HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-20, Page 4leemenssee•-•,----eeeepeeeenesevireereee mere
eiT • "0F'w. '0"-yeenenne -
14. The Clinton riews.Record +October 20th 14:04
I ille$1011101141141141111 01100.11011001.10400 111041100111100111100110.10111101140041
Here and There. B B Gunn of Seaforth The Un.aniinous 'Ile Coat of The 0, T. P. Mr. Blair on tile GM/Mtn 444"0"0.09.0000000000000440 00000 000•;•000.00.00-440 044
.4144 4. I
Front tbeRremier down, to Ids lease
important colleague the menfleers ot -
the Laurier Cebinet are jaunting a-
bout the country in private ears„,
travelling, at the taxpayers expenn
ee. Once upon a time theyprofessed
to' believe that sort of thing .411
'ren, but as soon as thq opportun-
ity presented itself they began So ill-
delge in the same practice, to a much
greater extent than their nredecess-
it ha.e been nail that M. Sydney
Fier, the Minister of Agriculture,
would tour Outarie to defend Ins
course in the Dundonald case. • He
hike not yet appeered, however, and
will .douhtlese conclude that discre
thin is the 'better pp„rt of valor anti
stay at home. Down at Ottawe he
is nest known ae the little man with
a swelled heed. ,
. Richarn Cartwright has .gone
to Maidteba te nempaign, What
better: evidence is eeeded that. his
usefulness in this province has de-
In B, B. Gunn a Seaforth the pen-
servetlyes of Smith Huron; nave
pdputar candidate. 110 is a success-
ful business mau and stands nigh in
the esteem en the corninuoiti
which ne bee dwelt for' severe], yeers.
As a member of the 'county cbencil-
he has done splendid %yak and es,
recognized as one of the most irsefu
members a that .body: . •
Rev. •Mr. Elliott of (7lotterich been, a1)I)eariut or -Mr. Lewis at
Mr. R. Iloiraes' meetinge.. The dis-
cussions have been of a *trill nature
ili Which Mr. Holmes figuren , as .a
fair second. • .
Sir Wilicid Leerier addressed
meeting 41 Lucknow au Monday-.. It
was well advertised and the -dig be-
ing fine there -Was a targe attendan-
ce. The Premier travels in' comfort
in a Government ear, a pleasent way.
of campaigning, and accomnanied.
by Lady Laurier. • • '.• , : •
• •
Choioe of The South Huron Con-
. .
The South Huron Conservative woethy sUccessor in every senee ot
conventioa was held. at 11w:twill
Thursday last. Theve was A. large
, Mr. Thomas Fraser, • the 'Liberal
Candidate in South Huron,. owes his
nomination to the MelVifillaa wing of
the partY. The MeEwan section are
very much dissatisfied with the choi-
ce, believing that the weakest man
of • the three before the coeventiod,
bas been chosen. • • -
Dr. Chisholm of Whigham was last
week neminated by the- East .1 -Mien
C.onservative convention. nee has'
taken the field and is 'campaigning
actively. Dr. Macdonald, made"the
riding _ safe for hineseln. as he.thou-
-ght; b'y the gerryinaedet whiele.adde.
ed. East Wawanosh with a Lieber&
majority of seventy-three; iititi.
well within the: Probabilities :thee
he .didn't add .enonelt. : • . •
. • . •
Mr. E. N. Lewis has filled revin
office to which he has been eppoieeed.
with siienal, success. Even, his. elinen.'
en ts acknowledge that 'he has -been.
the. best mayor Goderielr nes-. '.ever -
had and it is conceded that the Con-
struction of the ,Guelph• t� G'Ocierich
railway would have been. delayed for
years, but for the energy and -ability
with which he pushed .on the agita-
tion. He • deserves Well of -
Iluron. • • • • • .
