HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-20, Page 57 7P,1711r Ifir"v11917 •11,flrir! T r 1r • ir A+. • October 20th 1904 71”Ir 1 I f 11( -W -91, -,,ii, WW1., IF Tr TR, Tr '1r r. V • T w .1 • • Iry mr, Tr TT T ir, y irviry TIY • "' • T. / TY W'Nr-W Trire TrIr w-,0,00r-irmr - ir mu!, . . • - — row, 41‘0,80„ At .44 0.4!............•041P11•009.•••••••4104111.111441.1" THE MO SONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 Capital authorized', $4,000.000: • Capital paid up Reserve Fund $4„850,000. $3,000,000 P ---RENILOVAL. P public will please bear in mind that We have removed from our 1 • old stand, Rattenbury stre.et, to Our new and spacious, .ottice (which is now lu the centre of the town). in the new..Coinbe block, corner of ...• . Victoristand Albert streets Opposite J. W. Irwin's grocery.) ' A call : froni the public, generallzis tiolicaed. \--SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT-- . • i Interest allowed at highest current mites ha -6 date of deposit to date of withdrawal.......•..... . . H. C. BREWER Manager, • • . • CLINTON•' • i .44 :, ,>Qi, ...4,../ 0 41.* 0••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • rk •=1., • .91 1194 • 9 I.' • e A large number of new clocks at - - - - I -I el 1 y ar' s • KITCHEN M. Wittch of Middleton took her I own life by cutting arteries in her • • • • • . 0 T 1.411 • • • • • wx• PARLOR • • BEDROOM:: • • • — — CLOCKS— ** • • Latest designs. •• • Quality guaranteed... ' Our fall stock of —Jewelery— • • is now here. •• The intending purch- hser should see our line. The styles are new. • •••••! Eyes tested free and • • spectacles supplied that give comfort to the wearer:. •0000000000-000-000000-0 • FOR A HUNTING . TRIP • And one which will bring yea • the best ot • results, spend a few days in the Tema,gami District, reached via. Grand Trunk Railway. This district abounds in • moose and othtr• large game. Call on Grand Trunk aitelits or address J. D. Macdonald,. 0 istrik • Passenger Agent, Toronto, for de- scriptive and illustrative booklet, en- titled "Haunts . of Fish and Game," which. gives full, information s. to game laws and the best aistracti • to go to. • SHEEPFOR 'SALE—SEVE'N• •oice pure bred Leceister ..ram lambs, troni -registered stock.' Terms reasonable: William Glenn; Stan. ley Pp., !Clinton .P. 0, •• , • • FARM .FOR SALE on TO RENT.—. . Lot 70, eon. 5, Goderich township, consisting of '96 . acres, . 40 acres • cleared. 10 'acres young orchard, 40 a,cies good bush, parts of it culled • some. The farm is well watered .and fenced and has good .bank barn • and frame lions°. Will be . spld cheap. Apply da the premises or address • Mrs.. C. Parsons, Baylield P. 0. • . • • THE HOUSE AND LOT ON COR,- ner of •Mary and Princess streets is I offered for •sale, ' The 'house: is•in good : repairandcontains' eleven . rooms. Stable, ,hard. and soft Wat-:. er, andant.: of 'land.. Apply. ' 'to J. Bidoust, or• . • 34 ' W. H. 1:1ellyar Jeweler and Optician I.: • CLINTON —, + + ; . ilfft. Coilla You? 40;C:ALMSCP.31.11, Have latilt lip a first class trade, such as we have unless our goods*era right in every way. We sell the Finest Goods for the finest trade, One trial convinces you of this. Among other lines we ex- cel in Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted Biscuits at 10c • per