HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-27, Page 4i t s s The Clinton News -Record. ill✓w!el4r'eIr" ✓' litygle ote '1t,,."!,"0r" .' rube" saute t resin' ' r" 'v'# llorirelle1 +ealiella-411011elike"ft asr''IF 1i la ise" Ur'O,✓ st 44IMSF' till! lflaf 4w.ef'0r"1t1 "alk• y„' ,"spelth."aF sib,aA4^ skass i aatfr raea AAr Men's Furnishings BANK umber 2?th. I004 STOCK Hats and Ceps STO le,""R#, .. . r .. , ....._ ---r aa*►•,/waf`A+^�✓4aea.a " n 'fr - __BOUGHT AT 050 C N TH DOLLAR. $2200 STO9K OF WARD & WATSON, W ODSTOCK1- his rim had been in business onl SIX NIONTIIS and everything is NEW and up -4o -date* o � ". �:ats. , Caps, Sh ts, Collars,. Cuffs, levees, �'nderwear, S ck. _.., Etc., . t e. • Do You Need . a New fiat IF so SEE THESE Men's Stiff Hats made from good quality fur felt, sold everywhere at $17,50, sale price . 8.5C Men's Stiff 'and Soft .Hats, ' blaok and brown, made from first quality fur felt, silk bound, sold ev- erywhere for $2,50, sale, price 401.0U Men's Stiff Rats "Haws's" and other cele- brated English makers, made from the very finest • fur felt, -silk bound, sold everywhere for $3,f1l5 sale price . Do You Need Any Ties • Men's Novelty Ties, the very newest and up-to-date Ties. hundreds of pretty patterns]' to choose from sold everywhere at. 25c, sale price Men's Puff Ties, Strings, Four -in -Hand, Bows; etc. Th goods oods were bought for Xmas trade, :and .are the very newest, sold everywhere at 50c, sale price Clothiers. and Furnishers.. 19c 35c Do: You Need a Few Fail Skirts. IF SO YOU SHOULD • NOT 1Vi.ISS THESE Men's Fancy Shirts, 10 dozen, assorted patterns, all sizes, such brands as the "Pearless" and "Star" nobby goods, well made, sold everywhere a,t 75c,• sale price 541c- , Men's Fancy Shirts, 25 dozen, assorted pattern, all , siz- es. This line has been selling well. You will miss a chance if you do•not lay in a stock of these for this. year and neat. You will save money. All the latest novelties in patterns, sold everywhei+( at . $1 and $1.25., sale price . . . 7 S Mean's .Underwear Good heavy wool Underwear, .all sizes, regular 'price 35C 50c, sale price MenTs Unshtinkable. Underwear, double breasted front guaranteed all pure wool, regular $3 per suit, �.oO sale price . OZER'.&'E..;F. Do You Need Any Collar's • DON'T MISS THESE Men's Linen Collars in all the standarc: makes; styles, heights and sizes, sold . everywuere at 15e each, sale pri'. a :. 3' or Men's Linen Collars in all the standard makes, styles, heights and sizes, 4 ply pure linen, sold every- ' where at 3 for 50c, sate price. 4 for c%QC teen's Rubber Collars, all sized and stylus, dull and 1 �. bright, glossy finish, 'sold everywhere at 25c,' sale .' price i 9 C i Men's Sio►x - Wool and Cashmere,all sizes, at less than wholesale priees. We Guarantee Everything New This Year. wiiiiAbitAiviveoweb Successors to R. Coats & Son. •�,�:�..-,.�►�•'�.'v�►.-vr�'�•�r••��.•�;.r•N•••�:.►.,►��►�•'v�• vs��4�•'�►•�•�.�.•�r•��1►.�►••�►�.�.i•wr•�•�•r�•1,!�•�• .r:. ►�•�✓�••�•v�•�v'.c�... • farmers .where the consumers ? And and: stupid bargain v itl> the C P.R.'klullett .•TOWnship. Here and There... Free, Trade and Protection. ' cont 1 n that the Would tri his op - so on Therefore, I -argue, a no11eV 1 a' y - ._ P .. --_�__ nn:.._. n rr....w.:- ...•' cr , ♦r_'' e'. The meeting held in Clinton last . To .the, •Editor of The News -Record: ora system ora • plan of taxation rniou 4n1 L._ ___ • Thursday evening in the interests of I ike other subscribers I react with that .taxes all alike for the, public whom 'lie consultednever be able to Visited friends. i'n Kincardine last M E. N Lewis was largely attend •h 1 e ' the letters on this good that Des mot unduly pi h l' of the (. P R in On- •week t' that 1\liss IT::10.1=1:704.00400®0.�i<D4ON0�O0.���00.04 +9 NELSON 13ALL ' d t press on tax .brant lines , •e Mr. .