HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-29, Page 1CLINTeN
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Preioare For Cow Weather
The month of October bring 3 cold wet weather,
a time of the year when you will need heavier cloth-
ing. We have prepared for this by buying the lar-
gest stock of Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, Caps, Etc.,
that ive have ever shown. We invite you to come
• in and look our stock over. No need to buy unless
you like.
MEN'S OVERCOATS -Made toprder-We have already taken
a good marry orderfor Winter Overcoats. Everything
that is new
this year is on our shelves for your inspectien. Overcoats made to
Your order in any style tram Beavers, Cheviots, Meltons,also the new
Fancy Tweeds, prices $12.60 to $30.
• i"
< •
Men's Suits made to order from Canadian and Imported Tweed,
also everything that le new in black and blue
Every price you want to pay from $14 to $25.
. Clothing Ready -to -Wear . .
Men's New Fall Suits. 86.00 to $12.00 •c
Young Men's Suith 6.75 to 10.00
Boys3-piece Suits, • 4,50 to 6.50
Children's.Suits (2 -piece)... 2.50 to 5.00
• Men's Overcoats, any style 5.150 to 12.00
Young Men's Overcoats ,, . ,, • .. 7.50 to 12.00
Boys' 0*vercoats 3.78 ti? 6.50
This year we had made a new line of Boys' Frieze Overcoats with•
large storm collars. They are the best values to be had anywhere.
• • Underwes.r. for MenandBoys.
Not enongh space to describe all the kinds we sell. EoWever,
we sell all the best kinds that are made in Canada, besides never& )
lines of tine English Underwear. .
J W Newcombe Co
.. • . •111
Tailoring--- • •-Men's and Boys' Read
Furnishings- . •-to-Wear Clothing, Hats -
it • •
Whole Number 1338
Wheat $1. to $1.01.
Oats 30e to 31c.
Butter 12c to 13e.
Eggs 190 to 17c.
Live Hogs $4,85.
Mr. D. Cantelon is asaking daily
shipments of apples front Clinton and
three times a week from tamdesboro
and Drucefield. He is consigning the
fruit to Liverpool, Glasgow Cud Win-
• Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Stratford,
who occupied the pulpit, of Willis
church on Sunday last, is now on
the superannuation fist but for forty
years ho was pastor, of the Presby-
• terian church at Motherwell.
Rev. Mr. Mackenzie; a returned
missionary from China, will occupy
Willis church pulpit 'next Sunday.
With the advent of Old weather
and long evenings the • Royal Tem-
plars have taken on a new Tease 'of
life and on October 13th will have a
Rally Night when an elccellent Pro-
gram will be given. The -local R. T.
of T, Council is doubtless the most
vigorous in the county arid is active
in promoting the good and welfare
of the cause. •
On Monday evening Rev. M. C.
and Mrs. McLennan of Kippen cele-
brated the tenth anniversary of their
•,-k wedding day when they entertained.
• tho elders ot the church and a num-
• her of their relatives, There was a
• • large array Of presents. Mr. Mc-
Lennan is an energetic and popular
pastor' and the church over which he
presides is in a very prosperous cot-
• --CLINTQN- . >
71" fis.17xN(xovaat'xtors;$ .x-4914. 4st-asai=hsieteleteteter4-cioloVolcshm •
0000000 • 000
0 0 0 0 <>a 000000000
'Directs your attention to its special
facilities for issuing drafts onall the
lead' iig towns arid cities in Europe and
elsewhere at the lovvest rates.
• This is thesafest, simplest and chea-
pest method of remitting money to
foreign countries. • •
Correspondence or interview • re-
quested, . . • ,
H. T. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
. •
HotIsehold Irtirnittire
0 0• 0000
t 0.09
000 • 0000
The Clinton News -Record appeared
in a clean new "dress" last week. In
typographical aPpearance, pewsy mat-
ter and general get up The Nowa-
Record is a credit to the office from
which it erna,nates.-Exe* Advoca-
There was a good attendance at
Monday night's meeting of Wesley
League which was of a literary nat-
ure. The program was a long and,
interesting one and had a Temper-
ance flavor. Rev, J. Greene presid-
At a. meeting to be held in the S.
