HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-13, Page 7)I•
Office formerly occupied. by De. Pal-
lister on Main street.
-L• -
October lath 1904
G. D, Iii.etagigart I
NOTARY, rum„ic;
OFFICE -Sloane Bloat- CLINTON.
(Successor to Mr. James Scott.)
office formerly occupied by Mr,
James Scat, in Elliott 31ock, •
N.lonveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Jusure,nee Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr. W. Guun L.. R. (. P. & L. R.C.S.
Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn M. R. C. S. Eng.
• L. R. C. 1'. London • ^
Night calls at front door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite :
Presbyterian church, •
OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
OFFICE --L. Ontario street...7CLINTON, -
Opposite St. Paul's church.
1)R. C. • W. THOMPSON..
Special attention • given. to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
-Mee and Residence -
North oI Ratteubery St.
- .ONT
_office atfjoinieg Photo Gallery: open
every day and Saturday nielitsuntil
to o'clock.
...ZR. G. ERNEST n(r,mEs
:specialist i.n Lrown ai,r1 tiridge Work
.D. 1). S.-Gredu ate ol the Royal Col- •
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
io. - .
L. D. S. -First class honor graduate
' of Dental Department -c,f ',Toronto
University. 2 •
;Special attention. paid to 1 .eservation
of children's teeth. .
Will be at the River Hotel, Bay field,
every Monday from to a. in to 6
p. m.
.a. inerriber of the Vettrinary MeAical:
Associations of London and •Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary College. •• •
.-OFFICE- Huron street -CLINTON..
Next to Commercial Hotel •
;Phone 97 •
J.35."Rumball Oliuton
Et -i Surgeon, Oculist, Specia;ist,
Diseases of J. Ear, Nose andEl
43 Throat, visits Clinton itiontLly
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness gtj
treated. . 'CI
London Ofilee 225 Queen's ,Ave.,. Ec
Clinton Office. Combe's Drug. kti
ig trot.ra 8 a. in. to 4 p,, in. nail
ues- 0
J es d visits-Tdaysd)
-4. 1,0
Mar. 1, Mar. 29, May 3, May ED
54] 31, 3 hive 28, .ttrly sfr, Sept. ei .
Oct. 4, Nob. 1, Nov. 29.
. Pt
ke. .
• .r• • - • •
ONUKA 49 410'
Rattenbury Street WorKs
itupprters, Wor k ni an.
ship and Material guaranteed.
J.. G. SEALE & Co.
We have a good as-
sortment of New
Buggies always
. on. han.l.
Just nowa number of 1
second-hand Bug-.
giesgood re,-
pair- Cheap.
Repairing promptly attended to.
111111113ALL and MDMATH
• 'rho jlloKillon Mutual Fire
Insuranao Goolatiu
-Farm and . Isolated Town. PropertyL
• -Only. Instired.-:
• •
3. B. lifeLea,n, Presitheit,. • T.,:ippen P,'
O. ; Thos. • Fraser,: , • 'Vier -President,
Brrieefield P, 0. ; . T. E. Hays, Sec. -
Treasurer Seafotth . P;' 0.
William' •§Itesney; Scaforth ; John
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dalc, Sea.
forth ; John Watt, Ilarlock ; • John
Bennewies, •Brodhegen. ; Janica Evens,
Beachwood ; .7.ainea Connolly, Clinton.
•. AGENTS.• . • • •
.Robert Sinith, . Har1o1 ; E.
chley, Seaforth .; James' Curnmings,
EgmondVille ;3. W. Yeo, Holinee- .
Parties desirous to ;effect Insurance
or transact other • business will bef
promptly attended to on application ' ,
to any of the above officers addressed
to theirrespective postoffices. :Losses •
inspected by the director who lives,
nearest the scene,
The Clinton Nowet-Rzcord
•oo .000 000 ,ixf,f4.4f,9-.,;-•x.•-,€(•ywo-io€0@-4%, ••
afi The News of Goderlell.
We pOh 41
ay lialt o.
the cost of the
first bottle
to prove to you the merits of ;
Vito Tonle
• Vito Tonic is especially pre-
pared for ail clisease.s relating to:
Tho Stomach
The Lungs
The Liver
The I3owels
The Kidneys
The Nerves.
