HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-15, Page 5If
September Wit 19
4l 11 1 .I , ,.. 11
SIF b.
.Irwin pitrate4 by Act of Parliament 1855
Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Cipitsi'paliel up $3,0000,000
Reeelve ftleirt $4,850.090
' 'iicr tc;bile will please bear in Mind but we hare removed *bore one
olid stand, Ru itenburvsereer.•ia one new and spacious oiilecs (which
I's horn in the teotre ref the town) in the new Combo block, *.Kerner of
Victu,4`1ir•+1nil Albert streets (opposite: J.1V.'frsv[n's grocery.) A call
fro.txn the panne generally le solicited.
-Interest,: allowed at, highest current rates from elate of
i1cj.posittodtaU ofsvithdra,wal:...., ...... .,,„, ..,....
1tx 'G•
BREWER Manager, ' [.11+t'1'tiN
rr yr - _ ..,. !�P._:
'j~ 't "3r '*j~I.•� i ,
. I�*I'd•�FN ►3 $t Lot 71{, con. 5; Qoderieb township.,
consisting of 96 acres, 40 acres
cleared,. 10 acres young orchard, 40
acres good bush, parts of it culled'
some. The farim is well watered
and Mimed acrd hasood bank barn
sand frame house, Will be sold
cheap, Apply on the premises on:
address Mrs, 0. Parsons., Bayfield
r. 0. 35 t f
IIt your watch:
is not dependable
Vet us clean and".
a and:
.. regulate it- -or-. we b
: ....
la.O e t
Csell O c`1,
a �.
'� ner of Mary and Princess streets is
offered for sale. The house is in
good repair and contains eleven
roams . Stable, hard and soft wat-
er, and. -3 acre of land. Apply to.
... J. Iticlout; or J. "roll. • 34.
dbla t. .117, ?pa* .ems
`�M1Y.N'VvM,v�1•A,Y.1Y.'l4Y'i\'1'An�.•.AM12h�.Y.4Y�> - I,at32.,' con. 9, Goderich township,
to • consisting of 8o acres 4o acres seed
± a very reasonable b
per•• ��.pp �
Jeweler and Optician
. «. • N
•� I•�I � r•I•�I• i.
WO CalliCifft.
Gout You
cal .. .:zr.,a:k
mays built up a• first .class
silt trade,' such as we have:: •
unless our good: ware
right in every •wsy. .We'selt
the Finest Goods for the finest
s you
trade. One fried convince t
i 5
of this:
Among other iner wo ex- •
eel in Fancy Biscuits. . We
Assorted Biscuits at 'los
keep A a
per ih. up to Macaroons a t 50e
ztir, Pickles we . -halve. •'
In Olives dP s
only the best : Chutney Obili 1
Sauce, Cbow•Chow; sweet and •
sour Vinegar Pickles and also
Horse Radish.
‘Ve: stilI solicit xiour ;trad,
W. T. CM01(.,.
Houses for Sale.
i --Good Cottage area two lots on
Isaac street,
2—Good House and two lots With
large plush orchard on Fulton
3—Comfortable Meuse and One lot
cn Joseph street.
4--I3rick'Xrotse and two lots on Mary
3—Two Houses on Rattenbury street
6 ---Large ;Brick ):louse, with 'six acres
of land, barn and 'driving barn, good
orchard, within: a anile of Centre of
7--p`ratne house with eight • .ores of
laird, barns and orchard, encs I)insley
ror terms, etc., apply to
Solicitor, etc. C+lintoh:
'« ..• art• to.: yir,g a nice line of
« aae ,
Jardinieres ,
'Toilet :et s
attd would be pleased to have you tall
and inspect. -
our gook of Novelties, Ilrie..a»liras,
Artware, Tinware,
tc,t 2os
Res,ties Athese we tatty candle* and
fancy 'l iscutt3,
Eggs. taken in exchenge• for goal .
ig4•44,At lit .) . VARU TY
Alload111 72 liars
ed down; 6 acres iit fall wheat, or..
chard, brick houseand bank barn. 4
toile from school, • 2y,, smiles. from
Holmesville, 5 miles ffom Clinton,
Immediate possession can be elven .,:
George 's. 'Connell, ; Clinton i?., 0.