A. Barracks on Wednesday evening of
next week Adjutant Canunion of
trolea will deliver an address, The
officers of the Goderich corps will
also be present. There will be spec-
ial music for the occasion.
Several members of the local
Oddtellows' Lodge drove to Seaforth
yesterday to attend the funeral of
the late Fred. Crich, who had been
in the West but a few mouths and
died there of typhoid fever. The se-
vicei at th.e graveside was conducted
by the officers of the Clinton Lodge.
Mrs. John • Callender of • -mien
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.
• J. Harland, a couple of days Of the
past • week. While here :she disposed
of her property, on Huron street to
Mrs. Clark, who came out •from
England a.few months ago. The
house was formerly the residence of
Mrs. Reed, Mrs. ,Callander's Mother.
. .
•(lLtiOfl. Melt. • Frank. Hovey M. A:, rector,
IN LUCK. . Hagarsville, on of Mr. E: Hovey Of
, • • town'was married yesterday , to
A few days ago Mr, J. W. Reid of Miss Rena Dillings,- formerly of Olin,'
t re i • Ch e fo $26 frern ten siste of Dr Billings who was'
On Sunday the annual. Harvest Th-
anksgiving services were held in Trin-
ity church which was beautifully de-
corated ,with grain, fruit and flowers
by .;• the Ladies' Guild. Rev, Arch-
deacon Richardson of London wag
the special preacher for the occasion,
and'his , Sermons tivere eagetly listened .
to. by the' large cOngiegationa pr
sent. The .offertory for • the day anr-
Minted lto over $217'. •
Mayor Lewis of Goderich' and Mr.
Bawden 'of Exeter are buying up the,
'right of way through 'this • village for
the 0.?. R. •
et .1VIcBea,th's"-,store' On Wednesday CV.;
• The fall millinery opening. was .held •
• • " .
Mi John McMillan and wife left
here en Thursday to, visit friends in
the States. '
Messra. Geo. Quinn and Fred. Tol1.
left here on Tuisday ,for Manitoba,
taking with them a carload of aire-.
les. . • • ,
Mr. Gee'. Powell has disposed of
his brick store and grocery. lei<4ness
to sonic. person' from the north who
takes tiossession on ,Nov. lst,
On Friday afternoon James Pierce.
disposed 'of a number • o.f his Mcritana
horses :by auction, 0, Hamilton wiel•
dirig the mallet. It drew a large
number of the . farming Community
into town. . „ • •
Mrs. Nyle 'was Jisiting friends . .in
• Seaforth on. Manilay. • • • •
Mr. FrankiRhedes of London *as
visiting friends in town recently,: .
• :
• . Summerhili.
•• : • e
• •
• •
• 4
• •
▪ •
• •
d owil
• •
• •
ce ve a equ r •
Mr. A. Hooper as compensation for assopiated : with Dr. Agnew.. .The
• injuries to his thumb 'iviiile wtrking ceremony was .performed at the .reet-
in the organ . faetery. , ' ory • in Amherstburg by'. Rev. J. F.
• Mr. •Jas. Taman of • Blyth also test Parke. The happy 'couple are e.xpeet-
week received a cheque from Mr.. ed to atrive here this Week.
Hooper for $14 as compensation far- t
L -,-.:AL :
,-. • '
LITTLr. vs. - - .
injuries sustained while Pressing:14W.. • . ' • .
The above Men see the stdVisabilitys Mrs... Buxton will be "Atflorae"
of carrying a eident policies. , •it the • Waverly House . every first.
and third Friday.. . •
W. M. SOCI Yi•
• . The News -Record will be sent • to
The Wornen's Missionary Society any address for the balance ot the
nt • connection with 'Wesley church -------- for twenty-five cents, ' •
• hale elected the following officers for .A. itchell has rented the -
the ensuing year : •• , residence Part of the old postoffice
• President, Mrs. W. S. ,Harland into which he will move;
lst vice, Mra. Eckmeir . The town council meets next "Mon4:
241 vice, .Mrs, (Rev.) Manning day evening when the qtiestiori of Lo-
Rec.-Secretary, Mrs. Jas Sheppard cal Option will be again taken up.
