HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-13, Page 5• • Qctoberr 13th 1904 THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by .Act of Parliament ma Capital.iautltorized, $3,000,000 Capital paid up $3,000,060 Reserve Fund $2,8+30,000 REPI.OV'AL .--'--,-� The public will please bear in mind that we have removed from our old stand, Rattenbary street, to our new and spacious office (which is now in the, centre of the town) in the new Combe block, corner of , Victoria and Albert streets (opposite J. W. Irwin's grocery,) A .call from the public generally is solicited. .-.--.SAVINGS: BANK DEPARTMENT—._ Interest allowed at highest currentratesfrom date of deposit to date, of wtthdrawai...a.. !i. C. BREWER Manager, 4141 CLINTON.'•H • 34+ O'44eNeN••••••e•Nt•••lM+►e e.NN ++++.!...1••1••1•61. 1 8 8 E. 5 5 1 8 I' I Q. 1 J SHEEP FOR, 'SALE -..SEVEN CH- .. oice•pure bred Leceister ram lambs. .� All from registered stock. Terms reasonable. William Glenn, Stan. .••. ' , ley. Tp.; Clinton P. 0: NEI b r. IMP 4141 • ilver That . «. • ▪ FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-- . • • Lot 72, con,. 5, Goderich township, +-� , consisting of 96 acres,. 40 acres Wears Beautiful indeed are the designs we show this fall and reliable al- so the quality. Everything in connection with our stock and me- thods assures absolute . ;; satisfaction• to those who are our customers.: - •. also. WATCHES .: CLOCKS; + Z - JEWELERS'. in for the fall trade •f- 11111 cleared, 10 acres young orchard, 40 acres good bush, parts of . it culled some. The farm is well watered and fenced and has good, bank tarn •and frame house. Will be sold cheap. Apply" on the promises or address Mrs. C. Parsons, Bayfield P. O. 35 t• THE HOUSE • AND LOT ON COR -0 ner of Mary and Princess streets is offered for.. sale. The house . is .in good repair and contains eleven DOOMS, Stable, hard and soft wat- er; and acre of land. Apply : to J. Ridout, :or J. Cron. 34. STOCK' FOR SALE. -AT .OUR farm . on the London Road, one ' milesouth of .town, pure' bred Shorthorn . Cattle, both males And females,,, different ages, at lo*. price, quality considered. Also a number of improved large •York - Shire Pigs, ail 'ages, first class breedingistock for farmers; and at low ..prices. 'Come and Plurnsteel, Clinton. 37 PURE : SEEA. gRAI . " PURE SEED GRAIN -WE HAVE opened' out: a Flour. and :Feed Store. and keep in :stock hour, bran, ph - "torts, cured meats, etc. We ,made e"a specialeffort to procure andhave on hand . a supply sof • Clean . Seed - Wheat and.' Timothy, and farmers making their, purchases -from . us, c , •. getting their ee. an .• rely upon g g, Cher, peed • as . free as :possible: from all nox- ious weeds. •. ` It will pay you to be ,a• customer of :ours. • • W. H. Helly'ar Jeweler and Optician ▪ —c LINTON .++++4..144-1 1 1 1 1. 1.2•-F• We GouMfl't.- CouM You 11 Have built up a first class trade, .such as we have unless :our goods were right in every way.We sell the Finest Goods for the finest trade. One trial convinces you of this. Among other lines: we ex- cel in Fancy Biscuits. We. ' keep Assorted Biscuits at 10c per ib. up to Macaroons at 50c. In Olives and Pickles we have only the best : Chutney Chili Sauce, ()how-Chow,Sweet and sour Vinegar Pickles . and also Horse Radish. l We still solicit vour trod. W. T. O'Neil. CLINTON Houses for Sale. 1 -Good Cottage and two lots on Isaac street: .2 -Good House and two lots with large plum orchard on Fulton street. • :3-Conifortat•.10 House and one lot cn Joseph street. r4-Brick'House nand two lots otn Mary street. 