HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-22, Page 5III ' 1 ` 'ca old stand, Ratteobury eteeet, to our pew and veal:awl office (which The public will please hear in Wind that we have removed from our 1 is now in the centre of the town) in the new Combe , block, corner 0 V ' from the public geaerally le Solicited. ictorilsand Albert . etreets (orpoeite J , IV. Irwin'e grocery.) A, ll , . 1• •••-:-.----SAYINCIS BANK DEPARTMENT—•—•--. 1 • interest alliiwed at highest current ratea from date of , depoeit to date of withdravvel. ' . 04, 41,4.1 It. CA Igte,WgR Niallager' 44 ' 4' i . ' CLIINEON , +4449.44040.1144104.11444....................... '. . ,-.1:11010161P1411101411,111titr•Jititikalialgarraraillikill4034Virj , 1 ' • ____.' ' '. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— . 444÷1-1•41,14efalalala14.1.014+++++ 1.1et 72, con. 5, Goderiela- township, consisting• of 06 eares 40 acres , cleared, 10 acres young orchard, 40 acres good biish, parts of It culled some. ',The farm is weIl watered, aml feneed and has geed bank bare, ..6 -atid frame house. Will, be ' sold cheap. -Apply on the premises or address Mrs, O. Pareons, Bayfield I'. 0. • 35 t f • • 4' '4 .I.• • THIOUSE AND LOT ON C0Ite . • • ner of Maxy and Princess streets is. T.* offered for sale, The house is in - good repair and contains eleven • • • ;7,-, roome. Stable, hard and soft wat- - : • 1 e • - • ee. ,, J, Ridout, or J; Cron. 34 * er , and -I acre of 'ASA. Appy to l , ' .... . 9-0 .• • ' W. 1 September 22nci 1904 44414.4110.414.4444144.44.14.4041+14.4411044.44......0 THE. AWLSONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1805 capital authorized, $56000,400 Csipitairpald up $3,000,000 , Reserve Pond SZ68501Q00 REMOVAL 0.4 • 41 • • (4 ! • t • PARIsf TO RENT OR FOR. Lot 32, • con. 9, Goclerie12 township, • 4... coliSiSting of 8o acres, 40 acres seed- -• ed dei.wri, 6 acres in .faII wheat„ or- ] 1, ..., -, 7 :.71 – chard, brick houSe end bank blau,.% •i I !. • mile from, schocl, 23,; miles from • , _ Holmesville, 5 tr-iles front Clinton. . .---.. Immediate possession can be given.— '. • • Goarg.e 3. Connell, Clinton 13, 0, • Ak !:, Viral fi ... .... DR. -BUTLER, -EYE, EAR, NOSE "... . and Throat Specialist, ayo Queen's " Avente, London, 3rd 'door east ol •1... * ' St Andrew's Church. Glasses sup- plied. Will be at the Rattenbury Ilouse, Clinton, April 28; ;lune 2 and • II your watch is nbt dependable *. ± let? us clean . and ± :-.; regulate it --or we:: – can sell you one at : – 7 I a very reasonable + price. 1AT. IL Hpllyar:: Jeweler and Optician CLINTON— – + ++++44,"' We. suntionsrusess Have built up a first class llave such as We have 'to• unless our goods were right in every wey. We sell the Finest Goods for the finest trade. One trial convinces you of this. Among other lines we- ex- . eel in Fancy Biseuiti3'. We keep Assorted Biscuits at 10c per lb. up to Maciroona at 60e, In Olives and Pickles we have only the 'best Chutney Chili Sauce, Ohow-Chow, sweet and - sour Vinegar Pickles. and • also Horse Radish. We still solieit your trod., • W. T.O'Neil. • • • • . ; • • „ THORODRED 1UEGISTER7iD limn, Bull for dale, r3 itionths old.. Have two, will . sell one .cheap.—A1-: bert Nett, lOt 24, con.. 2,..Stan1eyi Clinton P. 0.. ' . .