HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-13, Page 3•
Eagcr for Spin
• •
tual Conquest. not le do6rwa,y oft in the distance, HA.RVBSTING POTATOES. don, briuging about 3.5 cente Per we have the na e "man of. God" ale- ' :DOMESTIC RBOXPBS.
•- eae- ' ,•••••••%
viduel churclion to which we have
given our allegiance tie he will bless
other cherchea ? Yee, if we go
into thia goepel conflict as we ought -
to go. Are you and I willing by,44,*+,1 i 2.4,, splendid individuals; representing iwr•
eral yeare of oucceeeful breeding, The
heeling au 4 Management of the horde
were very *Willer. The rations wore
noticeable in the absence of large XNTERNATION.A.X. LESSON,
- our own contlecrited lives to lee our amounts of concentrates, In Mina OCT. 6.
mer about three Intend* of oil cake
was fed 'daily, With cows on grass, Text of the Zell:ion, Hinge
dear individual church. with its glor-
ious past, take the poiiition in the
and in winter Ude wait increased to iv., 2547. Golden. Tozt,
A Call to Arms to All VVho Are chum', army: on the front line of Met-
tle re she Plight to stand? lie. five pounds witli hay, swedes and
reeMb the open• clOor which Cod
mange's. The milk of the three
opeued or the Philippien ceureli Wag herds was sold at wholesele in Lon-
. .
. but near at head. And so the ePen Potatoeseeeciteor be- in thsteergeden gallon in bummer, arid 20 onto in plied to Blisha. be I. leings aide it Sweet Cucumber Vicele.-Choose
At least ten times in thie chapter
Watered exceeding to Act et the rat'. 0 'oraihmthar-
. door of .sgrorgpg oirgartbrty..Aolof
ket, shotild not be dug until. :be etop:
sole for winter., No difference was made In is lined at least fourteen theme in eair-sized green cuthailiere and Pet
are dead. The tubere should fall the price by reason a any varietion
e s em and have arra In the fat content.
The heed of Jerseys 26 cows had •
reference to one whose nanee we know them in a brine that will bear uo an.
'11t=ter Iltilladituiletragati'eur, forth into a winter's pampa's%
One Poe°. When a Christian church goes church i
secreted, Holy Spirit inspired, earn -
freely from th t
est Chriatian church merabers will
you ,a31 o n to -day ii I. skins that will not come off easily an average for the year of 6659 lbs. for three days, Then soak three
or its pas or to now t at s peo- d 1 j` i i the lire -
when rubbed. If the vino h v bee, railk; the Shorthorns 26 cows 7241
" ' e others and to my raind le a title hays in clear cold water. 're auvca
a not. It is applied to lifeees and to Ogg
by Wm. Batty, ei Toronto. at h
t a against sin it is Jitst as important
ple are of one thought and one mind e would millet erou
ward march for Christ ?
geeing should not meth. to be coveted, or, rather, ba Pounias of cucuitabbers allow a quarts
Ipepargswo, sg agriculture. Ottawa.) f . • k ee hi
Revelation iii„ 8, "I have bet before enemtes outSide of a general's CAMP in the end victory is certain. It may vines have died,ea
n storage writee
are then 'Polls, 87' cows thing much to be cleeired-to 0 el v nogar and re) poinide of ar
wholly for God, in. communion with and one ounce each ot Cinliamen, ail.,
in reference to • -the great cardinal one and all In killed by blight, di a e - Peends; the Red
bo done until t 7007 pounds; Selecting the, best en -1 ee, ,
A clesPateli from Lee Angeles, Cal.,
Prof. Samuel Fraser heals in. the eoveral herds, the age eurn, always, set apart for Himself, Vice and Celery. seed, Ada a small
os rePresen lig average or the Isis and turn over tbe cucumbers). Po
Pieee of alum. Heat the vinegar
tare:- Rev. FranIc De Witt eadumge this glorious war. Your trials rao,y days after the
Preaehed front, the eollowIng text: doctrines of the church. A tbousand be severe, your labor arduous, but
ur ti f all His for His pleasure, hearing HIS
Jerseys ,., ... ...
abet it . one traitor inside of the guarding but if you perish in the struggle you If frosts '
lees liable to rot ;19 114Y'
Menthe before an invading array aelltinel's lines. A thousand blatant will eat be able to - say : "I leave ' I"
grow ng vines, it may be neossa
Y • / s Five Shorthorns .. ' . 10 400
year :
Five 9,683 messenger with His message.
. eee op. P ' voice only ancl doing His will,
osts sets in earl and Iti 1this three timeS and they are ready
thee an open door, 44(1.110 man can a•re not so dangerous a menace as be yours to share in' the triumph,
MoVes for the subjugation of a coma- infidels attacking the church of Jestie fought a gond light, Henceforth to di the t t b f
g Pe a oes e ore they are . • •a, , fro fel. "
Tomato Mincemeat .-One Peck of
Christ in letildel convention hall or there is late up for rae a crown et quite mature, The shrinkage 4in Five leed Polls 9,5)Q through Shunem a wornard of Wealth
As Easel passed to end use
greet' toraa•toee chopped fine, two
natural fea,tures and intuitively set- by saloon counter aro not so for- righteousness." Ten Jerseys ... ... ...."„: 8546 suggested to her husband that they
Pounds el retsina evicted and chola,
ped; two pounds of brown eugaie
trer endued military minds stuey ite
*le the strategic- points whieh it is midable as the so called freethinking should prepare a room in their house
essential to capture axed to hole and GHOST STORy 7ROM INDIA.. for this holy mart of God, Who con- juice and grated rind of two letnetis,
lthe couree which the various cerps ot god as a. member of that church tinually passed by them, that he
inight feel at liberty to ,turn in the. two-thirds of a tableepoonful each cet'e
liberal who is attacking the church two tablespoonfuls of einuamon and ,
Rtiree vi., 23. -
• Home
#4444+14,4 •
weight in storage will be greater an
than if they had matured, therefore Ten Red Polls ...
