HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-15, Page 3NATURAL OREEN tea of Ceylon. "The rival ot Japan," Free from alt chemical coloring and ado', teration in any form whatever, of great strength, delicious and pure, Sealed packets only, samepform AS the celebrated Black teas of " SALADA " Brand, 25c and 49c per lb. By all grocers, RUSSIA'S' TROIDAT Revolution Fomenting eleiddle Classefe WO= XW W.A.RiT.'idgbioat point in the vrittile continent, T *VW^ axid J'apan. They Are Praying for Peace. Terrible se tho miseries of the bat - Me -field awl the liesPital, 'they do not equal the heart -Sickening sense which is the lot of WoMen in time of The pain which intuit bo bor4 tear. inaCtion is of itself paralysing to the will and to high resolve A man overboard in mid-oceau. for example, enrage a. fear beeide whielt.that a the battle-neld. ie a trifle. The brav- • est of men, one in tbe. waves, will turn coward, eAthough he may have a Ute -buoy and prectical certainty a reacae. But the heart which fainted at its own powerlessness before the great' forces of nature -moving re- morselessly on may rise to splendid I" "Walt' to ferteit in • What theY are suffernig now. She w develop. The few miles of coon- Pills; and she is breaking the law be always nee' try between Dalgety anti Comm will of secrecy that binds the great MA4- Among , To women war inuot P°31tM billows risin each above the other 'ffle Eden, the largest toWn on the tering sistera know where they may is only 40 miles distant. and the ob- OUR LADIES eerwstory eetabliwliecf there by Chiu - .t Waage in 1897 litte frequently been Snowed op, even in the euratner menthe. The neareet railway sta- tion, Comae, 80 milea ie the ter. MAIZE WOUN MRS. JOHN O.. MTFVMAX'' minus of a braoch line .troni G bourn. .6.-t Goultioura Junction the SPEAXS TO TOU ,A1z. line joins the main, rent° which links ,up the four eastern ca•pitals. Iirl bane (queenaktna), srinei xzsTes; She Toua at Tier Troublee and South Wales), Melbairrne Winterie), Their Cure' That Tou llitay he and Adelaide (Sout) Auetralia.). Pas- Benefite4. senses mid omit t are alike de- rom , Islapaisee, Ont., Sept, 12,-(apecial). Coma. Goods etitine by road on -.where aro many woraen in Canada ' lock drays, a Cumbereonie, tedious Who will yet write letters of thaerke - and expensive to Mrs, John C. Huffman of tide - rale pendent on a trieveeld rvi y f MbITIEOD OP. TRANSPORT. • place. Mrs. Huffman •suffered as It' ease siteetien the main route for trelfile covered a cure in ItidneY THE SEISATIO111 F11,11A1 trz...t..1 bravery on the field of xT. Is A. VERY /KORB= the untamable sea -a succe,ssion of eaSilY be linked on to the railroad. jority of womankind to let her out - Seine striking partioulara respect - big the dornestie situatien in Ilus- taie. derived treat "a perSon who has resided for a long time hi that coun- try, and who is exceptionally well *qua:Jilted. with its preseat condi. tion," are published by a Preis riews- POPer, A11 the elements of a, revel- itiori are, it is said, now fermenting entong the Mil:eche chessee in Russia, the disaetems in Manchuria. having giVen 'fresh feel to the reVolutionary propaganda., Which. has always been very active, The goVerament ere, deaVOrd to, conceel • this state of things, br4t. elinost-e•very week Greer strange disappearances of persons be- lieved to belong to secret, soctetieS. :which are attributed to :the • action, of the POlice. The ill -paid laberera. in the state workshops at St. Peters- • brag are the object Of a perticuiarly Wive proPaganda. 'A. revolt is fear - ell 'which 'night have the most ser- ious consequences. Fresh legislatien Is now being prepared at the minis- try ef the interior with the ebleet of t' th return of these work- riten t� their homes dairieg the har- vest, and thus averting' the dissein- inetion of their advanCed ideas among the peaStultry. . The Finnish. troubles are not over, and yet the goverianaent, owilig to the lack of Russian sailoes, have 'heen obliged to embark Finns cei board their men-of-war. "It is easy to Im- agine the feelings a ..tneEie men, who consider Russia to be • the enemy of their country. It is, deulatless, to this eircumata.nce that we )2DISt. at- tribute