HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-29, Page 511141460at ritt- notMews ATA Goderidu :t iet4lar.litisdn'e papule Le Wawa lidaarsateak, ne Sept:- Wit,• Was R. A. BItlistulla Isteorseralat4l key Ant Caplia),anthatisaa, 1044trgrointo iNerilmeost up Shoop, R1moVAL-4.— Du public will Ouse hoes in mind that we bay* resesempt from our old fituud, Rattenbury street, to our new and mutant, offlee (which lat now in tha centre of the town) iu the new Combo Weekcorner of Victoria and AIWA etreaas (opoewite J. awb'e Stooerl.) A *all from the public gtenarallyI n:cited. BANK DEP4i41Pralatfr-----,* Interest'allowed at highest current rates from •date deposit 1,4.k date of wfthdrawal . tt. C. BREWER manager, CLINTON Garattaaletipetit. 44P'VegiqourS:t:6,13,0atitit. w.54-440•114441-40414440,64440414444404MX04~0414MMIVMSS 'She Stifferevi Yttal aye ware eserserainsly -awry to note 1. Local Ostion eampsign is us, '-'41g*a R have beeorae enthused ever it. 1.11 Areltarstanixg, on Sept. 113th, Windsor Record : • tloYeY reepeeted reeittent of Windsor saal Endure. lirOW11, Wile were is tone re.ru.na, MAO« 42erA B.arLARARityY, •MPLIELL-MARTIN-4 In Cinder- her home title re,orning. Moe Wil- At l‘nor church on 43undo the "A*A• eareigntendant et the W. C ih oe Sept, 210, by Rev. Mark Wilson. was bora in Edinburgh, Soot- sermon vtas to young men, "(Witty- Madormurtont at ...10SIN Ilinrribull, Marl Martin, to Dun-- land, Seventy four years ago last Ave of whom with two or three of ter_ tellY21101°32. or la* 16144140; WO can Cameron of Ripley. June. She was the youngest dust).- the older members tilled the cuoir. PROOTOR---IslAYLOAt Winglialn ter of the lateiDaniel .Lar e of that ;The text chosen was front Proverbs -11'n', "414#1 on Sept. •14th, by 'Rev. Dr. Gen- city. Abut 71 years ago the featly 16 : : "Better is little with the .0780- 4-1ililrersitY.stlareolnalfela dy, Wm. John Prootor of Morrie Dam to Canada And Were Moot, fear at the Lord,- than great trees- * letter 'written Ire= 401 Sixty-, to Elizabeth Naylor of Beet the pioneer settlers of lauron eetia- ere and trouble therewith'," • seventh street, W., Chicago, Wawatioph, ' ` • ty, having taken. up their reeidence Mist Johnston ano. her lather, Mr. MobsrtY SON the, Aanolente Au regard : iASKIN-FIAMILTON-a At Wing- near ' Goderich, The late Mrs. „Wit? Matthew Johnston, have removed to Penne: • imm on Sept., 14til, by Dr. kidsonlhad been a resiaeut of this .from the residence on St. Patrick'e lived a very aotive' We Daatid "Ilaskin to Bertha. • einity for thirty -ONO years. Her hes- , street). owned by Mra. W. Matthewe, wife! and working partner of a busy Hamilton, bOttl of Bowick, band ilied 10 years a.go. She AO our- Sad have taken up their oiva resi- minute; health failed ' LA.IN(-4111e.CDONALD....