HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-13, Page 6r. 7,01111r1
1, • •
"Wr. V 11"W 'W,W ••••
••• - - , 11 . . WM '" W • - - -If . •''' '•.• '‘• -.". ••• . W"11 . , ylt•Ty- ."-T-7". " •,,, 11, 1111 WI! lr•Ivir 1F-NFIrWilirV^VTATPW1r1r rlirT V IF VT Yin, Vir 'virrryv y r rir-rryaririr-rra,-,a-11,-T -Ivy- ...ivy, rr-r-ray-v-v are-w•wv- a-, ,,, Ylr wir-w-.-li ,r^iera rragriverreweirawmarxraprrorwqmstentremarrariaa, -y-trair:rewirroteieopieetwoeimi,
we lent .00. Plane-, at all, ael, fir the
4011Veliiietle4 of those who °do/free op-
Pertelaity for emeiggling and other
. , unlowtel paretilte, there Were a great
•Ual; accurate, what (Wee it all eueount
AIMIX Velentary "tiebruissione" and
it the ligeree be acceptedWV* "capturee."
But, even
to? An average, say, of 543 ves-
sels per annum -less than
cent. of our total firhipping, or about .
the • Borne neMber as We are accus-
e:Med to- Poe. Without panic, from
wrecks end collisions, each year.
Mom:Were for ,every :Mir Merchant
CEYLON NATURAL CAREEN tett IR' natural leaf.
. . .
light color In the cum . and with ' a peculiar leaf
fragrance, CaPtleatiog to all. Sealed lead pszckete
only, same form at" the famous " RALADA" Black
toalk. 20c and 40o per Ib By all Grocers,,
A Brilliant Review of His Posi-
tion by a Well-known
Naval Expert.
"Are we* losing, or hive we lost,
QUI naval supremacy," is A questiou
born largely., if net entirely, of ree
•cexit eVente-notably of the boarding
or seizure of British and other "es-
- eels by the cruisers of Russia, In
that term It scarcely needs serioue
- consideration writes Lieet. Carlyan
' -_-33ellEtire- in' 1,1611'ibli "
SHIR tion a those vvlio put it, and indi-
ptorn of the unhealthy mental conei-
. The seggestion conveyed is a syra-
ca,tes that careful judgment is being
, yartially excluded in favor of hastily
big zrdmeresut 0 coodluesiidOeinist9.irom impereatly
Made big enough for a
I• wish we could, without too 'great
man to work in with comfort
-a ese of prestige, and Without anY
Has more material in it than e fatal disturbance of our national self-
- reliance, - be disillusioned on , meny
any other brand of shirt in • points about which the average Pexe
e eon is, as a rule, eXtremele
_ Canada. • Made on the informed. •
IteWoulil be well, • indeed, if some-
KB.K. Seale it requires 3934
thing were to happen to shame us
to 4z yards per dozen, whereas Out .of the ridienlous idea that be-
, cause a fee' British ships, in coninion
common shirts have only 32. - with those belonging to other natiors.
• 1: had been interfered with, the heaveus
to 33 yards • e were a,bOut to fall, and the end Of all
• • ' things British were imminent. •
- That's the reason why the 7'NO GAUSE FOR ht
••7- iti every •time • bf even "sinall • ex-
H.B.K. "Big" Shirt never eitement, there 'is • a, certain number
- chafes the armpits, is never !" well-intentioned peo'ple 'who w001.3
make 'the seieing af a British vessel
- tight at the neck or wrist- by either of the, belligerentstettithueemuba.:
• ject raeitter •of an namedia
= bands, is always loose, full li)•
7 and comfortable and wears , TIRED AND DEPRESSED: •
• •
well. The Condition of Many Tomas
Women iii Shops and Cifices,
Eachshirt bears. a; tiny book • Thousands -of young:, Women have
that teals the *hole history to depend 'upon their onca effort' to
, gain a livlihood; and to these, whe-
e of the) "Big" Shirt, and I thee behind the counter,. in the ()face,
• , . the factory or the home, work means
also contains a notarial
apse confinement -often in beelly ven-
telated rooms. There is a strain on
• declaration that the Ham:
the nernee; the blood becenhes Jen-
- " Bie Shirt contains 393 .poverielied, the cheeks pale there are
frequent headachespalpitation , of.
to 42 yaalds.of material per , the *art and a constant tiredness.
dozen. .raay lead to a complete. brea.keoWnA-
- perhaps Consunintion. What 'is need -
Sold at all dealers but only ed. to rest* vim and energy and
vitality is, a tonic. • and absolutely
with this brand:—•
the best. tonic In the, World is pr.