(kin -Secretary, Mrs. E.J. Cantelon • The annual games of the Collegiate
(17:Treasurer, Mrs. J. Hodgens - Institute will take pace tomorrow.
t.'...)elegate to CI:invention Miss M • Two rall Fair, prize lists appear in
Washington. • .• • , this issue of The New -Record. To
MUST PAY ARREARS. • the average reader they are • not
Very interesting, but nearly all ex-,
• The law respecting the liability of peet their publication at this sea -
subscribers to newspapers was laid son. , • ; _
down by 'Judge MeWatti in the divis, •
ion Court at Petrolea a while ago A, CLINTON
To ..
in a .case• brought by the Topic, and' The editor of the Times spent last:
will 'prove of interest to ; the public. Friday in Clinton, one 'of. the oldest
• The Judge declared:the law to 12e towns of 'the eounty, and found a
The Clinton News -Record appeared
last week in an entire now dress und
presents a very attractive appearan-
ce. • The News -Record is tsue to its
name and a carefully edited, bright,
uewsy 'sheet.-Seaforth News. •
The W. M. Society of the Ontario
street church held their annual meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. S. Crich,
when the following officers were elec-
ted for the comiug year :
President, Mrs. (Dr.) gook
1st vice, Mrs. S. Crich •
2nd vice, Mrs. T. Kearns
Rec.-Secretary, Mrs. W. Manning
Cor -Secretary, Mrs. E.G. Courtice
Treasurer, Mrs. J. Steep.
Mrs. .Andrews was elected delegate
to attend the branch meeting to be
in the first week in
o •
Organizer Brubacker of the Retail
Merchants' Association of Canada
has been waking in Clinton •thi
week and as the result a branch is
likely to be formed here. The gener-
al object of the Association is to
secure- better conditions for the retail -
trade.' "We want to make it hard
to do wrong and easy to do right,"
says the organizer,
At a meeting held in the council
chamber • on Tuesday night, Mr. J.
W. Newcombe was elected secretary-,
treasuker pro -tem. Mr. George Por-
ter Goderich was present a‘n<
spoke on -the subject..
• Mr. C. Ward, while in London re-
cently went down to Wyoming to
visit his brother "Manny" who is
established in business there and do-
ing well,, We are always pleased to
hear of the success of our boys etber-
ever they may locate.
There was some talk of Mr. S.
Moffat returning to his farm east of
the village, but he has instead reut-
ed it for another terra of years. lie
is still • travelling agent for one of
the big implement companies, but
has as well invested. in
business in. London South which is
being managed by members of bia
family. ••
The St. • John's English church
held their annual .Thanksgiving ser-
vices on Sunday. The church was
most ° .beautifully decorated. Aluch
credit is to be given to the congre-
The chopping mill which IVir. Dan,
1VIeNaughton has opened, here will be
•a great convenience to thd farmers of
the surrounding coentry.
Mr, Andrew Dunkin and Mr. James
Johns attended Exeter Fair one day
last week. • ••• •
Miss Ethel Johns returned; home on
Thursday after visiting with her his -
ter, Mrs. H. G. Hutchings, for the*
last three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Higgins and
family visited under the.parental roof
Bayfield on Sunday. . ;
• Mr. and IVIrs. James Johns were in
Goderich township. on Thursday,
Mr, W. S. Archer, who has . had
Mr. S. Moffat's farm just oast of the
village rented for..& terra; is retiring
from farming and with his parents
and sister will likely take up lus
residence, in Exeter in the near fut-
ure. The farm which ho is giving up
consists of 132 acres and is one of
the host in the townahip. It has
been leased by•Mr. Murray Gibson of
the 2nd concession
The W. F. M. S. of the Varna
Presbyterian "church intend ;holding:
their • annuat •S thaiikoffering meeting*
en October' 7th. at 2:30 p. ni; Mrs.
ILwul 0! Ohnton is lo . *Mdress the
meeting. All ladiea et neighboring
auxiliaries . invitect to
are cox y
attend.. • , • • • . •
• Mr. D. *Naughton is this week
:Imlay repairing 'his shop so: as to
have it more comfortable for the
Mr. E. Latimer of Seafortli was in
the village .doing business on Mon-
•Mr., Wilson McAsh is busy. getting:
the material on the ground for the
new 'house :en the Parr Line farm.
