HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-06, Page 7October Otb 1904 tiggfirt I 14APB1- . Lt.r.,, BANKUR. A GENIS4PRA.L BANKING IHJSINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISOWN - TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST J ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON HENRY BEATTIE (Successor to Mr. 3 eines Scott.) BARRJSTER, SOLICITOR, ETC office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block . . MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOUT & HALE seonveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Money to Loan. C. B. 'HALE - JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Germ L. R. C. & L. R.C.S. • Edinburgh: Dr. 'J. Nisbet Gunn Ai. R. C. S. Eng. L. It. C. P. Loudon Night calls at front door of residence ou Rattanbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON, DR. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE,- Ontario street -CLINTON,. Orposite St. Paul's church, DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye,. Ear, Nose and Throat . -0111r. and Reeidence- ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. North of Ratterdsury St. • DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND S•URGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dv. Pal, - lister 00 'Alain street. 13AY1III.D, - - - ONT s DR. '('.NEW, DENTIST. e act joiniug Photo Galiery. open every dayiii01"-F.11-anie1ay nights until 10 o'clock. CLINTON, ONT. '53a. G. ERNEST HOLMES Specialist in Crown and Bralge Work a.). D.. S. -Graduate 'of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Set -owns of Ontar- io, L. D. S. -First class honor graduate of Dental Department a Toronto University. !Special attention paid to 1 .eservation of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Bay field, every Monday from 10 a. in to 6 p. tu. 19R. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. is. member of the Veterinary Medical Associations of Loudon and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. iellaFFICPa- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Coinmercial Hotel ' Phone 97 • Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J.33.11umball Clinton Cl 1MT-I 1.1 .. • vs Cern 17.383v311.fra st 0E30 1:30 DR. OVENS OF LONDON Surgeon, Oculist, Specia;ist, ..leiseeses of Eyc, Ear, Nose and @_e Throat, visits Clititen-menttelers. fes GLASSES PROPISRLI' EIT'fED Nasal Catserh and Deafness j lee treated. 0 0 London Office 225 QUOC11'1/ :Ave. 0 Clinton Office Couibe's Drug Ea Store. CI Moors 8 it. 111 to 4 tn . Dat- es 01 vieite-Tilesdays--Febi, 2, 0 Mar. I, M a.r . 29., May 3, 1�y 31, hint. 28, July 26, Sept. 6, EI Oct. 4, Nob. r, Nov. 29. II 11 C3 it it oustiramixte 00E1E3 - 'rho Mittel* New -Record We pay Half Ito cost of The first bottle to prove to you the merits of 0.) - • • - ••-• . . • • .• . . al110M00011010111111011MOMPRMIll.0111110101101 seerUI 1 00000c, 0 0 00 000000 0000 00 00000000000000 Tbe News of Goderich. Mee E. A. Skimlogs, $CA`CO Messrs. Turner and Ross of Geder- . ich have gone into newspaper work. at Sault. Ste. Marie and Reginald Smitit of the Signal left on Satur- day to join the staff. They at an enterprising lot of young men and the Sault isIt . the place for em - Like the Soo steel rails, they are highly recommended. Rattenbury Street Works i Vito Tonic is especially pre. importers, Woikman- - ' Pared for alt diseases relating to: ship nod Material guaranteed, J. G. SEALE ec. Co, 0 11 . iii I. 0 S B i ' *It strikes at the root of the - have had to suffer, having lost their The Stomach The Lungs The Liver The Bowels The Kidneys The Nerves. • Captain 'Willoughby and -Engineer • Baxter have rola the barge "Aber - corn" to Mr. Doty, who will ra-mod- el her. Miss Frances Cox has recovered from her late serious disposition. We are sorry to be called upon to note the death on 25th Sept. of Harold Scott, infant son oV Mr. John Graham, aged five months. The death of little Harold is the second • bereavement Mr. and Mrs. Graham first little infant son. The little , disease by strengthening and - White. casket was covered with floral • aeaaing elle lessee ee cells of ' tributes, wreaths; casket boquets I and bunches of lovely flowers, Rev. which the human body is formed.