When • the Grand -Trunk .proPerly
equips its lines in Qntario ie be.
high . • for it to undernalte the -
construction of. a line to. the •Pacine.
all intent e and • purposes . the
teralinus of the • Grand Trenk Peeific
will be at Portland, in the state; • of '-
Maine, where the Grand -Trunk has
several milliOn •dollars invested. 'Tree
ile. brought over 'a. line Which '.the
people must pay •for wilthe. sent out
through a foreign port.'
attendance, every part ot the ridiag
being represeatea. The etalwerts,
who have fought nany a herd hat -
tie M the peet thirty years' against
great wide, were present ii large
numbers mid se, too, were the yore -
ger men upon whom the butte of the
lilting meet now devolve.,
Tim in:esti:Mat et the Association,
Mr.. Jolla Williams, presided.. lee is
. a. spleadid executive head; he neesti.
.tale muck but what he says is
, pithy anti„.to the point.
so0h as the meeting was open-
ed the business for which it wire
ettiled, the placing et a candidate in
the ueld, was proceeded with :when
. the following nominations- were
Joon Sherritt, Stephen:, by John
Toerance and J.L. Spaceman.
13. B. (June, Seatorth, by in. Holm-
stean and Dr, itelliea. "
• Dr, itollins; Exeter, by John Tay-
lor and Thos. E. Heys..
Dicksoii, Exeter, 'by 13. 13,
Gunn awl Le C. Petty. •
Tiles. Carling, Exetee, . by J.
• erts and G. T. MacKay.
- IL Sp:tamale Exam, • bY L. 11.
" Dieksson and J. L), Ureig,
John 'Verrepee, -Clinton, by •Johe.
• :Willietoa and J. Gill,
Hamel:cad, Seaferth, by T.
cerlieg and .1, 'Meteinley,
. Thos. 4, Days; Scaiortli, by John
,eeeriett, and 11, Spapeeran.
The genneinee nominated Were
yitcU to the pleelerin and ;delivered*
shore encouraging addresses. •The
lirst to be called upon wes
'Ilion. E. Hays who ga,v.e a charate
. .
tensile nye-minute speech.He • said
the. present prospects for ie. decn
tion of a .Coneervaetee • South:'
titteon- are good,. infinitely, better
than when he was a candidate, even
though in, that meittorable -hght, the
reduced -the Liberal majority by. 550
votes., iVIr. Hays . was . givenea, warm
reeeption by, the convention. ••
F. elolmstead said the , Coe-,
eervanyes -hav an :even ch-ance, so
far as the veiters'. listsara'aoneetn-
ed.: With a good eandida,te, • such as
the eenvention„will deeide upon, there
a splendid chanco :to redeem. the:uthng_
. • •
nir: H. SP -adman eulogized Mr, B.:
13 Gunn- for his SerViCes as!a Mead
.Der of theocainty coueeil.. 'AlieSpacite
, manis' also a methher ,and• anew -
thereof. he,Spoke. He said Mr. Gunii
.s regular ,in ;attendance, took an'
antlye ,interest iti• ait gifestiOuS and
.s thoroughly . posted in municipe.
Thoi....Carlieg 'said the eahnee
iasin of. the convention. augureitsue-
oess. .The Laurier 'government has
not lived pp. to One plank ;01.1. the
platforin they . adopted • 'when
uPposition.Had they done so there. e
"would not. haveebeen in Indust* lei e
ai this coiteteye But the great -ques-
tion for- the taxpayers is the Grand
frunk Pacific, According to•the Leu-:
rim policy .1,1m people will' praeti-
eallylittild the read and hand
oyer to the Company. Vie termineo
of the Grand Trunk ie at Portland -
el the :.State of Maine, where it has
hany Million donate .leveeted and to
(het foreign pint it will take traffic
•oreught In oyer the road which the
peeple's • Mow wi11bufld.. If the -
• people 'Inuit build the• G. T. P. they
should own: it, and deriyethe Melee,. -
The Canadian Pecifie bas ,paid 'fifteee
per een.e. ' ' • •
- Mr.' Jelin ..Toneance .seid the Voice
Of men throughout. the country who -
are not. partizans :is for the' 13ornee _
policy of Government ownership
the Grand Trunk Pacific. With this -
policy, a thorough Organization and
- Air, Gunn as. the :candidate the tee.
ridieg of South Huron :should be re-
the word a the greet Waiters of the
Ooneervative party who have pre-
ceded. him. Wie are prowl , of his
ability and ot hist courage. Be is
courteous and eautious, eta ween he
tekes a stand he never retreats. Mr.
