HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-29, Page 8. The Mock of Furs we are showing to-
day would not be out of place in a store many
times bigger than this, nor in a town larger by
far than Clinton. Every garment has been
carefully selected and made by the bestFur-
riers in Canada. Styles are correct and you
can depend absolutely on any furs bought
MIIIInerg OpeNInq.
FMdig end 8BIpPdig.
Do not amiss"seeing the great exhibition
of h1Oh-class. Millinery on
and Sat-
urday of this week.. 'This season we have:
excelled ourselves. Our preparations have
been on .a larger r scale ::
,�� than ever
. r before.
We are showing wider assortments, exclu-
sive styles, more high class novelties than
inany farmer season. Come and.visit the
Show -room.
rook, the:.; new styles over.
They will interest you.: They are here for
your ins rection d you
� and will be� heartily
welcome whenever and as often as you
• yr sh to comet
� • Carpets.
you" going to buya new carpet this fall?
�.. g g1
' If so, do not Miss:seein seeing' stock in our Car-
g g
` pet room.' New and handsome patterns-�•-oloi•s
that are fast. --Values that are money -saving.
do the Carpet business right.
anax a '
W001 n W 1 C
ar e
Canadian Union Carpets
. .Eng is
h Tapestry
i ' iBrussels
• E gli
sh Velvet
made by' nial�ers,---Tliorou
Y ghly depend-
able qualities that will 'give .satisfactory wear.
:Scotch Linoleums..
No More durable floor covering made than
a`goid Scotch Linoleum. " We have just passed
through the customs a big shipment of Linoleums,
imported direct from Britain. The patterns are
new. The colors are good. Everypiece is
thoroughly seasoned, which increases. the wearing
.qualities As many patterns or as big a. stock we
have never shown.
Scotch Litioleulins 2 yards wide
Scotch L><noletims 3 yards wide
.., . Scotch ^Linoieums .
4 yardsw>Ide.:.
The same patterns in in all widths, so that we can fit
your room with the, lenst possible amount of waste.:'
Canadian. Oilcloths. f; Ir4, ; r; and 2 yds wide.
Save your•'.Car gets.'
Before, you put up. your salves get one of
our Oilcloth Squares. New patterns color ":
combinations, finished with border all around,
t, If ailed* 2 yards square.
N o Flannelettes like these made in Eng-
: land. None, that wear as ,well. None, that keep
• their color like ' them. Cheapest because BEST:
Customers who buy them once never like to take
":any" other' kind.- Our nese-fall steck is here, fresh
from the Old Country looms, Big range
ran a of fansy�atterns and many qualities Y plain colors.
At I2C
llsh 1+tnn
�n g elettes, Tieavy weight, plain or twills. oft
finish, big assortment of near patterns and color
combinations, different from what you will find in "
m�. aststores,_ wash; • well and will give estel1enb i
year, per yd..
Fancy Flannelettes -20c.
Very fine qualrttee English F'Ianneie les,. hendeonre
stripes, absolutely fust colon,, suitableforebfldrezte sena
wear,„malate, shirts, very fine, pet yd....... . , Y Luut
Plain Flannelettes 12. c.
'awl, E ~sh b
lainelettes. r thick '
v'p y' i k and istrdrig, 841210
4; Y
�tticf►es.wide, pinks, cream, white and blue, per yid.. �421rr
fletter i ualitlies.
Extra•Reavy i?ittgheh p'iauineltattes, plain colorrs, very
soft ander strong, wash Well, pink, cream and white, /u,�Y jA
per vairLY{y.v Pi YY3'{,r.. Ya Y.W iY.asY, 410 .4 W, 4.15oand DA
gens Bros.
ere Clinton
St B
and it's special betainees we are
after when we offer you at twenty.
live tont* a full sized and attractive
mouth organ, It's as large es you
usually pale twice the price for.
It's & "Special” in all letters. We
never bad an organ before with eu
many .goodpoints at so low a pries.
Another Special
Is our matted pictures at seven-
teen canto. All good subjects, size
16x26 inches and' smaller, some nol-
orect, We never soli them before at
lees than twenty-five cents,
Come and see that bargains,
oxiut'and ave give them, when ,we
Agents Parker's Dye Wince.
t)ttea tb,a Cheapest. .Always the Best.
We Know.
Mr, D. Kennedy 'rias in tl,odezieh
I7londa r
Mr. W. H. Newcombe was iu Mitchell •
• on`'Monday.
Inspector . ROTA, Brussels, was in
town this-week,-
IVtr, Win Cousins if near ,Auburn
spent Sunday in town.
