HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-27, Page 5wrIr 1111r 11,11F11 IFY-11,11VT'W' Trir Irrlirlrli WVV WirrY WYT V1 V 17 Ift.V"'W 'WV V Vir7 t T -T T7VY 7'1' W1V-V"r V YVIrT y1! Ir 7nr7-711.71rY'Y 7 77 y 7.7-1,77 7 777 TV VWY "VT T lee 1 7 17vfW yT 7 ire7 7771 W W 71 ,e Tr r 1 •Tr, yrr yw yyy ... w .. y•.w• •yrTyvirvywiryw•ir 'Ty • • October 27th ;994 1 I L I I I liallialliiire="10 g..+414.40141.414.414144.............44.4411444111.44 THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 CAPITAL PAID UP $1000/000 RESERVE FUND $3,000•000 —HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.— Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed or Collected. Drafts on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States anti all Foreign Countries bou- ght mid eold at be eatee. Deposit receipts issued and highest cur rent rate of interest allowed. Advances made to Farmers, Stec* Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on. most favorable terms. --SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT --- Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received: •Interest allowed at highest • current tates from • date of deposit, compthanded half -yearly aud W- ed to principal June 30th and December 31st, ti. C. BREWER Manager. CLINTON •4+ G••+44•• 7711490111101* +÷÷÷4„++.1 1 1 1 i.i.+÷.1.++++ TEACHER, MALE OltaTEMALE wanted . for S. S. No: 3, Stanley, for 190- Applications stating sal- ary wanted and acconmanied ,1 by testimonials will • 40 .received uP to Nov, 4th. Personal application preferred, -j. .',Qt' Reid, See.-Trees- urer, Varna P. O. • • . 39 • . • TEACHER WANTED. -MALE OR . . • Female, for S. S. N. 9, Goderich A large number of - - township tor the year 1005. Anvil - new clocks at p•-• - cations •redeived up to November 7th, personal application preferred. ... a .., -Apply to .Geo. Ctintelon, Sets- ... ---- Hellyar s . • ...MD . . • Treasurer, Clinton P. 0. 41-2 ... KITCHEN PARLOR •• BEDROOM – --CLOCKS— Latest designs. Quality guaranteed. •• • • • • ONO Our fall stock of —Jewelery— is now here. The intending parch - 1 aser should see our line. • The styles are new. • Eyes tested free and a. spectacles supplied that give comfort to the wearei, W. H. Hellyar Jeweler and Optician • CLINTON— FOR AT RIGHT PRICES' CD 1. - CLINTON Houses for Sale. I -Good Cottage arid two lots on 40 Isaac street. 2-00od 'louse akd two lots with large plum orchard on Fulton street. 3 -Comfortable House and one lot cn .1 oseph street. 4 -Brick HoLse and two lots on Mary street. 5 -Two Houses on Rattenbury street west. 6 -Large Brick House, with six acres of land, barn and driviug barn, good orchard, withiu a mile of centre of Clinton. 7 -Frame Douse with eight acres of land, Inans and orchard, ca Dinsley, Terrace. For terms, etc., apply to IT ENRY 13EATTIt, , Solicitor, etc. Clinton SHEEP FOR '1SALE-SEVEN •CII- • vice pure • bred Leceister ranalembs. All from registered a took, Terms reasonable. •VVilliani Glenn, Stan, ley Tp., Clinton p.• 0. . • FARM .FOR SALE OA TO RENT. - Lot 72, con. 5, ••Gederich township, Consisting of -90 acres, • 40 acres cleared, 10 acres young orchard) 40 acres good bush, parts of it Culled sonic.The farm is well . watered and feaced and has good hank barn and frame house. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the premiies• • or address 'Airs. :0, Parsons, 13ayfield• 35 t • THE HOUSE • AND LOT. .ON COR- . . . ner of. Miry and Princess streets is • offered for *sale. The house is in • geed repair and contains eleven rootns. *Stable, hard and 'soft wat- er, and it acre of. land. Apply .o • J. Ridout, or J. Cron. STOCK FORSALE.-A1 OUR • farm on the London Road, .one mile south of town; pure.bred • Shorthorn Cattle, both males. and females, different ages, at low; price, quality considered. Also a number of improved. large York-. shire Pigs; all ages, first . 'Casa breeding stook for farmers; and at • low . prices.. Conic and sec. -7H. Plurnsteel, Clinton. ' • . . • PURE:SEED. g11111N... Your Wants' can be best supplied by us. We have the stock that will please you. Special Reduction on Toilet SetsNater Sets and Common Dishes. PURE SEED GRAIN. -WE HAVE opened out a Fleur and'Feed Stere and keep...in stock- tiour,.. bran; sh- orts, cured meats, etc. We made a special effort• to procure and have on hand . a supply sof Clean Seed • Wheat • and .Ti.mothy, and. farmers making their purchases from theirtis eon: trely upon getting Seed as - free as possible from all nox- ious weeds. . • • . • 'Ford • . . . LEAVE YOTJ,12 ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR SEASON'S SUP- ' PLY OF COAL.: WE 'CARRY ON'LY THE VERY' 1)EST GRAa - DES WIlaCII,....1'011)". AT THE LOWP,ST POSSIBLE • PRICE. - • ORDERS, asAy.BE LEFT AT DAVIS 84- ROWLAND'S HARD-. WARE STORE OR WITH .. • • VT, J. SteVenson 1hjietP I R068i4c1399T5 cotyr.slo.-•••- RUBBER SALE • NOW ON' A small boy fe always curious to know what'inside things,. Many of the older peoide would go welt to imitate his example by investigating what' a inside this fine Shoe .Store, for they would find aniong other things a new lot of Rubbers and Rubber 'Boots The Clinton 34ows.Record Marriages. KING-TORREY-At the Court $t. M. E. church, Flint, Mien on October lath, by Rev. J. R. Bea- ch. Mr. .Tarred O. Kilo son of Mr. George King of Blyth, to lna Blanca°, daughter el Jus- ttee and Mrs. J. AL Torrey of Flint, Michigan. • COUSLEY-MANNING- In Morris, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Oct. 19th, by Rev. L M. Webb, Mr. Wni. D. Cousley • of is trattod, 1,o Miss Mary L'., • datighter ofIV's. and Mrs. John Manning, Morris. HALLIDAY-TWEDDELL- In St. Mathew's ehureh, Brandon, oit Oc- tober 5th,' by Rev. Mr. DePeocier, Mr: Samuel I. Halliday, formerly of 13ruseels, to Miss Lydia Annie Twedilell late of Queen's Ferry, • North Wales, all of Brandon. IVIeLEAN-PATTERSON- At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Houghton, on Octobee 19th, by Rev, Wm. Lowe, Mr. John A. • McLean to Miss AnnieH. F. Patterson, both of Whigham., 1VIcLEAN-WRIGHT-At the residen- ce .of the bride's Mother, Pal- merston street, Goderich on •• October ?he 20th, by thil Rev. • Jas A. Anderson B A., • Logan, son of A. P. MeLean„ to • Mary Isabella, emitter of •the late William Wright. BiefitS. • • ° SiMMONSIn..'Wieghein on' ()atelier SIMI,' to Mrs. A. E. • Simmons, ' 'daughter. LOVE -In. Stephen Olt October 120, October • to Mr. 'AO Mrs: John Love, McKEEVOR--In Stephen, S. boun- dary, on. Oct. 16th, to 1VIr. and Mrs, Joseph McKeevor, a daugh- • ter, ' • BABI3-TO Goderich on' October 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I -L Bibb!, a • • son.. • ROFINSON-r•Trr Goderich on Octon- • er .161,11, to Mr. and Mrs:: . Mex. Robinson a son. KELLY. -In Octoiier 4th, • th-e • wife. of , Mr IVIartin K oily ,•1 of et a daughter. •, ' • . Deaths. DEWAR-On the Sauble Line, Stan- •. ley; on Oct. 22nd, -Charles .DeW- ar aged 69 years.. •• . . MILLER --In West Wawanosh ' en Oct, 21sie 1VIarnie, second ;dangle ter of Mr. john •Miller, aged 17 .years and 4 Menthe, .