- .At l Wing- vived by, One son, Arnot L., Who' denee on 0Ameron street. '704111g°+' le° Imabautt about14" barn ch‘ Sept. ,41,st,. by Rev. D. lives here, Mr.S. Donald 0. larahant 'M, rs. George*.CS.rey and child Ana eame time,. and gradually; 1 saente4 to , Petrie, assisted by Rev. A.' (Ruby) of Fort 'William and • Aug, ,*rt;' remborton.of Parolee, are ir es. lose health and spirit. Ify daughter iR Laing of Copleston, brother of Jessie of Windsor." ; istered at the Aberdeen. A 0"40med 0.724 we loth gelt the groom, Claude L. 1444%J:eau- Mrs, 'Wilkinson before her tiar- Cousul Shirle/ is removing from great need or an invigorator, P A $ HO EY-BILIANOS--At the rectory the following obituary notiee in the but . our *Mune do out seem te Felt OW Wits jiver a FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Lot 72, eon. 5, Goderielt townehip, ,... consisting of 06 acres, 4 &ern cleared, 10, acres young orchard, 40 ' acres good bush, parts ot it called some. Tile farm ie well watered and feuced and has good bank barn and frame heuse. Will be sold ' cheap, Apply on the premises or address Mrs. 0, Persona, Bayfield P. O. 85 -t Beautiful indeed, are the: deigns we show this fall and reliable al- * so the' quality. , tette—Ciditi by by Rev. J. 81. Parke, Rev. Frank a'llars. Wilkituton, 01111614d biatlY as Atom O. Noakes sad %se Ben* Billing*, sister of Dr. sandwich, and widow of the late Al- for a few days have returued ,to De - Inge, formerly et Clinton. exan.der Wilkinsos, passed away "at troit. THE HOPE. AND f.;0T ;ON 0011- ner-Of Mary and Princess streets is offered for. Sale. The house • is 1 -; ' .in a:are4Tilak4C°:blinteeronS,,' ale, ard ;t.:ciwat- er, - and acre acre of land.. Apply ' to J. Ridouti or J. Croli. , 84 • ager ot the Bank ot'llantilt m at :rine was Aliso Queenie Lizare, date. hie present residence to lairs,: ae, A, 80'10 ne4Flibars qiiii;)Ne0 Berlin, and son Of the late Rev. Ritter' of Daniel Ligats, allerk ot the Rhynasi brick residence on St, Day. ' me CO try alma. bottle gra, .,Dr Laing ofDeadas to Nellie peace and almoot the first county id street. • Mrs. Rhynas and two .iministRate-frsegurecl and 4 great ehaagetooki)laga In m,YdaagbtOr* as well as in mrown health. Our apPelites Improved veiy greatly, the algestioa seemed mach *helped, and, restful, sleep BOOR h1101•01,0 Macdonald, :youngest daughter of the °Mee' at the -Qourt chtldreu contemplate boarding :lot Dr.! Macdonald 511,P., "Wiug- House, " the next few months. . ham. •" Mr. .J. E. JolmSton Goderieb, Mr. Fred. Shannon left,for Ottawa DUN014--BELLa-At' Seaforth on : lately of Namiltoe, was married ale last week. A SOO.; 21st, by • the Rev. Father -tut city on Sept. 14th, to Mrs. ; We are sorry to learn of the ill - Corcoran,. J. W. Duncan of Sea- .lagleS Henlibten. Mr. and Mrs.John. ness„ -borderiag, .on appendicitis, • as, $0 that we seemed film new forth to Margeerite 'Bell of stort now reside at -Wiarton . where our young, townsman, Mr. Bert lLtIe, women, Everything 1,11 connection- With 4.ourStOck, and me-, thods assures absolute , satisfaction to those • who are 'our customers. - WATCHES CLO 4la'VVE ERY for the fall trade I WILL GIVE ONE DOZEN :FINE Photos and one in a hrooch for • 05 C'ents. They are *WO ufal, Studio up Over W. Taylor 416 SOWS .ShOe Store, ,Cliat011,--14,, CMS PilOtOgraPhet 3g , DR. BUTLER, EYE,, EAR, . NOSE and Throat Specialist, 379 Queen's Avente, London, 3rd 400r east - of St. Andrew's elntrcll, GlasSeS' ,Will, be at the Rattenbury House Clinton A.prd 28 June 2 and , so. . ,i1n)R0np.gn .p:p.;orsTER:ini DrR- hin or Salel 13 Inontila Have two, will sell on0 bert Nott,icit 24, con.,„ 2, Sts.roley, Clinton will pay,. 