HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-20, Page 94 -. 'IlltrMrtrrMn Leadership Dres.:.. Good The magnificent collection of high- grade Dress Goods we have gathered from the Canadian and European markets for this season's selling, will more firmly than ever entrench this store in its position as the Leading Dress Goods store of this section. Come and see this choice . Fall ' stock, note the great range of . materials and colors, the good values, the styles that Fashion has decreed will be correct and popular for the Fall and Winter of 1904. You will make no mistake if you buy : early, as many of the choice patterns comae in Dress lengths only. Handsome New Mantles. $7.50,. ' $10 $12. Just its ibis geek. The•'Mantle ,stock is kept :fresh end up-to-date 'by : the constant . addition of new styles as th.Qy ccixrie : in the market. This week serine particularly stylish garments arrived, They are made from, popular Cloths in ,the season's latest style. Come inland see them. Not more than one or two of 'a kind. • • Three i.g � :.Values in ae� Ladies' Vests. The best , and biggest .Underwear . Mill • in Canada makes our...Ladies' -.Underwear:. buy it direct from the Mill. Not an flounce ' of shoddy' enters into any garment it snakes, all are made from •clean, pure stock. .'Every garment is perfect fitting. These three lines lines are extra good values: At 25C. Ladies' Ribbed Vests; button front, long•. sleeves, properly; shaped, soft finish,: drawers to rnatch,iper garment ... At.35c Ladies' fine ribbed white Vests, long sleeves, button front, properly 'shaPed, good weight, properly shaped, good weight, soft finish, drawers' to catch,. per garment 3301 At 50C. Ladies' ribbed Union Vests, just enough Cotton used with the Wool, tokeep it from skrinktng, soft finish .and good weigfil;."Ti1so Ladies' Plush Kirit Vests, -- - heavy winter weight, made by a patent process, will not knot up when washed,. drawers to match both lines, per • at Z5c ment Sa1,'; Finer qualities. , $1.25 $ G. 1 Good Wrapper. Values. New . Wrapper for Fall are Here: Style, values and patterns are good.. Cannot: be worth your while making up your own, when you can buy the ready-made garments for prices like these :: r ' At $i.00 Wrappers made from good quality Wrapperetie, nice, neat patterns, fast colors, waists lined, special value at fV iY•...., f.,..,,f..,f,S...,, At $1.50 Ladies'. Wrappers, mule, from extra, quality American Wrapperettes, a big range of.: handsome patterns, waists lined, 12 -inch frill, vary special value ateach...f...:.................... ....... .......,......... $1,00 $1.50 Hodgens Bros. pprters 0 . Clinton The Clinton News -Record Special Prices • will make Special Business. and it's' special business, we are after when we offer you at twetty-- five cents a full sized and attractive mouth organ. It's as large AS you usually pay twice the price for. It's a "Special10in ail letters. We never had an organ before with so Many .good points at so low a price. Another Special Is our matted. •pictures at seven- teen cents. An good subjects, size 16x26 inches 'and smaller, some col- ored. We never sold them 'before at less than twenty -live Cents. Come and see that bargains do exist and we give them when we sa, so. NORDHJ W ER PIANOS.. Agents Parker's Dye Works, W. D. lair ,Go. 1 Often tite Cheapest. Always the Best. About L.. I 'October 20th 14)04 HereJ....r,,: .' a s On the }lighest Grade Fall and. Winter Merchandise That Are Important. every day this store quotes the lowest possible prices on the best merchandise. It's broad, liberal methods of merchandising --always giving the very best values, alss'ays refunding money or exchanging goods without any trouble—are factors in'the great success of this storeInthis advetrisernent among other bargains that go on sg1e Saturday Morning, October 22nd . you will find Boys' : School Hose made of Scotch Fingering .Yarn at 25c worth 40e, 12,14c and .15c Wrapper- ette at 9c, 40c to 50c Dress Goods at 29c, 7c Scotch Fingering Yarn at 55c, Flannelette Blankets the $1 kinds at 68c and the $1,25 kinds at 85c and other bargains equally as great. Sale will continue until Saturday Evening, Oct. 29th,. 