DR. BUTLER, si'F., EAlt, . NOSE
• and - Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's.
Aveni e, :. London, 3rd door , east 'of
' St.. ' Andrew's Church. Glasses sup-
up -
plied Will be at the l2attenbnry
Idot:se, .PIintozi .Apra1 .28, June 2 and
THORD):3RI D • 100,GISTif,:f :•;D NN1:R-
h in Bull lfoxsl 13nth old,
months s o
Have two, will sell one cheap, -a1
ber't Nott, 10t 24. con.. 2, Stanley,
P.O t
UA: ��
opened out a 'Iour'and'Feed Store'.
and; keep instock flour, .bian, (Sit-.
oats,curcd meats,. etc We made
special' effort' to procure `and have
on, hand :'a :supply sof Clean Seed-.
• Wheat :'and Timothy;• and -farmers.:
...making 'their
purchases from tis
can rely upon getting 'their seed
as free as possible; from all nox-
!esus' wiaeds: :
tev-e Y.son
For yourself how titucb Q shoe has to
do with the appearance of. your foot.What,' is aigiier than a poorly shared
shoe f• what Is daintier than
that fits -closely about the foot and
brings out its natural artistic lines
We can find a shoe to fit yot.r -foot
ho matter how hard you . are to suit:
' Our spring stock has ar: "ved attd the
prices are right. We are sheaving a
line of shoes for igen at $3:,5o that
can't be beat for price and quality. ,
Also a line of shoes fa women (rhe
Queen Alexander) for $z which is extra
value. Cotne in and have a look at
our stock, No trouble to show. goods.
�e 1t�
o r._s
�.7�`�` a
Car snick is complete. We have is
goods line of Japan Teas, gird and
black. In rackage teas we carry tete
Ludella, 'lied Rose, Blum Ribbon and
Lipton's celebrated teas. They were
bought before the advance' la price
which we will give oar customers the
benefit ai'. platen . anti ') ancy Biscuits,
Boiled Ham, Smoked Roll,, 'Breakfast
,bacon, Pickled figs Peet)
Mcatsr Pickles in bulb and bottles et
eli kinds. A trial erd'er will eoftvince
yorr that we carry a stook equal to
any In the trade and the prices reit.
sonable. Also a ear a. Redp .th a sug-
ar just arrived which we are selling at .
Xttseeds we, have got good Red.
,Alsike, '1`inictby, Tv atinold and
'nrrtipeeed and all kinds of garden
seeds, orchard gram,.
f' dinner
v few u
k have a
• ecce. we
In a
1 sets we are selling very cheap. 'Stour
i *a.de selected.
IOgle Cooper's old stand,
• Cask for flutter and Egger Phone es
• deuce of the bride's mother in
Clinton, on September 8th, by
Rev, Dr. Stewart, Maisie, eldest
daughter. of Mrs. T. ,M. Carling,.
to J. L. Barber of Winslow,. Ari-
WEBSTEB—MILLI R—At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents on
September --14th, by Rev. lijr.
Whaley, Agnes, slaughter of 1lr.
Thos, Mi11ee; of West Wawana;
to 'James William Webster of
Asl4 eld,
0':1AiVLIW-TP11,ENDI RG.A.ST' -•- Ire
St. James Roman Catholic chur-
ch, Seaforth,. on September 6th,.
by Rev. P. Corcoran, Neil J.
(Manley, to Annie, daughter of
Mr. John Prendergast.
es ehur;ch, Pittsburg, Pa., on
August 27th, by Rev. Coleman E.
Byrann, rector, Mr. Justin J. Tit-
ieband• of Pittsburg, to Miss Ethel
G. Garden, eldest 'daughter of Mr.
George. k'. , IS. Garden of Cleve-
* land, Ohio, formerly of Seaforth.
TAYLOR. BUTT --4t the M. B. par-
sonage, Weyburn, Assa,, on Aug-
ust 30th, .by the Rev, H. McCon-
nell, Wilbur 1?;.. Taylor .of Fill-
more, N. W. T„ to Miss Hannah,
third daughter -of Mr, Elam' Mutt
ofensall, Ont. .