1,?e. , ,custoiner o our§,. 0 -P;) -0*° -<>0f -c: -°•43-°:°-°-°-°•I. . H. He11yar . Jeweler aud"Opilcian CLINTON 4-1414•144",7. Oil Mitt YOU PURE SEED, lifillIft 'PURE SEED GRAIN. -WE HAVE opened' out a Flour. :and.4"end store and keep in stock :flour, .bran, sh- orts, eured Meats; ete'. We made a special effort, to "prOcUre and have OR hand a supply )of! Clean Seed Wheat . and Timothy, and farmers making their, purchases from, us .ean rely upon. getting their seed , as -free as posSible fro:n all nox- ious weeds. • F�rd •& NcNeiL - . .Have, bnilt up a first class It trade, such us we have unless' our 'goods were - Eight in every way. ' We sell ' 'tlenest Geode fth the. tinest • . trade. One trial con'vinees you OX this. • • Among otber lines we ez-. eel nl Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted Bicuits M 1.0e per lb. tip to Macaroons -at 50e. In Olives atid Pickles we bave only the -best: Chutney Chili Sauce, Obow.Chosv, sweet and soar Vinegar ricklet; and also Iforie Radish. • . We still solicit vour tni0. COAL I. eter; Mr...:Johnston hes embarked ot the 9 , lumber business. , • , to that city feeling much batter. " "44 ,Ilet be witheetPerPn Dr, Touter ,contested tii 11t.a1 On ,W, edeeSday 'Mr: and Mre- John 1B0.17rt;e:htartyirnes. Its ca54:;!:',.."71ris Anna ' game at' tbe bOWling green so ifotly Nettell ,ceiebrated the -sixth • miniver- Births, SC'RCTON-In Clintori on Sept, 2Ord to Mr. nud 1VIrs. 'JOhn Seruton, a YANSTONE-la Da,ylield on Sept. 13th, to ar,, and Mrs, A, Van - stone, a son. HEARD -Ira Stanley on. Sept. iatk, to Mr. and Mrs. William Heaeda , MILLER•a-In 1Viorris ,on Sept, 15th, to Mr. and Mrs, Richard Miller,, a daughter. • I-IAIST-In Brussels on Sept. ,18th, to Mr.' and Mrs. genrsr Heist, a ANDREWS -In 'Seaforth Seitem- ber•19th, to Mr, and Mrs. Dennis, Andrews, a., son. DINSLEY-In Wingham on !--lepteinbet 12th, ibe wife' of Mr. D. A••,'"Dins- , ley,' a datighter. • DENNIS=In. Wiiigham on Septerriber. .• 15th, the wife, - of Mr. Ernest Deri-: nis, :a, ;son, : MOFFAT-1n. Turfiberry Septem- ber '20th, tke wife. of John J. Moffat, a son. ' • . LLOYD -In' Seaforth on Sept lOth. to :Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lloyd, ' a daughter.. LEAVE ,YOUR ORDERS. NOW FOR .Y0iJR:'SEAS019"8 SIM- PLY i)F COAL. wE',CARRY ONLY tsg. VERY',IIEST GRA- pUs-ViTHI..C1-1 WILT, RR, SOLD! AT -Tim • LowEs22 ()5SIBms 0RI).;1t$. MAY BE I4EFT, DAVIS St R.OWI.,AND'S 1-IA12.0:- WARE STORE OR WiTFI W. J. Stevenson. , Deaths, AG -NEW -In Clinton ori Sept: 27th, Henry AgneW, °aged 20. years and AITEEN•-In • Goderich township on. , Sept. 17th, Joint L., .youngest son of Mr: and Mrs, ,,J.I,.. Aitkee,.