Williams' Pink ' They actually
e - make new blood,. • and bring health.
e and cheerfal energy to 'tired and de -
4. pressed girls 'and women. Miss Viola
Whitt Robinson's Corners N. S.
• ' e says: ",/ was a great 'sufferer ' nem
geearlacliese heart palpitation • and
• troubles that afflict . my sex. •My
, blood seemed almost to have turned
11/TDSON BAY KNITTING CO. i to .water, and the least exertion' left
- weak and depressed. . I used seia
Montreal Winnipog Dawson • - •en bokes of Dr, Williams' Pinie'leills
If the 'first eynaptones are neglected it
— •
1 7 ztrId they have made a remarkable
• . change in my condition. I Can truly
-say that.'1 feel like a new persop,
and Xestronglearecommend these Rifle
: PROTECTING Tax CZAR, to all weak, ailing- girls."
These pills cure all forms of bleed
tAn Elaborate System of Felice'
and nerve troijbles, but you get
the .geritline • With the full tame Dr.
Neilliams' Pink Pills : for Pale -Peo-
ple on the Wrepper around each box.
Ask yeur druggist for them or you
ean get them by niail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ-
ing the Dr. William, Medicine Co,
Brookville, Ont. •
Itn Russia the Safety of the emperor
Is a sufficient excuse for setting aside,
:when necessary, any law or. regula-
Mon. Regiments of soldiers are sta-
eioned near each palace, and selected
Itroops are detailed for duty in court -
yards and bulldings. In addition to
the regular uniformed police, who
patrol the streets with particular
care when the czar is passing, there
is a large body of secret police, who
have agents in Berlin, London; Paris,
Buenos Ayres, New York, Chicago
and Paterson, New Jersey.. Spies•
are in every city in Russia and ip
every department of life. Between
St. Petersburg and Tserkoe Selo a
special line, with a private station at
each end. has been built for:the ee-.
cldsive use of the imperial farnily.-
Every. yard of it is guarded eonstante
ly, and particularly when a train is
to pass. The present ruler of all the
'Mashes appears to be perscinally
courageous, and goes out a good
deal. At Tsarkoo Selo and Peterhof,
his two favorite reeidences, he is une
tum from Downing Street to the ofe
fending Power, • A'
'Mistakes and • indisCretionS are Un-
avoidable in War, at Senas on land.
It, Is not always poesible to delay in
order to make absolutely sure- as to
your privilege to shoot, for fear yeur
weapon ,s be broker/ or. Stolen .before..
you. are sufficiently satisfied of yeurt
right to use than.:
11 the mistakes are not detected, or CAN intINIC TR017BiE.
Pass without remonstranee, so much
the better for those who make them.
If they Are seen and coniplained of,
and compeneation is demanded in
sufficientl determined tenee, support-
ment making the demande is strong
enotigh to back them up with • com-
pulsioe, then you pay tonipensation
derstood to occupy small vines in with tee much grace as YoU can sten-
the grenade in preference to the large e•
mon for eirePAY,
palaces. He is under closer stiAtell- That is all there is In the busiaess
aVreclionunthtlerScie.4eatout, Vireoyri tliwriedt4 aft% letasuiti
complement of picked seamen on
board. •
And the experince of the Japanese
In the present War' bes been shnilar,
although it was Cleatto many Of Us
from the first that her naval force
Was quite inadequate., for hex task
front the British point of 'OM, 11:14
their naval pewee been sufficient to
have blockaded Vladivestock as well
as Port Atthur, arid to have kept 4
fleet In the Straits of Korea, the
raiding by the Russian ships would
have beef./ impoesible
Were the alarmist fraxne ef mind
there results perversion of all true
Ideas of defence. And fortifications
are the weapon and refuge of all
wear or inferior naval Powers, They
feel themselves/ unable to defend the
sea, and at once they fly to bricks
and mortar defences on land, and the
money that ought to be spent on
strengthening the sea defence is frit-
tered away on interior defences, suit-
able iitone fora country with no sea-
board than for an island kingdom.•
• •The Japanese fortifications have
proved absolutely useless to there in
this war; rime although whenever the..
