HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-15, Page 8The Clinton Nowo•Recoard September Lath 1 • ore 'ess Goods. More new Dress Goods arrived this week. Neat nobby effects, in fancy tweeds, medium and. heavy weights, suitable for Shirt Waist. Suits or heavier cos- tumes. Of most of them only enough : for one suit of any one pattern. Materials* and patterns all new and values good. 7 weed Effects 6514s Canvas tweeds, two tone .effects in green, blue, . grey and 65c.. brown, medium weight, very stylish at per yard Tweed Suitings 75cts; Handsome effects in faney,tweed suitings, mostly dark colorings, weight suitable for shirt waist suits, neat.designs and 75e quiet colorings at per yard Fine Tweeds, $ 1.00 di $ 1.25. Many new designs in fine tweed'suigs, n o. twso alike, made from pure wools, will makkep into sty- lish and serviceable costumes, a largec`lrtmentof$1. new and handsome patterns at per ... ...... , U 0 $1,25 Plain Cloths. Plain cloths will be much. . in favor this season for 'fine suits. Our stock of them is very large,: arid all the popular fall and winter shades are•repre'sented in it, Values, ,in most cases, good enough to call SPECIAL.": Cloth Suiting :Soc. Ladies plain cloth suiting,'all pure wool, .bis. ht finish,. good weight, i shad sof green: nay,, brown; castor and : black, sue- Oat value at per yard' , r 50�. Cloth Suiting 75c•. Ladies plain cloth suiting,' better quality . and wider than the above, will make stylish and serviceable costumes black and the •75e leading colors at per yd . i , . 1 tilos • Cloth Suitings $ i .00 & 1.5o. Ladies Broadcloth suiting made from pure, fine wools, extra finish, goodweight for tailored so:,•tunres, dressy and serviceable, two qualities $1 00 50 At per yard.............. ... .... . g $1 skill New American Wrapperettes. The $oasoziahie Question Is Sobooi supplies. We opened some nobby American Wrapperettes .and Cotton Waistin s this week, The very newest designs and g colorings for Fall wear: ' Out of the ordinary, and different, from what yon will see inmost places:. Not eery much 'of. any one pattern: I21c, 15c, 20C and 25C per yard. The Handy . Garnment. The Raincoat is one of the handiest and most useful garments a lady can have. .In showery weather, such , as we are having, it is hardly safe to venture out without one, We showing many new styles for fall wear. Natty nobby garments," that have a distinctiveness style le about . them that is all their- own. All made from good y ood materials that will give satisfaction then it comes to the wear, Our prices for dependable and stylish garments are $5,00 $8.00 10.00 $12.00 IIODGI3NS BRos. IMPORTERS - CLINTON. We have all the convenien- ces and essentials that the boys and girls will need, Our usual good values in Scribb- lers, Slateq; Pads, Pencils, ete. We want your trade at this School opening and ii you will so favor us we will try to give you satisfaction that it may be a benefit toyou and that we. may merit 'a continuance of your patronage. See uo about it, NORDHEIMElt PIANOS. Agents. Parker's Dye Works. W. D. Fair . Co, often the Cheapest. Always. the Best; About People We Know. Mr. John Mole of. Auburn• was in town on Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. -'Charles , Cook were in London this .Week. Mr. Fred.. A. Lewis,' piano tuner., Berlin, •was in town ,this. week. Mir.. John Johnstone, 1 R'attenbitry street, was in. Toronto this week. Miss-Lettto Smith returned. on Mon - 'day from a month's visit to !rela- tives in North Dakota. Mr. Fred.. Stanley has'. returned home after a fortnight's visit at Sarnia, Chicago and; up the lakes. , Mr. and Mrs, William Wheatley and , Master Percy 'returned home Tues- day after a week's visit with Tor- onto friends.. Mr. Ernest Twitchell, .who \had 'been :spending a few days under<the par ental roof,;'returned to Detroit.; by. boat on Tuesday: • Mr. Roy !"Hellyar who has• bon at Fort Qu'Appelle for