HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-22, Page 7•
September 22nd 1904
.I', D, MCTag art ;iaJ
Al4l.owE1i ON DEPOSITS. ..
Rattenbury Street Worxs
W. IIRYDONE, importers, ot'or•krnan-
BAR.R.I'STER, SOLICITOR.. slur! nod. Mattet•i:tl f;usratitetd.
01'FICg -Sloane .Block. CIrINT0N,
,J.G. SEALS a Co.
(Successor to ear. James Scott.)
office formerly occupied by ' •Mr.
James Scott, in e.elliott131ock
conveyancers, Cointriissioucrs,' Real
Estate and Iusurauce Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr. W. Germ 14. R. C. P. & L. B.C.S.•
Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn M. R, C. S.. lenge
L. R. C. P. I.ondoit
Night calls at front door of residence
vu Rattenbury strept, opposite
Presbyterian church..
OFFICE- Ontario street
OFFICE,,- Ontario street-CI,INTONe
Opposite St. Paul's church., ,
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, .Ear, Nose' and Throat
-Office aitd Residence •
North, of Rattenbury St.
Office- formerly occupied by Dr.Pal=
lister on- Main street.
knWIELD, = - -
-- •03�F:.1
Office adjoining Photo Gallery.
every day and Saturday, uigl.ts
to o'clock.
Specialist in Crean and Bridge ;V
1). 1). S.-Grad.:ate of. the .Royal Col-
lege of Dental S::rgcons of Ontar-
L. D.S.-First class Honor graduate
of Dental Departrrient ref lair}uto
- University.
Special attention paid to 1 •eservatiof'
of children's teeth.,
`fiTill be at the River hotel, 13aytteld,
every Monday from 10 a: iu• 1.0 er
p. 1n.
1.1.9.. J. FREEIMIAN
At member of the Veterinary' eleclical
Associations of London and Edii-
burgh and Graduate of the• Ontar-
io Veterinary College.
OFFICIO- Huron street-CLINTON.
Next to Coininercial Hotel.
Rhone 97
s s.
.�a�.i;e�.'�V. C
3,73. R'vumball Clinton
Ixtxlnisco xl>x'x'R x x ur autoommxaxitixrsisi
• L
g Surgeon, Oculist,
, Specia;ist, [J
.� Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and e
J Throat, visits Clinton
nioutl•.iyeel .L
tJ Nasal Catarrh and Deafness Q
fJ treated.
d Conlon Olhiee 225 Queens Ave. kat
'gee Clinton Office Coinhe's Drug. [It]
Store. Cil
' TTostes R a. 111. to 4 p.. it. Date
Ere es of visits -Tuesdays -Feb. a, X
i7 Mar. 1, 11 at . 29, May 3, May ®.
tie 3r, ,Tune 28, ,Tally 26, Sept. {i,
f]x Oct. 4, Nob. r, Nov, 29.
CT L i initiseq ttepet1felxlxixiott>+anelsc
aro Mcfllatft
The leading car-
riage makers.
tured on
the premises
and guaranteed
Repairing promptly attended to,
Huron B.t.;, Olimon.
TIig. GKiI:JoMutual Fire
IfsucafOe tom ars ..
-Eaten and. Isolated ' Town Property.=
• -Only. Insured:
T:• B..14leletean, President, . 'I. ippen P.,
Thos: 1eraser, .'Vice-president,
Brncefeld P. 0. ;. T..E. hays, 'Sec;-
Tre asurer, ' Seafortli. P: 0. •
William Sliest—ley,; Scaforth :.; • John
Grieve, 'Winthrop George Dale, Sea
forth ;.' John Watt,.'.Harlool ; '. John
Bennewies,' Brodhagan ; James Evans,
Beechwood •,' Jaynes Coiumony, Clinton.
Robert. Smith, .. Tiarlock )a. `xIin
cltley, Seaforth ; " James Cutniiiirtgs,
WP;igllmoendvllle ; ' J. W,. Yee, fIo1ines
•,,' -
Parties, deli o s. to effect .nsu anme
or transact other business will bet
promptlyattended .to on 'application
to. any of •tlit'r above officers addressed
to their respective .pastofliccs. Losses
inspected by ,the director who lives
nearest the scene.
