HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-06, Page 3I :444
, •*; • I,.
eons& They, parched ea nsy sholdther.
B • lett rey.' feet to4"eleft of thethfood I rid
on My hit. They fluttered OW My
ready for the*. 'As they tiuttered
about Me / tiaid to MYS011, "Would
Dove. is a Symbol of Purity both° tc!t°bV". Ithr=ch=
ee I see ray God's little feathered
loved Onee.' set Spo
(jentienes4• and Love.
.,';'•.; ,e' • t• t.erect accoOlig. to* Act of titti Pale doors end Seer "Good by, religion, X
'• J.telettie of 0,11)4Ada, in ttio yeer %Mt meet go home now. You just stay
er,. a - iteueend Nixie Handred end Pour.
*x" W'A ; 1N:by Wm. Bally. of Toronto. at the here for a week, and next Sunday
RePartateet. of Agriculture, Ottawa./ morning X Will COMO back and vea
0' •' r • t • •
.....:(4*;t1 , . ,t4 .
0. • k. -t. !If . h' rate 1-0S itaxgelasi 'CAL; hoar again while the choir sings and
you and pat you on the back Thr an
•• , t'a:: r4,. !,:se..:•retlIC De Witt 7291m4401 the pestor prays." But in that
, .frorte' the retie/Wing toxt4 church which 'Isitialt saw in prophecy ,
t .
r.., t• !.•,, ,4*.. A
• .0 . . "Pt1 'L'c ON "Who ere thetse that ile not only shall the te be =latitudes of
trIPel,iip,dvand as the deltaS to OA 00 ;worshipers. These many worshipers
:Iindeielere , „., e, ", a „es 'ehell be men of living faith, to wheel
^ (4 4 sell av-maou4aq`,..•.fs' the Preeelice of • GO is an abiding
*.*4..,.,4....,feldcogrophers my, "(et, prpr. reality leaueeeing teem wherever
' 'aelta43 trtIth ie.° ObvIcM1 they go and in every moment of their
that " Proms Of 160* lives, As Dr, JosiabaStrong wrote in'
e ... i brietration. can melte et his opening ehepter ; "The supreme
i "I , need of the world is a real God; not
t/: fittitlif an axiom can' be pill.. , a great perliapse but the great I aro:
."401Cal. test. Semetimee, lurk!, not ,tt, God ef yestatiaY or to -morrow -
1." :44' .nat take tbe . trouble
• .
a ne , ate
Ne,• 0 No
• .
give credence to etate. . but one who is precisely here; net a
ttf.4iptei'o"ritly. contrailictine it,' 111'1' Sunday God, but an everyday God."
! • , etetid of, applying. -the test of expels.
., . • tiencee Some •years ago, the 1.sireucit tho multitudes
subitailtiwbacesthoet s,sp,virristuiaple reraselietny boy!
'4;:01a34'etlxte 'were aalted to eXpialie bow
' ft, was that a Pail of water,",centetee Ierer• ht *the symbol9!of. tho
htt of to-cley; not an absentee Clod,
• tilg a dead wetglica mete thee, .
Ione ,the sayee elze containing a liVet NillkTUR41) 'Bee A 1:00,Y.
•fll,ISIseeetetion •after diseertation• the. beautiful ulytifulugical
+.,, I .1,'•• ' ., .
w ,i,;:l*,•tV3X;3,0)4.exV noon the stiblee.t. . Ae' ,
...e, eaetafeesiesa common Sensed; .Seientiatw. -te her .
gend Semiramis,. the .queen, was said
e".Wheeto beet,* hadenot been educnted te.` ,_ youth te eeve been nurtured
e'...the, ..v.ei'se of imbecility, , ezeiv that ..17 a (low. and at... death to • iieve :been
•. ethe .geeseione *resat. inisleacline one; ennuged lute a dove. Act dna, aeW".
'•. .. ; ' e`Ailead figh tied a, eetisa, toe °wee ever, en Christian nomenclature the
. ,e...e . , to Weigh the same.," said lie. "This, ;dove is nisei the , tieentiol a parity
. . . • tiatb., is axioniatie „.,.iee ppt . 4 uve . and gentleness and divine love. •In
i . . • , ? he most al-
. e deitinto a pail Of water and Weigh. the Bible the dove has t h
.. .!• • "-..'.... ect :it. 'Tfe ..kinea. the fish aed put tee, lowed of- assbeintio. 0.
n It was as a
., ..!' .dettelebtglit Mick into the same water dove that the Holy Spirit Appetteeti
.• • ..- and, elieighed it again. The; Water. tct the beptisrie of. Jesus, - It was.
- ,..‘-' • 'conteiniog the dead fish Mid tbiet two doves that the blessed virgin
.. . 't; .
•• .'" -cont4ining the live . fish .of :course ",lieeseeted: at the temple as an obler-
purification after the
'''. . ' ( • . ''iltlilglied the 'same. All the 'ingeneity tion for • her
,' •." .i.....enPeecled• inavriting the dissertations divine birth. ' What shys the. esaime
.•• ' .....'!tesitaedelseitfeil wasted. The writers hod jet:in reference•te the man's tedemp-
••••• ' .',`Tee" .• t•„g t fi ' - , Etsons for a !tient from sin and. nis .clearisiug
eithenOineeon that did .not, 'axist. through the. blood •of Jesus Christ?
•,"Though ' ye have lain anaong the
• ‘adaleTRCH'S POWEP.. . - . . • • .
. , note, yet shalleye be as the Wings of.