sonic. tisee,lias • returned home, his .eyes requiring medical treatment, Mr•• George E .Stott of Detroit, who was ‘Visiting her 'sister; Mrs:.James Twitchell' of, town,,• and friends, iu London, ' has returned. home. Mr. Walter Bair 'and "daughter, Miss Aggie Barr, .St, Thomas,. have teen guests this week of another daugh- ter, Mrs. J•,l W, Irwia4 of town. Miss Leona Potts, who had been sp-. ending her fortnight's •holidaysU with her:. brother,, •1'red, • of 'Cleveland, Ohio; returned home :on Monday.: Miss M: Brown 'arrived from Det - reit on' Tuesday'• and will spend e month or so at ;the homestead -in. • Hullett, and in '. isitnlg . friends town and district.. -Mrs. Will., Beacom., .arrived, home from. Toronto on ,Monday ,with her little son Elmer, *lin had been a patient .at the Children's hospital • for several months.,, Mr'. W. J. Tozer returned., home •Mon- day after a:week's holiday in Tor onto •Mrs; Tozer, who has been making. a more extended stay, is - expected home on, Thursday, Messrs. Will. Cantelon and James Sharp wheeled to Exeter on Sun- day. On• their return :they were caught. at Hensel' by •the rain and had to remain, O leve .all night. • ' Mr. . andr Mrs.' D Macdonald . were 'visited 'the.past week. by the' daughter,'Mrs, W. L,. Dowser' and. two children,, their s n Daniel an d their nephew, Charles McVicar, all ' of Detroit. Rev.T, Albert :Moore, secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, was, wh; in town the guest, of 'Rev.. Dr,Coolc; They were dais during their. college • days and their' friendship has ever since kept "warm. The following pupils from mensal] have commenced attending. Clinlo On'llegiate. Institute : B. ,tlrquhar Curtis Stoneman, Earnie Steaey, Burns Buchanan. The following are continuing their studies : 'Etta Dav- is, Lloyd Davisl and Wesley Yung- . b1ut.-4Iensali. observer. Mr. J. 13. Hoover left on Saturcia last with the following party of Woodmen• to visit the World's Fe 1). Cinnamon, Lindsay ; L. H. Ta) lor, Brantford ; and Dr. Wylie, Dresden. Yesterday was Society I)ay at the Pair and many thous- and: Woodmen took part in the procession. • County 'Councillor McNaughton. of Stanley. left Tuesday for ,a trip through the Territories. Ile prop- 'oses going as far West as l3dnront- en: Mr. George~ Campbell also of Stanley, lett on the same •d'ay for Moosejaw. Both procured their ti- ckets froni Mr. W. Jackson, local ticket agent of•the 0, P. R. Among those *who took in the excur- sion ...to Detroit were : Misses Min- nie Moore, Emma Smith, •May Ea- st, Lizzie Trowhill, Minnie:Reynol- ds, Tillie Nott, Robson, Dell, Plu= ker, Mr. and Mrs, E.. McLaughlan, • Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. George Potts, Percy Pair. Parker Foster,' J, G. and Earl Seale, John Trowhill,, T. and J. Reynolds, L. Weir, R. Sweet. Mr. G. W. Barnwell, brother of the township clerk,' Stanley, anti . for- mrinpa. S. . Godericherlypt towcinshiplof,. but now o" Sault Ste. Marie, called on friends In town yesterday. It is four years since he Wt here. Ile has done well at the Soo where' bei. is accountant in the audit department of the " big Lake Superior Consoli- dated Companies at a handsome salsa. Millinery Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 22nd, 23rd and 24th You are cordially invited to attend our Formal Opening of New Fall 'Millinery on the above named days. The store will be open Thursday evening from 8 to 10 for the benefit of those who cannot come during the day. Everybody Welcome. Come as often as you can and see the New Fall Dress Goods. The New Dress Goods. 