• PLIIIE • ' BEEP: PURE' SEED • GRA.XN:7-'•WE • I-IAVE . opened out a Flour and Feed Store • and keep in stock flour, brae, ,sh- orts; cured- meati, etc.' We Made a • 'special effort- toaproepre and ` have On hand a supply (of Clean Seed .' Wheat '.and Timothy, and fanners. ' inakin theu. purchases from us can ;.1.re1y. upon ;getting their seed • asfree. at. possible freni all :no:7c- ions.".Weeds. : • .' • .' • ' • ."IXAVE: YOuR ORDERS NOW a -FOR r•YOV.R. SEASON'S SUP.-.. PLY,' •OF COAL-. 'WE CARRY. OM,* THE,VERY BEST GRA- , • DES, .WHICII WILL 13E SOLD AT THE 'LOWEST diOSSIBLE .PRIO ORDERS MA;5 n4 LEisT Al • pAir;th & 40WI,AND's W,A14 sTORU OR WILII W J.1 Stevenson. • ' erfid Pi.. 1V) ..Afrir A ei4rVAI 141' You Cala See1 id • • PI 44? • • For yourself how much si shoe has to 1 Houses for Sale.. , • i-Gocrd ,Cottage arid two .lots • an Isaac street. 2—Good Honse and twolots with , large plum orchard ", , on. Fulton , street. 3-L-Comfortalae House and one let en Joseph street. • 4—Brick House and two lots ott Mary street. 5—Two Houses on Rattenbury street west. 6—Large ;Brick House, with 'six acres of land,, barn and drivirdg barn, good • orchard, Ivithiti a mile of reittre 'of Clinton. 7—Frame Mouse- with eight acres a land, Urns and orchard, en Ditisley Terrace. For terms, etc., apply to HENRY 33BATTIE, Solkitor, ete. Clinton. 144444', - . • '‘S. • art. i.a.„-rying a nice mit a r.. • ases, ardinieres yot, that We parry a stock equal to all kinds. A trial crder will eotivittee eny hi the trade and the ptieee rea- do with the appearance of your foot. What is uglier than a poorly shaped shoe ?- What is da.intier than. . , A TRIM CLUAN:Ctrr SHOE that fits closely about the foot and brings out its • natural artistic lines. We can find a shoo to fit your feet no matter, how hard you, are to suit. Our spring stock has arr'Ved and the 'prices are tight,' We are showing a line of shoes for .iteri $3„eo that can't be beat for price and quality. Also a line of shoes for women (The Omen Alexander) for $2 which is extra value. Conte in and have a look at our stock. No trouble to show goods. • Groceries,. Our stock is cainPlete. We have 41 good x line of Ivor Tet,s, great abd black. Jo package teas we carry' the /Addle., Red 12.03di Tate RibbOlt Liptou's celebrated teas. They, were bought before the advance in . price which we will give oil' customers the beadt a. Plain earl Fancy 'Matas, Dolled Ham, Smoked Roll, Breakfast Baton, Pickled Pigs Peet, Canned Meats, Pickles in bulk and bottles cf Toilet Sets 'and would be pleesedto ia$ you cal grid inspeet, . Our stock of Ncveltiee, Brie -a -brae, 'Artware, Tiftware, etc., is tomplete. Ileaace these we tarry eandies eM fancy biscuits. Eggs taken la exeliattge for goeds. amiable. Mao a ear al' ItecIptith's sag. ar just arrived which we are selling at cost,• „ . .e I• n seeds we have got good Red . Clover', Alsike, Thrictley, 1Viannold and 150,000,000 PROBLEM. h rut Clinton Sonya • Births. 0 Woo Tuckerunitit. The News of Goderich. . Sallied Steasus tot Detroit has el•Werintendellit P1.4410 Work!: new the guest 01 Ur' fafither-in-law, ,to.rniultr‘throoan rpoeitiotkc.1-010,zedscipto, HALE—ln Cliuton Septembe tate, to Mr. and '/Ars. Theodor Rialto Hale, '61,‘ daughter. MCKNIGHT—In. Tuckeremith on $ep lath, 'to Mr. and. Mrs., Jan Me- ttk VD* 00 coal 0 t Miss B. A. Warnings, Cerresdoripent, .611r. Joink .titeveue of the 1.001140a , • • ...y4XixiXsrl,f000 000 o+-Jfi000.-+.cl000boo.t.