She might
shelter. '1Nould the Otrict.
one crust, as you would a fruit pie. He reasons that it tWo coves Make lo dairy .cew be able to do- business
Add any spice or flavoring desired. him large profit ‘0. dozen. cows would
possibly survive, but t
and half a pint of water. At the twelve times. But with the, increa,se he of
idea '
profit would va .epttrely out of the
a slow fire. elle pound of loef sugar twenty tofu, caws w.ould increase it
little hot vinegar. The. scum must be comes a more than eorresponcling question, for it would take at least
to pell body and soul together, and
enel of half an hour dear it with a in the number of the . cow s there the. first half of the sunning, for her.
removed as it rises, Test the syrup increase in the cost of caring for the
bthat time she %Mild have got all
by raising a ,spoon, and when the cows and in the delivering of Alm out al the notion of giving zauch
shreds cif sugar snap like glass , the milk. Often the man ...that runs a milk.;
candy will be reedy kr flavoring ; awry as -a side issue, inithes more out
adri lemon eflavessenceredto taste, and, of it than the th t d r7.,• EARLY MATURITY,
buttered, tin. When the toffee is
when nicely , pour into a
thing else for his dairy worO. •
eaaeo it; into squares at grai:rleantcetilLbvaegmegrratf"
with a knife, .
Herbs for storing sho1114 always be own powers of laboringIle willand when he sietually gets into the
gathered -on a 'line dry day, Remove work that everything takes longer
the roots and *ash -the rest in ' a to do than he had ineasined. Thence
solutier, of borax, so as to free the comes
herbs from grit. Thea tie the, herbs tielper, either to drive the team or
in bunches and bang up in the: sun,to to relieve himself while he is making
the necessity . tor hiring' a
dry, Should this not be possible, ilk el.
they .should be placed in the 'kitchen. the raeliveries_ _ • , „
Directly the leaves are crisP; take TIIE USUAL MILK P4pDLER
them •Imen the stalkk and pound in is honest, but he must keep a good
a inortar, Then store in clean, thy mahy -things from his customers,
bottles. Sweet her 'may be mixed, • Thus, eyery customer finde out .that
but tarragon, mint, and sage should he is oat getting as good milk. as
Id bottled separetely, . some other he will at once quit that
facts the existence ot which • Jesus. character. They overcame the wor , elegant, dandified Cossack officers, water. Add flour enough to work eaeb . be
milkman,. 13ut how is it possible kr
Christ never denied. But in th.ose by the victory a ,faitii,• stupendous wee h•ad jest arrh,ed from set.. peters_• over without • stickiness. After rise
every custiempr to receive the best
words to the afflicted warrior, ' ''lltry and impossible as the task must have
grace is sufficient for thee," Be -.told seemed te theni,' as to -day oftentimes dying,an ing the second time. make into loaves int D El) 'ouss wEAttEits the certainty that the animals must
. burg . Five paces rom e oa
b f ' th d d d
dured. "He suffered," we say in the ' Beefsteak an ()Wets -Select a i 4E1 iii
of the raeans whereby all may be en- it. teems to es. • .. , champagne and flavorizig it with ob-
. ......... has been milked only a very .short
It may be that We have put '
muck stress on the early maturing
qualities of swine that we' have re-
duced their vitality, but if that is
SO, we have gained something in its
piece. One of the things gaited is
the perfectien of flesh that makes It
possibie to market a pig at almost
any age This is not true with some
cif the common stock of swine that
have little ' improved blood. The
pure bred animals can be disposed •
of at almost any time, In the case
of. the near appreach of cholera de-
sideratum, as it makes it possible '
for the owner to escape the disease
by the quick marketing of his hogs.
