HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-22, Page 3n • . • .. ... • . • A • • A. • • A. • Abiding Trust Which That Peace an 'Which Passe* Ail Understanding. Xliefearedaccortling, to eat •of *0 rap, eOI meet of etimtee eda. in :peer Om ousand Nino Rundro aro Pour, 3" Wm, 11141Y, Of' TorMitol it thir ParinVerkt" el Agriculture,. •Otteeta.) .4.044**4 deepatelt :rein Lete •Angels% earn Tfily`• Frank De Witt TalMage preaele ed from the following' tent; "Otyneeti- er Me Mies efethe llelti.". Hatt. vi 20, nneets pointa us to 0* common lioVers of the 'field and ernes lie.tO centeder there, for they have e 0.100 - liege. for tine emit of mere Tliretiglie put the ages since Jesus spoke Mese weintle. Gen has beee,planting His Soden in the nelde, and the fragrant W0001311 ee they lift their beieht faeee upward to receive the sunnifine Joy the little Plant all it need0. And the created thing on its pert pa. Molly; trusrtfully, antrably waiting, within the circle of the Divine will, 'there to be made glorious and beau - whether et is imitables on storm, whether it is the chill and /toxicants on' the night or the scorch - leg heat of the day. A.ed "If God doth so clothe the gratis of the field, whinni to -day in and to.morrow is east into the oven, /shall Re not 'Much neore clothe you, 0 ye of little WM?' There la vital anti in mate relal,ionship between. God and the lilies ei the field, but laetween God and man there is the barrier of un- belief, of dieobeclienceof 114444444- SELEOTED RECIPES. Ivor Art innsilidni dine,* tray, re - Move. the elfin. !rem ripe peach, ellen and force througli We've with a ellivereepoon. Dee* if there *ems too neucli juice. Beat up the white of an egg, adding tin, Peach.' Pulp when the ea is light, a little at a tinte, beating eteadily with a forlt. Sweeten with: psnedered sugar, he•ttp lightly on et. glees' newer, ot34 serve with cream. Pineapple Sliortcake.aeBeat three eggs light, add• one and one-lialf cup of "porseleren sugar, the juice of half a lemon: heat anti stir in orieelialf cup of cold water and beat again. up Sift two cs.- of finer with, three /erne teaspoons of belting pawner, • lessen eel* atenelen the • or. Sere. * a pretty Elena For tamerind eine, item slowly 2 I 00e. tionartade with 4 aze. atoned mien* t* pin* water for an nor. nitrate, cool and serene . If any more nouriehnient le needed Um these &bake mutant, the white of an ell; May be melded to eacii giam. Whip rp the erhite, stir some of it into t liquid, and top with the re- mainder. Tine reeked peetty too/G- ing drink. Eieg lemonade le alwaysreliened. Separate tho yolk end white of an egg, adding a few greeds of salt. to each. Beat the yolk light fit will -beat Up A11 light as the white If yeu add 0, tablespoon of cold "water), and and the juice of 1 lenion and 8 tea - Moons sugar; beet again, and fold in. the stay wliipped white of the egg, then add e glees iccacold water or instead nrop in that ernount of finely chopped len Add more sugar in the final mixing if desired,. and if the yolk ef the egg Would malte ne tlie drinit too rich for the delieate Inge on. the farm of to -day Oof the 'most important esPealallY a`v°14ed iniurlena t° the Lessem IL-Jeroboant's idolietrn and one sheep and ruinous to the land, as Wage 24-33). Golden Text, I. storm:in it can be left oat, witneut which, the enterprieing and Up-to-date sheep delight ill fresh Pasti.". John v, 23-* Keen yourselves front in any way spoiling tlie beverage. farmer la loath to do without it, is The best qof wool canrtot uality Jerobeam. knew that God , be a irentime saineel of A .1 cuter breed. - Wel owing promote a poseible . seseam 0 • inernoning. eel neenneig pe- a 1 Ina t pone end rough hasp ine most geteine anee . feasters nspaintal on the farm Most nomendistant. . Skase requiem a violate of food to for Nell and fat and venom it 116 supplied they will not grow pro - A Wee heap le an anneal that Metro; gond ckre, good keeping and closes ; persotel attention, and is well adap- ted to the email farm. There le no better Way of Winn. . teeing the :appetite of anee animal then giving variety and frequent ' changes. of leen this aa cepevitelly, the carte with sheetp. • Whenever /niece are forced to wane through wet gram AS bigli AO their back they almost immediately begin to loin flesh and to go into . a de- pondent Overstoeking With elieep alteidd be see • MUSING TOOLS, Tte home* in whfch we live and the barns in which our Crops are stored letve much to. do witheour en- loYMerlt end euteess. Every farmer is therefore called upon. to study bie loetienon. and Ins wante that he may build whitely. Expenditures foe per- Marient improvements ;Oltenia bo plan- ned and adepte4 to net only meet present deramds but to contribute efs 'Well in the Care and protection that increased growth and develop* Meat raay deraand writes a corree- . 4414.. 1' of the Leeteret• Compreneelle tine Ruartarty Review. Lawton X.--gritta loinadom Aivided Nino 19410) Golden WA, Prov. "Pricle goeth before deetxue- tion men * naughty, spirit 'before a Inn," Illow oftwi, one in led to thJnkot tbe Word, "Sunni the wrath of men Mall praise Theo, the re - Meander or wratli shalt Thou re-. eteain" (nes. breni, 17). Swot* of Solomon's. Sin God said Re would, take tlie leaugdore. from it*,leaving nira, Ineetever, 'Mall portion of it .frar, David's mice. This leseon tette .hOw diet wats brought about. Rohe - beam geesningly acting h.111 Oval please, ure, but God overruling for Ms pu,r- a, eicely arranged well built arm- he grown. 