Rev. Dr, Stewart' is taking •a fort. -
night's holidays. in Toronto,
copes left yesterday to
visit , ,the 'World s Falx at Saint
Messrs.. J. A. Ford, R. Mason and
S. IL Smith were ,in Toronto " this
Mrs.;W H. Hellyar leaves;hionday}to
visit friends at Bowmanvilte ..end
other places, '
Miss Mabel Muff is' spending this week
at her uncle's, Mr: John • C}tiff's.,
G ri
ode ch township.
Wire... (Dr.) Hamilton 'leaves Saturday
for Toronto where she will take u
her residence ` in future,
Mr, George Perry of Hamilton spent,
a few 'days .of last week; '"as . the
guest of Dr. Thompson.
Mrs.' John Snell and Miss . Snell
n of
Toledo, Ohio, are guests of Mr..
and Mrs" T. Jackson Sr,'
Miss Ilenderson of McKillop was the
guest for a few days of the past
week of Mrs;; George , llobr..rtou,'
Misses Clara Dark and Fannie.t tw-
rence,' Goderich, were guests of
'Mrs. Jas. Hearn a few' days this
Mr,Fred, Pritchard, representing. a
Liverpool firm of apple importrfw,
Fridcalleday: upon Mr: D. Ctantelen on
Miss Myra Rye, formerly of Clinton,
• but for some years of Melena, Mon •
-bane, : has taken up her residence iii
Mr: T. T. Leckie, mail ^ clerk on the
B. & G., was in town Tuesday: He
is likely - to again become a resident
of Clinton,
M"Mr'. and Mrs. WY .T., O'N
e f .attended.
the "Tin" wedding of "Rev, .Mr, and
rs, Mclennan of I 'peni on Mon-�
day evening.'
Mr: -,Thos.. Moore and Roy Cantelon
left. on Friday last to siyit't triads
at Kincardine, . River.d'le and'
::Black Horse..
Rev. Magee of Goderieh, who:: has' ac-
eepted a call. to the Clinton and
Base Line Baptist churches, will
enter upon his pastorate next
Mr, and. Mrs, . William -Patterson, al-
so Miss Olive 61 near. Auburn were
in town on Wednesday. Mr., Pat-
terson is on : the 'sick fist but we
hope for his' complete. recovery.
Mr" lied. Hill left on Saturdays for
Marmora where on' Wednesday • of
next : • week he wilI be united in
marriage to . Miss Maggie I'rnnor,
formerly of Clinton.` 'They ere ex=
pected home from the honeymoon
about the 10th,
Mrs, George . Baird, for many' years
a resident of lirucefield, but who •
has been spending several months.
'with friends fn Kineardirte, was in
town Tuesday on her way to neat
Montreal Where her son James: .is
practising medicine. She was ac-
companfed by her son Walter who
.will resume hiss studies at . McGill
M'edicaf College; Montreal, Mrs.
Baird has still to use an invalid's'
chair, but her friends will be pleAs-
Oir to hear that her health has
much .improved of late.
Mrs. T. Saults, whose husban4 many
years ago kept a xestauranit on the
site :af what is now Gunn's hospi-
tal, paid a` visit to Mrs, D. BY
Kennedy, Mrs, Biggart and other
friends in °lfnton after twenty-
wentyone years' absence, I•Ier homer is
now in Grand Rapids, Mich, She
,was ' aceompanied by her mother,
Mrs, ;Robinson, of Indianapolis, In-
diana. Mrs. T. Saults is not a
small woman. by any means, tipp-
ing the Beales at 275pounds. While
h was standing on the scales who
should drive up but Jonathan Mil.
ler of Goderich, throws' heavy wet-
Godernch Township, , r
Iva.. Joseph Colclough 0f the • Sitz
con. has a bigstook of big potatoes
and lust to short the size of thein
Ate took one to Clinton on Monday
which weighed '2•1r pounds.
Mr. J.11. Lowery of the Sunmmer-
bill aehool has been re-engaged for
1004. Hes a good 'teacher.
WILD—On the Bauble Linc, Stanley,
on Sept, get, . Casimir Wild,
aged •77 years and I . months.
rest Success`:.
Our rlillinery Opening of last week was by far the most successful opening we have ever had. amore
hats were sold during our opening days than in any previous season, which proves that the ladies were
more than delighted with our styles. You are cordially invited to come and see the New Hats as otten
as you can.
The Finest ' Stock et Dress Goods Caveat Varies In Lower
We Have Ever Shown Is Now
On •Display
The remarkable growth of this department is one of the
evidences that our methods fleet with the aapreciation of the
people. After goinfg all over, after examining every stock,
we ask you to come and see and youwill surely makeyour
purchases here. You will agree with us that our values are
by fax the best to be found. • Experience' has 'ought us that.
buying as we do with a syndicate of seven stores, bring many.
advantages, not only in assortments and styles, but, in lower
prices. Our sales in this department so far this season are
double those of last year which we thought g very large.- If you.
are thinking of buying a new Dress this. Mall we feel sure it
will be to your own interests to visit this store.