5- Two Houses on Rattenbury, street gest. 6 -Large Brick House, with six acres of land,. barn and driving -barn, good. orchard, within a mile of centre of Clinton. p -Frame House with eight sores of land, burns &id orchard, cm Ainsley' 'terrace. Per terms, etc., apply td • IIENRI3t' BEATTIE, Solicitor,' etc. Clintons •1/441 0000000000000000000000 U School Books —and s• of 'pplics C•? • Ford & NoNeil. COAL, L LEAVE R EAVE YOUORDER'S NOW 4141 • FOR. YOUR SEASON'S SUP-: • PLY or CAL WE CARRY • • -ONLY THE VERY BEST .DES WHICII' WILL 13E SOLD l :POSSIBLE AT TzIE LOWEST PRICE • • • ORDERS MAY FE LEFT AT DAVIS RO:WLAND'S HARD.-: WARE. S'1.ORE .OR `WITH • J. Stevenson. - ou Can 'Slee. l:,or yourself how much -o shoe has to do with the appearance of your foot. What is: uglier than a poorly shaped shoe ? who i is' daintier than A.TRIM. CLEAN •CUT SHOE that fits closely aboutthe foot ' 'and brings out its natural artistic lines. We can find a shceto fit your feet oto' wetter how Lard you. are to snit. Our spring stock has ar,?ved and the prices arse •right: - We' are shraeing ' ° a` Pile of shoes icor nen at $3•.50 that can't be beet for price and quality. Also a line of shoes for women ' (The Queen Alexander) for $.2 which is extra value. Come in and have a look at our stock. No trouble to show goods.. Gro cries, e have n te. W a k ' c le e r5 • Our star, p goody line of Japan Tcns, green and black. Ira package teas we carry the Ludella, Red Rose, Plat Ribbon. and Lipton's celebrated teas. 'Theywere bought before the 'advance in price which we will give ors customers the benefit of. Plain anti Fancy Biscuits, Boiled Hath, Smoked Roll„ Breakfast Bacon, • Pickled figs meet, Canned Meats, Pickles lit bulla and bottles ,of all kinds. A trial cyder will convince you that we carry a stock ciqual to atiy . in at trade and the prices rea- sonable, Also a ear n:' Redpathis sug- •t greyed which we aro selling at ter /A I- seeds we have got • ood lied Clover, Alsike, Titncthy, i.ianigold and. Ti.r hip seed and all hinds, of 'garden seeds, oreliard grass; crockery W6 have awls it dinner sets we tri selling very dteap...'Your tirade • selected. . The Clititnrt News -Record THERE STRAYED FROM TIIE preliiises of the undersigned about October. 1st, a pair of Turkeys. -•a -H. Cantelon. . 40 ONE DOZEN PHOTOS AND ONE in a Button for 35 cents. ' Do not misif this. I am not going away from Clinton. -N. Cress. , 39 • TEACHER, MALE OR FEMALE, wanted for S. S. NO. 3, Stanley, for 1905. Applications stating sal- ary . wanted ,and accompanied by testimonials will be received up to Nov; 4th. 'Personal application preferred. -J. C. Reid, Seo.Treas- urer, Varna P. 0., 39 A CURE FOR STAMMERING OR affected speech, -N. Cress, photo studio, over Taylor's shoe store. 39 i+'OR .and and SALT. -SHETLAND PONY outfit, Buggy, Cutter, Sleigh Harness,^ -J. T. Harland. ' FIRST-CLASS NEW BUGGY FOR sale. McLaughlairigear.-J. G. Sea - lo. 36 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF Stock. -The , undersigned • has .on 'his premises on the Bayfield Road the Imported Yorkshire Hog "Summer- hill Leader"fibred by D, C. Platt & Son„ Millgrove. This is one of the •. very, best hogs in the • county. Ter- ms, $1.25 'cash, or $1.50 on time. - W.. 0. Elliott, Proprietor. ` 36 AUCTION SALE .ok' FARM STOCK •The undersigned has received ie- structions from Mr. Albert Nott to sell by Public Auction at Lot 24, Con. 2, : Stanley, on Friday, 'Oct.. 28th, •the following Horses -1 pair heavy mares in foal, 1 mare eligib- le •for registration in foal, 1 'gen- eral purpose horse 7 years ,old, ,.1 foal, 1 .3 -year-old driving colt.