Vladivoetock squadron entered the
Straits of [Corea it found itself in a
sea sprinklee, with fortified positions,
they were unhindered and uhliaeneed
by them. The forts could do noth-
ing, and• the career of the eritiadron
could only be checked. or terminated
by Marne ships
Or businesa ine tinie of • war would,
not be to "patrol the trading routes"
or "Police the seas,' as people term
it, We should elatdow every ship
belonging to the enemy -our intelli-
gence. department .knowswhere • every
one of them is -and they would have
inore to spare for seizure pueposes.
• If they detached. their armored
cruisers in puesult of inerehartt ves-
sels, they would simplY Ie depriving
Pliserolee,•filid at once their delicete
chisellings and mechanism appear.
Sone ineects lay oval eggs, others
spherical. Some eggs aro liks Oroot.
an water bottles, others have crowes
en the top. Some have rims, grooves
and projecting points of ornament*.
tion, In someM
the acs around the
exterior entwine in beautiful order,
in others lines and flutirigs•prevail,
ae it the t had just come from tele
hands of a skilful engraver.
A one lace covering envelopes the
surface of several insects' eggs.
Many are tinted and colored, While
others display' all tridescedee surpase
sing that of the ear shell °nineteen
Even the eggs of the parasites ef
birds are more splendid than the eggs
et the birds themselves.
Microscople objects, such as eggs of
insects, rawly of which range be-
tween the fiftieth and the livadredth
part of an Melt in diameter*cannot
appear, either. to our judgmeelt or to
unassisted vision, to possess any sur-
face on ,whicki it is possible to dis-
play any ernamentation.
Each kind of butterfly or other in-
sect has its owe special form of egg
SO distenetly marked that, an entomo-
logist should be able to name the
insect by merely seeing its egg. The
eggs ef butterflies may be frozen in a
block of Ice and yet hatched as if no-
theng unusual had occurred. Were
it otherwise a severe winter would
bring about the destruction and ex-
tinction of lioets Of these creatures.
• ;
They Bentovecl the Bad Effects
• and Nei(' Shararn. is -as
Well as Ever Again,
Murray Harbor South, P.4.1., Oct.
10--(Speeial).-Burt through strain-
ing his back while lifting, Mr.
Willzain•Sharam, general storekeeper
here, got so weak that he could
scarcely bold up, Today he is ee.-
laying the best bf health Once more
and when asked how lee got his•liealtli
; back he unlieeetatingly answe:rs,
Dorld's Kidney Pills." •
"Having' sprained my back:" with
;heavy lifting," •Mr:' Skeetam says in
telling liis story, "it brought On Ur-
inary and Kidney Trouble. I got so
weak:that I alines*. feinted -wad pciuld
scarcely. hold up. I was terrible;
troubled :with having' tit; get •out •• of
bed so frequently to urinate.
• "After using many 'medicines with
no gooresults, I tried Dedd's Kid-
ney • I have Used ten beiceeiui
all and note I can sleep without beieg
dieturbed and my old tremble has
vanished • ' • ••
' Dodd's, Kidney Pills cilia the • Kid-
ney's,. Cured Kidneys cure numerous
diseases, --including Rlieumatisne'Drop-
sy, and Briglit'e Didease.
their battleships ef their 'eyes,
It .was to emnbat all this folly
ehat the Bluewatee School, as we are
called,' set to work.. Now- that we
have had' our case peeved by the pre -
'sent war; end have succeeded • in
*owing that our theories are sound,
many politicians and public men,
wlio stood aloof teen, are ameigus to
identify themselves. with the neoee-
In. conclusion, look at the leering up
of our shiepinge What a stupid piece
of patio work! '•
. Itz six months of war, 20 Beitish
or German vessels are boarded, With
about four of 'them, the Itussia,ns And
fault. • •
• ' In thite tithe 'about 1,100 British
'and 260 German Ships' pass through
the ' Suez Canal. In othei• words
tbe yeeeele found fault with • amount
to about oruain (roughly) 830. Sure,.
ly it is not beyond the wit •of diplo-
matists to adjust this, and to get
a very large compensation, as ' the
Germans did -from- us for our illegal
seizures during the South -African
Many Are Covered -With a31„
• ereul Decoeatien. , •
• •• Natureevields a boundless variety 'of
combinations and devices, .useful in
thousands of ways and as a rule her
bectuties are. only hidden from those
who will net make the effort -to see
:theme writes br. Richard ICerr.