'Our stock of Dress Goods this fall is by fat the finest . we have ever shown, and our sales in Dress Goods so far this sea- son, is away ahead of anything we have ever had. Our show- ing is very complete in heavy and light tweedsfor skirts and shirts waists and suits. We are showing them in all the new- est shade of Hunters green,Garnet, Brown and several shades of Navy. Prices are 60c, 75c, 85c, $1 to $1.50,. Black Dress . Goods.:. All that is new in black goods will be found in our stook, 'from the plain serge at 25c a yard to silk Eoliene at $2.00. In the lot will be found Crispene,Sicilian, Lustre, Satin Cloth. and . many other popular cloths all of which are Marked at the very lowest possible prices. • Ottr Sale of Rain Coats A Great Success This has been the most successful sale of Rain Coats this: store has ever had, aad it isn't any wonder for the bargains are the best this town ever had—our . syndicate purchased from the Canadian agent of the largest maker in England 665 .Rain Coats at a big saving in price, and while they .:last We will sell them at the following low prices : $ 5.00 Rain Coats . . at : . $ 2.00 3.95 4,85 5.95 7.50 8.75 10.00 7,00 «. 8.00 " 10.00 .Y 12.00 15.00 18.00 C rt tc Yc . Every Coat in the lot ismade of a good quality of Cray- enette in the newest style. It ` will pay you well to see these Coats at once as. theyare selling. very freely, more than 'half sold during the first:three .days of the sale. of 'them•betg so 3' Personal. Mrs. Hannah ', McBrien,a also . Misses' Fannie. and Martha 'spent •: a day with Mr. -and Mrs. •l Francis Meil-� Veen. of the . Base: Line, 'Mr.. and Mrs. W. '.Alexander returned Monday from: a visit of 'several `weeks with their •daughter, •Mrs.• J.• A. Green of •Port'Huron. Rev. Robert McCosh,:rector of Christ church, Chatham, and. Rev.' J. F. Parke of •Amherstburg, but former- ly of Clinton; spent•• a few hours in town on. Monda Mrs. Idarry Mesio and children and her nephew, Mas e r Leslie Edwar- ds ds, of Detroit, are spending .• a month with old acquaintances • in. and around Clinton:. - Misses Hannah and. Agnes • Wilson are attending the Model school in ,Clin- ton and. Miss, Marjorie Gordon the. Collegiate Institute in the • same • town.—Wingham Advance. • Mr. C. 0. Rance left: Monday on his two months'' trip in the interests of the Jackson Mfg. Company. •ife goes t east down to. the sounding sea, and will do business among the Blue Noses. Mr. ,W. A. Barge of Chicago,. brother of . Messrs, Barge of town, has been suffering for the past 'three weeks with a very bad attack of typhoid fever, but now; his old friends will he glad . to hear, he, is oonvalesd- ing. Mr. Ed. Dinsley of Chicago visited his father and sisters , of town last week: Ho is naw `vice-president and inspector of a Millers' Insur- ance Company from, which he is said to. draw an income of iabout ••$15,000 a year. • Mr. Wallace .Irwin returned home this week after an absence, of over a month at Maple Creek, Assa., where he was in charge of, the offi- ce of Dentist Courtice whilo..that gentleman was visiting! his parents at Ilolmesville. l Varna. Mr. Eph. Palmer of the Son is at present visiting, with his brother, William. Mr. John 1VteNaughton left on 'l'ues- day' for a visit with , friends in the Northwest. 1Vtessrs�. F. ,Weeks and II. Duncan also left for the West :on the same date. Revs ', Davidson bad • a new fur- nace put in, his house • last week. Mro, Howard. and Miss Allen of Blake visited at the ,manse on Tues - tray. Rev. Mr. IeNeiI of layfleld prea- ched in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Tailor- lade Skirts The Skirts we sell are made by a firm that is acknowled- ged to be the very best makers in Canada. The lowest priced skirt we sell is guaranteed to fit perfectly and as the seams are all bound with tape to keep them in shape. The cloths• are the very best and when you figure out the cost of the cloth you will wonder how they can possibly make them at the price.. This season's AvaluEs are better than ever. We can give you far better .skirts this season at $3.95,, $4.50, $5, etc:, than ever before. We ask you to come and see our stock and com- pare values. Golf Waists Golf Waists are more in demand this treason than ever. You will find our stock very: complete withthe new styles all f which marked t N p 1 p' W l them in O., w ie are mare a 0 u ar rices e,. have Cream, Red, Navy, Black;. Hunters green, etc. .Prices.