• aged 7 'years, s.14 • WHITE—In Grey:en Sept. 19th, Wil- . • Ram, son of • ME' ..John' aged 23 years: jAVIIES.ON--In linage's,. on, Sept. 10th,, ,Harriett: Lerettarataagil ter of 41r.:. David Jamieson, aged -aged , 6 • weeks. . . • pLisms-In Wingitam on Septem- bee 17th, Themes Holmes, aged. .82 ;years and Months. • - • EJSIILlEIGII-In Win:giant on Sept. 18tili W. T. A, LFithleigh, agett 20 ' years, 10 inontht: a.,nd.23 days..' JOHNS"IONL,-In ' COlberne on sopt, -21st, Agnes Iilellwaine, relict of the Tate•Saainel Johnston, aged lilea.riTER-At .Londen.ori 'September •••20tb, ..datba,rine; ,daughter 1Z1t -info late John and :•Margaret. 1,VIcAiter of Morris, in, her 40th year,. -; . . . . that T,T,' i.,eouie was • bawled. out sary of their wedding day, Mr >lova what 'goat° t4"34111..edOnlale1410enn&4 eotaa, have struck aim' out so: aim "Golden Leaves and ri t I hex porde catarrh. It bee been fOurat by r SO, .0 - pair et presente by William Mrs. klea.eltiali Hale is visiting her,, oraorneteauseases. „ • called as quickly is the G. TI R. engine ell• presented his Wife with a: (*Mr ()I 1:1 134 medical Ilraessic":"41'11°Iv' goetor , won the prize, d a handsome aess for her pony. • 3.7"101,6.7rone4 *hate: tbtsrre chausaVs.:::::tof the catto ThornpsOn of Mitchell, while: tea /ether in. Sarnia and, trierapers :of aia, Dr. asitiount,*46 aitiong the. twit 0 ,Lecicia. was pxosented with a Walker OW11 farally ,at Mt. Olerriens and Pert rtfolio, presented by the 'Walkers lihron, •• .A.Inerieaosgrea,tphysiehtna to -make this of Waikerville. ' Mrs, Morrison, who summered at Goderloh,. but Who was quite ill for a ,shett time, Will spend the -winter in "Califoriila She Was 'joined, at De- troit by Mekee Nforrisen. eon. 11,,: registered steek.--; bogim.-nalna Perim*, for those oases, -and ` t.itscovery,, For forty years he has beep 'treating,diseasespeettliar to Womeniehd, long Sgo. he reached the conclusion that Au ti e on Sale Register. 3 woman, entirely fres.from catarrhal, Saturday, oeaffee$ion. of thee organ tado .not bow 1. lst, at l�..... ; .sitbject,to fentale.disease. Uo therefoie Miss Grace Polley, Our" local ar- James Smith, proprietor; Thos.. ;ocaand at so admirably adapted.to that ti. will Will attend the Ft. Laena x- Brown, , auctione,er. • ' -Permanont care that Fauna has noW' position. 'Art studies ' will fascinate meaday, oot, 3rd, leyt 17, jan beeeme .t.hei most• famous ronedy aliss Polley at that Great Srehy000tilnogf H-nTihioas+.. Ti: re-arneir4.., proprietor ; Tiles:. Art, , Miss Helen Polley, ile B -to--,veli-,'a.uaort-ionselorcit and iniplements sister, will ' only go as far as Chi- `. " „ ease, where. she will be the guest of Monday °et. 10.41, at•Lot., 26 vsu Mwr.eawndereMrpsr.es•Veurteedet. 10aotttlwe.oeic : , by T• ., tos .Xlilli0oPw, ti, auctioneer.horses,•pigsand cattle 'oMtrhse.rja: L. lovely T u r nsb hu al dl e 1 v. oi ft i 3:x el:1.7 4 '$PTiikeeys . --i'lliawt:ficdatarinlYatep.':h,c:snieto,t1.cea,k4edritral:inn:dst.. ircitPlisoi et, 2M;;. e nSTtthsiols'. had the largeSt blossoms Wit ever - of gladiolas, one pale pink. atid Vie 1 saw rbir ,ausdewwtebree . grown at `LB,urnside" .. Thursd„,, oefatim..6thstotioait d34imple_ , , con. On alst Sept. little Ida ' Stevens : 8, MeitillOP, had a birthday party in honor , of " rflPt'snehrY 034, proprietor. ; Ale 7th, anniversary of her birth, jot 31, eon. Quite a nOtaber . of prettily dressed : • R. S. TucicerSmith, farm stock. little maidswere invited and as the and •implements.