••, • ItA U. -At the Sauble tine,. Stanley,. . • on 'Oct. 19th,. the, infant child of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Rate 'SA INT. -4n Wingham, on Oct.. r14tli, : Thomas Allen, infant son of Mr:- - • tool Mrs. Henry Saint, aged 6 • weeks and 3 days. .. •• • FORI3ES,At Ralhwell, Manitoba, •'on Oct. 121h, George, Forbes, for- . nierly of Morris. township, father ' to Mrs. of. AlcLauclilin, Brussels aged 78 years. MeloADZEAN.-At Lauder, Manitoba, on Oct. 2nd, Florence, daughter of Wm. McFrlzean, • formerly of • Brussels, aged 1 year and al McLEOD;--In 'Goderieh on OCtober . 15 th, •Mary A. Macdonald, wife •et Daniel McLeod, a• ged 37 year,. and 6 mOnthi. • • • CRESSMANe-In Goderich on- Coot. •22nd, Agnes Laidlaw, relict of •the late Mosos• Cressman • and • • mirther. of %Ira.. Alex. Saanders. Come in andolook them over. Thi prices will make you glad to part with your money, • We have new dinner setts jut atrived, bt .e.toelc patterns., which we are, sciling very cheap, also taticy china. • • Our Groceries STRAYED -THERE CO1VIE ON TO • the:- Premises of ,the tiedersigned, • Lot 43, Bayfield Road, a Shrep• - shire ram, MarkedJ.P. P. 554 on tag. Owner can have same by .paying • for this advertistinentr-J. 0. Elliott, Clinton P..0. '43 FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER- • signed offers: for sale lot 21, Lon- don Road, Stanley, consisting of -400-aotear-004teres cleal'edrbelnnetr hardwood bush, 'Well watered and fenced: 14 miles from 13i:twill-lea . and 5 fronl'.:Clinton, Will be Sold • ' on reasonable tarns as the pro- . prietor is • lit 'other business, . For further partieulars apply to • F. Tomlinson, 13rucefield P. 0. • 42 are always ,fresh and cheap as the eireapeat, Highest price for good 'butter end eggs, Mrs, Shier's R• GRAHAM • • THERE SPRAYED TO THE PRE- reises of the undersigned at lot 21, con. 3, Hullett, about the Middle •of September, ono yearling heifer. Owner will please prove property, pay expenses and ,take the animal • away,-S.Gliddoit, Clinton P.O. 40-3 WANTED -YOUNG AN, AGM 29 to 24, married preferred, for bag- gagenian at Clinton station. Must be active • and steady. • Good wag- es, Apply at once at G. T. R, sta- tion. .42 eae Goderich Township. L. O. L. No. 189 will observe Guy Fawke's night by a, slipper and tot- • tertainment on the evening of Friday, Nov. 4th. The supper will take place at Mr. William Currie's, which will be a guarantee that it will be lit for a. king, and the program given, in the lodge hall. The admission to both will ,be only 25 Cents. Miss Maud McGregbr is spending a. Couple of weeks with leer cousin,Mrs. Wiltsie, Clinton. The severe frosts of a few nights past froze most of the farthers: roo- ts, not hurry being lucky enough to have them up. Many also complain of their potatoes being touched. Miss Sylva IVIcGee returned to her • home in Bayfield after spending a week at Geo. Cuntelou's, 7th. on. Mrs. P. Cole, who for the past few weeks has been under the doctor's care, is not gaining strength as well as her many friends would -wish to see. •IVIr, George Cooper and most of the members of tile family* have lieen under the weather for a few days past. Quarterly service bi the Bayfield circuit will be held' the Bethel