HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-27, Page 1v
1111E CLINTriN
25th Year
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Overcoat Weather is here. Our stock of
Coats is all new this season. They are made from
grey and black frieze, beaver, cheviot, and fancy 8g§
tweeds, and are designed after the latest American
models, are lined with good Italian lining. We have
them at all prices -according to the quality.
Overcoats, Madeto-Order.
The Guys Minstrels atade their Just as we go to press we learn
annual appearance in theetewn hall that the marriage of Mr. Peter A.
on Monday night when ''. 'y played Mathewson and Miss Palmy Louisa
•to an overflowing and. The tr- Davidson has just been solemnized at
oupe continues up to t' n'standard it •the home of Mr. Thos. • Lamle; the
established years agoteitiiil retaiee it; Rev. Mr. Farquharson tying the Imp -
old -time popularity. :. tial knot. -Durham Chronicle.
The anniversary services held in We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
the Ontario street ohurch last Sun-. A. I. Goodwin, who underwent an -
day were well etteilded, eonsideriee other serious operation last week,
the inclemency of the weather. Rev. having & tumor removed from •her
B. Clement preached both it. m. and breast, is doing as well as can be
evening, both sermons -being eloquent expected. Miss Robinson, graduate
and practical expositions of divine of Vietoria hospital, London, is
truth. The congregations were much nursing her.
pleased to have the opportueity
listening to their former pastor aa- IlVIPROVEMENTS.
in. The collections were large. • •
Several improvements have. ol late
'e- SUGAR, BEETS. • • :ilien . made in the interior of the
e5 , Rattenbury House which will make
The farmers in this district who that widely -known. hostelry a more
e have grown sugar beets are' now bu- comfortable place of abode thee ever.
Q, sy pulling and shippieg them.. Some Mine Host Stanley has still other
> shipments have already reached . the changes in view,. but the possibility
factory and, we. understand, the re of Local Option has stayed his
sults are satisfactory. hand, ' •
If you want a first class tailor-made g<
overcoat, see , our stock of fancy and
plain overcoating. We have everything -6,
that is new this season, at prices from -G<
$12.50 to $30,00.
Men's Pants, ,to -order
All pants made. here have the 'Hand
E. Catch drawer supporters attached.-
. The handiest and best little invention
you ever saw. Paris to order,$M0 to17.80
Mr. Graham, who represents the e_ ' .
Berlin . Beet •• Sugar Co. throughout, LITTLE LOCALS. •
this part of the province, the .other .
A Rural -Deanery meeting for ehe
dap -visited a farmer • iii Deanery of Huron will be held today
Lampton county who CODUITI- in St.' Thomas church, Seaforth. '
was thinking of cultiyatieg twenty- The usual monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's' church
acres but Mr, Graham advieed a
will be held ' Ibis evening in St.
es, smaller • acreage and more ithorough
,....b cultivation. Paul'S school hoitse at 8 p. m.
Rev, Principal Waller M. A. oi
▪ TEE RALLY SUNDAY, . Huron College is expected to preael
• The Rally Sunday services in Wes- in St. Peul's church on the, first.
'Sunday in November *and to assist
ley church were largely attendee, last
, the rector otherwise in the services.
Sunday. Mr. A: T.• Cooper, under
whose superintendence the school has W. B. li:011B DEAD.
prospered, .presided, The program ' •
(e.) was as given in last week' e issue of , Mr: W. B.. Robb died at the 'resi--
ge The News -Record„ but to the pinging dence of his brother in •Teckeismith
5, : of the choir special , credit must: be on Tuesday night. He had been
(.62.: given When the roll call of. teachers suefering for a couple of years with
was made there was only one.absen- Paralysis, but it ie only a few inon-
tee. Mr. Hoard of Mitchell, gave an ths since he returned from Denier, -
(5. plates enfharkleg in beet growirig.a
• < >r>
1 J. W. Newcombe Co
Furnishings -
.._men's and Boys' Ready
--to-Wear Clothing, Hats
8 . :address. Of an hour's duration on Colorado which had ince his home
"Jerusalem and' the World's Greatest for •
seine tithe. He is sureeved by
Z5 •" •
• > ZS : Sunday School ' Convention." Mi . his wife and one ehild.' • The funeral
Hoard attended this" convention Oast will eeke place to Clietoreceanoteee
7- ':'..rie)nei:erleetetetaPJeielMfete46110K,1CieSe$6WAWASW4ersere4esle S miner ao spo e rom perscinal ex- t : ' d ' •,1 •
314010001010:01Creeiteleiterel.939K3e1SeeeR0191NOS,191StaleteleleeMPIMereSie ' mime, • . . . " th lelaionie' honors. - : .:
<44431,00.0 <X5.0 0000;000.6<X>
0000000 000
000000 00
' Mr, Ce, W. W.alker, organizer let the Wheat $1.05. • • , • • .