'on sheep which are al.Per- had given him the kingdore, but be VaLLPUL IfeEPATIENOH• add to the otter leekedients, and •BlINTS TO IIOUSEIKEIMpzets. tura for the eto.rage of the various nateln highly fed, /nerved and teen- could not trust Godto keep that aed.the rain itave been in their oven - • - pour *in a pan. The implemenfa used on the farm. The en. which Ina had .given so he sweet way 'bringing to man nonie netween tied aty.1 nature there is a stir well, then btitter should not be over half an Hattenburg pieces diet are soiled dav when the lrinner and mower were Whenever a sheep is allowed to lereelght out a little plan of his own •eleseage end helpine to interpret ,Ines . • 31), b n . . 'written word. What a Picture Our- and nuclei that : fellowship heei been_ aloe. thick. Bake in ft minierete °Vele find yellowed Wunder be put to Hoak Tireit though mania forgetfulness Peel a pineapple, take out the .eyea, In reeds and in an earthen bOwl, Set -eon, 'beings, before us, nestle seated his mad, eager rush after and cut in small pieces front the in the sun, turning over the pieces . on t.lie green -contested elepen • of . tehe thA t°14' , and 1.1$019.1 this life. , And do not core. Sweeten well, and uee for a OccaelonallY, and the yellow will dise nillaide, nine group Of faithful tl IS- ei„ne, tile elks are epeeldng to your. filling to the cane, . appear. ,.. , rples whoia He has but just formal- ennne• , neart God s message as you think : German Apple Cake is made by Equal puts of honey, castor oil y, chosen to follow Him. In Tits nidt" beautiful and gienti end-tal . theughts mixing 1 large tablespoon butter and lemon Men or whisker. is an ex - is -try, entrant* behind. Rim while no- Of God and natureni plate about with 2 of .sugar. Adel le eggs and cellent . remedy for a hoarse cold. • fore Him, and on either Sinn the God's care and love"433 i heart-searching un yereal. The mix thorouglily. Sift 'enough tour 'Mixed with lemon ' Juice this • Was' pager, Attentive, expeetant multi- Imes e lc tudeaptess to teal' Ulm. And JSse sage. IT 4Sa „eiaceelit nl'Ir in fliin 1 re Xture to Itatko it atiff tried with good results in emy own roll out. Line a large family. A large dose wee taken at es, looking out upon that multitude, to Hear, it is cue which his a heart i' is eeonnenticighpa.tnn With the dough, as for a eight, and in morning the hoaree- eees ' the anxious, careworn and not seneitive to understand. Think pie, : Pare and cut itileY 'apples . in nem was entirely gone, . ' hungry -looking Picea behind *Web yeti that you have heard the Mese about a pieces. and •reaco eetiee on In choosing a stove, don't get one - the sterving; unse,tinted seufsweresage when you rush back to tlie city the dough, lee near as possible to- that is too Malt. Apart from the keening their vigil. Re feels tlee and Plunge with, greater eagerness gather. Preeatliern in to keep thein limited area offered the cook, when throb of that, restleSS life; Be Iceetirs than before after tbe material things in position. Sprinkle thickly with _ much cooking is to be done only a tte one -totes thought and tratible of this life, and worry 410 'fret be- granulated sugar and et little einna- part can be in progress at once, and - which follow relentlessly at 111,0 cause they de* not ,come faster, or liens-. of those peal* like an evile become. dlecoeregeti and morose to. mon, end 'hake in a rather quick thus the fire must I% kept hanemg ovek until tile aPples are quite Aerie. the longer. Don't buy a stove elab- Nernesis; 1 -le 'understands the WAi'k cue of the misfortunes and priva- , which. go au day. after Um* of life? ": g.'hink you, that you Cod O lncsurs-eThis excellent recipe orately decorated with nickel either. and stingnle day-the anxiety for the neeessittes' have heard the ixteseage where the for eateup requires no cooking'. To Such exiormaents are handsome, in ' •: fields behind you and the' pavement two Inarts. Of ripe tomatoes chopped the store, but blacken with nee, re- of life and the fretting far . the plea - of the eitynt streets beneath Your fine, add one-half a teacupful each of . quire much labor to keep bright, and mikes and luxuries.. • Ann that JeW- len • Multitude gathered Omit the feet, you forget God and t,he lilies grated, herseinedien, whole mustard add materially to cost. hiliewas no and sek first Man and marnmen; and need,. onion"; and nasturtium seeds treatment of tontuelons Saviour in the, cs-sene41.4 s different frona the mi./Mit:0es of to- cite npt so much, about method as chonPedeiee, two talks celeryandwhere there is extensive diseoloration dity. oere ore the Eta": ai4jous thAt tte coveted goal is reached? One ,reiti: pepper' chopped, oteerourth of the skin,. if olive. oil be free's" Ki- lted careworn feces; • there Etre''' the • The pronf that the message has of fecbidul of Salt arid sugar, haIf a , plied without rifbning, the diecolere 611Yri:e hungry, - 'britiatleeed, ,Iteens . neeckhhearnke and enderstoed is found tableOprionful each' of black pepper,. ation will quickly disappear. • Ab tne semeeing te e e see ing first the Kingdom Of cloves), mace 'and eitinanion, and one sorlbent cotton in 'breaking forth from ,Eis righteous es ' d . soul; there are the 'sante tvorree 'the 14°6-2 mini n ay be soaked in Ili; n a an pint ot vinegar oil and applied: Xf the skin is bro- • . • proving the 'truth of God's assertion Plum 'Cateep.LStete plums till ten- ken, a' little boric 'mid should be mune discontent, ten •serein feverish that all else needed for this life ,shale tier in sefileient water to prevent' applied over the abrasion. A. black pursuit for the perishable things of - this life -for 'food