• The trustees of -our school have
engaged thepresent teacher, Mr.
that •where a subscriber retnses ;10 • considerable change in the place sin -
take his paper from the post odic .
e et his last visit, nearly ten leers
and orders it sent back to the V"' age; Several new buildings haVe '
.,. lisher when there is subscription mon- been erected in the business section •
i 9' owing from him he is still liable of the town and they improve • the i
*"! for the continuing subscription until - town's appearance considerably. The
:. he pays the 'arrears. , .. aew 0 g
o t office building is very een-
...• trallyi,loeated and is a good I:tending
. • .
of red pressed brick. The interior of
• ...▪ • Mr. Henry Agnew came- home froM the, office is very conveniently •ara
111.P Sanatorhun at' Gravenhurst on ranged and finished off in the latest
" Friday last and on Monday he died Style. The ' new Wesley ' Methodist
at the home of his mother on Al- 'church is a neat , building of ed
• •• • bert street, He spent several years ! pressed briolc, Combo's new block is
• • . ' hi iVlanitoba,. working at his trade as an Aritprovenient and the new King
' •
There will be dispoSea of by public Auction • at the barber. In July he was taken ill . Edward hotel fills up a vacant spot
residence of Mr. Thos. Jackson Sr., High street, on . „:.; arid on consulting a doctor was with. a handsome building' of cemerit
•• . ,advised to go to California, He did (blocks. A large amount of new gran-
' so, but the disease, which' had att. (Attlee sidewalk gives the town, an
• ached him. made rapid progress and i.up-to-da,teness. While Clinton may
ATURDAY..;..00T. 5th.
• .
large quantity of Household Fuiniture, consisting hi part
1 Parlor Set, nearly new
1 New York Piano and Stool
Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus, billing ROOM and
Kitchen Chairs, Co6king Stove for ,Wood, '
Coal Box Stove, Any Nuniber of Pipes, 2 of
Webb's Patent Drums, Kitchen Furniture
and other articles too numerous to mention.
T. Jackson, D. Dickenson,
,Proprietor. Auctioneer.
' he returned north. On his way home • have a slightly larger post office and
• he spent a, couple of weeks at Gra- customs revenue than Wingham, it is
• venhurst, but the treatment, there not an hp -to -date town like ours,
t• to die. He • was twenty•!six very many respects but still it is a
• Years o age • wa n y
dale. It Is only a few months since good business meu, who arc 411 alive
Ws' mother became a resident • of to the benefits to be derived from 'a
Clinton. • (• liberal use of printer's ink,--mdingham •
" vias of no avail and he came home WitighaM can out -class Clinton in.
fand bor t Dr a- first-class- inland town and has ni;iny
+44444 -1.444 -14 -144 -14.4.4 -14+++++++++.1 -1 -1.4 -1 -14.1 -144c4. -14+;i:
44:4740044.••••••••••••••• ••••••-••••••••••••••••4,
• Boots and Shoes
Our genuine waterproolshoes for men are
all warranted.
1n ladies' wear we keep the latest styles in
the Invictus and Empress. No better footwear
in the market.
• Come to us for Rubbers.
R. 3. CLUPP, Clinton.
, ......•••••••••••••••11 .44.411.******4441*“.++.*
14414s. John Colborne • was called
away last week to Westfield .on ac-
count of the illness of her father,.
who died 'on Saturday and on Mon-
day Mr. Colborne and lainily attend'.
ed. the funeral.
Mr. W. Sinclair et having . a large
quantity of •hay pressed this week.
It is for W. Cudmore Kippen;,.,
A meeting is called for ThursdaY
evening to arrange for : a week night
meeting for the 'purpose , of Bible
study and prayer -in connection with
our church. • Rev. Mr. Rhodes is very
anxious for the hearty sympathy and
• co-operation, of the people of • this
vicinity in these matters. •
' Sacrament of :the Lord's Supper
will be administered next • , Sunday
evening. •'
Mr. J. H. Lowery has rented his
• farm to Mr. W. Sinclair who will use
• it mainly as grazing farm • as 1
intends going, into stock more exten-
siVely. • Mr: • Lowery will sell • off
Privately his f arm . stock.