• • Durham Cattle -1 cow, 1 bull • 2 years old, 1 bull 1 year old. Grade Cattle -5 cows in calf, 1 -fat cow, '2 ' two-year-old heifers, 50 steers from 1000 ' to 1100 'pounds, • In- '.tending buyers will' find it to their advantage' to attend as the' stock will be sold without reserve. Ter-, ins• -All sun'is of .$5 and underiiash; • :on over • that amount 12 months' credit will 'be given .in approved joint notes. ''5. per cent... discount will be. allowed •on.all credit ani- • ounts. Sale to commence , at 1: o'clock, sharp:-Aibiert Nott, pro- prietor ; T. Brown, auctioneer.. AUCTION SALE OF F_A1U4 • STOCK and. Range Horses -The undersigned. has•• received' instructions from W. Elliott & •Son to sell by Public Auction at Lot '29, Con. 4, (1•oder-, ich •township, on Thursday, Oct. 20, • the following`: 25 Range . Horses 1 to 6 years old, also 2 -aged` mares supposed to be in . foal,.. 1 2 -year-old draught gelding, 1 Matched . span r and' roadsters mares 4 years3old, , 1 driving horse,1 team mares in foal to Jasper, 1 -year-old draught geld-. •ing, ' ,i .1. -year-old draught filly.:A iitnab'er 'of Registered :, Herefore Cattle,; •including .bulls, cows, het- •fers and calves, also .1 grade witch • cow in calf, 1 grade •.yearling steer, 1 grade yearling...4eiier, 2,' . grade. heifer• calves..' Saleto commence at 1 o'.clock, sharp. • Terms'' -6. months ' ..credit will be :given ..on approved joint notes.: .6 per cent., per_ annual discount allowed., for cash. Dinner served. it 12 o'clock: -Wm. Elliott & Sons, proprietors ;. T. Gundry, auctioneer, • AUCTION SOLE. 01' FARM, FA1111I Stock and •Implements --The under- signed has received instructions' from Mr. J. T. Reid to sell by Pub- lic Auction, at Lot 14, ' Con. 4, Stanley,; on Friday, Oct. 21st, th,c following ' 1 working. mare 9 years old supposed to bein i foal, 1'Work- ing mare 6 years old ;supposed to bean foal, 1 gelding colt 2 years old,. . 1 driving horse 6 years old; 3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer ris ': • irtg 3 • years supposed to be in • calf, 1 fat cow, 6 steers 2..years old, , 4 steers 1 year " old, : 2• heifers 1. year old, '3 spring calves, 2 store pigs, 1 Deering binder nearly new, 1 Dee- ring mower' nearly new 6 foot cut, • 1 Maxwell • vise,, 1 seed drill, 1 rol- ler, 1'set iron harrows, 1 Oxford gang, .2 single ploughs, 2 . set slei- ghs,. 2 wagons, 1 • democrat, 1 sing- le buggy,.. 1 road cart, .1 cutting box, 1 crusher,.1 hay rack,.1 fan- .. ning mill, 1 set • heavy double har- ness nearly new, 1 set light double harness, 2 neckyokes,,2 saet whiffle - ' trees, •1.wheelbarrow, 1 root pul- per, 1 'daisy 'churn, 1 water tank, About 100 hens, forks 'shovels, eha- .ins and other articles too numer- ous to mention. Therewill be i no reserve, as the proprietor 'is giving up farming. Sale' to commence at o'clock sharp. The farm will also be offered for sale at the same tithe and place: Terms will be made'known on day of sale, Terms -All sums of $5 and under, cash ; on over that. amount twelve mon- ths credit will .be given on approv- • ed joint notes. 