at least some of the recent accidents: on board the Ruesia,n, ships." It is well knowe that the popula- tion Odessa., which is strongly ire - bead with a revolutionary, spirit is greatly excited. The last strike, by which the town was almoet reduced to famine for a *eek, has made a, essi , d ".'t is fear- ed that there' may be Orevolt at any moment. The town a Riga is -al- ready in a state (A . On the 4th ult. the government of -Livonia was obliged to issue a proclamation tor public meetings in the streetse squares and gardens, of Piga, as well as in places of public resort, end even in private Imuses. In Poland the domestic situatien. is equalty dis- quieting. The prisons ate over crowd- ed with politioal prisoners and sus: peas. Several persons have been .0ecret1y executed. It es said bare that Russia has been, defeated; arid that a coup d'etat is •certain among the upper classes, as is a reveltition. among the masses." Without expressing any. opinion on - the merits •of the above. statements and foreeasts,. it is obvious that their publica,tion in a Well-known French journal must be regarded as , synaletoma,tic. ' • • . - • • • BMDES WHO STAY AT HOME, According to old and established custom in Japan, the eldest child, whether male or female, must, under all circumstences, abide at and in- herit the home. By this means a continuous successien is assered, and the estates cannot pass into the hands of strangers. From this at., rangement *news of -necessity' that no eldest child- can marry and live with an eldest child of the op- posite sex. When an heiress weds, her husband must assume the family . name. A similar custom prevails , certain nannies among the people of the Basque Provintes in the north el Spain. An eldest Non among them Is not allowed to marry an eldest daughter if both are fli•stborn. • /it this case, too, the husband of anY eldest daughter takee up his residence under his wife's roof and aciopts her name, which is thug transmitted to. their children,. • . BUILDING. FOOD. TO 'Bring the Babies Around. • When a little human machine ,(or a large•one) goes wrong, nothing is 50 important as the selection of fetid which will always bring it arouncf again. "My little baby noy fifteen Months �ld had prieumorda, then Caine brain fever, and no sooner liad he got over these than Ilo began to cut teeth and, being so weak, he-wasfrequently thrown. into convulsions," says a Colorado mother, "I decided a change might help, so took him to Kensas City lora Wait. When we got there lie was so very. weak when he .wo,uld cry he would sink away and seemed like* he Would die, "liken I reached iny sistee's- home she said irnme'cliately that we must feed him Grape -Islets and, although had never use the food, we got some and for a tetv days gave lam Just the juice OP Grape -Nuts anti milk. He got stronger' so quickly we were soon fediteg him the Grape; Nuts itself and ina wonderfully short thee ire fattened right Up and became stroag and well. "That showed me StOlitethitig Worth knowing, and, whoa later oh my girl came, I raised her oil Grape -Nuts and she is it, strong, healthy baby end has, been. You Will see froin the little photograph I sehd you. Whet a strohg, clittbby youngster the boy is now, but he didn't look anything like thrtt before' 'We found this nourishing food. Civape-Nuts nourished him back to strength When he was so weak 'he couldn't keep any other food on his stomach." Name 'given by POetute Ce,, Battle Creek, :Stiehl, • All children; cat be built to a " more etexedr. and healthy corrditioti linen arapeeNtite and cream, The Matt COntaina the elemente nature dematide, from Which to make the soft gray filling' le the nerve eentrea and brain. A Well fed brain and Strong, sttirds# terVea absolutely in - Sure a ludithy becte. . Look itt eatii package for the fain- otig little book, "The Road to Well - , aum,ber applications to be -allowed as • pany; hina on'a cruise. and. curing. such nerve troubles to accom inclivicitial who is ballooperuad leTuhs-e u ally devoid ,cit any real eemeage,.and sv- 11,seursrlifygii,oe.0 ,t• Vitue dance, partial is end loeomotor ataela. la, in fact. a.