Ib. up to Macaroons- at 50c. In Olives and Pickles we have tally the best : Chutney Chili Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet and. sour Vinegai• Picklcs and also Horse: Radish. We still solicit your trad W. T. O'Neil. CLINTON Houses for Sale. STOCK. FOR. SALE,a-A.T :OUR farm on •the Ldndoti mile south of towfi, pure bred Shorthorn Cattle, both males and females, different ages, at low price, quality •eonsidered. Also a number. of irnproved large York- shire Pigs, all ageS, first class breeding stock for farmers,•land at low prices.., 'Come: and see. -11. Plumsteel, Clinton. • 37 PUBE..SEED PURE SEED GRAIN.—WE HAVE opened. put 'a. ifouy .and 'Feed.Store and keep in stock flour; bran,... ort, cured • Meats, •etc. We..made a. special effort ie.:procure • and have. on • hand a supply of Clean. Seed Wheat. and Timothy; and farineys malting their purchases -from us. can . rely upon getting their seed as free as Possihie from all nox- ious weeds, • • • •Fb3,7d 1—Good Cottage arid two lots 011 Isaac 'street, -2—Good House and two lots with large plum orchard on Fulton • -street. 3—ComfortaUe House and one lot n Joseph street. . 4—Brick II0i.se and two lots on Mary street. z—Two Houses on Rattenbury street west. i5 ---Large Brick Bouse, with -six acres of land, barn and driving barn, good orchard, Within a mile of centre of Clinton. 7—Fra.ine 'louse with eight acres of land, .barns and orchard, C41 Dinsley Terrace. For terms, etc., apply to IIENRY BEATTIE, c.1 ;el I Or, etc. Clintett. • 0 • 000000 • 0 0 • 00000000 School Books (46) 6.) (s) ca) (96) ea) —and -- School Supplies --at Mrs, Shier's X107 LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR ,OUR SEASON'S STIP- PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST GRAa : DES wITICII' 'WILL BE SOLD LOWEST 'POSSIBLE • PRICE oius AIXI. nRIEFt DAVIS 8, ROWLAND'S DARD-• WARE STORE OR WITH, • , W, J. Stevenson.. 1 A Itntik.5 A akil. i C? gU0.6flk139.91) The Crattan ilews-Recerd \.• WANTED.—COMFORTABLE ROOM with board, in private famiiy.—Ap- ply P. 0. Ilox 75. . 40-1 'TEACHER WANTED. -*MALE OR Female, for S. S. No. 9,• Goderich • township for the year 1905. Appli- cations received up to November 7th, personal application, preferred. —Apply to Geo. Cantelon, Treasurer, Clinton P. O. 41-2 THERE, STRAYED TO TUE PRE - wises of the undersigned at lot 21, con. 3, Hallett, about the middle • of September, otie yearling heifer. • Owner will please prove property,. pay expenses and take the aniinat • away.—S.Gliddon, Clinton. P.O. 40-3 ONE DOZEN PHOTOS AND ONE in a Button for 35 cents. Do not miss this, I arn not going away front Cress. 39 TEACilER, MALE OR FEMALE, wanted for S. S. No. 3, Stanley, for 1905, Applications stating sal- ary wanted and accompanied by • testimonials will be received up to Nov. on. Personal application preferred. -J. C. Reid, Sec.-Trcas- urcr, Varna P; 0. • • 39 A CURE .FOR • STAMMERING' OR affected speeelt.-•-N. Cress; • photo. studio, over Taylor's shoe' store-, 30 FOR THE .1111PROVE1VIENT OF Stock.—The cundersigned has on 'his premises en the Bayfield Road the imported Yorkshire Hog "Summer- hill .Leader"brecl by D. C. Flatt & Son,,•Mingrove.. This 'is one of the very 'best hoks in the county. Ter- ins , $1.25 'cash, or $1.50. on tinie.