„ 000 • o Jan000t,:loocl)000r.p.lo .C-0000Qcio00000oi.doo I II( 1 • Read. • Mis Mieal f tr it is i Knight Jr., a son. OANTELON—In 00clerieh on Sept. • 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. +David, Can, telon, a son.; MOLEAN—In Goderich Septenih- et 14th, tQ 'Mr. and 1VIrsa-Alex. McLean a daughter. THOMPSO,k-In 0oderieli ,on Sept. 14th, to Mr. =Villas. John' Time unison, a daughter. FORD—In Hay, on Sept. 8th, to Mr. and; Mrs. John' Ford, a son. 1WeDOCOALL--In Whirr's, .oa Sept.. 7th, to Mr. and Aim Peter Mee Dougell, A on. RITCHIE—In Portage la • Prairie Man., on Sept. 9th, •tec. 'andf Mrs. ,on Ritchie, formerly Of Grey township; a on. LOOKMAN—In Wingbam on Sept. ' 10th,. the wife of Mr. Zones Lock - Man aason. BRECKENRIP0E—In, Turnberry on September 10th, the wife a Mr. Joseph Breckenridge, a son. BA1RD—In! Turnberry on $optember 10th, the wife of Ur. Robt.Baird, a son. , SWELL—In Turnberry on SepteM ber 100, the wife of Mr„Robett Shiell, .50e. MESSER-4n Morris on September 13th, the wife of IVira Alex.Messei .61, app., , • Deaths. ,GREINSIDES—In Louden on Sept. „. Oth, • the infant son aof IVIr. anu • " Mrs. GreenSides. Mrs. Greensides N . a +daughter of• Mr. • JOB T. Shepherd of Clinton.. . SHEPHER,D—In London on Sept. 16th, the infant son; of Mr, and ,Mrs. ' Robert Shepherd, formerly ' cif Clinton.• GARDNER—In Goderich township.. on September' 15-tha Olivet. J. Gm* ner, son., of Mr, John Gardner, aged v. years, 4.1 months and t. days, ' McGILL•--.In East Wawanosh tember , 10th, Mr, 'James McGill , aged 69 years and 11 months. SEA.—In' Gederich on September ;13th„ Mazy Haggard, relict sof thy • late Peter Shea, aged 75 years. JENKINS—Jri!Loriclon Oh September dlth, Edwardi Jenkins Of Colbor- • he, aged 44 years. . L1NDER-4n ' Exeter North OD Sept. • Ilth, infaati daughter . Mr. • C. • 4ander, aged 2 months, 11/WORE—In Exeter :North on _Sept. • lAth, Elizabeth Nerthcott, • -wife. of James ,Moore, aged 08 years; 7 months and 18 days. ' • •• STOCJ, • FOR SALE,—AT OUR 'farm , on the London Road, One: • mile south :. :of t,owni,;,. pnre" bred Shot Meru Cattle, '•both males .and • fenialeS different ages; .. low ' price ,:quelity .considered. Also a numb'er; , improved large Yorlo, shire, Pigs • ages first •class breedirigt stook for farmers, ,and at - lbw pracesa !Collie and see —H Plunisteel;•• Olinten.. ' • 37 • ,SHEEP FOR 'SALE.SEVE.WCH-• oice -pure bred Leeeiater ram lambs, , All front 4egistered ,steek. -TernaS , reasonahle. , ;Glenn, :Sten. „ley Tp., !Clinton . yIns'r-b1.0. NEW BOGGY.. pon aale.• MeLaughlansgear.--S; G. I WILL GIVE ONE DOZEN FINE Photos and tine, in, 'a .hreoeh for 35-eents. They are neat and nat,-: %Nal. Studio up over W. Taylor • Son's ' . Shoe Store, Clinton;7N, Cress, photographer.. • - 36 WANTED IMIVIEDIATELY,, A YOU: - ng •girl as houseraaid, Also Oct. 1st, one. as cook. Apply to Miss Attrill, Itidgeseood Park, goderieh. • Pon THE IMP11,0.VEMENT OF • Stock.—The ,undefaigned has on, •his • prettifies on the 'Bayfipld R'oad the ...imported Yorkshire Hog "Summer- - hill ‘Leader"ibred by Platt Ji Son , MiligroYe. This es one of the very' best hogs ,fii the county.. Ter - Ms, $1,20 'cash, di: $1.50 on time., W. 0.• Elliott, Proprietor, 36 CLERIC'S ADVERTISEMENT OF Court. —Notice+ ialiereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' :List Act by His Honor, the Judge of the Coun- ty Court of the County of Huron • at the town t all, Clinton, on The- rsdaY, the" 29th day. +61! Septembet, 1904, at ten o'clock a. in., to hear and determine-, the several com- plaints , of 'wore ,aild ornissions in the Votees' List of the IVIunicipal- ity of Clinton for 1904. All per- sOns• having business at the said Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated at Clinton they 150. day 6of. Septeinkier, 1004.