a reasonable offer for them. straight Fifteen Jerseys
from the field should be considered. Fifteen Shorthorns
„.... 8,958
Must take to co-operate in the Truthfulnesa Vouched for by Tule thee as often as lie chose. 'Phis theY Cloves and allspice,. a tataespoental
gen- or as an ordained minister of 'that
Now, for the most part, the church. WOMell and. a Man, did and furnished it witli a. bed, a, of saet and one pint of vinegare'Doil
erre sdheme. church,
Tires coining campaigns or the mill -
kept emit. If possible, haul to some 883 pounds milk during the year.
Polis „. 8,447
For storage, potatoes' meet be dug e,en e
when dry, picked up at one° and The Jersey, cow Joyful gave 12, -
cool Place and leave them all nignt Counting out the 26 days she . ails
before Vilacing in storage. When this dry, her average was 87.96 pounds
is impaAlsible greater attention must daily. lier yearter average for four
be given to the ventilation of the years was 9544 pounds.
storage place. . . Four Shorthorns in the herd gave
The digging may be done with a over 10,000 pounds milk during the
fork, hook, plow or digger. A luau year. Darlington Crawford otb nee
with a fork will dig 1-10 to * acre averaged over 10,000 pounds for
Per day at a cost varying from 2 three years. Lady Rosedale gave
figures. The cost depends ' much last eve years Pounds railk, and
cente to 6 cents per bushel., occa- lest Year "19"
atonally running above or below these bee averaged 9370 pounds ter the
upon the skill of the .man and the Among the Red Polls, Peaceful
character of/the soil and crop. This gave 10,887 pounds last year and an
method is slow and tedious, 6,nd the average for the past six years of
difficulty in securing help has led la $607 pounds. Rosette has been in
the use of plows and diggers; where the herd ten years, and during that
large areas are grown. time has given an average annuel
MBCETA.NICAL DIGGERS. • yield of 950$ pounds milk, quite a
work on the principle of lifting the phenomenal record for that length
of time, •
table, a seat and a otindleeticle, and the tomatoes, vinegar and. sugar lor
tary lines of summer operations
purged of those members who do not The latest ghost story is recorded the man of God was wont to rest three heare, then add fruit and KIM.
are of the Lord Jesus Christ has beea
planned for the most .part by the dif-
believe in the great cardinal doctrines in The Friend of Burinah, mid it is himself there. What a contrast even es, cook twenty minutes and can:
ferent commanders of invading
of the bible. It has beee bold -enough attested by several eye witnesses, this, to our mind, humble room and Makes delicious gees in winter.
net believe in Jesus Christ es. scanty furniture to the stable where wCrabw-Aappleeboduelly.s-oBiatilwtite Int
to say to such. membere, "Ii you d0 who saw the ghost, not during the
armies while their armies are en- ,
e , mon Of God, if you do not talielre In
the eight, as is Usually the case, but in
bread daylight.. It liappeped in the that ele often- had not where to lay
our Lord was born or to the fact ith ter enough
y o is sacrifice, then yoa efonyineu quarter of Pakeicku. In lpuosutr.thinroaughjelthlyebfarguit. meWahaurene .stt .
camped in winter quarters. Therefore
ehe question which at this season na- e.
ensuing ten months? I am a captain you are in sympathy, for in this Maung Yun and hid wife May Neain. 1111.7ersrihelriatdti:twnlicte should do for her, but, our into glasses. Bub
:this: "What is the gospel campaigle
ahead of the Christian church for the had better transfer your ellegiance to that quarter of the town live a mar- sukiicme, bson.ide twenty minutes, add equal
tinnily forces itself upon my mind is the cfficac f h
some crther church with whose creed ried couple; the husbands name is would fain recompense tier i
care of him and asked measure of sugar, 'boil 5 minutes,
in the army of Christ. How am I church the doctrbees which you mon- They had a little eon two years old, the kesfclue in the jelly bag through
to lead my people? Where arn X to her reply was to the effect that she
diet° are regarded as the essence of who, after a serious illness, died. The sieve add two-thirds as much su- •
go?" In the beginning of this Win- Christianity. ' The greater part of. baby was buried in the cemetery out- needed nothing. Gehazi having called. a - P.
gar ab tnere is pulp and cinnamon to
ter's work I am exactly in 1A0 Sanaa the heretical teachere have accepted side the town, his cradle serving as a Elislia's attention to the fact that
taste. Cook ten minutes, sterring
position as the military leader of an the ad,Vice, and, like the army of coffin. . • she had no child, Elisha assured her constantly and you have a verY. law'
invading army who is. about to break Gideon, the men who remain are few- The father Was very much' dejected that in due time God...would give her .. . •
quatity of apple butter,
up winter quarters. Summer le real- er In number, but are of ope heatt at the loss of his little one, and, lin" a son, and so it came to pass, It A useful / pia -Take all pieces of
ly the time for winter quarters in a and One mind. The church of Christ able'te repress leis grief, went to the It was supernaturel, something like
the giving of Isaac to Sarah and greater variety the better-ehop fine.