Sherritt dealt with the expenditure
at St. Joseph wliere the Governineut
spent ,$.15,000 though it was opposeu
Or Mr. George McEwen. This is
said to be the hrst ease on record
where witch an expenditure has been
made in opposition to the wishes of
the member, it a supporter, ° whose
riding Was concerned. "But this is
wily an example of what is done at
Ottawa, to the benefit .,of • private
lumbers ' many instances(' said
Mr, Sherriet.'•
Mr, 11. Either M. L. A. illustrated
tee Liberal platform adapted *hell
in Opposition by telling the story of
the railway conductor who ordered ,
passenger oil the car platform anti
in.' eepty to a protest' said : "This
platform is not forstanding on, it's
tor getting in and out Olh" Eil-
her dealt, with the Grand Trunk Pa.
dile contract which oppoeed str: •
ongly. Rctween 1855-57. the Govern -
meets of Old thinacle loaned the
Uraii'd Trunk large sums of money
which on the 30th ot ,June last em,-
, ounted $56,807;170. This vast
sum it still owes. On our present
population its indebtedness is SIAM
Per head, Or fa the couney of Detroit
$580,572.65. To Stanley it owes $28,-
281, • Seaforth $20,320.10, Hay $87,-
454.2Q., .Stephen $42,510. The .Grand
• Trunk • has not even paid the inter. -
est on the loan, but now- the Laurier
Government proposes to giVe it Wm,
000,000, or..about $30 per head of
our population. The cot to the
i)coofluntY. of Huron o: ver $1,6014,-
•• All the nominees but Mr. 13.13.G -dun
.1:aired in Vial,. „gentleman's favor
• einem on motion of Mr, Sherritt, sec
ended by Dr, Rotlins, it wes made
unartimouS. The delegates 'rose and
sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fel-
- low" and heartily cheered their choi-
ele• :
Mr, Gunn accepted in a spirited
speech,' in which lm said that •the
painpaign would be .at onae. begun.,
,wotild he conducted vigorottsly ,and he
expected Abet en the eight of. No-
vember 3rd it' mai. .be said. that
the ridieg of. Soak Huron has been
redeemed, •. • : . •
After cheers . 'for •the King, . IVIr,
Borden and Mr. Gunn the convention
adjourned. ' •
Shall it be a railway owned Gov-
ernment or a Governmeht ownedrall-
way as the policy of Mr. Borden en-
unciates. •
. •
• deemed on ,November 3rd, '
Mr. L. IL, Dickson said that for
HARRY EILBER •IVI.,114. A. the pest thirty years the Liberate
_addressed the Consmvative Con-
vention in Hensel' last Thursday,
Causes A Sensatiol.
Ottawa, Oct, 13.-(special.)-Iton,
A. G. Blair has resigned his position
as chairman of the railway commis-
sion: The anhouheement whieh wa,
made at the close of this afternoon
session of the railway tommissio
came as a big surprise to all. None
anticipated it, The government ot
Mats kneW nothing Of it and e.uei,
colleagues Were not itware of hi
Attentions before he made the titate•
inent today.
t -It. John, N. D., Oet. 18---(Speela..1
'lion. A. G. Blair has resigned Ow
chairmanship of the railway einn-
Mission and will stump the. mum:
against the Grand Trunk Plane Seg,
etne. This -news, which became eur
rent here late thin afternoon, °caner('
the biggest sensation that ba,s Wei
place in St, John for yeare Mut whee
it ie ktieWri that the ex -minister o
allWays will take the stump agait:
st his old leader and colleagues tie
interest throughout Canada Will no
Oeub *tease...
of South' Huron have beee' hewers
-of wood and drawers •of water for
their leaders, but When any. patron-
age is going their claims are ne-
glected. The registry office appoint
meet 'is a case in. poiet. The mail
mail bags a,re now filled, With Liber-
al campaign literature which is tieing
sent free of postage, the party in
power yobbing the postoffice to.. that
extent. Mr. Dickeon, dealt with the
Grand Trunk Pacifie, concluding with
" I believe thee thel people 'were
enlightened „about • the ins and
outs of the dean not a member of
the Laurier Cabinet would Survive
the electiens."'