CAM BfaLL—G1teIGORY-.•At the re-
sidence of the bride's parents, by
Rev. Dr. Gundy, on Sept. Ytii,
Wm. A. Campbell of Winnipeg to
lvliriaiu Evelyn, eldest daughter
of. - Mr, Thos, Grebory of Wing
hani. •
Al.oARTX31iR—SCOTT--In Hensall on
Sept. 6th, . by Bev. Mr, : Shaw ,
John 'McArthur to 1VIrs.. Tenet
Births. .
COULD --1n, Clinton on Sept. 7th,
to' Mr.' and Mrs. Harry' Gould, a
GARROW—Xe . Goderich on .Septem-
ber 6th to• Mr,and \ rs. C. Gar•-
row, 'a, son.
1�li:CTiII9=In Goderich- on September.
• 5th, to Mr: and Mrs, • T. T. Leckie
SLOAN—In : Goderich oderch on' September •
4tha';,Q.Mr, and Mrs. John Stoat:,
POTTER—In Brussels on September -
5th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Pot-
- ter, a son. -•
CA T —
It .1JR° In, Blyth on September
2nd, -the wife of .Mr, David .Car-;
ter, a• son, ,
McC 13-1
G ciich otv chi r
d t n
On Septi 10th; J. Fletcher Mc-.
Cartney,aged al, l; 42 years and : 0
.Y y
S7 INSOIS.-1ii Godei;:lch on :Septem-
Septem-ber 8th, 'Mrs. Thos. A..Stinson
of Bayfield,. aged 31 .years and 1
month• . .
L A L0 R=
I ,
Wtit-� agan s1ion
• Sept.: 10th, : Thos.,, Lawlor; aged.
03, years. -c..
WILLIS-1a ;Exeter. on . September. 6';.
Sarah Ann Smith,' •wife 'of . Mr.
Thomas Willis, aged: 61 years' and
2 months.. ,
ROBERTSON -In Gres` on"'Septem
er 2nd, .'
bPeter Robertson;in his
48th year.
, KTiRR-In 1VIcI{irloji nit' September
5th, . Alexandax • Kerr. aged • 89 .,
sale. McLaughlan,gear.e.1. G. Sea-
Stock:—The, undersigned has on 'his
p ccs on the Bayfield •Road the.''.
Imported Yorkshire Hog '°Suinnit''•r-:
hi11 Leader” .bred by D. C. Flatt
Son ' 1VIi1I hav
his. -T ' ;
is .one of . UN
very best Bogs in the county. -Ter--• .
ms, $1:25 'cash, or :$1..50 on.' time.
W.:.0•: Elliott, -Proprietor, 36
Co r
t Koti
u ee is hereby given that
a Court will be 'held pursuant to
The' 'Ontario Voters' List Act by
His Honor; the Judge • of the•Cotin-
ty 'Court of the County of : Huron,•
at the : town 'hall, Clinton, ori This-
rsday, the 29th 'day. of. September,
1904, at ten', o'clock a, m., to hear
'and determine armi
ne I the se neral aom,•
of errors
and in
the• Voters' List' of th e Municipal
ity of . Clinton for 100.4. All per-
: sens :having business at the said
Court are required t'o attend, at
tlfe said. time and pian ce, Dated. at
Clinton the 15th day is tf September,..
1904.-D. L. Macpherson, Town
AY''1C "XGNEL1, ,ING,.--Al S TJ••Ii _SEA-
son for auction sales is' again at
Bands I wish . to recta` ind the• public
. that all orders left c •t The News -
Record aide, 0lintoa ,, or addressed
to me by mail or '•i i re ,message art
Seaforth will reed :vet prompt -at•ten-
tion.—Thomas 13rc iw'n, licensed auc-
tioneer for Huron and Perth, Sea-
forth 1, 0.
•$50,000,000 i'rtOBLEM;
l)eseripttve parr iplrlet has been is-
sued giving full information regard-
ing the great Wr trld's Fair, St. Lou-
is, to which `lJY& iibition reduced rates
are in effect, 4te• .witting stop over at
Canadian static ms. WI on; Grand
Trunk Agents and secure ,copy of
booklet or add toss 'J. D. Macdonald,
District Passim er .Agent, 'reroute.