As this kind of swine brings good
• prices young, be is not held back by
milk? The best intik X assume .to
ancl hake siew%; • ' be disposed of at a great sacrifiCe.
the3r.. sat merrily, drinking be that rich in crealn and which, • •
good cut 9f round stem cut an inch
So let us learn and labor daily to Peelle jests. Only in war, are •suck
thick and a .piece aboui aye inches TEEY ARE HEROINE$ OF THE time before It is delivered, But *alt • • •
common creed of Christendom, and
so itre. cl a jell with BATTLEFIELD. milk cannot be °f th4 'hid' 'The DRUNKEN. R.1188 OFFIDERS
u t which it to 'wear maiks and ahow themselves .
the heart of humanity. In our High lifts yfieitiett God to call us. Se let fee they are.. You note the arrival of Ellice four onions, put in the frying These,- Societiei Are Establishea -o'clock. at nig
as we say it we know Christ's sae. get our" own Lying, oing y as S pos e. ere men cea e Poun to • y •
• • wooden mallet. on a meat block.
hat state of ]i?o n 0 •
red heart is boating in unison with In t•
:milkman who milks his ws ,at 7
eliver the •
Priest, who ever nveth to neake school ourselves in loving grati- officers who' are leart a-----asted -from pan with ono "pint oi honingwa- . •In Every Cifyilised. that night. He cools it care- THEY ARE • TIEBIR• --OUNTRY'
ltercession for us, we have One who thee to- our. God en whenn we live- hunger and hardships, and eheek by ter, and stew till all the water is . • eine and keeps it till the morning. WEAHNESS;
can be, and who is, "touched with and move and have our being, loving Jowl with these you witness tj ft 4 41'4, gorie. without stirring. Then add
the morning's milk, for he knows Men Whose Sodden .Brains Lead
the reeling of our infirmities," How Him as Ho ciritws us en, werehiP- glee of hells 'drunken m,en ftiedthessio salt and pepper, and heaping table- Weile the %papers are devoting col -
Country. Then he cannot mix that milk with
that the heat in the morning's milk •
'wonderful and how beautful! We ing Him, putting otir+ Whele.' trust , dresSed, hear. the:pop of champagne spoonful of bniter. rry the ordoes umns daily to aecounte of. t e rec c -
scene' • • •
.. • ussian orce
thinl . of the lei% of Joeithan and Hine honoring His holy name and betties, the laughs that greet "Obeid carefully to a kolden brown, • Heat less • courage of the soldiers fighting will:start the night's Milk to
David and recall that it was "pass- His, Word and sereing truly' 'all Jests end the requests of painted wo- a ' frying pan very hot into :which in the East, ,one catches onlY a very ing,' Defeat.
Therefore inthe morning :he.
wee goes out with. two kinds of milk, one
Ling the love of Women," but- . the days of our life. men, who even at this supreme mo- put the steak, teeming often to sear rare glimpse of the brave women The shaineless 'untrust;wortliiness
;neat try to wheedle tipsy oeficere out over and Protect the juices. Serve are riSking their lives aad leen% mi.: rnilked in tho morning and the other
the night before: Will it chi for hixa Russia's diplomacy and the utter cot .
f their last rubbles." . on a.
ot platter, season with sait told hardships •to succour the' sick
7,4 ° is to be regretted,': writes. 31. Mid pepper on • the •Platter. and the. wounded..
.ve,e----tion pervading . her entire public
Service. have been' Clearly and iraper- •
to tell his customers this? Not at
• .
• will serve 'the 15) Cod will 'surely- bless us
arid •Danclienko, the leading* Rus'sian cor- the onions around the-stealc. Just now and then the veil is lift-
ustomers. that I had pointed out from time to time,
all.. I was once frank enough: to tut..
— make us a. blessing to Many. The !respondent, that porno officers on Pot Roast -Select a piece from e , and in a ew lines a tribute is - neY
d 7+ell one of c says a London despatch. There is
'the Way to join their regiments go so' the under •round or cross rib of beef, Paid to these "herolues of the battle. been giving her night's milk; She - • - '
h h t
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, heart 'of this lesson. is the. house of
Ile* intO ft, passion oh r ed me - yet a t xrd disgrace which it er o
extract from. a sverecorrespon- with having defrauded her by sellin
tablespooeful of suet ' or hie
. --- .' • atien. • . • • • , „ ' • . theY are a-eeasthmed to' treat women a small
NOV. 13. the Lord, its desecration and rester- Jar as to treat sisters of charity as about two pounds in. weight. Heat held. Nora, for example, is a grap- ' •g has not been eo defititely indicated,
her old milk and withdrew her Pat- " .
g .viz the condact of and character of .