• i • retain it because it is composed eral. &great many earriageg escort- sortment of New .• of herbs, barks and fruits pre-- ed. the little • child's remains to W. 11, Graham officiated at house We have a good as- The weakest stomach can . Lellan Of Brantford attended the ,fun - and Maitland cemetery. • Mrs Mc - • Maitlaed; cemetery and many 'kind Buggies -always. • • pared ..in accordance with a • friends vfere at the house. 1 • special formulae known only to.. Mr. Nixon Sturdy has improved by on hand. • • the 'Mannfacturers. • . ' • .• a, coat of yellow paint the hose ho • • • owns on Waterloo street occupied for • • • Just now a number of second-hand Bug- 1) gies in good re-- • pair. Cheap. ! ) •P Cla 1-44 (iteifircsq f' • wa Repairing promptly .attended to, KIMBALL. and WIND! Huron St, Clinton. Tfle TiMplipagluOal Insurance Gorman -Farm and Isolated Team Property • • t • t 0 -Only Insured.-- . • . OFFICERS. • J. 13. McLean, Presideet, ; 5-•aippen - • O. ; Fraser, • -VicesPreeident, Brncefielcl P. 0. ; T. E. Raj's,' Sec. - Treasurer, Seaforth P. .0. ' he • DIRECT012.S.. . • 1 1 4 Greal 14' William Shcsney, Seaforth ; ••• Jahn Grieve, Winthrop George • Dale,. Sea - forth • ; John Watt, Haeleek ; • .7.ohn.. Bantu:Wks, 13rodliagaii ; James Evans,' Beechwood ; •Jaines Coneolly; 'Clinton.' • AGENT'S. •• Robert Smith, Harlock ;• E, Rita - chley, Seaforth ; James Cumniitigs, Egmondville ; J. W. -Yeo, Holmes-. villa. • •.' • Parties desirous to effect insurance - or transact (ether beeieese ...will bd promptly attended •io.:on • application to any of tho . above officers addressed to their respective- postdilices. Losses inspected . by the • director who; 4ives nearest the scene. • litaatgatatal TIME TABLE. Trains -will arrive at and depart from Clinton station as follows . DUVAL() AND G0DURICIL DIV. Going East Express, y.38 a.m. PI 1) 11 3.23 pm. Going East 5.2o p.111. Going West• xo. is Cm. Going West Express 12.55 P.m.' " " arrive 6.1.5 leave 6.40• 1, • 10.32 p.m. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DJV. Going South Express ''7.47 a.m. 4,15 On.. North Express •ro.r5 a.m. " ' • A. 0. PATTISON, Station Agent, P. R. HODGENS•, Town Ticket Agent:. D. MACDONALD; District Passen- •ger Agent, •Torouto. esses!.1..e.se =zee= e.e ..reterer Woods Phosphodine, - The Gr t English Wage, an pi, well esker Used. .sand reliable pester 'eon. alas been • prescribed and used over 40 steam •All drug- .• gists la the Dominion of Canada sell and . recommend an being Before and After, the only medicine of Raided that civet and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and' pernutpsnitly mires all forms of Nervous Weak. nen, Silernallifftgarlinfroleney,4 and all effects of abuse tie excesses ; the excessive me of Tobacco, Opium. or Stimulants Menlo! and Brain Worry, all Of which lead to Annuity, Innanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price 51 per package or six for $5. One will please, adz eure. Mailed promote on ea, °elated price. Bend for free pamphlet: Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont, Canada* Woods Phosphodine is Sold in Clin- ton by Watts & I. B. Collette R. P. Reeskie and J. Co.,'K. Hovey, Drug! gists. • ISO YEARS' EXPERIENCE uppiNo 1,4 MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY / The Best In Current Literature COMPLICTIC NOVICLII YUMA! es Y SHORT STORIES AND RS ON TIMELY TOPICO peat/ICAO: get Cr*. A 41009 CONTINUE* trrortucs mumorm COM MATS IN IMMO PATENTS TRADE MARKS DIESIGNO COPYRIGHTS 4140;, Anyone senate a sketch and description may InnoklY ascertain our Opinion free whether invention is probably anent/Iva Communion- 1.10nel strkaly conadontial. estieseeK on Patents lieut. free. oldest agency for socuring_patents‘ PAtetste taken through Munn k co. resents epeeist notice, without charge, in the $titiilifiC A hatielsomely.lihnitutted weekly. InTRO4 cir- culation Of any 1018/11.10i1 fournal. Terms, $3 a ear t fottr menthe, O. Sold by MI su-nee/Oen% CNN & Co,381Broadny, New York 11,aucilook.,dz,i/st.. Washington. D. C. • - . . teverve V.Z(WfsetteadMitinfeetantSoar Powder is better than other soap powders, as it also eats as 5, diainfootaxit. t1 -e $10 • •tvoi„ via) REmEDY.c° 4,6 FAL LS, CA‘ VI, 41 ,111144s " They work tOgother." some time by