—D. X..f. Mitepherson; Town Clerk. 'AUCTIONE1EBING.—AS THE SEA. son for auction sales is again at hand, I wish to ,remind the+ piddle that all orders. left at The News - Record -office, Clinton; .or addressed to MO by: man oraaalre,message,at Seaforth will teceive prompt attell• tion.+—Thoreas 13roWn,. licensed itue. tomer for Huron and Perth, Sea- M Messrs.. Mesdames and the Misses Wm Nellie Catling,returns to th Whiteman and Mrs. Macdougall all Inetitlite for the Blind at Drantfox left for their homes at Detroit an ,this month. TuestIL' Gregor 0. E. of the 0•P.11, hie residence. MF Jules. McIntosh N beautifyin sten is registered at the Aberdeen.. Lieut. Col. Varcoe returned o Mr. Mills ot Parolee in the new 'Wednesday of lasto week trona hi assistant • at the surgery of Dr. *Nit to .New, Ontario. ' • • +Will. DrYdges hoe retutned t MMabrese..B.D. Mille of Pettoleals reg- his home after a leng stay N Seal istered et the ,Prontenac• thie inenth, aw. Keep by the "Old Flag," Will. Miss Lottie Gregg ot Olin and The G. C. Literary Society xi ,Miss ,Eby and her grand -0100e, Vera their Orst meeting for 1904-5 hav Fertener of St. Jehe, IVIieh , • mere ehoseit the following officers : the /guests on Saturday ot ; Miss President, Miss Agnes Welsh Hli+arinsSainidttliVirnerS'or 01411114 after .sea-. Sad. vice, Miss Mary Parsons 1st. vice, Miss Odra Roberts ding a' decidedly pleasant time • at Secretary, Miss Jean Oentelea Detroit, returned te. Goderieh per Treasurer, E. K Donde steamer Greybound. *Monday even- Secretary pr committee, Miss Ka Ing of last week, aud' atter spending WObb a few hours with her friend, the Editer of G. 0. I. Journal, II.Lori Misses Laehant, returned to. Clinton , Editor of O. M, 5, Joutnal, Mr on the 5 pi m. train. • • Leppard • • Miss ,Bes, Barron of Toronto is the Councillors, 'Willie Cantelon, JaVic guest of her cousins, the IVIisses • Orestie, 0. White . Blackstone. : Pianist, Miss Marion Coats. M. Wesley MiLaren, late of Wel- The funeral ot the1 t sh's jewelry' store, has returned. froin Haggard, relict of the late vete hiS visit to Toronto— • Shea, took place kora her resiclexic Miss Lily . .Webster- is \visiting fri- . to St. POter'S Phurob. Thursda ends at London. • • Where a requiem mass was eelebrat We congratulate IVIiss Goodwin and ed by the Rev, Father McRae, Air Mr, Glenn Campbell of Clintoit upon and Mrs. Shea came to O.thteric their marriage which takes place t on about the time of the: opening th Wednesday ' cif this week, If music B. and railway and Jived kxr man n enbariee their happiness they year§ Pk+ Camhtia, Road at thei will live leng in harmony, residenteathere, but after the cleat Miss Nora -Phelan has returned from of her husband Mrs. Shea remove her trip to Europe: to her new home on Cedar. Street *Mesdames 'Robert Hodge, arid. VV. The late Mrs. Shea was a devou Gibson ;of Chicago are the guests this ,Catholie and a most industrious ; wo week "of their sister, Mrs, Clatkmin. Her family, Wsto aii esen Goderitei • township, and alsta. of at the funeral. The pallbeazers wer Clinton relatives, They are the da,u- 1Viessre. John Me.A.voy, Owen • 1Vic ghters of the late Robert Whitely Avant— Alexander Clark, : Thome, of Ooderich township. Hood, Michael Gray and Patric We were sorry to learn 'of' the Couttenay, The deecailen Isdy ds death Of Captain Isaac Tilt, brotber