It strikes ht the root of the
disease by strengthening and
healing the tissue or cells of
• which the hi:man body is formed.
The weakest stomach can
retain it beeause it is composed
of herbs, barks and ;fruits pre-
pared in accordance with a
special formulae known only to
the manufacturers.
• Great ',
.•.... .
Ce sk.:01:1
"They.vok tOnotheir.7
MI Ss E. A, Skimings,
Correspondent I
0,..),Cq:* 00 .0.. 0O 0 Oe.,"-,l;e2A,V000 00 • 40(•)$ •
Mrs. Dailey of Chicago. and her
two:lovely children are the pests of ,
her mother, Mrs. George Evans.
Miss Brass of St. Louis, we, regret
to say, died at her home in the last
• week of September." The . deceased
young lady was one of the visitors
at Hotel Goderich for a Muple of se-
'Harry Blackstone, conductor
R. R., -Sarnia, with his wife' and, fa-
mily were guests, of Mr, Henry Blac-
•kstone, and hare returned to their
home at Sarnia.
Mr. Peter O'Rorke, who has been
confined to hissired for some months,
at the .residence of his sister, Mrs.
T. Griffin, took a clutilgek for .the Vo-
rslteliesasrlZotliaisSet owIteeoku.
Ora of Cairo, Ill-
inois, was called to the home of her• •
sister, Mrs, T. Griffin., by the, ill-
ness of their fa.thet., . • • . •
Mr. Macdonald of South street was
"struck in the arm by the dog in his
lathe at his own residence and in-
jured his elbow badly.
Miss Maud Johnston. is assistant
at Cat's general store: • -
-Mrs. • Lewis Elliott was visiting -
some Colborne' relatives last week..
The Ladies' Aid of. Victoria street
church, will serve, a.' real old4ashioned
hot supper in the church . parlors. on
the 'evening .of • Thanksgiving day.•
On Oct.. 3rd the Women's. 'Mission-
ary Society of • Victoria street church
held the ;anniversary tea in church par-
lor at 6.o'clock, the •afternoon being •
spent .in filling boxes 1,,Ao irtagosieRrirt.1,13;too.....
some Mission station,
gram. was presented in the evening,
Mr. • Geo. A: Elliott presiding .with
his usual -frank' manner. The soc-
iety's- funds -amount to 846..80. ending
this • first'year .of their membership.
EncOetaging : • •
'Warnock's large squash sent on
eek eclipsed its predecessors in
Mrs. amity's recipe for • Pear
marmalade was given by her and as.
this is the pear season some one
might like it for •Thauksgiving des-
sert Nine lbs. pears, 8 lbs, sugar,
5 lemons, * Ib. (or can) ground
ginger,. 1. cup water. Boil all to-
gether 1 hour and 20. minutes. Cut
apples and. lemons extremely thin
in slices. It Was arranged that the
next • meeting . will be held • at Mrs.
Captain Tretheway's residence . on
November 3rd. *Mrs., Colin Campbell
is to demonstrate some form of cul-
la:try work to. bo left to her own
selection. Members are invited to
bring two ;flew members. with them,
Mrs. Captain Tretheway moved, that
a .conunittee be formed to visit any
menibeit" who •night ,be ill, the names
of any who are to be -given Mrs.
Gundry. Mrs. . James. Miller also
moved that- a: letter of sympathy be
sent' to Mrs. John L. Aitken or:
account of her little son's death. •A
recipe was given for making .unier-
men•ted wine for the use of the chur-
ches, Crrapes, plain And currant bre-
ad, and lovely butter- with tee, • and
lovely creara'-iwere served at 5 p. m.
Bowls of crithSon dahlia and white
.asters were 'on each table. While,
the 5 o'clock tea was being prepared
Miss Skimings presided at the plane
and played , "God .Save the King,i"
A vote -of thanks .was tendered, Mrs.