- - • - tirebberoorixillaisudeLireveataelrys° ballolotdr,r)IlnbcIleusddinuge gIONLy .bmnvous.CItEA'AJB•re the special ailments Of weneee. Gert. who crosses n London/street with -the the genuine with the full.hame; "Dr.. most Careftil strategy, Why he,. of I.Villia•eas Pink 'Pills far Pale People" all people, Should have so Intense 'a on the wrapper around •eaCii box. desire to Stour the clouds is a mirs- Sold by Medicine dealers oz' .by mali tery: The inventor .efo, new.nirslaip,"'at 0 cents a box or six boxesfor too invariably receives the eawe e2150 from The Dr. Williams Medi - shoal of letters fi om. the legion of. eine 'Co., Brockville; Out degeperate sensatienemongers. • ' • Railway CoMpanies, of course, are g find i f OF INSANITY. the rugged coast south of Sydney, Dal- red e . Mrs. Huffinan says: ..-- and each Capable of engulfing an outlet for seaborne "I was - troubled for about six world et love end hope in its bitter getY PoWesses Went to G9 Into Vona.' Dens, or depth, No weemzes bane elm, stay trade that 'is Vett noW largely utile Years with Kidney Diseese and the Up in Balloons, to See What them .• NO woman's Voice can calm ized. Coasting steamers plying from pain was so great I could. hardly' It's Like. them. And So, On the steppes of Sydney and Melbourne make Elden a bear It I could not entertain WV Ressia mei in the villages of Japan Port of eall, and the harbor there is company, One night when I was A type of freak very familiarto to -day, Women are Praying, in so good that Eden was itself a can- feeling 'very' miserable 1 Teed of those in authority is the sensation strange tongues and with fantastic dida,te for the coveted honor of be- Some wonderful cures by Dodd"s Xid- seeker. Tnia is an individual who, lit eites, but with a world -old nain:gling corning the capital. If a ''buele"ney Pille and resolved,to tey them. himself, Is devoid of any Particular of cowardice and coerage, t. Or loVe of capital has to be crea.ted, the newly- 'At this time my urine, was Some - courage, mental or physical' yet is country and hatred of war, that the chosen. site would appear to be as thing tel and at times very dis- constantly seeking oppertuelties for angel of Peace nu-Vr again 1014 his good as any that Mild have been eb. agreeable to pass, but Dodds Kid - exposing himself to dangers and dis- wings owor the earth. tainted, In pitching on so smell a ney Pills SOen brotight me relief comforts says. Pearson's Weekly. 1 townthip „ the government hoe, at frpm all my troubles and by the time He pesters railway companies, en- A LUCKY - WOMAN. least, genie on peotiondeal lines, for I had taken six boxee .I. was com-• terteenment inanegers, the Govern- the vested interests to be bought are pletely eared. . meat, steamship COMPonies-every- _ body, in authority -fee permiesion. to Htew Good Health Came to afts. Small. From the point of view of ''I am. making this statement to cliraate and water eupply the $pot the public in ehe hope that it may risk his life in any way which may " Deschesne After Much Suffering, , attract hie. attention for theserione Could scarcely he bettered; its" sure help othee young laclies or married 1,bre. :A.brah D hes well known fa,rmer at St. Loon le patriotism, and with the establish - Th ea, an esc ne, wife of a, roundings should inspire the loftiest women." . , e manager of the London Hippo- Grans, Que., considers herselt a meat of federal gevernment in , Dal- • Firc'Te renetntly , said that never is a lucky womsn.e And she hes good gety, a • new era in Australian poli- Pftt:-."Do you think a felfoW ought Peri ctus. urn' put on but it is ac- to be loCked up for steeling kisses'?" cause as the following interview will compa.med 1)y a number of requests show , tics must purely begin. She- 'No -o, hardly. But I think he frem certain individuals for perinis- "I was badly run down arid , eien to experience• th • share. et nousehold duties, but I was it fpr emselves 1 - . -, very rentrous. Each day brought its .