— Ws 0, • lialiott,, PrOprietor. • '30 UNRESERVED „ AUCTION SALE • zildusehold -FUrniture—Phe undersi- gned has received instructions from Mr. J. G.. Seale to sell by Public Auction at his residence Rotten, - bury street west, Clinton, on Sat-• : urday, Oct., 22na, the following : 1 'parlor set nearly now, 1 Stephen- • son pians, 3 bedroom suits; 1 con, tre table, 1 new dining table and • Chairs, 2 Sideboards, 1..range; opal • or wood, .1 pa'rlor. cool coal, cur- * tains and: Whit's, a number 'ofoil paintings,. a .number of stuffed liarda loose, also two cases stetted biraa, ' • none better i': the .province, 1 new buggy' and set of. harness, :chairs; dishesand ther articles too num- erous to mention. All will • be sold without • reserve as the proprietor is giving up' housekeeping. Sale at 1 o'clbck sharp.—J:'Seale; pro- prietor ; Dickenson, auctioneer:- . .. • , AUCTION, SALE OF 'FARM STOCK • and.• • implements;:—.The undersigned has received instructions Irom Mr; Frank MeIlveen to, sell by Publie Auction at Lot 17, Con. 17, Baso • Line, Goderich township, on Weil- •iiesday;• Oct: 201;11, the following t 1 aged mare, .registered, supposed • to be. in foal, 1 aged horse, 1 ariV• lag horse ,1 years old, 1 one -year- old filly, 1 one -year-old gelding, .brood sow, 7 good: milch cows sup-. • posed to be in ealf, 3 two-year-old _heifers, . 2 two-year-old steers,. 6 one -year-olds; 5 spring calves, • 1 • Polled Angus bull, 1 binder • (Mass- cy.7.14arris), 1 mower (Deering, new) 1 •seed' drill, 1 cultivator, spring tooth, 1 • sulky • rake, 1 'roller, 1 gang piew, 1. scatter, 1 . platform scales (2000), 1 set harrows'1 aulper, 1 fanning mill, 1 ear, slings. •and' fork, 125 feet new ropel 2 lum- ber wagons, 1 set .sleighs, 1 riftgber tire foggy nearly new,2 buggtes; set plow harness, 1 set team harn- ess, 1 set team harness, 2 set harness, 30 row turnips (40 • rod), 1 pair new blankets, tear, 1 • cutter nearly new,' 1 wheel barrdw, • 1 grind stone, forks, rakes,/ scythes •• Chains and other articles too kuni- trous to mention. There Will. he no • reserve as the proprietor is; givirig •'illa•farining.—;•Sale to cominence..ai 1 • o'clock, sharp.. Tarnas—$10 • and: • under, cash ; 12 months Or 5 per • cent, —Frank 1VIeIlveen, proprietor ; T. Brown., auctioneer, •• RUBBER SALE NOW ON • Hon. E, J. Davis announced that he will not again be a candidate at a general election. Marriages. BIJRNS—WITZEL—In London on Oct. 4th, by Rev. J. G. Stuart, Miss Clara. M. Witzel, formerly of Dashwood, to Mr. John,,E. Burns, • both of London. • Births' • - •COWAN—In -East -Wawanesh. on. • October 4th, the wife of Mr. Isaac • Cowan, a son. P0AFE—A.1- the town line,. Hay to- . wnship; on:Oct. 5th, to Mr. mut • • Mrs. Win. Pfaff, a daughter. SHAW—In Goderich on October •lith, • • to IVIr. and Mrs. William Shaw, a son. Deaths. INTEDIGER—I4 Clinton on October • 15th, Margaret Fade., daughter of • Mr. W. J. Nediger, aged 1 year, . months and 13 days., McEWEN—In Stanley on October 15, Annie Eva, eldest daughter of • Mr. Duncan McEwen, aged 26 • years and, 10 months. • WILSON -1n East Wawatosh omOct. . 9th, Helen Inglis, relict. of the late James Wilson, aged 76 years. BOWLESla Orangeville on October • 7th, Edgar Bowles, son .of Thos. • • Rowles, Sheriff of Dufferin county and formerly of ,Wingham, aged 38 years.. PowELL—In Turnberry on October Oth, Mary Ann Musgrove, wife of • Mr, Thos; K: Powell, aged • at • years and 3 months. • • DRON—In.