HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-13, Page 8The Clinton News -Record
Leadership in
The magnificent collection of high-
grade Dress Goods we have gathered from
the Canadian and. European markets for
this season's selling, willmore firmly than.
ever entrench this store in its position as
the leading Dress Goods store of this section. •
Cone and see, this choice Fall. stock,
note the great range of materials anct colors,
the good values, the styles that Fashion has
decreed will be correct and popular for ` the
Fall and Winter of 1904. You will make
no mistake if you buy early, . as many . of
the choice patterns come. in . Dress lengths
Mantles. .
$7.50, Bio, $'2.
Just in this week.
The 'Mantle s=tock is kept
fresh and ` up -to date by .
the constant addition .of
new styles as they .' come.
in the market.. This.week.
sire particularly stylish garments arrived. -•
They are Trade from popular Cloths '• in the
season's•latest style. .,• Come in and see thefn,
Not more than one or two of . a kind:
Thre,e Big -Values in..
L,a c i es9 Vests.
The best and biggest 'Underwear Mill in
Canada makes our Ladies' Underwear... We, buy.
it direct from the Mill. Not an ;ounce :of :shoddy
enters into any garment it Makes, all are made from
clean, pure stock. Every giriiient is perfect fitting.
These three lines :lines are extra. good. values.
At 25c,
Ladies' Ribbed Vests, • button:: front,- long :.
sleeves,. properly shaped, soft finish,
drawers to match, per garment ,.. .:.. 25c.
At 35c..
Ladies' fine ribbed ..white Vests; long
sleeves, button front; properly shaped,
good weight, properly 'shaped,: good. .
weight, soft 'finish, drawers to match;
per garment
At 5oc.
• 35Cr
Ladies' ribbed Union Vests,' just enough-.
Cotton used with the Wool to keep . it
from skrink'ng, soft finish and and good
weight. Also Ladies' Plush Knit Vests,,..
heavy winter weight, made by 'a patent
process, will not knot up when washed,
drawers to match both limes,: Per garment 50e,
Finer qualities at ZSc, $i,' $1.25
Good. Wra. •P� er• Varies:
New Wrapper' for '• Fall '•are . here. . Style,
values and patteriis 'are good. Oannot be worth
your while making up your own, When you can buy
the ready-made garments for prices like 'these :
At $1.00
Wrappers made from good quality
Wrapperetie, nice, neatpatterns, fast
colors, waists lined, special value . at
each............; $1.00
At $1.50
Ladies' Wrappers, made from extra
quality American Wrripperettes, a big
range of handsome patterns, waists
lined, 12 -inch fl411, vary special. value 1,50
ateach... .............. 4 4 4$444 e
gen's Bros.
Imp3rters - Clinton
Special Prices
will !make
Uctobor lath 1904
A Magnificent Stock of.
Special Business. Imported
and it's special business we are
after when we. offer you a twetty-
fivo cents a full sized and attractive
mouth organ. It's as large as you.
usually pay twice the price fur.
It's a "Special" in all letters. We
never bad an organ before with so
many ,good points at so low a pri.e.
.Anothear Special
Is our matted pictures at seven-
teen cents. All good subjects, sue
1640 inches and smaller, some ro1-
ored. We never sold thein before at
loss than twenty-five cents.
Come and see that bargains do
exist and we give them when ;we say.
so, .
Agents Marker's Dye Works.
W. D. Fair ;Co,
Often the 'Cheapest. Always the Best,
we Know. Children's Coats
*0000000000000, For Ladies, -Misses and Children
From such renowned makers as Manheimer, Kruger and Felix I1evyg, .of Berlin arta Vierriia, come al-
most our entire stock of Ctaats for this seaaon a few of the best styles iuid values of the. Canadian makers
are here, but nine -tenths of our stock comes from the Cloak centre of the world --Ger n.0 ny.
All the big Ameri.can houses send. their buyers to .Berlin and. Vienna fur this line of goods, Why r:'
Simply because the best styles and values are secured there. In. a.daition to the close fitting eoatfe, we are
showing several very fine loose back tourist coats, these are all belted at the back—In fact we have a fine
assortment of all the CORRHCT ;STX'LHS for Fall a.rsd. tinter Wear. .
Now! Best of all—our pricer are ftxll,�r 25% lower than any previous ,season. This saving has heen
efected by importing direct for a syndicate of stores, We want yo,n. to comae ill 'and see for you,rsel17—•no need
to buy if you don't want to. .