1inton News•Rocord
On Tuesday, Sept. 6tb, as the stea-
mer Wexford was changing position,
little Willard, youngest son of Cap-
tain McDiarrnid of the dredge Arnol-
df;t was running along the dock try-,
ing to keep pace with the steamer
and carrying his . new boots and
stockings over his sboulder to run
taster, so to speak, barefooted, stru-
ck against a piece of lumber on the
dock and losing his balance fell in
between the Wexford and the dock.
Captain 'Telford of the Wexford, see-
ing '
ing' the accident, had the engine
stopped and jumped la alter the boy,
resetting him with great danger to
himself. Willard lost his new boots
and stockings: all the same, but the
plunge will, we trust, be a warning
for 'boys in future :not to run ,on the
edge of the wharf.
On Sept. nth. a wireless message
reached town. It was sent to Mrs.
Carleton by her son, Mr, Robert
Rutledge, while he was on the ocean
between New York and Glasgow.
The. copy reads thus "S. S. Inver-
nia 2 via New York,N: Y. 5, Mrs.
Carleton, Goderich, Ont, Wireless
amid ocean, all well. •RObert."
TIte large thorn apple trees that
grow on; harbor hill are now .covered
with. rosy fruit peeping' out, Froin
bei4ereen. the green) leaves, and are
most pleasing to behold. No . one•'
seems to yearn for them sd. there
they remain in their, autumnal bean-
ty. • .
Mrs. Sproat and • .two daughters,
Ruth and Evelyn; of. Seaforth spent
Labor Day in town,
Mr, Willie Kirkbride or, Buffalo was.
the ;guest of her grandparents, Mr.
and•Mrs. Alex. Kirkbride, last week.
He said ,he was tired looking at
is so mu
cement, thew oh of it used
those, days at Niagara and Buffalo.
Mrs. Allan - MoKonzie and children
roturued to• Brooklyn last week. after. a very pleasant visit with Mrs. 'Mc-'
TCenzie's parents.
Mr. and kirs, Webb of. Guelph :spent:
Labor Day with their relatives, Mr:
and' Mrs. Lewitt. -
Mrs. ..Stowe and .,grand -daughters,
the Misses Etta.-e;tid Irene Saults, -
'were. Toronto visitors ''last week.'
11Tt'. Stancombe isbuilding a. .fine •
large veneered, brick 'residenee on
Macdonald street. •
Mrs. 'Littlejohn came last week, to•
visit her parents ,Mr ' arid Mrs.' T.
Tilt. Mr.: Littlejohn has built • a
handsome-residence.a little' out .of
Detroit,... • '• .
Mr; and Mrs. Wightman and .Miss
Deborah J-Ialstead,: Mrs. • Wightran's,.
sister; arrived ' from Detroit- ort. Fri- .
•day evening.
Miss Neville returned on :Friday
from DE.ttoit ' •
Many of our citizens 'attended the
ilrs,t receptions held by Itirs. Jannis
r •"
\'l ikon in hbeand atttufttl handsome-
ly, furnished 'new- residence. Mrs.
Wilson in •;a modish white muslin ie-
ceiv°ed her many .guests, , assisted . by
the MisseS Ella. Dickson,. Chl
Anderson, Johnston, Jnnie
and her sister, Mrs. • Martin Hayst.of .
Newport News, West Virginia.. 'Mrs.
C'aptaiit Gibson: was present• at bots:
receptions, ,
Mrs. Waiter Fuller and her 'sister,
Miss: Dickenson of Detroit, . who ii•
guests at the. Eagle -Campbell wedd-
ing, returned to their home on Thu
rsday: They were guests afthr•the
Wedding i. their cousin, - ! Mss'W
Mr,' harry Hunt of Clinton watt ox
Leber Day in. ,town the 'guest, of his
neica Mrs. Fred, Harney.
ivIr; Fred. Pridham, Wife and fain-.
fly, aetoinpanied by Mr: W Pridhani,'
returned last week from. a most. eti- -
joyable visit at 'Kingston... . Little
Miss Norma Crews,. formerly et Clip. -
ton sent your correspondent a sou
venin' button of Kingston fat which
We. return.` • our thanks . The - whole
party were ,the 'guests' :of Mr: and
Mxs. Philip 13.. Crews at' Kingston:
Mr. and rs. John Porter intend
retiring from farm life andare fur7.
nishing their town residence for `tile
The .Misses Cousins', took in the ex-.
tursion to 'Detroit on ;Saturday.