Salkeld • for her • kindness in inviting
the Woolen's Institute to .1=0 al.
her residenee •
• weig •4ippifig the beamI at 400
pound . '
We con6ratidate our citizen, Waltet
Brough'. C,• E., on the appointment h
has ',repel -red. as chief assistant • to
Engineer J. G. Sing, who.- will be In
charge of the new distriet office the
Government is • .opening in London,
'The- office' will a branch of the
Public Works Department at Ottawa,
and will have the oversight cif Gov-
ernment Works in Western Ontario.
We will miss IVIr, and Mrs. Brough
very much.
• We 'hare to thank Miss Jessie Mae-
donaid .for. thoughtfully presesAing. •
'a• Souvenir canoe pin.• biota.
•• Sault • Ste. Igarie: ' .
• Mr. Will..11o.well, .second- Son • of the
• fate . Mr. Howell LA. foimer pits.
.. tor • here, Jas ..resignabis .position
as -teacher of languages in the Chi-..
cago pniyersity, and has sircceeded td
the PrincipalShip in the High School.
at Port, Arthur. •
-Mrs. Charles -Durnin ha-Xerrioved
;from, ..East -street • to the • house on
Elizabet.h .street lately occupied 'b
of 1,ho Plixtton band t-
please on the: occasion ef the pi!om-
enade Concert held an Thursday
ening last was .most favorably com-
mented' upon. We were 'delighted wi-
th "Just Before the' Battle, Mother"
and aothe .other song tunes of 1,he civil
. war, •• • • • • '• • •
Just the -thance • of -making money
that we thought the livetymea had
was wisely. taken- hold of by Mr.
Alex. Robinson who is putting. on a
Hee -of. busses to 'And from Saltford sto
accommodate workers the C,P,R.
•who live in thwn. ,• • . •• • .
The •Women's Institute met in , the.:
parlors of' Mrs Isaac Salkeld on eth.
•October.:. Quito .• a large ,iturnber' :.o.f,
the membets (hove out in the- ' hand
wagon." • The sectetar.y; • Miss.. MarY
Salkeld; read the roll, which is an
extremely. Icing • one, and also . the..
There was a good half inci of ice
en, any ,pails or tubs of water - that
were left outside on the evening of
last Thursday. Grapes, tomatoes
and the asters. suffered ' severely from
the catty. frost, but of course it is
October •and • we must be Contented.
. Miss Marjory Morrow, youngest
Morrow, is now out of danger and:.
,of Mr.g.a..nd :emi'gete
eali hopes
. She has hurt' seriously -ill,
for mine days. • . •
week in 'September at* New York'
• •. .
Miss Jessie 'Murray • of Stratford is
the guest of. her sister, !Mrs. graze'
Mr, Geoffrey' to) t arrived last.
from Germany and- arrived at Trinity.,
College' the same week to pursue his
Miss Frank McLean' of Dungannon
left • on lst October to attend . the
Normal College •at Ilanillton. • ' •
•• •
• . •
Mends -the use of • a..laxative deasf-'
(really. For. a Mild, :safe and .
tain relief . use Dr. Hamilton'S Pills
of Mandrake and Butterrint.
suited to ettildre.n., -Let your' children'
Use only: Dr. Hamilton's- Pills. Prim
2' • • • ' • .•
Our Special Offer
TIME TABLE. good for 14. days only
. , . •
Trains will arrive ' at ' ancl depart •
Si bottle for 5.0c.
from Clittoe ste.tion. as follotve,• , • it
13U.V.A1,0 AND GODERICII DIV.' ' • ' '
Going East .Express . , , • •
. ,
7•38 aan^ We ' make' this generous offer
I/ I 4 1 3,23 pan.
Going 1.,ast ' 5.20 pin. ' because we Want you \varho e
. Going West fo.15 ant. ' ; sick to get well, and• we linow,
'' ' " arrive 6.15 leave 6.40 , that Vito Tonic will cure you -
•Going West Express • x2.55 p.m. • ' •
" " " to.32 , children and adults alike. •
2_, • ,
Going South Express' ' .7,4y man.
• " "• • 445 Pali.
." North. Expreis . to.15 aim. •
ito onrc is a fo�or the
nerve tisiud.
It will give back to you the
energy you have lost, •
It increases our appetite and.
! b'uilds up your constitution,
A. O. PA 1140R, Station Agent.
R..noma*s, Town Ticket Agent,
J. D. 'MACDONALD, District Passen-
• ger Agent, Toronto- It is a preparation that cures
• •
goo. Ws Cotton Root Compound.