meat left from any cold joints -the
Abraham a real gift from God" iy. season, with pepper, salt and a
city cliurch. When July comes many througlicaft the land miters upon. the cemetery two days, after the burial.
city pastorate hie themselves awa17 front, alb stronger for the elinin- ing. At tee; entrance or every Bur? mw-ee potatoes and the soil onto . though in a netural way They had ,few bits of butter, ' Dredge the
of the Christian soldiers in a large winter's campaign with Unbroken It was about 8 o'clock in the morn-
for rest. They are •very tired from. THE BEST YEAR FOR A Ngs rest house, wherein people gather and deposit the potatoes in. a row on A
, I
to sea beach or to mountain stream ation of its ealf eearted members. mese burial place there is a ear at, of Screens, which get rid of the soil and 8TR. NUE ROTEL CHARGE
time the middle of Septeinber here chant and smoke and take thelter
their winter's labor. But bytho , • • START. the surface in. the rear. Two eo
But I take a stop further in. this from th'e sun or rale whenever theY four horses are required, and four to
the schools aro all opened tied the mighty. su13ject; eve have a wonder.. accompany a funeral. On entering eight acres a day may i3e dug. From "'WEER BILLS THAT STRAIT -
members of the city congregations ful time in which we are to enter the the graveyard Maung Y1,111 was not eight to 16 laborers are necessary GEES DOlee'r LIN • E.
are back to their winter !homes and cgming campaign for Christ. •This is a little surprised to see his eon, or to peck. them up. The cost f
are filling their churdh pews. When the
they arrive and start out for gos- to it aro
—. • •
• • N 1 E
.youngestof the centuries, but itie at least someo'ne looking exactly like should not'
near1y very European. Country
.exceed two
ging . .
gathered the ripe fruits ef his ion, playing in the =yet: near cents per bushel and may be 'less, in . Has Some Curiosity of, Its
pel work the Christie.). soldiers of each the past • The thought and exper- the cradle He was. at first horror-. some cases, digging costs about 1.4 ' • • Own. '
church neturally expect to know the ience of an the centuries that . are struck; but, paternal Affection getting copes and picking up about 1.6 cents,
kind of a gospel campaign which is gone have in these years come to the upper 'hand, he 'approached . the so potatoes may be put into barrels Many hotels in the Tyrol charge
ahead. • fruition. It is the mighty move- baby, and to entice him gave .him.
Qhrist is our great coniniander, and remits and trials and struggles of One peee. . .
as a captain under him I would het Past. generations 'which. have made
and now point out to you the mighty the present time possible. From the The boy took the coin readily and
offered not the least resistaiace When
opportunities which are before as.' '1 triumphs and failures of the 'past,
. would sketch the Hue of canfpat
gn from. the wisdom and the tnistak'es ea Heel
the father took him in his arms and
of •o•ur forefathers; 'we have learned r ____ him " away. Maung Sun
we as a church are about to enter.
lessons which should make us mas- could make nothing ' out of it but
And, furthermore, I not only want,
ters in the art of fiend winning and that the .child had been buried alive
to show you how we are to • fight,
the intrenchmtnts a sin. This . is
on and that somebody, attracted soon
sticeessful leadere in tho assault where we are to fight, but alsO to try
the very hest ear of 'all -years td •after by the sOunds coming from the
grave, had 'dug him out and placed
to encourage you by reminding yeti,
of the great ageneies of our time
which are going to help us in this for him en the ztarat. Fell of joy, he
start . in a ' gospel campaign '
coming year's struggle. . •Christ. . • ' -------. carrid his treasure home
brightened Elishe's life ley this rest whole lightly with flour, line , a pie-
charge:ea., arid now God brightened dish with short crust, 'fill it with •
their lives- and home with this 'dear minced meat, pour over some egooll
child, whom He spared to them till gravy, cover with a paste crust a,zuf
he was old enough to go with . his bake for half an hour,
father to the field, and then sudden- . To boil ffsh well each two
ly 'God took him. ' • e quarts of water add a tablespoonful'
His mother .laid•his Tittle body on of salt and when the water is warra
the bed of the man of God, shut the Put In the fish. The reason for 1.10,
ing .warm water is that boiling wee
door and hurried as fast as she
could to Mount Carmel. to Elisha, ter cracks the skin and e Veils the
on the contraiy, needs boiling water
The prophet, when lie saw her cora- appearance of white tibia Salmon,
ing, sent Geliazi 'to. meet lier and to
to set the color: . Boil fish very gene
thy, allow from eight to ten minutes .
for a. sole, aceording to its. thickness.
When -quite. done, take it up, drain,
ale the water off; slip carefully on to '
it hot dish, and garnish with parsley
and lemon.
for 3 cents per bushel. The impor- under the heading of office, tie
tam features of this method are that Cover the clerles ' time wasted in inquire. if it was well •with herself
and her husband and the child.. Her.
and the'soil is puivekized and left in and attendieg to letters. In some pressed aroans,..t'b'lliniissbaweallL held him ;lite
the work may be expeditiously done looking up inforniation about trains Ike') br
such shape that if cleen, it .may be parts of South Germany eraNelleis by the feet, and when Gibed •nrould.
harrowed and sown to wheat or 1 ee are invariably eharged • for soap, have thrust her away ' Blithe. forbade
at once. Such a digger might bo whether they bring their own or not.
owned by & wean, grange, or seireral Some :email ountry. hotels in Nor- hsaYing, "Let her alone, for her
soul is • vexed within her; and the
farmers, and 'hired out, help befog thern Spain supply their visitora
Lead. hath not told me." Then she
secured to . hue it by the owners With nightshirts, tor which. a tharge poured out her iced in these words:
%veering. tegethee, is made; and .9,11 over the country a . • a .