Both tabernacle and temple, built • drippings' in a spider; and brown the dent's letter "'While the wounded
ionag . was ray nearesRussian officers, military and naval.
trext of the Lesson, -Kings o• . of that class • that followa the rear
• roate in this on all sidee. rrhen put, were being rereoved from the bospi- ° ' She t
e ave
neigh- The press of every capital ef. Europe
xii., 4-15: Golden Text, • kr God to dwelt in among ,His pe.o-
Neh. x 39.. . • Pk (Ex.•xxv, ' 8); were typical Of the
• •• . True •Tabernacle, Jesus. Christ .(Heb.
All that had been acconePlished Cies. viii, 1,2), and every geed priest and
saving •Joash from the rage. of. prophet end king is also .a type of
Atheliale in keeping 'him safely' and Nini in • w•hom God dwelt perfectly. but
• in having• . him anointed .king , wail The thurch is now Ms dwelling place ...LuriClsZi - ..g ' • g d t ' h s''' ' • ' h ' • ..
)0t a. . .
mad_ ftrom private letters from officers and upper- si e to inchos above •• water. eroisra of tlie sisters , svas inaging... occurs within a • reasonable time. . luteness- a.nd brutality of a large
through the faithfulness Ot Jehoiada, on earth; not- . tiny building u he revelations.- tet corresPondents it •Dredge the meat with hour and pee.. cent,- . They • tore their- Skirts and rrk° nilik peddler . realizes the fact ; orOziortion • -of the ' Russian: officers
for.: e. that:he can't supply • .his 'eustoniers lalliould, be heldaip to- the reprek ion
the priest, and his wife, Jehoshabe-' With• hands. nor any so called denom- I
!could hardly be -vrorse, The. carte- per, ple.ce, on - the rade, cover ..the .080 , them as • bandages*.
without•Aiing• the night's milk and of tfie "civillied .world.. '• Its eesults
ath, 'thOwing us how mode' May be leaden, but the companyof all true spore:lent • of the •Viedeinoeti tells the Pot closely, cool gentey but steadily •iwtorill2kdeV,m• aenvelfitoolitheirigtehlevezsoneaerroifed:lhr:.
that some one' meat get it. ' ! • have heceno a matter of • internation-- '
accomplished for Godeby a faithful, belietrers, ' wherever' found, and all .
wrist ••.weuld ' yon do " in a al concern. : - :- • ',..• ' . • -
Je.:: 'who ..are'true believers . ate exPected't0 followieg iliciderit:-"For three eleyS; three- .hoUrs, adding more Water to
yield tbeniselves and their PoSessions see have lied nething .to eaty..*.aaid..,a, IcCeP. Oita ciigul.' -At 'the end of two and Oet of the- hernieg buildings."' cal:7114 .
fearless, devoted Man or weinan.,
when he died they buried him in the ' of. huadeede Who are. constantly .4.3-.• .Soi ' 'BRAVE. LEAVERS,. ''.
licsiada lived to be 16a years' eid; and
wholly,• to ' God that. He 'lamer make soldier to the correspondent "Here, and:a :half :holies, add.sait and pars- : Andthese noble womeh etre but tYpes
ing the .Coesr., ' it • ivets. inethe-stimmee ' , . . - ; .- •
there. tci gather from -ale na- take. your ',,fill,"'... replied tOe• coerce- leer; .eeratevethe aaCk.. and . stir . into
the giavy . ger xamstened with cold: ing deeds ' of etitial daring and self- tune and the cows': foot :Vra,s dean., • No one denies. the highest honor
city pf David among the kings . be- See al.
cause he lied eon. :good in Israel
are riot y,et- gathered' that so . the the soldier.. - "'Why nat?".• asked the '-
water, and 'salt. ::Recover .and cook eacrifiee. .. •• .. e . • . ' ..
foot he the' pail, but She did ..that, ' Steee
sucli men as the• brave Geterale - •
terms the members of His body who spondent.- I cannot eat hero," said It Wae •impro,per .fcir 'her' to .put`. her 'te
both toward God and toward
templenreay halinished and the king- cOrrespeardent, • "There' is an offiCer •gently one+half,,hour. 'The •seaseningl -.Tnere areeperhapes, no nobier.-insti-. '
Tho hired man said . fibthing. abont . Arthure• one; of the few Russian Offi- •
eel, the ..cominander -Of: Port
doni. come; . • . • , ... • .., with me Who is worse than .:myself,." •12.14Y be , changed ,by cooking carrots tutiona on . earth than :the, soCieties
it,till the mill( was strained and
, et put before theefloioe t cei.+5 Who gained the respect of officers .