Sunday was Children's Day in ,Wil-
lis church and the Sunday school
was unusually largely attended.
Superintendent Scott presided. Ad-
dresses were delivered by Revs.
Gunn, Hamilton and Manning and
Mr. J. Houston, The scripture les-
son was read by Miss Winnie O'Neil,
Miss Lizzie Chidley and WalterStew'
art. IVIusic was •furnished by ehoir
and school with Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn as
organist. Mrs; Gunn 'takes an active
interest in the work of the school
and trained the choir tor th4 day's
There was also a "Rally" in • the
Ontario street school, with the ef-
ficient superintendent, Mr. J. Taylor,
presiding. In his address upon "The
World's S. S. Army" he quoted sta-
tistics showing the sire of it and
dwelt upon the responsibility resting
• upon the teachers for •the training
of the army, Mr. nos, Murall spoke
upon the subject "I -tow to improve
the Sunday school" and from his
long experience was able to • draw
many leSsons. Mr. D. Ttplady, the
"loather of the tSchool," also spoke.
A solo , was given by Mr. W. T. Har-
land end duett by Mrs. B. J.
Gibbings and 1Vliss Gibbings. There
was a large attendance of scholars,
• parents and friends of the Moot.
'P1 ms
THE FIJNERAL. West Tuckerstnith.
The 'funeral af the late Mrs. A. W;
Brandenberger ' took place from • her
late residence on Friday "forenoon
to . St. Joseph's .church .where re.
quient mass was said by Rcv, Fath-
er Pensonneault. Many of 'our citi-
zens attended the service and at, its
• co,nclusion the cortege started •for
Mitchell cemetery where the inter-
ment took place. At Dublin over.
. twenty vehicles joined the procession
which was a large one when it rea-
ched the place of interment. The
services at the graveside Were con-
ducted by Rev, Father Pensonneault
assihted by Rev, Father Ronan of
the Logan church, The pallbearers
were P. J. &geoids, D. S. Cook,
J. Flynn, Thos. Beacom, P. Rey-
nolds and M. Drown. Among the re-
latives from a distance Iwho iittended
the funeral were: Mrs. Thos. Hack-
• nolly Petroit, ; Miss Abbic Costello,
Windsor, sisters of the deceased, and
• her brother, Thos Costello- of .Detro-
it ; Mrs. C. Brandenberger, Miss Am/
elle, Drendenberger and Albert Bran-
denberger of Stratford.
Mr. W, Ilrandenherger desires
through The News -Record if thank
the friends for kindness extended and:
sympathy expressed for hint during
Itis bereavement,
Geo. Shore, for aligner .year. •
..The Newa-Record gives the. news of
Varna and surrounding eotintry.
in London, returned last week.•
• • Rev. H. Gillingham ei Michigan
AU, John Ainsley of Wingham,
county engineer, was in the village
this week ou business. •
The following from, Bayfield at-
tended the Fair at Zurich last Fri-
day : Misses L. Elliott, Frances and.
Ina Fowlie, 'Clara and Letitia, Erwin,
Ada and L,ouella, Rouatt, and Messrs.
Chariest Marks and Alf Erwiu.
Mrs. Morgan, who has spent the.
past two years with her daughters
ia Dakota, returned to the village
the past week.
Master Willie Martin of TorOxito is
visiting his aunt, 'gips Lottie Mar-
Miss Lottie Ker of Clinton was tele
guest of Miss Grace Caraeron • the ,
past week:
Messrs. William Byandon. and Geo.
Erwin attended the Fair at Sea -
forth on Friday last.
Mrs. Weir and son of Milton, Nor- '
th Dakota, arrived here on Friday
evening last . to -visit her father, Mr.
Casimir Wild; who had been serious-
ly ill for a long time and passed a-
way .on Wednesday. evening, Funeral
took. place on. Friday morning. Mrs.