• But wben tve turn ' to the micro-
scOpic forms of life We are astonished
that so much beentY should he. ac-
corded to objects 'so small ceed so ate
pareetly:bnimpOreant, nnd.we mervel
at the loveliness- hidden in a .feeie
speck and only made visible by
powerfulmagn .•
,Leuwenhoek states thet. eliree
months a' single .house fly ean ,pro-
duce ;745,499 egg; and Linnaeus, cal-
culating' on the voracity of the hen-
gry \offspring of a fly, states that, in
warm climates, tliree flys destroy the
dead body of a horse as quickly as e
Aceording to Sir Richard Osten, it
requires. eizieteen figure,s to express
enume a o .1 i go s geap
his in the tentli generateen.
standing the exereorditiarY fecundity
of insects, their eggs are marvels of
begil y. u o mi e vision
the human aye Only sees the general
shape and .color of these tiny objects'.
Let thorn be viewed with the aid of n
• •.
San/tor:juin Will .Proyitie Einploy-
•• ment for Patients. •
The 'Naeional 'Committee for the
Establishment:of Sanatoria for Con-
sumptives • in England propotees by
means of subscribed 'funds to erect a
firet sanatorium for the accoMmedae
Cori of, 200 patients. Teta eanator-
iune ie to be on a. scale which is.reas
expensive than anything hitherto• at-
• tenipted, although nothing essential
to effleiency will be sacrificed. The
Sanatineem Oiaving been erected, it is
intended to be self -maintaining In
• allotting beds a strong preference will
be given to patients -in the earliest
stages of the diseetee. The affiliated
frierielly *• soCieties,:and trade unions
will be, invited to endow beds • at
about 259. Per Week for the tie() of
their members. Qeher beds will be
supported- by- smeller societies -•
iluirleg • occasional accommodation, -
and if any be not taken tip; they.
may be available' for paying patients
at a slightly Increased Oost. A fea-
ture of the scheme is the proposal
that selected patients *how disease
Is arrested shall • perform a, certain
-amount Of outdoor work, and that in
p 1 • d farn for
the peetial training of suitable cases
in agriculteral and allied pursuits
.be developed. It is hoped that
There are very few cleans.
ing operations in which StudIght
Soap cannot be used to advant.
age. It makes the home °bright
and dean.
A Smart yeungster tarried up at
school the other morning withhis
face bound up, and all the evidence of
4 bad attack of toothache.
rerliaps the teacher knew his boy,
for he wasted no time In expression
of sympathy.
"Where were you yeteterday, John-
ny?" lie 'demanded,
John mutely pointed to lits band-
aged face, but Alio questioner was
meroiless. •
"Did you hear me? 'Wliere Were
you yesterday?" lie repeated,
'Hunting." bhirted
"Indeed," ejaculated the teacher.
"So you played truant in order to
go hunting, and so contracted tooth-
• Johnny. was silent, for a moment,
• and then, perha,ps under the impres-
sion that lie vouldret very Well make
niatters worse, he .cantlidly replied:
"I contracted notbire, sir. But I
thought if tied up my head red be
axing no questions."
eAce_ording to the doctors, • most
people eat too mush." said the nig-
'inaot NARK,
•"91.6LAND CITY"
Win Dry. In 8 Hours.
P. DODS-84 CO Montreal Toronto Vancouvet7.
en sine at rill Hardware Dealers -•
Potatoes, Poultry- Ego Butter Apples
Let us have your connignment of any of these artieleS and ai will
get you good pricee, •
• iffer. Worst Market and 00Iboano Stec, TOft9NTO.
iilikk 11,14.444, o. at Xl..reitrili...lollte...tiiii .A...... ,,..6111111M=Iliel .
gardly eandledy, "Yee wouldn't be e e alley 'eel., e'er:,
asked one- of theni‘ ' I 14 Nii* .1.1)...,'7..:: Nit II, '
to uncomplimentary as to say . that ee • . .., •
could •possibly be true of' any of your . % itt . .7444' *0 .
lodgers, - would' youe .Mrs. Irons?"'