Trains will. arrive at and .depart.
from, Clinton 'station a's'follows
Going East Express 7.38 a.m.
,i e . r r ,. 3.23 P.m.
Going East .5:2o p.in..
Going West. , I0.15.,a.tn.'
Going West ,Express . 12.55 p.m,
.arrive 6.15 leave 6.40
,,. ,,: 10.32 pan:
Going South Express • .7.47 atm:
4.15 p,10.
" North"I';xpress.t : Io.i5 eon,
• 5.35 p,111,
'A. 0. I'A1 bIS0Ni, Station Agent. .
F. R. HODGE :NS 'lbwte Ticket Agent.
J.1).. MAC1)ONALD, District • Passen-
ger 'Agent, Toronto.
,sem ^ f' 4311 n1:1-• x:.....,.,�
Wo(1(Il's ' I" Ircosaphodiuiuei
The °test English Reared.
is- an old, well estab•
lisbed and reliable
preparation.!Iae been
40 years, Al drag
gista in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend no bein
.lie ore and. After,, the only medicine of
its kind that cures arid
gives universal eatisfaetion..' It promptly and
permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak -
nos, Emissions, r5triermutorrheea, Xmpotemy,
and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive
nee of 2'obaoco, Opium. or stimulants, Mental
and Brain Worry/, allot which load to Infirmity,
Insanity Consumption and an Early Girave.
Price SI per trackage or six for 35, One will
please, six will rure.. Mailed prompty on re•
ceipb oil/rice. Send for free pamphlet. Address
The. Weed Company,
WN'Indaor, Ont', Cantley
'Woods rltospllo(line is sold in Clin-
ton . by Watts St. Co., 11.. 13, Combe,
Xi., 1'. Rookie and J. E. Hovey, Drug-.
gists, . .
inve1ekl a eendtng a oketen and' description may
eltiekl ascertain tint oprnien free whether an
��� eon's ttnn sttnrt to probably at ntabro: Oil Pa ee
t10»s,ittletl> c(rnudontlt'al.`IANDBDD>c oni?atea
sent free °meeterne?forseenong stents.
Patanttr taken t erne? Munn !r LPo. rot it
A FABIl1L'V L.iOt9Ar:11f`
The Best fuCurrent Literature
12 COMPLtre N'ovicLs VrtARLv
$2.60 poi vent i 25 !:rift A COSY,. I.
caN Iltlu�»
MARY lbllMMlclt COMMLE7` i!1
0 e
*mai notice, without o ante, Iii the•
The Clinton News -Record
A Note of Warning.
Back Satan 1 back 1 I 'break thy
cursed chain,
By Clara I -I. lk'fountcastle. Hear me, 0 Savious, gentle,- pitying,
The following lines are contributed mild ;
by the writer in aid of the present Rear me, O Father 1 hear Thy suif'-
movelnent to supress. . drunkenness. ring child
This sin is not worse than'ra nor» - Grant me in mercy yet another ray !.
Bid the "Arch Tempter to release
her sins to which the human race is : his prey !
In my worn soul let strife and tu-
mult cease ;
Lead me in , paths of purity and
3riglttcr, and brighter still, the star
doth shine,
Hear me, 0 God, and Make ,ntekevhol-
ly Thine.
Sound, from the heavenly throne;the
stillness breaks,
Burst from its bonds the fettered
7ul awakes ;
Higher,' and higher, through. the vau1-
d skies,
Pours forth the song of praise that
never dies,
Hallelujah 1 hallelujah 1, hallelujah !
"There. 4s joy in the presotlice of the,
angels of God over one sinner that
unhappily addicted. It is true tlt'at
it occasionally shows. up a 'little
more prominently while other sins,
committed with equally brazen lowed-
enco before God, are condoned and
made light of or hidden by .,the shad-
ows of the night,
Men .may read the scriptures throu-
gh and through and will not ,find a
word. said by God against the
Manufacture of wine and strong
drink, .hut he docs distinctly say
"Be y'e not drunken" and has given
many an. other commandment, but
what boy or girl ever thinks to they
the 'voice of God who has never been
taught to obey father and mother.