Dr, Rollins said is not. the rank
and Ole of the Liberals, who are all
right, lint their leaders, who are
crooked, 'that We are after. Which
would it be better to give $150,000,-
000 and let the Company own the
Grand Trunk Patti& or $160,000,000
and own it ourselves as is proposed
by Mr. Borden's pellet,. • The road
could be owned by the country and
run by a. commission honestly gnd
profitably. Other countries have
done eo and what has 'boom done
elsewhere! successfully Canada can
do just as well.
Mr. ni. Gunn I am a supporter
of the policy of the Ilon. R. L. Bor-
den which eons/taints the respect of
every right-thinking man in Canada.
Never was a policy more 'popular a-
mong men of no party bias. They
believe in the Government owning
one of the great transcontinental
roads. How many planks in the Lib-
eral platform have been redeemed ?
Not one. And now they have one
poliey in the East emir another ie the
NVest. Tannin they roe a Pro-
teetionist candidate and, in the West
a Low Tariff ativeeete. The Liberate
In this ridtng have never been fairly
treated. Mr. M. Y. MeLeati, for in-
stance, was ignored fever of et man
in West Huron whim; years of ser-
vice were few in comparison.
Mr. John Merritt, who was s .a
member of the House of Commons
for four years as representative of
North Middlesex, said of ma., T...
Borden ; IIe has high ideals and le a
A it of History in _Which
Thomas Greenway Figures.
.HOn. Thentas. Greenway will be
the Liberal candidate' for "Liagar for
-the House of Commons. It is Moro
than thiety • year since he was first
a candidate for a seat cham-
ber. in 1872 he stood as* ietionser-
eativeefoe the constituency .of South
Huron ••• as- formed at Confederation,
The nominatien proceedings- weeehe-
Id A the -village of Varna and , the
epeeclits Were 'made from a rough
platfoein ereeted at the cross-roads..
While the meeting was in progress a
buggy, swiftly driven along the Bey-
fidd road,:• dashed into the :village.:
and -from this iliglited a hea,vy man,
with tine arm, a wide sett hat, :and
a white vent, uneyenly inittinted: He
mounted to the •pla,liortn' unreeoguiz7
ed by. the croWd,. while' the late.
go Smikler tif Lincoln, then a ptac-
tieing barrister at Godericie Was
spea,king, Later lie was :introduced
as Bon. E. 8. Weed, andthe enorrient
his name was ineneioned, shouts of
Soule Liberal papers, having more
hurilihuod than the Globe, are tak-
ing up the Laurier theory that the
Grand Trunk Pacific: will cost $13,-
000,000 only. An astonished publie
would them to explain. how the
country is going to avoid spending
some further sums. For instance
Will we get the Quebec bridge for
Will somebody elee pay the $75,000.•
000 which the construction of the
.Winnipeg -to -Moncton line is to Ant
Will we not have to pay any in-
terest on this money while it is
being spent aud before the Ge T. le.
tease begins ?
Will the couary never have to pay
any dividends on the $85,000,000 ot
common stock which the G. T. P. is
to give the Grand Trunk?
It will be noted that these ques-
tions do not mehtion the oblim.ti ri
which the nation assumes by guaran-
teeing the G., P. bonds on the eas-
tern section. This crbligation is very
real. The netiou, xna,y have to Meet
It. Any man. who backs -a 1140 real-
izes this. But we are talalug now et
money which must be actually paid
out by the G-overnment for this read.
under the most tavorable eiretnestane
Another poiut is the "sang froid"
of the statement that the seven yea,
re' interest on the eastern. and three-
fourths of 'the ,cost of the IVIountain
section of the/ road will amount to
only $13,000,000.