Weir did not arrive 'for several' hours
• Mrs.. Venstone; who has been . in
Ingersoll the past two months, re- • .
turned on Menday...•
On Wednesday evening of last 'week
there -passed into rest another ol the ,
pioneers of this section in the Arson-
of Mx. Casimir Wild, who had rea-
ched the good ripe old ' age of sevea-
ty .eight years. He was -born in Ger-
mpg in the year 1827 ane when,
•twenty five years of ago came to
Ontario and. settled in Waterloo co-
mity where he married Catharine
Vogt. Two years later he moved to
Stanley :thwnship and settled upon .
the farm on the Sauble• Line' where
he spent. the .remainder of his • life. • ..
'Thirteen years ago his wife passed ::
away and • now this. worthy men has ••
joined, her • lathe spirit land. To
them nine chtldren were born of
'whom only five survive, viz., peter, -
John and -Agri. Weir of Dakota, Mrs. :
Campbell„of .Stialey and Miss Maggie
'on: the • Ironies teed ; i The ' hineral": took .
place, on. Friday. last •to the Roman
Oatholic • cemetery at Drysdale where
the remains of• the upright man now, .
repose beside ...these of his tile p.art- . '
ner. A .largiolumber•ot friends gath- • ,
ered to pay this -tributeof respect.
to. the memoir, of the departed: . We
extend. our ..gynipathyto the 'bereaved
ones• . .
Mr. Janis Macdonaid • spent- a 'few'
days the past week : with his •ds.egli- ,..,
ter,' Mrs, John Torrance of olinten.
Miss'. Ethel Marks .visited friends in
London the Past Week. . : •
Mrs, H. Erwin spent a •.w.eek* with
friends in • London and Falkirk, • .
Mrs. (Dr.) Stenbury,' who has been •
spending 'a short , while with friendi ,'. •
.. „
Stanley Township. was the guest of his sister-in-law, •
• Mrs. • (ReV.) McNeil, . a few days the '
• couSins,
Mr. Wilbur Thompson of •Chicago is past Week. He occupied the pulpit
at present a guest of his
or st. Andrew's, church Sunday mot -
Messrs. Nelson and J. T, Keys of the fling and. evening. • . . '
Babylon Line. • , • . Master Reginald Marks is itteed-
s.twrooilgaro•at gt1h3editabbaytiolrsi:InPea:wwito AZ: nig the Collegiate at Clinton.' • , ,
. Air. J.anies. Rouatt has 'accepted: a •
very ill last Week; is better. ' ' position at London., • • ' .. , • -
Mr. Ernest Keys Of Shipka., .aeConi., Miss' Gower, who has': been a guest :
relatives: on the Babylon Line.'
Pe;r11 •a•t, the ..boinmercial ..-thi past few
don this Week.
'• slennitd a.. bistuhrisay.s.'.'er's'unadsy
M Chas Logan of - the Parr Mr.,. Thomas Blair of the : • police
Who was a g fordo,. Duluth; has been visiting fri- (P
. . gcohr-tc4r, , tovirMidsa..ysG,ela%t Douglas of has
. Line,
rBetliertei"-. ands .in the neighborhood. . •
A memorial service was held in
• • the Methodist church on• Sunday 'ev-
*Mr. • W, 1.4. Keys of the •13abilon ening:. in memory of the late Mrs.
Line attended Messrs .• J. R. and Williain' Parker (nee Dolly. Parsons)
Robt. Govenlock's sale of cattie at who died.in 'Dakota 011, Sept. 13th.:
• .
Mt. Charles Reid has purchased
sixty acres from Mr. John Lands -
borough on the Boman Line, the
purchase price being $3150. This is
considered good property as there is
twenty acres of Valuable, timber on
Mr. John Avery suceeeded in car-
rying off four prizes n,t the Seaforth
Show last week for horses.
It . is rumored that the wedding
bells will ring on the London Road
ere the New Year dawns,
25 cents will pay a subseription to
The Newri-Record to the end of Mi.
and a ith weeks, re • turned to nor home at Loa-
-ed home. . •• .