evirerinirbeehr. on the first Sunday of No - Mr. Ed, McGavin, the present tea- cher in S. S. No. 10, has been re-en- gaged for 1905 at an increase of sal- ary.' . ' • • A few young people from this vi- cinity attended the party giro. by Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Proctor of •ths Cut Line, • .Mrs. and Miss Stirling of the 4th concession spent a. week recently at Kincardine. Mrs. 0. • Griek andMiss Hastings visited Mrs, Chas. Cook of the 1st concession. • Miss • Minnie Harrison and her fri- end, Miss Clara Spackman, • intend. spending the winter in Detroit. ; Mr.: and Mrs. W, 0, Weston visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Hastin, •last week, • • • A great many attended -the sale at Mr. Geo, Vanderberg's, • Miss Flossie Harrison is suffering . with a severe sore throat. • Mr. Thos. Harrisen, the leadin apple grower, has almost completed the season's packing and picking: We thinks he deserves the title of. Apple King owing to the quantity an quality . of the fruit grown . on hi farms. • ' • Mr. Sandy Stirling is' ifflieted With neuralgia. ' - It is rumored 'that Mr. and Mrs. Thorn ton intend roOv44 to Sealforth, They will be much inissed, being kiwi, neighbors, The young ladies of 't the neighbor- hood are ' preparing . for • a beecbnut raid. • We asked the :merry -hearted leaderof this party why, some of. the sterner sex Were not invited •and she laughingly replied that • this -being Leap year it would be *very unfair to place :the gentlerinen in such ...a dangerous position. We not agree With -her. • • The home of ,John •'Woods has been. invaded with scarlet fever. • Mrs:, Chas. .Cook entertained a few frieeds one evening recently. : • Contain • and Mtge Jackson intend - residing in Seaforth in the riehr feta • Mr, Evans of the ist concession received a telegram ieforining liin that his' soh -in-law lay at tlie,point of death in Windsor, .• . . • Mr. J. Woods shota magnifieent eagle recently and sold it 'for ,a fine figure afterwards. • • . • • Large' numbers et wild geese. ate flying westward, returhingat night- fall,. • often alighting 'in the • fields.' They have . net flow.nso low for anany years..• . • Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Miss Dell visited at Colborne last Week. Mr. J, Woods sold a •valuable hor- se a few, days: ago to Mr.. Burton of :the 6th concession. . The ' MisseS Mary and Susie Rich- ardson of West Branch, Michigan, h jui_midinat6amave been visiting theialli:ehar_13dsloy,ii and Churchill families, on the 16th concession. . • field• Line lost his Leceister ram the • other day, which bre e s nee .in a fight with a neighbor's ram. • , Tke • animals came , together only oneehut it was ' with all the force at their commend and the. result was fatal to the Leceieter, • ' ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK an4 undersignea rec rived ins ;ructions from John J. Ward to gen by Public Auction at Lot 19, Stettley, at Varna, on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, the • following Horses -1• 8 years old., 1 driver 4 years. old. 1 • gelding 3 sears old, 1 gelding 2 years oid, 1 spring eolt. Pigs- I brood sows. Cattle -3 cows sup- posed to be io calf, 2 fat cows, 2 steers 3 years ofd# steers 2 years old; 6 heifers yearling/ 5 heifers two years old, 5 steers yearling, 0 spring oalves. Implements --1 Hpt0.' pump, 1 grain crusher, 1 Noxolt seed drill, 1 hay rake, 2 plows, 1 cutting box, 1 root pulper, 2 fainting mills one with bagger, 1 cutter, 2 buggies, ono only .used tteice, lset whiffle - trees. All will be sold without re- serve. Salo to commence at 1 o'cieelt, sharp. Terins,-All sums at $5 and undo:, cash ; on over that amount 11 inontha ereijit will be given ' on approved joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum discount • on credit areetInte.