„. I ' .. they yhtre to be tied up." : $o now TA.rimusrc. AT Isf•PIAL-TIMES. When. a lion -tamer was exhibiting a, , z ,tc Ir t erform them My. .., I am innaeed, . sire that you score or more full-grown beasts riot nerve's were in a terrible conditiim. The old theory that it. was rude'to should propose to my daughter; You, long ago,: the manager was sinarly I could not sieeP and the least sound talk et mealetinees, which has come have riot known her a Week'," "True, pestered by, epplicaticnie Crone eieeple ld I t • 1 of both sexes to -be allowed to enter • wou startle rue. teed severe down to us from our ancestors,, madam, but I have known you for eaedicines rod tonic wines, but none seems to have • received a severs! some time, and everybody says your the cage. Many of these ttpplicants of them helped me. „In faeh was shock, according to a rtsitlical. roan. daughter takes atter you." He got were spiasters ot age by tic) tneans d b c en, 1 ey growing worse, an e- "Make sure, in partaking of liospi- the girl. Uncertain. Of course,: .such applies.- gen to despair of ever being well tality," he. saeys, "that •you are able • tions are refused. . When a' umor got abroail last.year . agalu• One daY'ii.'friend .ealled .t..° to diseharge the obligations it ire - There ' is more. Otttarre in this Setti011 Wat tha. Management of Madanie see me alvd °Lre t Dr. Williams Pink Pills I de: . ngly adVised Me' to poses, Runt out 'Conversational &en II P t, the c nitrY.than all other dises.ses youngest child to the eldeet, each er a great inaiz crear: dc7ctoirtirPie b" in strength froxn day to daY; epplicatione zitimbering ; thousands from the G ann P t to Vil Tessand's' Was offering a prize to the try ' r iee Of your brain. I person Who wOuld spend one night tided to lio so, end if was .not 1..o•nl. isease and present!): mconber is reguireil to .contribUte lelniroecdelit retini4eci el.°caSiencet •Ims- were received from persona of an my nerves became strong and , quiet, sotnething to geneeel conversation at pfticlnitguncteod ciutrolni:Ziriabthboa bc O n l(131t:u ttmatonctri Ill ' ages and both sexes to be allowed to and after using about a. half dozen They have never been antdartterV undergo the experience. 'The majority boxes of the pills I was, fuily.reitor. Eneal"thilen. allowed to regard this as a mere fif:evaese fi tional treatment. °Ilaall'esclOraetsilitastAlltT. eq. to my old time health and cheer,: ideas were afloat as to the sum of fulness. 1 now think Dr, :Williaxns "431? for stoking the physical engine, for .to be made •as brief as poseible Ketch Toledo, of these were women, and the wildeet Pin Pillte• an ideal medicine.. „Money Offered, As a matter of 'feet . 4 know a family in which, from the pars wus e ,suit)TodseNtitit last few alone in the Chamber of Horrors, bat?" they 'began' to help Inc. • aucturod by F.• J. Cheney'. &• col* ' thi:i -only constitution! no sucli prize was ever offered. • k, „ -P .sorne incident Of the sic?nhit'lle treasures e a r es of the euro tonally dosg7telt It drops to a is taken in- • ay. no one fergets, that he has met • erves with ricred blood feels . Every, belloonist who lias ever ate r' 37.1 lams ink 'fee' the an Old friend, or 'seen Watched. fire- blood and mucous fitg "%Teeter on tin: twined faree has received the usual..........engine, • and ' the •excitement it tem.offer one hundred douars th' th a.,..Ineitassaatelelli...- besieged by thousands for permission to experience forbidden dangers. This branchi of eorrespondence, in fact, has to -be-dealt withby a special staff s•large has it grown. The ' most familiar • of these is the would-be engine passen- ger; Thisindividual's name is le- gion, and he is a vei itable. pest to compaeies. -However, he is but the • • simplest of hiss kind. The higher type of railway freak CAPITAL AUSTRALIA A DESCRIPTION OF leti-n TOWN OF DA.I.G TY A Very Small Place, With a Pope.. le.tion of Only About Two Hundred.. To decide- the logetien -of its new goeS nnich *ether than 'merelywih (ng to..rida' on the engine. 'Ile wants eo. Attack a basket arrangement. to thehookin front of •the engine, ,and ride. troin London. to Liverpool is generally so keen on doing it that ho,cifTets to Pay the company ..anye, thing from two shillings a mile'for tha.privilege: .