and raiment; for pleasures, and for worldly' place and power. Jostle as He looks out cieeer the world to -day from His throne in glory sees • '' • • • • MIKAN NATVItneeTPIE SA*B• . , • He can point ni; back -to that 'scone 'Wei& our -text brings before- us, and ask es to see there' the faithful por- trayal in . minature of the .condition of human heart and, eife to -clay. But Jean saw more than that .e fev- erish and , anxious mridtitut•W: *f•Xe sae/ more than that himicen'eea Of. faces, over which. the , • furrowing marks of care and leouble and un- wholesome pleasures and inclulfeepeee had traced their 'indelible` lint's. Yes, He had not, I 'Verily believe His heart would have broken. In that tureen need 'and scedelitinger betlere, Eirn there . was nauh-t, to 'cheer His heart or bring glacineaS to the Di- vine eyes. ,./eut that Was Mit alinfle eaw. The grass and the lilies of the field were there. -He 4aw them, .and they spoke their meet rneseage • Of God's ;faithful care 'at.; the Creator and of their glen:and humble faith and trust aathe clapeedent creature. But the- meiltitudes 'did' not •-eee. Itutlifeesly enne though they crushed the grass aeci the Scarlet - robed lilies under their. restless, feet: TheY,Were pressing ferward for they hardly knew What. Barthly Care and material vinnts' ' made their hearts hard and 'Weir souls ineensifele to the Whispered znetitage of the lair, glad .flowers at their feet. And: Oh hew that is tette. to -day! • How this iguiterialistic age es crOwdlegeoue all *nee. arid. thought of Ged, and yet be. • added. And as the beautiful. hm.ning; then strain and weigh, al- eye thee treated can be made nornud tools were lying about in every eon - God, So freely gives it malc,3 it a one halt a pound of sugar, two tea- beeepplied Warm, ' . . leingeci, In the barnyard the hex- the two previous lessons e e, e in , evil than all that ware before them: cirees :and fragrance of the lily which loWing to every two pounds of pulp, in 4 feta hours, eaprecielly if the .eil, ceivable place except ithere they be- • until half dry, sPrinkle the flesh 'side with equal parts of saltpetre and 'pel- this lesson two men who did more so epoortfule of tennalll•one ono -teaePoon- A cabinet kitchen work -table at rows, which had avidentlY not been verieed alum, . Fold. together and creation of exquisite eerfection, wicked, but Ahab was gait to- in ste. The spites nhould be very roue% .' like to have, and the completed, Were resting with. their keep in a dry ‘place for about eight Oinri wad very man in. Character and life would be ful each of clot4 • and pepper and $7 is what most housekeepers *would in use since the spriegrherreiving was or ten days; turn the belt two . or Werse. ' . : His righte,oueness first and man's de; alurn and saltpetre equally upon all Lesson '171.---Goi taking care et Eli- as beautifully clothed and provided for as the lily if he put God and ground and well mixed before the money is reline well spent,: Next .teeth in the manure pile. • Near the three times a day in order to get the ' jah (I. Kings xvii, .1-16). .• ,Golden elan robs hinaself day after day be- . Pertione of the skin. -,• 'react" 1 Fen en 7. 'Us) caneth for \ whole is heated. This is a pleasant hest, le, a strong, large table, longer harrows the farm sleighs decked out sines. and seeming interests eecond. relish to serve with roast meat. -than wide, and have the top covered with a large wood -rack were standing 1 . . ' You, '• We • Might not think•• that In readiness for the Mad snowstOrra. . - DoNkyr wctsittr, ,• bread and flash trougtt, by, ravens Cnrumber C•ttioup -thin is another witli zinc The snow-white kitchen of the lities• of the:field. Our lily t .1. 1 ,• catsup 'that requires • ao cooking. Af- tole on which our grandmothers . a . , . .d. . . , n • The owl . nd rain had blistered the • . • and water from the brook, was very' cause he 'does not learn the message " ' - ' • • . • ' e . the most convenient apple tree, up again, there will be a• weak plane away from tine and this Plau was condition and then is fed thee the kingdom might not get stored the year around underneath get out of where they served the perpoece of a in the liber at the POW.- Where the in epen nefiance ofandnimbedience hen root during the period in which poor condition ends and iraprovement to God. they were not in actual use, has begins. ° • , Lesson On-40We 'geed reign an long since.passed away. • Now the * on the 'rani and his. eenditimn de" Ohre/3. rele 1-12). Golden, Text, wen' buil, roomy houses, wliere the vitality. of the lamb crop, encl. evenYe quality, Cooditione A an- n Chron xiv, al, "Help Me 0 Lord biddies slumber on meanies roots ip Pend the heat and sanitation are perfect, and thing .possible should be done , to ioeurreGrOedsh, info; twoetruersnt fornomirbsewe.; el. , „ appreciation by' 'a bountiful sePPlY. where they are owl. to show dieir in,r)airyoriteoiene cioendQieteionere the requiremento hleelio*oevheorane.imandpertJeecrtolp,oe,nehaato faithonewho of eggs; through all the varying seas_ in the production of die iineet grades nee. nee manner of his.un was to oils of the year. . • of wool and exposure to dampness. do good, and right in the eyes of the We still.... And in ever eorainunitY Inakes the wool. coaria and brittle nerd, and that is everything. Note staunch adherents to the old apple- and the fibers weak, the words following the •goldentext, tree metheds of tool storage. who When exposed to cold or storm the ern Tee name we go." positively refuse to be convinced natural oil, which is necessary to the Ln IV„-jehoshaphates