Solomon has said "Spare the rod
and spoil the child." -
It is' through teo "lax a government
in the home that nearly all the pre -
stint evils of satiety may be traced.
If fathers • would• make a law to
have their children home before dark
'and take Solomon as a guide and
apply the rod when that law . was
broken, and if 'they would endeavor
to entertain them. there, 'thus mak-
ing home the happiest place on, .earth
there would he. no need for. Local
Option, no time to cultivate bad
habits, . a new and • better 'race would
spring. up and more .Godly living pre-
vail. • • '
• When we think of - the heights.. to
•whieli man 'could attain we- shrink`
with horror on viewing the depths of
his fall. - .
11'Ian,' -made in God's Own image,
Most to all sense of decency, grovell-
ing in. the gutter, •
Again -if women would spend halt
the time - and 'energy' that they. cmn-
aumei iii' afternoon callings; evening
meetings: anti dress parade on the
culture and 'entertaiumcnt ot . their
children in 4,1te home, .drunkennas i and
debauchery would soon be a- thing .of
the past.- • • •
What ' kind of : a home must the:
boys and girls have who continually
roam the streets from eight till
eleven o'clock in, the. evening, and
often till twelve - and one in the mor-
ning ? •
What', softs of 'parents have they ?
And: ;what will they .say-, on that
Great. Day when the secrets of all
hearts shall b.,e , disclosed' and • God
asks thein what they. have done :with
the souls' IIe ..committed : to their.
'the . poem telis. the story .of. a Aran'
Veho.awakening in the gutter on :a
dark night, saw'his shame and guilt
and .alined froth his .evil •course. "•
Dark.l. oh so dark it -no ray from ':.out
the skies'•;`
Dark 1 -as • the darkness ,in my.;sold'
;•ahat.lies•!;` • • •
'Oh, could'one glean of h„lit to lire
..1,c .given
To guide . 'nty wandering footsteps
nearer: Heaven !
Once.• -I was pure and innocent, ... and
free •
From sin's polluting touch its in-
• famy..
0 iiiorn-of life'! for .thee..soul .
doth yearn;
0halcyon time,. that. never can .re-
• turn ; `.
When. pure of heart from' sine n)y'
conscience free '•
With. longing eyes my.' soul looks bac,
to thee.;.
A'. brilliant . spot .on fast. :.•
shore ;- . • •
Beyond my reach, My ,hope, forever,.
I stretch my: hands,: alas t alas 1 fit
Y >.
h?o powea' can give thee beek..to• inc.
again • •
From where' I stand AO. view. thy
beauteous sheen,';
A black abyss of sin lies, .in. between
A sin, --that shuts, an.d''doubly ..bars
the ,door,
Closing the' way to peace: for ever
more. - ..
0 wherefore didst 'thou wander, soul
of mine 1
'Throeg lr 'darkened' realms where shirr es n'c,. light divine ? .
'A willing servant in the' ways''of•slt, •
Defaced. without,'. corrupt and, foul
within. d
Beside me.'stands, ,'amid the; awful
gloom,. • .
The - fiend thattempts atter hires Inc
to my doom. • •
Holds forth in. brilliant beauty,bri-
The deadly sin for which my feet
. have strayed ; '
Par from the paths my early root-
r l -
steps t o(,
That marked the Way to' purity and
Gott .
Off Satan ! off 1 begone and seta nue
Izcer F.
Yet sin•: my sin -how can I • part
with thee',
Cherished for years. within this
breast of mitre ;
Pot thee, :1 lost what was a . love
• divine ; .. ' -
1+"or_ thee, to• endless darkness -no 1
ah no!
Back Satan ! back 1 I will no further
Awake, oft gout 1 ..and listen to the
call '
01 conscience, sounding in thy fhtl•1;-
encd hall.
F'en now a star shines, feebly on my
• way;
Yes, there is fight 1 could I but kneel
and pray 1
l+"tither in tu>.erey, hear my , supplier
. cry !
List while a'tortured, sinful soul
draws nigh ;
The Voice of prayer is never. heard in
' vain.