5 per cent. discount will be allowed on all Credit am- ounts. -J. T. Reid, Proprietor T. Brown, Auctioneer. LOW ' RATES TO THE NORTH- WEST VIA GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Effective (Daily) September 16th to October 15th inclusi'Ca, 1904. Cheap one way second class colonist tickets Will be oh sale from ,all stations in Ontario to all' points on- the line of the Great Northern Railway' in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington also to . Victoria, Vancouver, . West- minster, Rossla ria Nelson, slid other points hi British bItuofaa. • Marriages. WRIGHT-CONNOLLY--At St. Jo- hn's. church, Holnlesvillo, by Rev. - T. A. Wright. M. A., of Brantford, father of the: groom, assisted. by Rev. II. A. Rhodes, Holmesville, Florence Louise, daughter of Mr. James Connolly, County Council- lor, to Rev. H. A. Wright. B. A., Tilsbnburg. MORRIS•--AMY-On September 29th, at Toronto, Edgar George Mor- ris to Ellen Laving, youngest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Amy, Godcrich• JOHNSTON-1VicCULLOUGII •- Godcrich on September 27th, by Rev. J. Hamilton, at the mansej Jas. Johnston to Alice McCullou- gh, both of Goderich township. BUCHANAN-McILWAIN -On Sep- tember 29th, by Rev. J. Hamil- ton, at the residence of the bri- de's father, Arthur Buchanan, of Dunchurch, Parry Sound district, to Agnes Mollwain, eldest daugh- ter of Johnston Goder- ich township. KENNEDY-O'KEEFE--At Portage la Prairie, on October 5th, 'Mr. Angus Kennedy, to Miss 'Augene O'Keefe, both formerly of Sea - forth. Births. CANN-In.U$borne on Oct, 2nd,Cecii Melville Cann,: son of Mr. Chas. Cann, aged 6 years and °6 months. BUTLER-ln Soaforth on September 28th, William Butler, aged 24 years. ZETTLE-In Zurich on Oct. - 1st, Mary, relict of the late Joseph Zettlo, at the age of 61 years. SMITH -In Morris on Sept. 30th, in- fant son of Mr.. Joseph Smith, aged 5 months and 28 days. WISE -In Tuckersmith on'Oct- .10th,. Mrs. John Wise, aged 75 years ' •:and 11 months. L APORTE.--At the Sauble -Line,Hay, on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte, a daughter. • LEBEAU-At . St; Joseph _ on Oct. 2•, toMr. nd a Mrs.Lebeau, a dau- ghter: •. VAIL-Ori: October 2nd, •to M. and Mrs: W. 1=1... Vail; Exeter north, a daughter. ' ' WHITE -ID, Usborne.on Oct.' 1,• to' Mr, and Mrs: Joseph ,White, , a' daughter.: • PFAFF-In • Hay, Lake'Road, ' .on Oct. 5th, to Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Pfaff; a daughter.' • - JOfINSTON--In Lower• . Wingham, on October, 3rd, the, wife of Mr. Wm.. Johnston,.a son. ARGENT -In 'Harloek, on' Septpniber • . 29th, to Mr.and- • Mrs. T. Argent, ' HAWKINS-In Godcrich. on. October 2nd, to Mr. and Mr s. J, B Haw• - kins, a son: NEVILLS-In Seaforth oil. Oct 3rd, • • . to• Mr. and. Mrs. Jame$ Nevills, a YOUNC=•In 1 gniondvilie. on , October 3rd, to ivir, and Mrs.Jas.. Young, a son,, • D9 Y T ou keaD a ail •P e . • a it If you are desirous in keeping • in touch with things -of t t s --of' no vi the .es - hg k � rig e es- sential facts of about 'practically ev-- erything that is happening the world over -then read. The Toronto Star. :Perhaps you are in business ; ;then read The Star for its'• full and acc- urate market and•stock reports. You., are interested, . maybe, in, politics,. The Star's :record of political happen- ings is full and..free; from :partizan bras.:` Whatever you look for'.` with most eagerness in a daily paper you will find in The Star, wlrether cum- mcrcfal, political, sporting or 'general news•. Its woman's page makes it. a favorite in' the home ; its cartoons:in point .of "artistio ,merit . are perhaps the best in Canada,' Editorially it is not ''hlindly partizan, Out sane. and. ,fair. By subscribing •now, you can'have The Star, together with this paper until December 31st, 1905, for ,$1.75. Don't wait, until the end of the. year, for In so:doing you.: miss all itho gibed campaign •reading.. Do it -• now.. IT'S WHEN YOU HAVE TOOT'I- - ache that the power of Norvillno qui- ekly makes. itself felt.' Any aching tooth can be .relieved by Nerviline in a few moments by filling the ..avity with batting.soaked in Ncrviline. A good plan is to rub the gums with Ncrviline also. There .isn't a single remedy that has one fourth the pain - relieving power of Nerviline . which acts like' magic. Ncrviline. kills the pain outright and prevents.it ' from returning, You can't heat Nerviline for toothache or neuralgia ; it's the best pain cure made Price 250 4141... �_.... 