• mue p oasur' + tario tar alltime to conic is : , K, Stevens' spent. Siintfay with i ed. The audience included matey lad- subject from various. :writer's in your • one class to the •isaavoring of another=• therefore the C. P. Guelph and God- friends in Tuckersmith, ♦. 1O V s E les who manifested a deep intertest in invaluable paper. Permit me to. add that encourages algriculture; ` maria the proce ings. Addresses were a,, few lines on this subject. •from.niy crick 'road which would soon he 'tries E. Carter is visiting- with. re- 6 attracts .inileipsi and tn. so -doing running by their doors would be ex- latives in London.. , attracts •the laboring classes ' to our t t x tion forever The R c cart answer .your quisical .c delivered by. the Candidate, • Rev. J., atarulpo'int, which is a somewhat ra Elliott. and Mr. W. Proiidfoot, the ..re oiie-being that sof a •fariner and a latter representing Mr. Holmes: May, .manufacturer. I farm •1';300 acres' of or Hooper occupied the chair. b'i011. sand; 'mixed farming, principally., its, a Conservative point of. view 'the' tiig'.the land 'hi .efucstion for Wallin: • meeting was a decided •success. • . ' ' rattle. for, export.. .I ;mention these facts to show `1 know something' • of The Conservative • campaign in West the. • farmers' . side of this question. Huron is being conducted without It is perfectly true, 'sa far as .I (sea any outside 'assistance, either • ii. see. through it, ° that protection:; • is*. speaking or organizing. Mr. 'Levet! simply a tax upon the article, : or if - proposed to Mr. Ilolmes that both you will a tax upon . the' .person,; buy ', parties make it a purely local cam- •'rig an article. Thus, if I buy a.self, • paign, but Mr. Holmes refused t, • binder or• a spade,` supposing+, these agree to it. When it is taken•'inte articles are protected..to the. extent consideration that the riding has .. of, Say' 30 per Cont.,. in all prdbailri1= 'tient* more•th n 1 been "fixed" to ensure his election, ity. I pay 30 pera his refusal would indicate a lack of 'otherwise would upon the article • 1 nerve or want of confidencoiafter all, Purchase at that time, for.in other words 'I am obliged .by law to elect • whether I will • pay 30, per. cent.. in Rev. J. Elliott, who is doing plat` the shape of 'ditty to .the Government form work throughout the West t' l'' 1 ' thepro - riding for Mr. E. N. Lewis, is a tooted. powerful and convincing ,speaker. He, is thoroughly informed' on 'the pub-. lie question of the day and is quite able to hold his own in the best. '01 company. Before the campaign is over it will be pretty generally ack nowledged that he .is the most effec- tive public speaker in Huron.' He is: a native of Bayfield where he • was born about forty years ago. '.'He graduated from the Clinton • Colleg late and completed his education in f ' .do not mean a . cote man. Toronto Universityand •Knox Coll- .t But is this any reason for ithe far - mors to tick ? • Is this any • reason' JOHN •RANSFOItD, ' ege. F ptering the Presbyterian mfn�_ wh • we should' always be , reading a .Oet; 21St' 1904• istry he soon had an tiupo•'t,uit cult- 1 y Clinton,, , ge in which he labs rd :•t:'etnur.,vsly, bout bloated monopolists, iron -heeled and successfully, but ill health Cain- tyranny, .. business lords, pap -fed in- • ellect him to retire from the work• clustries, oto.;• etc... • If farmers can • "The Hardt.. k Td[eeting P and for the past couple of years 'he has been living in G-oderich...... empt •from ax a ' "orres- midst, that resp, :capitalists to de -.speaker sai<l that :at .St,•• Augustine •pondent of last .week by' stating;tha.,,. velop our natural resoureps;• to build Holmes used this ar uinent with as; our Councillors .are following.. the our steel • highways, to span our tui- Mi l g r L' deepest ..such effect that .,the Liberal element wise plan of constructing : as.'perman- ' n(�' cross • OU e t et.