reform • that it pays to shelter tool e as cane- health and natural growth of the' (re Citron, nix, 1-11). Golden Text, ' fully as • it does live stock. Theserweol is washed and thequality of, n.411hron; xix, 11, "Deal courageoue- farnaers ego on year after Year In the "al IS ilthlted:- - ly, and the Lord, shall be with the • their carelese slip -Shod way, getting A Small fat sheep will always :grin% good." Verse 6. might have been a but a pattial return from the Money better prices than a large cine,. but better 'golden text, "Thus shalt ye they may have invested in triple- if the large one es once made fat it ele In the fear of the Load, faith- ' of tool life 'clepende not so much up- ' . Win coramand much the better mite, , -- e, hosephat's heart was lifteginv in the finny and. with. a perfect heart." Je- ments, little realizing that the length, On the attention given then When in • TANNING SHEEP PELTS. Ways of the Lord (xvii, 6), and to , .0.e a, little trip which the . writer:. and wonderful victory recently, took through a fertile have proved quite successful. in. ton- ne following method is said to: had a great over :His enemies (chapter 20), but', operation as to the care aril. storage when not in eetuel sereicie . • tion of the countrY he Was , ,greatly Por- ning sheep -skins. Cleanse , the . wece en this: lessen he is rebuked for help„ impressed in the Storage of .their maenads, rinse Well and -soak for thoroughly by washing thein in warni. Mg' the mtgOdlY. • • : • :Lesson: V.--Ctinri and Ahab (1 28-33)e Golden Text, tools which; was patifully evident on twenty-four hours in a solution ef MtP1Ks XVI; " productive farms le the locality the pelt alum and salt, eight minces of each, in enough, wermewater to cover the AltetIVA Drain well, stretch 'Oa a beard, to the people. " ,In: contrast.. 7Ti Frey:. Xiv, 64, "Rightenuenese ex- everynation, but sin es a reproach. hand. •Oft one of the most, ' cueumbers re- u tleinselves le -or should be- paint and given: thera a weat,her beat- A tA.A: Ex fare, neither !night, we be' I en the lield might, if her and er nee me; wire, ripe celleot Rints• f or Ansi.- gee bot with constant ratiotre of meal ur ove 'were not so firm': Plc! t • ' en appearance, yet .there they stood - eff ' reefed ie move the seeds -grate fine and put a thing of the past. fleas1 tttot like lonel a,nd oi e W mit g y, within live feet of an empty, shed . • the place *herd God had, planted her, in a, colander. fifteen minutes to rnnfll th wnr1I nv�r kin,,'th drain. ' To- isrerv, ctufirt of pulp 'add the daintiest of nelisee which • man eadisle, oae feeepoonful of. salt; nag. FURTRER REVIVAL OF Z.61/"PT : „, t '113•:._ ' toego to pieees over trifles, and. When Mae. or Johe the"Bantiet or could obtain, obtain, Hebei to gratify ovary' a pint of cider -Vinegar and half` a .. .• . -Kne:c/WIler Of this establisennent is heave' leade and big Problems Ow iel, even, the item. Of food was re sglisli. wish and . artibitiqn, and *she teaspoor'd of . cayenhe PePPer, Mix :Extension of 'the Great Irrigation reputed to be one 0 the wealthiest still to. be serene and sunny -this- Would be no admiring glancee tit her Mal. "This. 'catsup. is speeiall§: coin, ' '' ... . ' • tensive bank account is a tepid 'of half' enough attention to its cultivn- a Is minor matter. • , ioLessoe. Va..---Obiedlati .. end Elijah Kings xviii. ' 1-16). . nolden, would fain misenibly .fail . ' tlitve thoroughlye put lin email .bottles and • 'Sceterne by Lord Cromer. farmers in the .county, and his ea- the fleest of fine arts Do we ,giee No .„Beteneenenet IN „asp AIR 1 me ,....n...nr_. ... ic . , ro- • out by , nirneVilliam Garetin , linden: has anntred in the past. • few yeare 'let of money, to get ' on in our nr e • „' .., - • ancient .glories . of gypt...is Veirked this these, carelens methods which he good.deal more: important to Make a TeXte L Kings aa:iii... 12, • !"1, thy ' beauty:, there would be - ' ' Mended,,fer etsh and 'game. •• • ' A. Stupendons project to roeive' the gmeral conversation, but despite all tion ? Don't .we. think diet .it is a portion given: Will lilt a tie° gallon - errant, fear the • Lord from -my • ' ea e• .4•••-•' 1-'' ' Ay Pm A er kiene-The n How the . 'would rel.) the. world and ' . ' • Secretary, of State -for rublie Worlis have net tended to hicreriee - his fession., to succeed in politics, to i are °" youth:, . Lilian in his Imiely places eroek. One-half peck midi cueum- and ()banish in tlie house of ungodly • ' ttinge He talks of God's care and fully illustrated blue -book which. was net 'wortty, of the emulation of his book ? . All .eNcellent things in their eeerce a000l,dio • to eel . e love arid yet he clops not know idea • • ' " • ' issued from the BritislePoreign Of- neighbors. There are meny other way, :but to aecomplish theni at: the "ee..• • • • • porcunity as far as we know. The g ailyan op- ' onions. two heads of catilifloWer Ile, (picked. apart); soalcedeeever night 'in' Wherein they might readily have 'been ' To keep ineeet amid' a hundred -and- tent: life bv. the brook her even the , , 'attired with the expeine of but a few one diStrantions and irritations. not widoces huniine hoine, but to such an softest of silks and 000230, :choosing two tablespooteals ' of &tiled ; horse - cid! And man is doing that • very been two quarts of, small ' Silver skin in --ig-ypt, in a pondercius and beauti- worldly wealth and his example -IS quire social position, t° writ° a Ahab both feared and iserved the it means, because unlike' the; My fice. • farmers who ean -end an abundance sacrifice of one ee siveetriess ef spirit. • ' - • • I Cblristian who truly desires to serve .15 not willing to abide in God's Reit,. water... In 1. no reernin mix 'one , • . • . • . • . • . g ite means of working this mociern of tune to whittle' and talk politics is, after all, not the beet thing in .. • . will; be ' lit - net Willing' to fill , the 'dessertepoonful, of 'tepteeic, Powder'. 