The cost ot the eastern -section 'is
put -the Globe says' fairly -at $75,-
000,000. interest oe 'this sum during
coustruction, which must be added to
the coat, conies to $9,000;000 at the
lowest estimate; This makes $84,-
000,000 for the total cost, Three per
cent. on $84,000,000 for settee years
is exactly $17,64(1,000 or more -than
three milliens nigher than. Lailrier'e
total estimate. Now three-quarters
Of the cost of the Mountain .eectien
-taking Sir. Charlei' Rivers Wilsen's
figures -wilt reaeti $21,000,000 ; anil
three per bout on this fer seven you-
rs is. $1,410,000. Add this- to • the
$17,6-10000; and we have $22,050,000
es the ceSt the country if .we take
Sir Wilfrid's ewe' Way of reckoning
it. But possibly' a paltry trifle of
nine Milliens Would hardly be noticed
by the new' Liberals. • ' •
The' fact is that the road will lay'
obligations on the people of from
$150,000,000 to $170,000;000, accord-
ing- to the .Governmeeles sitecess .in
the meney nierkee ; and Mr. Borden's
policy of paying the remaining tenth
of : the cost.' and taltiog the. road, is
sound biteinees sense:. We epee then
either 'operate the road or lease
as we like; hut it will be ours, ited
we can compel the shipment offrei-
ght to eCananian ports and put ent
increment in its value into, Mir po-
"speak now" arose and a tuniuttuous
demonstration followed which -only a
strong appeal from 1V1r. Greenway
su'eneeded .M.:quieting. The "speak'
now" had teferenCe to the note fish-
ed out of a spittoon which 'wee sent
to: Mr. Wood by Hon. Edward lake
the „ time of the down-
fall of the Santidd Mac-
. doneld government. When at Iast
Mtn Wood got a hoaxing he plunged
into a speech .of remarkable foree and
vigor,- and eery semi seemed' to lave
the whole meeting at his commami
Mr. Greenway was defeated in'that
contest by 85 votes. 1 -le lost again
on 1874 'by 86 votes. A- year later
his successful opponent, the late M.
0: Cameron, of Goderieh, was un
: -
seated; and In 1875 Mr. Green -way
was eleeted for South. Huron by ac-
clamation. Although he had . stool
as a Consereative eandidete M.1872
and 1874,a.nd was now returning as an -
Independent Consereative he sup-
ported the IVIackenzie Government
during his three years in the Cotn-
mbns, and ever since has acted .with
the Liberai party, In 1878 he, went
to Manitoba and in. the Year follow-
ing was sent to represent Mountain
in the Legislature. Ile beeamfe leader
of .the Liberal Opposition in 1877.
• Premier itt 1888, and resigned office
in 1,000 on the defeat or his adminis-
tration, He "is a sagacious politician
eapital epea,ker and upoie the whole
big administration. of the affairs of
Manitoba was thrifty' and progress-
ive. If anything, his Governmen1
lived too long, and its dosing chap-
ter, like the closing chapter of Lib -
mil Government in Ontario, mars
the strength and consistency of the
record. Me. Greenway is now likelY
to return to the chamber where he
began ids Parliamentary career thir-
ty years ago. -News.
On application to J. Tilectentald,
District Passeeger Agent, tirand
Trunk railway, Toronto. This book.
let eontains 48 pages of illustridions
and deseriptive literature regedinA
- the World's Pair and 1vill h of great
advantage to you when making' 4,1-
rattonients 'for your trip. Tickets
may, be., secured at any Grand.Truav
• •
+ le eletne Leek na,
moue* Railway Scheme. 1: lin II 81.. (CO
Maid lion. A. G. Blair, late veeeen'neeeeeee-.
ter of Railways in the Laurier Gov-
ernment, of the Grand Trunk Pf-
eifle scheme :
'!There is AO neceseity, there is no
reason, there is no justification,th
is no object, good, bad or indifferent,
to be obtained."
"Yes, it is absolutely useless. It
is a -total and absolute waste of the
Wine money. It is not only a de-
struction of the Intereolonial Rail- '
way; but it is a eltier, unjustifiable,
squandering of the public money."
• • .
Liberal Members Who
Have Been Rewarded.