horn. , CAS tlebury, County 7alayb, 0 0 0 V5] Jug her, dater, Mat Claw. bayton.: • Mr. and ;Mist. J. Q. Steep and ears. (Dr.) liammil of Detroit were sues-, , tis of -friends °in, this' lecality on Sun. day. • 11 The barn on the, fainX Nr.Piod. Tdmitugott Qf tile louden. Road/ at , o present leaved to Mr. MeKeezie, - WAS completely, destebyed by lire 4- about mienight SetardaY froui sOina unknown cause. .The'cen- t teute were fatly covered by hisifrance. , Mr. Tomlinsem will, he ihea-heaiiest loser. as nis insarenee • et $.560 wili ' • not ,replece the buildings. • 'a Mr, John McKnight, wears btoa4 •). • fatherly smile these daps 'He Me; '1 pects, to have a little assistant at, to his Chores this winter. 3 • ; • - . J. ti. IIIPPI.COATC,, Miss, Phoebe Jennieon returned to a• Lohdoa, on Thursday last ' after •,a. X, 1-1. Illpplegate, Supt." et Public „ pleasant month's holitlays under the .. . , Works, 01 "West Sth $t, Lexington, gy., parental roof: • i ..1 a • . rnedietne eepeeially, for catarrhal affee. - A number ' of- oar peOple ;to* in 01 find. that patina is an excellent ' . the :Weatevn Fair, Donald 41:11113r was oii the nlQ14' ivitiQMIptaionnd,bariOndelliseialasteros ulbernesorgstot0reca,Th" _ list durieg the past week but As aga- A-„ in able to be on dutY. • • r°u1)les• PfTsa aet's " PreYent'ati" and keeps the system In a healtiWoon- : Mr, Thorns O'Brien is viSiting old (titian So that it easily throvis.oft dis- / friends near Toronto..." ' . MI:SS Sarah Turner tot Cliaton has ease. It is an excellent tonic and ti appetizer and. AA a large number been. the guest oft her beother„ Geor-, great 11 • of those who have been using it speak very highly of its ctirative powers', am :eMo.etitssefx*,ogi. assi;tclistraclt tiht is 4mzeopinnrotowf igt.ihs correct.,: h br New ypi • • 4 HipplegahN• - d • Ferman Is theremedy for Catarrh. A. „ 1 - McKillop TOWAShipt andc 'attallrOrUhrilintin idiss kvirinowousitfobrym' lpeo triespicunco; • ". . Mr, ,J. J. Irvine teok:In thef Toren. becoming a national curse. An un- . to Exhibition. • - doubted remedy hae. been. discovered by Miss .Kate*MCpilerS011..11AS returned , Hartman. This. remedy has. n s home after spending a ir0ek with her theroughly tested cluringthe past forty: `tilMr°iPs;'V' iOlet oi4-4.. the' .i -Of ad.borY* 'that can be eubstitnted. k friend, . Miss Grp, el S, FM 9 wia:, pyheaaze.s tinFoerstintagaese.iirnes.ore:tilanorli remedy' Mss , L' ' • ine.N. gene to 6 ra ferd on- sa visit St " If yeti de not Cleri-ve prompt !Md. satis• • . factory results from the use or Peruna, • • • • most everybody knows that by leiaraily of our citizen; Thomas Tilt,. Captain Jreland, .seventy -eve years ago and •to Mr S. • • • ' write_ at once to °Dr. Hartman, giving a- 1VIiss ;Alice Diihclas and Mx. Robert Boyd have returned frena the North- statement °f Ylt/nr Ca43°' and 11° will • west. We are all pleased (to sce. , /1),elopalgere:eadst...e.gixe MB. lainabb3 24. tli°41. hack. Address Dr. Hartman President .of Tilt won .distinetion in the American Came to Canada weca a child with army at. the time of the, civil war. .her, fantily and waslime ied to the - , . He made 01 late years his home With late Peter Shea about fifty -Elva yi ars one of his soils / who resides at ;WM- ago aa Mr, . Shea died ie. Goderiel niPeei ' The other sen 'resides at St ebout eine years, ago. Mrs. Shea LeuiS. ' CaPtain Tilt was 60 'years ot • never forgot the eolettry of heir I.irth ago at; bis death. • - •• • , and , gloried rn its inemot:Y. ' . We' called on Mrs: .1. a Setber- On Thursday a. in, a5th Septem- land .on Monday and found her very' bet, a telegram reachedtown a;viS- wetl atter • all the excitement diie to ing thei Party to aThom it came : of her position and exposure as well on the wreck ofk- the schooner . Singapore la little south' of the, Kinearline pier. The Singapore was owned- by • her Captain, J. C. .Sutherland. The sch- ooner becartie witerlegged, yet the htbeceLaSiengaaalovr4c; ir• afterand before she It was, witlr; great regret that our 'citizens learned on••12th Sept: of the death of .0aptia.in Norman Macdonald. Captain thet;ght °Poldi get her He battled so long with his disease4 safely , hit° Iineardine harbor .• but that all . hoped for .his •ultirtiate re- sbe,' istruck •a bar, + • • • , covery. He was a gallant and day- 1Vlisses Pearl and Annie' Wright ing sailor and many. were his-Vieissi- spent Sunday and Monday the 14 ues tudes m days long past. • He was Of Mitten' slid Sumtherhill friends.' horn. in the township, of Huron but Mr. '1.1re , Stewart has, entered Me - his fatuity moved to Goderich about Cchoireniaigeolcr's- ' Theological. Seminary at thirty , years. age. His., mother; • a lady of eighty-five yeari, is stilt liv- ing, Captain Ma.cdonald• Was a loyal Son of _Scotland, to which- Orem lie -belonged, and was also a 'brother. of Captain,MalcobaMacdonald of the • tug ,Iliiron,. between . whom a 'strong affection always existed. • Air. ': Mur- doch II/leap/laid,. 'father • Of Mrs. (Capt,) •Normaii Macdonald, aror Son. Angus, both of 'Ripley, attended the John '. Grintop. of Tonawanda : is ' funeral. The . ca,sket was . Cevered spendipg .,a, OW days in:the village. '• With' lovely •floral.; tributes, airionL -Jas. • Oliver and .. W. B. Hawkins : them.. being .a large, beautiful wreath :- were in Louden last week, from: the Sons of Scotland, a large ,, a Thus*. Wilson Jr': is visiting- friends anchor from ' Mi. James Clark and casket baguets of ferns ' and flowets from the family. of Captain Malcolril Macdonald and , many floral :Offerings: from Messrs.„- Lee, Robert Campbell and others- connected With the shipp- ing interests. "Rev. ,JaMes Anderson ofecieted t helm and grave and a to Maitla A cemetery. large dor ege followed the ,.ietnales • We helix) been informed that Rev. W. D. Magee has received a call from LOW : ,RATES .:,TO' THE NORTI-t• the, Clinton and Base Line Baptist WEST VIA GREAT NORTHERN•• congregatians. We will be sorry to RAILWAY. : ' • • lose Rev. V. D. ,Magee, but we think •• Effective (Daily) Septeinber. 15th to .Iii:rnfiehvnid.zic: .,thil.e....,1Gakre4hbainte,epz:eatcohod ,.az ataatig. October Atii. inclusive,.:1904. cheap •,' will be on sale from all stations in :the one way second class colonist tickets , Ontario - ;to ail .points on the line ' Anniversary - services on the Staffa •af taa Gaso Nonasxmans,iiway in.: circuit on Suaday Jest. a • Montana, ' Idaho, Oregon, Washington; . Mrs: ' James Laithwaite %attended also to' Vi0OriA, Vancouver, West - the London Exhibition., with Clieton infester, Rossland, Nelson and other - friends. last- week. .,, ' points in British Columbia; ° For full information as to rates, Miss tripling of Detroit, andompan- time of trains, also berth rates in ' led by Miss Butt and DraPhramer. . Tourist Sleeper, also literature, on V. S. of Clinton, were guests of BINS oplio,ti•oo. to chas,...w, aloes.; nis_ Laithwaite. last week, trict Passenger Ageitt, 10 Kin sI.. Port Albert. Wflflam • . Richa_rdsen o: Muskoka, spent Sunday with MS .4. Ben.1 Hawkins of +Goderich spent Saturday' in the . vilrage: , • Mize Maggie Smith has gciue to ! a. -Ate Harttnan Satiaterin4,,Celunibuo.7,0a. -Seaforth to atteed '' the ,.,C,bliegia,te.t lestitute, We wiah.,lier saeOeSS- • ..' -, Fan Fairs of 1664.