$ddtntUUic .lmerkran. Once you become aequalnted with
A, handsomely llrnntratnd weekly. 1.segest eta the' merits of Dr. Chases" Oletment
,ulatten at any nlonttnn ftn»rtiar 2,lrmR,Ege and the iseores of ways in Which it
eartfntirinantiiar4k tlodbyailnewedVeatores is Useful in eveey home, you would
o o u B8tl3tuatrwttq, 8W At... not think of being without it. I'.ca-
Aranen oMce, ` ht, Wathingtoti. li, g
erne, salt rheum, scald head, tetter,
I veysal±1 ieailoatllriisinfoCtantStld1 naffing, chilblains, hunts, scalds and
every form of skin irritation and >r«
Powder Is better than ether north itntv(teri; option soon yield to its extraordix-
Many a .ttamily ;s kept poor by do-
etor's bills when •just as'pod ,and
sftentiines' better results could be ob-
tained by the use .of Dr., Chase's'
dney-Live} pills which se* at 25 Cts,
a box: of twenty-five doses. As one
.pill 'a day is the most frequent (low
under any circumstances there •ist no
treatment obtainable' which costs so
little; and at ' the sante time none
which brings about such excellent
results is 'berangement, of the kid-
keys, liver' and bowels..
We would ask: our correspon-
dents to . send in their; budg-
ets each week -whether they
are little or big. We. are look-
ing to the interests of our
. subscribers in their . particu-
lar •locality, 'and want the
news whether it is little or
much. Sometimes you'. May ,
not' have 'much: news . to send
but don't keep that little until
you have more. When trews is .
scarce, that is the time your
even one, is' especially ap-.
• preciated by the ':reader in
Your section. Send a big,' bud-.
get every week it you can, if: '
not; .the small ene will be wel-.
coined:: Any of our. dorrespon
dents who are .in need of the
• required stationery,. kindlylet
nas know.
'Use Dr.,_ Hamilton's 'Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut. :They cleanse
the; . stomach and 'bowels, assist the
liver in removing bile, .and cure tho-
roughly. Use - only.- Di. I1amilton'a
Pills. Price: :25c..
Wenow off the • following
ei low
rates for trial .subscriptions • for bal-
ance of 1901:
The News -Record ' 2'5c
-News-Record and. Mail. and .
Err pare ,,..: . 50e
NeWs-Record and :Family
. Herald„, , 50c
ews-Record. and 'Weekly .Sun•50o.,
'Subscribers to the Mail and. Empire
have choice of one of these; pictures
'Contentment,'"The Miner's. Fare-
well,'r `On .the Edge of .the Herd,”
or an enlarged picture of Mr, R. L.
Borden. '•
NI It alef eta as a dirainteetaut, el'. ary soothing healins influence.'
IC 'your" . hacks aches and you suffer
from dragging pains it is ani 'evide-
nee of diseased kidneys. Get Ferro -
zone at once and take it regularly.
Ferrozorie makes kidney .sufferers feel
better, et once. "I w as bothered a'
great deal with my kidneys last we-
ar” writes S. G. Denton of ,Everett
"but got quick relief from Ferrozone,
My trouble manifested itself by pain
:the • back, dull heavy feeling and
constant headache,' ' I' quite recovered
after using a few boxes of Ferroaone
which has' given me•more strength
and fattter health •than•X `.ever had,
before. •I' can recommend' Ferrozone'
as a positive cure." Price 50c.' at
all druggists, .
The News Record
is published •every Thursday at•
The News -Record Printing House
Terms, of subscription -$x. -per ,ear', 411
, y
advance ; $r.5o may be citatgcd if
not sc paid. No paper dis.:ontinned
until all arrears arc paid, unless ai
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription. is
paid is denoted on the label. •
Advertising rates- Transient adver-
tiscineets, zo cents per nonpariel
litre for !first, insertion and 3 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Small advertisements not to exceed
ono .Melt, such as "X,ost," "Stray-
ed," "Stolen," ete., inserted ouzo
for 35 cents and teach subsequent in-
sertion 10 cents. .
Cotnnitunications intended for pubiica-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be aceoinpattisd by the name
of the writer.