The following is a iist of 58 Lib -
era's appointed to ()Mee by the Lan-
der Goyernment :•
.Chas. Devlin, k P.,
Dr. Rinfra, M. P:, Izispector$3,000 00
gration Agent
of Inland ReVentle 2,400-00
F, °Langelier, M,P„ iudge .5,000 00
J. Ile Fleet, M. P., Senator 1;500 OQ
F. Bechard, M. P., Sena,tor 1,500. 00
F. .Choquette, P„ judge 4,000 00
C. Beausoliel, M. V., post- •
M, C.ameren, M. P., Lie.- 4,000
itteGove Northwest 7,000 00'
John Lester, lii, P., •judge • 6,000 00
Frank Fortes, P„ ledge 2,600 00.
George King, M. in., Senator '1,500 00
John Fee, M,P., Serrater 1,500 00
Joseph Lavergne,' 111:P.,judge 4,000 00
T.R, ekeInnes, Senittor, Lie-
. it'tetiov, • 13.rieish Columbia "0,000 00
Sir 0. Moat, Lieut. -GeV,
Ontarie' • • • • • 10,000 '00
master, Montreal
Jos. Gmlbout, M.P., Senator 1,500,00
Win, •Stubbs, M. P., veteeine
ary inspector 1,500 00
Wm. lefeGregoe, WI, P., in-
land Revenue Service 1,80000
Geo, I,anderkin, M.P., Sena-
tor ' ' 1,500 00
• D. C. Frazer, ivr.v.,, judge 4,000 00.
• Wm. Lount, M. P., 'judge •6,000 00 I
litinjuagneiin Russell, M, P.„ •
. .- 4,000 00 t •.
Jerry'Hurley, M. P., iiihery. , •.
inspector ' - 1,000 90 i , .
J.A.C., eladore, ALP. judge 4,000 00
• Jas, Donwillie, M.P.:Senator 1,500 00 0
II. Cie Carroll, 'M.P., judge 4,060 00
13. M. •Britton, M.P.,.. judge 6,000 00
, . ., •
John Ii`ra,zer, M '13 postrnas- -
ter, T'etrolea, say. ' 4,000 00
l'hos, :Fortin, M.P„ judge : copo 00,
T. G. Frost, •ALP., Senator 1000 .00 '
'Wm. Gibson; M.P.,. Senator 1,500 00
J. G. Rutherferd; M. P„ vet- ' . ..
• • •
etinary iespee or, . - ,
A. M. Dechene, M.P., Senator 1,590 00
J.H. Legris, M.P., Seeator 1,500 00 „e ,
Odilon Desmarei,-'1VI,P,,judge.4,000 00 ;
Wm. Hutchison, M.. P., in- . • : '
• UstiShrillilia ble
U u der wea r
.., .......... • . .. 4.1....W..........,..... .....,. 4,....1.,... . ' -*ill'''. A
.5 . .
t • note chilly win& fuel freety nights remind people that cold weather
***- is approaching and they twv;111 ti.) 1 hiliti, or warm Underwear and where 4
to j&4. the.best ast.ort men I, lo choose from. As 41, i We caw Mammoth Oash ,j,
y Store is uppermost, in everyone'd Whitt, klt0ii It:g, 05 they dO, that taw stock 4,
.',„5 is second to -none io the eettety. We entitroi the celebrated. titahlield'e3 .t•A
,, UthilltillICHMO Alt.Wiiiii Ult It'VW0'111' NIL' Myth, ney Vali only be hada 4. .
4,.. this store. We have them rot men. and women in nit frilie8• . le e gnarantee 0
e every garment, witen them as.) nn like and 11 they shrlitit bring them back 0
...e. eee get yone money refunded. Beware of imitations, none are genuine "?
,k except they are stamped "Stanfield's Unahrinkable," We met Y a NH ran- %..
y ge ot other' Cerlerweareet prices stated below t- 0,t
• 0.
4 elie.'s Union Shit Ls and 1)' wet s, plain or ribbed, at 2. -ie
• Mini'e Feeley Stripekthirts tied DIIIANets, heavy n eight, soft, finish, *,
in all sizes, at, Il.a.:, and 40e. • .