•tvrs a i tits rivers, P!natty h . , .eat rid s as osst Ye . and 'as ma _.audience was • con-" c. tf p. by '�•� •gorges•,; .that. •leads to. our. vast vitt'- at least .of the • 'ineed that • it was so. Mr otliei ;'• nitinictpalities ' are •doing the • cell resourees`lrcall it any t to Eight;. Elliott. Went on to saythat • 'it ,was : same, the ; coiupttnies 'supplying tthc. •t *olio call anything- you t t, telt �. a policy,Y g 3 of his: iron'. " can not•. • fib their ver . the.. "Ili itf . Mr. • IToliiPes and• no Y �' Irlease' (what's in, a narite ?) •is �vha' "au to. find .out if this' was. really- numerous• orders promptly, • Patience,• • this coturtry .wants and what this _ qui it lied beet' left to him • to t ip'..friend; and all will be well. •country must • :have, and • t,lihrefore. so, fhalt decade : it what this country -will have. Let me 'get • the. accurate and.. positive rotor And age n, ,• for•. over a a d. t i ivation Mr: Elliott. then read a tel-' the. Mcthadist church has held a tow] est('. any' uestions .to thin policy. one cgrant which. he had received . from supper 'annually ,on .Thanksgiving 111 or• two questions': ' Sir Thos. Shaughnessy to which', .Yee• . ght. and this year will be •no `except 1st --Where. would' Canadp bo' tada3; • said that the C. P. R• property ' .:in ion..:.The announcements will soon be if she ilepende(l .and had always ' •de= Ontario' is* very heavily taxed ' and made.Again, we.. say, patience. ; ended on agriculture ?•- `` P g•approximately$100 006 1'he trustees of • No. 8 •have xe eng• ''•2nd=How will you .•raise; revenue .than iti..was , , m . spend if you: per .annum. He also read a •letter • age.d 'Mr. J.. 1!a: Robertson .ks Pri'nci- :46• '.: for totem cuts ;to••Y from Mr. Dickenson of.'Goderich,: wino pal and Miss. • G. Huston, assistant .., .. boHsh the' tariff � . - • 3r-1the tariff •is abolished will ltad acted • as solicitor for the C...13. for 1905 .at an *increase in their; sal ‘• f a , :R,: in Win lt:am, in which he- :stated. cries, Lite atnonnt raised for••revrnut.1>h any g. less 'titan' now ? that .•he;itad on in than. •one•' oeca- Mr Neil Montgomery anti . family Y (m, an Pmpor ec mac nue; . or sion a .e •red .in .court; in order . : 10''_ have moved into the house belonging .. .4:tti--Will: the farmer feel: the•,. new •I?P a - ' no mauufactiiiei. s price: I do , get: the . taxes. of 'the 0, P. R re . to Mr,' Gtbbings ,of the 'Huron' Road. not Say. this Condition cof ' things' •-at . plan• arty. -less than . the present; one • dated. in that town. arid. that the • C We: a> a sorry to. 'luso• IVIr. Montgoin- "5` all' •butes or in all places would. ex- _ :. 5ttl—Which, is preferable ?. To ma6<, - p R. in Wingham pay's ' taxE s to • the 'cry from our midst.. ist:. Competition. amongst the pro- here. i•hing we want , or can .make same extent and •in the •same ways ' Mr. :Henryour Cooper• is having a tected'•riiantufacturers Would work its licit, in Canaria, thereby building up • inevitable result to• the shape of re-• our country, :adding to our popula- tion tees and•tn such a way as to arouse. Mr. and • :Mrs. William. Monk or . i anti .our wealth, .or. 'buy .%every- _ Night and. Sunday calls answered t tesidono.N of 'either of the "'print'- �. •.doted prices. Financial conditionsny cceded- then' to take'.up' other ma't. Croderich'township were •calling•'upon -' fore' n markets- could so, change Val.., .thing in foreign countries and' • sdrttd tt usiasm of the meetin arid: his • old neighbors in I4ullett • last _•40'. •: • Pals' •. •• •.$ .• , • g nes asto alter the sit osed.. trans, our, ,:wealth, out et the eauntry :. to the . i•• ' g was week.' .: rteconvince. t23r«nl jihad :;Mr. Lewis • ...build' up. foreign' eau/dries and to. , . 0AA0 ���+@84$^dP�!®�.� �� .00,4•00.•04. • . action, b.ut• 'generally • speaking.g the• man wlrotit ;tlicy.oug. ,ta•sup- ; . liTt.:. Smith,, our .tax collecte , , is o* � . , . • as the �. 