ITOridredo'.of men are simply' tieing . a. dove ;covered 'With ..eiteer and the
the same thing in trying tO . ill* .fe.itl.ers ._ with yellow gold.'” - Oh,
the reasons tor the pbenomenon state': my irientle, in the beatitiftil vision' of
ed by shallow Obsetvets, . that the !the, doves, the poor, the gentle, the
church of Jesus Christ les losing its :i.oving, :the ineemeet .doves fluttering
power' over rnen. Long lists ef zees,* jet) their; windowe, cannot you eee tho
ons for this waning influence. are cite symbol Of a future glorified and 'eon-,
- ed, whereas the writers•havO orde to T`eeerated. assemblage crowding .about
open their eyes to diacover, that - tba 7 the sacred altars: Of •Jesus Obrist? .
church of Jesus Christ is not 'teeing „ Theansigration of the redeemed end
its power over men. The church of 'spotless mnitittidei of human being))
God was -never so powerful ' as it •is • 'to 'Christ's churches 14101 not. only
to -day. More strong • men ." and &Ole with the purity 'Of the adOve
!Aroma, Women are bowing befoee its !but, also with the ,swift velocity- ot'
• altars than eiler 'before.. More. arc. the, deep.. It. will not come with the
the church's teachings reseected . by leaelened*' feet Of. a man .Whei• having.
eltateemen andein the .heines 'and deily :been ,born in a Christian horne,. taloa
lives of our citizens than ever. before;;!- tap, fifteen, twenty, perhaps' thirty
• 7 have not time to go. into argument : years; to inalce up his • mind ' to. lac a
to prove this asserthan. i Wonid net :Christina It Will .not conte with the
to -day do so if I had, the tittle.- 'WhY?:''blow •proeeSs eorne ' eleurches /meta
Because it is a self evident • feet that ivheieby their eepsiaes Or vestrie . or
the chnrch of the Lord Jesus Christ 10 - boards of deacons piece the applicant
the most vital'end esseitial, influence ,:forchurett ftemberalfin on prebatiell;
in.. the world to -day. ' It is:a, self :Ilia these new accessions' to . the
. evident stateMent. .All ietelligent churches .of Jamie Christ will Como
people who haVe looked boldly 'arid .t.ei tha';front tank' of Chrietian, sere.
bnpartially at the cants arOrendy t� :_vies and. worship; 'ep , quickly as the
concede that the 'asserion is true, nanne.. of a :Saul was changed into ii,
But •though the church of %the, Lord Boni.. The, neW inembers_Whem 1,titti;;
'Joins Christ is growing more and iib..saw in vision 'Lied to •Chelet's al -
room powerful Jay by. day. Yet we tor as quiekly, •-•as the: doves fly to
;believe that still greatee trieraphs ere their windows. . • • :; . : • •
-!!1"1741illecifoeieltanteeliteipecireterelettovietteinsa. , ' •_. : ''' • . • .• ' • '
' airead,y won are small cornpared with !. . CO.lelet. TO CHRISTe
. .
those which are yet le be wen, viten , „The sWiftnese Of the dove's flight ig
nations 'shalt- he bore in a day.. Jos- one of the greatest inspirationd .. to
tab Strongrecently,Wrote ce book On:- .mci Of;'alt of 'Thalah's vision. • Why.
titled, "The Next Great Awalazing. t -tho. 3%i:ft:hese?
. . .
BeCause I know thee
A PLIGHT OF DOVES. :aye .dan come to Christ now. Oh,
' ' 1 '' • • i.eia.,lerother, it takeen.svgift wing for
Tho E.plectiom of the •figlero of e .yon,ie an 'instant of time to areal
ti ight of doves is eignificane. Iteisi .siver - 'Ale :that' far 4 country of sin
above other things,•_a, suggestion 9 -:whibli. .separates • you from God's
immense multitude. Butekw
realize the marvelous tranabors . ae
Pei dovecote. The. distance. from. Ar120”
'na, to New York ' or from St. Sebes-.
propagating 'powers of the cloves. ef tien,, Spain, tte Venice, •where doveg
olden, times. Biberg, the ornitholik h.,,,,e, flown, re notes fee Toll. ,
If a Wing" -& 0 Man, diis'e you not lama' forth
' en-
girt, estiraa)ted that ,
pair of domeeticated Pigeene;leatch.,ti your Jelarney of • sin ten, twenty,, 'forw
nine tithes a year --which Minther ; ..ty years age'? Why, lot hie recount
hatchings 1S not extraordinary lei 0' the years.,. •: You naVe not seen a
average pair of these birds—and • donuntiiiion _table . since your Mother
these pigeons laid two ,eggs at .
. 'r- died. You have not made' one earn-,
time, and an the fledgelings /47.---$ eat praYer for ten years.- .. If X Wee
wore liatChed should live and ha w..
eito*day, to. count ' over. the list of
in turn, that single Ptdr of pige -i
. . eritier. intimate friends I would fInd
would produce in four years . nev them 'Without exception to be mail
fifteen thousand descendants, •.• , A114-*bi.rten Who. ham) not been in tile
fecundity of the dove in about 4.4 pot. gnu , are, net neiv, living chili-
groat as the reproductive powers
the English sparrow or. the Aus
flan rabbit. The most graiiiiic
wieription ever written Of the innu
thin hype. Oh, my brother, my pope
sin sick brother; You have a: long dig?
