HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-06, Page 8r RUIADLL QUALITIES IN oMEN's... ...UNDERWEAR- The ..UIVDERWEAR The Ladies Wool and Union Under- wear we show is made by the best and largest mill in Canada. It is the Mill that sells the most because it makes the best. Every garment is absolutely reliable in every way. Nothing stinted in material or "Work- manship. rockmanship. Fall stocks are now in.. Values are real gooc1. Here are a few lines that are hard to beat. At $1.00 Ladies' ribbed Underwear, very fine quality, • soft Lamb's wool, everygarment labelled " unshrinkable " will wash and wear •Q • well, very special value, each ...,...,.; $1,QQ At 5oc. .• • Ladies' ribbed union Vests,. finished soft. in side, fine quality of wool, just enough cotton with it to keep it.from.shrinking, perfect 'fit ting, a comfortable garment.. 'Also Ladies' • Plush Knit Vests, soft fleecy finish inside, made by a patent process, will not lump up when washed, drawers to match both lines, at each At 25c. Ladies' ribbed Vests, shaped, •high neck, long sleeves, soft ffnish, well made, a . com fortable and servicable garments' :draw-• ers to match, each 250,. At 75c Ladies' fine ribbed Undervests, soft . finish, will not shrink, winter weight, tvill give excellant wear, drawers to match, each .15e. At 35c. Ladies' fine .ribbed Underwear, nicely made, shaped, high neck, long sleeves, pure white, vests only, each 35O, Ghildren's Underwear, all sizes; all prices.. 50c, New Millinery. Always something fresh to be seen in our '. Show -Room: Brisk business such as we are :hav- ing means constant changing • of stocks: Each week finds new lines here totake the place of .those that have gone, and latest novelities as they , appear in the Market quickly find their, way to .our ' Show Room. New English lish Ramn Coats Nobbier Rain Coats than we.' have shown. for many a day are now on; our racks: They are. the newest English styles • as shown in London, and are out of the ordinary both in style and material. There is nothing common about thein or willbe for we have been careful not to get more than ` one or. two of any one kind. `• Ladies Rain Coats made from nobby Scotch and English 'Tweeds, cut in the new- est- styles with• capes and belts, tailo -made, $ 6,. $10 and $12. Some N vv Mantles Some very handsome Mantles catne to hand last week. They are cut and tailored in the very latest style, and are fashion's latest, favored styles in Jackets for Ladies. Not morethan one or ' two of any one kind. $&oo, Sio.00 and $12 Oo • Our Yorkshiiling Flannelettes In the long run .our English Flannelettes are the cheapest you can buy, Even if it does cost a few cents more than, you have been used to paying, you will find it profitable to buy for it will wear the other makes out twice over. New patterns just out from the English Mills. Heavy English Flannelettes, in ,plain white' pink, blue and a big range of fancy stripes, plain or twill, heavy weight and f�tney colors, to i 1 inches wide, per yard ......... . . ............. .. I L2bt Ii�Hdgefs Bros. Importers r er Clinton I II The Clinxtai News -Record Special Prices will make Special Business, and it's special business we are after when we offer you at tweaty- five cents a full sized and attractive mouth organ. It's as large r,s yort usually „ pay twice the price tor, It's a "Special" in all letters. We never had an organ before with no many ,good . points at so low a price. Another Special . Is our matted pictures at seven- teen cents. All good subjects, sire 3.8x20 inches and smaller, soma.. col- ored. We never sold them before at less than twenty-five cents. Come and see that bargains do exist -and we give them when,we say o. NORDEVIAIER PIANOS.. Agents Parker's Dye Warks, • I L. Fair Co. often the Cheapest; Always the Best, About People We Know, ever. Willian'. Armour of Wingham was in town on Tuesday. Mr. 