..:.,. • Men's All -Wool Plain New cli knit or Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,
.• - -
.: heavy and warm ,, tit ao.s. .
Boys' Shirt s and Drawers-, in great, variety,' at 25e, 80v; Ii:je and 45e,
.!. Mee'. Seat:toy Wtitil•leeeced Uederweer, regular 1.31), for aoc
•.:. sttuthoci s 1Josnri n liable Undef wear, tor men. atm women, froicle•of
. flee Neva Seltilt wool, sat and warm, le medium and lieevy . , e.
.14 weights, at $1, $1 25 elel $L35. •• e.
,.. .....
• .4
t .Mcp'KINNON &t. 00.„ . bLYTH *
• . • . . . ,..,...
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The Conservative Policy h
for GoVernm,ent Owned
Railways. •
By all odds the • moat important
passage, in Mr. 13Orden's speech in
Massey hall was his pledce to- place
the Ietercolonial Railway under a
Commiasion. That is what We read
his words to mean. "The pettier of
the Conservative party," he said,
einvolves the piecing of the Inter -
colonial under a nmeagement : abse-
lutely free frone party influeeee and
political ieteeference." That is the
most important, declaration made
thus fer, in the ce,mpaige, It' will re-
quire something very -important ' '
dwarf it. The leader of -the ,-Coit
party lean definitely prom-
ised to. place titer ',Willa railway on a
saAisfaeteey fecetin:g. It Mr. :Borden
sneceeds, GovernMent management
at last will be given. a fair trial in
Canada. That would put up a long
way on the 'right road in the hand;
ling of 'our great railway problem.
Mr, Borden may not succeed in this
election. Even so, he may le the
nett:struggle and his Pledge will fole
'• 41444.4004ern teneee..;1•Z,4,4).41,44.44,
We cordially inerite you to call and inspect .
our new stockof ' •
which is the largest and most complete
Stock over shown in Clinton. You will
be Agreeably surprised when you
see our assortment and comp-
.. are our prices. We can .
skive you money on ,
your Fall'Shoa
- Bill; -
*Full Stock of Gromby, Kant Kracic and
. Canadian .Rubbere.
High .Priaes claimed by our 0,7Stena of small• g''
profilts and. big sales', ,
• • • . • .
It will please. us to shoW, you. our stock and
quote yOu Our -dos. Cash Prices, .. • •
--- •
specter' for. leirs : - ' 3,500 '00 . w
Aula;y Morrison, M.P„, judge, 4,000 00' ,* .
Sir Henri Jay- M. P Lieut. - re . ' • 40
GOv. British Columbia •9,000 00' .:***".: 4".
W. V.' pettet; M• P'S Peettnas- ..- • • ' e. - - nrim'n'en'en
ter ' at Pieten, say 1,500 00 .0.000•,40400.....00.000-0
el ju
,Davies, M.. P.,. .•
7,000 00, 3. B. 1-10OVIER. . . NELSON B
'Michael Stevenson,, M. p., . ---. -
' postmaster Sherbrooke,sa,y 3,000 06 - .•. . .
W.C. Edward's, M.P.,Senator 1,500 Po 1
Michael Bernier, M.P., rein -
The Old Reliable
way commissioner - • 8,000 90
John Dies, Senator 1,50�0.l) 4e
A. G. -Blair,. 1V1.P., Chief
' Railway Commissioner .10 000 Oil
T.O. Davis, M.P.., Senator 1,5.00 0)
H. I-Iarveooti,• M. Pe poste
. master, Montreal 4;000 GO
Geo. McHugh, M.P.; Senator 1,500 00
James' McMullen, M. P., San- .
'Ater' • •• ' • 1.600 00
. D. A, Mckinnon, M:P., Lie- •
ut,4-loV.*-Prince Edward. .6,000 00
J; H. Rose, M.P., Senator 1,50000
Robt. Watson,inns, Senator e,500 00.
eiewitt 13ostock, M. P., Sere
aeee , 7 0 0 0 00
Then, 8, Flint, M.P., clerk • "
House of Conimmis 3,400.00'
Hon Dairid Mills, judge Su-
preme.. Court7,000 •e0
F...13.''Wade; M. P.; Chairinan .