Canatlian order. of Yeresters; has .0ats 30e.
been in town the: past week wpeking Barley 40c.
inlhe interests 'of Court Maple Leaf. Peas 60c. ' •
-He is well-informed' and persuasive Eggs 17c .to 18c, •
Better 14c to .1.5e.
Which, coupled ' with the. popelariti
Of the Ordeee •baseseabled him to Chickens 8c.
'add several names to :the meneber-• Turkeys 8c. •
ship roll which 'is well beyond.. the. •Ocese 60. •
two -hundred- mark. Ducks per pair 75ce • •
Mr. 'Walker miles from Gerrie whe- Potatoes per bushel 35c to 40c
re there: jt -a very prosperous Court Hay $'7 to. $8:
ot which it is said that almost : eve: Live Hog $c 11.
ery member is an authority on the. SUDDEN DEATH. • • • '
.conetitation. Four of ' thein are now
Organizer's, viz i, Mesers. WalkerMoul . Alai. Medd, son of Mt: H: Medd
plaud, Strong. and Doig, whoe have of Hullett, died suddenly of appen-
donee much •towards increasing the dicitis yesterdeY near Brantford.
-numeer of Canadian, Foresters tbrote where he was engaged as cheese...
ghout Western Oneario. maker. The first intimation the fam-
ilY had Of his serious Hitless was in
. The Sovereign Bank . .
‘e. Directs your attention to its sane -teal
ee facilities for issuing. drafts on all the
se leading towns and cities in Ettrope.and
-ee elsewhere at the lowestrittes.
iThis isthe safest, . simplest and chea-
pest. method of remitting money ta
foreign couneries.
Cori espondenco or Interview re-
quested. : . : • '. • '
0 0 000
0 0 0 0 000 0
00 0 0
ee H. T. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
1113 1 1 1 I ++++++++++.1-14-1-14 3111.11111704.
00000 0:000000000 0
00000 0 00
000 0 0000 0 000 0 0
of Clothing
Will commence On Saturday morning, Oct.
22nd, which will outstrip • anything that has •
been offered in Clinton. Raving bought a man.
ufacturing firm's stook Toronto ata great
sacrifice, we purpose offering it to our friends
and patrons at prices that will startle the public.
I invite everybody to come in on Saturday and
get our orices,
0- •
JACKSON The Clothier.
• • • ' a eelegram received Tuesday -melee-
On Sunday last a• memorial Service ing and his • mother lelt tot his bed,
was held iu St. Paul's church fae •side by: Oe. fitst team, but too late
the late Bishop of Huron. . The in- to see bim alive, The remains re-
terior. of the dwelt was draped- • h. ached .Clinton -lest night: and this af- •
pee* and . black and the music 'was ternoon .ehe funeral takes places front
in keepieg with the sad solemnity of the family residence • to Constance
the - occasion.. The favorite hynnis cemetery. This death rea,kee the nisi,.
of .' the late Bishop, ."Peace, Perfect'. vacancy in a lantily of seven: child -
Peace" . 'and • "For All.Thy Saints" con : .. The deceased was tiventyefive
.Were sung and befoie, the • sermon years of ' age and a splendid specimen
•---.-begati-manyeeelethe-Congregationewere- eilephyseealemonliood. • •
in tears. The rector is' a voice, bro.
ken ewith emotion' deirelt upon • the :
intense spirituality of ;MOO Bald-. epee hese ef a series ef Gospel
win, his. zeal; earnestness and elo. TemPerinee meetings was - held ' in
' quence. :.His faith was never waver- Wesley - church Sunday evening when
Mg. His life was such that even. the a terse twenty -minute address was .
man on the street, who might quos- giVen • by . Rev, -13. Clement.. Among
tion your sincerity or mine; recog- other things. he said : ' • . "
nized the genuiness. of his religion . If seems to me presuinntioteidt. " a'
and said.: Well, there is a good ma self-coestituted body (referring tri: the --
Phe late Bishop; so reverenced God's Board of Trade) to attempt to stifle
word that no criticism touched! him.. the voice of the people.