-.1Ohn pre - day was Ate they enjoyed. themselVes Priet merrBY out ef doors „until their 5 - (ir TtIc's. Brown, auctioneer. &clack tea was Served. The little ! Tuesday, Oct. 18thj, at lot 18,1 eon', ip-nn Albert ' Coates, proprietor in - ments.-; lady wore a' dress of pretty pink: n:or tovt,n; faaurract.ioantoecekr: and irep_ie- usliu with rows of isertio waist and sleeves and lace at". neck _ and bottoM" of sleeves. A little- Monday, Oct. 3rd, near Varna, ,table. in, the parlor gave 'evidenee) o hfaorieafurniture. -W. lemsen.tsAraenh,derhouse the ',esteem in which little Miss Ida pro - Stevens is held by her playmates for d, Prietor, , the array of china covered Dia1 ablu..' Long may miss Ida enjoy her birth -1 mdciliop Townshi day gifts. . • , Miss trances Brindley, one of the P. former S. A. stafthere, has been very ,Mr. Hugh McIntosh of London is ill, , visiting1 relatives in McKillop. TOR, • SALE,SHETLAND• poi;ty and outfit,. Biiggy; Cutter, Sleigh •''hnd iliarness T. fls,riaini. T. CLINTON ei TENDER'S WILL', BE RECEIVED by the undersigned .up to three o'eleele nel0 Metid,w 'arttrznoon' ili the meeting of .the township epuri- . ell' to be held at. Holmesville,, for 'the gravel ing of the '1Viaitland 11111. I* Dr C k 0 L 88,1 rs, so beautiful. and innoeent ,7,.,,lohn Mid loton, (Oont,inUed front page 2.),. • street thurch S. S. 'with their teach- .,. 1111r. Fritzley ;is back in.hiS teaser-. Mr, James ; Ryan of Walton :bas . • feinale :diseases ever wherethe women are'nshigit and preis; 1:fe .'t'eiiiaw not S. palliative siot- ly; it cures byreinoving the; CS*0 of feimale:disesee. ' ' • .' Dr. llartnian.haa probably cured n:40T1 women of ailr.aents #tari, any ...ofber liVing.icibysician, makes the)* earefs.13imply by using; and roantan,04. tug porting. Mrs - Esther X. DeGratt,Ohdos • writest 4,IWas Ekterribltil sufferer from. fenukte Weak*** and bs4 the hesdaehocouti* laolislY1,'' X was net:able to do ray workormyso]1 -and-husband. 'X Wri74.40 you. afurdeseribed-w, condition aisbease as pOssible. :Yett,reeounnendeill Rena* 100E four bettlea and wag! cpzaplerl•02r . emed, I think Parana a wondeeltd. im?.`11Fine."rfl• B*tler Moriner,• ' etingroginaan.,Thaa,* ,Zert Nilb0#1;Cif CIIS.Mber$13nrg, tot iakii[pleasore cainhloim* your Parana as a soh:1402E1st ,and a. good catarrh remed?y. "— T. . • If you do net 'reeeirs.t.ProUi/ii'andeitls- fa0PrIiesolto #9331. th9 tso'oPesihia; 'Write fit once to Br.. lErartnirat, ,full statement of rut Case •iand,:betvAn. be pleajed to give yon.hia Vaine.b.101c1:. Nice,gratis. . , .Addtess, Dr. Hartman, Isse;tislent of ,.Ther Hartinan 'Onni4r3.-144, •ozateneeeil., Ohio., ' .141••••••••••• -eibalse.-aie-ea..