AT 40c, 750, 85c,. $ I, $ I.2s and . $1,50.
We are showinga ver c b oi. - t
y h ce x _nge of the newest . ef%stq . in Tweeds for.
Shirts Waist Snits and Skirts', They come in all the latest.colorings, and ail
we guarantee to give good solid wear, •
Broadcloths, .at 85e, $1; $ I.25- to $ h.85,
Plain Broadcloths area again in high f .
g g' er for suitsand dressesand we are
showing a much larger .assortment of this popular.cloth.• . Shades 'are navy ,
hungers green, grey, black, etc. y
L,a es .1
Chi assn s •. , •
Fall and
Winter �a
>at Coats
J. un ewhen the verylatest
Fall Styles of Coats are de-
e=sgned our syndicate buyer went to New York (which is
Fashion Center of America 'and bought several of the
r.� � very
n t,
ewes styles in Coats and, took them with him to Germany
to be coppied by the, makers there,' which are the best in the
rld These coats,
wo he cos riaade in Gtermany; are pow on display In
our coat department and if you compare them with the.latest
New York fashion sheets they will be found exactly the y a same;.:
only the price is a half less than we would have to charge for
the A.mer^icare coats. • 'the coat this season: isquite short
the new
sleeve is very y. large at shoulder. , It is impossible
to describe thein fully, but a visit to this department � h partmdnt will Con-
vince you that we have theright styles.
Priced Dress Goods
We' always keep on hand a large sock of Dress Goo&
from 25c to , 0o per yard and all are cloths that are suitable
fqr children'sschool dresses and will give good wear,
Uoslery. and Underwear
For Women and Children
Best valises in Clinton --that's the keynote of the woad-.
erful success"of this department, Our increased sales over a
year ago proves that this is the safest store in which to buy
Tlosiesy and Underwear. None but reliable grades are to be
found here, Complete lines of sizes at each price..
Children's Heavy Ribbed and Plain Vests and Drawers
from 15c, 20c 25c,'30c to 85e ` aarmenC.t, Ladies Vests
Drawers at 25c, 35c; : 500 60r , to -$i,.25 egarment, •
all of
•which are made of good quality of yarn per
un -
Boys' School Hose at 25c
400 . • of Bo
pairs ys Heavy Ribbed Mose . made `of Scotch
-Fingering Yarn and waranteed•to give excelloni wear,are uow
On sale:at per pair :25c. These stockings are good value at 35
and. 40c,
Cashmere Hose
A co' et st
m l e ock of ladies and c i.I ren
pb d s casb.meree hose
at 25c to 5c per pair.
Special Corset Values
s,Rii.7 ...: ; .•
All `t h.s thinking ki
o tli
n o£:
buyinga 'corset should. visite this
store. Xn getting together our fall and winter stock we have
ever had "in mind that we would keep none but ggood corsets,
those which we can gnarantee for ,• fit,wear and erfact•` satis-''
,faction. Our big' selling Corse*. is thsl famous B. &: C, of which
we have control for Clinton. . If you buy one of these corsets
get. will the best corset value. in Cana a s
_da $ urP and ask'
for a B: & ,C; prices 50c, 75c, $1. and.$1.25;
' Tann eibmety name.
=�y arov woterz4 xw
Live Stock Market. Auction Sale Register.:
Toropto, Sept :.27—The total run Saturday, Oet, `ist 'at 9 o'clock a,
'at�the. city Cattle market (today was rix,, at Pick's stock yards, Seaforth,
7.5 loads, 'with` 1,196 head of,cattle, a carload of . Western, horses, fillies.
1,700 sheep +and•: lambs, 400 .hogs and geldings, .from 1 to 5 years
124 ;calves... The'.unusually •'heavy Thos. grown, .auctioneer.
rims -of last week' perhaps accounts:-• Friday, :Oct, 7th, at 1 p. m., a.''
for the lighter -run today" Trade ::Dick's: stock•rds, Seal rth .stock
c r:
ya o. ,s
was not at all ,brisk; some of., the steers and heifers, also: some choir.
dealers; in fact, saying that they' • cows.—John M'cConnell,.: proprietor
had not seen 'a siower.., market for: Thos. Brown. .. auetioneer:
some timo. The' quality of . cattle ',Saturday, Oct. .8th, at 1 p in. at
coming.. in is still very poor,' choice Lot 5, . Union Road, Tuckersmrtit,
butcher cattle being scaioe,'and shard farm stock and implements. Miehael.