'A. Askwith of Auburn was In Clinton on 'Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Jackson Sr,', was in Toho-. nto Tuesday and yesterday. • • Captain Rance and Mr. W. W. Farr - an were in Goderich on Monday. Miss Colgehoon of Mitchell was the. guest of Mrs. 5,. S, Cooper 'on Sat' w;day. .. Mr. John Scanlon and Miss .E. Shannahan are spending a few days in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. John 'McOlacherty spe- nt a pe-nta :couple ..of clays last week with friends: at Mitchell. Mr. 'Willard Lee and' lvliss Mable I,ee of Londes'horo were guests at gr. J. W. Reed's Sunday, Mr. A. T. Cooper returned yesterday from a very pleasant visit to the . World's. Fair, St. Lou's. ' Mrs.; Hobbs, Master : Cecil' and Miss. • Watts of Londesborot wtr,, guests of. Mrs..J. P. Skinner on Thur•sday last. • .. . Mrs. S. Crieh leaves thisweek for , California where she 'wili spend tht. winter with her daughter,•• •• Mrs David Elcoat. Mr. Alex Stewart :and 'his son Will of Faris were .guests from Satur-: day to Monday of his .sister,, Mrs: William F.luker. • Mesdaines" Ti. Andrews, J. S. • Cook and "W S. .Harland attended a, meeting of the W. F. M; S. at Str- atford this• week. Revs. Manning; Greene and COolt• at- tended the Methodist District meet- ing in Seaforth on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, • Mr; and :Mrs. W; . 'luker• and Mr. and Mrs. " "Eli McLaughlin. of town,. and Mt. Alex; Stewart of Pule •visited Auburn friends On Sunday. - Rev:.Coupland and Mr. John'.Nichol- • son' of .Auburn were in town Thur- sday last on their way bo'nie' from Seaforth where they had been `att- ending district meeting.. Mrs. Shier; :who has been 111 for the past three months,; left Monday to • enter the Hospital at London. Mrs: Arthur: Caixt,elon "accompanied her . to the city, returning home : the same evening. Mrs. John Moffatt leaves on Thurs day for, Stevensville, Montana, to pend the wiute'• with ,her nephew,,. Mr. Albert May. • Mrs. May, her .many friends regret to. learn, cont. inues very ill: • IV1r. W. Campbell. Of Goderich was in . town Thursday last and attended the court,of revision in the Conser- vative interest. 'Mr.: Campbell' is an encyclopaedia of municipal . bore, especially that pertaining to the make-up of Voters'. list. Messrs. H. F. and C. A; Andrews re- turned on Monday from Burrltt's Rapids where they had been atten- ding the funeral of their uncle, the late' Russell Andrews, who had re -.,1 ached the advanced.aged of ninety years. Mr. 1a.. C. Wilford, son of Squire Wil- , ford of Blyth, was in town on Friday last on his way to begin his medical studies in the 'Ilniver- . city at Toronto.' He attended the C. C. I., where he is well remem- bered ' as a. bright and industrious student, After taking his secoitd- class certificate he attended. the Clinton Model school and for the •past year and a half has been the appreciated principal of S. S. No, 7, Hullett. Blyth Mrs. Doupe and her daughter, Miss Doupe, left on Tuesday for London from whence they came to rose bo in Myth a tew, years ago. • The new G. T. R. station As under construction and from the plans pre sented will be a great impimovenrent over the former one, which was re- duced to ashes some time ate. Mr. W. ilawdeh of Exeter and Mr. C. Hamilton of Blyth were engaged part of last week buying the right of way for the new 0. P. I2,. through the village. Mr.. fi, reports that property has greatly increased in price since her assessed it last spring.. He would be a good than to go ar- ound next year as the assessor. Mr. G. SoMiers, principal of the Publfe school, took in. TeesWater Show last week andalso assisted the i3lyth boys hi bringing home the laurels for beating the Teeswater team in a game of baseball. tie left in his room Mr. Ph C. Wilfond, who formerly attended the same room as a. pupil. Qetober 6th 1g04 1 ._1, eW:',t IEaii,»Y11i1nery Our Millinery Department has never been so busy asnow this early in the season, and we are en- titled to eveiry bit of this increased trade. It has been our aim to make this department ono of the best in this section. -that we have succeeded has been demonstrated by the great crowds we have had since ottr opening. every ,hat we send out is made of goad material and has style about it not.often seen in small towns. If you ale