• Deckerville, 'Mich., • on • Oct. 6th, Bella Macdonald,'relict 'of the late James Dron of Detro- it, formerly 01 Brussels. Dashwood on Oct, 6t1i, • MrS. Thon, at .the . age , of - 83. . • years. . • JOHNSTON-rIn Goderich on. Octob- er, 11th, Jas. Johnston, aged -..64• -..6 years. and 8. months. -• • .IIIISTON-:-.1n Colborne township on • October 8th, . James'II us ton,, aged. 138 years' and. 3 months. . • itcLEAN—In Goderich •on.. October Ilth, Lillie E. M., only daughter • . of. Robert McLean, aged 33 years • and. a months: .. • oderieh Township \. Mr. W. Jarrott of .S. S. No. 9 has resigned to accept the principalship of a school. at Zurich at a salary .of $410. Ile is an excellent teacher and a popular ,young man. No. 9 -re- grets losing him. Still another of our Pioneers has • joined the great majority in the per- son of Ellen Evelyn Cronyn, .relict of the late, George Weston, who passed away on Tuesday of lastweek at the good old age of seventy nine years. Mrs. Weston was born in Limerick, Ireland, in the year 1825 and • was but eighteen months old when her parents .emigrated. • They lived for. a few years in Buffalo, New. • York, and when the subject of this obituary was nine years of ggo they came to Bayfleid, Here she was mar- ried at eighteen years of ago to Geo- rge Weston, the ceremony being per- formed at Goderieh. by Rey.. - wood. To Mr. and Mrs. Weston. were born eight children of whom the fol - owing six now survive : Mrs. -Spla,nn, Bruce county Mrs. McLennan, John, Richard, Henry and Walter of this township. The funeral .took place on Thursday last to Bayfield where the remains : of the departed were laid beside those of her life partner who predeceased her seventeen years. The services were 'conducted by Rev, Mr. •Rhodes while the ,pallbearers were as follows : • John • Middleton, John :Woods, William Elliott,-Themas Har- rison, John Cluff and James '1Vfac- donald. • ' ''' 'Wake: • ' Fall ploughing and apple pieldir. now the order of the day, Mr. Bobt.- Douglas Sr, is at pres- ent on .the sick, list. We hope . he may soon ,be around again The meagles are now. making . their -,• • .. rounds.. ... „ .. . Mr.. R. G. Nichol -is improving. `the appearance- of bis . store by ;giving it a coat. of ,paint, Mr. 'Rena:Wet Zur- ich is doing the -work.• .,Eleetioa talk: is :no* filling the .air • and - will -. bninerepsinp,.... hi interest -till Nov'. 3rd. ' • AUCTION SALE OF PARIVI, FARIV1- • Steal( and Implements'—The under- signed has received • instructions from Mr. J. T. Reid to sell by Pula. lic Auction,' at Lot 14, • Oen. 4, Stanley, on Friday; Oct.: 21st, the following : 1 working mare 9 yeart. old supposed to be in foal, 1 work - leg marc d• years old supposed. to. he in foal, 1• gelding atilt 2 years oid, • 1 driving horse 6 years old, 3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer ris- ing 3 years supposed to be in calf, 1 fat cow, 6 steers 2 years •old„4 steers 1 year old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 3 spring calves, 2 store pigs, 1 Deering binder nearly new, 1 Dee- ring mower nearly new 6 foot cut, 1 Maxwell disc, 1 seed drill, 1 'rol- ler, 1 set iron harrows, 1 Oxford gang, 2 single ploughs, 2 set slei- ghs, 2 wagons, 1 democrat, 1 sing- le •buggy, 1 road cart, 1 cutting box, 1 crusher, 1 hay rack, 1 fan- ning Intl', 1 set heavy double har- ness nearly new, 1 set light double harness, 2 neckyokes, 2 set whiffle - Rubbers and • trees, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 root pul- Rubber Boots • , per, 1 daisy churn, 1 water tank, About 100 liens,forks %shovels; cha- • COme itt andillook thein over. The ins and other articles too nutria,. prices will make you' glad to part •ous to mention. There will he', no with/ your money. . reserve as the proprietor is • giving We 'have new dinner setts just up farming. Sale to commence at arrived, hi stock patterns, which we o'clock sharp. The farm will also are sellingvery cheap, also fancy • ehina. • be offered for sale at the same time and place. Terms will be Our Groceries tna.de known on day of sale. Terms -Ali sums of $5 •and under, cash are always fresh and cheap as the cheapest. A small, bey is always' curious to know what's inside. things.. Many: of the older people would do well. to imitate his exariiple by, investigating what's . inside this' fine Shoe .Store, . for they would find .ainefig other things' a new lot of . • • . • Auction Sale .Register. • Tdesday, October 25th, Lot 30, Con, 1, Huron Road, Kippea, farm stpck and .implemeiits.Isaac arr- ott, proprietor ; T. Brown, •• ALIO- tioneet. • • , • .. Tlinifsday, .Oct. • 27th, at lot . 3111, eon.', 15, Goderich • township, ' fa,rrii stock and inipleineritsa—Walter Doas7 worth, proprietor; •J. Smith, atic- tioheer. •• Saturday, Oct. 29th, at 1 p. 111, oppesiteWaverly House; ' Clinton; stock steers and heifers,—..J. Smith, auctioneer, • ;, ' monday, • Oct., 31St, at ,J. Patter - son's farm LI miles south of -• Hen - salt, farm ;stock and implements.—J. Pattersoii, proprietor ; Thes..I3revn, 'auctioneer. . • • Tuesday, . Nov. 1st, •at con,' la, Goderich township, [arm stock • and • impleinents.—George SWallow,Pro- prietar a'hoS,• Brown;Brow, auetioaeer, . ' . ' • CATARRH OF THE' HEAD„ •. Is very -comition, 'but awfully dan- gerous' because: it causes . deafness and leads: to consumption.. Cure • is as Certain to fellow the use of Ontarrh-' tozone as day is to follow night.••You. simply breathe ,the •fragrant heath'. Catarrhozone which Spreadk through,. the 'nasal ripassages, throat and Inn-• . gs; driving out' every. vestige of eat-'' arrh. •"I was cured of chronic. cat- arrh: of the nose and 'throat" writes • Ernest 'AI.. Wilkinson of Laurenecton, "after many years of Misery, by Ca- tarrhozene which is a splendid reme-• dy• to free the air • passages from. mucous. Catarrhozone 'relieved qui- ckly • and my cure has been Perman- ent. • Price .$1.00 for :two 6 months' treatment ; trial size 25e. . • • • . r on over that amount twelve mon t prbcc bor good butter and tits credit will be given on approv eggs, will he allowed on all Credit am • Live Stock Market. Toronto, Oct. 18th.