The Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-22, Page 6Way System, who has Jest returned
from the "yrtorld's Peir" at St,
Louis, some interesting information.
was gleaned regarding this largest of
Expositions ever held. Many of the
Eastern. people, said Mr, 'Charlton,
•chief anXiety Was 'lest tha Itursolene e Underthe intpression that tho
suTlice"ersota r'west.oilr,earticiltYmeiene,•15gettritriiaa.:L 11 LORD ii*Extp' =sr._ should leave Port. .A.r.telenr before his are
e of, St: Lords at this
• torpedo-boat dreisiotts reached it, time of, the year is unbearable and
t Age'rdi w a'
$82,1500. „ The bill doing setewas sub- :ilia 1,i, governorship is so recent as case the squedron IleareAdMirel roomer mid the average for the pat maideps, sewing on the
down • the , stilarY 'front $59,0 (I to eenciregemeral of, Canada, In 18 8, and,„Varia,g rat eapo, ut which point. This imprecation is quite Pictures,. rehoevin.g busy white -collie -1
atilueritly .diSallOwed by the ImPerial tO-eactiiire no reference,. He was born • Drin would probably be. annihilated week shows 72 degrees. The days ' ding robes of the young queen—Wo-
antherritiee—One trio very few qamt: educated at at. Andrews The first reasielarance he tied :came are pleasant and •the evevings' cool man's Joirreel,
17TIF-5‘7"117-T '"'"7',19611ssicir-71.111140111111rtenseinerseereeperer-
" se et^ "'" •
Otlit KIM111011-
VOrd, DepeCit
.lettreorye of MOS* Who
Treenelnel Hines •
Catteidele • Ai* GenternOr-04Prieria
watv Lord Moat*. lie les4 ;Oise to
Old Canada Itt8 Governor before Celine
fpcietatien, • theatelY, in CetedWo •
3861, and was prtvileged to lint ellif LON NATURAL,*
HeW BOIniniOn inanglItatest% ge re! •
Ana thuN 81htnt "4"4 44"*nent°134 tly.-Jtartfe"fortnt tli A'SALADA'!'11111koR
sonterwinit startling opinion was
13utrineea deals with each other,
years irt thie canary-4.We tryleg
W*4 1 ''d • 'a It twangy 20 and 4109 r
papers,e, certified warra.nty deed was
thee, Ministry. 'and the effort. to care' 111Y all 'grocer** f found which deeded to Satan alt his
ter; Innen. like 0414411034- mai ton ,
. I earttlify possessions. The will was to
wrOte Sir Joh' Xaodonald, to a , ,
friesid; "and shall vary-S0rry ()WA "rights and " THE $4114ird'ESS" XN Watt I the Was st.fect. The fanaller have re-
hetleaves, AS he has been Very. Prue- coId: ot the fettrtbenth • Pee'seely, triad to Ireek the ' will, but
dent and nfacient atiMiniatrator ,OI, ocrcotto; was selected as Gov- Has served. the ,T*P11,40.03 in the So te,r have beeri unsucceeefuli thus
public Affair& He bee managed the ernor-GOnerale He had been in the Present war. ,the records Plainly show that his
Sulphuric- Majesty has a legal right
reletiOnS betweel% Cilitaits• and army and Qfilw "oral Wreiess telegraPhY aeaneanwe of and title to some eicellent ground in
resew:mei- and 'durieg all 6 iintetl7 yarfi ,01.1..tha cleaVi 01 his bro- scattered 11Cet.dui4ing NvIir intenereuvrea eimple ,people of the neighborhood
loatEct WACO till Novel= ere 1868. hi Pure; dellolOuil and
ERN .tea Maio
bonerrolflal to -heal iv
IllAXIMelif Ails A' 10,431111414110+ •
ti only oes snot on the
sts.rtil'e eerie" that has acteally been
willed, deeded, and 'bequeathed to his.
Seemed* Mieteety. This spot lies
four miles and a hell south of Nellie
ingfors, Irinlend. A. row peer* • ago
Leeer, Huilariene .ditel in the little
10130. AS 111B
town of Piellejarvt, in the above- 4
named country, leaving considerable
reporter In the 'have of landed es- And DrOM a reed up Man He Be-
ate. flow he had come into rename
seen of So much lead no one qeereftl
to keow, but as be wars a very bad,
r!. It
nig in
, citizen it was meetly arinlittid
that he was in league with Wdota,-
tkeu. Metall). and that tneY had
Searo Of PartY deadloelt, the Veen. naq,,,n,lit .0 ,0 verified when airtoeg old aelarierie's
-United States ever singe Ifile been ConeerYtetiVe..Atireinintretions. A few coniraunicatien. hefiween shiPs of a the neer vicieity of 1-felsingfors. The
ren• War with. infinite discretion." ter, Who Was unmarried,: he slue- is batting its IVA. reel' telit. the Have ,ehanged the cefOree of the road
LW% MOO,* *fie Peer, the eeened to the enefeet, `learlithint .of preeent struggle iii'tbe 'fitr Octet, and whieh, fori?erly skirted the Iluilariehe
netertli viscount of the nettle, Was Derby, ". In Canada., Lord Stanley in. at least one •eaee heet deeie what e thticlItstgeeeetlii:etetheatet.