4141.4141. The old. Brock street New Cgnnex�- ion. church has •steam on now. Mr. Doty is building an engine house', on the premises. Tho W. C. T. U. held a bazaar 'on i+b'riday and Saturday. They had a store nicely decorated and offered many pretty and useful articles lot sale. Horne -made bread and cake were most saleable. The store will again ha open thn Saturday next. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rowes have removed from Mucks street to the building on Cambria Road adjoining the engine works. Miss Vesta Watson and Miss Quee- - nie Robertson left on Saturday to attend the Normal College at Ham- ilton. MEDICINES YOU: CAN TRU i'. . There' aro no retail%, medicines thrit • have suoti a tirni'hold on' the cart- s fidence .of the 'people as• those of 1).i°. A. WW.: Chase,. the *famous physician ,arid • receipt book author.. 'rho • su- perior. • skill. as ..it physician and. the integrity • of W stromas ter for whit!! Dr. Chast! i everywhere kno'Wn ibtaiid as it guarantee for his medicines, Orr every .box of which and Tountl his pot - 5 trait and signature. Ir'or'° full information as to gates, atm• time :of'trains, alto berth rates; in • ' R+ Tourist Sleeper, nlst9 Ittntature, qtr • t �has:r'Vida. Graves Itis- application 0 f✓ , • f.. VARIETY Ogle Goopet's old stand. • trier Passenger Agent,' 10 Kin et. `Glf 'shiers STORU, t Corot for Butter ata,d Eggs. 1'hoiie d3 Enst, Toronto, Ont. • 0Gt4 t • .1"1 Wornen in Mission Work. Stratford, Oct. G -'rite tiifrd day's session of the Women's Missionary Society opened fn the Central Me- thodist church this morning. At Wednesday afternoon session the re- port of the secretary on systematic ;giving stated' that the progress' on this line was not all that could be desired. The mission band conference was introduced and a discussion ensued "on the importance of the mission Circle and bow to develop interest in the circle." Addresse$ on the spirit - hal aspect of the work, oli finance and •modes and methods of work took place. At the open meeting in the evening Rev. Oliver Dariom, super- intendent of missions in the North- west, gave a description of the work among the Galicians. The secretary of mission circles and bands reported the total number, of members ° at 1,032, an increase over last year of 743,; total amount realized by miss- ion circles, bands and other leagues,. $885.48 ; total .increase over last year, $101.35. Tho Parkhill mission circle Wien the library, and the Hamilton Road circle, London, the banner for the best work in the jurisdiction. The president, Mrs, Gordon Wright, .the associate editor, of the, Outlook, reported., the subscription .,: to. --have. reached '0,680.' The convention, by a standing vote, expressed itself full cd Confidence and gratefulness to the president, Mrs, Wright, for her long - continued faithfulness, and regret that she should find it necessary to retire from the: work., A. considerable discussion took place on. the question of changing the date of the meeting from. October to May. After being thorpughly argued,, • it was carries that the annual conven- tion should take place irr Magi at the' same time as the end of the minis- terial year. . ,A proposition wasbrought for- ward to 'revert to the old -style of appointing delegates, whereby •a de- legate was Appointed for -each • fifty or fraction of fifty members of, an auxiliary, The motion was. defeated. and` the rule remains: that only one delegate shall 'be appointed •for. each auxiliary.