His house (II. Cliron. xxiv.,
There is very, great need for 'Jels.4: :replied the Soldier, '"Well,• eau Elm -).o.e eeeeryeende. With .the,.niettt, lylitch, 9,f,, :.the . ;11d. croSs, .. whese mission
i is, to ,nunister. 'to .the. Weurided. in
0.6, 16). His name signifies. . . , .
dadas• Who will fearlessier• ana faith- too,'" said the correepondeht .,;. '113e mixed with the rest Ana. then . told of: other' nationalities during the Po!
"known to JehoVeli," antet-thet . 'is. '.
fully h.enter . the Lord alone. ',. Iedivi- won't ..come,!! .said the soldier. •*•'1-,1e. lirer:dr 'scinline' .
ed, . -• • ' - . . . - . - .battle." Whitt a -terrible thine- war 'Me, • • . • ,..:--kin expedition, but Stoessels; Nouro-
better than to •be known el lionered .
duel believers lire alse..temPles of is ashamed, tilt if ,yon let :Me take h .. ii; • •
Azi ell. Cake' -T1 .f 11 ' ' ' ' •• ' could 'b ii f• ' ' '. - - - • .. ' ••
, , ie . • o:.owieg, recipe . , 0 e ere their formation • is SCOLDING WAS OF NO, USE, : ,. Pa.. and ICollers are sadly. few in.
. and really the znilk didn't Seem' in- - • '. ''. • ' ' - ' ' '
- of all ludo To be truly • the Lord's ..
the Lord, , and there 1 is great, need him food he will be grateful.. - ,
„ . . , as een recommended. for a, - moist shown by the accounts• di the , , ' • • ' - ' - . • - e the Ruseian seevices, both of whieh
anti' tender eng i chic.- - ' ' . ' .
and to live for . Him is everything.
e . Take. the . • ' INH'UMAN SUFFERINGS. - ' ' -
.. jered ,much.7-,that., is.' one Couldn't de- disgieced by the Presence of too ..
All else iS • pothing no :matter how of suck es. are "willieg to be •whelly. An Officer writes that it is reein-!, whites ..of Aine'learge e"gs. • • Add t • • are
, such a seen-1801er he did right in the ;rstatr.tov1,1_ 11, Poe, vi, :la,' hers of the .Red Zross and other see them a pinch of Salt .agnd 'whip theil of • our gallant Soldiers in, the 'tact the mishep.. Well 1 liti„d to sell 'a
inanyd. opfficers1.• of • the type of the
,,wili,atwhise 'cone .cietiea.'that. ire sadoOring the wound-- -lightly • until, theY ars-partly . still;! at
Crimea.. -Indeed, • it waS theae revel- the. milk. But elm/pose I• had * 'told 'ran uke. 3oris, who even it the .
men may praise it. While Joasli•had
stant mate vi 14-18)
••• t t thou, ed ,%ylio have.: fregometly :to feed the - then •••add " half •• a teaspoonful - __. ti ions, felle•wed, liY .the equally •the custeiners about it I . ..
. frent surrounded himself with . an
. .
sight ef. the Lord, but not. perfectly, :
for the high. places. were -not taken Lordi4.. "Where '2•Wilt, 'tholi.X.?" and soldiers On a,ctive service. The head • creein of teeter end ,Whip them: until! e 1
°1 heatitrencling , story of the. Battle ' , of . .1 Vas irepr,essou • with: one.' thing :/: .41, •- • - , • ••• - ' ' ,
et urage . of • blanked Women and
,_ +delegete. of the. Red ' Cross Society ,Very stiff.. •E`old in carefully 00ns 1 , ie ermt), that. led *to, the formation :very 'strongly in the selling cri Mille. • mitieen boon companions.
away, and the people still sacrificed .whose *hole - 'heart says gladly,
oied burned incense there (verses 2,• "Whese• I . • ani. and whom I' rate" states in a letter recelYed at St. Pet-. and one-fourth cup of granulated eu- o soer ies in every civilized coantry. and that: ito• that , one , must lioti ,oniy ,. • '
3). The Bible records only one Who (Acts ix 6; Dike =di; .9; Acts Xxvi.'