Winthrop 'on Tuesday: • A conceit will be given in the
- Mr. and Mra. Nelson Keys acorn, town hali on Friday night of this
panicd by Mr. W. Thompson of Chi- week in which Mr. Robert Wilson,
Mrs. Wm. Dickson of Bayfield.
cago, spent Monday with Mr. and humorist; of Toront..), will take a .
leading part. Mr. 'Wilson is a huriv.-:.,
Mr. and Mre. William Pollock 0; oust of* the highest rank and is hi-,
the Goshen Line visited friends in ghly ' spoken of by the preas. The
1VIa.rIcham "Economist says : ' "lilt•
Clehrt5 c°erintosnwilaill°11edntrild.Vou to become Robert Wilson, humorist,. of Toronto
a. •subseriber to The News -Record for took the house by storm with his. ..
the balance of 1904. variegated costumes, inimitable man.
Stanley is wen represented in- the ne a which he reeeived near -
r nd teking soiigs. The thunder- '
list or prize winners at the Zurich big ;applause
Fair. Mr. G. Penhale swept the 1Y raised the roof." The Toronto.
boards with his long wool sheep whi- World had the following : "The' hunt-
orous part, of the program was in
the hands • of Mr. Robt. Wilson and
the leading prize winners in hogs, double 'encores "were demanded On
Mi JSparrow's roadster span Overy appearance"
won first money and Mr. A. Dun- Rev. E. 0.• Jottings was 'in, London
can's driversecond. last Week attending- the executive
Sad fH ron
Ddeorwtsio irlreCnitinotornoosfent Sunday rs. ee, 0 n .
been visiting old friends in this vi-
cinity the . past week, returned home
Mr. Wm. Rathwell and Miss Stella
Mr. Gib. Dawson and Miss Mary in et fl ng of the yo o u
spent Sunday in Seatorth. • On 'Monday last,
Miss Emma Peek was the guest of We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
• Miss Laura, Richardson. on Sunday. Charles Cook, Goderich tOWnshinf
• Mr. Thos. Brownett has got his met With an accident that has nee-
• artesian well finished. essitated her being confined to her
On the evening of Sept. 23rd at bel Mrs. Partridge, Nvho ancompan-
their' residence, Tildea Farm, Mr.and led her, escaped with a shaking up.
• Mrs. James Spackinga celebrated
•their silver wedding, The table was 4
most beautifully decorated and alter
• •
a bountiful supper appropriate ed-
dresses were given by Rev. Mr. Mc -
N int 1VIr 'Will Jarrott Recite -
e a . . .
- ..-.... . tions were given by Mr. Stela of
Zurich and Miss Evans of the Subic
Buffett Township. Line. The presents were valuable
and useful. Among the guests to
Mr. William Farquhar has started congratulete the happy couple were :
to plough on the farm he rented mr, Gram, Mrs, Jarrott Sr., Mr.
from Mr. William Merri$01), and Mrs. Jarrott, Hensel!, and the
Mius Deny Cooper is visiting at Messrs, Jarrott ; Messrs, Stelck of
home for some time. 4, Zurich, Mtge Edna Deatty of Varna,
Miss Gertie Freeman has returned Mr. and Mrs. Win, Rathwell, Mr. and
home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Mrs. 11, peek, Mr. H. Peck, Miss
Moines Glazier of London'lemma Peck and Miss Dalyrnmic,
Miss May McKnight is visiting her
Bev. Mr. and Mrs, McNeil, Miss Ey-
sister, Mrs. Richard Tasker. ails, Mr. and Mrs. Trott of Herman.
Quite a largo number attended the Mr. Trott took it pheit0 of tile whole
tea -meeting at IVIr. Thomas Me- group. Several Other friends were:
Michel's' on Puesday evening of last • prevented from attending .by illness
week. ""' in the family.,
Stanley. Township.
Apple packing is the order of the
day itt this section.
Mrs. Sant. Greer of Howiek spent
a few days last week visiting friends
in this locality.
Mrs, Weir of Milton, North Delo-
la, arrived ,here on Saturday. She
was called home on ;gement of the
• illness oiler fa,thcr,btr. Fritz. Wilds
who was buried on Friday, the day,
before she arrived.
Mr. Alien McGee has purchased a
fine draught horse from Mr. Marquift
of Goderieli township.
Mr. Richard Penhitle was appoint -
pd, one of the judges of the hog
department at the Goderich
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Pee Of Zurich visited her
• neiee, Mrs. GPO. Dewar, last week,
. •