:t: Ile had a profound sense of God's . we. are not against hotels, but
presence anti nearness and referred against that small corner of them call-
. decry:thing in daily life to God's ed the bar,' . .
hands. Even his promises were • al- I challenge anyone to prove :that
ways made to show his sle,pendane prohibition is inimical to the business
on God. "If the Lord will' was a interests of a community. •
condition constantly in . his mind. Even if a few suitor by the enact-
IVlay .his- memory remain, may. it not : ing of a prohibitory liquof law, a •
be ti, mere ' gleam that has flashed 'much meter number will gain. .
across our gaze but let the memory : LaW cannot govern a inanee'-bellef„
of his goodneas 'sink deep into out but it can his actions. •
lives. The rector went on to say •A solo was exceedingly well ren -
that we sorrow not as men withoe tiered during the evening by Mr. S.
hope for them that sleep in • Jesus ; Murch. • • .
" 1
nay, that our whole religion' teaches '
. us -to rejoice that the time of recoup. THE C. O., I. WINS AGAIN.
pcnse and reward has come. While .
,,he 'first Hough Cup match this
it •is true •;that Joy is Wilted to jo _
season was played on Saturday ,when
on earth And their severance must
the Seafor th• 0, I, made an unsuccess-
cause sorrow. and sadness yet in tht
ful attempt to lift tho Cup, The
Christian faith notbing bids us weep. '
local team was weakened by the ab -
Our feelings, though deeply touched,
sem.. through sickness' of several
should he of thankfulness that Ged
men, but 'outplayed Seaforth in ev..
has taken wealc and sinful Mali an u ery part of the field, the score being
carried him to shine with beauty to
5.... goals to O. The Seafertir team
glorify him for evermore, ."He is
Aoki we played an individual game .while tht
not dead but sleepeth." combfnatlon ot -the local
y was
Miall hear his voice, again we shat
the best perhaps they hese ever
see his Mce and join with him i
shown. They Won in a walk, as it
e g • song d th Th were. The result di the match has
or God in Heaven, put a damper on the championship
Mrs. Smith presided at the• organ
aspirations of London C. I. 'who' were
and put Much feeling into the vein. the next ehallengera, but have sent
taries played as well as the vocal
motions. The beautiful rendering word that they would default the
game, sp that the eeason Is probably
of the anthem "Illeesed are the ,
In any case the cup is sefe.
Bead" and of the hynut "Peace., Per-. "ex"
The Clinton team lined up as fol -
feet Peace" was largely owing to
suggestions made bst Mrs. Stnith•and lows :-
to the interest naturally aroused by Goal, D. L. Cranston
. the occasion. Baas, N. Murch, M. Shipley
In the evening the rector preached naives, 0, Mustard, E. Badour, C.
on the subject of "Death" and used McKinnon (Capt.)
the prayers suitable for a memorial Right, ,r. Mustard, S. Coulter
service. The prayers were 'made to Centre, W, YounghItit
refer to Mr. Bentley, the late sex- Left, J. Cameron, M. Whiddon
ton of St. Paul's, and also to the Mr. H. Bartlifl made a most eili-
late Bishop o! Aturoil, °lent referee,
In the recent big fire in Winnipeg
fhe Jackson Mfg. Co. lost $150, th
samples of their Manitoba traveller
valued at that amount, being de
strayed. Fortunately the traveller
had completed his .seasott's trip s
will not be inconvenienced.
A meeting was hold on Monday
eveaing the ellethodist church in
, the illterests di the ..Biblet society,
- Revs. Sewers of 13rucefield and Dav-
Moon and. Miller of Vertu, delivered
addresses. .
County Councillox John McNaugh-
ton arrived home. on Tuesday evesPecli
after an oXtended trip through Mame
toba and the Northwest.
The. dredg); which. has been at
work on the Big Drain ler the past
two summers', has now got to the
east side of the Parr Line.
Mr. Wm. Palmer is this week wor-
king on the now railroad at Goder-
ich, If he likes it he viill move bis
family there next week,
• .Now 'the old village hums every'day
5*De lYlckl.agghtPa g9P 4!s
new engine and grinder at work.
Miss Maggie Reid has been smile-
ind the last couple of weeks at Bru
colloid. ••
Mrs. 13. Higgins Sr. is visiting het.
daughter, Mrs. A. Weir of London.
Mr. 13. A, Higgins was in Goiter-
erich last week.
Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Epps were hi,
Seaforth on Saturday.