Women's Coats
In a dozen different styles' and all the correctshades of Navy
Brown and Black at $5.00, $7 50, $8.50, 510,00, $15,00
$12.0o. and
Misses' Jackets
In a' fine range or new styles and colors at
$5.00 to.,:
Dir, Thos. Beacom was in Seafortlh
sday.., .
Mrs.yeterA. H. Goodwin has been visit-
ing in Goderich. •• '
Dominic Robertson of Londeslioro
was 'in town 'Tuesday. a
Miss. Elia 'Mills :of'Woodham was the
• guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson last
Airs, 'R. H. 'Read of London is the
guest ,of her• daughter, Mrs: 'W. J.
Harland. •
Miss •Minnie `Curwen .'of Goderich is •
.' spending•: a week the guest of Mrs.
W. Jones.
Mr, . and Mrs, James Danford • ' and
two of theirehildren visited Brus-
sels friends last week.
Dr. MaeOallam of Londesboro and
his sister, Miss NacCallum . of
Kingston, were int -town Tuesday
afternoon._ •
Miss Eva. Reynolds, who had beon'-
visitnig' friends in and.. around 'Clih-
' 'ton for a few weeks; has . returned'
• to' her hone in 'London.
Mrs:.P.:L. Hay is spending a weaak
or so with her,, parents, Mr. and
•Mrs. W. Jones: Mr. and Mrs: Hay
.have been: living in .Ingersoll. for
• some time, but are again .return-
ing to Stratford.
Mr., W J. Paisley has as. his. guests
this week his daughters,; Mrs, R.J.
•. Dunmore, St. Thomas, and ' Miss
: Belle. Paisley, trained nurse,. Galt.
Mrs. 17imsmore isaccompanied_ by
her'. son:, 'Master.' Clinton
Mr, John Peckitt returned _reeentiy
From a visit'to Montreal and .Que-
Rue-bec. He was ,away a month . anci
was gait of that time accompanied:
by. his ' son Thomas of Toronto, •
They enjoyed their visit .very inch.
: Mr, O. F. :Dodge of the bead ; offtc•.
staff of the .Manufacturers'.' Life
Assurance , Co.;• Teton to,':is spend-•
ing this „week • with :Mr. A. Hooper
the popular. district- Manager., of
that 'progressive. company ' Mr.
Hooper has had remarkable'; suceess
as .,a life insurance. representative.
during the past four .years.,
Mr. I.' Taylor,who returned ` last
week horn Selkirk, Man., ;has " ac-'
eepted the :.agency at London . for
'the Imperial Life .Insurance Com-
pany, The positionl is a, good 'one'
` and that Mr. Taylor : has been .ap-
pointed is a recognition of his ab-
.ility and'success in insurance work.
Until he gets settled Mrs. Taylor
will. remain the guest of hex father,.
Mr. Janes Stevens:. .•
Huron Road East
On Monday there passed `into! rest
another' of the pjoheers of this dis--
triet . in•. tire : person of Mrs. John.
Wise,whoold • had reached d the good
e e
age of seventy five years. and . eleven
months. She washorn in Ireland,
but came to this country when .early
in: life and for a great litany !years
has lived- on the Huron Road. • Mr,
Wise predeceased her over a score. of
years. Mrs. Wise was 'widely 'tknown
• and' much respected: and the funeral,
which ' took place' yesterday to . Clin-
ton cemetery, was largely attended,
The services at house andgraveside'
were 'conducted by Rev, J. Greene.
Mrs. Wiseis survived by her two
daughters' and as many sons, TVirs.
Charles Glew', and . Miss Hannah
Wise, and : John land Samuel. The be-
reaved ones have the sympathy of
numerous friends in their hour of
sorrow, . .
Colborne Township
Mr. Leslie Cox of Goderich town.-
ownship was the guest of Mr. Ernest.
Mitchell on Sabbath.
Ploughing andtaking up roots is
the order of the day.
Thanksgiving sermons will be prea-
ched at Zion on Sabbath next.
The literary entertainment held at
Carlow on Monday night of last week
was a ,grand success,
Major heck has sold his pretty
residence in Saltford to Mr. William
Maedel for a good figure and mov-
ed up town to his new residence
on Tuesday of last week. We wish
Mk. and Mrs. fleck success fir their
new home.
Mr. Win. Long is improving the
looks of his property with a new wire
feline along the roadside.
Mr. Wm. Walters has his new house
about completed and will move into
it In a Week or so.