of -an army."
it. onto a shallow pot, which has a. tals, one sister of mercy was killed . 01 course 1 ..
the night's milk, -because 'one' must has „ • - .fla,t •bottora, with one cupful of hot and SeN'en sisters were wounded while
get rid ...of the night's 'rink first be-' morc. than hinted that drunken
The correepondent of the Telefirn134 water:, cover, boil one ininute, turn actually dressing the wounds of men. , ness was largely the contributing
goes on to say that the 'commiseariat the •meat, . and • boil a minute. ! `Re- cause • iti s a,• little the oldee. Yet . eause of Russia's latest self-hinnilite•
who . had fallen in. the streets near
is supposed to be better :than during Mcive the • meat to. a platter. Put the ralleoad station, where the con,' night's milk, if • Properly handled ; tion in the North Sea. The time has
' t ' 1 h centrated fire ' was *. hottest . The should keep till Used up if that use -! now Come when the .cfrunken diva°.
always and in everything did right ea.
o It 'wee a tiled day for Joash
ersburg that the troops at the front gar thttt has been olltehtel three
are Suffering horribly from lack of Sift on% ufl t t stry
eso. possible in the tuture An Interne- every customer understarid that Pekin '• expedition rode reeling
e me. .such needless suffering 1121.- keep everything °leap, but make Such were the men who on • the
c ua s an ,c o ung. flour seven times (if you wan a per- tional tConference. was Suramened to thinge are clean.. rl'his io one of the their saddles, with an orderly ()inn
before God. when the good priest, his faithful t 1 tl *
meet e, . Geneva in 1863 and it de- elements, of success. Any man that
Under the teaching and guidance of counselor,. died, for then came the '
THE RED CROSS SOCIETY 'feet cake), and fele]. it iota the sugar
pp gg g tly. Last of cided ' to. form ' in each, country a goes into selling. of milk should bend
'Jeholacia the young king was minded princes of Judah and persuaded the and whi ad 0 s 1.i. h • sobiety to "oceupy itself in thee of till his energies to insuri i 1 li
to repair the house of the Lord and king to forsake the house of the distribittes bread and tea, and tinned
teaspoonful. cif vanilla. g c ean
•t Levites Lord and serve groves and idols, meats to- soldiere lit battle, and rill 1111.4., -1 peace with preparing supplies of hos boss costs both in money and time
clad during wars to furnish the same than of the utensils, The cans and
.1n aid of their respective armies." bottles must be washed and rewash -
At the same -time. a distinctive badge ed. 1Vhen old Milk is found in the
. o although the Lord gent proPh- boots and overcoats come from the el pan,
Into all the cities of Judah to 0-7 and, Bake. in a moderate oven
as to turn the Peaple again to Aim- same source, and net from' the C0111 from thirty-five i• to fifty minutes.
ther Money for the work, and they
•uld t ' * i i .
'were commanded to hasten it, kr f• , 1 . 0 t • . • Never open the oveh door entil -yen.
d tlie king went so far as to cause . In it letter to his Wife, a eepeain at tto ..
nl- the c ko • ie done 1 11
to b ton ' d '' h ' .. '
ed to death _tee arfah the the front ys•-"We pincers .cannot . s l . Onit from 4,• as 1 fa --e (the red cross on a white ground) bottles. that ere returned to the
ithe sons of Athaliale that .wieked
WOMell, had broken up the ionize of --'' sei -, very ea. i y.. taking m the was adopted kr these volunteer re- milk -Seller he will live a problem
God and had bestowed the dedicated son ,e. of . ._..1 ehoiada, , b ecau soby ' .the lie down •at night even after a day oven turn it upside &Aro in such
things upon 11aalirs. alit sixteen spirit of eted he reoroved their sin. of , killing fatigue. We must seated way that a current of air will •Pass ,
a lief agents, and all hospital alike; before him that only hard work can
ana their protection was aasured by Solve. Soaking the bottles in wa-
, 41ThlIS Joash, the King, remembered over tlie sleeping men and watch' , for under it until it is cold. When told
- years passed and the hails. e Wee not belligerentster fix which soda has been dissolv-
of met the kindness which jehoiada, his the restless and nervous, They juror, loo'sen the cake froni the sides - of
repiiired. There was something So essentially humane an.d removed ed will be' necessary in a good' inanY
oe; 'father, had &Me to hini, but slew up. every now and agaiii and fire .the pail and lift it out. It
' tli d 1 for xrian's Way of his sop. (II Chron. =iv. 1.7-20). The their rifles. A panic "ensttee, and ono be so delicately baked that. this . will
•Shauld from nationaf prejudice is the work cases, and this soaking heist some -
of thee societies that they are just times take hours. It is ,alsO probe -
God and something el .man in flat
urn e ca ee into a large ufibuttere total storo, trainieg ntirses, . etc.. and •the value Of the time is more
either side to support them when
necessary, Such were the men who
Ordered Chinese prisoners to be shot
in ordee to avoid the trouble of
transportihg them. These aye, the
men. who have been seen in sheer
excess of drunken brutality. to strike
unoffending prevates standing at
salute with a message. Those are
the men responsible •for the . name -
Tess horror of Illagovestschenk..