Mr, . Con.. Murphy. Goderich township is to have a7 iveearryii.stylish wedding this month, we ••• The school. taxes this year 'opened the eyes of the .ratepayers. • . We walked over after the O. N.W. - Exhibition was over. to , view the log - which was ehoseu. for the sawing - contest. The sawing was well done. The .contests were as follows : Free for. all -Lamprey and- Prousei time, 34 seconds ;. Westlake Bros... 3'7 sec-' Oodorich township vs, Colbor- ne 'township : Lamprey and ProuSo; lst. • cut 30i: ecconds, .2nd. cut 29- see- ondi ; W. W. Fisher and P. Fisher, lst cut 42* seconds, eut. -87 Sec- onds. . Boys of i8 years : Westlake Bros., lst cut 421 seconds, 2nd cut 38' seconds ;. Barr Bros:, lst • •Cut 571 . seconds, 2nd cut, 50 second... Westlake Bros. won . the prize award -- ed George L. . . Mr.. T-...1Wright 'of the Park .Mouse • taking. Gladstonian . exercise these' days cutting. .down 'some shack -*reds.: • that shOw. signs of decay. The last one had been -a .victim of the 'seem some. years -ago and some: one OA a Strong band of iron around the tree which. in •the passing...years. became imbedded in the tree and killed .'it. 'Mrs. Pridharn has aebrooch whi- ch is • a . family heirloom, it being ,200 years old. The rim being' somewhat were, Mr.' P.../3: Crews, while Mrs. Pridliam visited: at Kingston; had. handsonie gold rim put around . the stone which. seems. to be a- large Scotch peleble • • • Banclittaatek Sillith has, organized' a fie and drum band.. . • IW•OUR. GRANDFATETIgt'S YOUTH • Paralysis was almost unheard of in. the • youth of our grandparents, .arid now nearly every newspaper con- -tains a record- of someone belng str- icken -with this dreadful•form of help- •leasness. 'Paralysie reality- a starving of the nerve8 and. can • al - wars be prevented lay -the timely ase of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, a prepar- ation which .has no rival as a ereator :et nerve forge.. • • • Corresderipent. 00000000000 We are sorry to lose Mrs. land Miss Colemart from our midst, but Mrs. Coleman dreads the cold. win- ters here. They will reside at Mit- chell, Mrs. Coleman's old home. Mies. Coleman will be much missed from the telegraph and express •office as she has been ,a faithful and, . pleasing attendant there. We wish tier a suc- cessful future. Major Joseph I3eck has sold his pretty residence at Saltford. and ',for some time to come- will be one of our eitizens in reality. • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Oakes and son •of Clinton attended the Exhibition hero last week. Mr. McGregor of the C. P. R. staff here re -visited Louisville in Septem- ber and was accompanied by Mrs. McGregor, on his return to his dut- ies here. Both are registered at the "Aberdeen." Mr„W. IL Smith of the Hotel God- erich intends going to St; Louis for the balance of the Exposition sea- son. Rev. Mr. Orr is pastor of the Pres'byterian church at Alma, not Elmira. He is the eldest S011 of our citizens, Mr. and 1VIrs. Robert Orr. Mrs. and the Misses Newton, Li- ghthouse street, have removed to Toronto as Miss May Newton has entered the University in that city, There was a great rally at North Street S. S. oft, Sunday afternoon. Miss Parlee read out the names of the scholars. -in •each ward, some of the names of the little infants being already added to the list. The sup- erintendent, Mr. Walter Pridhaan, made a very nice address and • Mr. Robinson read over' the list of tea- chers present Rev. Mr, Hazen's subjeot .for the Rally was "Our Sun -- day School" Which he said had. a, great past and was now • great family. • Centuries before Christ ihe Jews had •elasees in which the tea- chings of the Old. Te,sta.ment were regularly given to. the youth of Out period. The bo.ys and girls% of from 10 to 15 years received religious in- struction `three times. a, Week in•the time of Christ and the apostles, 'rhe Sabbath being one of the days. The choir, • composed of Some ,of the older . . .girls, sang the anthem, "The Harvest • Field" very pleasingly, Miss Clara,. Brussel:all rafts pf Sharinan presiding at the piano. The hymns sung by all were "Sound the • . Oct. 04 Battle Cry" and "When Jesus Conies ' Oct. 11-12 He' . Reward All His Servants." Blyth , The •greateslydelight was; noticeable' Dungannon