tance ' to come back to God. But
you eau. eonio by ,divine grate. • Yeti
able mtiltitudes of the doves was car, tome now. •You . can come 'ita
penned by Alexander Wilson, the na- the new converts of the
turalist. Stateinents 'Medd by thi.rs ehorea whiele eeafah. saw in vision
Scottish -American traveler were me came ,to teo mercy seat. You oart
dorsed by. John 'Audubon. Among eome with e superlative swittnotte,
the ornithological. authorities there You can &one with the • lightnieg %a-
eon be no, better indorsement than
city of a 'flying' dove; • • •
this; -kr. Wilson wrote:that dOvn, 7 : • •
hi Kentucky, in a Place which haigrat. • ST; *ARE'S OF VENICE, .;
Mg (levee • used to visit amitiaily, • Like unto untie natural history, eit,
their multitudea were. fie great that **cark's is •the 'Yellowstone park,: not
they. literally destroyed Whole tweet
:the• Yosetnite or tho Gothard pe;stt,
regions. In this tract about which 11,rieong• the cathedrals. It in:Trott:40d
he wrote the branches every tree ane not with its size so 'mucli as its
were filled 'with dove, nests Wheeoyer, eXquisito colorings; .' fts' roof,
nest conid be buile. .In•Inany trees. its waits, its arcades all 'blended. es
ovor ono •httered nest e lied. been wee the colors* of a rainbow' frozen • in
etructete. Above the trees the ma. Elton°, The tops of its lofty Cole
titudes of the pigeons!. wings were so emus Were not hideous With grinty
great that their flapping Wings 'gargoyles, 'They Were 'chiseled into
wended like the boomitiga of it tor- lover gardene, which to,o, ,at your
nado. So great was the beige, 01 ! feet or with their leaves Ming host%
. their flaPPing wings that the horses from Above. Those different nosier
of the farmers in that raglan. often gardens. Were... SO perfectly chiseled
became unmanitgeable and . could not teat. . it seemed as if the vviticiss
'be deivete., •: etWeepitig up front the .Vettetian era
Isaiah describing thee consecrated nab Were gently swaying them atathe
worshipporti flecking to the millennial rosebushes bonded under the totuen
elterch could not have citation a mote -of a seri:inter breeze in your fitteerei
expressive figure. "Theet) that Ile garden,
as a eloud,,end as doves to their win- Over the front doorway were the
dows." The ree.dere of his tirne watild four maseiVe 'brottee 'horses which
realize by it • what tottralese throngs Napoleon carried awsty to Paris after
"of men he sate in 'prophetic, vision hie' conquest in Italy, but Which tho
hastening into, the kingdom of God: overthrow of the Bonaparte dynasty.
%Heating doves of old were ito Marty reetoted to their places. With arch-
numbere trutt Alexander Wilson ed nook and sinewy limb liko owe
said theft! Moving Winge ,ofteh forme biros of lifo they, seemed just ready
ed curtain Able. to .slait"out the for it battlefield charge or a run
light of the sun and' changed wide' ever the lens. atter Lite eourees ot, •e,
noon hat: the twilight ' of evening.. gentle cattes by thietress chivalric
The church of God le no*, greet. in knight. There, -Within' those wells,
Matribers, do you not leek fat -Weed itt, the &aimed and, ,atuiltoritine blend in
hole eastagy to the Civic witen the such .perfect harmony that When X
thotteenda whet are worshiping Chriet stOod Were the • altar's pietUre of
now shall be changed into the mile. the dying Christ X felt. for the tirst
Hone De:stet/not long for the time iti European, ce.thociral that X
nial day When Chriet'S. diseiples shalt wai in the presence of God and in
deck threugh the elitircle's doore in the place of Prayer.
innunieritideenitiltitedee "as the deVeft GOD'S PEATIXERED LOVED ONES
.0y tO theft windows?" ,
nut, thou& .saw: many places in
AtttIN the VeMce eathadral that Oritranced
wordS inVoltenterily started, said
to rayeelf, "'Why Will not God's Piti-
ful children thee come to God's wince
ttieetes?" Did not leadah in vision
tiee them coming? Sheet they not
come? Will they nob come MAT if
the Clirietiar. fnembera feed
them with the "breed et life," at; X
ant feeding those birds with little
crumbs? Yes, they will. They will,
if we Ohristiae church members only
live right and offer to the outside
suffering world the right kind of di-
vine sustertencee Will not you and I,
0 church; `members,' by our examples
end welcome and gospel food, make
Isidenie vision a • pessibility now?
Will not You anci as followers of
Christ, beckon the einners to hirce
and they will come as doves come to
their windowe.
1 •
Eeeapes and '.A.d.vgatures of the
, Great Annual lashing
sierveit Used 7 pinta Nagar and
pinta water. Into thie eyrup drop
whole crabs, Cook until 'Wilder, res
Move into ;are with a iskiirener, and
eo continue until all the apples are
cOoked. Drain out all the Juice thitt
Is hi the etre, cook the torrup as
thick tie poseible without scorching Text the Lesson, tt, Zings tv.p
Pour over tIze crabs, and seal up. Golden Text, Vitali:tie
Thie make* a, delicious rich: preserve.
I used a muslin /lour eft& to xxxvite 3.
SWAIM= ItE01141Ilfi. strain the juice through and a home-
made wire sieve to press the pulp
Sgbetential Omelete-Pive eggs, 1 through; '0. sieve made of solver), tyke,
teacupful chopped eold veal or beef; the frame a herge cheese box. One
2 frfed tomutoeti, 3; small onion can make a much stronger elove than
minced. 1 teatipoonful Worcesterehire
sauce, 1 teaepoonful ilour, * • cupful better than colanders,
the bought ones are, and I like them.
cream. Beae eggs, flour. cream, 'Me Jelly' is of beautifeil color tired
minced tomatoes, and onions Well to- 'delicious 'flavor. Wild crabs Would
gather, and pour into a spillet cove mak lem t id lici tin , but
ered With hot cottolene; let cook over
PlOv fire till the mixture commences lpheerliCa°pIrtlyrie°11Vittrte°rt atined arelnl:tc%oaunlg
to brown, the fi let fall gently over
the top of the chopped meat, which bpeorruaotnheio' ttasurtgaurnlvvesass .aadidaerager.orapnruo:
hus in it the Worcesterehire sauce, 'Med sugar makes a clearer jelly and
Let all cook slowly until the meat is better >reserves than other su ar
thoroughly heated; then fold over will. The Juice should be boiled and
' once and serve immediately on tsell skimmed before adding sugar;
welHiented platter. , until done, If one has juice front
QGuntrY ChnebIt'r-Ilve eggS' Wel' butter, the butter will not be so
beaten, tablespeonfut our, 1. turn. eteipea
bler milk, cottolene size of an egg, tart apples, 1 pint juice to gallon
d lt Mi dour
smooth with the 'intik, aced to the vs soon as POssible, and boil hard
hen as soon as. the sugar is cite -
eggs and seasen. put the cottolexie
• into a spinet, and when liot pear solved, Akira agate, bring to a bell
in the mixture; cook slowl3r, anti
when commencing to brown remove HOUSEHOLD HINTS, .