Mrs. Richard.. Walters 'and daugh-
te.rsa Miss Walters and Mrs. 'Charles
Ye ung, • all attended. 'the Toronto ex-
hib.ition.: They were. the guests in
H• city :ot: Mrs. Walters' brother,
NIr. iney., j_
A .stew sewer main is''being .excave-
ted at. Niagara,.andJr;,, 'Stewart,latc
of Goderich, has olttained- the contra,-.
ct for one half of it. Mr. Langley, •
who !}rid the :cement walk here, 'has
taken the ''contract. with. Mr, Stewart,
Everybody 'expected that Mr. Stewart
would get a contract here as ,he
'tended moving here some weeks ago,
Mrs. T. A, Stinson of Bayfield
came • up last week to undergo an
operation by one of our deotors, but
she succumbed to it and died on
Thursday . at the 'residence of Mr..
Charles ':Syinons.
gra. cents will ay p a subscri tion to
en p
The . News -Record until the end of
tlie. present year,
Miss Tye' has returned to ' the
Conservatory of Musie at • Ottawa,
Mrs. 'Tye, Edrie and Reggio are : hi
Toronto where they are the guests
.of rela,7ives.
Mrs. James Eagleson returned last
week front her visit among, Clinton
Mrs, Oliver of Gale is the, guest of
her sister, .Mrs. Alex. Saunders.
The death of Mr, `Phomas H. DLit-
phey was a great' surprise to our
citizens as they were all assured t'
his . recovery from his reeent. illneKs,
caused from an attaekof cerebral
meningitis. On Labor Day lie drove
erre' Point
with Mrs. Brophy to F
where he seemed quite himself, but
the excitement oust have affected his
brain or he may have received a chill
Horses For Con. however it was he did not feel. very
•struction Work.
Mr. 11. Pi ottr Aired two cars
Of horses to his lsrothiet, Mr. Mr A;
Pigott, at Goderich .ea Tuesday
evening. Th Ate nt;trnals are for use
in the cons ,ltacnetion work on the
G rich
ode ea
r► 'arewell Mt -
ed lfrc ;;•inti, and
ed for the 'cloak. Mr.. 'William Lott -
ridge, fore ran tot Me. Pigott, came
down on r rlrinday And took charge of
the shiding for the
Gaderieh extension was •commenced
this ntor :ta'ing in the vicinity of
Minim. A large long of inen are at
Work -4 }irtilipli d:Iet*ld, ,r
well next day and did not go to/his.
studio anti-' about midnight symp-
toms of the old disease caused al-
arm and medical aid was summoned
but before'the•. doctor ,eould arrive he
was summoned to his eternal reward.
TIte funeral; took place. on Sunday at
3 ftp, rim. The services were condole('
by Rev, G. N. Hazen, white"'the pe,Il-
bearers were three brothers of de-
ceased, William, John and Joseph
Brophy, and Messrs. Moss of Ohio,
Clarence Pennington of Parkhill and
X'rltsglc bf town. There were many
beautiful Iloral emblems,
tt 1.i11Rllr+.....
p(�,H^1 ti "+► 11�
Cagf. .tri„., Yitdn
Two Robust ,Women Who Owe Their Restored ,ftealth
and Usefulness to ex moa.
'hankfnfjWomen Who
have Seen Caged by
Pr. tiartmalgs rree
Miss Ruth Emerson, 12 Sy'car,
more St,, Dut1'alo, N.'lf`., writes:
.1 sUffem4 for two ;year;, with
irregular and painful menstrua,
• tion, and Peruna cured ate with..
in six weeks. I cannot tell you
how grateful 1 feel: Any age
which, brings health trod seen
,go MO afflicted is aiwpys .at WO”
COM friend, and to -day the
market is so tilled with useless
and injurious medicines them it
is a pleasure to know 0180 4"0114,
bee a remedy as you place before
the public."