• lirerneire 'etntritY '110Pere..7 1.0-9‘ was aNiaYs Dotullar, s although, not a . was predicted' of ite-riiitified, oriel fleet her°,,oraultengo enAtnet
-*Needed .4t Triniter Dublin, Milli/Mt man in pubeic-ariairs. gel of the- presence of, an errealY. Satin and Co. for all the money
and sueended to the title in 1849, Stanley. were Well liked by Although thereeleave attempts that the three estates would bring.
'Sat instlfoldritish House ef,Ceenietene'rente. in contact With to Maintein fescrecy in reciejsatehee by •
for severel, ,yeera„ and yap lord there, fi.tiel.iltrlitingh` the peeitical sits use of differently, "taped" ifistrue . •
or the; treesury ip' the paltheretore nation -at the time was somewhat reentS, the jAnaneee instruneente Txr.p w0331T.Ps PAIR.
AtlinheiatratiOn from ;1855: to lop. "story owing to the anti -Jesuit agis havabeen affected by. the Rifeeiren de-. •
#9, *AO rreeted Baron °fettle steition, the GoVerelor acted in 11, SPAte110S. On ilk night ofeEebreery • In conversation with Mr. H. R.
„Icipadorti; with a• seat in the strictly coinftatutionn,1 manner and 8th, after. ReareAdneleer eTclger had Charlton, 'of the Grand Trunk Rail-
XfonSes, Of, Lords, et Confeideratien, as retired. trete. the. country ,Witre the (12tictsd rispt and sent Reer.s.M-
' trihnte lo his services in mangure esteem of all. ,,T,he either 4ay -he was muse vvi. a, este 1 squadron
'1.'ting, the union. He died in I8,94„ elebted to tweeted the Duke of Devon- and two divisions torpedo -boats
and was Succeeded by. his erdest:Obee. mitre as President or the *lee& ran- to Cheraulpo, and. had gone with the
the pi-a:Sett' Lord lionek, lint since itistreturn to rest to head Oft the main Ruerdern
, . . pen_ fleet, at Port Aktbure Admiral T4o.'13
LORD L S R. Epee: .tend Juts not taken pert 'ih
' meat hads in a fit of eceelontY, en• , „en as aPP inted Qov- and should have Jor the Koreeta that tlie mercury reaches a high
. ,
cal,me as Smert Boy.
'Orland, Ont., Sept,
Mr. Cheater Loonris, an old end re-
spected farmer living ie. thin oection,
is spreading breadeast the g•ood
new e that Inuld's Xidney Pills are
a sure ettre for the Lame Back and
Kidney Diseese eo cominort aeons
old people, Mre Loonier eays;
'1 tun 70 yeare of age and smart
and, active as a boy- and X giVe
Doildet Xidney Pills- all the credit
:'Bjetfore I started to use Dodel'n
Xidney Pits I was oo used up X -
could hardly ride in a buggy and 1 '
could not do any work of my .
Everybody thotight I woold not ham s
tiTanngtitio.ericieenfreedym'ssetioXyt!,td:eeyyoriu411: znaare0.y
wrong hitt the Xitineye of the old P. .o. Boos at. co.
Mast be, wrong, • litwki's Kidney Pine
melte all wrong Kidneys -right. That -
is why they are the old folks' great*,
est friend.
Wheu Queen Wilheinrina of the
Netherlands Was married, • Prencti
dukes gave her pearls end German
princes gave tier geld and genie, but
Oom Paul "sent her a thimble, And
it wasn't a mere silly, gereeencruste
ed, queenly affair to put in a •glaee
case, It was 'eensible and solid and
practical, And symbolic of industry. -
It was of gold; end, all around' the
best were beautifully engraved little
adieu laws ',with which Beaming Einci Kyireetl, 4iled the Vice-Itoyalty duritg tli rl h
• . o ea y, evene7, ,,, i e. et and comfortable: Thoueands of
toe*dectined the °like. 5.sorel MaYti, 011(1 Was wan.,epnerinted teeCitaada betsMr; tY. nines front Port Arthur. The Wires all partis of the CountrY and during ache? Do . you feel eroirsy?. Do your
wild, had. . aceePted. threat 'It'. i,I.P 'in glatlitOne dOthi the last . weirder- lees ;instrument on the tier -Snip s,utte .the rest ofthe life of the Exhibition limbs feel heavy? . Have you frequent
dieguet, gen ,weet• to India, where Ones (.:if. 'that, ,gieat, .sta,tespaan, Lord derilY began wOrking,• picking,.., s(apendcems:
bp, Ails tlenesinated,, IinallY, "Sir ,rtheecreeri, like his "brilliant: predeeess raYsterieus . inainetge frorie'tbe
John eteuneeewhee had jit't, re:tarried. eloiesUrei Dtifferirt, Wes in: office when liloet . of it weir ,unintelligible .to the meth , . undertaking. ' To avoid the pressed? es your
p . beverill lbsite)ve hvilillstitez‘?ecisthi°e1' Mthabmue7. 17vdeacyhoPsu? dizzli;"feLiYliti6i/ctiryalit:rnegliyaveovuls.i;d:e.:- ?
see 0, 6
Street .ha n ever interfered. Several...0, Iretand for,a short tinier 1888.- eras out of sfght iatid. or for- ple are now reaching : St. Louis from, Fiume leesnave _ Haw you
INI0 Pry In 0 Hours.