Mr. W. Cook visited with his gen,
Harry, of Weoestock, and daughter,
Mrs. Le Eberhardt, of Meta° last
Mr, Bf;atty wes laid up with
Mr. S. B. Smith shipped seven car-
loads of export cattle on Tuesday
and will next week send oft eight
carloads of the same class of stock,
Mr, Smith is one of the most ex-
tensive shippers in Huron and dur-
ing the course of twelve months Miters
many thousand dollars worth of
1he Willis church choir, u der the
direction of Prof. Campbell,, gave a
well -rendered anthem on. Sunday ev-
ening last. The lediee' quartette
1st soprano, Miss Coats; 2nd sopra-
no, Mrs. J. 13. Hoover ; 1st alto,
Miss Armstrong ;. 2nd alto, Mrs.
Glenn Campbell, also gave a selec-
tion which was much enjoyed.
Many of our citizens aro not aware
el how importatit an industry , th)
knitting factory has become. There
are now over a,' seore on the pay roll
and now and improved machinery is
being added. The output .is known
as' the ."Wearwell'! brand of hosiery
for which there is an active demb,nd
for all that can be Manufactured. It
looks well and, .as its name would
imply, wears well. well. •
A great merchant' says that "many
sinaller .merchants in the eities.doula
the Value .of advertising in their own
case, These men fail to: take ..into
consideration the fact that in most
instances the department store began
es a neighborhood store and inerea,s-
ed its. business by judicious",•advertii
ing. Advertising- is just as profitable
for :the small busi.ness s,se for the lar-
ge one. •Newspaper publicity comes
first." •
Two loads of the eModel students
visited the Gpderich Modelites • on
Pridey •evening lest and spent a' few
enjOyable- hours-; At midnight they
began the homeward journey • which
they . made ' in ;metier a roundabout
way; so did •not reach blinton• until,
fere ceclock fiext. morning, On future
trips of this kind they will make
sure on leaving Goderieh that they.
are on the Htiroe Road, not the
Lakb Shorei 11,.. °a d leading to ..13aYfleld
. Any:. J. Hamilton. ef Londesboro •
occupied the pulpit of Willie church
last Stindiye both Morning. and ev-
ening. This • may he:: the last °dee..
sloe oti which Mr, Hamilton will oc-
cupy Willis 'pulpit as he has accepted
a call to Leamington and leaves foe
his new field o! lebor'at• once. • He
has been et leondesboro 'for several
years arid is held:hi deep respece in
that community.
Rev. Dr. Stewart .preeched •• at
Londesboro en Sunday, . '
• 0
At the beginning of the
campargEmireir- onilerveltve
candidate in West Huron pro-
posed to his opponent that the
services,' of outsiders, he dis-
pensed •• with •on both sides.
To this 1V1r. Holmes would not
• agree, but .so fax as the Con,-
. servatives are concerned there
will be no outsiders, either
speakers ox organizers. The
local organizations will be per-
fected and the Borden policy
laid fairly before the people .
for their decision.
Tho remains of the late Ifishoe
13aldWin were laid to rest Saturday in
the family buryieg plot :in St. Jain
es' cemetery, Toronto. The G. T.It.
had a compartment coach arranged
in London' for the carrying of the
remains and those who aroma ilea
them. Ie the forward eompartteent
tho scat se were removed tied- the floor
carpeted anew and had le the rredd-
e a raised platform tipon evhitei the
casket rested. In the other com-
partment sitting accommtelation was
provided for the mourners° and fri-
ends. Among those who accompani-
ed the remains to Toronto was •Ivir.
John Ransford of this town, who
was appointed by the executive com-
mittee of the Synod p1 1 Poe
of three laymen' to attend the re-
mains to their last resting p'nee.
The arrangements of the G. D. ft,
were very eomplete.
3 3 I I 34.1-1-1.1-34-1-14•14•34
******-644•••••••••44040404•4 410*••••••••••••••••••••
The best Shoe on the marketR.
•R. J. CLUPP, - Clinton,
Hulieit Township.
I3ob Preeman, while carrying the
cylinder of a threshing machine on
Tuesday fell and injured his right
handbadly. The nail -on the index
fingei was torn 'off and the bonetro-
ken and- the second finger badly cut.
W11010 Number
Mrs. R. Lamont and family of
Brucefield are the guests of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sermail Sni-
Dr. Metcalf of Detroit arrived QD.
Tuesday evening to spend a few days
in the village.