Miss Rum Rawson.
catarrh of these organs, W'hilo
each ease presents some minor
difference as to deta41, they ase, a11,
M. reality alilre. Pe
rnna does not relieve
these eases bytempo-.
racily mitigating
some symptom, but
by a removal of the
cause. Many awoman,•
can testify that local
treatment d o e at not,
permanently cure. A
Ia x g o multitude of
women mare constantly
.going from doctor to
doctor to receive loeal •
• treatment, with little
or no result.
In Pen- ina t li a g•e,
women liar' a prompt)
and. permanent care.
Imttatleas otpe-rn-mat,, •
Pera.na'has come to •
be recognized as' the:.
• greatest remedy, for"
catarrh in the world,
4 t' :firat competitor%
tried to deny this and
• insisted that; t la. e i ri
remedies were just as •
goob. This Was fonnd
to beiiiipossible,iiow- .
ever, and now itnita. '
tions axe springing
*everywhere. •
To sacoesatully•
pali7i off •atu imitation
ofe w even .rut for.
':alert time --is sure to.
be a money -mail' :
scheme,. but no ono •
.who .has ever"taken .
• Terabit be
a+ fool ed
n these' se imitations Na ientio
9 4p'nsC tts .:
druggist would sell one o1 stern. Every
p x shelled look easefully at each
package of Peruna he buytikto be Sure-
ure •.
tha heie
t d getting only gen'aiBg Peruna:.
Address Dr. $artman, . President df
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
it rBS, r. T: 'I1' &,. 82 East high st.,
1v1 'BUiialo, N., Y., writes:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.:
Gentlemen:. 40A few years ago I had
to give up social life -entirely, as my
health was completely broken down.
The doctor advised a complete change
.andrest year. for a ye r. As this was out
-of the question for a ,time, I • began to
look around fOr Other means of rector-
Jog my health:.
"1 had often heard of Peruna as an
excellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to
see what itwould do for me,. and- it
certainly took hold of my system and
rejuvenated' a and In less
than rive
• mathswas in perfect .he
elth, and
now when I feel worn out pr • tired a
dose or' two of Peruna is- ad that -1,
,used.":. -Mrs. 4E. Finn. .
o ioP .1..F
catarrh is a phrase coined;
Dr. rartrnan, coveringall that
class of diseases thatused to be' known
*We received from Mr. • Charies ;Wat-
•son, one of our, gold .piemedalists,, how
Of New York, agald a. ' ca,A• of t tho
date :01 - the Coronation, 1,002, for
price of his copy of our new velume
"Golden .Leayes,j': We are getting.
express orders with thanks .expressed.
from a' great :,number: of persons iii
distant places, .for remembering them
their far .off Homes.
Miss Ruth Wiggins arrived •from.: t;
Detroit ..on Saturday morning after
enjoying the pleasure of'•a visit to ?'
that city.
Miss Flossie' Ross is visiting her
relatives in ; Saginaw . this month.
,Ex -postmaster Campbell and° Miss
Emma have " .returned from • their.
visit to T nto •
Mrs. M. Chessman, We 'are sorry to
note; has been'very ill the least week
at' the . residenceher s -1
t c of on n aw
Mr. Alex:. Saunders. • •'
The Sons of England .picnic was 'a
mammoth and merry. affair.. It drew.
about 1000 '.'visitors to Point Farm
on .Labor Day. The want of enough
livery horses and carriages that day
was felt by many; A great number
Of our citizens and 'visitors wheeled
out and aood man p referrewalk-'
g, Y.P d
ingu '' tomissingt , treat.
ot he great eat.
The day .Was an .ideal one. A•.great. .
many contests' that wereanticipated
could :not take plane and the prizes
kindly offered .by our : citizens; for
them will be retained to some future time. "The Greasy Pig Catching " -
provoked wonderful merriment and
wonderfully .wee begone faces were
noticed among the crowd ofy con-
testants who failed to win, the prize,.
the greasy pig itself. Mr. George
Johnston managedto stride the pig
and throwing his arms around it
stopped*its•course 'and stopped the
I4iss "
Ruth, --�
sfemale weakness'. .:The
o er
of the itbdoinen is called by anatomists
the pelvis.:" the Organs oontained`'in
this portion of the body are. known, as
the pelvicc organs.. There ego are C
overaT of
them, very cielicato:rritd. very subject to,
catarrh. •Fo'iV :semen.: escape :entirely
� • !kph' 1.4
Happy Thought
i atonal: Pearl�
and:Panda r
P '
0 The three leadingRan es•made in Canada' have
. � 'W6 `tV
them. A.11: sizes. - Heating stoves` for wood
and coal, including the celebrated
Light 1 t
consumption '
o � 'fue a •
f 1 and d a' good ._
a coca
necessity in a' good range. These are the stron-;
est features re
the above ov e named ranges.