, Inds et Iferdwere Peelers
Montreal, 'Toronto, 'Vancouver.
• i
Potatoes, Poultry
Los es have your comsheninent of a
• get you gOd
THE-DAW§ON ,COIVIII/11S$1014 00' • .Linaited
tter, Apples
.4„ thee, artideal end Iva will
4,1 Flee,. .
feorelie. Gerverettiershel4e,.of,'. ar. Sreatli ne.chenge. • in governnient. took place. .41)?,s. 'Pre afgY, on .aecoent. of eiels.
lvii,:e., WaS`,.appeint , 'He had hail. in_ 001%44, with all its resultnnt agi- er ' but one wqrd Was. peaen—Aseot(r.
Jong pe_periatice....11ns Official life, . si
s -P, tatiOnS 'and , recriedinationEe He it,iya The Askold .w4s" one Of the , •Iltieeian
. ,. . . • , . , y: er ears 'who 'devoted SO pill& "Cr'LliS6": ana th.! despatch 'was avie
dently „from ote.lerf the Ruselaii fleet.
LORI of the- Treasury Chief Seeres void • Ai; d i
tary for . Ireland; and ConnillesiOner ore her time to , good Work. in . i this
ef'-' the Terdan, Islands. He. was ,c?Mritry, lett the Deurinion, with the The ship whieh - gene ft Could . not
sworn in as .. Governor-Gerieral in ineeitiest good wishes of the teastseS hate been far below the hori*on, Per-
taiely nowhere neer Ohenuilficere and
vet:else:re, 1800, and held the office eet• the people. '0013* 'to the, fait
the elapanese were at. one encoiirtigt;
til/..; jana 1872. He Was Created ha's' 'pnrty has been in opposition
• ed to liehe e that t e
v t be nemy were
Baron Lar. In the °Pinion , of
titin,03:•;his return 'lb' h•lbglaiiti; Iend
Arthur har or. That proved ' to he St Louis, the rumor. of tv en un . . ,
Sir' John Macdonald, who Waf3' Rrirrle -N•130,rdeeti'las not filled a place in
Minister 'during his whole teen' -0/, any ,Governinent,, but he I'S a•Liberal
office, be was "an ideal GoVetitors" i„e-t-er of distibetion; and Upon .the
a;blest or all these. under ' Whene .feat of the Belfottr Ministry will al"
. that experienced . statemnan, had feerVe n.Mst certainly have a eltece in a new
ed. Lord • Lisgar died In 1.876,. 'not Minh -try.
• a . • • •
•leing atter leaving : Canadit and' have .
ing no heir .the titlnbecteine extinet. . •
' e• eN ' : ushe Earl of 'relent°, Whose toiler of
e•OHD• 'R • (since is now drawing to a cease,
The *brilliant ,ISerl Of .1)tifferin AS- Was. appointed, Governor-General July
sumeti the .,Governorship• June,. 25, .180$. On.' knew Canada well,
,187t/, He was PeretniallY the dltOst *ba.Vings been militant %secretary to
popular of all . ottr G oVeritOr6.' Igniag Lord Lansdowne from 1888 to .1886,
'his? term t of .. °ince he edetted etritesh .kod tt. f through shore stations he has rePOrt;
es,. ere ore, , no ranget • ,
Ea en to the • Emperor of , Japen , the
oolenenia. end smoothed 'over, thesagle ,e„,,seedal circles when . came out. out,
tation there against the Dornierion. e.vas-tesene.ineeeonetoe Jely, ni°ven?ants °I his ileete and received
United States, ' Ile sailed - iafeb •Zntli; service..edsallwCa'Sio6dirmatiTilti.rairieallirbrasidgae 14a.vice as. to th°18.Ps cif 111°
I -le 1cent .ire geed. relations with. the _e•':
th:rough the.stormy episode 3r1mg• Man. Ho suCceeded: his'
known as the Pacifie Scandal. A WISE MOTHER,
10-19, 'et the thit'd, Earl of Minte, in 1891, • •
there later all those wishing to seer prove kidney disease. Experience has
the Exporition to the best maven- reyed' that South American Kidney
tage should go now before the. ex- Cure never fail. -8 •
ceptionalli: large crowds are in evi- •
d it . 'T e tett ncla i i c ensin e ,
every .daY 'and -last Monday nearly $25,000 cash would be puniehmen,t
200;000 people. . pawed. through the enough for his breaeli of pron.:rise?"
gates., Another erroneous idea which The Aggrived One-L,o,Ne. hildeetf! I
seetne to have gained' around is the. want him to- marry me!"
still directly ahead, of them an Port p ' g f . d t t
b , , , ,, „ „
• Admiral Togo has •-•bee. n able to •peivate bearding houses which eater . • • , : .