• from tap al stove to the aVeti for a It is Said that toinatoets put up
IOW minutes for the top to cook, in the manner given hero make excel -
Peel in half and serve the iestent it lent pies in winter. Take' those that
Of all the varied, eorms that fish -
:is taken from the oven, The yolks will not ripen before frost, pare them
en, enterprise *tones in loony Seas,
Nese , and whites of eggs must be beaten and to each eight pounds allow three
tbere is, says a Writer in the
York Sun, probably none more 'dar- eeparately. , pounds of Begat' And half a pint of'
ing than tho annual migration a ; Steamed eggs...a/latter` a tin plate molasses. Boil slowly three or four
20,00e Newfounatanders to 044 teom .4san.ci :break in your eggs; set in a hours, then put away in Jars. •When
'ker, place over a kettle of boll- wanted for nse, bake between two
Labrador, spending the suMmer in —
in • ,ater, and steam till the whites crusts, Lidding a few slices Of le -
trawling for cod fish along that
dreamy, de.solate: sub -Arctic sea.. aree .00ked.• If broken into buttered mon to the tomato.
patey-pans they look nicer • by keep- If pears seem hard and dry, it is
board, This migration northward in
in. Ing their forms hotter, . Or, still bet- better to steam them till a fork will
the . autumn, ereibraces not oztly. tho
the spring and seuthward again ter, if broken into .egg -cups • and penetrate them . easily befoie making
steamed- until done, they are Very. them into sweet pinkie. •
fishermen- themselves, ' but their Wives - „ea Cookeci . in this way there : lee 2;• Srnall caices, require iee quick oven
and children,. .with' their household -"''
nothing of their flavor lost. .. when first put in, ;to make them rise
goods and dotnestic animals. These
are conveyed to the lonely strand in Swl" 'Eggs.—Six eggs, I •potind but the heat should not be increased
'cream, 2 table after they begin to bake.
the little flehieg =tacks and estab- cheese, 1.73 eliPtul
liaised au Miserable Wooden or turf spoonfuls butter, 1 teasnoonfill inus- The quality of bread depends a
hilts in the harbore that, indent the tard, e teaspoonful salt, one-tenth good. deal upon the yeast, Wlign
rockribbed coal ti ; ne—if be And fog teaspoonful' of cayenne. Out the yeast has a strong, sour smolt and a
and fog and tempest alio* the perie cheese into thin shavings; butter an watery appearance on toP, With sedi-
inns passage to be made in safety. egg7dish or a grating -dish (if you"inent below, it is •too bid for iiSe.
The outside ,woriti has small con- have neither 'nee a small stone -China. Tea tench yeast gives bread an lin;
eeretion of, the , dangers that attend platter , and spread the'eheese ill it, pleasant, "yeasty" taste. One yeast
every stage of this -.Industrie or of 'Upon the cheese. dietribtate in sniall cake emials in "rising" ability, one
the priveeions and misery endered !by. Portions the remainder of the but- cup of liquid yeast, . •
these herdy fisher folk in their six ter; ,mix the "salt, ceyenne, mustard, What usc. to make of left -over cere-
inchaths' :struggle. to wrest it eabsis-' andeream, end pour half of the mix.: als is often a. puzzle to the ecOnomi-
tame from the oeean. Disaster and ture. over the cheese. Break the cal housekeeper. A good way is to
and, after pour- press it into a Mold, .let it get per-.
tteatahreiollieZialinathelewaeintne:ati thoealeitta- lengnsbvini I° ththeme dtilisile' remaining liquid, ' feetly. eced, then slice and fry .it and
oven ' and cook or eight seree with syrup. • Phu e prepared, it
roll often stinees * apalling propose Place in an
•. -------------,• minutes. * • makes a good ,nrealcfase or ,supper
WHOLE CREWS LOST.. ' /3rains With Brovin Ilatter.—As • dish. Or it rimy be beaten •• into
t "ri •t How often cloes one hear the vexed
mighty billows,. and the .entire aea- ' • •
soon as 'delivered drop the braina pancalte,batter. , • .
Wit* eeews areeenguifed by the
qbestion• asked, • Row can I ;Prevent
board is etrewn -with the •Wreck -. of aS Often :as aiseolored. Whe.n they,
" 4.116 sometimes takes Juet what we
es •
•drift .piled them by tho opieng heepe„. look blanched; 'carefully pull mold • appearing on; mY nreserieir,' bar a end graciously multiplies% :. end
es, or ,auteeme .gai:es.. ;Bergs and, noes as emelt of. the .covering tfeeem as es. .sucli. a •state is most aggravating ef-' uses •It, as with the lad's loaves .and,
ter ene'. 0 labor and exPense of'•011•;: 'fishes when he Multiplied them and
do' their part to au,graent the wrecks,' possible without breeking' the Meat.