, Did I desire a son of ray Lora? Did
. The place of storitig varies viith luggage, not .kept in the Visitor s .
say Do
thneott. dthe.ceeiveheilind 67,,:.
climatic conditions. This May be in bedroom; is charged 0; special store Lesobta., sa
the open in piles covered with straw
- this momentous subject. - We have about a call's distance from his
e "entrance. of the town; ad e
and earth .0d • in cellars or ,root
But take another step further in
The glorious twentieth century iia
opening wide fts doors to let the. houses.: Outdoor piles are useful :or
another campaign blessing in addi- house, he met a neighbor, Mali Seia
.temPorary. stora:ge. • They should
church of the Lord Jesus Christ Pass tion to these two of which we have Pwin, who, wondering at what ehe taper upWard• and be covered with
forth into God's conflict, aided by spoken. We have a church with all saw, . wreathed out. "Is that , you,' iyia. or wheat straw, laic.' atraight,
scientific and social facilities that no of its great leaders as Well as thou- Ike Yun,
other age possessed, whereby'. each carrying home your little .
weth the butta. downwaid, in order
sands of members moved to 'holy' sone" As soca), as the child •heard to shed rain. Oat straw is liable to
Inan can double and treble and quad- enthusiasm. ' by %knowledge of the the voice he began inoving about in sweat, and mad.. •Dig a charmer
ruple the amount of work which his strenath of the Satanic enemies We his father's arms • Mah Sein Ptak'. round the . pile, • using the soil ta
grandfather or his great-grandfather are about. to , meet in combat We and another woman came to take it cover the straw. The channel •will
was able to do. .It is saying to use know that as the church of Christ is and a short struggle' ensued between
. Man, if the length of your Hfc. iS strong the Satanic enemfee aro them and the b el Ma Y act as a, dr.ain and keep the bottom
ege, fee. • French provineial hotels
are proverbially moderate, but the dead, seat Geturea with his -(Elistia's)
1? a hotel 'at Dijon 'which charges staff to lay it on the face of the
all its visithis for "Ares". in sum:. child, beethe mothei said to him as
Mee and winter alike. • . he had said to eleijati, "AD the Lord
Oldefashioned hotels In Vienna make livhth and as thy .soul litreth X
a charge for "brushing clothes,'1.anct will not leave thee": (verse •:30).
viseters are expected to leaye their As in the cake of •tiee phot evidow,
external garments oirtside their . bed- bern it a velet • . heartfelt need
room doors on retiking." . • and desire with. the eonsciousness. of
Use of el/Lek-rodeo-one aceritiee. ftp- utter helplessness Oli, for more of
peered in the bill of .an amateur it, • and of this desperate clinging
with .s peraistence that takes no dea
the persietenue • of Jacob, ca
Beth, of Ittai, •of Eltshe, and of this
woman! SO also our 'Lord's owe
encouragement to be persistent in
Luke xi, 8, '9; Isa. lefi, 6, 7.
Elieha heeds tbo heart pry of dis-
tress and hastens to the chamber
where he had often been; refreshed,
.and he went in and shut the, doorupon them twain and prayed Unto
the Lord (verso 33). See again the
shut door, • the secret of His pres-
ence, alone with God.. Oh, the pow-
ee and the- blessedness of ett And it.
is the previlege .of every believer.
Now see the inteese perso nal desire
of glisha.Like Elijah he stretched
hill:melt upon the child (verse 84; .1
Kings aye., Ilia mouth and
hands and eyes are upon those of
the child, suggestine, as Mr. Spur-
geon Used to say, that to bringlife
to a .child -dead in sin,• or to any
one, we must come into the closest
Possible personal contact, soling • as
they. see and speaking ei thing's as
they would, eo that from what, they
already see and know We niay • lead
on to what they as yet neither see
or know. Mishit Stretclied•himself 'up-
on the child, and God seat the spirit
back to the little bode, and soon
he was again in his inother's areas,
and she was once more a happy w,oe
, ee s a • strong also, so strong that unless we suddenly lost his senses and fell hea- the Photographer known to the writer,
go forth to this battle with a full .pile uncovered. by soil for a who changed his plates in the path -
:week you shall be able to accorta vily to the grieund. The two wo- while, thus permitting the moisture room of a big hotel the sama
plish I will let you are onger an endowment of the 'EOly Spirit to men made a dash for the little
'did Jacob, who died of old age at fight as we ought to fight for Christ One, to escape. as the potatoes sweat. In city.
• boy an ung un of the pile dry.. Leave the ridge . of
leaa Ice nowheee was he to be found: the north, it .will be -necessary to Russia beats the world for etrange
one hundred and forty-seven, or we shall fail ignorainiousiy, " eve he had disappeared completely, leave place a good depth of oil and straw hotel charges. In all but first-class
Boum, who lived one hundred and deserve to fail. • ••., ".. • in no trace behind. or hay • over these pile% if the pout- hotels', bedroom towels are charged
eighty years, or Abraham who lived Outside of his. own intrinsic ing unfortunate man was 'carried toes are to tie held until spriiig. it for and visitors ctfter paying about,
to be one hundred and seventy-five strength nothing brings out the hid- .