- •` The first business at the afternoon' session ' today, . was the election. . o> officers, which resulted as follows Honerary' president, Mrs. Burns, • 'London .Hon. vice-president, Mrs. Dickson, London ..President, Mrs. Gordon , Wright, London • •lst . vice, .Mrs. McMeclian, London • 2n4: vice, Mrs; Langford, ''Stratford. vice, . Mrs.•Fowl 3rd eei .London Cor. secretary, Mrs. . Cunningham • .'Kincardine Rec.-secretary, Mrs. George Aches- son, Godcrich. • =T'easurer, Mrs. Tennant; .London'• Cor =secretary mission circle 'and, bands, Mrs. T. E. Harrison, - Dresden . . . Supt. of systematic giving,' = Mrs. McCamus, :Sarnia :Conference delegate,•. Mrs. Wright Delegates to •general. board,, 'Mrs. Tennant, Mrs: Fowler, Mrs. • Acheson, alternates,; Mrs. • Lang-. ford, Mrs. McMechan. Distrrct organizers Were appointed aswf 1 ow :L London, Mrs.s Beal., Str- atford, - atford, Mrs, Densmore: Godexich, Mrs. Leech ; •Wingham, Mrs. Vance ; Exeter, Mrs. • ,Marshall ; Strathroy, Mrs. 'Oaten; (Beliuont) ; Windsor,Mrs. Lcaroyd a; . Sarnia; Mrs. McCamus ; Chatham, Mrs. .Harrison (Dresden)'; Ridgetown,.::Mrs . Russel. Auditor, Mr... Beal, London. EVERY WOMAN .IN:POOR REAL th has an awful. struggle. Lots to' do; all • kinds • of worry, Must con- tend with loss. of sleep, : poor appe- tite..and tired nerves, •. Her only de- sire is for , more strength and' better health. This is exactly what,. comes . from using •.Ferrozone, , the. greatest; tonic sickly women , can possibly use: 1! errozone makes. the blood tingle` and grow .red, the 'cheeks grow rosy,. th'e eyes. bright. .Ferrozone: invigorates. the body,. dovelopes new streitth and, Makes . life worth living. Ferrozone is the sort of tonic that builds up, it gives, one . a ;reserve of nerve force and establishes' such healthy condi- tions' that sickness is' unknown. Let every woman use Ferrozone. Price 50c. , ,. Auction 'Sale Register. Wednesday, Oct. 12th, at . l p.. m., at lot 21,, con. 5, •1VIcKiliop, farm stock and implements. -Mrs... Joseph Henderson, proprietress ; Thos. Bro- wn, auctioneer. .• Friday, Oet. 14th, at 1 p. at Chas, . Allanson's premises, Clin- ton, farm stock and implements.- Chas.- A•llaeson,• proprietor ; Thos, ' Brown, auctioneer, Monday, Oct, 17th,. at lot 18, con. 16, , Godcrich township, faro's stock -J. H. Lowery, proprietor ; T. Bro- wn, auctioneer. • Tuesday, Oct. 18th, at lot 18, con. 0; Hullett, farm. stock and imple- ments -Albert` Coates, proprietor ; Thos. Brown,auctioneer. h c r Wednesday, Oot. 19th, at dots 28 and 29, con. 2, Goderich .township, farm stock and Implements, -G. Van- derburg,'proprietor ; T. Gundry, auc- tioneer. Thursday, Oct. 20th, at 1 p. m., London Road, Stanley, farm stock and implements:7-J, Murdock, pro- prietor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 20th, at lot 29, con. 4, Godcrich township, Western horses, Hereford and grade cattle. - Wm. Elliott & Sons, proprietors ; T. Gundry, auctioneer. Friday, Oct. 21st, at 1 p. in., at • con. 5, Stanley, farm stock and int- plements.-J. T. Reid, proprietor ; :Tlios.' Brown, auetioheor,,. . a.. • Tuesday, October 25th, Lot. •3'0, 'soli, . i,-Thrai3' Itaad; , Kippeii;' arm stock and,imptements.