-To ride on the buffers of a train, too, is a much eotight Privilege. A lady once applied to a railway cenipeny .for permission to attach a rope to the bottont at the earriage, and ride an it, Just to ."See bow it felt.. To leap on to the buffers. of an ex-. press' train has more than Once been the act of seine otherwise sane per- son Seeking a sensation, and one mate It will be remembered some - two years ago, • rode from Edinburgh to Newcastle on the mail train -a distance of 125 milea.• Be wasfee from being mad, and gave his reation solely as wiehing to travef from Ed- inburgh to Manchester • • . WITHOUT PAIUNCt HIS FARE, 'Whenever any sanitation is started on the music -hall stage there is the usual number. at would-be heroes. "Looping the loop" Was at one tithe regarded as a perilous Venture, but So knee was the public desire to ex- perience the sensation, that managers in Britain and Americo, added it to their list of varieties: One French- man, was so anxious to "loop the loop" that he travelled front • Paris t� the Oeestal Palate for thiepur- - pose, and confessed. afterwards • that honor was ,satisfied. One of the Mon arnazing ferias of sensation -mania is the desire on the part of stay-at-harne Britons to undergo horrid eXPerieneea board shit), ' Hew ninny young city clerks Aro not possessed With a deeire, to Work ,their way aeross the Atlantict-nion who heve looked on the very idea, of work at borne as quite updigrafied. Stearnehip companies are constantly being pestered by these youths to he allowed to ship as stokers oblivious of the fact that the work of a, stoker for one. day would probably finish theta for the rest of a voyage, Dectors aro very familiar ,with the. Mae Who is anxious to eribrait self to operation for some Scientific purpose. People are wont ,to 8t47, pose thie to be a form of heroism, W herettS it 1$ nothing lees than a very morbid form of insanity. It would be well, therefore, for reatie1 s' to bear in, mind that a good deal of no-ealled heroism and bravery Is little more than the play of por- tion Who le the vietim of munition, mode. Between that -and real emir - age and endurance is a Very Wid0 gap. 8,000 gallehe Of fresh water are • ueed in a. large battleship daily. About 07o-third0 of this is taken up by the anti the remainder 14 used for drinking, weialiing., ate, The Stockholm dotat hag pro- neutteed the Arctie explorer Andres to be dead itt lase, the legal term of ditappearatice having ;het expired. 'Mem left Spitebergen oa Jae 1807, With two companions ift :a bailee% With the objeot of reach- ing the Nerth capital, lies beim a. much longer task or Australia. than reeking Its rnind on Mere fiepal issues of alien exclus- ion queetious; writes a correspepident of The Standard. .After foue rears, ihoweVer, • the, decision is ircareinent, The••cablegrain +published yesterday announced that • Dalgety is the choice of the:federal assembly, .re decision. which' obviates the difficulty bloOking :the *ay all' lest sessien. The logis- latiVe assembly then close Tentut, the •council chose Bonabale,, and nei- ther body would give way. 'All the sites were again placed under review by a special conmeission, and the•dis- cussion 'of their recommendations has resulted in the victory *of Didgety. Dalgety • • . 111.11 way between Tumid and Boinbala; it, is therefore a cora- proinise.' preventing the threatened deadlock between the two houses. It Is tile°, rotighly; midway between Sidney. end Atelbourne, and therefore, Placates the powerful interests :of the two wealthiest states, New South. Walee Mad Victoria, The proepee- tive 'capitol of the °mite:a:wealth. le hardly' large enough even to be call- ed a township, having a population ef only a couple of 'hundred sou*, It Is right In ; BACK stomp,- quite off thea track inter-state:tsar-. Ile and consists of a few weather- board, tin -roofed houses.. It is not largo enough even to exact a postal delivery front the government. Islickt is postoffice, but the joy of telling for one's natil in persou is at pre- taeut the greatest savor of life irt Dalgety. The "town" lies iri the southeast angle Of .N'ew pouth Wales., near the Victiniati border, on the upper reach- es of the Snowy River, ft tributary Of the :Murray. 