.....--", • Is the only safe, reliable
regulator on which woman
can depend. "in •the :hoar
and time Of need."
Prepared in two degrees of
strength. No. 1 and No. 2. 2
No, t. -'or orditary.eases . -
is •by far the best dollar • • •.
medicite known. Coupon
No. 2 -Por epeelal cases -10 degrees .
stronger -three dollars per box.
Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's I
, .
: Cut out thecoupon below and
take it to the druggist Whose '7
t . .
name appears at the bottom of
this advertisement.
Cotton Root Compeund. Take no other , - Please sell the bearer
as all pilis, mixtures and Imitations are '
tumorous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
• •
• • : •
: •
Mrs : Carrie arrived at her resider).-
ce "Bleak. • House" recently ' front
a delightful :ten days' visit to the
Werld's Fair; • • •
We were sorry to learn of • the
death of a former. townsinan, Mr.
Alexander- Cathcart, at the residence
of his daughter-, • Mrs, Rood 'of St.
Clair, Mich. Mr.. Catheart was the
eldest hrdther or Mrs. :J .. H -Edward
of town and at one time was On the
staff of. the I-Iuron hitt after
• leaving totri, th. push .his fortune in.
the States he heertine a ship carpen-
ter and enjoyed good health until
stricken with paralysis. His. brother,
Mr: George Cathcart.and Mrs. bath.;
cat ; of Toronto, were with, him: in
la: last illness. The funeral . took
place at St. Clair and his remains
were placed beside those of his wife,'
He was born in Ireland' 04 years
a's°. Mr. Cathcart beloeged to the
Order of Modern Foreatiers and to the'
1.0. F. 1 -la •Was in good health when
hevisited .his Old homein. Goderich a
couple of . years . ago and was the
guest of his sister, Nits.- JAI: Ed-
ward, •
- • • • :
The' doctors 'helieve nother epidern-
le of - Grippe' is here a..nd already nt.
.aro suffering, The medical men
are not afraid of grijme since Cat-
arrhozone was introduced and claim•that no ,one will erer•cateli this dis-.
ease who inhales -the fra,grant .vap-
or of Catarrhozone a few times da,
ily: Catarrhozone kills the grippe
germ and prevents it spreading thr-•
(nigh s
the sytem.: "Last winter r
had art attack of grippe". writes C.
P. Mackinnon of St. ' John's. "I
bought • Catarrhozone and got relief
in Alert time. I found Catarrhozone
better than anything else and , was
cured by using it: Catarrhozone pre-
vents and cures Grippe, colds and
catarrh: Two moriths'.. • treatment
$1 ; size 25C..
miniites of the last Meeting Mrs
'saw 'Salk -cid read •a letter of regret
froth Mrs. Andreiv Beck, written ,at
Louisville in which •she stated that
although she was enjoying 'her holi,
day viSit. in that •citY site
word(' have liked to have been with
, them. She said in Louisville •there itt
one round.of garden and dinner Part-
ies. ,and the ladies have not the least
trouble about preparing them, it is
so easy to get gtiod help. Miss Wake-
field. gave the mexnbers a recipe- for '
making cream puffs which some of
our readers might like to try: Take
cup butter and I. ettp sifted flour,,
.tit into !a double boiler. and: bring
to •a boil ; then take from the lire
and reduce to a smooth paste, When
cool add' three unbeaten eggs aral
stir the mixtare for five minute's.
Drop 1 la,bles.poonful in buttered tin
alms and bake in good oven for 25
minutes. The filling is as follows
1 cup milk (or cream), cup sugar.
4 eggs, 3 tablespoonsful flour, cook
thoroughly' and flavor. When cream
and puffs are coal with thin sharp
knife cut the puffs in halves arid fill
in the cream. -
recommended by all druggist!! in the Do- ; . • .)fminion of Canada. Mailed to any address ;
. tn Company , one $1.00 bold; of Vito Tonic for INas in Bread ef
on reeeipt of_pylee_ax4 four 2 -cent pOstitg!
stampsree 'Joo
. Windsor, Out. r ,.
soc. and charge the other soc. to Heart Diseas
Na,•r an.d140. 2 are sold in Clinton ..
by Watts.& Cc., It. II. Coinlie, It r. ' •
liceitie awl J. H. Hovey, druggists.• .. The Vito Remedy Co.