tattling' ..su,gar, • fruit,. .ete. - ' Many fed • • the • Ave' thOusend, but all
and. in the. blinding . foga Collienionsie Place ..i.n a snxWelfan. with a slice • of:
and .strandings.:Add•to the fatalities: onkel; a riiiilf-teaepoonful of stilt, and things have been tried el some women we ' have : ' 'muse • be • 'wholly
are fate,d out foe the Venture and hag' . water. tee cover and one tee...others say' that if you • dip riper in May work and be glorified. ..k•pet of'
a bit of bay leaf add metacient boil- ' tering ifoWn' the :preserve .while hot, handed Over to Him that; He only •
When apeitig opens the Asher boats
theie... Using. freights. -are • embarked, ,spoonful Of vinegar. ' Sinter • geotiye braneTy and.. place; on top of. preserve oil is the • Sole poises:4cm oi this poor
eat fishing grounds, So there it; gtrner- I nthrates,
eteltdilee from :fifteen to twenty before. covering it ' Will keep • for widovr. ". She is • to borrow not a. few
shut the deor ' upon • hereeli , and Mir
The .eitiliest Arrivals :pick , the „chigoe but
al, striving °et). Make the run 'as speed- 'ter .beiw• the:brains are to. be ,finally very 'good and. *sure way of prevent-
ticcerding to eiZe..:116 mat- .Yeaes. Better than • theeeplane is a empty vessels ft • from hee neighbors,
fly- as: lieseible. • • The vessels have to I served,- this.. ineliminery. cooking; • ing mold ,practiced•bY an, old Scotch wins and pour from, her vessel no
thread their . way threugli the , tea I Must always be given '• . In a smail Wornan whet . .knowe what . she is the empty yesiels. .Slie did so, and
good the oil coritineed to . flew till every,
strewn Siete stretehing far beyonetthpiSall'90naa put . tiro large tablespoon- about. 'Simply' pour .ti little
horizon,' ' .Dispersing Mid. reaseeme -
a. fills. oi butter and ••stetio e little a to: glycerine o11. the surface and •mold veseel ferns filled, and site seed to her
Sons, 'Bring -me yet a veseel," but
bling '.witli every change of wind,• one side Or the fire 'where . the buttee • Will be' a..thing Of. tlio past: s
there were the more vessels to. bring,
these restless .eineeses ..meitn .ceita ir
. i ewill melt and gradually teen to • a .' ' • ' ... e; ' - ' .. .
• .. - • • and -the oil stayed. There. ist never
deeteection• to any craft inifortunate deep brown .color, do net.let it burn. . - ' .. .
When colored .axed three teblespooli- . .. ' - .' • . ' He delights 'tci bless and to ell, All
. • ABOUT. FEEDING 'CANTLE • ' •any lirnitatien on the part of • God;
. ..
enough to be nipped b.etwaen thetn. • !
fuls of vinegar and bring to the - There is ei iteortg .growing poet-
," Only e "Week ago five meg and two
boiling .pointe Life ' otit and . drain dice against feeelleg :aged :. cattle, the ilmitritiond ,ccitne from our :side
wonten reached ,the apper shore, the
the briees, arrange.. on. a hot °plate rays the Live Seock. World, especial- arid because of oie" 'little faith. -e'Call'
only enterivors 'et ' twenty-two souls .
ter, peer the brown sauce Over •them ly those that ha.Ve been Toughed show thee great' and miglite things
unto Me,. and 1 will enswer thee and
of elie . soliooner Albatross, - Which .
and .eerva at once,. as theY lose their through SON'ill•al. years; but, as . John.
had been :sunk by the ice, leaving . which.. thou knov.vest riots" "If ye
theni to fleet about on the flees for .pisesancy. if allowed to cool. . • G. Iniiierien .pciints out, while .; the ellen •aelt anything in •ray mune , 1
four days and • nights- without x food. Scrambled Drains. On'. Toast '-Soak feedinti.•of calves and yearlings' . is Will • do it"'. -(Jer. : xxxiii.„ -.8: .1o.ai
fire or .shelter. • .• , • • ' • , . and cook tholfrains as directed in, more attrnetive, .it ,is ilia always xiv.„ 14): ; • „ • . • . •
• ---:
'L t if it . li A the preceding recipee then drain and more profitable,. . ' • . • • . •11 we . erould have God give . in-
• Chapter 3 la a. record. of An alliance
of Jehoshaphat, king tg Jealeh, with
Jehoram, son of Abab, king of
reel, and the king el Mom against
the king of Moab, who la •the dare
et .Attab paid heavy tribute, but
at Ahab's deatli rebelled. Theee
three 'Wage unite to subdue WM.
but after seven days' journey they
find themselves in, trouble becauee of
lack of Water, from width they are
delivered by miracle. wrougtit bY
0 ..riadleot direction
joesetthh4r pe th. gliamhaefamratohy0 aManialaceeaf
suggest our proneness in the same
hioonshaphat with the eingodler
wrought by Telhoe4
forth the great grace of God, who
lufearV jedheoTherirrhacets,
notwithstanding . his failures, set
works wOnders for His people for
His great ntaneas sake in spite of
their unworthiness.
rat). lesson to-dcter, is the record of
another great deliverance , wrought
through Elisha, but : UM; tinie it is
for One. of the .poorest of Hie peo le
and not for a king. We saw in a
recent lesson that the same miracle,
the dividing of the Jordan, was
wrought for two men arid afterward
for one nian, ste well as for the mil-
lions ot Israel. God is no respeetor
of persons or of numbers', As ASa
cried, "Lord, it is nothing, with
to help, whether with many or with
..xthivemitl.h)at have no power" (II Citron;
'We have before us a poor wid ov
with' two sons, and because of dent.
*lie creditor. is about to take her
two. sons for the debt. In her die -
tress she calls upon Elielia to deliv-
er and save her sons. Hers is a
ease of real.need, a need is lilt, and
her utter helplessness is 'also vere.
real, When it is so With no, and we
in our Consebeee belpliesiiness call
tipon God, then delights to Work.
Wit in our eancied wisdom. • and
strength try to deliver ourselves, but
it is not until all our wisdom is
swallowed up that God can w-ork
(Ps, evil, 27, 28, maegira). Whether
in the •matter of ealva,tion, or Work-
ing out that •salvation in our daily
life, it • Is a real. neces,eity on our.
Part. that We see and realize our
utter helplessness. He cathe to save
sinners, to 'seek 'and save tlict „lost;
Ho does not help us to save our-
selves, but He Himself saves us
wholly and freely, and.; having saved
us, 'He ale° must work all Our •WprIcs
In us end through us (I Tiro 1, 15;
Like xix, 10;' Eph. e.0; Phil.