-...esivieamaalite'-‘aa-aa...1--aa••-sa;seaveataae•iseaer-al... ial parlor 'again,. ha,vieg been - gone to the .grand sennnary in Mont - posed a .few days last = real to resinne. his studies. " Barrie Collegiate, is noir teacher at a. ee Williams, late of the tilairl:flanseaaii.thaAvieiebeoptiionbaeaean aohnd thei\i"rstiIelka Miss Florence the ,Central school. • :ly.ount g :ladies a speedy recoVer'y. . for. some time. We wish both wiVtha94461delQnt'sroadn•Ci igtarintle4nk:s.arae figi°1°e: e ..corn is still uncut and badly yellow dYe- = wilted with the frost. Mr. . and Mrs., Jonathan Miller, late As. time, goe.s on..the corrtiv't of Seaforth, have moved back to. deceptive' gang known as the Ontario • teWri. S.C. George's choir, too, 'wili be pleased to welcome back Mrs. GOve, rameut and their agents are tb- s°1:Iran° '9..°Nirlirill.g1T:09rdr5tteSaUntiowvin°eryse,' an old; Line Ive(ficae.! she has a very fine The funeral of the little ,SoVC11- reSident;*;,'who„Itas.been in'the Aitkin, Willowhurst, thirOri Road, latives Seaforth and Maillop. year-old son el AIL Jan StTahteessafior some years,:is •lltnanzken,1.31wana. 1-1. Graham aingtdil‘',Taall'eS91; Sauter peuteo(fi onnip.rMideaCyailalustniwisac:.,wileri offieiating at residence , and attended and prices were good. In his casket little Louis looked like a lovely little 'child of two yea- . 00 n Local Option. , . looked, The primary class Of 1..orth Houses Or Sale. i. -Good Cottage 44 two lotS ot Isaae street, 2 -Good House aid tWO 104 witll large pluut orchard on a Pullet( street. , 3,-•-Coniforta11e Halos. 'ancl one lot joseph street, . .4 -Brick 'Rouse wii4 two lots Mt Mary .street. . • • :5- wo otties on Rattenbury etreet west. i6 -Large 3rick louse, with six acres of land,, barn 0.0 4riv,iug barn, good' orchaxd, within it Mild of' tentre aarrante Roue ,iwitit eight strut of: land, barns and tirehard, Dirtsley terrace. For terms, etc., apply to .fl11tt isSATTIZ Sotrefor, etc, elhitau •:TOtt.:004:$0e: - aria* 00 000000000000000000 • • chod113ooks •atta School Suppli s at For yourself how :much vs Shoe has tO do with the appearance of your foOt. What is uglier than at poorly shaped , shoe.? What is daintier than A TRIM'CLEAN OUT. SHOE that 'fits 'closely about the foot brings.- out its satural artistic We can find a shoe to fit your toot no matter how bard you are t� Suit. Our spring* stock hasar7irved ad the prices are right.; 'We are showing a line el shoes for men at 3.50 that Can't be beat for price and quality. Also a line of Shoes for women (The Queen .Alexander) for $o which is extra value. Cane in riad have a look at our stock; No, trouble to show goods. Grocerxesi STOOI FOR SALE.APP OUR w. formerly licensed 'who now eontinues • lnile 'south ti.f .town pure bred he loved ue too. s d sweetly ""We eau du ota .• toxin on rbhe 1411h1Oh Bead, 0110 casket an sang •,, 13 t,business does a respecte,ble tgade th ban a largo lrele moth Cali. discover though he does not , id the c :stet, and Makes a fair living a far as 1 . Shorthorn Cattle, both males and - tributes were a upon ' ' amMn number of, improved large 'Y•ork- a smatter circle within, t ...ti.e from maintain the expensive cortege he fmnales, difterent ages, at low a class _ MS .little S. S. class mates. I41, .1. price, quality- ,considered. Also aThs once kept up. The old hotel on the breedingistoek for farmers, end at - pallbearers -te0re Dave Aitken, TIo.s. hill, the suite 0! many riotous nights, low prices. " 'Come :and see. -11. and Chester Elliott and Rost Beek- is not inhabited. Still, tete is e. ett. 