1i:tirade comprises • an ireigatien at the col .grocery but who are so tife, . . , ' - • ' : ." . . . . the Lord niay fully trust HMI to . • at c'cuiclitiotie tied .erivaeileng: neeie =staid witli sufficient vin,eger 'from takes the breath avietee. but m Many 'put their tools. in the shed., . more ,go.od than by keeping .sweet 1 - hew eine anyone , na menage all the details. cif his life. . . place .. God intended; , he is rebellions O.& thiete-f°P1'tlis of a P911:tycl*°.b"t: scheinn whose; magnittide '.alixicist Tilley that they cannot find time. to .... Really; now, ijah on Lesson n.7.pomi bound to have tie owe :Win and .seen three ti_euarie) ' ;to make a,.....'smooth. wonders •• have. alreadv. been worked. It ie oftee rieCepeary 'that we hena Yoe don't have to Cease -the . ocean Cannel g• King° nviiiie ..4:°"46•)' Vn.$le Ntt his ..own way.: \; The lily Sjiealt of. Paste, ''''Ec tale balance of ethe 1 'Vine= •in the larateof the 'Pheraohey since :the 11, thorough understanding -.01 the utile or wait teitil next:week, to. :begin. Oedden:Taste X; :1C-itige xv.ii e .-.1, "It • urrencler• to all forces "whieh Jerewn. sugar, 011e -half Mince' eache wee 11 'i: conceehed, that even: leoril in the: limited. eterege capecity, Proe, education .first, You cen start netts the. Lord , be •Ged, • follow:10ra" In dient•e sWeete eilanne faith. in Gild. of obe- • gar;.: heat:nee ,a,de one- pemed of scheme :of Oki grekit. Assaurin ' dain ity of .61face in order to. get 'the tool's Yon don't. have .to 'acquire a; cedlege lenjali sea inan filledwith adesire; Will make. for' splendice geowth • . end .6elery. seed • arid white. Meetara seen, Crenier, 'Who intro/feces the project. vided on & great. Many of. auk* farms morning to' ,practise • the art. :You that Ood mai.. he ' e . '-. glorified and that ginnieus efruitege, of patient. waiting. One n fenspoenfel . act,Ch of einneinen :in a covering despetcli, throwfe no where 'buildings dected ,especially 'foe. .ere. working • in the mode' Of:people. peOple may know Rim as the living . through every eexperience in • life, and cloves ;and five :cents." wend!, of . doubt epee its :feasibility, '' • • ""' this parries() are enknowit and weere, who constantly ruille. yoot. , temper? and WM Gad:, ..inavid, had the same whether it eathe lidet of teneptation. Mixed epicee- for /lidding.. Cal efully .11: Would, however', inc leding . the all., a,t ailable. space in, barns:, : - shede, wege then, I1. you can eceep', seveit, desire when ' he Went forth lagainet...... , or the - darkness and chill. of priVa-e add enc. mustard...paSte. end let it °railway . echeiricte Which. forth 'Part of etc., must be utilized! for theirstore you will be a, marked Mani and .a .Golitteli, and' Daniel. and, his friends ,tion's, hoetie- whethen it 'Is tile - . glad bolt Well. 'then add the honed. . Irene- in castn21,400.,000 and 1..,ord. Groin!, ego: By a careful arrangement. a .neighty, influential one too iri that 118 IL they went to ehefueeaci and steishine :and, tetreshing. .1i w* of ..tatees. with ' two .vert 'licences finely er thinks' that not mo1e. then a., quer- large atnount of Machine/7y. tan be Office or In Viet •factoter: • ..'" .• • the lion n den' '.- , :: .e: • .. prctSPCritY or' *the . Moat:rating e wind cliopeede told efter it 'begite. ta ben. tee .of *the: ecneme nen be .Practicalin very ' eceinenientiy :housed in a, 'small .• You, et. littlier,, are 'rounding the Lessen. IIL,-Eli;ali disconraged :VI, ; how the, Mice of .,ehe..field,. bow 1. the, and hail of kulversity.:•.,. It; i* . the blealloW it te - lion Well for* • five . • , considered-at:present. :.. -. ' - 'amount of . floor enaee; where it • IS • .eoreer at night nftee, an 'eiteeptionally leinge isiic.; le$). Golden :pest, 'Pe. birds • of • tho.. eire.liove eli abduadieg .sweet, abiding ti a ieust . . . C 04 '. •."which. rijintitea, • •'• Do net lee ,:peneneeled• to : .-' Put :in .its crudest .forre .the irrigae, yore. readily.. : evailable- when .-cleeiied. aggravating ' day in. .blismess . but cent ie. In *me i roes c ' . . , ,, tion. scheine it besed. On the Pried:lie for Use'. • • ' , : . ' • ' . ' there' looms ,.in. siglit, yeat hozneeee. nee.: the Lorn, and.....• Oe' heard me.", ' • un - nature would 'bring their 'messages brings that peciee Eine joy.' which add I onecitoes; greeu :. an eipe, to : to the heart of Man andhave. tim.passeth allunderetaedineentietaren piteles Of utilizing the Waters Of the. ennite We are of the opinion. 'however, buena of refune, •Ilow are yell:genii belie: •only:,way of peace, and victory - , . . • • . . ' ' .. learn of ;Gee theetigh thefne and 'find •.:Aiiii the lili Of tlinfield ie the' light - ' - -- ' , • • ' ' Xile 'fOr the benefit • :of' Egypt ann that no fariner in 'this day of. .fairin to earry'yoUredif for the nexttwelve ie a mired stinted :aeon. Jelioveli, sees : His Word! • . l. • • ' •: ' the seul, of menthol if he does net. • ' . : ' - . . - . ' . ' .p .. : ie diem the clear eeternebtation ' 'of Of .Christ's :solemn words dechiree to . . ISHINKS 'PGA THE.:SICK. those of. the ;Blue Nile for that of ehe reasonable prices for building enaters or. fifteen helms .there9 neoki: mayenot ing no one but Jesus onlyHow- belong to. Christ, ,if the mgenerating Acid fruit driSoudan ialn nen afford to be without a teal Carry home muck money in your oce- nks ai•e ;often agree- - Sir William estimates. terat, . when hoeseiof some kind or other -rebuild- .kete yen mnn, be &nadir* the strain We ate utterly ever- strong ' We may be. in the Lord, Tho fields bring their peaninicie ' message. it . is old and et ever liower., of the Son of, God is not. 