9c to 10c Flannelette at 7%c 300 yards of striped Flannelette, inassorted colors, all good values at our regular pricers Qc to IOC. On sale for one week at.. 12/2c Flannelette at .10c .20() yards of 30 to 36 inch.k'1antlelette in assorted eolored stripe*, also Vainflannelettes.that are regular 12sc, to go for one week at.. . the above is included our very best 12se Shirting Flannelette in heavy quality and all dark colors. • People' 8c Prints at 5c We Know. 250 yards of our very best 8c Prints in light rind dark colors, will go on sale for one week only, at Mr. George McEwen of Henna was in town Monday. Mr. Alex. Robinson, Goderich, was in 1214Cand 15C Wrapperettes at 9c • ' Good • Dress Goods Bargains' '72 40c and 50c All Wool Dress Goods at 29c• . 300 yards of 38 to 42 inch wide all wool Dress Goods in shades of royal, A A 10 red. brown, black, navy. etc,, regular 40c and 60c, for $1 Iiomespuns at 65c • 100 yards 52 to 50 inch wide all wool fflomeepuns . in several shades of grey, black and navy, regular price is $1, to go. at ... „ 5. A Big Bargain .,in Wrapperettes town on Saturday. Mr, 'and' Mrs. Robert Downs visited . Un Saturday morning we will place on sale nearly. 400 .Auburn. friends Sunday, yards of Wrapperettes all good• qualities, that are regular 12i'c Miss Birdie Ileywood left on ,Tuesday• . 5 values Revelstoke T. C. where:' she has • •secured a situation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arscott , of London spent` Sunday 'and Monday with friends in:Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, A. MeBrien and .frills •Miss. Olive :of Hensel' spent Sun- day with Clinton friends. ' Mrs, IT. Beattie visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Sea forth, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel -Stevens. .of. Harlock • spent Tuesday with' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens .in town.. • Mies • Lulu Stanley of Toledo, Ohio, has been. visiting friends in.. town and Goderieh • township for a.' few :days ' .Miss Daisy Nediger, Toronto, is spending , a couple . of weeks the guest _ of. her • brother, Mr..W J. Ncdiger, Mr•. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart; Mr: and Mrs: Jas. Fair and: Mr. D.F. • Macpherson spent a eouplc . of days • in' Toronto' Iast week:: •• Mrs: Hairy , March, who •has:. been on.: •a visit for some 'tin at the par ental abode; Mr,. George Davis', leaves this. week :for _ her home.. in ' .Detroit: . Miss • Florence M. Watson .of Lis- towel ..is the. guest of her cousin;° Miss : Tessie Jenkins 61. Rowland • Hill' Farin, 10th ;concession, Goder ich •.township. :Miss Clara Beacom, after a .visit. of a ..eouple•',of months', at her-. cois.- • en's, Mr Thos,' Beacom's, left .on Tuesday .ler. her home at. Hender- •.son, North •Carolina.. Mrs. G. ',:A., ,aleKee left on Tuesday to • join her hust and at Caliary, -Al- berta, where they mill make their :home. She was' accompanied by:hor brother, Master Victor Doherty. Mnm rs. Dunmore of St,' Thomas and Miss Belle Paisley •of Galt returned to •thea .respective homes on Mon day 'after, spending a'week as 'the 'guests of their father,- Mr,W: J pa - gr. and Mrs.. 11. E. Hodgens; Goder ich, spent a couple of days in town last week. Mr. Hodgens recently had an.attack -of typhoid fever;and though recruiting .rapidly is• :yet' . far .from well.. •• ' • ' Mr. D. M.Stewart, • Montreal, General manager of ,the SovereityrBalik,was in town on, Saturday and Sunday'. On Saturday. in cona'pany with hi: local manager, Mr. IL. T. Rancc,h,' visited Goderieh and. en Sunday Mr, W. W.•.Farran 'drove him to Hen - sail.. Mr. Stewart:: is much pleased,. With. . the business done .by, the Clin- ton branch and: a drive over our splendid roads' behind Mr. Ferranti:.•spanking span further • impressed hf m.• Mr.. John McCool returned last week after 'spending • the summer at Crosafields, Alberta, where heowns a ranch. `When the Messrs, MeCoo settled: at . Crossfields three year:. ago there wasn't even a: house. in .. sight; . • but now ' all the land within a considerable radius is taken hp,: It is a ranch- ing country but many Of ' the new - 'comers are breaking' up .more or less. land: The Mast. season has been a poor one for the ranchers, • prices • having dropped off at feast thirty per cent: A bullock that last year would sell at , $45 will now bring only $30, though the grass has been good.and the cattle, are in splendid condition. Another drawback ; is the mange which ,was 'brought in by cattle imported front