:.. e.•
Stanstead Junetion, P. Q.,
Pail% Wa.s h -Basins UM Pans; aw
•,,,, e
' 12th Aug., 1898.
Mama. C. C. Richards & Co.
Any FIrst•Clases Caviler Can Sur3pey vete
Gentlemen, -I fell from- the bridge •
- , . '
leading from a platform to a. load-
ed car while assisting my meet in
unloading a load of grain. The• CI I 7.0-,:,,, ..t.k*Asa rk te.oi'
bridge went down as 'well as' the load
, • _
All poor people are more or less
persecuted byasociely at'large. ,
Dominion Line Steamships
on mer back and I struck on the ends
of the sleepers, causing a serious in-
jury to rny leg. Only for its being
very fleshy would have broken it. In
Alt liotir amid not Walk% a step. Com-
xnenced using MINARD'S LINIMENT
and the third day went to Montreal
nearly well. • I can sincerely recorri-
.on business and got about well by the
Luse of a cane. -In ten days .was
mend it as the best Liniment that I
.'keove inytuisuer.u. truly,' „
. • • C. H. GORDON.
, •
fanaily't as d . •
• .
There is no end- to the trouble in a
• Lifebuoy Soap -- disinfeetant -- is
Strongly recommended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases. 22
Tlie�riea cause more Worry than
Piles Cured In 3 AO 6 nlights,-.-One ay- •
plieemon gives relief. Dr. Agnew's • Oint-
ment is a boon for Itching Piles, or
Blind; Bleeding Piles. It relieves quick-
ly and permrfnently. In skin eruptions
it stands without a rival: Thousands Of
t. °Mats if y......„ou :ant evidence. 85
cents -23
The world is too busy to hand the
chronic grumbler what he desenves.
. ;
• •
illinard's Liniment Cures Burns, ett
• "The first 'dirty of .an. attornek,"
said the eminent laveyer to his new
student; "is to see that justice: is
done.", "Wm!" said the student.
"And hope you will excuse me if I
remark that Ilene noticed that the
lawyer who can succeed in doing:her
tee oftenest generally gets the, biggest
w nen you think you have cured a
cough or cold, tut find a dry, • •
backing coughrar.rin s there Is
• danger. Take '
• To Starve Is a Failacy.-The dictura
to stop eating because you have
gestion hes • long since been exploded.
Dr. Von. Stan's Xineapple Tablets in.
troduce a new era ih. the treatment • of
stomach 'troubles. • It has proved that
one may eat his .fill of everything and
everythine he relishes, and one tablet
taken frf tor the meat will aid the stom-
ach . in doing its work, 60 in a box,
35 cents. -24
Some people forgiveo and forget. and
others forget to forgive. - •
• For Over Sixty 'Vitus
Mr.p.wmatow'sSocergrxelilltalr2 has been sired to
mulioosor mothers :Or their enticiresi while teething.
Itsoothen the child, softens the gums. allays pain, cures
wind °olio, regulates the ntoznach and bowels, and ss the
bentramedyfoy Diarrhoea. Twenty -lire cents a bottle
Or Moderate Rate •Serviee. ma 1
!leaped cabin passengers berthed 'in best accomnio •
a icrrpeott tOr rirgerteabLotnh...o. ni°,7 111,r Sofol"° tj •
Liveriroel,Lontleirdellascow or wuoentit ,rrira• $J.o.00.
rot all particulars apply to looalagents, or
D :',241.1410N Darn aimless, • . -•
41 KInit8t. L. orento,:7 St. Sacrament Si, Montreal
rg t •
1441411 .44 'NI 4.444110
1q11401".1111i3,..WZNOLOW'SSOTLITIlla Brag...P." 22-45
LADIES' '7A'tv
Can ha done perfectly 57 our Poona Process. Tulin,
, BRITISH eMeineen DYEING 00.