going to buy a New Hat or not, we invite you: to come and see the new Fall Styles. Tailor -Made Coats For Women, A Creat Bargain in Misses and Children. There is a distinction about the winter coats we are show- ing that is hard to describe but readily appears when seen- alongside of the coats shown by some stores, Theworkman- ship, the material, the hang, the fit are all much better than coats of equal price can be bought for in most stores. The rea- son is plain, our syndicate sent a buyer direct to Germany, where they make the best coats in the world, and by taking. very large quantities we secured them at 'prises, which en- abiesus to sell them in 'many- cases lower than we could buy them at here, Our stock just now is quite complete and you will find it to your advantage to make your selection early when you get first choice. Women's Coats at $5, $.6, $7, .$8:50, $10 to $20. Misses' Coats $450, $5 to $10. Children's Coats at $3.50 to 8.50. A. Fine Showing of Tailor -Made Skirts. f 'blb d F Flannelette Blankets for Saturday Mor ttg. Last week our syndicate got a chance to buy 3,000 pairs of Flannelette Blankets at a very low price.. They are what are called seconds by the maker on account of their being some little imperfection in the weaving. These Blankets al- though called seconds will: wear just as well and.be just as warm as the perfect blanket. Our share of this big purchase will go on sale Saturdaymorning and if you want a pair or two it will pay you to' be on hand at 8.30. This same blan- ket if perfect is being sold outside of Clinton at $1 and $ t,25, Our sale price is, 10-4 size, 68c, 11.4 size, 85e. New Fall and Winter. Furs We shall not presume to say you can't afford to ignore this store's special offerings • in new Furs,, but there are • few people, indeed, who are not willing' and anxious`to make their' money go as far as passe a in uying a goo ur. We might A stock that takes in many ,styles. and : kinds, running from a plain skirt at $2:50 to a beautifully made skirt at $10. The main point to mention is that whatever the price may he thequality will be, found good and the price will be found lower than in any other store in town. This has been proven b` many who have come here first, .:then looked around and came back to buy. •➢uying as we do with seven other stores we get the benefit of :],terga buying'. This we pass 'on to our customers in the shape" of lower prices on the best Skirts, We have just passed into stock another shipment of Skirts and Shirt Waist ,Suits and invite you to call andsee there. Prices . $2:50, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00, .4i50, 5.00' to 10.00't The, Blyth Fair. The, Blyth Fair. takes place ` on Tuesday' and .Wednesday of next week and thesecretary assures us that •so far everything indicates a .very. Suc- cessful fair. Rain or shine there is always a big crowd in Blyth on Show days. li'rti:t growers will be interes• ted' in the demonstration of the, selecting and packing of fruit on the. second day . of . the . Fair. In addition 'to an extended prize list 'there are a .number of special prizes. There will be three speeding contests 2.30, 2.50 :ancl farmer's trot. The Clition . Citizens' band will furnish mase '. and:a special train leave Blyth ..for Clinton at . id p.. tn.. • Auburn. • Mrs. G.Sprupg is visiting relatives in Prinee Edward county. 1)r, Standish was a,t Georgetown attending the funeral .of, his sister recently. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber .and Mrs. John Dear are visiting at'Tavistocle at present. . Mr. John: Dear Jr. was united ; in marriage to a. young ladyi at Sea - forth . iast Wednesday. We wish. them success in starting out togeth- er; Mrs. Jas. Young has returned ho- nte from Buffalo after spending a few days there. She was accompanied by her mother, who intends remaining here for the winter. Mr, C. Hoare of Clinton was in our burg for a few days recently, Rev. Mr. Gensmer preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. I•Ie leaves this week for Rochester where he expects to spend the rest of . his days with his son. Ile