When God wohld work thrill& us
under 'shitilar .aireninatenees : With break quite- fine :with a fork. Sea- ilSuch• floPenils upon • the kind of
'fifty-seven persons . aboerd. - The ion with sale •Cinti - pepper. Adel to feed a intin has that he wants to
survivors were. adrift for more. than .them six well -beaten eggs and iota. convert into coin through the me-
seventarztWo hours in . equally .help„, tablespoonfuls Of cream. Have ready diem of the,. live etocke.reerket.
had infants less than a year •olci. '. tercel tease.: Molt a tablespoonful of large anioutte ' of rotiglittess .tlicit.
thin slices of • hot • but- Neturrilly, a feeder -who has g a
less, cendition. Sonie of ,ehe livoinen "ct number of
• butter in a - frying -pee; tarn, 211 the would . ethererise go to • waste, he Is
ed ie time to escape, and the impact
„worst . tease Prepared brains, and shake and stir
Spread .over the toast and
The iceberg' s cause thej
gedies. because, they are rarely Sign•P" creamY.
,„ Over the .fire ' until: thickened and
of a frail craft against, one Of them sprinkle With finely chopped parsleY.
. shatters her like a *bundle of splin- In place of ..toturt, bread boles or
patty shells may be substituted, and
. . • • ....
tered boaida, leaving buta feW haif- a spoonful or two tee chopped •rriu.
drowned wreteeneti to fteet around on tomes of on hand) ;may be addtI
phinks and. hencoops. Now ant! then. with tine beaten eggs.
a crew,- or part of it. will.ened. lodge Tea Biectilt.—Tiirect mine sifted
ment on • the. berg iteelf, and remain • flour, two and one-iiaif teaspoon;
there, • Chilled and tieepairinge •ttittil baking povidcfr, butter size Of an egg
senile . other . vowed' • 'Hectors them. (melt), -one, egg not beaten, ons -half
1,t1liere fi0 mature 'Labrador fisher- con sugar . little ntitzneg, ono :e,up
-man wife) " cahnot recoetit nine, mix 'together anti seir into
perponal experierices With bergs and flour
;floes or display Stare tram frostbite iteleffine.-eCream orie-third. cup .1aut-
tioqu'ired in protracted expostire after ter gracTually add oneaciurtli cup
meeting the dire snieitertune of ship- eager and pineli of salt, add one egg
wreck amid the !mow -flecked seas. beaten light, three-fouetlis cup milk,
when inshoin winds pack tho coast two cups flour, four level teaspoons
:of Newfoundland With frozen prairies ba,king potvder. Bake 25 iminutes In
- the fishing vessels have to harbor hot buttered gem pans.
_where they May. Tete seasorte baelc Bread Rollo—One tables,poenfui
182 craft Were held prisoners in Gri- laed, One pint milk. half 'a yeast
guet Haven for nearly thee weeks. ealce. thoroughly and pet in a
Their complements inn frortt thirty warm 'place till quite light. Then
to eighty persons each. Herded' like knead the dough a little, make into
cattle in little smacks, Without pri- and place in baking pans, 'Af-
vacY, sanitation, or even ordlearY ter they have risen bake in iittielc
:T0011ft to 71103re 'about, they eedured oven,
, . .
indescribable distornfOrts. Piptithere
la :broke out • oolong theta arid, • '
crowded as 'they were, its ravages A BUSHEL OF' !CHAD AP.Prtr-c••
were frightful, Lase, Steer eniallpox Prom a bushel of tranicendent
obtained a footieg in the ileet and crabs znatie the following delicious
tensed a panic, the effects of Whieh goodies: •Twenty-six glasses of jelly,
were felt frein ono ettd Of Labrador 21 gals butter and five quartet pre-
" serves, writes Emma Clearwiyatelorso,k6d
to the ether,
' WItECtleEti IN' TEM POO, i•vTlie tipples: Were careful
o er, the perfect ones being put aside
But kg is the chief ablioreence of for Preserves. The others were
the fishernten. Enveloped itt these Washed tied cut in lialyes, the 00ree
In.urIty palls, the sheetveleet judgment, that Were faulty Were cut °tit and ell
the keenest, secortariship, is oftenat bed pecke
ithd rot. The good
fault. The toilet le. sentinelled by
halves unit plecee were put in the
certainly justified in haedling- cattle
that will . take care of itto the
beet advantage. •
Circumstances do Very materially
alter cases, and one of tee mistakes"
that our farmers and feeders' are
malting is the attempt to get in. and
out oi certain lines of Work, ace
cording to what the neighbors Seem
to be doing. :
A: men who makes quite a success
of seine specialty will often get his
neighbors started to trying to do
v;litit he has made a success of, and
not having...the Fame conditions as
lie, or without the seine experience;
they. will 'often waste goth timo and
money by getting out of their re-
gular linesof Work at the time when
It (Nests Mimi the most.
Take up new ideas of course, hut -
is better not to be too preelpi-
tate about changing'.
The general tendency Is toward
baby beef end toward hotter and
better blood, but that does not
tune Mat 'plenty of motley may not
be made in feeding common cattle
or aged cattle if the feeders' cOtidi.
tions are faverabla.
atany coniplaints are being intide
of potatoes rotting and blighting,
The experience of .the 'Staine agri-
cultural experimeet station in yearly'
and late digging to, prevent tliese
troubles is quite opportune. Last
year the station grew, harvested at
two different times, and stored in
cool (teller until January, 1, 1901,
eight varieties of AntatOes, Pour
of these were earlsr and fottr late.
Part of caeli islet of potato vines
wove spreyeil several times with pay the debeand to live, He who toTinelotritio(lbe:rs losfanhbooulets10 tiroenhs.truirt_
islands the whole Waye and when the beide/tux and the others Were un- .
paye out debt is our life, and XXII
preserVing pan With 0 quarts vrater.
evened to what we have it mutt"be
in the pouring forth. There cannot
be increase while kept Only in our
vessel, and only God can give the-
increaee that will abide. All other
inereaseeis vaie a. Core iii„ 0, 7).
As to being willing to be poured out,.