Nilaard's Liniment tieneves, Neurarato
the case, ' . . _ . ... • Warranted. There are hotels • and
keep • in touch.. with seatered vessels -, t6 the pockete of all classes . and tt ' • •`-e•-e-- '
which .are often far Out. at sight of 'letter • to . the Information Bureau, :Babies are ' Often. fed, or rather.
his sh1P,' and has reano*thed his un -.."World's r air" will readily bring a seareed, seen Miss May Yates to the
preciaien. • • ,, ' . • • . _.:. •eons,' visit no one .has any toncep-
seen fleet. with ' the utziatist ensa and list of tbede elaees, • ,Without a per_ B.. tritotio".. wc;norocilonijose,Tem• ittpericdarfaesho , Atee.ointreei.d_.
The reports from tne :little torpedo titer. ot •the magnitude, 'grancleer, err 'asitriab eokiee, .1,1 arid .beer. .
e ce. • e rce nr g The Solicitor— Don t you think
beats and trope the cruiSers and bate tistic beauty and greatness embodied '
t1, -shies have come to hiireacroSe in the 1240 acres that contain. the • • • •
the air in the moat severe weather, displays from every country in the ' A' modern weapon ihe. battle
'd • s
.without delay or confusion, iind universe and 'embrace the acrae of ,for health. If isease has taken
Perfection • and 'evolution of liberal Yewmtadel of health, the stoat -
arta. and 'Seience up to the trentieth itch; and is torturing you with( indiges7
century To. see, this wieh, one's own tion, , dispepsla and nervous protra-
an education. in itself. weapon to drive the enemy from •
•his I
*as iiked, by all • creeds and classes- and inaerie'd 188.3 the daughter
Ote(444eral 6reY" ' 6" 'w°11. ciii2Le7itshee mother
teiltroerrir a•WItheiniehPts
His witty speeches were the talk of ' htoo
deliverancea :were equally eiecePtaliie, Canadian PeePfe• poill Minter ,as
From the People's standpoint he, not seldier tool: a great interest in tbe wetteen
Lord li,egar, :was -the "ideal 'getter- !yeSpateli ,of Canadian -troops. to 0.1,,e, ya-n2.07fitizs
non", 5.46rA ;,-;Dinferin's subseqneUt: piert .the .SOUth AiriCan weri and cqn.P opiates, This ;lase of
famous •diPloinatists• in nuror. mis $n their, suoesses, apr_ nitientleerill•esdea.4teh.l'ibsrtieolubst fersr'of4Iftllitliete
troynalia—iiiade him One of the most no person took more pleasure than
served,. at. Paris, St. Pet ershUrgt .jifg' the wee; A soldier, retlierethan Once, tliotigh eotnie mothers' may not
realite it: • When yolk, little Ones'are
Borne,' ConetantilioPle and Cairn. a .fosticia;t1; Lord Minto lia,s :filled give , thorn .13aby,s Tab,.
spent ameSyeere as .:Viceroy of India. he office' with dignity and assidaiti lets,• a medicine sold .uarter gear -
He was MatieeWerden of the Cinque .aed the,. announcement that he is. antee to contain no opiate or harm, -
Ports. • 1i was ereateer a AraFrfois won .to leave " Canada liaS rall_ee4 tut drug. Mothers. who have used the
by QUeen ' Victoria. Ile died in forfeEsa..uumeer .or expressions of es" Tablets always Speak in their
1900 at the age, of 72. 14-!i left Cans .teeies for devOtien to the praise, • lure. 'ete Joherdoe, xddye
ada in November,- 1878. : servien, ie. fair to, saY that *.vi4hil! stone. °lite' says : "I end , Baby's
0 D LORNE; ' • Lora .Dufferin stands out, conspicu- 'Owe Tablets all youe, recceinnen.d
L It • eesly for his exceptional ability. as them to be. 14r baby Was troubled
The Marquis Of Lorne was mein- ..yeaterrior-Gerieral,. the country, • has with eczema, and was -very croen and
her or the. House of .p9innaQils' When reiriee had '7 ti weak or unsatisfactory'. restless,. but giving her, the
Lord.Beaeo,naffeltl, during •his ee°11d GoVerner.gerte.ral;• and their induence Tablets she has become quite
Prerelorelaip, appointed him Gever:- pribliC Affairs' lugs always lieeit for and is new a strong. healthy child
nor -General. , The feet that a bort 1%To one now thinks that.P10,- Sold . by all ,druggists or sant by
and *011i;Pl' aeeoluPsinrilint cane" G eyeliner er 1 d ' 31°57 '
- en to. , an no voice is
centred popular interest in the .P.rin- • • •
the whole continent. Ills weightier edmiraelon, anti, ltin4ly feeling Of tee, aneo euetee: seepeeyeng ehens
ter cif Queen Victoria was his wife one. 0,, year is too mita. to a
raised that :this office is imt well
cess quite ae mucli, if,not inore than, mini 3 • • ' "
7. e. by a tetras ,priblic man.