—ReceiptS of live stock at the city market were 73 • carloads, composed of 787 cattle, 1332 hogs, 1517 sheep` and 60 cal- ves. The Anality of fat cattle was • -a little better ; that is, there were a few more of the better class of cher cattle, but at the same time the bulk of offerings were of the common kind. • Trade was dull, both for butchers' and feeders, with prices a, little eas- . ler • all round. • Exporters. • Trade in shipping. cattle is dead, no straightloads of exporters being offered. A few odd. steers' may have been picked out of loads of hutch - ors' as well as a few export bulls. Export bulls are worth front $3.50 to' $1 per cwt: Butchers'. Trade in butchers' cattle was slow, Even the best loads and lots of cat- tle did not sell as readily as on Pre- vious market days, and there were several loads of fair to good butch- ers' left over unsold. Picked lots of choice quality butchers' sold at $4.20 to 44.45, McDonald & Maybee having sold six at $1,20 and seven at • $4.45 per cwt. Loads of good . butchers' sold at $3.80 to .$4. ; fair to good at $3.50 to $3,75 ; cows, at 42.50 to OM. • —•.- Feeders. The demand for feeders is • riot as groat as it was, and the market • is easier. Short -keeps, 1150„ to 1200 lbs. each, sold at 41., and somerou- gli cattle ' of. the .same weights as low as 83.60 per ew 9001b, steers sold itt $3.25 to 43.50 ; stockers, 500 to 700 • 'lbs. • each, are. worth . from $2.50 to $2.75. per cwt, ) ' •• • • . . • Milch Cows.! About 15 witch cowsanl. springers sold. all the way from $27 . te $60 each, • Veal Calves.. • The' number. •of veal calves was not large, :which had. the effect of keep- ing prices firm, but: unchanged,: a•t , $2 to 410 Caen,- Or SA to $5:,.25. per • cwt., With an extra choiee odd.calf at .$5.50 eWt,. ••• • • • Sheep and. Lambs:, • The run of Sheep and. lambs was. not' large -•about 1000% • Ekport Sold at -$3.25 to $3.40bucks at 50 to $2-.75 ; lambs at 1$3.85 to $4.35 and picked iots of ewes and weathers at $4.50 per cwt: • • • • : • • :. • .''• Hogs. • Receipts Ot hogs were not .large- ahout 1400—butprices'. declined. S eels' are,..quoted at 45.15 and • liglit• 'and •fats at $4,904 stags $2 to $2.50.•,.. • sows fo .$3.50. per Cwt. These. • '.ebotations• are for fed• -and -Watered. . , . Some subserfhera.to the Family Herald 'and' Weekly Star•of 'Montreal in this .neighborhood" haVe received their • new premium 'picture, "Thc Princess .at • Work," ' and are loud , in their • praise 01 14, TheY prOnounce it the best the Fainilyflerald. ' has, ever issued'and Predict; that when. the• . Publie,see• it the publishers of that great paPer will have •the.b.cangest ye-. at' in their, bistory.. dollar .per, year secures'the Family timid and , Weekly Star; along . with . their :beau- tiful picture. , , • .." liOlmesville, ••. . . Mr.. and :Mrs. •W, 'Pickard Spetit . Sunday the of..Mr. and • Mrs, C. L. Fisher, Goderich„. • , • - , • Mr, Geo. Acliesee and. sister, Miss. • Susie, spent ...Sunday • with •friends• in • Goderich. . • • - . • • Miss -Swan df Dungannon spent • a • few days ;With her parents:. here.. , Miss Lulu Stanley Of Toledo Visit- . atl. relatives 'here for. . few. days. • Mr.. Freq. Mulholland. and wife left. .•Ttiesday • for their honie in. Chicalgo. .after Spending the sernmer with: 4i.s. • parents.: . ' • ' • . • • Mr. Lewis.. held an enthusiastic poi,: litical meeting in WillsOn's. hall .• on Monday evening.' Barrister Proudfoot represented. Mr, Holmes, • • AUCTION -SALE OF FARM wrocx. and Implements—The • •• undersigned •. has been instructed by Mr, Walter ..Dodsworth . to sell. by • Public Als- • Won, on Thursday, Oct. 27th, at Lot :33; ,• Con. 15, Goderich town- ship, the following 1. Mare rising • 7 years heavy draft,., 1 marc aged heavy draft,. 