- ' ,Mrs. 41/fuld9on. of BrusselS., : visited,' - • • , , , . • .. . . .,aont et. ht4horm44,011),.M... r , - Fi,nlay ilkIPIntosb i LGioadtecteetil : . .' Sept. 27-28 . ; • • Miss Annie *Nab, ,:who Inas Ixeen.,jasaiaeitalleaa . I ,.: • ', ,.- . ..sSaepp$t, 228e:8299 • quite ill; has reeeVered. . - . - ' a Bskeciaja*. .' . a Sept: 29-80 : Mr," ,David AtIcKee of.. Leadbur'y* s ' will h4b.6- ' ;.F.ordwicit, , . .• Luanow gene to the Northwest and, ,. .. , The entertainment held in . • : . Oct 4-5 greatly missed in these partsi . i • • ed, mit to be a, 'greed 'Sx1Coesa...,. :: . • ' Dungannoft : . Win-, '; Brussels throp .. hall one night ..laSt" weejr ;tiirn,. ' BlYth. • - Oct. 0-7 ',Oct. 11..1.2 10et. ,13-11.4 . lift 4111.11.111111•11111 I n o .„ ' 0111211011.1anall0111111101011111111001.4111. . INIIII:eilb,i16,111..,416,446.4111..Mlb,k1b.,11Willbelb;106:01161411,..411101b,111•Allfr1111•All ' Happy *hoi.ight.. - ' . ' $, • ' 1 ..$ National. Fie,a1.1 . , . . . . $ .and .rantIO.ia :R. AINGVS s . 40 The 'three leading Ranges D'icie in Canada. We ,17,1ave 0 0 - • .thiagi.. All sizes. Heating stoves fur Wood . # $ , , . . , and Coat, including the celebrated ,. ••• 4 . . ., . . • .. •• # ''' ' RADIANT .HONIE $ . 0. 'Light consumption. of *IVO. and a .good baker are 2, $ . # necessity in a, good rang, These are the'etrong., # . est features in the above named ranges. ; They are -made ti), give satisfaction. ',' .+,. . • • ' ,wben you. buy .one. • . .. i . You are not experimenting . • ortA - Ch6stxrq,, apwe and Egg. I ;1::,,, .. All sizes,.. , nt Gere Manitoulin, this, week. Thos.' ' Hai/king, .wife and child,- speat• SundaY:in the village as also ,did Mrs. W.. G. Murray, • all di God, ; . Mr. -McGee, who has been Spending :the summer months with his.. son lea,ves .shoitly for 'Seaforth for the winter., •-• - • • During theabsende of Bev.- W. 11. Graha,m his pulpit was filled very, acceptably at the 11 a. m. service on Sunday last by Mr, Robert Young and at the evening .service by Rev, Mr.. Gischler .of Benatiller, one of the • Mr, and. Mrs. P. W. Scott returned German evangelists stationed • there, last %Week 'from 'Permit° where they explained that it was no easy visited Weeds, task te preach in German in the a. • Owing to tiy,l;Loadon Pair last m, and afternoon or evening rin, En- *geld ye scritle did not pet in, aa ape lista or vice versa, the duty that had: pearance, • • , ranee to him. Miss Cora, Williamson of Belgra.ve Through the courtesy of 1Vkiss was the guest of Miss Tillie* Nethery nes Welsh„ president at the Literary on Sunday. . Society of the G. C. we .spent Mr, and Mrs; Chris Johiaston, suit, delightful evening at the Itetitute dyed with Hullett friends. on Friday, that evening being clios- 'The , many friends of •• Miss Bells, en on which to hold the first prom- Quinn of Winnipeg, Man„ formerly of enade calmed , of the fall and winter East WaVaanosh, will be very sorry terms. It was a lovely evenhig on to hear of het serious illness with Whieh to hold it and one could Sing typhoid fever. with as much delight as the .lack- Mt? and Mrs. NetherY visited Hid - stone