Oct, 13-14 The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the old- fashioned spit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other ecolang apparatus Invented. In the olden days the spit bad to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast coked. It is much the same with the ordinary molt -stove. The heat of the oven is greatest oa the fire side -roasts, bread, pies, cakes, etc., have to be turned and twisted to get them eseeked at all. The result is uneven, unsetisface tory cooking -good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction of the Imperial Oxfor 0 3 Range. - . . I draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses it evenly over the oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniformly-baelc, front and sides are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light, dainty pastry, evenly raised. bread -successful cooking, When you buy an Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years' thought and experience in scientific construction of cooking apparates. The Gurney Foundry. Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Montreal , Winnipeg Vancouver 2 For sale by Davis & Rowland. AN .ASTIIMATIC'S sTorty. TOLD.11 • tions, (Unit to even breathe. . ' "I . $1.00" Sleepless nights, suffocating scum:: can ecarcely. describe • all I suffered ' • from asthma,'' Writes E. .P. tem...NVI • mg - Cavanaugh' of Collie/le.. "Spasms .0f • coughing would come on that made • • Me. weak. • Nothing did: me any good • • Catarrhezone. I 'am delighted to . re- . • • • Until 1 used - the fragrant healing commend -this reinedy which cured ine • Of . chronic: asthma 'after • seores• .ot good physicians • bad given me • up. • . Catarrhozene is better . for' asthma; gives quicker relief than any reinedy 1 know •of. My cure Is a. perfect ono.' Try Catarrhozone, it neva fails • to euro -Complete outfit $1..00; trial' size 25e.. • • • • .• • • • when the superintendent said medals, . . . Were to be given to 'those who had: attended the classes. regulariy ' and had their lessons well prepared; but quiet :reigned who he said only two schblars had won them, Miss Jennie Cab telop and • MiSs Ora Bates. On one side Of the medal is a crescent. • shaped design of .sheaves of wheat. with "For Merit" engraved upon: it ti ur 61)00021 Offer good foe:. r4. days. only batik: foi• -50C. - : We make this general's offer :. because we want you nlio .are are: sick to get well, and we: knotv ; thatii re -Vito tandadults lTondicAskiaillictei.re y o u,- • c . ' Vito Tonic is .a food for the . • nerve tissue. , i • . it increases your appetite and , builds up your constitution. . • It will, give back to.. you the:: energy you have lost. , . It is a preparation that ctires permanently. Cut out the coupon below and ' take it to the druggist whose • name appears at the bottom of this advertisement: • ' • • COUPOn • ' • Please sell the bearer . • .11f one sh.00 bottle of Vito Tonic for !, • gooand charge the other soc. 19 ' outaccount, . The Vito Remedy Co., Niagara Falk Canada. and on the reverse side is a figare of. ehilst with "The Good Shep- hard" engrayed thereon. . The Medals' were, for the past year 1903. • • •• . . NOMORE OPERATIONS The day of Operations for. piles is - past for all who know of the efficien- cy of Dr. Chase's Ointment , as euro for -this horrible ailment. • .1t ' doesn't inatter what form Of piles you . have .solong as You use . ar, Chase's Ointment carefully and Wen:: Wilily, it will soon bring relief and cure. Ask your -friends and neigh- bors what they know about this pre- . partition. • . • FOR OVISR. SIXTY, YEARS. Mrs. Winsioev's Seething syrup has been used iby millions of mothers for their children while teething., If dis- turbed by night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and ;- crying With pain of vetting 'teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs., ea To call attention to our immense stock of modern watches, we make ' this unparalled offer 7in Open Face Stem Winding 'and Stem Setting 2Imerlean ' Levet* Watch in Strang Nickel ease• • . • guaranteed an excellent timekeeper. • . • - Should it fail to give satisfeetion,, I will replace it with another any time within onayeari ' As the cdst is far below the wholesale price one eV will be mailed to any address sn Canada. on receipt of one dollar, and seven • • . • cents for postage. Money refunded if you do not like the watch. • Descriptive circulars mailed free • on application. • .