the Grivernor-Gerielnl hirnaelf. He
assented' • ollice immediately after
Lord Drifferin'e departure in 'the au- •WAS"FORGIVE,N
tenet- Of 188, and performed. much • • •
1•14/11tWorX:dn-Artehis term of bee .1,Ie itiseed lice badly in the open
fice. Ife Was born in 184:5e educated stitete •
, at Eton anti 'St.. Andrews Unis slirielted,..-"Yot are an
S',nrsitteirier SCeeland; and was ine.rri- Utter ;stranger to Me. What, meaos
ed' to • Princess Louie. Be.thiel femitigeityl".
founded the Royal Society of "Can- "Madam," replied, bowing low,
ada, with the aim of hkegitlit to, f`thotigli we nevermet, before, you
gather in an organized body the lit- *Ste excuse me. I bet coy friend
erarY• and scientific nten of Canada, that I would • kiss the Prettiest girl
He was no speech maker as Lord X saw in the Whole street." .•
Duflerin Wats,' but lie was assiduoini rePlaCed her
in performing: all ...the public duties wratilful glenee•
°fills-0111'de and be left this (toiletry "Yerti ere forgivert this time," she
respected,. Ever since he has bean -stieetly, "but please debit let
Irnglioad! One nt the warritest friemds it necur again,."
of the 1)erefelon. He Sracceeded to
the, DuketIont of Argyle upon his A .BATiltEL BANQUET.
father's death a fete yeare age end 18
enetv a metnber Of the lfouSe Of A barrel with a Capacity of 43,800
Linde. Ite has contributed tri gallOrte hiSe been completed for
great wine Orin at, Schiltenheita, en
lien and Antetneari periodical&
4111Vable Articles uPor. Canada, and the Rhine. 'When it is unveiled a
While precluded try a &eat extent banquet Will be given in its interior
frem active political Work, owiax., to ,twenty-four people. The lueets
to his, relatiottehip With the Beyer Will enter through the bub hole,
faniny, has, 1.444,,aa,toefut eareer mato 'which large. enough to Admit the
passage .of a moderately stout Man,
his departare frent•Veleada in 1883
MI had here. • •
• °Alt' Dionidowere appobited A.,
Nverc ".0. "%it:ince vornplectiOn.” ru said he Wee a wonettnefinter,
mail at 25 cents a box by Writing
The Dr, Willituris' Medicine Ce.,
'Briicicirille, Ont. - • .
do you offer sudh. -
large reward for the return Of :that
contemptible eiug 'clog'?" •
/to „please: my vette.. •
'such re*ard Will 'be
sur -e bring him back."
"No, It won't...". He's dead." '
NEARLY $8,000s0Q0,•00
The Accumulated . Punde in the
treasitry. of the Iiideperident Order of
rorresters oe the let of August,
1904, stands at $7,815,580.01. On
the 1st Cif Septernber they kand tit
0,000,086.49, Showing toe inceeettee
/or mentli of September of 04,-
•Tiiis is a, moat satisfactory result
Thr the month, .
• At the end of October the'Sugirente
Executive anticipates that the aecu-
initiated, funds . wilt be very-. nearly,
the round $8,0001000.00, genibers
of the' LOX, may in' 4646(1er:tee e'e-
ceenerrend the order ter their friends
eine° it 1E1' ' gathering .a finatteird
etrengtli eueli au no oilier Soelety
Hicks --"Look at Selags flirting
with the girls over there. tlionedtt
Governor-General in Aligust, 1.0881 :A lady 'sayer "Posture has helped. 'Wcielote-"elo lie is, put the 'Wennitl
° 10 tile A02.1,xquis Larodasq#4, co„,,pwelor, tha m-ucli that my fie hates is not lieree '
a a , fri0.4.4 Ray I ant growing young
Lord Shelton -ire whie, With Vharlee again. My ,complexioti toted to he
.fames PDX, made, the treaty of Penee &erne' colored, Muddy otid yelloWS
with the United State ift 1783. Lord
Lansdowne was born in 1845, mica irbilitee wit in6s te"gyfirl!imrI awfrdas 1.4171eiteda6
• eee'doct to the title in 18(46' "" °`ti' Posttim by a friend who had
cated at Eton and Oicherth and is soered jum x tiatt suffered front
n.arried to a sister of the preserit tefrible indigestion, palpitation's def
of office. in Catena he lited to deal
With.the ciente controversy between wss ntiheh hotter that x was
rhtk° nf .4ther'°"'" Miring HIFI term the heart tied &Inking spade,
"After had used Poreturn, a week
Clarinda and the United States over Afraid it 'Would riot last. no, tiOW
distinguieliiitg Meisel' ree a, eareful a wen ,i,vorman. .r owe 11; all to lett'-
end Painstalcing 6overaar• Ile 3°Ined ing off coffee and drinking POstunt in
the Liberel-Iltilortiets, And en leave it. piaeo,
ing. gaenria in 1$188- was Sent to °••
"I had drank ceiffee all rny life. I
Ittlitieee Viceroy." On eetureing troth auenpeted I hat it was the cause of
that'. rest he identified. trimeelf with ifir trouble, but it Wee not until I
the, Censers/Olive party, and Is neer actually quit define and 'started to
1".4"lign '''461.°tall in the Balt°" try PoStem that X beeame certain: -
Ministry'. Willie" het an orator, Lord then .alt eny trotrirles etviett and X
speeches while In Cariade, and tilts Kanto. furtii8hed by pootu,tri 00„ Eat.