, years, or Noah, who lived to be nine, deli power of a general more than the home by some kiddly.neighbors, but is iniportant that all petatoes. Le one dollar for a bath, are required
lie was a long. time in recovering his
hundred and Cdty years, or Halite- realization that his enemy is strong
aelah, who only lacked . thirty -One and wily -an adversary 'whose 'power senses.. The. child was a ghost, and
. . - -
years of being 0310 thonsand. -years it would be frilly to underestimate, 'the man had . been carrying nothing
old. I will let you live so long that against whom • he must marshal his but. an . apparition from the • other
what your ancestors accomplished In forces with all hii skill .and • develop wored. That it appeared real enough
the course of their lives will seem to their figlitingequalities tothe highest the tiro woenen are reed'Y to swear,
be as nothing to what you -shall be. efficiency. •When •Goliath saw the since•ehey not only •saw, but touched
able to accomplish." The twentieth Tidily form ef-Daild,ewhe was to give 1t It was no smoke or +epee; but
'century speaks thus not to one Map, . him battle •.the Pnillistine. giant Owned to be flesh and hone. An soon
but to all. . • .. laughed him to scorn.. • Ho ineering.. as Maung Yen was well enough to
. •
AN INVENTIVE AGE. ly .6114 • "Am I a Clog that ' thou explain how it. had . all happened, a
comest to .' me with stones That hiwried visit was made •to. the ceinee
This inventive age • has literally coetenipt lost him the battle. Not tery in the hope of perhaps seeing the
doubled and quadrupled and almost .
see. with, David. Hie :weapons Were boy in the zayrit But they ' were
infinitely multiplied the naaeerial pro, those with which ''• ' • ' ' ' .'.-
,. he was familiar, disappointed neither•thild nor cradle
'doing power of man. Think of the at • -•
• an he emploYeci the• skill develo . ' ' ' • ' '
. ppd • was there and the rave was exact -
facilities of eommunicationl Suppose by long experience. iu might • d I - ' g • .
an ceue le ei it had been beet on the burial.
leg I wish to plead the cause ,cd. and relentless, and henervedhis day, not•in the least clieturbed
Cellist with some friend clear across sti en ehler the unequal struggle , • • • .
the American contirient. I sit down .The church of • Cerise it maderesoa ' • '
.• 7 \ I •
and pen my appeal. In a few -min- .lute ene theknowledge that it is to • ' •
utes it is in the postman's hands. A meet astrong tinned foe. We knew. . HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPErhg. '
. . . . . .
little later it is in the mail- Wagon we must fight hard to win. And we Brans that. .hae been very much
on its way to the deport. Soon it alto know that unless •like Dat 11 stained 'and discolored May be easily
is in the mail car going at lightning tho shepherd 'boy, we go. forth in an- brightenee by. the use of oxalic acid
speed over the mountains aid across faltering faith in • tbe &vine re -en-. and chamois. a• ..
the alkali deserts and across the ale- forcenient We shall fell in the battle; • . Slight scorch 'marks etin be . taken
ers until it is dropped in the 'eastern A .stalwart foe always brings out out by eeposure to strong sunlight
home. It has taken wily a few days • the best that is in a 'worthy telepon- alone. ... When the ecoreli has tance
for that message to reach its destine ent. • . • • , • .. erected to the wrong side, it mey 'cl-
ation in the east, and in a few days 'MUST BB •ALWAYS ON GUARD.. ten be removed by • onion juice tiTh'
longer an answer comes hack to . me • tad • the . church ' of Chiest ohler plied in • this Manner a Slice cad
that my appeal has been read, and craven -hearted foes to.figlit it wguld squeeze the juice of two oniony, mix
under God's blessing .it *has.' been become as indifferent to them as X with hall an ounce -of •Sha'vell 'white
made effectual to tho salvation of a Was toward that sneaking coyote,' soap ,• - two ounces of fullers' earth
soul. Think how raany tiineS '. such whose worst depredations are found and • It half ' pint of vinegar. Boil
an effort might be multiplied and in the barnyard among the • dead this and -spread. it over the scorthed
how largely the facilitieS of come chickens.. Unless starving and in place. • Leave till the stain is re-
munication might be utilized for the • numbers, he never attacks a strong moved; thou mesh out. . .
spread of the gospel! 1 can to -day . fee, But to -day ,the church. of God . 4 delicioue vegetable soup is made
send a letter from California. tp New has 21C. cowardly •enelny. Like a by cooking lima beans with the tin -
York, 3,000 mileg3 away, quickerhunter stalking the roan eating men-, lot sprays of bunion, adding eat.'
than in the beginning of the last sters • of. India or Africa, the church milk and a bit of butter, passing
autery my New Jersey ancestor
is and must be Ontinually on' i Le through.e. sieve and thickening with
could send a letter to his missionary c .
guard. As it • goes forth int() the
coming winter's campaign to do the
eon living among the Georgia . pines.
best it can and with the help of the
That is one astounding fact. But, Holy Spirit to • do all it can. 'for
thou.ghmore money is irt circulation chart,
st the consciousness that its
to -day than ever• before arid a pee- foe has made alniost uulinuted prow -
ley in olden times meant mere than ess hat; raved the chetah strong and
it does now, I can send my letter confident.