'rho Snowy River flows down the spurs of Motnit 1(osclusko, and, f d ny its snowi the volunie of Water that elowe . by Dalgety, beneath" bordering willows le steatlier tlian that of Most Aus- tralian. rivers, The fertility of the district -known as Moneta-is thus assured. The lrfonaro Plaine are more than 2000 feet above the sea level,,and so Dalgety always enjoys eool nights, even in the midst of lengthy drought.. Kasciutika, the Aroused. , "They have become more observant; etheir sense et Helmer Is sharpened in little street cOmediee because of the applause of the fam- ily circle. They are always sure of friendly interest in their individu- al adventures and • misadventures. They all. keep in touch with :each others! pursuits: . Mealtimes • are not dull in that family. The mind, as well as the hOdy, is refreshed." 4 MOrlIatt AND BABY. • en or Wielders and testimoniah. • Address: P. J. OH.DieY ea 00., • • Toledo, 0. Sold by Drug:este, 750, • Take gall's Family Pills for consti• pation, • : . BusNman-:"How's your daughter get,ing ' on reeve" Musicue--"Oh, fine! She'e buey at Beethoven's works." Ilusymant-"Where's . their° place? What do they makes" er„te, 144.14.141/4vit 1040e USE-- 4ISLAND CITY" DOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS will pry In 8 00111lei . Salo et SO Ilst4isers Madera P. D. DODS & CO„ Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Potatoes Poultry,) ° Eggs Butfer Apples • Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we Will et you good prices. THE DAWsON COMMISSION 00.0 14rrilted Bee. West Market and cluborn. suorsoppprrck, ?? I?? • Who knows anything about 0‘ BANN ICIER Ps? All Buyers, Sellers and Users of Eaors IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER Are interested in this queitiotre- 7 7 7 ' 7 ? Will every rea.derof this enquiry "Who Maws Anything About BannIger" Please dt op a line oh the subject to The E. 13, EDDY coivipANy, HULL, CANADA 111 • I? SETTLERS LOW RA.TES WEST • Via the Chicago and North Western . Railway- every day front Sept. 15th to Oct. 1.5th, settlers one way,Second class tickete at very low rates from Chicago to points in 'Utah, Montana, Neva,da, Idaho, Oregon, Washington,. California., also .to .Victoria, Van- couver, New Westminster,, Rossland and other points le ethe Kootenay' District, Correepondingly low rates• from all' points in Canada. Full , particulars from nearest ticket agent or t,;I H: Bennett, General. Agent; 2 Eitst Kin Street,. Toronto,. Ont. . . . • , . e‘So you belong to a glee club?" "Well," • answered the Youth with longish hair, "that's whet we flan.' it; but noone eeenie very joyous When we stse" • - Lifebuoy' Soai-idisinfectant Is -strongly eecommended by the meth- cv Iry ' - oronto. cal profession as a safeguard 4pti'nst %./ infections diseases. - When • baby is wehl the mother I Was Clered of .1theumatie Gout is haPPY• When baby -IS cross, fretful, IIINA,X1YS L'INW-11•111. • feverish and cameet sleep, the moth& is depressed, worried and unhappy. 'Baby's Owea 'Tablets make both mother and baby happy, •because they ewe all ' the eotemon ailnients , of infanta and young children. They sweeten 'the Stomach, cere colic, aid teething 'children, cure constipation, prevent 'diarrhoea, and promote sound, healthy sleep. And you have a solemn guarantee that. the• Tablets ' contain • no opiate Or poisonous "soothing" -stuff. Mre. • D. McGill, Blakeney, Opt., says : "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets and' have found them the best medicine I have ever had :for the etrre• the,' ailments from which young children sater. I shall eilWays 'keep a "WIC of Tablets in the house." Sold by, Medicine dealers everywhere or Sent by mail at 25 cents a box by •writing The Dr. Willituttp' 'Medicine , Brock- ville. Ont. The Emperor of Japan can trace :his pedigree leadic*aa unbroken line to the time of Nobuchadnetzaer, 666 B. 0, iViroar s ores an tu • . . . . .Thorverten 'Church, -Devon, Eng. •land, was recently used as a store- ; :house for. :whisky •which had been . taken 'from' the village inn dining •a . . , • Per Over Sixty •Years Mag. Wrristolaeo goomima mats lkas bean toed he 1710001110 of mothers for their children while feeching..; iterates the child, coffahe the/rums, eller nein, Corel - tried *mile, regulates theatomach and bowels, and Is tite best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-itve cents it bottle . Sold bydruggiate throughout the worItt Be tutekAnd for "Mit,. winstow'sspordisci sinter,' 2:1.