7 ./
g101antAlfr TOUONTO. OTTAWA it • QUEB/C0
1. Pt
A fiert 'is a giri: wno ,i's • afraid she
Po the' trmitment of all forms • of SPEECH
DEFECTS. •We treat the cause, lot Si 07 the
Write for particulars's.
will • he left a the post. • •habit, and therefore produce natu speecrs!
Vinerd's tralinent Cures llandrult
Visitor-/ suppose you long to get
out? Striped Party -Not 'exactly,
mum,. I'm in ...fur bigamY an' dare's
t'ree of 'em,
• ...--; •
lifInard's liniment Relieves eural
The man who has to ask his wife
for car fare every morning has no
use for a mother-in-law.
To prove to you that TM
P and abriolut,o cure tor ea*
Chase's Ointment is a. certain
and every form ef itching.
bloodingandprottuding pike,
the Manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes.
Imoniels in the daily press and ask your neillr
tors what they think of it. You can tise it and
fetiour racing. back if not cured. 60o a box. at
ealers =mangos BATES & Coe'rorente
Or. Chaise's Olintnierra
A Soft answer may turn away
wrath, but it. isn't always safe to
call a man soft.
• 0, •
. • • South American. Kidney Cure , the
1,11.10LA- 8 only kidney treatment that has proven
. . equal to correct all the evils that are
likely. to • befall these, physical regulit-
Tonle. • t tors. ' Hundreds of testimonials to
a returIt t� Wage-earning in differeet•
In this way they may be, flitted for c
circumstances' from those in which
they acquired consumption, and that
regrettenle' -kelaiises may thus- • be
avoided, '
I •
• The • more tvoneen see of men the
more they find to admire in mirrors.
. • re The Lung prove the cure.tive 'merits of this liquid
kidney speCific in cases of Bright's d is -
inflammation dropsical ,tendeney. Don t.
at once. • It will strengthen the
lungs arid stop the cough. '
Prices: • S. C. Waxas &C�. 006
252,506, IssRoy.N.Y.,Toronto, Can.
ease, diabetes, irritation of the • bladdep
• "And what is to be the subjeet of
ed by a. -nowledge that the Govern-.
lance when in his apartments than at
• abbut whicl. so mech. fuss has bona
any other time. ..The military. guatels einadeaand over,. which so -many' bogie-
' Mettle the palace are never seen by men have been created to the frigate
the public. They are intended as a ening off the seas of many of tier
precaution against possible conspire- hervotiely owned craft,
dies in high quarters rather than • RAVE WE A. NAV'? •
against individual intruders.
-Perhaps the greatest danger ariuts
• I ..- MINMI - from the fact that tinfortunately the
It sometimes happens that when alarm has infected our usually very
fortune knocks at a man's door he level-headed Wetness men. , The ques-
thinks it is a bill collector and tions "Belie we a Navy?" "Hare we
doesn't answer. lost supremacy on the sea?" E'Clen
we pretect Our commerce rai the
CRYING DAMES. secure" bole been Shouted to the ear
of 'a 'Wandering , %aerie by the men to
Babies do not ery tinlete theft- la Whole we look Air, calm judgment and
some good reaSOri for it. The ery deliberate action.
Of a baby ie nature's warning sigeal am hot surprised at the change,
that there is something wrong. If although it is deeply to be regretted,
the fretfultiess and crying are na For years the alarmists heete been
eattsed by exterior efources, It 18 con- paintieg in lurid colors, arid with
cleleive OVidenee that the crying baby horrible backgrounil and grotiping,
Is The only safe and judicious what Is to happen to otie food sup -
thing to do is to glee Baby's Own plies When, unfortunately, we are at
Tablete without delay, For Indigos- war with a foreign Power, cued their
titel, toile, teethiet trottbles, cone cruisers • are blocking the way of
• etipation, diarrhoea., Worms and aim- conemerce.
ple fevers, these marvellotie little RVen history has been ransacked to
Tablets have given relief it thou- ferret% orke terrible eXaMple froni the
• leatds of cases mid eaeed many pre. • pages of the past, "We lost 100.
della lives. 'Noy re guaranteed to 871 °tete the careful exactness of
contain no harmful drug. Mrs.,Joha the figures) of our inerehant eesSele
Deble, Sr. :AndreW'S reet,- Que., during tho French Revolutionary end
naYS "taby's Own Tablets are a Napoleonic Ware," eleriek the Maria.