'Much sympathy is extended the blinded accomModation -given to all , shire Pigs, all ages, 'first Pluinsteel, oititton, - 37 parents of, the beautiful little Loy, ' at current prides, and of quality ra- ther above" what is usually given, in W h .t. I that Made illow urs eo tappy. stmom rot isAtt-sEvgN Ca- landlord depends' Upon the exeelIence , /4 ss Now Btlogy. pog of his accommodation -for his ells - places larger than this, for now the oice pure bred Leeeister rani lambs. -----------IVIchlatrigear.-81. G. Sear All from registered stock. Terms Ie. tem. reasortable. G-lenn, Stan. 8.0 Our taxes are scarcely any higher ley Tp., !Clinton. 0.- than under license. I haVe been, told unasked by commereial travellers FOR TFIF. IMPROVEMENT op with whom deal, that they think LOW ItATEI EXCURSIONS. Stopk.-The undersigned has on 'his the change greatly for the better T h that 1 h premiaes on the littylield Road the e evt . tea estate -as no which we, will give ota. tiatonietbi the $13,20, Grand Rapids $7.70, Cleveland W. 0. Elliott, Proprietor. bottglit before the advance in pries eago $10.75, Saginaw $5.75, Hay City on,, Millgrove. This ds one of the der license last .year X did halre an Columbus $0:.00, Dayton $10.- very best hogs In the county. Ter- offer, -,,this year sold at $18 per foot. Goma. SEPT. 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Inillorted Yorkshire Hog "Suninier.. suffered I may mention that a Vac. Detroit $4.00, Pt, Hurt% $3.45,Chi- hill ,Leader"ibrecl by D. O. Flatt 4c ant lot on Main street, for which un - \o. 403. steamers ,_, . ins a SO been haathe ItabIt of oceasiotally tak- benefit oP. Plain and Fancy 'Biscuits, via Buffalo and glass of intoxicating liquor, Dolled Vani, Smoked Roll, Breakfast mot via Lake siere $040. , . but was led to become a total ab- naeon,, Pickled Pig* Vtet, CahhOt St. Paul or ,MinneapoIls, via Chi- LOW myrns _ TO TIIE NORTH- stainer and prohibitionist, by ,witnes- lates.ts, Pickles in bale and bottles el ea or North nay 05.40, via N.. N. WEST V/A. GREAT NORTHERN ming the weary t and 'want the fin - II kinds. A trial cyder will convince RAILWAY yeti that we carry a steck equal to • any in, tte trade atal the prices rea- sonable. Also car ol Redpathie taw Ciur got& is complete. We hain sj goodt line Of Seven Teei, green ar.d 'biol. aackage teas we 'carry the Li:della., Rea Rose, Blue Itibbou and " t tes celebrated teas. They were 50 Indianapolis $12.1O,Cincinattf. $1.25 'cash, or $1.60 on When I started practise h0re X had at juat atria which we are se ling EA X. Clover Alsike, Tiincttly, m a Saskatchewan .and Alhor. Ontario to all points on the line and less or more initigated by our se ede we he.ve got good Red Assiniboia, atte-Al au- ta. Good going Sept. 27th,,valid te- of the Great Northern Railway --- prohibitory measures partial and lo- - Montana ' Idaho, Oregon, Washinfort, cost. (All tickets valid returning on or andel dry -rot