They are made to give satisfaction..
not experimenting.
when you buy one.
Samson Portland Cement `at• reduced
• paces.
All sizes,
Chestnut, Stove and Egg.
�.•+►•1v�►••r^�. bra..
day's fun. The pig . was one of the ..l i'v'o► 7rir i ,
novel features in Allan's store win , Naliammiliminammumommia_
dow Saturday.
LOW RATES. '1`0 : THE NORTH- _ «.,.
•f. •. Herder to snake more room.. for our New Fall Goode, .. some of which •t
October 15th inclusive, 1904'. Cheap . $. reds of dollars worth of Sia 1e and Fatnc . Dr Goods.
p y y
WEST "VIA GREAT NORTHERN '; U aCTR,E �. �, d ,t�, L IV t� L.Cr = .• »
Effective (Daily) September 15th o «• have already arrived, we must clear out during the next 80 days hand. ►.
one way second class colonist tickets .+ • , In order to do this. we have markedcost) these goods (regardless of at •_,'
will be on sale from all stations in •_• prices that must clear the lot in a few weeks.
Ontario to all points on the line •;• Below we mention only a few of the snaps to be found during this sale 't
of the Great Northern Railway in ke;•
aontana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, •;
lso to Vi .
ctoria Vancouver est .
minter, Rossland,Y Nelson and other st.
points in British Columbia.
I •.
or full information as to rates, •;�
M •_•
, , W .•
into of trains, also berth rates in A
Tourist Sleeper,also literature, on ;i
application to Chas:. W. Graves, Dis- .s.
trio Passenger Agent, 10 King st. .t.
East, Toronto, Ont.. Oct. 16 •.
,..... \r .. ;
$17.55 ROUND TRIP p`RCIIV.0 OLIN- '_• -
and intermediate. stations..
Through Pullman sleeper twice da- ;s
sly. ,.z.
Note• -•Make application to J. D. ._•
1VTc1)onald, District Passenger Agent, •_•
Toronto, for handsome booklet con -44?:
taining.48 pages of, illustrated and :
descriptive literature regarding'• the ;s;
Great Fair;
Por tickets and further information est
call at .Grand Trunk ticket offices,
Clinton. , "
About a dozen waists in white
and fancy str•ipes,reittiler price
50e to 85e, to clear at......,,.,440
Those are all new goods, i'nade
., of good quality cotton, some
� trimmed with lace and baby
«• i'ibbodn, and others with em-
.. broi cry, regular price from
a; 25c,to c, to clear at., .., ....17c '
High priced ones equally
We have just a few pairs left
that were good value at 35e, .
;which we are selling at per
pact . ..A..,,,,... .. .,22c
titre 1)rawet s at' .. .. 3
gee to t .. .
,fir ,.,. :
rP r.•r' n,..�V
A lot of Men's white and 001-
of ed'shirts,in stiff' and boft
fronts which sold at from
00c to $1.24 all at one price.
Among this lot will he found
socks ranging in price from
12o -to 18e per pair, while .
they last your choice for
100 erpair. also a lot of
Mens Wool Socks to clear
aG 2pall's for...............2dg
ME & BOY'S S ,'1tAW RATS ::
Ali odd lots of Straw Rats
will he cleared during .t is
:talent....•.., 119c
o seebre ax
nice looking o kin
hat'at t r'
it meo
of the cotnmonstraws.-
Tbls us a chance t
_, The Old Stand, A Clinton
f•'.V,.TTodgen:s,Town Kgent, ..s.•♦•w.v••+v. •..•. • •. ♦••. ...♦...♦ .•asFs+S"
A, 0. Pattison, i)epot Agent.;§44.•�N�.i�.044.�N�.•�N�4...tw�.4%,•twp. ...4.+.4 a••N 4++4.i'eu.04440:44.4.4: '.'Ws* •,"