the AtIcititia Ifsheries iltlestion) an'd two :etets. have plowed lend am
temidelyne•mttde epme e"eellen° am now Well and Ailing' ligaift."
fareWell address at a bentito* fio cmic, zitithc
Ottawa breathed the kindliest feelink von,* 0, teapot,
for the CarrAdian people, LoOlt in each patkage for a copy
sphilLamt, PRV,S ot the fattens little book,
2.ti: June, 1888, Lord Stanley Of !Roof COMM Stmt.* Terentersese
Catarrh fat tWanty yawn*. and
*culied In sk feiv thSYSI Gitioege
James, 6t AerantOtt, Pa., sayic '41' have
been a inertyr Oittarrh for twenty
• years, eonetatt hawking, dropping in
the throat and pain in the'headi. very
offetsive breath, I tried ler. Agnewer
catarrhal Ponder, me first applied -
tem gave instant relief. After USOfft.0.
few bottles I was cured, Bfi effete...4
WI. the Crimean Itssterans reetipt
of email: peheloriti, wliti are in notes-
sitous eircumstances, are no being
,granted special, increases, provided
diet thtit were tither 'wounded •Or
diectiarged for cliftability, or -are at
:pretend,. suffering ,frotre a disability
,clearly dub to their militant eerviee.
, •
Two Veal* Abed -•••••"Va'r eliti)t years
suffered an ne one over did with rim -
matfett; for ore years1 1a1n bed;
00111ii het So 11111C11 feed tarred. A
friend retohinterided •South American
Rheumatic time. Atter tbree doses I
could sit up. Teelay 1San blei 410014
as ever 1 was."-elfrer. deter Ceok, 267
eyes i worth years: of.• study and is tion, , AmericanNervineis the
U41, -+ fartious .Grenedier stronghold "at the point of the bayon-
et much by trench, hut swift and
Bend from England and renowned suit,
throughout the British Empire open- ". '
ed a six weeks'. engagement at the. "That woman- next doer went and
Pair On August .80th end croivds eur- got a hue exactly like mine," "Did
rounded the stand applauding histily you snake .a 1uss about it?" "No,
to every nerether. The.,night,effect en I gr:e mine to the cook,"
LH grounds witii tile buildings nine .
Oar. West heroket and 0•100,1m11114, VileT479.
Who knows anything about .14 BANNMER " ?
Ail Sayers, Sellers and Users of
Are interested in this question
7, . ? • 7 7 ` 7 • 'ff•
Will every reader of this enquiry 0 Who *KnOws•Anything Wanothrorl!
• Please. drop aline on the stibjeat to ,
?I ??
crowds that will undoubtedly be a tired feeling? Any of these sings•
Via the Chicago and North Western
Railway, every they from Sept- 15th
to Oct. 15th,, settlers one way second
class tickets at very low rates Irene
Chicago to points in Utah, Montana,
Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washingtoe,
Califdreia, also. to VictoriA, • Van-
couver, Neve IVeitfaineterS' Roseland
and other points in the .Xootenay
District. I Correspondingly low rates
froin all points ineCanada. Fun
particulars' froin nearest ticket agent
or B. A. Bennett,. General Agent, .2
Past Xing Street, 'Toronto, Ont.
Tho stated that
578 patients are treated annually in
London hospitals and dippenearies, '
Getielemen.—Witile driving ciotyie
very steep hill last August my horee
eternbled and fell, cutting. hit -mete
fearfelly. about , the heed and bodes
1...esed ;VIINATID'S LINIMENT freely.
on: ltim .aird .a fp:wide:ye. .,Wo.s as,
well as ever.• '
J.. B. ,A. .13EAUCHEMIN.
St .-Margaret's
College, Toronto.
Re-OpenSept 12th. '
A. high-olese • resiciential • and day
school for gide. Modern equirrinent.
Specialists Of European training and
of the .highest academic. and profes-
sional standing -every • department
of work. Poe booklet apply to MRS.
pol;, GE0,13GE DIOXSONS, Ma., Di-
rector (late 'Principal Upper Canada
, , .
Dominion Line Steamships
er Moderate Rate
Second cabin pareengers berthed in hest aCcoolillo*
&aim on the steamer At the low rate of did to
Liverpool. or d42.50 to London. Third class to
loverlaiol, Lando% Glasgow or Queenst bVrti.