$2, $2.50, $2.75 and .$3:50. • New :Corsets For.- The For The Corset season just passed was a record breaker for Our department. By: keeping only the, best Corsets it .has built.: 'forus ore:of the largest corset businesses in this section. We have full control of . Chaska. of sevelnal. of;ths,- hilt makers. When you want tobuy your next lair of corsets remember this store as the place that sells onlyguaranteed Corsets, •• Prices 50c, 75c, $1,`$1,25,, $1,50 to $2. Stanley Township. Miss :Ida Elliott of Detroit has been visiting . at .her \sister's; Mrs. George Clark's, the: past week. Mrs. Wm: Dowson left last 'week. to stay a month with her parcntsin London: Many ' , people of this rliborliood took'in'the. London Fair this week. Mrs. McKinnon, . ''who has .been vis- iting, at her, , uncle's, Mr. Charles Johnson's, . returns `to`her:'home• in Lucknow, this week. • :Miss: Nellie Baker of Blake is spen- r a fewweeksat thehome of din a g. 11111 Mr. Wm. Clark.and other friends. Miss. Mgggie Clark and Miss Stella Rathwell spent a few days last week. at the home/ of Mr. Charles Reid of 13rucefield.. ' Mrs,. Charles Johnson;and Mrs. I McKinnon visited friends ; hi • Exeter 1 over (Sunday.. Mrs. Wm. Clarke. Sr. has gone to visit friends at Exeter. Quite a heavy thunt'er and light- ning storm : with:, heavy rain passed oven: this vicinity Sunday evening. Mr. Thos. Brownett lost a valuable cow last week by choking on nn ap- ple. Mr. James Campbell and Treasurer John Reid, accompanied by • Miss Mary :A, Reid, and Miss Albina Rich• ardson, were in Clinton ' on • Monday on business.' . Miss . Linda • Turner intends return, ing home Tuesday accompanied by Miss Mary A. Reid.. MarnOclk. M. Walsh and lady of Gravel Road visited at T. Bell's of the 5th Line on Sunday. . Quito a number of Westfield f enple took hi Toronto Pair f.tst week. Miss 1VIay Tunny, 5th Line, is not improving very fast and it is feared an operation will have to be per- formed. Mr, and Mrs. R. Taylor of West Wawanosh visited with friends aro- und Westfield 'a week • ago Sunday. Deaths. YEsnko—In Clinton on Sept. 14th, Mrs. Peter :Yesbec, aged,37 years. I WILL GIV143 ONE DOZDN PINE Photos and ono hi a brooch for 35cnt cents. They areneatnat- • and, at • ural. Studio up over W. Taylor & Son's Shoe Store, Clinton,—N. Cress, Photographer. • 86 WANT13:1!"tMMEDIAT14LY, A YOU - ng girl as housemaid. Also Oct. 1st, one as cook. Apply to Miss Attrill, Ridgewood Park, Goderich, TIME FOR A'I' This is the time for Rain` Coats: With showery weather . almost : every other day, it • is, hardly safe to venture out without. one. One comes in handy for a fall Overcoat as well. Many new -styles are here, nobby garments that are just a ;little bit out of the ordinary and ' have a distinctive style that is all their o Big assort ments o the • every -day staple styles, too.:. Every garment made from hon- est, reliable cloths that are well put together and will give the wearer .satisfac- i ti .+ on, Come in and see: them. • If you are think- ing of investing in a Rain- coat we can interest you,, and perhaps save you a. little money. . Raincoat* tore Men at $ii3OO, $8.00, $7.60 and $8.00 Better Rain Coats at 810.000 $12.00 and 813.150 Mud Coat* tor rough weather at 80.50 and $3.50 Por Threshing Time.. Smocks and Overalls ete in big demand dude dsyii,, Our immense stock of them bong% before the great advance lit : cot- ton prices is going down fast. W e are still selling at old prices but when present supplies are gone we won't be able to sell as good smocks and overalls' for these prices. Dentin Overalls, $ 1.09 Mons Heavy Derry Overalls, black or grog, all seams double sown, double seat, riveted pookets and buttons, extra special value at r et pair. ..:...... ......... ........ p $1.00 odgens ros. CNN ad Mens funtisbkigse