• Your visit to the Western Fair • ' '9th to nth, Sept. will give you an' opportunity of :inspecting these watches and our general stock. • • john.S. Barnard, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" • for . child- e. - • • • .• • • rea .. teething.. It e will . relieve the poor - little sufferer innitediatelys Depeticl 'wen ' tt,• meteors, there • is nasta.ke about it. It.. c'tiree. Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach ..atl Bowels, cures Wind Colic, 'softens the Gums, reduces .• and gives time and • en- ergy to . the whole. system. "Mrs.. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for _child- ren • teethitig pleasaat to, the'Seats and is the preecriptioe. Of' one "of the . oldest and best 'female' physicians and• mirses.. in the United.- States. Price . 25 cents a bottle. • Sold by all drug- gists _ gists throughout the world. Be sure -ask for "Mrs.. Winslow's Soeth- in • $ru ." • • • . • . 170 Dundas St. - LONDON • LONDON. ..• I I - • . • .. • . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • London'aleweier. • . • MOOSE HUNTI Ntf. The finest region in Canada. for the hunter - who ' wishes to secure Moose is the Ternagami: region New Ontario, and now easy', of .access the Grand Trunk Railway System • • '. 'atid: North Bay.:All information re- • .. . .. • garding • guides, routes,. rates, • etc., .ean. be had en application to J. D. . . . . . Goderich. . • - IVI-ePonald Distriet Passenger Agent, - . . • . . . , An E`*-Ilayor•ot. ,Bienheirn:.,5ays Local' , Option Is a Success in That Town Blenheim, Sept. pth.. • Dr. 0. Sir. Thompson : • • , . , . • . • Dear $ir,-I have Yptir letter of the:13th inst. and reply at once as briefly as possible, • : . 1 -The. supporters ',of Local Option are well pleased thus-- • * far -'withthe results and ' 1 believe our cause has gataed• many Wends from the -opposition.-• ' it ' • 21-T e hotel Dien in Blenheim ae living tip 't;the law, as no 11 lairs are being sold as far as I I. see. In fact 1 , have scarcely heard of evert any suspicion resting on . any. of these places and everybody is orderly about them•. . . 3 -For a short tine after the bars • were closed there - 'was, as- might !be expected, some bringing 'in of litibor in• . bottles and an apparent effort on the part of,tt iew• to enake . it appear that the law was a failure, but this has very largely died out We have :the most .gratifying evidence of • • • the beneficial results • to some of our neighbors,' noble men, • ' who were . muck addicted -to drink,. but who are now sober •• and industrious. • - No .man I'm sure With any heart , of sympathy, wan' help but rejoice over these cases. • These men earnestly desire to keep away from liquor, but With the open bar before tbriro .. day by day were utterly powerless to do so. . . . 1 , wish, you every success 'hi your nOble fight ' iin your • •• oWii town and hope . that every worker may Ise stimulated by . the thought that God is on the side of right and no one. can surely say that we are trot laboring in •the cause of the • very best interests of humanity. Yours truly, .... • • T. T1. SHILLINGTON. .-.- - - —............. --......._.............— .....- ...._.- . • . • P. S.-11 at any time --I can give you any helpful Infer: oration I shall be*.glad to do so. •. R. P. REEkt,• I DRUGGIST CLINTON. MANTM-INMISTR/OUS MAN OR woman as permanent representative of big inanufaeturing company, to look after its business itt this coun- ty and adjoining territory. Bust. ness successful and established, Sitl. ary $20.00 weekly and expenses. Flalary paid weekly front borne of- fice.:.. Expense money advanced. orlonce pot essential. Enclose sel f - addressed envelope, General lVfanag- er, Como Block, Chicago. 