. • -
G. T. R. Coffin -fission 8,000 00.
Senator 1VICCIelland, Gov.. •
of New Brunswick . 8,000 00
Senator Snowball, Got,• .
of '1,l'evr. Brunswick ' •8,000 00
, - • • • "
esameeete 1, 1...erseeet.
low him to office. More than that-
nen-partiian management, of -the la-
ercolonial is a very attractive suit
of -clothes to leave lying about and
the :Government has shown itself
•expert in the appropriation of other
parties' garments. It 'would-eee hard
on Mr. Borden Were bis policy to be
seized, upon by a successful Govan -
meet, but it 'would . be good for Cane
aela... The., pronouneemeht of tne Op-
position. leader; in a Word, • brings
menagement of our pub-
lic railway into the domain of prac-
tical -politics. It is a fine stroke, at
once sagabioue and in' the public lee
His analysis of the -Grand Trunk
Pacific bargain was an exeeptionally
• skilful dissec tiert of an intricate bu-
• siness proposition. Sir Wilfrid Lain-
ier's rather aley figures were pulver-
ized ; the comment is thoroughly jus
Maine. He also made short work of
the preposterous argument that the
_ Grand Trunk Pacific •enterprise will
"cost" the country only fourteen or
fif teen millions. The pleinfact is
that the country must go on the
• money markets and raise an enor-
mous sem, perhaps seventy-five frill -
lions, It also 'must pledge its credit
to assist a private corporation to
raise -e further enormous sum. For.a
considerable portion of the sum to be
raised by the Government it is to
he hoped that interest will be re-
ceived, so that it wilt he a direct
instead of an indirect investment.
But none the less the Ilnaeciai :opera-
tion rout responsibility will be !heavy.
Again, Mr, 13ordelt is forcible in his
exposition of the unequal character
of the agreement betwece the Gov-
ernment and the railway corporation.
That inequality cannot be too thor-
oughly driven into the minds of the
people of Canada and the Conserva-
tive leader did well to abandon the
lighter and momentarily effective me-
thods of campaigning to drive home a
serious- argument on this point. So,
again, he was eiteetive in pointing
out the position of Canadian peas.
If we have a government -managed
• railway the trade will flow automat-
ically to Canadian sea -ports, and if
We trust to the Grand Trunk all the
agreements in the world will weight
light against a Grand Trunk commit-
ment of fifteen or twenty inilli,ohe at
F•R' E E.: • 4.
, • • • •
• Tote person who .1
writes the words •
"Waternmet's Ideal
. Fountain •Pen"
nil the beck of a Caned- 71,
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est rimier of times, we 4
will give a handsome
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better chance you will have of
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testeloses December Ist, I004 -
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04614 STORE
-The cold wea,the'r is corning, bUt we have prepared for
if the way. • (A securing 'unheard of snaps in
-.' ---- , 1
. Ladids Fur Coa,t .. - ..
_ >
1 dit;eit t.rom brie ole the le>st• man ufeeteir ere in the Demtninn,•. Yeti . • $ 1
, can save from five to eight &Mara' on every Ladies' Fur Cone and . 0 . .
. every coat, is guaranteed. We were fortiniate in iieetwing this snap 0
. ih furs and now is your chance to save money. . We are. also Abair- 0
- . -, ing an Immense range of .
• 0
. Men's fur Coats and..Oireicoats of.
. . •• ,
all kinds at astonishing. tote prices.. • ,
. .
If yon went a
Stylish and becoming Hat or. Bonnet, $
'Stt mederete priee,try our millinery Itemize went, See mil' ',AMOS'
Olhth ChatS, they are beauties. Solnothing special in Rendy-Made
Skirts. See what, we are showing in Mon's Rubber Bootie and try
a pair dour Long Boots, they will please you,
Anykguantity butter,eggs and dried apples taken in exchange for goods. $
0000.404.11•41.4..iiseetelerieleriele leoseels,Were.teeteenfeeeteeeteesenee.„.
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To 1st of January, 1905, is only 20c,
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