clear across the conteneet for two But where is the gospel campaign
pennies, While my great-grandfather of thist church during the coining
had to pay twenty -flee cents to seed winter to befought? We bore tac-
tile letter of one sheet of paper only ed about the time. • We have epokea
a few hundred miles.' It used to t ke about the Oneness of purpose and
our anceetots sometimes lernia to' the divine strength in which we are
ride to the nearest church. Nowee 0 to enter the conflict. We now speak
church of our Lord Jesus Christ is about tho geographical region in
• at almost every street corner, and Whieh We are to fight. We Meet
the religious papers are scattering find our clittrell's Plein cd EsdraeIon
their prints. everywhere. Man te-day tied its Marathon pass. Ametlea is
hae quadrupled his opportunities of to be the geographical plain of goa-
life because he can accomplish four pet maneuverings for the ,A.mericart
times the anumint of work Which his church, Xt is the foremost natio*
ancestors were able to de in the in the world to -day, and its power
mania UM(' and influence are rapidly growing. lei
ENEMIelS FROM WITHIN. ofergY, ,in wealth, in enterprise, it
1 find the church of the Lord Jesue tees the lead among the tuitions Of
e world, If it boldly takee fte
d Stand for Christ and declares that
splendidly eatilinied materially . ea
teMporarily for this winter's cam- the principles of Christ are its guide
pato against :eh tut, more than and that he is its supreme ruler the
that X fled that there neVer wets a died, cm tho 'world ivill he tiller -
a very lIttla ilour
propriato dress' tor' a beil is tin- Carmen No, 8 lost nearler ib p.c, HuNGARIAN BAN:0
doubtedly tvhlte, there are occasions
oft Which -At is desirable to use Soiree
thing that does not Soil fee easily,
Nothing is be,tter for the purpeao
than a pretty cretonne. The spread
May ebe simply hemmed and large
'enough to just. escapathe fioor, Un-
less a flounce is ufied,. in which case
it should come just a little below the
11 a flounce is usad it tatoes In the dark, because light ,In Norther Roumania. a traveller's
top of that,
limy be gathered or pleated flea tends to increase the respiration ef paying capacity is eethaetted accord -
Should be iiewed to a piece of cheitP the tubers aud to Stimulate recreate trig to the number of hoestis lie triter -
unbleached muslin covering the changes in their compoeition Whith els with. The basis ts wee horse, and
spring, The flounce .b3 dieritled dO not go On eo rapidly. lit the dark ten per colt. is added to the bill for
the cornere and ptit.behind the posts. — each addional anhrial.
Shams are otit of fashion, arid ul- MILIt YIELDS 11Y BlIEEDS. Servia, howeVer, beats the World
for the variety ot its hotel bills. lei
stead the bed is &wised for day Use Great Britain, does not inaintaia
eXperinaelit stations such as we have all but the best, -class hotels, table -
with the hard, long, retied bolnter
linen, bedding, Writing materiale, hot,
Which has come down to Us !voile in thee eountry, but scene of tee I water, toWols, and "services of
Louis II'S titne, and Which fa Covered large estates belonging to the riobil- valet," itre letit dOwn separately in
et) Match the spread+,
picked up .4 night'. and the mouth
et the pile Oirered, as nothing -is
Moro detrimetaal than rain end )511n,.•
:They discolcir•them and gild the . .
I.have known a whole crop to be
rained by ineufficient ceVering, :Make
sure of all that are dug. The pia
tathes in' the •grolencl are better off
'than these lying uncovered upon it.
It Is preferable to store in a root
hoese or cellar, holding seed pieta -
toes in flat trays with a Capacity of
!rem 60 tci 100 Pounds, bushel boxes -
or bonito,- taking care et) place these
SO' that air can circulate -under- and
kiround• them. Per large grower's,
to pay an additional.. twelve , cents
each per towel. . Country 'hotela.
suoely beds and • mattresses, but
charge separately; tor blankets, sheets
and .pilleces, the theory. being that
all sensible travellers . . '
• 1
Where there are nce railveaers, the
posthquee• keepers are allowed by.
taw to charge travellers for "fodder'
for- one licirsee' whether the hares, bo
kept at the bin or not. .
Heavy taxation. sometime& leads :tee
Curious hotel charges. Many Greek.
hotels cliarge ten lepta (tWo cents).
a .night for matches; :. In Rale,
where the• salt -tax is outrageously
a raised board ficuer and several vene higde, landlords of small inns enarese
env cent ;per . head for sale They.
lems are best; bet they should have
tilating shafts running from the floor also invariably charge a percentage
upWar4 through • the •tubere.. The 6n postage stamps bought at Ale
bins May be 10 feet • wide and filled
to a .depth of from 4* to 6 feet. The - Use of toilet necessaries" is re -
83 degrees is the Most desirable tem -
About speasible cf or thirty Ontimes (three-
pence) of most Corsican hotel.. bills-
poeatees 'must be kept cool'.
pantile, altheirgh froni 88 to 50 At Ajaccio some of the :-better-class
dogrees 40 coneidered safe.. Every, hotels charge for "table elecorations"
cellar should have a thermometer, °netted anyone who wishes' to 0,Void this,
stove and radiator, then, if the tem- exaction, should instruct• the head-
ean be warmed.. The advaniages of e.