and the more!, intella Co, $38.00. before Oetober 10th.) • Effeetive (Daily) September 15th to ectual and bodily tan directly caused Ootober 15th inclusive, 1004. Cheap by the drink trait*. My 'vlOws have HARVEST EXCURSIONS. one way second class colcmist tickets been strengthened, as have seen m. it bs., wilt be on sale from all Stittl000 in Oleo evils intensified by license law Trnatipi seed end all kittds of garden turnieg until Nov. 28th, . r ' To The West--Redueed one-way ram minister, Roseland, Nelson arid other Dr. Gavillier' estimony a$ to the 14+44":44,44":":":":":404:44:44414":444+40:41.40440.1144 44+0 :, In crockery 't2a.ve a. few diluter bueinese Aspect of Local Option. is femme iememememiemaimareeteeeeet . , , ii .#11110i0iiiiii t# We #/re selling very cheap. Your tes to points in British Columbia, points in Brh Coltunale,. that of any impertlal and' keeu ob- --- - — California., Colorado, Ida.ho iViontea For full ittiormation u to ratan, lade selected, aloe to Victoria, VafteMIVer est- " t (lug sY a oell. eeds, orchard grass. f t National Peaii The three leading Ranges.madein Canada- We, them. All sizes. Heating stoveo'for'wood and coal, •incliiKling,the celebrated . . RADIA1,*9r*I1(0:Alr Light consilmptioir of fuel and a good baker :are a • necessity in a ,good range These are the strong- est 'features in. the above nam.ecl• ranges,. They are-mai:1,e to give es,tiefaotion.,, . .Y61.1 are not experimenting when you buy one. • All sizes, V.oal afiestn.ut, Sterve. and Egg, . Samson. PortIand-Cement at 7doce prices. * , STOVES •neesa-weala.ate...eaaskottamtatee.,:lwealtaiSeeewla.leota,....aia•Astaib- g a min massi i • a i i ins in ism la .11.A.RDWARE' tte*:••„,;4044.4,0*,4**;4*.t•••,,s•:••:*•••••::••:••;44.4•04.:44•1:44,444,44::•::•++,1•44944.444,••:44:**4441,:krA•444:4444.4. 4, • . •••• 1 • 3, :,,s.. ve , ie '...t..- -; A couple of weeks ago .we olearecl from ,80, '41041-1fae- t. I turer a lot of Odd Pants at a very , low figure. • Each 7, "vf 'pair is made of good heaV tweed, well made and trim- A X. med and is good. Value at 1.75,4but while they last the ,e t priee is only 40.25: ' 1: e „ , y esc . y 7 ' ,-,. • e . 4.1: Flannelote.miii gads re t 4. :* :. , , ...., '). , We have also slot of Flannelettes, (almost a yard...x f wide) in light and dark stripes, in lengths' -4' 2 to 12 FA' J. .1: yards. 4. A t ,iteguiar 1.6c and Ilie Flannelettes- at 8c' , ' " 12ic and 15e ' " i0C ‘,$ 4: ". es ,,,,........, 14 #e ' 4: t es s Odd Pants • *t The Old Stand, Oliriton. These.are money "vets and are going fast, 4.• • •- TEL, re. Shier's NA6, RA 414 sale daily until Oct. 15th• Tourist Sleeper also literature on server who desires to preterit facts The News -Record until RH na, Oregon, TSUJI, Washington. On time of trains, also berth rates in application to Clam, W. Groxe4 Ithit AS they are, after due and de - le Cooper's °let stand. Oil for Butter and 4gs. Phono23 A. 0, Pattison„ -----------------------------------------------------ita, January. 1905 for 25c. F. R. nodgens, to4a ticket agent; triet .Ps.seetiger Agent, 10 ICst liberate thought. -J. S. Cook. ' JOS,