150 YEARS*
Niagara Falls, &outdo,.
COP.VnioNTs &e.
7 Miyeene gentling a isketet and dosetinucti mei
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably unteptable.
U0116 larletiveeneeenten. HANDBOOK Oft PAMIR+
00fre 01(1106t it One for secMeat&
The Beet In Current Literature
.ttn.so Ong ttANf2 CTl. A OdIalti..
.*NO CONTINUED svoruma •
Patentd taken through Main &a 00. 1.0001,(1
special notice, without charge, lathe
$dentfflcJiltieritall." •
hatiduiltely iltuntiated eveekir. Urged. olr.
entatton of any !immure tunnel t3 ft
LINN & 00,301groadwah New York
Branch onleo, veer $t. Washington 1). Cr
tar er's V.Z(WisoITend)Disinfectlintfloar
Powder Is better titan other so'
Pt il 0.140 stets as a disinfectant,
.. 94
. Oat 1 f041. Wahl'', $1. tio d bran newsdealer&
woman an permanent representative
of biginanufaeturing company, to
look after its business in this coun-
ty and adjoining territory. flinti-
ness successful and established. Sal-
ary $20.00 weekly and expenses,
Salaty paid weekly from 1;01110 of -
lice. 1xpense, money advanced. Ex-
perienee pot essential. Enclose self.
addressed envelope, General Manag-
er, Como Block, Chicago. • 33-8
Infants too- yougg to talto mediate rita$ he
cur. d ot croup, whoopind Cough and colds hs*
lain* Vapmerc101ette-Abey breathe it,
• But by enriching the blood ail
building up the syntein With Dr,
Sheese's Nerve Food the symptoms
wore entirely overcome.,
Many who aro going through 'Vein council
horror of heart disease can take' new courage •
the feet that by supplying the heart with it
delv -
ay of rich red blood by the use ot Or. ns
Nerve Food they :am restore the normal a ri •
the heart and overcome the distressin g spin:ton .
Ms, Jolla J. DONOVAN, 171 St. Eno,it
Street, Montreal, Qii
states was all tin
down in health, tie.
very nervous and suff.
°red a lot with a pain
in the region of my
heart which caused me
to have queer feelire.s
come over me. 'the
reputation which Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food has
as a system builder end'
nerve restorative led me
to be gin a treatment
with this preparatioi and
1 earl report excellent re.
Ma. DONOVAN sults, My nerves mane
strong ancl steady, the pains in my side have le. t
me and I feel better in every way. I do is
hesitate to reeommend Dr. Chase's Nettie rood
in the highest terms,'
Tcs protect you against imitation the portrait
and signature of Dr. A.. W. Chase, the fernouS
receipt book author, ars on every box of hi*
A pretty hut quiet wedding was'
solemnized at the borne of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Rutledge, Pickford, Mich.; on 28th
September, the • contracting parties
being Miss Mary J. Rutledge of
Pickford and Mr. Will. J. Ross of
Lowell, Mich. The bride entered the
drawing -morn leaning on' the arm of•
her father, Who gave. het, away, She
looked charming in a oth= of blue
venetian cloth with white silk waist.
The bridesMaid was Miss Tiflk M.
Rutledge, sister of the bride, Mr.
Clegg, a friend of the groom,. was
groomsman'. Rev, Mr. MoNitnm tied
the nuptial knot. After the perform-
ance of the wedding 'ceremony , the
bridal party and guests entered the
dining room where a sumptuous
wedding dinner was served, atter
which the bridal party took train
for the Soo and left later for Lop
ell, their future home. The bride
was much esteemed by her own eon-.
gregation and among the many hand-
some gifts that she received was a
lovely drawing -room lamp, the tri-
bute of the Methodist Sunday scliool.
Both bride and groom were born it.
Huron county, the bride being i
sister of Mrs. John Milian ot God-
erich township, and the groom for-
merly resided in ItIXeter.