To insure publication in carrelit istrue
copy of a(tvertiseinents should he
stmt iii early.
Contract ratefa••The tollateing table
shows our rates for specified per-
i rods and space
1 yr. 6 mo. 3 1118. x mo.
i Column $70 00 $40 00 $2g, 00 $8 5o
'4 Column , 40 o0 zs. o() 15 oo i`t 00
rl Coluntfi ' s5 00 15 'oo 8 oo * ;so
Column z8 00 10 od :10450 ac:ot Tiiclrb00 g000s3W..1.MXTCIYl[ , #,dirert lt,or.
A very pretty aster wedding was.
solemnized on September 12th at the
residence of the bride's father,. Mr.
Henry Halstead, the eontractitij pan
ties being his youngest daughter,
Miss Deborah Halstead, late of De-
troit, and Air. ,Stanley Whiteman of
the Detroit Carriage Co. The par.
forwas tastefully deeora.ted and a,
alcove formed of lovely large jardin-
ieres of blossoming begonias, over
which ,an arch of evergreens was for-
med, interspersed with a 'mass ot
ptsttk and white asters, under which
the bridal party _ stood. The bride
came .in on the arm of her -father,
who gave her away. Rev. James
Magee of the, Baptist church tied the
nuptial knot at 8 p, nit • The bride
wore a very pretty gown ,of whi
India muslin with flounce at bottom
of skirt, which had two deep tucks.
and two deep tucks were laid a few
inches above tile• flounce. The has-
que waist and collar, yoke and,ber-
tha, made all in one piece, of liar-.
row , valenciennes lace, sewed to-
gether and deep cuffs, of same, sash
of white liberty satin,''a star pity
of brilliants and opals, the gift of
the groom, at her corsage, and Whi-
te aster in her hair, completed • the
bride's 'costume. The guests were all
relatives of the .bride. and groom,
being Mr. and Mrs, 0, E. Whiteman
and babe Madeline, Mr. and Mrs. 0
K. Whiteman and children, Miss Whi-
teman and her sister, Miss Winnie
Whiteman, sisters of • the groom; and
Mts. J. A. Macdougall and babe, alt
of Detroit. .Tlte wedding supper was
served at . 6 p, m. and at 9. p.• M. af-
ter the wedding, a • luncheon was -pre-
pared at which all were served with
ice cream . and cake. Conversation
flowed, irttermingl.ed with pleasing
retniniseenccs,•.uittil a .late hour, Thr
newly married couple will. reside ir
Detroit. .
Such. Bain and endure the• torture
of nervous headache when a quarter
buys a bottle of ,Nerviline which bey -.
fails to relieve. trust a few drops
of Nerviline in. sweetened Water cur-
es nervous _ or sick "headache, relieves
heart palpitation and makes you feel
b'ette.r• immediately:. ,Nerviline can't
bebeaten for quick curing stomach
and 'bowel troubles and 'should; biro ke-
pt in every home; It's, good to rub
on for external pain' and excellent
for ..inward'use Sold in' lenge, 26c.
Goderich. ••�;
Miss :Grace. Polley will leave for.
Visit to friends• in Chicago.. • •
Miss Vida"'Brown has gone to .thee
General hospital at . Saginaw ,in.ira-
tning for a •nurse; •
Miss [
A auric Watson attended the
London Exhibition. .
Mr.. Fred, Shannon of. the Govern-
ment staff is titer guest of •;;tis loath-
er; Mrs. W. D. Shannon: .•
•. The : social hop , at Oddfellow's •hall
Was Well attended on the evening of
Thursday last.' The Blackstone'or-
chestra :gave unbounded'. satisfaction`
in .every. way. They had ` several new.
airs, one of them being :very much_
admired,:."I'Iandsorne . Marey„ a two
step. They . have some' ntimbers With
Vocal ,Parts-'
' which the. ,members sing
most 'pleasingly. Mr. Mills of .Pe-
trolea, ,Mr. Fred, Shannon` .of :; Otta=
Wa,; Miss Barron of Toronto and
Mr. Wesley McLaren of .Toronto and,
Miss Ida Welsh ,of Stratford were•
all guests .at the hop
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. rias.
been used by millions .of mothers for
their children while teething .If dis-
turbed by night and broken of your
rest .1 y a stick child 'suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a bottle. of "Aire.'