-40. A GRIOAT Dr, Fulness; Brice, of tele "Cynne holds the record for eroesing the 'Atlantic the greatoSt nember of. • times. Por over half a century, in fair weather or foul, blow high or blow low. !tie has been, voyagitig beet wards. and for WA rde between the - two continents as regular es time and tide, Not a single ItoYage has he missed; whenever his slhip has Sailed he has sailed with it. Many of the liners on which he has serVed were in their day the crack flyers.. 'or "e p e y e ats ie has been on the "Gerrninic," his traesfer to the "Cynirie" having oc- curred only recently, So far in his life he has traversed something like two anti rt half railliori intim, equal to over One hundeed. times around the globe. The doctor is as litter- eSting a figure as one can tied in many a day's jouriley. He is nearly seventy-eight years old, and his hair has been turned white by the Mina , an" o so OS. • .0 g Of deserting his post has yet oe- cursed to him; indeed, he is as ac- tive as he was tWo acoit years ago, ' and looks eagerly forward to the ' time when lie will be reeking his nine huiefredth trifst,, .11rofeFtor Ooston says that future . 7.eeteritiett4 tvill pletee the evils ot an- i gar gluttony on 4 pedestal as eerr „spictuous_ria thasdrink eteushig deterfOration of *divide- ' ale anti races. • Pertly Dame (with the aid of her motif, struggliug inter her last Ilene eente winter jiteket)e.."Why, Jane, 'really believe this thing had; Shrunk!" Janti—"Yes, in'tn; it is really wonderful how elothes do lehrink nt yetis! time of Ilfe." • 1 ALL DRUGGISTS - • ANDREW KING. 'Halifax. • ' I was Cured of Aeute Braze:antis by •MINARD'S LINIMENT. ' Lt. -Col. C. CREWE READ. •Sussex. I wan Cured of Acute Rhetunistism by MINAIED'S LINIMENT. ' C. S. IMLLING: • Markham, Ont, , • •, ' NO MORE, SCOTS 'GREYS. „ • Soneethieg like Consternation has been caused in the ranks of the Scots Give by the . announcement that there areto be rto more grey horses Supplied- to the regiment; and-tliet In • future will , be meuutd like other cavalry regiments. Thereas- on for the ' abolition of the grey horses is that in these ifeye of Ling- einge aims theyoffer an excellent .ina,r.kfor the enerny'e sharp -shooters, a fact that was clearly demonstrated In South Africa. But it is proposed that the grey horses should be re- tained for the band. It Is also re- wired, says the Military Mail, that the bearskin helmet is also to be re- placed by More modern headgear. -ewe: • • . „ , ma;mormakr. „ piles614:7 421)26'21 Iliac/Are and 0.bsointo cnre$3for met and every form of itching. bieedineanderotrudine'piles, • Ave Insnafacturers have guaranteed it. see tes• Imonials in the daily press and ask your neizlr tors whet they ,think wit., You can use it and tetytter money back it not Cured: 60o a box, al ' aueders or 1iii.a.Niteu.B.erza & Co.;Toronte PriChasO's Ointnmenl • By means .01 subcutaneous Injec- tions, RilkWOMIS haVe JUStbeen recede " to spin pink silk. piTaghe.. eT,ohtedanas.iwataasatdehinamgahx hesr!'roP-.a, paeltage, and slip . slowly . teirned saliweayabeentanindneededlY anything 6'1.6e7C; have just bought Shme lawn, vep- tured the facetious shoprrien. "Don't you th.inele you will need suite 'heser". Millard's Liniment for sale eveRwhery The •youngest balloonist is Charles, e son of Mr. Percival Spencer, who . has just •niade his initial ascent frcen the Crystal Palace, London, Be is seven years ppd. St. Margaret's minute older than she' did 'ten 3rears. Wdeks-"YoUr wife. 'doesn't look a •ago ." Hicks -"According , to her statistics,' she isn't!" • - • - ------ • ..01InCidIS Liniment Cures Burn,• etc. • Mrs. Kiitele---deViresn't it dreadful? :Scrinebody Mistook Mrs. Blank for her ccolc." Mrs. Bock -'-'Aad what liappened2" left." • ' I , Neglect a cough and contract - consumption. • Shiloh's Judge (Who Is hald-licaded)r-"tf what the witnesees testify against you Im tette, yoar conscieueo must be as blaeli as yoUr hair." Prisoner a 11ia117s eonaciende • IS regulated by his hair, then your honor heen't getttay conscience at all." • OrILSU;1112tiC911'. wee Th.rohneicLung cures consumption, but don't . leave it tocelong. Try it now, Your money back if it doesn't hene,fit you. ' • Prices: S. C. 