'•`PceePt a corn Of wheat fall into
the ground and die it abidetli atones;
but if it die it bringeth forth ninch
fridt (John xia, 24). aehere ' a
great deal in learning how. to shut,
the door (compare Matt. vi., .6), We
lutist learn to liVe in the secret of,
His presence and have nersonal deal-
ings with Ham and know the power
of Ps. :'My soul, wait thou.
only upon God, far my expectation is
from Hine"' Our .great difficulty. as
in allowing people and circumstances
t� conics between us ad GOd.
• The widow's debt Was paid, 'anil
there was something over to live title
on. .Goci always supplies abundant-
ly.. He givee life .and life more 'abort&
ant. Ile saves us by His grace and
makes grace .to abound. toward •ud
(Jolirix., 10; Epli. ii„ S, 9; II. Cor.
ix,,8).We think of Paul in his letter to
Philemon not only saying concerning
()petioles, •"Recetee him: as myself,
btxt also adding, "If he oweth. thee
aught put that to mine aceount"
The Fartn
IT W IT • 11,,•1,11F-ir
The most, deplorable part pi the
buttinese of fruit growing Is the
waate thet Annually takes place
,wlien crops are harvested, No met -
ter how careful we natty M growing
Ova, we, will alweee and epeeimetut
that are not strictly marketable, yet
posseeeing which, if properly treat**.
ed, weedd Acme it on the market -in
eret-class shape. '
The Annual Waste in apples alenO
is estimated at about one-third of
the crop. To properly utilize Ma
portion. of the product. should be
the study of each grower of fruit..
as in this the 'profit to the grower
often slumbers.
The average run of apples will
yield a finished Product of Omit. ,
eight pounds .to t)he bushel after eva-
poration or drying, They are th.up
put in shape whereb3r transportation
is made possible to any pert of the
World, also •placing an otherwise '
waste product on a level with the • 'weew,..,-
better fruits. :Windfall apples in a '-
,general way are wormy. They'
should be remdved from' the orchard
if for nothing more than the safe-
ty to the following crop; and to • do
this, . and at the same tinae fur-
nish to the grower .a fair competency
far labor involved, is the object of
this article.
It is well known that many tome
meieialelriees throughout the coun-
try are lying idle .thrOugli no• other
cause than stoolchialtiers' quarrels or
the too expensive naethoes and ecteip.
Mont used in tho work,
The 'llest thing to be remembered
IS that we are dealing with a cheap
grade of 'reit; consequently the ap-
paratus that will transform, it into
raSii •must he in the keeping witli,the '
froit, knOwing as . we . do that. the
plant remains idle throegb: . nine
months of the year, • though well,
'acquainted with many kinds of eve- • :,*
pprators,' yet only one seereS . •
come vrithin reach. of the profitable ' . •
enci practieal of .the question, '
and this One is constructed entirely
along cheap lines. A • brief °utilee.
of te construction will , be of inter;
est: • • ; •
:Erect a building 12x12, with stud -
klieg 11 feet. high,' including sill and . ..",
plate PlaCe sem:klieg 16 inches
apart in order to properly take lath, .
as • the building must be plastered • .
from base to floger above, Place ' •
the fitrecture. .on a wall made • of •
anY sulettble material, having same
about inches above ,ground, 'and '
on three Odes leave two opeeirigs in .
wall to serve as ventilators, Making '
same • about 2 ,feet tong and ' 20
inches, high. •
These. of course be tinder sill
and should be peevided with trap .
doors siVingieg out and hinged to
sill abone. The. floor below 'will
be oi earth. Prom this,' measure up
10 feet. and here place 2x8 joist. to
receiVe the upper Aeon Teas upper
floor consists of .strips 1 inch square:
and laid so as to leave cracks about
34.6 inch wide, as on this the fruit;
is to *be p▪ laced: ' •
Side the builbling with common •
board.; 14 'feet long, . as this Will • ,.
reach nicely from plate te. ,
Out rafters to one-half pitch,. or • •
Square run, ancealet. thein come to-
gether. in the centre, thus leaving
the roof • slanting from all ways,. .
In- ;the roof • peak construct a, smell . '• , '
cupola ane in this. construct .sinall
windows, hung at the top with ,
hinges s thus famishing beth light/ ". .
and, ventilation to the upper, or dry- . '
Mg floor. In tlio center of the. " .
ground floor place- a lerge stovo. A , •
discarded lux -mice works nicely. Prom
this run Pipe up to within 20 lilies
of joist. aboVer, 'then, withe elbows, • e
carry it miee around the ceiling,
thence pp theeitgli eeiling end out .
of ,roof on back Ode, or side oppo.
site door. Care must always lie .
taken to prevent pipe from. coming
in contact with surroundieg wood& ese
franiework, as intense .heat =1st; be • '
, ,
Place commori sized house door in
middle of feont side of stracture for
ehtrance to lower ratite, rola 'above
this a sane:ler one for the room,.
•above, • .1n front of the lest-noined •
blind a .platferm, the sante to.. be
reached by means of stairs loading
from below, over which the green •
fruit. is to be cenveyed. to the ova- "
porator, or iireirig roont.. leoed
elioeld be need for fuel, tut COal 4Ots
a tendency to blacken the fruit.
The foregoing outline • is a pen
picture of a thoroughly successful
evaporetor, and not a bunched tse-
cumulation of 'theoretleal bosh, It
Is jest as geed, though crude in
(Phil, ix., 17, 18). Suck is the structure,. LiS tho more expensive
grate of our Lord Jesus Oiliest to- eveporators, having tho added ad.
ward us. vantage of beieg ueeful ate a store -
But ell the redeemed are in debt to Hauge for all manner of. farat lawn
Him who is our great creditor atom. sits seam, not
1., 3.4), and Ile wants us and our used tie a fruit drier.