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child
ren teething_ It ' will . relieve the poor
little sufferer : immediately. Depend •
alien it, mothers, there is no . mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic, softens the .Gams,: ;reduces
Inflammation and gives tone -and cite
ergy , to the whole system. "Mrs..
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription. of , one of. the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses • in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists, throughout the world', )3e sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup,"
oothing.'Syrup," -
woman as permanent representative
of big manufacturing company, to
look after its business' in this coun-
ty and adjoining territory. ;Busi-
ness successful and established. Sal-
ary $20.00 weekly and, expenses.
Salarypaid weekly -front home of-
fice, Expense money advanced, Ex-
perience ,pot essential. Enclose self-
addressed 'envelope, General Manag-
er, Como• Block, . Chicago, 33-8
BioneSs fi ciLONDere
Each pupil is given Yin•
dividual instruction,
The Shorthand System
taught is that used by till
newspaper.. and court re.
.Best 'syetems of 13ook-
keeping,Penmanship, Arith- -
motto, et0,i thoroughly
Bituatlous guaranteed
to every Graduate,
• ` cieretodti5 Pm,
Wm. r ! 1. L...i.. 0C3C30
rfoay(a c�.Ft
GAL sou EN4006PiiE ' p ' Al
11,E 9de. le
The• old-fashioned. bake -oven was the best our great grand-
mothers could get. They baked in it in a Kind of a way and
were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But
the modern housewife wastes time andgood food when she
fails to avail herself of the 'improvements of the
Imperial. Oxford Range
No other range on the market can do the baking this oven
does. The oven is kept evenlysupplied with fresh super-
heated air all the time.
See this range at your dealers or write to us direct.
The. Gurney Foundry Co., I,imted
Toronto, Canada
Siontreai Winnipeg Vancouver. 12
For sale by Davis & Rowland.
Dr. Cook's Letter
Continued from page 4,
on • •.July 4th, 19(11, •there were none.
Because of tite moral effect of Local .
Option C'hristian people in t'anadi
'arid the U. S. are going in for T.o-
cal Option in increasing numbers.
Just - as two ' mechanics during the
13,oer wits wore • looking at, a map of
South Africa and seeing. here and
there the British "Tied" in the . niap
Jim .said td• his companion, •looking'
Over . the space occupied by the
Transvaal and Orange River zt.
publics: "they will soon be allied "
"•Well, we know. flew 'Jim's opinion
turned out.
So I take the neap. of Canada with
the black of .license over so 'much of
the occupied space, but with signifr-
eant patches of ,tire .white of i?roltib
ition'•here. and there to .ltll •the Pro-
vinces and as they spread• from year,
to year we, may . say it w11 soon: be
all white. Let us have a white. spot.
here in Clinton: arid' it Will not be
long before grand old Heron will re-•
deeni herself . and put off her dark
and 'sombre garments of license that.
she mayadorn' the more beautiful
garments of . Local : Option.. I.t' is no .
fancy picture that We paint .but a
glorious. ' reality ' :that with' Local
Option : fewer crimes willbe commit-.
ted, 'fewer, homes .will mourn in' sad-
ness fewer children "•will go 111 clad,
fewer wives' will have ,to toil •and
suffer and fewer soars will be lost.
Then I 'say when, we have an opp.or-
• tunity tohelp morality, . and help the
social, • mental and spiritual . Well
being :of the • people lets ifs .do.,; it.
Thus far our position has not •. been
inet and contradicted- that Local'
•Option is in the: interests of ,moral-
ity. The contrary position has been
met and can be . yet further: substan-
tiated if occasion should should 'id
require: 'In'•.our., next.' we will deal.
with the financial' side 'Of :the ques••
tion. .
twinge tee young to tatro inttdirine vita be
u ,1 of el oup, Whooplrig inti t1i arra Quite' Le'
,, V .; .. ('inetnette Alter bre n iG it.
i ' SLASI•;S
OI�1L OI' Tug � ILI7ST i7T
Is , catarrh 'which• first attacks the
nose and throat and finally .spreads
all, throughtate system. The sne sure i
cure is fragrant • healing Catarrhoz-
one which is sent by the air•you bri
eath direct to the root of the trobbe.
le: Mr. T. Y. •MacVicar.•of Yarmo-
uth,` suffered for years from catarrh
and says, ' ''Iii my long • experience
with this+ loathsome 'disensc I never
usee and . remedy that: relieved and
cured so promptly as Catarrhozone.