'Watts & Co, 301 ; 25c 50c. $1, LeE0Y. N. Y., Toronto, Clan .T A high -penioassresSeticrentotillagith iand day • school for girlie Modern- equipment. Specialists of European training and ,of the highest academic and .profes- sional standing in every department of work. Foe booklet apply to MRS. ' GEORGE' DICKSON, Lady Princi- pal, • GEORGE DICKSON, M.A., DIs 1.Cltloerge)(1,ate PrindPal',11.1113er Canlida Dominion Line Srti teaehip8 MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL 10.- Moderate Rate Service. lfai BeeOnd cabin passengers berthed in best acoointoo- dation on the steamer at the low rate of 00 to Liverpool, or 542.10 to London. Third. elan to ' werpool. London. aloritow or Queeno"wn' $16'°11' •For all particulars apply to local agents, or DOMINION LINE . OFFICES, • '41 King 21. E., Toronto, nat. Stienunent St , Montroa "olinuy," said the ;teacher; . "a lie pan be acted as well as iced. Neve, it your tether was to put sand 14 ids Sugar and sell it, he would be acting a lie, end elohig very 'wrong," "That's what mother told him," said Johnny, impetuously, "but he eaid lie didn't care." IlardiS. Liniment Relieves NC111810a "Yea don't even dress Imo. 'decent - be,"" slie cried. "I -'in goinghome to papa." • "All right," replied Doo- little; "you might say to him, oleo, that I want a new sett myself." o Energy For The Daily Work Rich Blood Mstkee the W • is llilade FilOh .by oak Strong and the Blood Chase's .Nerve FoOd. You are tieed,• listless, week and languid; have no lamest in your work; lack the energy required for going about your ueual occupation; your appetite is not weed, and your 1 Neve no attraction for you. you have Ifeadaelies, it may ebei; 3u,rcynod spelle of weaknessello o and feel down -hearted and discouraged, antf wonder what causes you to 1rn 60 miserable, It is, in the bleod. The blood tbiri, weak, and watery, and lacking la the qualitlea whichi go to form .nervous enemy, the Vital force Which rube the niatiiinery of the body, Your health has- become run, down, and you cannot get better without the assistance of some res- torative. Ifit this commotion we mention 11r, eltaile'to Nerve lomiti,; cause -it lifts proveit iteelf to tee the most thoroughly satisfactory epring median° anti eyeteta-builder that ciin be obtairefd, . Mrs. G. M. Drown, Cobourg, Ont., eiritest-"I wati eonifpletely run down. in health last spring, end could not 'do one dey'e work without being mode. X felt weak, languid, atil tniSertible 1110St of the tirae, and was often 'blue and discouraged because of my continued ihi4feolth. When in this state I was adirised to try Dr. Chase's Neese) Food, and did se with most satisfactory re...Suite. It built up ray system woncierfully, strengthened and fostered my nent'eS, erld tot* (May all ,leging of languor and fatigue.I entinot say anything too good abeitt Dr.C•‘listee's Nesve Fond, and hops that others may pro- fit by my ex toilet." Dr. Oliaaa'S Nerve rood is bound to prove beneficial to you, for it 19 coMposed of hatirres greateet . storativeo, and acts in aecorkitince With nature's laws. Gradually and certainly" it inereaees fieSti end weight, adds new, firm mettles and tietude to the body, reunite Mit the forte, and friatibt 'new energy and vigor into tile system, 50 cent boX, 0 boxes- for $2,60, at all deal. ere, or lOaritansort, Dalai 4t1 Torceete. To proteet, yeti against imitatione, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt boo lairi araiiiimetiliMINNOMMEN up for about two do* aft*. author. are OIL aViery box- YOUR OVERCOATS - and faded Sults would le* batter dyed. If no igeri at ones in your Won, write direct AUntreal, Bo: 163 BRITISH ANIERIOAll ovsirio oo. ut ati; outhwest - and • alifornia 3 Chicago to California, one way, 'daily Sept. 15 to • Oct. 15. Good in -Tour- ist sleepers, berth rate ex- tra. 20 Chicago to Oklahoma, In- dian • Per. tend Texas; - round-trip, Aug. 23, Sept. 13 and 2/. Ant -class, three weeks return limit. Chicago to Pee*, Wiley of Netv Mexico. Same dates as the Oklahtinia rate. For further iniertnation, rtslc P. T. :HENDRY, GEM AGT.. 151 GriewoId St., Defrolt, Melt. <412