'feltw , eble to the ,siee , when no food. ie. de, the whole of his Egyptiae Proieet is :fleg ereated and. used for the express- that aweitelyou to -morrow with: the * weak and lielpeees in , • elle. life is not flowirig 'theougli tilted., end are 'valuable foe their pure cariled out -ns : caroled. ' out • it • line purppse of stewing. the Mem median- .opening of a. neer btisinees day; , but. cher/nines., and the monient we al - new. • Jests says to srou and me ,as if '• rote cnieseleee to dwell ' upon .people the human life, that- that life is. dead :fre,lt. acid • and • pboaphatee. Th*. doubtedly .will be in course of timee- ere and. vehicles. -11lone.y . expended this much you , ewe. carry henite-n we teen our aneioes, troubled, unsafe and , withered 00, foe as nhe etnenae. ninthoel is • . eo simple in preparing the increeSed idea brought- ieteecultie in the construction of such a bonds • sweet. spirit; you can grit or cireunittances we 'sink like :Peter isfied hearth tetecurds Rine "Consider:- vour t,:shea he took his eves oft the Lona. • why? Not and enduring thiegs. of God etre' ton- these Juices. that anYene with' the yeti= Wel bring in a minimum ren- „leg will. prove a...gOod Int and teeth. end say, "Oorne *bet. WM,. I' '., T.,,Fign XI -Elijah' •:encouraged •0, the lilies of. the 'field," ' nna cern O.. e fl g y ei fr . e , , , • , will be kind and My . e Tha ower, is the lOr ' f • ult. at their Comnicidd can h ve a tat • from ta.xatien i.1 xa .2p opo per net the owner a good per cent of in- - own '' eenn ' . alone to .drink,in thetr beauty -the 'plea, and .God has eeclared. that supply' On hand., . ' '. ': : : itenum; while the Soudan scheme, 3n: terest :in the actual cash saving on ' Sweetness *does not mean. absence .. . ' ,, thou, nerve • nix. 9e18). Golden • Text, an .for. eHs glory. Prepare I qt. .of stra berries Or an. . a . min, w e , 0 a his no le. We eve on the fem. a of strength. 'It ise out frem tne -. , ..' e . ie. ' • e ' • Itia, elle 10, peer not, for X • to. fill the, eaesiog,reeree;n w i rti,. He has 'lereeted ne ' ' ' ' W • 1 il t X 'el ill 'Li £500 00 ' ' O 'Ix ' ' .grance and ' brighteieSS. ,' Not, plat , , - . NV •pould le 111 apart tr ' om °thee, bort:lee aii reepbernee alae - eear. tool house built in the year e8.90 at serene . maple that the Sugary ' sen a .. e . • . , , ....e . . in. wain °thee.' . must not. hay : simply to admire them end ranter-. tele le°a-t , ,1 p re eitil the Ylor • Of : tbet . '1 1. ' . ld ' ' . - Lord Pronier obserees. that ' while 't tal' cost, for labor Paid Mitterial t • el • 1 d 's, . eeeeenn ,leoked quite as ., hope:men to nienthe lines and, theie exqiiisite :sob:Wings,. Ged 'and Out of Itelliewenhirwidi G end s, y g . : 1 n 1 t - t i- • . • . * ' . ouely gush over. their graceful out= plant, and hoNVir t meg 'Y - berries. hue c eberries, e. erterries ------rit b stenunin or hull- greater f G • a a Thi building 3.0 04 ric ns nPr nY 1 t f when he .learhed Pon' God Uhneelf le portion o s aiss of $350.00. Ihis is ee- sweetness is a •connionent e enaen o from tin'sco teem Mope mus nocessar feet, ono storey, and a half in height an strong natures, ' ' that there were 7 000 vet in 'Israel .mani es an reveal the glory f °- of V'our double granite er poccelain w n•ese o spa oes no g • ft d t rae,on who had not •bo -Wed the knee to Baal od tom wash them and place an the top le- be eostponed for finarnial reasoes and giVes tie . ample space for the s eet tifie eye and regard them' es so many orode.• Mote specimens • for the collection, world to reveal God to inert, to otan_ Not to exarnine tlheni. with the. si'Oti- 1 I • d • Jesus Christ Caine. into ' the ..rboettetrfoe.g0 il with li If the" bulk ill: stinaelie, i:intitehl,r•tuen in o ii. s .-„note fUture• . • ' . • • at ' ' works intimated' to cost- nee4.00,000 etonege of an the erena end eehielee tiarabyneambynese it is; thnereleet and that he wee not the rainy wit - Not to regard them as the beairtiful heat forth His glory, and He eccont- , Man be carried out in take non re-. on a. (Me hundred ante fem. Doors glove under which iti the iron hence; It neSS en Whont tlie Lord, timid inlY• e conveniently arranged so that the is a kiad of .buffer, which • strong ne- model to be painted into the.larid- elislien Ris • eon:eine only as 'Ho ~ ' ' ' - lens expenditure sheuld, Lora' Ore- 'irciplemetits are easily go,tten out and turee interpose- between tbefriselvea heaven (11., 1.c-ingS ii L'1:-' In. Leeson if -In. -Men: fallen uanolidnento ,... iv bag with. a, drew string at the. the beautiftt fruitage of it, Go -like Canals in Anddle Eger t e.,1 00.6000 en 0 ration It is le t " • s tone ust brave to covet • :death, even •theragh andt(toheepiri,gorladw'geehorirdnesseviy,, tho:t, is. TGexodt,toGoenk „Iiierin., 224! , It"An'is ;or wilieote, nfoOrr• to brighten and . place. in the Pather's sidle Ile 'bore kept Hie 'ton, tie 'LIP the nen, and'. let it drip . over night. into: a 0 , .. 0 lows b wi . scale: and' lend their beautifel :color fa,ithfully and persistently mer thinke„ba apportioned see ' fol. iii. It has been seer eastern. to plate' pres , e • b in vin • it but . - e toolif . in. this building everynight Railways .„ ....