83-8 TOMAS tdb yontur to take moiltelnetaks be cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by using Vapo•Oreaolette-they breathe it. The Price''ofApples, ex--.4P.:417:Trvv't • e• • 1 .4?». rP3442217""nr."1 As a result' of raporua redeived from all parts of the province the Canadian Ps.,,rticulturist will announce in its October issue that the utiple crop of the Province this year is not' nearly as large as last year, and that tho' same is little reason for the bearish reporis of buyers concerning true throughout the United States generally. There is the 'large crops. While *ere is a large amount of poor fru- it 1 throughout Ontario, the general quality is good and - growers should realize hatter prices than are 'tieing 'offered. • . For 14e. 1 and No. 21 svitich, is good, growers should not accept less than 76e to $1 per barrel on the:tree, where considerable quantities of fruit lean be rgiven the buyer.% Re- ports received ''by the flortieulturist show that buyers are offering from 25e to 750 per barrel for fruit. An Artistic Publication. The most artistic publication gotten tip in connectiOtt with the World's Pair at -St. Louis is, issued by the Grand sent out to interested parties whet have applied for than, Trtitik Railway System and thousands,of copies. have • heert There is a limited. supply remaining and all thosewho Jit- tend- paying a visit to the "ivory city" should write • at anter for a copy. Maps of the city or St. Louis and the World's ralt Grounds, together with a comprehensive de- scription of the 'Universal Exposition and interesting - in- formation as to routes and side trips is contained. in the brocure sent free on application to 1, .13. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ..41\lassegio.s, • - Miss -Jessie Macdonald has .return- ed.' from' a pleasant visit at the SooS: Mrs. Gordon ot • St,. Helens was the guest last week of her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld. Mrs.. Alex. Craigie has returnetl- . from a pleasant visit at Brigden; Sarnia and Port Huron. Miss Minnie Craigie accompanied •her on her visit and returned with her. Mr. and Mrs. Dave' Bell received many Compliments from the direet- ors of the Fair and from many vis- itors upon their •proficiency in . the • culinary art. The luncheon and Men, Ivanisrone.re. bountifully served .and • first 'class as well, at the Exhibition pa - Miss ,jessie Macdonald prisented us with' a pretty souvenir canoe pin from Sault Ste. Marie, • Mrs, Ellen McCarthy has removed to. her' .riew purchase on Wellesley • street lately owned And accupied by Mrs. Hogan. Mrs, and Miss Hogan have removed to Detroit. Mrs, Malcolm Macdonald is 'finding out' that her pet crow can do more than say "Hello." S. twenty -live' • cent piece was lett by her on the table day and the crow spying it picked it up and hid it somewhere, ,abeui ,the yard. Several other things • have disappeared. • Cofistifirelogi and Stomach TrMea The most common ills of fifes aro quickly wired by Dr., • Chase's Kveiney-Liver p- ly eidivening the action of kidneys; liver and bowels Dr. Chases Kidney,. Livor PHIS' entirely overcome constipation.' and ensure the proper working of the digestive system.. MRS. PWRN CVAIMINGS. Deseronto, ' Ont., states; i^" I w:ui in very poor health when I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. I had been a great sufferer . from constipation aticl stomach trouble • and wits eveak and run down in strength.. I was gradually growing worse eVery day, and finally decided that I wotild have to do something. Hearing of many being cured byDr. Chase's Kidney -Liter Pills I began • using those, and soon noticed a ;narked change for the better. I continued this treatment until I was cured of constipation and for stomach was restored to a healthy ,' condition. ' It only took about three boxes' ' of pills to entirely cure ., Dr. Chase's Kidneiliver Pills, one pill a dose, 20 cents box. ThAportrait and .sigi,ttirts of Dr. A. W. MIK the famous i receipt book author, are on corny box. • / Touch T3rpewriting• Touch typewriting means operating the 'hey boaxd without looking at the letteos-just watch the copy arid continue writing the same as a musician plays the piano without looking at the keys. By the touch system an operator can write all day without looking at the keys-ntean,,s faster work and a hifg saving in time. • The Forest City Business and Shorthand College teaches touch typeWriting and business methods thoroughly, • Students may enter any time during ten% Bookieldreo. ' ese J. W. Westrvelt, Prinelpet, Londt, •