These are the men, who were drink-
ing in resorts of Omni°. during tho
fighting. at Liaoeatig, These are
the men wheel responsible .Russian
Idoing always hinders God's
it' velien on earth in His humiliation as ready , to send nurses, doctors, bie that the soda acts as a germi- have described ' as drinking chem.
correepondents in Russian papers
Woric, Lord noted it • and made mention Of part of the troops is blazing at an- not be difficult, If you intend to ice -
(Luke xi, 51), All the inqUity , on other. We are responeible, and have it over C'over it with a .soft uecook.
fer the money with which te do this
terople, but to go after the ne n
was not the Lord's way; hence it fail- nee. je, le.). • .
to wait upon people indiVidually for • . i painful to print. .CroWds a wounded If it iS a.
- ty- le earth cries to Him and He will
His oxen time see to it (Gen., iv,. 10'
• correspondents of the ghastly .suffer- !
in to take our, turn. end Watch."
The accounts -written by • Russian white of egg and a ve.ry little va.ni1-
ed icing made with powdered sugar,
la Angel cake is generally better
little tough place it in a
n 1. cov k "ith 1 cottntry as to theft* own armies; and ferments. At least, it is ii ' good
healing the soldiers af JaPan and points, • • countrymen. These are the men,
they are at this moment nursifig and . thing to lite from sevei.al stand -
and supplies to the etiolates of their cide and destroys the aeid makieg pagne and exchitnging obscene jests
' ivith abandoned women within eat' .
shot of .Wounded alie dying fellow
It was ne doubt of God to releeer ere,
o or three days • • • i
or woended Soldier "kickees" get the best treatment, triecguitehdo sZlzs, Vittefleliracle=sacgt;
liey witli which to carry On His ave to drag themselves sixty-five stone Jetta evvrVhearte'Veraihelicsi nationalitY may be, and I• believe•the general.milk situa-
work, yet there is so ifruch of it done . — . . miles, and evert then theY are unable Let it e ea 1° • - there IS their mission, and right ton would be improved more rap -
in this way and 'it will beeome tea- • ' •
and so many ways devised to get isteVr Treatment or the nyss is a. to 'secure peoper treatment. The . nobly and admirably they fu 1 it. idly i rno e g . ,
Great Discovery semi-official Journal de St. Peters- der........--. 111 ' 1 r kicking were done , The •
motley from, all eortS ef people to . . . . . . Even when we were fighting the Dee- milk peddler ' lets "well enough •
this end. Surgical' science reveals new won- burg prints a lettei. from 'a Sister . . ' vishes in the Spudan oin Red Cross atone," and • as long as hie eastern -
Society Sent out a large sum Of ere are satisfied, he is. These Se the ,men ' whose chink-
ed. a trait of weitteled: lied to be poat'- Marble shOuid be' washed with ani- ' people reined • rierv.es suceurabed tO panic
„ I believe it to be all wrong: I do !dere ' every day.• The 1110:0 recent of Morey, Who says:e="Phe departure HINTS vOn noun LIFE,
money to prhvide nursee for
not wonder that the priests tinder departure from the orthodox treat- • THE ENEMY'S WOUNDED. complain that much of the railk coo
e when the Hull fishieg fleet was sight.