. For all 140h:tilers apply to looalagenta, or
• • " proariexoer efere °Poems, •
41 Xing 41t..,E., TurOntoo 1752. Sacrament se, Umbras'.
eturlhis and ittd afore* cleaned twee
can lie emit -by post, la per os. the best placeit
=rutted wit myriads of electric A es 1.......I I. WITABAT. •
iffani Lu' Tor sale everywhenr
lit beyond 'd tion • and M
a s iseser
must be seen to ba fully appreciat-
' .
ed. One : noticeable feature Of,. the r ettese.. Gracie; • inav: I . have' .thiaIH
. , antlee- „ , pooneanor.e,
Exposition is the facility for tbe tie " "Olr
economy of tile visitor's' time .a:gind the liis is so—" ."This little handful
the: eavitig of his strength that has of fern, a meinento of ovi rde..
been ,proVitle;d. Gondolas, electric li htful walke".
launches and boats traverse the two
miles . of lagoons ewliicli surround the
Main buildings. and on leer neural Thought it meant death eure,..-
. ,., h.irs, James McKim, .of Dunnvillci,
railway reaches event part of the
grounds, 'Rolling chairs may be se- one, says of . her almost intracifl,
ous cure from heart disease lir Dr.
eared for trips through tlie buileings
large aetomo_ 'Agnew's Cure. for the Heart : "until
aitd eleewhere, anO
• biles with well inforined Gnidos make f:gat it'alcinghthla _remedr, despaired' of
had heart failure and Oc-
ean be
trips theoughout 'the grounds. Meal Jamie prostration.
rick 'reollef and one bottle c,uied ne, •
one dose gave Inc ' In, a London hospital there is an,
secured on the grounds' at
• P:Ie--"Iio you really believe •ignor-
ance is Miss?" Sher—"X-cton't knew.
You., seem to be happy."
For Over Sixty 'l'eers
Me*. Wangtow'sSOOTHINO SrILUT• hes hadn't/sal ''19
nilItions of mothers for their children while teething.
It/loathes the child, softens the mina slum pain. etir83
wind regulates the otomaoh and howeia. arid% the
beetreined for Disrristes. Twenty -live cents bOtble
Sold by druggiste throughout the world.. snro
eh* or" AIR,4..liirrnimovit'aSbownini&iYAbite." 24-40
reasonable rates from' twenty-4We likerIttafigiricycsof years, were. dispe?e ieibreakt.e • gredually. fuming
Itt New Yerie, is, a negro who
cents upto any price one likes to is turning white.'
pay. The Grand Trunk hlichibit of "He's employed by the railway
the POrrestry Visli, and daine Build- company now. I understand?" "Yes;
Ing .ifi attraaitg much ettention and he has charge of the putezle depart -
the conoensua of opinion is that it nient." "The whet?" . "He . makes
is t,tinfinest, in' elie building, • • The Out the time -tables'
many fine Pictures • . of the fishing, 1 '
lienting and steamier resort districts '
Iitethe Provinees of Ontario arer Qu- :
arachirieo ehowing, the "Interna,ttonal ! '
the emieleted picture The her.- ''der you; coUgh, r.e..-e,Wcre .
'bee .4Plieel the aportsmati and • •
tourist and " the cough gets. '
LiShilloh"mited" and scenic pictures of dif-
ferent sections .of the line h6
olds the •
attention el visitors. bringing Can-
ada . prominently before the .people
of. the American continent, '
Those who ,desire to keep Irt touch
with th'e world's progress arid who
wish to spend n Most pleasant and
profitable time 'Should not fail to
See the largest and Most .comprtilien-
sire EXpositioti that has 'e -ver beeri
known 40 a "World's l'air" end now
is the time to go. .
Grand Trunk have also install
elt exhibits a,t, the Ettetern Canada
Exposition held, at Sliebroolte, QUO.,
at the Geetadiatt Natiiittal Exhibition,
Toronto, and the Weeterxt Pennsyl-
vania Exposieicet, Pittsburg, Pa., all
now taking place. 'The Western Peri-
imylvaithe Exposition 18 ono of the
largest annual fairs held in the -Unit-.
ied States and lacitto 40 *days.Thc
spade occupied by the Ctrand Trunk
is 8,000 feet and it 'is estimated
that not less than half a million
Parlde Will visit the display,
•Hose"There is a limit to every-
thing, you knoW." She (looking at
the cloekees"Yee, Oven this night
tont laet for ever.'l.
jones, who, in addition to the pro-
fession of distidieg, Wei) carried on
a good Many' other branchee of trade
and indulged in a good many amuse -
Monts of Variotis kinds.
'1'he pastor expreseed hie deep
gret to Mr. Jones for anything he
might have said in, the sermon which
could hurt his feelings, /le was exe
treacly frorty indeed; be did not
mean anything by it, and hoped Mr.
Jones would not feel hurt.