„ . 8,060,000 the Work of a, moment th chaw t e try it on, then men , o a , 'Raising Aseouctri dein 500,000 Plate et cultivator' down and Place dey, .' . * Leave 'all to Gtod., arid be etrorig• in ' With. regard t� the Soudart, the tended period ot its usefulness. A. •* . DtTLY EXPLAINED. • nye SI, 52; L Thees. iv., 16-181,.. Anne. We .me.y. 'never die (I. Core Remoilelling Nile at Regatta .. it under 'cover arid eve ile•e well re- ' . ctiett,Damietta • 000,000 warded for the • tittle spent in the exn neer's view, is to eomplete the Stiles loc•ks as freah seed bright as a new or get a glorified one we shall ;newer • kiln -Herber HailwaY, a. work whieh machine :because .it has neVer stood had long prontieed to virtit. the ecenee liome had been in ii. country district •Iiive more to bear than Re Wile give. . will cost, it le estimated, eaeeneee out le the rein: of been in the. sun- .0e hes boyhood 'and deliver a leonine eis grace for.. ., of 1906. *stance we Might cite is that of a 'in nal of :the 1 fuedis off one Of :die ins Lesnan xn14-11sirael rennin/nil nAmos stitutioite of. the 'place- At • last -he e.' - , na , te 4-10). ckorden. text, Amos V.; 000, and he cOMPleted' by the enring '•except when hi actual i180,, Anothee The irrigation project for the Sou-, binder pureliaeed some six years 'ago liultilled ins promise, It Itestaiee' o: 'See 'elle eineee. 'and Ye Bruin: gate expenditure of Z5,500,000, but that time had been. ruit two seasons. nen will inoolve ail ultiniate aggre- at a dolt of $1,4.Z. • The machine at was giveti, • ' ' • • . live." Jeli.ovah had done everything, Loyd Cromer's -view is that the eon niece purehaeing the machine we inWgilweillittasteirtnlie 001te4etliellpnricreiepal°Thyprer:: ''ffroortnIsrtitliele. hoinIedagweas °tilietirr4YIRPgicit'etsti:**eterr . their Xing. Provemeht 91 railway Communica. havo cut with it over two himdred motees , of the affair they Warmly La...., wgiveri 'their Judge, . obedience that Re might ' blow ethieet of. them a Willing tions atteuId be flret Put in hand, and fifty, acre ti hf eirain cod it was cOngratulated hire on , the faillity 'lee only asked . rolled into its emu/Awned piece in. with winch' be natio is rather teoli- A bicycle ,as used ..to do the faMily Mingo. WO attribute ' kits enduring tion, "I invaelabler. fix my attentiot by awn:yen:I ecxle:twir tat: and brake. n htestang, but they turn- . If We are in any way .turned from wAsvve4 sv movato. . tale itytoorloadhiehucasse it:la:to:I: 111108 os5eastoaniti: ,iii,c,tiollini,,at:eird ihnterest •.,,,....-.„.,..-..i.....-,... . hi:tyrant in a Verfact recite of .repair his Somewhat unettlturect audio:nee, • ed away from and WorebiPPed idols. washing for . the family of en en qualities to the feet that it has al- upon "Ob," rriente'lectr .of ray mediate° ,Ltil. tittbr nit alimsder14141115;v7113filig"' re°67 e 1-1 t • • of Etil later h Ve Ms wife ways heeri carefully housed and riot •who strikes inc 00/ having the leatet • has it r otary washing machine, and to thin hie Indy/none ingeniously at- tadhed. rinki clothes and soap and Water haVing lieert pa ht the Mach - fee, Ilitner mounts his stationary wheel, lights a. cigar, and pedalo tor about an town At the end of that, dine the Washing ner done.. Gx.ortnoY ITTF, pxoTutm.. )• 4 u9 nle tile. juiee that has dripped. P , , even wh . in net • i easy enough, . says tun . 4 character. :And the only way lot ° ° • . . . death b • again ' it is leetket to Not any of tneee. Jesns Wan' nol Man to grOW the fruits. of ci, Christ- front it,. Heat the juke to juet eliort talking ,to the gushing 40 seritimini- like character is for him to ehide ih of boiling, point,' Mid keep at this tal And esthetic, not to the botaniet. the Christ. This, tbee, is Oneof the tereperutere ter art hoer. While the not to the artiet.. neente loved lie- lessees which the lily would teach juice ie cooking, PrePare your betties ture for more than her superfieial us. Apart from the plant, aselees by carefully sterilizing them, ' To self. 1•Ie sate deeper than' the exqui- and. intinettire and .dead. 'Apart from do this PeoPeriee they should be site ,tolorings eertd:. the picturesque Onriat, an imperfect character, imma- placed On 0,, rack or bits of ivood in and beautiful conibinatibree , enis ture and useless andniirially ....eternal a kettle of, cold water: Let the wa• heard the spirit -mil triesSage, Whicla death beyond the grave. "Consider,. ter welder:lily come to a boil: 'Vie nature whispered. Itc San' under- 'then, : the lilies of the field," for betties stir:mid be 'filled with the wit- neath the b,eanty and the fragrance they teach of God's love and care, ter; also. When the water reacbee the lessons which could reveal God of the beauty and stioieSS of liunibie ,boilifig poiitt., remOVe .the :hottleS, and God's Word. And so Ile mid. tittle and willing obedience and pin elepty•itein and tll Immediately with \ "Consider the lilies ot' the field." tient waiting, of tlie fruitage f 0- the hot syrup. Cotk and seal'tight- 1-Java Maratter whieh eati come ey. To be certain that tliese are \ Rave you considered theme Olt, yeA, you, say. Row I love to wander mile as the sold. 