The itein 'Lights in: public rooms"
waiter to put no flowers on his table'
perature is going too bow, place
ditions can be controlled, ono can 7132"Y
aYeears 'beside "bedroom lights"' in
Greek hotel bills. .
storing in. a Cellar - ties that the cote
I S fi h t 1 k nave 'to pay •
Jugged Beefsteak is a useful dish,
and en hot *other may be served
cold, with a garnish' of aspic Jelly
and salad. Cut a Piece of beefsteak..
into .niie square pieces roll these al •
seasoned flour Which has herbs inixed
in 'it, aild a little 'onion.,a glaSS of "
red wine, pepper and salt to taSte,
few pePpercorns but no water. • Put
in a jar, cover doeva tightly and set
it in a pan of boiling water.to stew
till tender. When done, color to' a
goad brown, place the neeat• on abat
dish, add feied eetteenitag balis, an
serve With red cuieciat'• jelly. whea
hot. • . . ' •
• Good plum cake can be made quite
inexpensively at this time ()Cave:tea
Cream, half & pound et butter ivith
six ounce's or caster sugar, mid arid
yolks of emir eggs. liteat the whites
to a stiff froth. Sift one pound oe.
.dried pastry. flew., ' M wliich a tea-
stioorifuI of baking -powder has been
mixed into the butter,. etc., then half
• a pound of picked and cleated cure
rants, ditto sultanas,' and a. quarter
.Of a 'pound of chopped candied peel. ,
Flavor all with a little geound .
ger and some cinnamon. earestly add
the beaten vvhites cif °nee' Line a .
eake-tin, with greased paper, put in
the 'cake mixture, and bake four
hours' in a moderate oven.
Necessary ingredients for an In-' o
elan mirky recipe -One pound of beef
or mutton, ono tablespoonful of mild'
curry Powder, two ounco of butter,
one ounce of green ginger, -two small
caildns, two. red chillies, salt to
taste. • First Melt the butter in a
deep enamel pan, put in a few slices
of' onion, when nice and brown take
them out Dad put aside' than mix
• the curry powder, the ginger, •chillies' •
and onions, all ground to a paste.
Let this cook in the batter for ten
minutes, stirring it constantly,. Now,
add the metit, Cut in small pieces
and fry: for ten or fifteen minute.
Pour over sufficient cold water to
'cover and let all simmer on a, steady '
fire till the meat is quite tender, 'the •
gravy. •thiakees end .Is rich .looking.
When serving scatter the sliced onion
on the top and hand a dish qf boiled
rice with the curry. •
A CHAPTER ON r xpiams.
Mustard Picicles.-One quart Oi •
:small whole cucumbers, large edema•
bers sliced and small button onions; .
one large cauliflovverr divided and.
four green peppers cut fine. Make a
brine•of four quarts of water and one
pint* of gala Pour it over the Mix-.
ture of vegetables and let attend
twenty-four hours. Heat just 'enough'
to seald it,, and turn into' a ccetuader,
to draih. Hix. one cup Of hour, SiX
tablespoonfuls of ground mulitard
and a. tablesPeonful f tumeric with
enough, cold Vinegar to make smooth ,
paste; add one cup sugar and suffi-
cient vinegar to make two quarts in
all. Boil this mixture until it thic-
kens and is smooth, stirring Wit-
starttly, Then add the vegetables.:
and cook meta well heated through.
Celery Pickle. -One dozen heads of
celery cut fine; one-quarter pound of
mustard seed; (Me -quarter pound . •
ground mustard; two tabIespooniels
salt; theee onions cut fine; one table.
spoonful ground pepper; one table-
spoonful curry powder; onahalf
tabletipeenful tenieric; 'two dupe atia
gar; two quarts cider vinegar. MIX
all the dry ingredients with a little..
Cold vinegar, Add te the rraluder
She knew Him as the 'giver Of life,
but now, she knows Him as one who
can give life from the dead, as ono .
to •whoin nettling is impossible. Al-
though Paul knew Him so well his
prayer Was "that I may know Him,
and the pewee of His resurrection
For large holders, the cellar should the and the fellowship of His sufferings .
see how. the crop is keeping, and the
potateee can be sold at any time. a special tax for the niainten (ince of
and bins on each side, with aporturce specially for hot water. •
police force; and they extract (Phil, Hi, 10), and Peter ends his
second epistle with . these words:
have a driveway through the. center this from their visitors by charging
hi the wall to &loot the Potatoes ine Most Bulgariein, hotels chargc6 twee- PGrow in grace and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
. Some verieties oe potatoes lose after eleven o'clock at night, and to Christ," Our Lord Himself tells us
to the bilis from the outside. ty-five cents to anyone who cc tmes in
mot in weight When in storage than anyone who conies down to break- that to knoveeGod is life • eternal
others. ' At Cotnell enivereitY, dur- There is a hotelerestatirane !hi Mich- (John xvii, 8), . Our church and
ing the past winter, Sir Walter Rale fast after ten. . and to make Him latown," and we
Bible class motto is, eTo know Ilim
Whereas the ;nattiest and most ape g
3 h areet which widely advertises ' greatly rejoice in the feilowehip of
all Who earnestly desire to be Whole
hearted for Him,
' Two other miracles are reeorded in
this , chapter Whiele God wrought
threitigh this Man of God -the healing
of the poisoned pottage and the
intiltipeeing of the twenty leaVee. To
give thee or restore life, or sustain
ilia is ecieuttlY easy to Him, and Re
alone Can, do it. In Min we live
and move weld have our being. Ob.,
to know and' to trust Him so as to
be Used by Hera to the utmost! The
Lord grant us power with Himself
such as glisha hairier His glorY,
that we may melee llim kneven-enten
and Wanton of od kept weeny for
Emse1f.that He .citty be glorified.