preached here for over nine years. Hie daughtor leaves tot the States. Mrs, W. 13. Wilson ant daughter, Mrs. Chapman of Bractfi444 spent a few daye . visiting in •antt around Auburn.. . Mr. Prank Naegel :finished his eon tract at the dam a few days% ago, Mr. James Young is having , his buildings renewed with a coat of paint whieh helps the appearamee. Mr. A. C. Jackson is having his house painted. Par. Youngblut of Tavistockhas been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Gs Lomp, The evaporator is running full blast and giving employment to a num- ber of hands. Mr. R. M. Cummings, who has been working at Rochester for some time, intends moving there from Walton. The News -Record gives 4he news, just say that our present stock•of Fur Goods is double the size.. of any previous season and our prices are very much lower than ever before, Beautiful GenuineSable Rum $9,110, 410.00: uIt to440.00. • Opposum Ruffs $2,50 to* $3.'6. Ohio Sable Ruff's at $8,50' to $10.00, We have grE at.. values in Astracrian Fur Coats.at $25.00-, $28.00, $30.00 to $75.00: Goderich Township. Mr. George' Vanderburg has bought the store at Porter's ;Hill. from: gr. 'Fred Morgan' arid' will 'take. possess- :ion'about the flrst'of Noveni'her. kl.r:• Vanderburg is well • and ..•.worthaly known throughout the. township and will do a good business:. • Blyth. The Methodist choir has, Wen again organized with a. few •new members, They held the fort .last Sunday with Miss Pearl Gidley as organist. They were taking a rest during the holi- • days, Mr. E. Livingston's new.'hause, the foundation of which has been built for some time, is being pushed for- ward rapidly now. • Preparations are being made ' for the big show day of the year. -Blyth Show, Oct..lith" and Lith. • At the meeting of the Epworth League oft Tuesday evening.. of last week, two faithful and active mem- bers,in the persons of Mr.• E. C. 'Wilford and Miss' Allie Doupe,: were made the recipients of pleasingly worded addresses and pretty Epwor- th '• League pins. Mr. ' Wilford and Miss Doupe have left our village, the former to begin. a' course in medicine in Toronto 'and the latter to London whore she will reside. They aro es- timable young people and in , .their absence they will be much missed.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, who have been in• the States the , past three years, rttirned to town on Monday. ' . • Messrs:.. Fierce and Murdock dis- posed of the balance of their " Mon- tana horses in Walton on. Monday, C. Hamilton wielding the hammer. Mr. Isaac Barr has moved into the housewhich he recently purchased from Mr. Steinhoff. Mr. Reilly of St. Catharines, sob - contractor, has a large number of scrapers, plows and an engine for the steam shovel laying in the G. T. yards. Ile intends starting work in a few days, having taken ten miles of the road to grade. Mr. T. W. Scott and family•return- cd on Thursday after having spent it pleasant two weeks' holidays in Tor- onto. Mr. Prior and his men of Clinton have the brick work of Mr. tux. Heel's residence about completed. ,Should the weather only prove favorable itis expected that the crowd at Illyth's Nair on Wednesday next will be larger than has been. Regular meeting of our village co- uncil was held on Tuesday evening. i Sens .tion l Sales -0 r ' - ".: Mens' 'Waterproof. goats. We �Saturday lace on sale morningtwo. p lines of Men's Waterproof Costs at remark- able prices Lot No. I. Seventeen Mens' 'Coats, sizes 3.6 to 4,,?, seven seams, guaranteed waterproof, made in a nice, Olive Green Shade of .Cloth. These are a Manua facturers clearing lot and are perfectg oods, .and: if bought in the regular way, would have tobe sold. for at least • $5. $q.00, o ll Sale:Saturday at each i , z L No. 2, Twenty Five Coats, odds and ends' from our own stock, these also have soven seams and are guaranteed water -proof. Materials principally fawns and greys, our regular vices fee tiles* *ere $3.75 to $4.5O on sale Satunitt1 at esoiir 2 • These make capital Driving Coag and will save its Cost in a single season. Lodges corning Oiid HMI foii I L i 1