'I'• R. Mr.. Elliott pro at an early •date. • sato I OFFICE I NIT UR Ed dour wants can be supplied .best by us. Our prices bring us the , trade.: ou , have our personal supervision t 'on u lean teed. ' ac1 and satisfaction guaranteed. • 4• • t kiil� promptly attended to b r night or cla3r. , '�7nder a � rt 1 ... Tr 3S b. HOOVER R BALL.. • k f Wealthy' ] S' h a farmer's free' trade standpoint I make orergners . a ain; On. rounds. Some .are ad . thi k I have stated tlhe case ''fairly, V'• 0.7 -By the word "foreigner''' I por•• replied.. at some tenth. to see him and some not for a wlgii1 >} Mr.. Holmes • but not at: all effectively, as.::' his oars supporters subsequently • ad. milted. He wag 'especially weak on • the railway question, which he does not appear• to understand neatly so well as night. be expected. Show that they have to 'pay ' dis- The meettpg. closed . with cheers for• proportionately, • if they: can."- •show' •-, we11 attended meeting was held- the King and: Messrs. Ilolmes :anti H©llnes'ville.:. '. :.Rev. G. W. Andrews, wife and daughter, -Brownie, of•Centralia •vis•' ited friends here last week.' Mrs. W. F. Keys and Miss Hoskins that they are • tare an'i •nave. 'o pay in 11arloClc 'school house in the in- d,ewrs. o1F 'Varna.. were: in the 'vil%age� :gpi an.enhanced' proportionate; price for terests': of lute': ateltrics on Monday Friday, • he t Mr.Thos. An noOrreet the tea -meeting at Zion on "Monday • Having gerrymandered Huron to all: they buy,- and. that they get, no evening Mr Holmes was present• Quite a number from here attended x. but i '• free, well'said-entn • • the three ridings sure, commun ty et scat ee,McMillan.. 1 n.:: r. Elliottlliott appeared 'an 'Statement Or�rreirted�. g sidcredgM l a M L pP ••N+N•.•:N ti .i •!•�ONi1�•N •!r•�.N•i1•�••H•M•.O •r �• , •i ss:,. • +i is s.; .•N•�!•ll;�s��•�N;�•�N����a•;. - . o' t: • oKI �CO., L .'..•• suit themselves the Liberals con benetft land that other classes ,Of, t and diad as hi•s ass• istant en a •!�f;r1 fi(tit �i 'sl i �tii . ,;• 4.4 1 to have lost sortie Of 'good then let them• kick and T wit b h :: £M ' L ' they' •• (Quarterly. services ,will . ba -held. in. .• appear a 'a o r. ewis.. { his Londesboro meetingMr:. R; y, their confidence in the last fort= join in the kick hard. ' But there ' is Mr. McMillin spoke first His ar- the Methodist church on: Sunda P It nig r , r •• • . We \%ere effere tsotue IPP stops' in 'ever' it line, of goods last week :if we would deet! out- largo l,•t:•. Ala the, gwtlity was first-class• and the prices very mnhw fro' Biot• cash, eve• mold net resist- the temptation' and '' bought pretty heavy Tand .now give our' customerg the benefit of our close $ , buy>n�*. 'The gnodsHavr• just been received and vire i�•pcn file inspection.•• , $1.25 FRENCH . I 1D GLQ'VES FOR 75c . ❖ 43re;.ot•n, .- ..t snaap in'Iatelhe;.' I+'r(+neh ICid Calovcs • They etre first-clnss �,. more than the farmers' side of the gument• .was rather weak when ha Holmes said :that Rev. •J. 'It, The Lpwotth League are donating ._. euestton• There is the n anufactti:r'tried "to' showthat w should .. over- hart claimed at Constanee''that •;Mr•• quilts; .toys, etc., to go 'in the bale 's side the •Governitient side anti , ' Lewis was "entirely. responsible" Mr ,. of goods sent` to our missionary, _ The resignation of Hon. Mr: Blair h 1 What aibb t, look the Grand `trunks indebtedness the C. P.•R extlension to Got er h I Rev. Stone at Kthnat B. C •. •� car these '' Asa manufacturer I' can 000 because it had to de with the �1*is . • . 4111ott dented. in which. th'e t $10,699 m the Railway Commission, where the country art a'w a e a u to us `to the extent of over $50 000 Y 1 is fro �. he was in receipt of rt t + 1 h f ' t ' chairman coincide', The latter tie- hard blow to the Laurie' . certainly' say that the armor is no road in flit early days 0f this coon- 0 , . •_� has been a lterrtbll o - the..• only man on whom the tarifftry,but then he went on to state *Pies the correctness of Mr, ]Holmes. de - Government. He is unalterably P . ' l'r •cute weighs. Manufacturers pay taxes. If that the C. 1'. 