1 mare rising 3 years general purpose, 3 cows supposed to he in calf, 5 steers rising two years, 6 •calves, 1 lirood ;sow and litter, 1 brood sow, 1 lumlifer wag- on nearly new, 1 dertmerat wagon nearly new, 1 new seed drill (Mas- • .seY..-HarrIs); 1 Pair. bobsleighs near- . iy.new, 1 horse rake,. .1 gang plow,. 1. set iron harrows, 1 walkiwg, plow, -1 fanning ' mill, 1 set double • har- ..„riess, forks, rakes and other article too numerous , to mention. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. Terms—All sums Of $5 and' under, cash ; ;on over that .amount 12 months!credit on ap- proved , joint. notes. 5 :per cent.dis- count.—W.. Dodsworth, proprietor • J. Smith, auctioneer. . . AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK —,-The undersigned 'has received • in- • structions, from Mr. Albert Nott to sell by Public Auction at bot 24, Con. 2,.Statiley, on Friday; 00. 28th, the following : Horses -1 pair heavy mares in foal, 1 mare eligi- le foi! registration in foal, 1 gen- eral purpose horse 7 years old, 1 foal, • 1 3 -year-old driving colt. Ditrham Cattle -4 cow, bull 2 years old, 1 bull 1 year old, Grade . 0attle-5 cows in, calf, 1 fat cow, 2 two-year-old heifers, 50 steers from 1000 to 1100 'pounds. In- • tending buyers will find it to their advantage to attend as the stock will be sold without -reserve. Ter- ms—All sums of $5 and under,caslt; on over that amount 12 months' - credit will be given in approved joint notes. 13 per cent. discount ed 3oint, notes, 5 per cent. discount R. GRAFIAlVi ounts.—J. T. Reid, Proprietor P. Brown, Auctioneer, will be ttll�wcd on &IL eredit omits. Sale to commenee at 1 ; o'elock, sharp.,--Alhprt Nott, pro- • ptietor ; T. Drownx•auctioneer, • • • •Constaace.. . Mr. •• 4111.111/0S; LoteniO Proctor. '' of! London have been Speriding ,a 'week or two: •visiting the former's parents; Mr. .and Mrs : sl'aines Proctor, • • and other friends,. , • ' • • • • ., • Miss' Mond .Paul intends 'leaving here for Wroxeter where she has accepted. a pOsitiOn. • • ••. • ., Mrs. B. B. Stephenson .and • son re, turned home on Monday after spend- ing.' some time Visiting her parents at Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, .An• drew.• . • . Mr.... and Mrs. A. SCott• of .Atma, Visited. at -Mr. Geo.. Ball's, on Sun - Mi'. aed, Mrs." • J., Stephenson • ot Morris visited at Mr. W. •Cole's Sunday: • • • ' ' • • . ,.• • -•• St. 'Heleas. ' The • anniversary of iCalvin church, St. ' Helens, will be, held an SuadaY, Oct, 23rd; when serinens • will • 'be Preached at 11 In. and' 7 p. by the Rev. ..Jarees • Wilson.. of Glencoe,• ' ',On -IVIonday evening a tea -meeting will be• held in • the basement when addresses Will. be delivered by Revs. James' Wilson, G. M. Dunn of White. - church,' D. M. Megerrol Lueknow and a. recitation by Rev, J. ILS'inall of Auburn. Music by the Wingham Presbyterian church choir. Mrs. Wm, Rathwell,1 who has liken. visiting friends around St. Helens and Lucknow, has returned to her • home on the Goshen Line, Stanley. Miss 11lamie Miller, who hag been ill for some time, is, we are pleased to say, recovering. • Quite a number • from hero went to Luc mow toheat'.Mr • Wilfrid Laurier. • Mrs: James. Baker has .returned . from visiting friends around Dun- gannon• • Port Al bert..