-J. J. Ward, pro- prietor T. Brown, auctioneer. • Colborne Township Mr. Levi Tierney Of Sanford. has. traded his property to .Mr. Joseph Goldthorpe for one of his .100 -acre -farms and • had a • successful ploughing bee on it ' last Wednesday, • • • Mr. Polly Maeda' of this township Was imited . inthe holy bonds of niatriinoty • last .Wednesday to Miss Aggie Johneton of Goderich town - We wish the young coupleliapa ;guess and prosperity through life..:' Quite a /lumber of our citizens have taken up the question of .Local Op- tion and will . 'present the council with a petition. Mr. 'James Mitchell of•Cedat Val- ley is having a new cement Wall built under' his 'dwelling :house. ' Mr Cousins • of the Base •Line, Hullett, and Mr. Win, Feagan of Goderich township' have the .contract. Richard Ilooe0 returned home from the West. last week and looks as though,It agreed with hini. Mt, .* Geo. Fowler, blacksmith sf Stallard, is laid up With lumbago. Mr. Grainger' has taken charge of, the shop . while hp is under mediertI care e, again. enhope to soon. see him ar- oThe Indian, doctov left fpr MellecY- towp doe flay fife past week,. Mrs, Ed, Jenkins hada sate of her farm etock and implements on Mon- day of last Week. We understand Mrs,- Jenkins intends moving to .Goderich • to live, . • • A FAMILY REMEDY. Pa' -repos hittoe kft Thousands or !Ionics. _.......:7.....rt:!:....,*.t.,!,:..-,fft...-fT:t.\S'' ...\.,,,,..,....;„ ,. • - r.."....' W."' ,......*".... ... , . : : . . e<,....•":7„......,............., ... . . . „... . . . , ..:•.; ; ... : . .. . • ..... . .. .....: . ..: ..= \\\“1• r • N. --o6ngOgr--- ,:.,_,_,:),,z,„,e,,,,.....,,,,,___„,..,.-.!„.....,.-- tit „loan. affi • Ex-coverhor Isaac SliorP, ' Isane. Sharp, ex -Governor of Kansas, ln a letter from 1=11 street, N. PeWash- lngton, D. O., writes: of can earnestly recommend your Peiuna as an excellent tonic. •lig • reputation as a cure for catarrh 14 firmly established bymy friends; who have been benefited by its use, and the public should know its great cum. tive qualities."---lsaac Sharp. Congressman II. Ilenry Powers writer; from Morrisville, Vt.: "Peron:1,1 hayo used in nay f wally with, success. 1 ear recommend it as ail ex- eellent family remedy." • If you do not 'derive prompt and satis- factory results froth tho use of Pecruna, write at once to Dr., Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and, he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis, ' • Address Dr, 'Lotman, President of The ilartinan Sanitarium, Columbus, O. • • • . • • Londesba.ro.