1�: which went thr-_ statement in the 'following letter : posed to the Grand 1 .a ik I a •' charact^tires as oa, the farmer can be brought to believe g l W. •t 'ib whom it. may concern : h which he T d ' t d 'that lilt I3 tme at goods, but ill broken 1ota,taorrte are silk-lined,others are unlined: some haave . domo fastnu,'r•s, others have large pearl huttons... l'hey conic in colors of .:• . browns, Inn'', creams HMI l,l,teles..• Tht, sit, a Tire ti,, (S'1, 7 and 7a. Theyare r?•: • the regular $1 rind $1.25 Gloves, and you take yore (•o„ice Ise 75e. •;• • - : 3Oc-LADIES' SILK BELTS POR 35c ' . pti 'r -ha i t'TAKE e quantity. of Ladii•-' Silk ihais.We.. of n" great re- °•• �' •* duction 'notice, we are now steliair, new lip -to d:tter Belts in sillcJ%tttlet,t.:' . •' and satin, n black :ricer col ,e°.; .vdilt funny littd,t:l.+1, wo,•tn 50,s, for 85. We r .. ' �, show a peat range ol'new I3e,tsl from'25c to $1.75, ,�. • OUR STOCK OF MANTLES . • :_:. • • ❖ Got well sold out on fair wee•k, but we have had • the stock replenished •2• . • ) and now show a full range in all eizes, including some new designs., . :• ❖ scheme ar g ou n. the West before; i was • . even.. tot 1 d absolute waste of Im1>lid it,•'I .re.peat, the manufaerttrrer pays settled; or much known about: shoo- un ers'an 't a o es 1 f ti l d t usf n a an WS • Londes torn meeting a ea e d t o, Coming from a matt who taxes and.pays heavily. What Iipay 11 be .compared 'with the Grand f tl g P tl n a f r 'eel on railway mat- What I pay as. a manufacturer.. It Mr. 'Elliott Was the next speaker. Constance on the pievtous nig as i.. ElliottCels to this s beauties of a protective tariff, let g Mr. Lewis was entirely responsib- Mr. Blair is a condemnation of the nal intend at that meeting to take 1 money. as. a farmer is a joke compared t has been spoken of by Laurier asp. o Trunk Pacific scheme of today. ' me as chairman • e the ,mee ng i ' ht the hest in o m the fantners'.Want.to know the'inner `• to whether Mr, Ehas said that, t icountry"the attitude ofHe state at the outset that ire ilio „ Government that there is no gainsay - itstart manufacturing something, up the subjects of the day as • hc•. 1e" for the C. P. R. going to (lode* it does not particularly matter what, had been doing .at the previous meet-. • �clt. Mr. Elliott did not.use the word l ing• and then they will learn a great deal fogs as he proposed attending• 1V-, .entirely. Ile 'said that • Mr. Lewis they never knew before. Y ewis' meeting Tuesday night' for was back of the movement' and left' th i f tt t h Mr . T ewis Pater white On tion is that they must have revenue some other matters which the peo- •was the prince mover in the matter. • q-_—_ �--`• 11•011111K,4-717-1,177417. 1 `Sherlock Ilolmes 1 New Card. + atte• The Government's side of the clues- that purpose, but would refer to 4' Clifford Siftou. Money they must have. TakeSigned JOHN BIt,ITTO lion. Peter White at • iu(1NNON , Coal L LYTH •• • :• !N�••�N�••O••N�N�N�N�•Y�N�H�N�••;N�•)•�N�••�N�N�•!�•!�f}�N�• I�N�1•�M�H�N�.1�N�W;•0�••�N�.i f*;M•�i�f•�fl�• •�f it pre ought to know about. .Ie referr- Det. 20th, 1904. that ` • of Othello, wou e gone,Looking- used by r, Holmes .a he one es- t.ion in Pembroce told the story of a back say a hundred years from ttod'ay bora meeting some time ago to the port Albert. miller in Scotland who, wishing t the thinker; the reader of 2004 wit' effect that Mr. Elliott had said at his nomina away and their occupation, like. ed in the first place to the language ld b M Ii 1 t th L 1 ' take a rise nut of a halt -witted fel- conclude that the reason for the the Constancc,meeting that Mr. Lew- low, said to millet's' , "Wye'1ten, Reber ? existence of the Liberal Government is was "entirely responsible" for from 1900-1904 was for the object the bringing of the C. P. it`. to Ctoct- "Aye," said Robert, "I ken they're of lavishly spending money provided erich. The speaker said that when fat, .but I dinna lien upon whose>"gra- ,'S by_ a patient, long-suffering; foolish