This building is large enough for
beet.: _slaves to give' glad tidings along commercial lines iti the idea, .
sons and daughttea to be His willing nlost farms. but ef a desire to work
of- His grace to those who never additional sections can be buile. •
heard it, We are; aS helpers to do it The preparation .6/ apples tor : on. •
as was the poor widow to pax her chiere is very similer; machines be -
debt, but Ile has given us His Holy Ing so nicely construe:ovule rnsakii:
'1' 1 I °I Is one "he poesible the paring, ansi
symbols and if we only are willing leg all in 0210 .operation. Prom the
the Holy Spirit Will fill us and use
Panel's the It goes to the trim -
us to the gim.y of God. Elisha does 'niers, who Out out all wormy anel
not appear in this miracle beyond
decayed vote; thence to the bleacher
telling the widow to shut. hereelf • up
and from there (Urea to the drier,
with Cod, and then in telling her
where they are spreed over the floor
what to do with the result—viz., to
desires to, lire in us (Gel if. 20; IL ea that bushel boxes can be pushed
When cooked until the apples ‘rere tre4ted'
In every instance tliere was through it, lender the bleacher box
°. - Cote iv„ 10, 11).
soft (not mushy), all the items ;that later digging, and , . is placed a kettle in which live coals
cotild 3)e wets dipped out and ixiured tinhirlrittedldug at
aleo kept far t aro placed, end ort this some pieces
In- the Jelly bag, then the applee of brimstone. The fumes in pass -
better than the early, tlug. Part of ' wino einv o
were put in the bag Mid hung up to 1
she eaely Varietiee whieli Wnaaimega
ere an- nig -upward go direetly through the
drip. sprayed were dug September 8 mad When the young 'stress of the slatted crate of apples confined in
--a the ronaining October 1. The same house enteeed the kitchen she carried the bletieher proper, aniT prodece te
The pulp Was not pressed any. Th
. juice Vitae motisurede and after boiling Varieties eprayed Were' dug on einti- herself With gzeat dignity, She had nice nhite condition, which rentains.
u-- 1 T t hd thos ty yea oned come to call the cook to account. after evaporation has taken place.
e0 mirattes and, being skimmed, n
equtal titilufiLY of sugar Wa° atklad" tvtl:rotaine8e'veren- way etipePrioar to those All tefase left 1n preparing room is
"Mary," she said, "I meet insist
This WAS boiled hard for 15 minutes that you keep better hours, tied that
Which received no treatment. The tratisfortned into one or all of three
then poured into glassee. The pulp 4a0 .earia., you have less company in the kitchen
tante held tree With the products, Viz., MT chop, jelly end
Ives then preseed through et Wire . ties; en alt (Wettings. Last night I was kept „4,,,,,,..
Sieve, and tWo-thirds as much eugar • C't tho e"eritIreht°' awake because of the uproarious """`"""
as pulp Ives stirred tn. The • mats
WAS eolietantly stirred, and emsked
for 25 or 80 minutes. Wliert el -
moot doe°, ground cinnamon Wee
added, As to the amount of china-
. mon UV tee, one mast conetilt indi-
Viduel 'Witt. We don't like much.
The butter Was put into Jars and
sealed up. This makes it Very stiff
butthe, almost inatentilede.
A thiek tein-up is reatdo of sugar tout
enough water to rwevent the sugar.
saorehlat. Vor 5 quarts of pro- ,
vessels plump upon these there is
terrible Invitee in human life.
etliooner Clear struck some
Malying isles three etears ago, about
midnight, and tile toes of tieVeritye
fair lives was Only' aVerted by` tlie
coolness of the skiPper, who held all
to the wreck until mete Warn. aehore
with lines. Peer lives were log,
and. the survivore Were alone on the
deeehtte lock for itearly week,
Without fire or shelter, livitig on
Wild bird's eggs tuid bradkieli water,
until a passing enuteksman ,fdelited
The 11gure eireirekeive ttot ebb' of tater my greatest lesson:their signal td dietreeseets, womait's
t— 4 tr t 1 tit t
The dhureit of the luiture nut to nil Walla, and not within.- I learned the mainland. Mot Me t eir tray
have a padded It le not to 1)0 that lesson there not from the Cold hOrne, depeiVed of their eturtreor`a
core/weed ef n lot of members who, stones 01 a building, but from the ilshing attd all their poseeesiens,
at) the five fedlieh virgintf Chriet's warm hearte of' living' doves. There,
tt Coe an A epor et em
numbers,. but of spiritual learned thole wee outelde the cethed- Po
parable, teetered Armin and slept front behind theetowers ane from „ „aeaseafee„,,at.
saw hall no. oil for their epiritucti within the recesees down from the
easnee, It is not to be composed of .roof and the four great bronze hors. mat bets with it woman ee
seen and women 'who' ocetipsr their es,, from pillars caul vestibules, the always 1080A Whethorlie wine or not,
entre& tieWe r/v111' VOX 14Otelet' and then Aovee Wither uround you, by the bun. The giUtattler girl was probably 1.1011.
mom the benediction of ths itermon drods. They came as $darlessolY to with an lee clean ato0011. in her
es loyal turn end • shut their pew )1:1,y. eide as my little children Might eettoutia
t to atter itg ng. Octo er iraVe
beat reestIte, The conclusion le, laughter of one • of your Women
leaoes how f.:IgOS• othatelmpottsf
rot, they shoted be left in the ground ' ,nerWITA "VI% /num,' 3.• knoll'," Mart'. roPlieV. "Alf. ditelingi" he eXalairned, "as
as 'late as mosible before diggingan
"but she couldn't help • We sit together urteler the spreadinel
The experiments nt the Vermont
it. 1 was telling het. ho*' you tried brandies of• this noble tree, I do dee
to make cake yesterday morning."' elare on Iny honer that you aro the
st,ostatttiuointmgive upproximately the eitine
..............-4.....--a...., ‘.r Wily' air' I have 'Vet loved."
i • . And Ala ft Suspicion ot it srailtie
A wise girl always pretends to be "Do voti think Johnnie is c re, eemeted the dear thing'n feature* as'
little more daffy than the young men
she is piatating to face the pareen
With. -
treating bad habits at school?" •
oil !etre. Caution ,of her hu.
"No-, deer, I don't; I think he
pending them," Itteg the 1'01
ehe replied.
ed, "You alernyit snit eueli appropriate.
ex. things, John; this le a theetnut