- • Look Ahead, -Tho concert • on Noir. iOth tinder the auspices of S: S. • No. 8, • Yfullett, in .the 'town hall, Londeebore, is going'te be "the ,eire; ent" of •: the season. Loatleaboro has. •net been • privileged with a treat of ibis kind for some time and its is bo - ped that :no one, old or yeung, wilt fail to. hear the splendid progra,mie which is . hoing prepared by seheol a,nd. • loeal :talept. -No, '8. has 'been known ,16. do, •great things the past and it is gofing."to sustain its reputation. Come and See for Your- 14.eiTthe who- op.ing cosgh :The co!" has certainly taken' a firin' grasp •of the- rasing generation '0! Londeshoro . and the • neighliorhood. Happily•nothing serious has happenect. to any of the children:so .far, but we can only record it. as' a; miracle,. as • no • Meaclures were takeo to prevent it apreacling., .. ' ' • • • • • • '•• • St. lielettS. • • The anniversary' et Calvin church, St. Helens, took place Sunday and notwithstanding the disagreeable weather, was a: decided succeat. 'rhe tea -:meeting on Monday evening was Wad a sticebas, both ,from. an intell- ectual arid financial point Of vie'w. 'The. VVingham Presnyterian Choir was present and gavo a iitimbet of eacdellent selectione for •the evening. The,' speakers-,avere ReVs. Wilsen, Mc- Kerrol, Small and Duan, The chair. was ably filled by the pastor,' Rev. Mr.• ' Whaley, The proceeds amounted to $115. • • • Mrs. Ed. •Taylor of East Wawa- egna-visktin g- her rf a ther,IVIta- Win. HurephreY, • Mrs. Wm. Woods andMiss Mary have returned from efsiting friends atErin. •• Mr. T. L. Jobb of Winghani • was out to Si;. Helena one day on busi- neaa. • • . • • • Mr. Sam, Jobnson and Miss Mary have returned home after •' visiting • friends around St. Helens the past .week •A box social tinder the aus. pices of L. 0. L. No. 499, Belfast, will' be held in the lodge at Belfast on Fri- day evening of this week. • A good • program is expected and everybody welcome.• • • • • • This community was . greatly shock- ed last Friday mornios to hear of the, deathof Miss Mamie Miller; see.... 'ond 'daughter • of Mr. 'John Miller. Deeeaged • had been ailing for some time and WAS thought to be getthig. bettor, but last 1VIonday she took a Aqui. for the worse and passed; away on Friday morning.. The family have the sympathy of the whole commun- ity in their affliction. She ,• was 17 years and 0 months old. DOMINION ELECTIONS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Mingle fare for roumt trip between all stationb in Cantata. Good goffk • Nov. 2nd and .3rd, valid teturning until Nov. 4th, . iiuNirrims! EXCURSIONS, -Sin- gle fare for round trip fop Clinton. to The Highlands of .Ontario, in- cluding paints Mattawa to Nipigon, • and Garden River, inclusive ;• . also Kipawa, and Temiskarning. Good go- ing daily until Nov, 3rd. All Tickets Valid...Returning on, • or Before December 10tN4901., • 5 # ulik .......,-.„,.......,........i..........,,,,.......... ..........,....,..-P I Happy '.11.1hought • $ $ and Pandora RANGES si Theiothreefe;,d ing Ranges Made in Canada' We have them,$ AR sizes. 1-leating.stoves for wood. and coal, including the celebrated ' National Pearl RADIANT HOWIE Light consumption of -fuel and a good baker are a • necessity in a good ange, These are the strong- est features in the above named ranges. # They are made to give satisfaction. ' . # You are not experimenting 0 : ' when you buy one. • $ - ----- - :: • 3 Coait ohestauAt,11stsoivzees,an• a Egg. . ... i''Samson Portland Cement at reduced $ • • HSTOVES • HAEDIATA.TZE... ARLAND PROS. 121214111012E221212112616awakaaaleautle Or • '',40404040,,,A0,44.0•00.0.4144•O•044414......0.444.; YOU .A RE INVITE • prices.. ,asa'aie-areeere-es.-leash.ea--sweask-o.a-aharse,se.,-.1.. • We cordiall•y invite you to call. and i•nspectt • . • .• ° our new stock Of 6 1 • • FALL AlS1U),\WINTER. 'FOO-TWAR.