Mr. Mex. Kirkpatrick has been
laid up for a few weeks with blood
poisoning. • We hope to soon see 'hint
around again,
Kid. and Fabric Gloves.
Our stock of NEW Fall Gloves is the largest we have
ever shown. We are looking' for a greatly -increased trade in
• this department, and have put in stock the finest line of
Gloves it is .possible to get at the price. .
In Kid Gloves
We are showing a very fine range of the newest colors—one Iine
added this season is the Washable 4love in white, that • •
will mean a great saving for those who wear white Gloves,
We are showing a very fine range of Ohildrons .Coats andtg Rn
Ulsters at $3.50, $3.75 to 1 , . . Ur
Stylish Millinery at Fair Prices.:
Since: Opening Day. our selling of, Millinery has been
the largest this store has ever. known Economical buyers;
women who are attracted by,beautiful and becoming styles,—
know they can be satisfactorily :pleased here. Every Hat we
sell, no matter how lowthe price paid, will be made• of good
material, good workmanship and style, and the, price will be.
as low as it is possible•fora good Hat to• be sold 'at.
In addition to our large assortment of Dress :Tats; we
are always showing something NEW. in. Ready-to-wear Hats.
.You•will find something NEW to interest you every .tirne you
visit our show room. •
Good Values in Tailor=rnade Skirts.'
No great success' can be built up without a. foundation
of merit, and it would• have, been impossible for our Skirt
business to have grown so lare'if we had not : demonstrated
to the satisfaction of hundreds of critical women' that we sell
BETTER Skirts for less money than any other stare; in town:
Those who, buy once, buy again, and keep on buying—because
they not only save money, .but they get a Skirt that fits per-
fectly,holds its shape as long as • it :is worn, and gives
satisfactory wear.
Ladies' Tailor-made Sksrts at :$2:50, $3.00, $3.5o,
$3,95:: $4.00, $4.5o TO ;r10..00
Misses' Skirts .at• $z.So, $3.00 and $3,50
• Tire, Methodists .intend 'holding the-
it annual anniversary services . ,on
Oct 30th. • Rev, Mr. Cooper •. ' of
Llimville ivili preach:.
The .Women's . Foreign Missionary
Society 'intend having Mrs: Carswell
to preach .next Sunday afternoon in
the; IVIethodist, ,church. .
Local Option is, the order of the
.day. There : is to be a Temperance•
meeting held in the village in the
near future to arrange for a. plan of
campaign. •
Misses Riddell and' Wallace. of
'Londesboro are guests at Mr W. T:
Riddell's..: '
Mr.: S. Searles has: retdlned home
from ..Michigan after a week's' Visit
and to meet' his brother whom . •he
had ,not met for 25 years. '
Miss Cook of. Westfield was • the
guest of Mrs: 'M., lioltzhauer over
Sunday. • •
Mr. Albert Campbell and sister
• Sundayed at Mr, :0. E. Erratt's.
Mr.: JOS. Lawson has moved down
to the mill to live in Mr. A. Cullis'
;house. .
Mr. 5, Scott •has: moved into Mr.
J. Lawson's house. '
• Mr. Jas. I luker •is moving into Mr.
S. Scott's house..
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jos, Beek of Goder-
ieh Sundayed e,t Mr. H. '$turdy's.
Mr. 1'.d. Mole and Miss Snowden of
Seaforth Sundayed at Auburn.
Mr. Jas. Nicholson and his mother,
Mrs.' McGill of . Belgrave, . Were the
guests of the former's uncle, Mr,
Thos, Nicholson, one day last week.
Mr. BertCummings of ,Rochester
and his mother : spent a. few days in
our burg before . moving to that city.
Mr. Wes. Youngblut of 'Hensali was
visiting" old acquaintances for 'a few
'days this week.
Mr. Janes Armstrong of Brussels
Sundayed .at 1VIr. Searles. He brou-
ght his mother home from. Brussels
after spending a. week . there.
Mr. J. •1140Knight is . rataing up his
house and putting a cement wall un-
der it. Mr, S. 1 cklin has the con-
tr'aet. °
Mr. G. 11. Youngblut had a foun-
dation built under his house last
Miss Mary Platzer, who was out to
Clinton to have an operation per-
formed on her arm, had it success-
fully done. Miss Platzer went to
Lucknow last weekand had an arti-
ficial arm put "on which is an advan-
C00i(—In Clinton on October Atli,
to Mr. and Mrs. George Cook,
• high street, a son,
We regret to announce that Mr. J.