Ito was somewhat relieved when,
with a Joyful air, thts other said
'10h, bless you, don't Mind that
at all.' It must be a mighty poor
sermon that don't Mt me some -
blood, Though X spent hundreds of
Cirl--"Mamma says yore no relief, and at last deeidod that X
dollars in tioefete? bills received
have been on the Shelf for yettrAt." would never be able ti Work again,
indeedl," Little ,irrhtia this condition X was ad.
;duo-v*11es; twattt, lasutt0Poyscsouthetyveryy titksepristyou, tvitedvor rtiontritodtrth, ofluhase'b Milner*
gh had no
is gUaranteed to cure. If it
doesn.'t benefit you, the druggist
will give you your money back.
Prices: S. C.Wisets &Co. soil
• atc; Sec. el LeRoy...N.1.y Toronto,Cett.
' -popular preecher geed
story of a young .clergyman who
• lauttched-out on a strong •terapertince
:sermoin: 'When he had finished a
deitemi said to bitn •
"I am afraid you have Medea mis-
take. Mr; • Jones, • 'who pays the
highest pew -rent, Who practically
supports the Sunday school, and Who
is ever. ready with a contribution,
when asked, is a distiller. He is
bound to be • erigry."
"I am sorry," paid- the minister,
"I will go and explain it •to•
Jones and remove any titrftevoreble
irepression, and tell him I did net
tileAatricohridnling"ly be waited Upon Mie
Minatts Liniment tures Ilandfut
Few people who have not traveled
abotit the Ilussian • empire cat. im-
agine how lesenxiless is its wealth in
timber, "Wooden Russia" is the
name applieci to the vuot forest areas
of Russia in Europe, which 'covers
nearly .five hundred• million acres, or
86 ,per cent, Of the entire area of
the country. *In Rustsia houses built
ot anyr other material than, wood are •
almost unknown outside the cities,
and Wood constitutes the prineipal
;fuel. The forest beet called the
"Taiga," in Siberia, stretchee in a
direct line from the 'Male to the
Pacific foe 4,000 mike, and le in
many parte 500 miles broad. All
thin. if4 the property of the mar.
e—You sae; *they. 4nm-reli-
ed?" ' '
Patrice-Vesi and she returndd all
his gifts. -And whet do you suppoSe
be did?",
Patienee—"Can't guess.''„.
Patrico,-4"S.ent her half a dozen
boxes of face powder, With a, note
explaining that he thoeglit he. had
taken at least that nurch home an
his coat sine 'he kne* her."
Minard's Liniment. Cures' Blitrit, etto,
There is nci seder:water. Every -
pint of 'scycia-Water contains; two and
a pints of • carbon dioxide, . a
gas.. TherefOre, when yen drink one :
pint 'of iodaewater, ypu .drink
three and n half pints.
1111. -A. -W. CHASE'S On
CATAR1111 CUBE ... &MO.
• Setif direct to the diseasei
parts by the Improved shyer.
Reale the ulcers clears the *11
passages, stops droppings In the
• threat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free, MI dealers, or Dr. A. W. chsa
,latuildue Co., Toronto aud Buffalo
When tbe Xaiser ,prornise'd to in-
ecribe oh the flags of the German
troops, who are fighting the Heroes
in South Africa, the names of the
battles they won he probably did
not know that they had jest won a
fight at Otilhinarnapereeo.
Indescribable Pains1
H.•• • .
;St:One' lif Bladder
. -
An Exceptionally Severe Case in Which a
.Helpiess Sufferer Was Restored by
Gravel or stone bladder is about
the most rrainful nilmott that ever
afflicted matIcirid. It 15 the result
of deranged kitiveyS, the urie aeid
forming into hetet subetabeee, Which
fodgo in tile kithseys and bladder.
Thie horrible 'disease is prevented and
cured Dr. Ofrast's Xidney-Liver
Mr, Daniel Brown, English nivel'.
Writem—Pror three years X
suffered front urinary troubles, par-
taking or the neture of stone in the
blaelder or • gravel, and the pain
Which endured can acaseely ack-
tootiboci. was. unable to, do tttlY
Work, and frequently dieelianged
deckled to giro them a kir irlitl.
After tieing one box X kit a decided
Change for the better, and afeer tak-
ing five boxes I feel liko a new man.
/ am entirely. out of pain, and have
to more discharge of blood. I cart
honestly recommend Dr. Chase's Xide
toy -Liver Pills to any fellow -sufferer,
and will clieerrully verify this state-
ment to anyone writing Inc."
Mr. W. towels., Postmaster and
.,station agent at English. tiver.
Oat. writes :—"T have intervieneed
afre' 1 Brown of this plake in, t'e
gct. -Lliis long illness awl cure, and
hovel). ' teertifet that the teetinionial
he given "bY hint is correct."
Dr. Chasee Kidney -Liver PIM one
Pill a doge, 25 cents it box, at all "
dealers, or EldinanSon, Dates tk Co.,
Toronto, To protect you against
imitations , the portrait and signa,,,
tore of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famotis
receipt. book author, are on ettery
don't tlieyl" taloa hi the411 or in anything dee 1box.