Mr. 13. 13., Gunn, the popular can-
dieate of South Huron, is billed to
speak M • the town hall on Friday
evening. Mr. H., Either M. P. P. ot
Crediton and Mr. Spotton of Listow-
el will also be present.
Mesdames George and .Henry Erwin
spent few days last week the
guests of Mrs. Cleave on the Sauble '
Mrs:Snell and son, Master Donald,
are visiting her parents in Toronto. -
Mrs. Wild arid daughter,. Mits Pa,n-
'nie, Tiredany rde ST. -1.841s' .
visit friends and also take in the '
Worlds Fair;
The Messrs. Mustard are busily en -
gaged preparing the ground for the
,erection of their new saw Milt • on '
the north' side • or the river.
. The last• of the summer visitors to
leave were •,• Dr. . and Mrs. Atkinson -
end family and Miss Carter, who left.
for their home at Detroit. oie'Mon-•
day. •
IVir. James .Delgaty of Stanley op -
tittered • the pulpit of St. Aeclrew's
churcit on Sunday maiming " in the.
rheumatism fax over a week • absence of Rev,- McNeil. '
Rev. Jennings was in Luckncrev- On
Sunday. last. His work here . was
taken by Mr: McGowan, a 'student
• Stanley Township.. 41 Huron College,. London.
• ..
The. Misses Lindsay 'anti their frie
• • •• .
end, Miss Hastings of Goderich town-
. ship speet .a day. recently, with/ Mies
Wild. • •
Me, and Mrs. Charles Wallis o,
Chetah visited at Mr.: L. :Clark's one
evening . recently.
Mr., and. - Mrs. Sam. Laidlaw 'di
Tuckeremith' spent Saturday •- and
Sunday. :at Mr. Jphn Niehelson's,
near Bayfield • • •
Miss Me 'Webster of. Clinton spent
a le* days this week at Mr, James
eteid's. • • . "
Mies Emma Peck and Mita .Dalry -
mple are visiting at the latter's 10 -
Inc at Lakeside, near -St. Marys.
• To the Editor , of The News -Record '.
• Bear Sir, -.In renewing niy subsets
ption to :The .News -Record I thought
et might be' of some interest tp my
'old Stanley friends if. I 'should send
you a few of the Incidents of a . re-
cerit trip through Manitoba 'and the
Northwest . Three others with my-
self left Marlette about the middle
'of Auguste taking boat at. Sarnia to
the .S6o, thence by rail to Winnipeg
etc, We spent the best part • of a
monele With many of out old school-
mates and. neighbors, renewing and
cementing the friendship of our .boy
hoed days. HoW "Avidly were Old
•seenee. and long. Ice -gotten incidents
revived whenwo grasped ' the hands
of • Donald- and; Charlie Shaw;- their
• is tors :Kate,Bella and Maggie; John,
ve .and Robt. Polio*, Jim eMc-•
•Intyre. and his wife." Jack •Pa,rke;,
•Roht. Armstrong and a, host ol othe
cis from old Huron county. All ' ape. peered well eoateet and ' happy lend
,el• indicetions count for anYthingethey
are certainly :enjoying life. • Har-
vesting operations wero in full swing
. and as this Was our first experience
with -the Dominion's %rutty we were
much interested in all we saw. While
the early settlers hive had to con-
tend with. many obstacles, it does
to overcome than those encountered
in any new country: In fact, the int -
Mr. - James Dewar • of Knicardrue
was renewing aeqemintances in the
village this week. He was called he-
re last • Saturday by the death of •
his brother, -Mr. Charles Dewar-, who
died at Mr.' John Watson's on the: •
Sauble Line on Saturday In his 69111...
Miss Lillian Martin, who has been .
visiting her aunt; Mies Lottie Mae.-
tin, returned to her -homo in Toon- ' •
tp last week, •
Wo are pleased to say that! my:
and Mrs. Francis Coleman are re-•
.covering nice*. from- their • recent
Rev. McNabb of Walton oettepled :a•
the..pulpit in 'the Presbyterian. cher- • .
eh Sab'bath in the absence of Rev.. .
M.. 0; McLennan 'who was preaching
anniversary serviceselear Brussele,' • - .
• M. toting Of Smith's ac- . -
• companied by - his two grand -children,
are vieititig friends here, . •
Mr. 4. Troyer sol d one of his bay
teem last week.'to Mr. McMann • of
Seaforth ' fox tho snug sum of • Me. • -•
Mr. Troyer keeps nothing put .the
.1%11r. 'A. Workman, who has . been.'•
engaged with Mr. John Consitt • fOr
• the past .summer, has .4eished work
and is now enjoying a le* holidays.