'le felind hi Christ air proof, stand the bettleeeert the through the fields, how I delight 'to and Christ is fourtd•within the soul. corks for a few lioure. Put away search through the woode for the - i • in a cool, dark piece. To eerve, mix . Mosees and the ferns and the tender 4 noel qtentities of juice and cod , violets winch braghten the noon ' LIVE-•SAVIenn n'ASR. water. • eliaded nooks. now / rejoice in the • A Freeehman, M. Challecit, has ice Illackberry Nine has Itateli'rrtedln- eil if, th barn in the ri le of' the vented a. new sash 'Which, he thieks el value in bontel troublee, tied tie f h t +nee ever one who wears enorest clierriee become neetar when re nit e tied until we leave -tine mortal body first thing to be dere, In Lord Oro- mower purehased three Years ago A faninirs scientist those early'. as the hurrying breeees sktl ive teom front dreeening. The wonderful nett- :inside into ninon. Orange/1 end pine. • leaf to leaf dud sone them all to cle is made ot india-rubber; but in- apples, either singly' or compound, whispering- of his visit and his hasty side it is placed a little box WM- make delicious Juices prepared the " flight, in the bum and littiti of the taining a certain quaritity of one of same way, lOve tO be with her, t love to erne- the sash cOrnea 'itt contrtet with the 'In abundenee, together with a lege Mine with her. She brings root and "a the ealaitita calnriawnd - ti6e6Inn anicnnit: or Pure wnt", end their Ad - peace arid quiet to ray •ear . Poses teed produces a quantity of *as eee are exeelleet also for a berieficial ' eufficien to inflate the sash and Pen't beverage for elek PeePie er invalid5. nee, so alio noes. Row eagerly /ten e lc a 11 Y ri re P • . ' death by drowning, eexperimente into a hewn Add it Mice; of lemon irrespective of his moral or ran:glows coedition. Inn , Jeette does mit have been made with this` new idt they have been satidfa peel and a bit of eineatnort FItiek, or pined with us to "Consider the lilies tao.nrdy.sa far if' preferred a grating' of nutmeg, material gratification of inan. Ile Wants us to consider. them for the insect worklt Oh, love nature-, the coraPouncle ccileilim• When Apples tette,* fret. end pliomphntes • • serve its wearer from taw t 0 Wash a, large Juley apple and. Mice of the fielel" for the euperilcird and and pour otter a cup of fresibly boil- ed Witter. GOVer daftly, and when °rite Writer?" Seeond Stuelentl--"XO to thin, Strain, isweeteri with gran - deeper ritual lemons whieh they "Ceneidef the lilies of the field," beettuee they -speak of Clod's, faithful care, beeeme. they Veinal A. menet faith, e humble Cruet, a willing else.' 'tile •Oreafor tos. Ur part steinn to 'frtStakiebtl-"Wtho le your fay- soffidently cool, set in' the ice be* may tem dience nen glorkeut tideMOn. (nod guardian. Ile signe all tny ehetplee, eilated Rigger and reee.ve nerY told, you know." Another excelleht weer to prepare "I am see glad your Meter enjoyed • the apple juice.is to mash a belted her visit f us, Mr. Smith," "Oh, apple in te, ;hotel, using a Meyer fork, well, you know, ehr is the /sort ef and pout • °Vet. it a nine ef beiflng N4#1 who tan enjoy herself anywhere, Water. CON' elOnely till cold, aren't yea UAW." :and inceeten to taste. Adding int 4. 4. 4-4-4-4 444 - 4‘,4 4111442,4412141:, 4,4,11-4,-a- 4- 444.401,44. 1 net, g • • ety who believers it looking at the Wight side of eiverytInng," Sybit--"Yes; she's always looking at the shiny surface of a nilreor." "They have called two docton3 irt for consultation." "And do the doetters agree?" "T believe they have agreed upon the price." Ree -"I make it it rule never to /meek unless 'know what 1. ant flaking nbout," Slie--"Aren't you afraid of losing Stour vole° from Want of pritetice7" nt, 4 4 .4F, n 4 4 4 4 4- 4. 4 44.-4 4. • 4 4 4 subjected to t e es re e Cle- mettts , 11 farmers will give the matter bill a little thought the will see plainly that the old apple tree and bare yard teed beton is it. losing venture ail will take Steps at °nee to re - nee y the evil by the erection of a modern builditg for than, purpose. SIIEEP NOTEn. Sheep ortee fat and then allowed: to become poor never do well again. When eniti buy it sheep for begett- ing be' sure it le better than What you have. The secret of suCeessful • Sheep le to keep, good sheep and in titan floeke, finless there is it continued effort to improve the flocks they will go backwerds fiestead of forwards. The only requitrite to bring a, sheep ,to a /Imitable etandard 11 that • intolleg,ent face, and 1 cottfthiti to ex- - plain any erubjeet upot 'which 1 touch until I me by that persons genres, Mon that lie understands it," Alinnot directly afterWarids the lcarling public eimdia of the llttw teem crone fete the room and made his way to where the ntientist.stan4iegWas . "Sir," he exclaimed*, "you &newt porandy believe ho* much real plea,- -..4ture you have given 1210 tonight. It :merited to nte MI .the time as if your eye Was riever away from Me, that, you epolo to me atone, nud, that your whole wish wart to Make une derenarid every Word you min." I LitUe Girl--"Marrana says you nave been on the Mien' for years." Visitore-"Oh, ledeedl" Little Girl - "Vete but I sitpoose they take you down and dust you •eivery Sprit*, doe't MOW'. FOG MADE TO ORDER. In senile of the fruit growing 'die- t/note abroad, where the) frost doers much damage arming tlie orchards, there exists: a curiceis Mono of pro. teetiag nthe trees from the cold. It Is note other than the ereation of an rtificial fog. A. cart \is pacated with wet etrave, and at the bottom is a kind of stove filled Wit& burn- ing tar, and fitted 'With a revolvitne fan to regulate the dratight. As the cart ineVeli along a dense fog Is calmed by the heat trent the tar paeeitin through the tiva strel.W. the vapor tines oreated rolls out in liege t0Iihnes end clings to the neiglibov- Ng trent The frost 1$ thus thawed from the brancliee, and the fruit Is graved from injury. .• NO way to find A Weedatt Out IS to on whin 191i6 isn't in.