orchestra. The inomi shines lett friends on. Sundayt bright 'and the stare in sight, for the Collegiate Institute bad Heaven- ly light` outside of it that night to 01.55 Rot,IND 'Mr plum Cama. the unbounded pleasure of alt. TON 'WITH STOP ovnli, PRIVI- Mrs'. A. B. Cornet/ and .daughter, LEatES Miss May, returned last week from . aCnIdII0inAttOnledDiDatTeR. sOtIaTtions. Exhibition and were the guests of Through Peltinan sleeper twice da- l** Mrs' Percy Cereell While In ilYS.tote—Make application. to J. D. that eity. The Baptist eongregation Will Toronto, for handsome booklet con- eet for , the season in assembly tabling 48; pages of Illustrated— And Bast, Torouto, Ont.• . et. 15 • •••• East Watvanosh. . , •,. $ Samson Portland Cement at reduced $ prices. HARL.AND BROS. i S'1101TES ITARDWARE . . . . . . . . . .. aftaaieataaei,ealaaliaaa.mialea+ebeeliale etaa‘4alesell.,... ; ,a,. • ,. Illimmeilseetitmeikeilefluiesusior magesieepoilepoiseeiltemiliI.- : -- ' ia4lae.4.. ............ , • • . __,.____ . . k.:64.1.4,44,„14.84,44444,44+44.$,..6,:46:4444,44 , re' X . ' Illea's f)dd aids. ....._,............... ,.,ii 1 t . x .$ t ...1: ,i...._ Isisla 4 lot r •• • • 'X . .., , . *.te. A couple of 'melts ago, we cleared. from a mannfac- . + turer a. lot of Odd Pante at a very low figure. Each t X pair is made of good heavy tweed, well made and trim- a•s: ..tz: pmreiedeniisdonislygosoidaystile,u, e at $1.75, but while they last the + ..s. . •• • , delightful visit to , the Torento forth -P0. 1VIeDonald, District Passenger Ageat, all, where they first met on the op- descriptive literature regarding the ning of the' Baptist serviees here. Great Pair. Mr, Peter McFarland is beautifying 1Per tickets mid furtherinforMatin rah Turnip seed mid ti kinds of ga. Stade aeleeted, GRAHAM Canadian stations. an on; Grand grs Sliier'S VARBATit Ogle Cooper's olei stand. booklet or address J. MandOnald, t STORB8 Cridi for Butter and Eggs. Phone 2 Distriet Passoger agent, Toronto, e seeds, orchard grass. croekery we have a few dinuer aets we L.412 seffing very elicap. Your is premises by extenciing ban& tall at Grand Trunk ticket offices, sane fence the whole .length ot the uti_ton. nodgettg, TO% Agent tont of his, residence. A. 0: Pattison, Depot Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Naftel and hoirldornet. noare holidaying, this month hi Miss Bratty Shepherd and her sis- farmers eround here do not, er have feterned from, it delightful atom to be discouraged on account rip with their father, on his steam- of the wheat failure as most of them r. ..aro trying it egeint • Desceiptive -pamphlet has been fe- i sued giving full leformation re ard. in 1 -he 1 Fait, 4 4 OU. " la 0. to which Ilichibition reduced rates 'rim are in effect, Npermitting stop over at A litteICILZOX' TOWSISIZIP. 1.'runk Agents and secure' copy of t 4.4 • -44 4444 414 • iill,44.44,4•,,4-414k, 9. 4 4 4 a • 4..4.4, 444 4-4 444(••••44.40.4444.4.4.444,14410, • Flatinelettet mut Ends . . A .4.. : 44:: wx oWien have aalir , a, ttiort osfrriplasn:adettes (almost a -yard .,,•$* A , , . .:i: y:44rils).. light. el, cl' lc. t " e in lenoths of 2 to +12 * t+6 . , . :.t. + i .. ..s. + Regular 'Me and 12e Flannelettes at 80. X4, " I 2ke and 16"e - a . ' I0e 4"4 : •74 4,,t4 :444 S4 These are .,,money savers And are gopig fast. +.;. ..-,. s.1. ,..t , 1 ' 4,--.4, i x. UIVISTEEL, .T. Clinton. 41. 17 The Old S. talid 44444 4444,04 444:444,444:144444 44..444 414 444:04:4144 44,4 4414144:444 4