These are the men whoie com-
the -teproof of Ioash, 'would causerie ntent cor.ceres the eyes, and in .taeW of tains preservatives. • Well, have . ed.
ported becabee there 'were, no niedleni month. -and water rather tha.n with
ed. X cannot, believe that' we are
a day before serving. Russia with the. same enthuslasn. MY exPerieoce teaches me that the
Inge of the• wotinded are almost toe for being' 11014 Who shameless with drink,, have per -
f ss At present there are teither To remove the Smell of onioris unteers for this work of mercy some analyzed and then confront the Petence is such that a half hour'e
their fleet at . close
instruitents in the stores of UM Red eoap and Water, 1. • Nor is there ever any lack of vol-
• pair the house (verses aeS), So the on Saturday afternoon in one of the '''r° ' and The
peddler with it and 'Make a kick, heaver firing hY
' att. r 'Is all in the hattds of the
neither to recelere money nor to re- , what a, reporter amongst othets, saW r.,
t order everYthing b telegram from. and drop into it a red:hot Cinder, . ditional 'helpers are %vented, there eustomers. , fish -boat and to kill two and. Wottrict
range enabled theni to sink cite
medicines nor itstruthente; eve have frem a setueepen, fill it with water, danger Whenever and wherever ad- m e
king's plan failed. • Iltit noW see a ' rooms of t a Anti-Vivisettion Hos-
like ihood that the wearirig thirty fisheeraen out of it hero fleet
hotter Way: At tbe euggeetion of Je- pital at B ttersea, Loodon, there y"
A. lump of camphor Should be kept are always brave wornen-many of
hoiada eliest with a hole in the 114 ,is every in the plate cheat, fo0 it Will render thein gently nurtured -ready to go of.utresieting traWlere bUsily engage
of it is placed beside the altar at the of glasses will eventually e01110 to Petersburg." •
the stored.away silver lees liable to et a kw hours' notiee, When three 'Me cow for the dairyteaM. Says P. ehdtaniLittshelise supeehaetehfaUti wtths.edne,theWhinoisse_
entrance to tile 011Se Of the I.ord, rcgartied as unnecessary.
tarnish. A AtItikiI5 were Urgeritly wanted for the H. Serif:flier, at a farmers' institute, take was discovered they sailed on
and Willeng people bet:night their ofe I During the past 12 months Dr, * MADZ. knit cAtitiour." Dishcloths should fie Well , washed Mayflower, the hospital -ship which is the 040 that can- make the most into the night withont ',fleeing the .
ferings to it. And thus mOlmY Was Stephen Smith, surgeon to the eye A, schoolmaster, "attargiving one With soda and soap, rinsed in clean did Such excellent service hi oho of pi,ofit fe milk, butter or theese for slightest aseistanew to their victims
gathered in abundance do •by thtY. departmentof the Battersea rerk of ids pupils a eftione for speaking watee, and then. hung out of doers our recent wars, the telegram asking the feed consumed. Just . What Surely It can only be the "duty of
'Again and again e chest was emptied Hospital, has thought out And de- ungraminatictilly, snt him to the every day.
for them reached London on a Sat- breed does not matter so Much. It the Czar to purge his service of
and put haat is its place t� reeelve 1 teloped a, new plan for treating per- other end of the room to inform en- Sunflower seeds form all excellent urday, and on the following Mon- depends entirely upon the dispose. such OftleerS As these, who at the
more. All the princes rend alt the Ppo. , eons Who Hitherto have found it es. other boy that he wished to speak and fattening diet for poultry. They day morning three ladies were on thin, taste and education of the present moment make Russia's only
pie rejoiced and brought in and east locale! to Weer spectacles es an aid to him at the same thne premising .are also itivalattble as bait for rat , their way to Cairo to take op their dairyman, 1 There are some people fleet a disgrace to its country, And
Into the chest, until they had made: to defeetive eyesight. Precimly what to repeat. the purdsholent if he spokeand Mouse traps, duties.
who are naturally fitted to take hold a danger to every vessel afloat, save,
an end. so the, 'workmen wrought, the method of treatment is, of course to hint ungrammatically. Stabled teacups and other " china I And what is the reivard of this of special purpose dairy cattle and, perhaps, its legitimate foes.
and the work was perfected by thorn, 1 remains othe doctor's secret. It may The youegster, being quite satis- should be rubbed with a litt1e. salt. army of the bravo and inereiter? make it StleeeSS with theft, while 4
atid they set the house of God in his however, be aptly deseribed tia "Ina+. fled with what ho had got; *toroth). After the . discoloration 'has gone, Practieally nothing beyond the sat. others require -a fitting before ,they ennooe-tond eo efss you When, lie
Wash, and dry tho china as usual. isfactiOn the work Wolf brings. will be successful, and perhaps never proposed?"