the Western States. It is •contag - eous and there is fear that it will result .in serious loss to the ran- chers who are now taking; pre- ventative measures. Ibxporters give districts where mange is prevalent a wide birth, though lie says that stockers from those sections have been brought to Ontario. The sea son in the Territories was ten days earlier than in Manitoba so the crop has been Well saved. In conn ing aoross Manitoba he noticed that thousands of acres of wheat are still out in stooks. His attention was also drawn to wheat which was eut on the greed side, but which would have ripened all right had the weather beep favorable/but frost and rain came and the wheat is badly damaged. Mr. MeCool will return to C,rossffelds iii the sprite and will this time be .accompanied by his wit() and tamily..g 60c to 75c Waistings at 30c .5. We have gathered all the Short lengths of 'Waistings in the store, that• have just enough left fora waist, and while they last you can have your choice at 30e per yard.. In the lot will by 'found some .very choice waist patterns and at the price should go very quickly, ' Remnants of Dress Goods, l+'lanneletts, Cottons, Rte. • to go at Greatly Reduced Prieee. andI . c to go at 9c The.Best 30c Cottonade at 23c " For one week only we will place on sale several. pieces of • our very. best 30c.Cottonadt, which 18 a very heavy quality at 23c. A. Snap in Good Table' Linen $1.,50. and $1.35 Table Linen at 80c ' 75 yards only of 72 inches wide : full bleached Table Linen, this is a double faced satin ' finished damask, a very heavy quality and is worth $1 35,and $1.50. per yard On account of it being: slightly: damaged .the price will •be,.'f r one week 80c. • 9c.Linen. Toweling at 6c: 150 yards of this•alI linen towe►ing will go an sale for one week at 6c. A Snap 'On a Genuine Sable, Ruff Oni.Saturday :mnorndng We will place on sale several genuine' Sable Ruffs,' $n extra large, foil collar nicely trimmed. with tails,•special at I Our 'Best 60c Japanese Silk at 45c • Over 400 yards of nor very, hest 27 inch wide Japanese Silk; in colors of red. sky, pink. turquois, old. rose, eta This is a very /many quality Of silk and will make up nicely ford e t S f'e • week oely. at Collar. Forms at 10c 800 Collar Forms in black and white, soft and hard makes, all Sizes, spe- ices s or waists. • peel* or one ./i 5 cial at ' • 5Oc Collars and Belts at 25c ' Your choke of several•dozi n of our Collars and Belts; the regular price of which is 60e, too. during one week : at 25e. The ..belts are Made :el'a good quality of tnifeta silk, nicely hemstitched and all have very neat buckles. The collars come in silk, nicely made and trimmed, also lace eollaes, all to clear at 25e. • 20c to 30c Ribbons at 12 2c: 200 yards of ribbons in .all silk • taffeta and satin liberty, in shades of white, cream, blai:k; pink, etc., regular prices up to 30c, to get for one week at, . I - Flannelette Gowns at . 75c, Your choice of several dozen Gowns made of 'a• very heavy quality of •. Flannelette, in white, blue and pink. If bought to=day she paice would be Ali special. at. $5' Rain Coats at $2' Ladies Rain floats made of a good quality' of cravenette, light weight, .n x egular price $5, to goat.• . Three Quarter Length Raid Coats as Follows.- • .$7 o0 Coats .at • $3,9 s $s,00 & 9:00 it 4.8x5. Personal Personal. Miss . McIntyre, Tletitatl, is visaing Clinton: friends this week. `Mr. Fred.- Robb, son of Mr• W.Robb, arrived •from North, Dakota last week: •Miss'Ralle Gidley of Blyth was the. guest of her cousin, Mrs. J,P:Skt- niter, on Tuesday. Miss.. Mina Murdie of Harlock was the guest of. Clinton. friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. • Thos. Dowson were on Tuesday . in Lucknow where ..Mr. Dowson has leased an hotel, ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Beacom paid their kat visit to '.their. little grand daughter at Harloclt on Friday last.