-Isaac arr- ott, proprietor ; rf': Brown; ;grin, tloneer. ,THE , „ NEWS- ^tiOR» a... GIVES EACII WEEK MOIU'b I•ItJItON NEWS THAN ANY OTHER PA- PER. s PRESIDENT' COMMERCIAL CLUB, QF LOUISIANA, SAYS;' "THERE . I8 NO FINER MEDICINE THAN, PERU -N4.;" r • fir W MAS< MURA dwesizz 'T,. LOUISIANA Coiwt.RCIAL -e.L 21. • 'suffered With Kidney and liver Trouble for Twelve Years--Pe-ru-na cured Nim -Feels Better Than for Twenty Years. - . Bon. William Watson '• Washburn, President of the Louisiana. Commercial Club, and' .a very' well known man • of New Orleans, La., writes from 637 Canal street: • , «1 am satisfied that there isnot a furor medicine placed before the public to -day right medicine dor me.' For two months.. I used it faithfully. and then felt so well I was . Iike a young Man once more.. This was over a year ago and' I have not had any trouble since.. Although lam in tho seventies •I feel better and more aotivo •than I did thirty years ago." - W. W. Washburn: • Most derangements of the kidneys aro due to catarrhkidneys. of the k dneys. Peraina Is a catarrh ' remedy. This ' explains why it. is that' Peruna enres a great than'Peruna. I have boon troubled fer. number • of kidney . diseases in which nearly twelve yearswith kidney -and the usual remedies fail. • liver trouble, and at times I have been a If you do not receive prompt and saris - pretty sick man, unable to attend to aly factory results froin'the use of reruns, duties.. I had about made tip my mind write at once to Dr. Hartman, .giving a . that no medicine 'could help me, When 'fill/ stateinent of your. case; and he will one of your booklets was brought to my be pleased to give yon his .valuable ad - office which I read in a leisure hour: I vice gratis; , then decided to give Periina,atrial .and Address Dr. .Hartman, President'of . found that..I had at last secured' tile: Tito Hartman, Sanitarium, Columbus; O• 7414 T•77-71- .,'E' 1'"\' r • c H:T ou •ht h PP g -. 41,41 4141 $Nationa1Peai'i and:• `andora RANGES. The three leading Ranges"made in Canada- We have them: Allzes. Heating stoves 1'0f:wood - and coal, including: the celebrated • HOME, Lightc. 4141 1 4141 •. • consumption of fuela good •o d b b aker are a a necessity in a good range These are the. strong : . + est features in the above nalned'xal:ges. . :' Theyare,naade to give satisfaction. - You' are •not experimenting.''. when you buy one. Ali' izes 1 s 00 chestnut, :Stove and Egg. 4141 Samson nd Cement • at.a e_ Portiar du ed� • ' prices,'.: 4141 HARLAND BROS. STOVES _ HARDWARE _. •" 4141. • •�N�•{{O•�{{�•{�N�•��{{�••�fON�N•OHO•�y�{•�i{�N�N�N�{.•{:N:N:..:..:,. .:,•:N:N:••:..:..:, �••:••:N:/•�♦.�N�N:N�• {•4141 2 . ri :_• � 4141 µ • •• i�V�If1f1'CVOdd {) ants :_. .•!• 7 N. ,, wags �P J ,•. _,_..:.�__,�..._�:...,.�.r.....,._..,_..,.W...Y,�_..a. _��........-,4141 • A couple of weeps ago we cleared from a manufac- turer a lot of Odd Pants at a very low ' figure. Each )� pair is made of good heavy tweed, well made and trim . • 'med and is good..value at $1.75, .but while theylast the y pricas' is only $ 1. 5. 410. Flannelette Mil Buds . 4 6, 4174 We have also a' lot of Flannelettesalmost a yard '''7` wide) in light and dark stripes, in lengths 2 to 12 yards. •• . Regular 10c and 12're Flannelettes at $c u 12~i'c and 15c tr 10c These are money savers and are going fast. :Ri,' L V E �7� ,, ' '• 4141 - 4: The Old Stand 1x qty 1. �7*: '•. ♦�'Y i ♦ • • ♦ i• 4141♦ • • •f . i •�+I ♦ . ♦4141 • a •�• ..i s i a ♦ 6'�.,., 4141 . � . �. _.. ( :,4141. .� {.�•.,•.b.N.NM.M f�...•�•�K.••.H.N..•.N.N {.��� •....••..•.f••.•.N.•f.. •••..N.i❖•�N.f4141 .-.� 4141 7414 �. _ :The. NO"' C ''s.Record until• r .. .r • January 105 for