to get: The export trade shows vete. Dorsey, proprietor ; . Thos Brown
little .• life, only kabout one load • of auctioneer;'
fair quality Cattle being in the near- Saturday, Oct. ' 15th, 'at 1
ket • today: Export are `•quoted . a t:. at Chas: Allanson's premises, ''Olin
$4,60' to $1 80 ;. extra choice at $5,. ton; farm • stock and implements. •
nutcliiers-Market slow, •but prices Chas.' Allanson, proprietor ; Thos.
about .'steady f for choice cattle. The Brown,. auctioneer:.. '
bulk; of the offerings . are considerably, • Thursday, Oct. ,20th, at 1 pe m.,
off in :qualityThe range of prices London .: Road, : Stanley, farm stock
runs from S3 for' 'cows and rough and iiiiplements.•—J.'Murdock, .. pro-
butchers to. $4 and $4,25 for choice prietor ; Thos. Brown,;.' auctioneer.
heifers, • Friday, Oct.. 21st, at. 1 p,.m,, at
Feeders --The offerings of choice ten. 5, Stanley, farm stock and int -
feeders are iew, Some . of the. 'reg-' pletnents.—J. T,; : Reid, proprietor
War buyers of distillery feeders are Thos. Brown, auctioneer, •
holding off for the:present, believing Wednesday, Oct. 12thi; at 1 p;; in ,
,that prices for this class will have at lot 21, con: 5, McRillop, farm 1
to some down a• little. Tho present. , stock and implements. Mrs. .Joseph
range is too high, .they .say, in vie* Henderson, proprietress , Thos:.l3ro
of theprevailing' lbw prices, and ;pro- wn, auctioneer.
speotslin .. the British market for eta
port cattle.. The market, however, is
steady at $3,60 $3.70 for 1,000. to SALE BILLS.
1,100 -pound steers, and S3: to` $3,12
for bulisY ' 4'irose .having their sale bills stint.
Stockers—The market is a little ea- ed at this office. will reneivo' a, free
sier for the poor quality of light 's`y. notice ' of the sale in The News-
oekers now offering, Most of the lots Hoard and thus get the benefit cf
go at $2.75 ?, .$3, • our large circulation. This is a
Lambs—Market• dull at $4 6 $4.25,' ; fact which should be remembered.
Prospects Tower. -Sale bills are not seen by all in the
Sheep-�Pltrport ewes steady at $s3'.. district whereas The yews -Record
75 ' , $3.90.. goes everywhere. The notice though.
Bogs—Market steady, with a light given free is often North more to the
run: Seleets, $5,15;ry lights and fats, ,persons holding sales than :• what. is
$4,86. • . paid for the posters •
An Expe11,shre Place For a Poor Main.
q''he Sanatorium at Muskoka appears to be rather an expensive in-
stitution for a man who wishes 10 pay his way but has only limited
means. At feast such was the experience of Henry Agnew, who came
home `Friday and died oh Tuesday. lie was in the Sanatotliuii ' from
Sept. 12 to 23 and his bill .was $42,11, which included $1 for his another
who went atter him. and spent one night there. Here is the receipted ars
,, p .,.ta.p,. k
Accounts for raluteeance payable weekly in advance..
Patient's Board, Sept. 12 to 28 $18 86
Nursing Pees, Sept. i2' to 23 • , 18.00
• Laundry : i 2
not Water Ba(1 21,
Itefils and holder 1.75
Mrs. Agnew (mother) account 11,1a. in. to 7 a, itt. 1 00
heceived payment,
$41 11
Is a sensible .Stift for any ordinary occasion..
It is stylish., dressy, and looks well. We+i show Y . tie a
big range of nobby Sack Suits made — from Can-
adian and Imported Tweeds and Serges. Ever
Suit fits just right, andualities and workmanship
are first-class. Hereq
are two good lines.
At $8.59+
Mens Suits, made from good quatitg all -wool
Tweeds, a nice assortznei t of nark colors' and new pat-
terns, suitable for winter wear,out in the latest style, lin-
theoughout with good linings, firer -elms tvorknuinshipta Rh
throughout, each ..... .,..............YY •......• ,...,. w , U
Men'a 'Suits, made from all -wool sergeu, rrcry 'n
dressy, and will stand any amount of hard wear, first-
class hninge used throughout, extra, epeelal value, each —1100
The Overcoat for Mien we are selling at $l0 00 is
r'eearel•Greaking value, and the best Coat to sell for
thiepriie we are able to jtnd M G'anada,