Guessing at the heat of, an oven spoils
more food than inexperienced cooks.
Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are
ruined if the oven is too hot or not
hot enough. The oven thermometer' of the Imperial Oxford It awe
_ does away with all guesswork, The least experienced CM telt to a
'certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting.
Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the
Imperial Oxford
Mist cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you, don't know
your oven. With. the Imperial Oxford Range you know that die heat
of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact
Write for the Imperial Oxford. booklet. Or better
still, will, you, call at ohe of our agencies and see
the stove itself?
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
Toronto, Canada
Montreal,. Wintraipeigi
1.• •fo
For sale by Davis & Rowland.
• • - - • - - • •• •
' . . 0
The new cement Walk is laid outside , . •• ,
Chufvh • street citizens. are setting 1 1
the pace on having 'narrow' streets,' !
the trees. and when the pavement is • - •iaid
Same fashion the' farmers with loads stem Winding.
-on the Opposite side in the - •
of hay •had better go another
, .
_ ,___,-W
. a c
t. . • .*
. ..
One gentleman said all the • -new.
pavementir that may be laid will be .,
,done on the same plan,. as .ha. says
sire snow in winter will notlie so.
deep ppan we will see how
the new plan. works this Winter, if.
we :have lots of snow.
. •
' Most doctors -a:re astonished al the
results obtained -by Dr. Chase's 0. t
merit as -a cure for 'eczema, . salt
rheum and • itching. skin diseases whi-
oh • are often considered well nigh
curable By word of -Mouth from -
.friend to' friend the 'exceptional 11101 -
its of Dr. Chases ointment have.
gradually betonieknown ' until • it ,is •
now • standard the over and •
has: a .record or cures unparalleled. in
the hiStory,of Morlicine;• • .
• . . • • -
To call attention to our immense
stock of modern watches, We make
this unparalled offer :
All. Open Face Stern
• Winding • and Stem
Setting- 2inseric an
Lever Watch in
• - 2'Stranagalifsei clet! •
guaraeteed anexcellent thne keeper.
Should it fail to..give satisfaction, ,
• .I will replace it with anither any
timewithin- one year. • .
• As the' cost is far to.eiciv the
wholesale"price . cine ci4y-will- be •
. ;wiled to any address: in, Canada
y, . on receipt of orie donee, and .seven
cents for postage. Money refunded
• t if you do not like the watch.'
Mr. Anthony •of the 0. stall
has rented , the -residence on" South
tatirue:t• own, eMr..-CharieS
Mr. Reginald • Bleak left on. Mon-
.day a. fli. to •spend the' season ‘.1.11 I.
•Califorida; He will Visit the cities -
Of - Pasadena, and Los Angeles. ' We'. •
Wish. hirif bon VOyage,. • johnS. Barnard,.
= Descriptive circulars:mailed free
on application.
Your 'visit to the Western Fair
.9th to. x7th Sept. will give you an
opportunity • of ; inspecting ,,.these
wetches and our general. stock.
,St. • - LONDON.
OMNI• 2 "
The finest region.ia Canada for the
-hunter. who wishes "te secure Moose
• Sudden . changes of .weather • are..es:- .
peel ally ' trying ' and Probably to. n.op
nwre so. than to the scrofulous
, consumptive. The progresS of " •
ftilit during a,•normal October is cont-'..).-
monly great. -We never thing of scro-
fula -its 'bunches, .Outantous er•rp!.,i•
.ons,. and wasting of the bodily
thinking: of the. "great.;
•geodl many stiffeners from it , have
derived . from -.Hood's •sarssap.tril'a, .•
whose. radical and permanent ..lurei• • I.
Of this one disease are enough . • to.'
make. it,..the Most, famous inediciue
e .w
orld. There is probably not
. .
' .or • town - where Hood's '8arthr,•••-
paring, has not prayed.. its merit , .n.I
niorb homes.'than. one, ..in arresting
and ,,completely .eradicating scrofula,.
'which is almost as 'serious anti as
much to he feared as its near rela-,
tive-,consumption. .2. • • .
lir the Temagaini regionin New.
Ontario, and now easy( of Aceess by '
the Grand Trunk 'Railway 8ystein
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