Whenmy nostrils were so stuffed up
that I Couldn't breathe'I found a few
ii;halabions;, of Catarrhozone Was . sof
ficlent tc! clear . away the mucous, I-'
am -perfectly` cured by Catarrhozone
and free from the -disease entirely."
Ilse only Catarrhozone. Complete
outfit, $1.00 ;:. trial size. 25e, '
• Miss Elia Collinson :and and Mrs.
Coltrttall' were colttpahioris of Miss
Henna on her I return tfrom •Detroit,
Mrs. R. Jones 'attended the Lon-
don Exhibition. for two days last.
week, '
Mr. and Mrs. Parker; who are.,
spending the summer: oli Essex str-
eet; • spent two days last week at.
their ILondon residence.
Stern .Winding
To calrattention to our immense
= stock of modern watches, we make'
this 'itnpar'ailed offer : • .
21n Open Pace Stern
.Winding and Stem
Setting 2l m e rican
• Lever Watch in .
Strong Nickel.
ease.... •
guaranteed an excellent timekeeper.
Should it' fail to give satisfaction,
• • I will replace it with another any •
• time within one. year.
As the cost is farbelow' the
'Wholesale price : one only will be'..
mailed :to .any address in Canada .
on receipt of one dollar, rood seven
- cents for postage. ` Money refunded .
if you do not likethe watch. ...
- Descriptive circulars mailed free'
on` application.
Your visit to the Western ern 'Fair
1 •9th to, ,.7th Sept.! will give you an,
'.opportunity of inspecting these
watches and our general stook.
john S. Barnard, .
170 Dundas St.,: = LONDON,
London's. Jeweler.
:fernier's:wife, `.whom we• Met ..
the;other day,.'told es that it is•
iiow almost impassible . : to raise
chickens; for _they seem, ,in spite'` of
ell.'the farmer's .care, to fall a:.r
easy' prey •to hawks,,:' skunks' .and
''��`011d only Walk
r i Bed to Chile.
tor years a su•f;'erer:f kora
neydisease•-Out ed by . Dr,
'Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Ma, Sakinr.: SPARLD1O, Ladys;tiitli, Pontiac,
(o , Que., Writes :-" 1 have users Dr Chae'a.
ht.lney-Liver Pills andbelieveahere is no medi.
rine to equal them. I as troii b ied
n w b for 'eats '
with kidney disease and this treatment has cored
me. • 'When E began to use these. puts I'. could :•
'only walk frotn'my bed
to a chair. Now I can
go to . the. field and
work like. any man..
They are an excellent
met'icine.. Dr, Chnse'<,
• Ointment is a perfect
cure for itching pile's.
One box cored tee
ci members of my that)
0,4 who hae suffered from
l ) ��' this watched ailmen.
ir' r for four -years."
MR. SPAI1LING Because, of their din
cat and combined action on kidneys; liver and
bowels, Dr, Chase's' Kidney -Liver Pitts cure
where ordinary medicines fail, •one pill a dose,
'26cents a box, The portrait and signature of
Dr, A. W. Chase, on every box.
Dr. Oiiase's Eaokache Plaeter prnmptly
relieves pains and aches.
Gree Shorthand.
Shorthand, like all other inventions' and discoveriras,
is continually improving. ,
The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed•
system is the Gregg—over aces loading business schools
have adopted this system and discarded the older ones.
The Forest City 13usinoss and Shorthand Collage
teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And
every other department is my to the same high standard
of efficiency.
Students may' enter any thie during term k}ooklet free.
J. W. Wcstervclt, Principal, 'VA , `.A. Building, London.
�.._. erMrearlalla.i _ .y ._r.ti.s: -