nplendid medicine for the cure of, ists and panic -builders.
constitIation eel ether 1118 that al- When you look at it tairsty, and
illet:chittiroti. eoneider it ray duty' 'analyse it a little, the story is not
to mantle/kJ theta to all who havo vont alarming after all•*tertaltily
go °n6$." The Tablete are, II0•111 eat suflielently eo to aistife rid8.
cats boX ail druggists, Ing of insurance rates to abnormal
to had by mail by writing ngures, and the withdrawal of many
• Williata's Medicine Co., of our fine vessels from trade.
Ont.• VOA of ollz it lo doubtful whothor I
CAPE TO CAIRO LINZ. • your lecture to -night, Professor?"
That's One Way to Get It. • "Well, my dear young lady, I eat
9 'Although they won't admit it many Being PtiShed an to Khartenntle
• is a food,medicine for the
• baby that is thin and not
well nourished and for the
• mother whose milk does not
It is equally good for the
• boy or gill who is thin and
pale and not, well nourished
by their. food ; also for the
ansemie or consumptive adult
who Is losing good flesh and
strength. •
In fad, for all conditions
nourish the baby.
people who suffer from sick headaches
.and . ether ails get thein straight
from the cake they drink and it is
eeeily proved if they're not afraid to
• leave it to 0, test as in the case of
a lady in Connellaville,
"I had been a eufferer from sick
headaches or twenty -flee years and
anyone Who has ever had a bad sick
headache kx.tows What • X stiffered.
Sometimee -three days.in ;the weekel
would have to remaie in bed, at
other times I couldn't lie down the
pain would be so great, My life
was a tortilla and if I went away
front home for a day 1 always came
back itiore dead than alive.
"One day X Was telling' a woman
iny troUbles and Eke told Me she
knew that - i a e y coffee
caused it. She said she had been
cured by stopping' coffee Ned using
Posture. rood 'Coffee and urged me
to try t ifs food drink.
• "That's how 1 earee to send out
arid get 808d6 POStlita and from that
time I've never been without if for
• it suits my taste arid has entirely
cured all of my old troubles. • All I
did was to leaVe off the tonne and
tea and drink well made POStalM in
• its plSe. Thift eliange has done Me
more good than everything else put
"Our house Was like a drug store
for Ii13, husband bought everything
he heard of to help me without do-
• ing any 000d blit when I began on
• the Poletunt my headaches coated and
the other` troubles quickly disappear-
ed. I hitee a friend who, had an ex-
perienee Just like mine and Post=
aired her just as it did me.
"rostura not only tured the head -I
0120 but ley general health has been
Improved and 1 11111 much art:Inger
• than before, 1\now enjoy &llama
Pont= Mare than X eeer did coffee:"
•Name given by restuin Co„ Battle
Creek,• Mi h,
"There's e. reason," and We wOrth
iguanas out,
• of wasting it is the food -
medicine that will nourish
and band up„ the body 'and
give DCW life and energy when
all other means fail.
:dosed ‘toM,,allarnaaltig•
SCOTT kkoVVNR. Ckwatts.irotohto,01%
•ftw• • - •
Rapid progress is now being made'
with the construction of the Cane
to Cairo • Railway, and the. route
which the line will traverse towards
Khartoum has been tentatively dee
hardly hope it will have much inter -
est for you: I shall lecture on 'Sun
Spots.' " „
"Oh, but that's of the greatest in-
terest to me. I shall certainly come.
You have no idea how 1 suiTer from
- •
•"They say er carrier pigeon will go
further than any --other bird," • said
the boarder, between' bites. etlirelle
I'll have to try one," said the land-
lady; "1 eietice: fowe 'doesnt ge
• Heart relief In. 40.10 an WWII-, .
A. lady In *I'ern York State,' writing of
her Cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for:the. •
Heart, • says: "I feel, one• brought •
„back from • the.• dead, so great was • my ,
, suffering .from . heart trouble • and ' so -at• •
most miraculous nay- recovery 'through
the agency o1. this powerful treatment: '
I owe my ii." -19 . ' . . •
• • .