Mr. Prank Follick, chief engineer on '
ehe dredge, has been enjoying a few
holidays. . .
Mr. George Pringle is now working •
tho mason work. Anyone' Want-.
ing good wink done should give Gee, '
a call. •
Mr. W: E. Jerrott, who has sue-.
cessfully taught in S. Si'No. 9, God-
erich township, ler thee past two •
years, has resigned and will3. take ,
cliarge of a school near 'zukieb. next
Inspector Tom paid our sehools
visit last week. • '
pression has been steadily, gaining on Auburn.
my mind that with one half the en-
ergy expended on a good prairie tarn)
as had te exert in making • • one
from a wild timbered .lot would -have
ygoivaeriat ago.mesurer and quicker ecsulee
Respectfully yours,
. Albert Redmond.
Marlette, Mich, Oct. lite. -
McKillop TQwnship.
Mr, Andrew Calder of Seaforth has
rented his ferne„ in McKillop to Mr.
Riley for a, term of five years. .
Miss Mary Irvine ef Blanshard is
visiting at. the 40010 Of her brother,
Mr. J. J. Irvine. --------
Miss Annie Tully of Chicago is
visiting relatives and friends exeunt)
- Mies Foy, teacher in section No.
8,IVIeleillop, has-been .engaged to tea.-•
Ch the same school next year.
The first snow of - the season fell
lightly to earth &Sunday last,
and while it seemed to please the
kids it caused some of the eleire
ones to sigh.
Mr, Jahn Lacey, who has been out
ire California, -for .the last three yea -
re, has returned home.
Mr. Henry Bennewies has sold the
150 acre farm which he recently pur•
chased from Wm. Drage; to Mr.
Cleaver of Listoveel, the price tbeing
$8,000, '
Mr; 13: B. -Gunn, the poplar candi-.
date for South Huron, is meeting
with grand success in his canvas.
This is not to be wondered at as he
is a. genial and broad-minded and
highly intellectual gentleman and ono
who has excellent business, ability
We trust the friends will rally ar-
ound him on election day and give
him that generous measure of sup-
port to whielt lie is entitled. /I they
do this he is sure to be elected.
MeLeughlin still continues in very
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
Mullett Township;
tproltorry,benaoltiwilltha'straegifitg.!° tShtie clotant; A number, whet had been in the
taken up her abode with her &ugh- West this fall, aro expected home
- ter, Mrs. James Miller, this week„ in time for the eleetion4
D. E. IVIittiro is it Hamilton ate
tending the Provincial S. S. con -
The• I. O. G. '1e will • Meet next ' •
Tuesday night indeed of Monday, on
account of' another meeting. .
• The Methodists will hold their
anniversary next Sunday at 1O.30
-a. m,, 2,30 and 7 -o'clock p: Rev:,
'Mr. Eli
Cooper of mville will preach
at all services. They ask .for a free
Will offering of $G0. There will also
be an entertaiinnent held in the ch-
tirch on Monday night when Rev.,
Mr. Cooper will deliver his address
"A Trip to St. Louis Fair," also
Rev. Couplend: will give magic
lantern views of moving 'pictures.
Athnission 10e and 20e,
The Presbyterians are hustling
things alOng at their new church. •
The lathers and plasterers are at
work, but they do not know just
when their :ofiening will be yet.
Rev. Mr. Couplatid goes to Elintvil-
le for next Sunday.
Mrs. R. Je Nicholson of Brigden is
home to sec her father, Mr. Thomas
Mackenzie, who is not getting any
b emt tresr..
G. Sprung and Mies Tette
returned homo from Prince Edward
one day last week. . , „
Several took in the concert en
Clinton last. Monday night, also God-
eeich on Tuesday. .
Mies Kyle of Kippen Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. P. Tomlinson.
The remains of Mies Jessie Mc-
Queen, daughter of the late James
McQueen of the London Edad, .4m1.
sister of John and James McQueen,
were brought front London to Bruce-
fleld station on Tuesday- and next
day the funeral took place from Mr.
Jaines 1VIctetteenis to Baird's mine-
tery. ftov. Sewers conducted the
services at house and graveside.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Woodyard
of Richfield, Ohio, WOW guests the
past week of the latter's sister,ItIrst
• :eel