Neither variety had sprouted. Those as its great attraction., but charges
losses are influeeced by the Ompere. twelve cents for =este. in. all its
tire and anomie of moisture in the bilis.
air, 'The higher temperature lie In Roumania, as in Rutisee., bead-
croitses the loss, While the highrer ing is universally charged Tor.. Ron -
moisture content tends to diminish inanian country hotels ch stge fixed
it. About 75 p.c. of the loss. of price, according to the viaitor's rank,
weight in storage is due to Toss of a merchant paying only piro-thirds ef
water. It is edvisable to store Po-' the amottet debited to a: rue1310.
ity carry on Work of a practical elle the 13111. A Belgrade hotel, sem.
..............4-areeewea tura writes Prof, D. W. MO. years ago, installed a lift, charging
Among the more interesting of the visitors two cents for every, aseent
DON'T WHINE. e estates I visited Was that of Lord or descent.
"If there is anything I hate it k a Rothschild at Triner Park, near Lon- The rooms of Serviati country 111118
Wilthing Woman," Said. a physician don. Mr. neebardson, estate manor contain. nothing but beide and Chairs.
Who is cheeriness itself, The nuijor- ger. has Jeet forwarded the flgaires and if the visitor 'Objects to dress in
time When the .great evttuge ea wheIrning. Ant enormous step will ity of people aro of his opinion; no- for last Year, showing the Yields Of the cominon lavatory, he is &paged
chinches Were Ito thoroughly in ae- then lure° been taken toward the betty likee one Whet goes groaning Mile of the three herds of Pureehred extra for toWels, soap, water, and
cord on the hinclamental doctrines of conquest of the Whole world for hint. through life. Women Who would Cattle Maintained,. These results ere use of washhand-sitand.
Chri ti ORS)* In the pulpit and in Ohi, fri nil , With tieh a lor- scorn being beggars for money or for a, continuation. of the work that has tut whops the strangest hotel
the pew thoo doetrihee are held lone outlook for our coming gospel toed go from place to place -beggars been Previously rePerted III the Med. charge on the Continent is that of a
4 d V tl ithd i 1 ld t tilo h f fOr s nipathy. They pose as ine.r. cultural press. These figures tore- big C'opetilittgen temperance hotel. mould inte a large Ilea kna Ve Ur
14 A BREAD-SarAll,TER. •
Boil tWo *odium, lazed Potatoes,
\leash fine, add two a eunding
elmonfuls of flour, a elute apoontul
of bale and one half ',alp of sugar:
stir' all together, to pr *vent lumps
hi the their. Now sc tad with Oa
potato water: add a out three
quarts of water (have it lust nicely
warm); break In a fresh yeast cake
and leave till morning, wierart it WM
bo all fOtarty oil top. •
Now sae° out- a pint to feeere with
next time. Stir in dour em with tO
jirnily, IntelligentlyP , . ,
Christ as the ,Shaiour of the World Christ es a WhOle and our own .ir,.. twat and teal aggrieved if they do sent tho COMPWriSoll Of three brtods, Which cherges twelve conts a; day Jo
eine the whole seuled allegitifice of dividuel churches go forth into this net receive the leyteliathetie attention One it Special and eWe dual PluTtleie everY visitor who smokes on the
eile people. Before a generde geee wititerie campaign strong in God, , which thdy fancy is Weir duo. animate, and the Work lute been Car» premises. .
forth to Invade Ali eftemy'S country etrotig in faith, strong In holy zeal? ' If you cannot be happy make up ried out under especially favorable ...............4.,............
it is very important for him to know For the most part X liteVe been talk* ' your Mind at least to be cheerfully CireUltiltitliceS. • , litothet,..."1 hope you are not.e.t the
that .his (WA sottlierti are loyal to ing about hole God ie goirig to blees. unhappy. Whatever your dream. The breeds in the test were Jereee, foot of your eltiee thie Week." Solite
lige coutitty'e sttindarde and are of .the great Ainerlean Chereh as a ,, stanees or your condition, don't be a Shorthorn and lied Poll, the anitnals
• ,I composing the sevciral herds 'being nio-.‘11,To, mother; rm at Just i about
Ati• heat, one Mind and one pur. Whale. Will ha Weis our,/ oWn hull. 1 baby,,, Don't whine. the anklet",
Orte-half hour and Jet riga _et141
tloWn again, let rise encleenoulne into
About the third baking the befeetd
Will be jubt flue. Sate .otit, the ateert.-
er every thee and do not use a na
yeast, as the starter take a its pInfe..
Keep the *tarter in a cool place.
of tho Vinegar, then add on ona and
celery and sire:Mee one hour.
Mixed Picklee.-One half poen*
'Intistard; oncecolarter corn-
starch; ono and a half dordinces tenter-
ic; one ounce India curry powdo;
one-quarter cayerme pepper; two gale
Ions vinegar, Mix all ingreeients
together with a little of the cold
vinegar and stir into the remaining
noiling vinegar, stirring and esanciag
half an hour; peer over the pickles.
• The neighbore Of an sleeted!. ot-
. net, player liaVe he else for the hong
Of plenty:
Slie..-"George, dear, you, ramose&
that lovely sideboard that I to
you should like to buy beetle* '
was no cheap? Well, i've di
a plan to inake room for it." .
',Row', my dear?", She...."Sir
larger house."
". •