- • 'tvhich •is the largest and , most complete • • °' Stock ever slioWn in Clinton. Youwill. • • be .4greeably surprised when .you se.e our assortMent and comp- 2 • .0) • • 016 Our prices. *We can - • save yomoney*. 00- * . u. your Fall Shoe • • - • i. • • • . • Full Stock ofGramby, Kant Krack and • . Canadian Rubbers. High, Prices *Claim ed .bflptir systeralof proffits and big saleS, It will please us to -show :you our stock and qttote• our :clOse Cash .P'rices. • ' The 014 Reliable • WM. TAYLOR St . •••••••••••••••••••••• +••••••••••••••••••••• .X.*X•0:•44•:#1.•:••:••:••:,464,:••:44:•*X•4:•.0,•:**:•+)•:••:••:••:••:••)+.:4•:•4••:•+•:•+•:•+•:*+,,... •• • • ' • •- .011.11. MOTTO . • fp.; GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICES' •;•,. We have just got a Chance.'for another big bar- t gain for our customers 3000 yards of Flan • .• nelettes, bePt of patterns. ' ° • + 34 inch Flannelette .*orth 10c; .will „sell for 8c • s: . , Or? ft ft. CC t4 Le 10c " • These are genuine bargains; nothing like them to be had ,for.the money outside our store • DRESS GOODS • -We are working up a trade in Dress Goods by keeping- • -Stylieh Goods and selling them: from 10 to 15 per cent.- • -less than regular prices. Cornu and see them. • . •. . ' ' LADIES' JACKETS • • . -Wo have them at right prices and up-toolate. No oldr- • 7.-pstoorcokn,toa.11 are new goods made by the hese makers in- . -We have our store full of new goods in all the Stapler- -lines usually carried, too many lines to give a descrier -.tion of each line. Come and get.what yeti want at-- * •*- -lowest price. We won't be undersold by anyonein the-. •--tna. Goods business in Clothing, Underwear and Blank--• ' A 4 4., A • -ets, We have the best wool yarn this fall that we have- , . •..? + -ever had. •. .. • t., . • 4.t. 11• PLUMSTEEIJ , t . , . .... 1: The Old Staad, ' Clinton.. :1: ' • •4. • •4• • • 4. • 4. • .01,44:0 olto •ti 44 a:* 4. 44:4 4'eo +44 4'04* ito 44.0 44 4444 4:16 4,444.4•4!4• oteele:4 4:4 4.46•:••:+44s .".10:1W‘lolhAlli.ali..10.116011011.111.11111.4..11,1114.41.110.4~1646,111011~11.11.11 THE.GREAT. CASH STORE ..,_ • The cold it 'weather is coming, but we have prepared for it • the way W securing unheard of snaps in $• •. Ladies' . Fur Coats direct from one of the hest manufacturers in the Dominion, l'am can save from five to eight dollars on every Ladies' Fur Cnatoind • • every coat is guaranteed. We were fortunate in securing this seep in furs and now is your chance to save money. We are also shelv- ing an immense range of• Men's Fur Coats and Overcoats of • Auetioa Sale Register. Saturaay, Oct 2901, at 1 p. •opposite Waverly House, Clinton, stank steers and heffers.-J. Smith, auctioneer. :Monday, Oct, 3Ist, at J. Patter- oon's farm t miles smith of Hen- son, farm stock and implentents.-,--J, Patterson, proprietor ; T1108, flUiWII, auctioneer. Tuesday, Nov. 1st, at eon. 14, GodetiCh township, farm Soo s and impIements.-George Steallow, pro- prietor ; Thea. MOM) auctioned:. . 4 ••• all kindat astonishing low miens.' . . If you want a • Stylish and becoming flat or Bonnet, at. it moderate price,try our inillioeey denart meta, See our Ieiriles' Anyeatiantity of butier,eggs and dried ripples taken in exchange for goods. II D. M. MOSEATH, BLYTH • 1 Cloth. Cos te„, they are beautlea. Something special hi Ready -Made Skirts,. See what we are showing. hi Men's Rubber Boots, and try 41 pair. Of otia terog Hoots, they will please you, ,4_,'44414~010,04°*w***16,141 4