• • Mr. and Mrs. "John Sehoenhals and 4. • family attended the celebration of his parents' golden wedding on Sat- t' trday of last week. 4.4 . . • Arcluleacott• Worrell Was consecrat- BiShop. .of Nova Scotia .•at Mon- • There is a difference between. the' political reports and utterances -of party iirgita and those of thorou- ghly independent newspepar. The News tToronto). reporting the speeches of the Dominion Oampalaat • very fully, and 01 portrayin the sit-., nation from. day to day with truth- fulness and fidelity. One dollar will briog you The News every day for one year. • BENEVOLpT ASSOCIATIONS Of America Use Pe-ru-oa For All Cata ram! Diseases. • • MRS. HENRIETTA A. S. MARSH. .• Woman's peneyelent A88001216,1011 or •owe:Igo, • • bins': Ileurietta A. t$. Marsh, President Woman's Benevolent AsseciatIon, ol • 0. Jackson Park Terrace, Woodlawu, Chicago,"sulfswiaYsth: grippe or seven: weeks and nothing helped Me until 1 tried Peruna. 1 felt at once thatl hadat lsa.smt aserscun,.red the na :dicta° natl. kept steadilyamproying. , Within three • weeks was 1014' ye t,i)i-eci?”--,;(1enr id Um . • • La Grippe hi•epideride catarrh. Peru - int is of• national fain° as a sure ..eure for • catarrh in•all phases and stages. • 14 you do not derive prompt and satis7 faCtory results frcira the Use Perunnt write at Once .to D;...PCB.;tman, giving a - •'full •stateneent of your case and..lie • be pleaded to • give. you his valuable • - Address Dr. Hartman, iPresident of %rue Hartman aatitarture, CciltirChttei 4,1111111111111Milatitiallitlpa.1 p:w;,e4,,- 41.441.,,,,•‘.4.•411.:ifbeii,,•evqbAL,.....-ch•Asyli•iewiewiw,' Happy Thought National Peat.; $ and 1-1'01idor 14A8GES Theathree leading Ranges made in Canada • We have them. Ail sizes. Heating stoves for wood a 7 : . and coal, including the celebrated . .• RAI)IAATI 1710111 •• • Light; consumption •of fuel and a good:halter are • a. ' ' . es'tT features in imilatdheetaohgr'ii'veellsaamtiscf(alcilnng.c8. • necessity in a good range These arc the strong" You are not, e-.-.pori.inenting when you. buy one. C 1 All sizes,, Chestnut, Stove and Egg. $ Samson Portland Cement at reduced $ prices. .S. ai HAR1...AND. BROS. STOVES HARDWARE Abo'Welib,111,VIVAN0,11&. contimmiamognomogziogoo or • -•:••:••:•++++.101.:•++++++•;444++4•4•+•••••:••:,44,:••,:••:••:••:••:•4:44,:+•.:44.:••:•,+44+444,1,44+5: 4;. A new and nobby Suit -,. A good Warm dressy Overcoat 4. A FunCoat or Waterproof .... (b An up-to-date Hat.or Cap 4:4 +• A. pair of lid Gloves, hued or unlined +. 1) "Warm Socks for fall. and .Will ter . 4 Home-made Mitts, 'strong and durable 6: A pair of Boots at lowest price 4.• 4.. .-. 1.• 0 : :: 40 Collars or Cuffs in any size or style s Y Underwear, all wool or wool fleece X •; A pair of Odd Pants An odd Vest 4 , .A. dressy Shirt, white or colored. . . y 3,, rcre O , *$ , 4,34 4. 474. $ 4 4, Robert Durnin, wife 4 ; and son Sun- or lu i the biggest $'s worth of solid value dayed with her parents. • .( " • Y-• Jas. D 6' unbar 1111(140d at home. X on ever got for One Dollar. Mr. James Quaid Is again,„ , very ,,s; poorly. Then try Quite auumber of our citizens al- •ex , .41:. . tendedDungannon Pair. onH. PLITIVISTEEL ,,,,T,.„... OlivergattendedTeoluil of revis- 44.0 : el. 1 Mr. Jas. Chapman of Olean, N, Y., The Old Stand1 ClintOn. 4+ °ailed on Men" hero•during the week. 4.. . • '