• I Mr: and Mrs. Eli McLaughlin aiiil family left, on Saturday for Barrie where Mr: ' McLaughlin has accept- ext, a situation, Major Beck, Goderieh, was in .town. On Tuesday on Iris way liege • from Londesboro 'vherc he hasar, evaporator in acts a aperatio Mr. t! ih. Ball returned' home .on b"riday. Inst after spending 'over al. weeks in the Northwest: Ile had a pleasant trip and: was much im- pressed by :the greatness of the possibilities `o£ that great country.. !Te spent most of his visit in the Carnduff• district, Dr. Rollins and Barrister' Dickson of Exeter were in town on Tuesday attending Division Court, t'ilug in- terested in a Cold Storage ease. The law business was e•mcludcd earlyandthey' spent the trftern, ..n on the bowling green, enjoying a series of games with seer rai mem- bers of the twat club. Ivlr, 0, II; Knapp, advance agent of Guy Bros'. Minstrels, was in town Tuesday and yesterday snaking arrangements for the annual ap- pearance of.. that company which will talcs place on Monday evening next... Mr. Knapp, who is one a' the most genial of advance agents, has been on the road for the Guys for fifteen years and is known to many of our citizens. Mr. George Hill, ' son of Mr, 3 W. Hill of the Base Line, returned ho- me on Saturday last after spending over two years in the state of Wa- shington. Be has been engaged fn lumbering operations, but says the industry is now depressed owing chiefly to the disturbed state of affairs brought about by the presi- dential campaign. Mr. 11111 came east by way of St: Louis and spent a week at the World's Pair. Ile expects to remain at holm: for a • • month Or Mrs. T Taylor was in .London this Week :. Mr: • C L. Fisher, Godeti.ah,• 'was '.i. town Tuesday. Rev. J. MoNeil,. Bayfield, ' was in town. yesterday: ' Mr. Thos. • Murphy was in London this : week. By the. way, Mr. Mur-• phy has bought Mr.: J. G. Seale's cottage .on Rattenbury street west. Mr. George Sturdy,. also his sisters, Misses Annie and Mary of Auburn. made a short call on friends, in town- on 'Tuesday list."u' Mrs. Wm, Ball of near Auburn, also her daughter, Mrs.. Wtn:.. Sheppard. ofIlarlock made' a short visit with friends in town this week. • Mrs. W. Coats Sr., Mrs. A. g. Man- niitg and ; Master Will. Manning left Tuesday : for Cresslin, Ohio, on an extended visit to Mrs, (Dr.) ''Me Callum. Mr. Henry 'Baker 'returned home on. Tuesday front his annual visit to Manitoba and the Territorieswith a better opinion than ever' of the. prairie land. He purchased a half section or so. gr. John Murray, who with his wife and daughter spent a fortnight at. the parental home, Mr. George Mur - ray's, left; on Saturday to return to glow Yerk'city where Mr.Mur- ray is superintendent of the:b'razer' Tablet Works.. " The Whole Thing'' Liberal newspapers are again cla- iming for Laurier credit for about everything the :country appreciates, from the crops to fine weather. The following lines from the pen of a late lamented newspaper man, .. written• four years ago, are in consequence, quite in keeping t.. Who causes all the crops to grow ? Who. makes the seasons come and go ? Who shapes the current of events ? Who regulates the elements ? Who takes the place of Providence ? Laurier. Who !nukes• it rain when lir is dry ? Who shapes demand, also supply ? Who caused the Indian famine, which Forced wheat to such a pitch ? Made the farmers all get, rich ? Laurier, Who isthe source of every good ? Who wants that fully understood ? If any benefits betal, Anywhere upon .this mundane ball ? Who is the creature sleek and small, Who has the moimmental'gall, To claim the credit of it all ? 0.44.0 0#." d« Laurier, le ..,M1firk c r, ice- °' This cut will give you a very good: idea of how.the best Ten Dollar Overcoat in the market appears. We looked through the samples• of all the .:big Clothing ..Factories; before vtweliought:. and the best Overcdat made.' in Canada, that can be sold for $io.00 is the one we are •: selling to -day. This is what we think but come and see for yourself. At $10,00.: gene' Overcoats made from rod c naiity nil w•.ol Chev- iots two shades of .dark . grey. loose hack, French faced, velvet collar, good ...lining used throughout, a leader; extra special valtie, i • at each .:.................... WIU. Some Good Sweaters. • Nothing like a Sweater for Fall and Winter Wear, especially if you are outside 'very much. They are just thing, too, for Boy's going to school. From the cheapest to the finest grades, we have the best values to -day that have ever been inside this store. There has never been as many natty styles or as good an assortment to select from. Boy's Sweaters, 50c, 75c and $100. Mens' Sweaters, $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.60 odgens Bros. C10ildng aid Miti'3 Wargiogs. 0