B.' Rumball was Stricken w.ith paraly-
'sis yesterday and as • we : go to press
iglu a' very critical condition. One'
side. is paralyzed, but .we all hope for
the best. ' • ••
' .
01)de-rich, Township.
The meeting of L. O. L. No. 189,.
which' was ` to have been held on
Monday night,' had to be postponed
on account of the. rain, until. next
Monday . night. ,A . full attendance is..
requested. .•
The carpenters have cor pleted their
work on Mr. I-iart Ma's. house • and
the family ie now. getting comfortab-
ly settled, The house is 24x18 feet
and two storeys high. We hope Mr;
Ilick attd his estimable family may
•Ions; enjoy their: cosy home.
bit.: Jos, Colelough of. the lith con.
has also had the oarpen tas,and`rnas-:
Om at work on his promises and the
result is a marked imlirovement. The
house is now 18x2.8feet' • and much
more comfortable in. every way, We,
are pleased to note these evidenced, of
progress which are brought about by
Mr. Colclough's industry.
Airs, Bissett died at the home of
het daughter, Mrs, George. 'Young of.
the 2nd concession; on Saturday Iast
aged eighty one years. The funeral
took place on Monday to the Colbor-
ne cemetery; the .services at the'hou-
se being conducted by Rev. John
McNeil and at the graveside. by Rev,
Mr,: Hamilton. Mrs. Bissett, whose
husband died some .yyears ago, is sur-
vived by her daughter, Mrs. Young,
and her , sons, Samuel of Colborne
and George of Goderich,
The anniversary and . tea in Cole's
church came off successfully: On Sun-
day the church ;was packed to listen
to Br.; Cook and Rev. Miller, who
ieliyered eloquent sermons., On Mon-
day evening the good ladies served
abundance of good things after which,
a4good programme was rendered: trhe
choruses, solos, quartettes, recitat-
ions, violin selections and speeehes
were well given. The proceeds amo-
unted to $43. . r
Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton leave
for a trip to the West this week,
Miss Mary J. 'Yeo of. Washington,
'U. S. is home on a visit;tat-her fath-
er's, Mr. William Yeo's,Bayfield
inises of the undersigned at 'lot 21,
• con: 3, Mullett, about the "middle
of September, one yearling heifer.
Owner will please• prove property,
pay expenses and take the animal
away..$.G•liddon, Clinton P.Oz 404
In Fabric Gloves
Consisting of Cashmere awl wool gloves• we are showing a
tu]l line of -sizes in shades of Cream, Black, Navy,. Grey,
Red, &c, Prices range from 25e per pair to �0�r
More of those Flannelette Blankets
for S aturday Morning.
Blankets worth $1.60 for 68c.'
.« $lk. �5 85c.
. They are all slightly damaged but not enough to • hurt the
wear. If these blankets were perfect the: price would -GRA
' bell 00 and $1.25, . Sale price O,Yk and.... .Osiis•
$i.00 ' lone Spuns: at 65c.
On Saturday morning' we will Place on Stile about 100 .yards
of :alt wool Homespnns in Grey's, Navy and Black, the
regular.price.of.which is 51.00 to go at .:........... ISA C�
4oC Worsted Hose: at 25c.
3(10 pairs of Boys Ribbed School Hose, made of Scotch Finger-
ing yarns extra, heavy quality and worth every cent • of O Rn
40c to go at..., Y
This cut will give you
a very good idea of how the
best Ten ...Dollar Overcoat .
• in the market appears. We
looked through the samples
of all .the big. .Clothing
Factories, before we bought
and the best Overcoat made.
in Canada, that can be' sold
for '$ r o.00 is .the one we are
selling to -day. Thisis what
we think but cu lir e and see
for yourself.
Mons' Overcnsite iniu1, from :.
good quality all w..ol Chev-
iots, two; shades of dark
'.grey,' lops° buck . French
faced, velvet collar, good
lining used thronghotit, : a
leader, extra. special -value $10
tet each •: = W
Nothing like a Sweater for Fall and Winter
wear, especially if you are outside . very much.
They are just thing, too, for Boy's going to school.
From the cheapest to the finest grades, we have
the best values to -day that have ever been inside
this store. There has never been as many natty
styles or as good an assortrnipt,ic select from.
Boy's Sweaters, 50c, 75c and $100.
Mens' Sweaters, $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.b0
iodgens ros.
fwlQli l ang mews turai lgs. •