he ContradiCtcontradictedMr. Holmes at Lon - in they're fed." public., o, no matter how it is pro. desboro Mr. McMillan jumped up in "1 don't like," continued Mr. Whi- .vided as long as we elect such peo- the meeting and positively. asserted - le, "to attack public men but titer is a Minister who eight years ago when he went to Ottawa could hard - iv pay his taxes. Ile has since been living at the rate of $20,000 per rear. lie bas built a tnagnifeent house, has a summer palace on the 51. Lawrence; a steam yacht, ball' a million dollars let the bank, haqpatt' his taxes and has donee it all on r.alary of $7,000 a year twitit session- al indemnity of $1,500, 1 would. like some nuc to instruct me • how this has been done, but it is strongly suggest( d tltat the dredging concess- ions in the Yukon and the gales of land ]rave had a good deal, to do with fattening the miller's pre as we do to power. just so loner must we provide large suras of Mon- ey for them to spend. What • is the use, then, of kicking at one way 0' providing the tfio11ey, called' prate( tion ? Obliterate protection and your rulers at Ottawa will promptly invent another way of extraction the needful. But this brings 1110 to the try's sid0 of the question. A hountrl worthy the name must contain mea- ns within itself, so far as 'tits pos- sible to do so, t0 make it self. providing. If all were professional men, where, the clients ? If all rul- ers, where the ruled 7 If all mann- ; faeturers, where tiro artizans 7 Xf alt • • :.1;•. . .. •,.•.,tnp•p• 1 $4.74-4, that Mr. Elliott had 'used these very words, viz : "entirely responsible," and that Mr: Holmes said, "11 you do not believe me write to the chair- man of my meeting itt Constance and he will confirm my' words," fir. Elliott then proceeded to read a let- ter which he received from Mr. Brit- ton, chairman of the Constance mee- ting, in which he positively asserted that Mr. 1'.111ott did not use 1111" words attributed to him at all.. Mr. Elliott then took up'the statement which Mr. Hoftnes hail been rnaleiret for about two weeks at his meetings, in Ashfield, Colborne and West Was. wanosh, viz : that the Government of that flay had made such a, bad 0' Jas. Quaid is again very poorly. Threshing ' is about done in this Section for 1904. Election matters are somewhat •quiet,but the two Candidates seem to be moving about. Mr. and Mrs. George Ilawltins will soon .leave for Goderich for the winter at least, he ,being `poorly since his mishap in the haying sea- son now past.. Mr. Richardson Sr. has „bought the Iogs scattered along the lake shore from Kintafl to the. Point Farm sou- th and Is busy skidding them up, which, lie will haul during the winter to the dock to cut next. spring, Harry Hawkins has been busy bri- cking Irwin Foster's • residences at Sheppardton the present week. Ncls Pearson had the 'misfortune to get kieketl by a horse the paste week, John Shoenhafs and family spent a week at Milverton last week., Dr. John Smair° is home, aga'inn f,• Sherlock Holmes is the very latest in games. The idea iii theplay. is to secure as many thieves, , robbers and burglars as you can matching cards with your opponents a n d securing' 'sweeps when a Sherlock Holmes Caird turns u in • playing your p lag py in -ales! Price 5oc. Also all the other pop- ular games, including the new games of "Trix," Pit and 141inch, Soc each, Post- paid. reiIMati , i,. 4 1 ,1;'1.1 .I44 . ., ,nay, F''s„ 4 1 J_'aY, M, I, Y, ;Ili,. • 1•.r..41 .J:u/IUL14+,.'i•1.1'rJ+4✓:. •.••••11 Mt..•IM4•412 *ws,� IVrIURON ., "RobesClinton, t' Ha1><xi�sr of the Town �'owof Gi Publisher. Lewis,f the Town of Groderich, Barrister E. N• Low � � SOUTH HURON •. B. B. Gunn, of the Town of Seafoi th, Merchant Thos Fraser, of the Township of St alley, Farmer - EAST HURON nn :T. Clfilsbolrl, of the Town of Winglianl, l'hysicia.11 P 1'VI;�.�dt�n�tld of the .Towel of X41 i rllant Physician P. rtg n r it Trtlww �irwirwirl N�rrfNwrtY tYli • <