.„ !nipulation of the eye," or, in other od to bo exaet, and thus addressed
When anything belie' Otter on the Queen Victoria, however, who Was Will reach the ' state of perfection May-"Certai I
fitette and strengthened it, Thu ovee- I
sprinkle it thickly with corn- an enthusiastic admieer of the Red that some de, wouldh't consider any but
seers of the, work wore toll -moll*" words, eye inateeitgee, Since Dr. his fellow pupil :
work- to oPeratitut•
Smith hes put hie rim treatment in- "A, toMmen, substantive, of mason. stole,
mon salt, for thus you will prevent Cross, instituted a 'deeoratiOrt in The man who is .progressive enoughproposals."
fitithiul. Mid those who gave them
the Meney With which to peg: he lifts had under his line gender, singular number, hottine
a diesigreeable smell arising and per- 1.888, which nevertil nurses now to get started along some dairy
men kept, ho reckoning' wit them , 80 p ti rm a d witii 0 0 ative case and in an ,ingry mood,'
. „cate a. 21 ne oileting t,he Whole house.
',.(tierse 1.5). 1 tion all of these have hoe Able to who site percned upon the eminence proudly Wear, It is a gold-rlinteed line of breeding, has born or creat.
Compare Ccarxxiiefully the account in . • -
(Mom glasses entirety, and can iiow.
at the o tiler end tit t,berooni, whibeS L.,leait stair rods. by washirtg them Cross of orlitison enamel, attached to ed in'him something Of the neXt ee-
with seep ond water, arid then poi- a, ribbon et dark blue edged With sentiel element to ood dairying,
hron r with <Mr lesson for • to artieulate few' montences to you
"Ali, yes," told the fond young
Mother, leaning oV,er the eradle of
her 7irstbore eon; "the glory of a
Wonain ie her held"
irepresent tense,' felling them with arty' brass ?dishing red and tied in a bow; arid it is worn end that is ood teed ng.. TO he Tbrpteloes were first irttrodneed
Tfie Work being Petalled, I ca e t•r' eng 0 Oi A
-thee' offered burnt offerings In the tabeca, seitaSI11" n'S PeoPle who hallo ithe
ot the Lord continually all the never needed glassol. The enrag
fluid or with an oily clot t dipped on the left shotildee.-London Tit- good breeder, theft le te be tt good a practical weapon in 1876. Taking
been effeeted in a rentarkably /testate:ant Diner -"T Hay, waiter, Metier, and on the other hand, to be • into eonsideration the great edvaecee
bite finely powdered rOttonstone.
S of' deholeida, (II Xxiv, %Wye Wot umbrellas should ever be left
a good feeder is to be a good breed- made in other WeaOons, the terPed0
14),- and thiiff the Leord Wa/1 liOnored short, epade of time, and they are where did you get thift beef?,, Waiter open tO dry, tie the ilk stretches
again in Iris own house which had eleinted to bo Perm/Aleut. ...e"I don't know,. sir, What's the while demo and is liable to split,
been so desecratod by the ungodly, Dr. Smith, the other day, in the, triatter with ite" Diner-."Theree The right method is to close a wet
and till through faithful Jew:dada, pre4oned of ft, eritleal..audience, gavel nothing the matter with it; thaVs umbrella, dud stand It, handle down -
and hie liodso, if iy* will as joshtta a number Of intereetirig dertionstras! wriy I asked.vP Wards, to drain.
Caller... -"X ant so sorry your mite.
tress is out. Do you think she wit'
be at home title evening'?" Maid-
"eht'll Eh or to ).o.
-Or. The two aro inseparable. Ono bee not been vastly improved. A new
eatinet exist ta the highest point of Mark Xt torpedo, 110WeeOr, the Most
' perfection without the other. "rho powerful. In the world, is to be in
well-bred animal in the hands of a, trodueed into the RritIsh NONY ih•
poor fretless. Is a far worse proposi. tlio near future,