MisS •JOYee-"Yes,...T.aek end 1 are
to become partners for life.". -Miss
'Mearis-"And yon will be the senior •..
parteer. • How Ince!" • ."
----- • .•
. . . .
Death or lunacy seemed the ohly alter, .
. native for , e., WellAmoiva and, highly re.
.seected. lady • of • Witighanir,• • Ont, , who
• had -travelled over two continents in a
• ;vain search for a cure for nervous de-
bility and dyspepsia. A. friend.'re'rom-
mended .South .American Nervine. • One. .
bottle helped, six bottles. cured, and her ,.
own written , testimony closes, with
these words: "It has saved. ray life.-. ,
• o
•"So your servant girl has left you
. ;
again?' "yes!" "What was the
reason?" "She didn't like the way
• did her Work!"
y 1.
At peeseret. the line is in progress
cided Upon, ,•
crf consteuction on the north side of Eat
Victoria Falls, towards Kalonio. 0 U 0
while the work of erectiag the huge
bridge which will cross the falls 16
bridge is expected to be comPletell let II
tion to- Nalomo-150 miles in length
proceeding from either side. The
Without Suffering
the end of this year, and tho sec -
a few months later.
• It, is hoped by the time the Kale •
eenlo line is finished that arrange-
glearts Liniment -for sale erepiens
Physidau-"Diet is the main thing
in this case. Yotir husband eats too
much. That is a, feature of the dia.
ea Id b vetch ."
Mrs. Youngwife-,-A"but, (fact , lie is
alwaye so hungry. What eati dor
Physiciati (absently)-"Cotil let you
prepare his meals yeurself?''
,inents will have bem. merle isr ex -
miles. to the topper district north a Sixteen Years of grant Distress Front. Indlgettlen and Liver
tending the railway another 250
the Kafue riner, and then the pro- Treuble7Doeters Flailed, But
ject is to carry the line, to Lake
he le 1 ea. e Chase's Kidney Liver rills
Tanganyika. •
north of Eastrailwayern Rhodeela to the , brought Quiok Relief tand EffeCted it...Thorough Cured
south erid of the lake. It has riot
yet been decided whether the line Will
f011oW the eastern shore of the Wate
erway or whether steamers on the
'lake will be employed to continue
tee Means of conunutidation.
The railway, howeverwill be joie -
ed with the Uganda liee, and then
pushed northwards past Bashed& to
Until the &Mary has been thor-
ougnly sueVeyed, lioteever, it Is li.
pCifiEdbiti to estiniate the length' of
time necessary to provide direct
overland eartuneniCation betWeen the
Cape arid Cairo.
"ROW that Woman hates me.'
"Rift she spoke nicely enough."
"Vt9l but that was just done *for
effect. If you. remember, she didn't
turn ane took at my new dress." .
• /IN NO. 441-444
In most cases of • chronic indiges-
tion the litter and kidneys are at
fault as Well as the stomach., and be -
Cause of their combined aetiOh on
these organs Dr. Chasee Kidney -
Liver Pills cure when all ordiattly
/1160,118 fail. •
The case of Mrs. XXusband is not
unlike*seeres and hundreds which ere
reported to us, There can be no bet-
.• ter evidence as to the thoroughness
'and effectiveness of Dr. 011480'8 XII-
• Mrs. 1i. ITusband, foore street, 14t.
Catharines, Ont., states': "1 was ter-
iously afflicted With indigestion and
Stomach trouble for sixteen years.
betatne so bad that I
could scarcely eat anything without
suffering terrible distress. Gradually
great weaker and more emaciated
and diough treated by *three doctore
and a specialist I received ito bene -
"After a time. rt pain began in my
right side, which medical men Said
WO liver trouble. I never got relief
uritil / began the use of Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Piller and they helped
me at once, •using about a, acie-A
en boxes 1 Was entirely eured. 1owe
my cure entirely to this trentmeat,
and make this statement with the
hope that 1401110 poor sufferer may:
benefit by my experience,"
Dr. Chase's Itidney-tivar rills, one
pill 110$0. 250 a boe,ettt, all dealer
or Echnanson; Date & Co., Toronto.
To protoot you sgslost imitations
the portrait end signature of In% A4
W. Chage, e foriretle receipt bolt
author, are on every box.
••• • •