HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-15, Page 1• 25th Year _E CLINTON <i) c < > io �•r�' vv. nr vvv 2- BARGAINS --I N-- 2 Boy's School Suits SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 No• 1_25 Boys two piece. Suits made from Canadian' Tweeds in a 6 dozen nice patterns. Sizes 23 to 28. o Our regular selling price is . $3 to $4, for Saturday only the price will be • •••:.• 400.50 of No. 2_10 only boys, 3 piece Suits,, 'made from good Canadian Tweeds a so a. few Navy Serges.:..There are all this year's ,patterns: arid, have never been sold anywhere under $4.50, Saturday only l y3.50 ATF CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBHR 15TJi, 1904. •;::-iv WESTERN HORSES. a Mr. Victor Elliott, who has been in the stale of Washington since January, is expected home today or tomorrow with a carloadg of ranch horses. We understand jhcy Are tin best lot the Messrs. Elliott! have yet brought from the West: REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. The pretty residence on the Huron Road, owned by Mr. John Tedford of Minnedosa, Man., and occupied b) Mrs. (Dr,) Hamilton, has been bou- ght ;by Mr, D. L. McIntyre who gets possession the first; of next month. The purchase price was'�13 00. Mrs. Hamilton intends moving to Toronto to reside, A CALL TO REV, DUNLOP. <> Rev. J. 0, Dunlop•has received and •accopted a call • to the Baptist • chur- 5,. ch •at Springfield and will enter upon • his pastorate there ' on they 25th inst. The people of Springfield will find Mr. Dunlop to be a 'sterling Chr- istian gentleman, zealous in promot- ing the cause of Him whom he ser- ves. Next Sunday he will preach in the Clinton and Base Lino churches. THEY'VE HEARD THE SQUEAL. Irl speaking of the six per cent.. call madeupon subscribers to the • stock of the , Huron Cold Storage Company,a Goderich' township ' far- mer the other. ay said "This call reminds me of the Que- becker wh'o on . being asked if he had ever seen a train, replied ,treat he had nit but that • he had heard the wh;stle Here i H q , n Huron we have not seen the Cold Storage ;building,.' but we have heard the squeal." TI•IE LORD'S DAY •.ALLIANCE. > <L><> n•«••...�•••«p.p.••••«•,.•«p••«•••p0• >2>N:•1M•N««...•«..•..pqa••••«.•••••.••NnpN••M4•N• • >� the Lord's . Da ' ,,P,1liance ii2> , y , meached.in U �e NeWC. Co.,O +u J. W. 0� e • �.<52) • Willis :church last Sunday a., • iii, Rev. T. Albert Mbore, secretary oC Tailoring - Furnishings - i ,. ---Men's ' and Boys' Ready: S1 to -Wear Clothing, Hats 7+ ,ic # <I^ t' % rtateti ia£ei t .t.,l: i .' e'91 s# Ia3 Vik:ii i6iJ:10, ICAV(If eelD:110106:... ,TJ r�liCiat E • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 the Ontario street • church in the ev- ening and :at eight p'. ilk. 'addressed a • inass meeting in Wesley church, . He is a pleasant yet forcible speaker :and ;all three addresses were appreci- ated, • Since Mr. Moore 'became , its' practical head the Alliance has. be - conic. : more than a • name: for by one. - means ..and" another it has incul- • •O• ••Ooo000000000000000pr)00000ppOd cated greater respect for 'the Lord's Day: 1. B Bank The Sovereign.: S.. A.;HARVEST 'FESTIVAL. • .p• •p000.0000• •-p• •00000000O 'The officers and s • .• ••_ppe 1d` o lets, of `the. • • 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O. Directs your attention tan. its -Special, facilities for . issuing drafts on all the leading towns and cities in Europe and 'elsewhere at the lowestrates. This -is the safest, 'sir lest and chea- pest method of remitting money.' to. foreign countries. Correspondence or interview re quested:p.•. Qip••••000•�••••••pp�i••o0000000 ppC • . CLINTON IBRANCH H. T. RANCE, Manager. - W..BRYDONE,. Solicitors g 000 00.000 *9000 000 O 0000 0000000 •� :.00000.0 • .0.00.0000* •-1 1 1.1 1 1 1 +44+1 1 1 1, 1:1 1' ! 14.144+441-14-1+1. .1.11 1 1 11 I 1 1+-14,14:11.. .'1' • • •• •b .00 When Ordering Your Fall Suit Come To Us. You will need.a: new suit for fall and nowhere can you get better satis- faction than here... This is no mere statement. It is a fact, and we invite you to give us a call and see for yourself. You will be surprised when you see the ready-to- wear suits we are putting on sale at just half price. . 100, of these l'4en.'s and Boys!, Suits are now on sale and, will con- ti nue until all are gone, • You can't do better any place in the county, so come along and pick up the snaps in Clothing. It will mean dollars in your pocket. Mosley saved is money earned. T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. •• •a • IMO .• .• •• IMO +++++4-14.1.4-144-1-14444-1-1444-1-H44-14+-144-14+4++.14+1 ••d►•O*4••••G•••••tr'•••$4••Nr1'••••..•••Nl4+S. With the finest and best lines of Boots .a.nd$hoes made in. the Dominion. Strictly• Geta pair of the In it JNVJCTU5 waterproof, for fall. All warranted, Pull line of Impress for ladies. Also the best heavy $ta Ie lines obtainable• R. J. CLUES, - - Clinton. local corps of the• Salvation ` Arm). are certainly :energetic in •.promoting tliefr• Harvest Festival. They are busy . coIlecting ..fruit, vegetables, .•. grain, groceries' arta . every other • useful article which they' will sell • for the •' benefit , of the Army , work i: their • barracks on September 26Th. Theeamfunt Which ;:the i'local corps anis' to raise is $65, a large sum considering . its : strength, The . cele= bration'according •to :prdgram• prom-`' ises to be a successful affair.. The News -Record wishes : the Saivationis- ts; success. • LOCAL •MARKET.. Wheat .$1 to $1.01,' Oats '30c. Barley 40c, Live Hogs' $5. Ilay $6 to $7. Tub Flutter 12/e t0 ,13e. Crock. Butter 1.3c to 11c. Eggs :15e to 16e. Peaches 65c to $1.15. Pears 25e, Plums 50c to 60c_ Tomatoes 400 to :•50e. In the London market reports Old. Hens and Spring Chickens are :quot- ed. In .some parts of this province': this distinction is not made, .: OId' Hens apparently not being• offered for sale. STItATHCQNAS' FIRST. DEFEAT.. The Strathcona'lacrosse teeth, whi- ch won't district t he dis tic 'thou a de- feat, and turned down' Stratford in' the semi-finals by ten goals to one, met /its firstreverse on Tuesday o the toe 1% grounds. The opposini team was lthe Rocks of Elora, who scored' si goals to two by the Strathcon , Thee Rocks had' the greater experience aid were in better shape for a hard game. • They are good exponents or lacrosse arid, will very likely again win the champion- ship. The contest was a Glean one, was won on its merits and the victors were ,given a good reception by ;our citizens present. It is characteris- tic of the people of Clinton that they treat visiting teams -if they de- eervo it -kindly, A SEPTEMBER WEDDING. A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. T. M, Carling on Thursday evening last when her eldest daughter, Mais- ie, was united in marriage to Mr. J. L. Barber 'of Winslow, Arizona, The bride, who was unattended, was given away by her mother, her sister, Miss Susie Carling, acting as ring bearer. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Dr. Stewart and the wedding starch played by Miss Mabelle Twitchell. The bride's wedding dress was .of campaign colored voile with old rose trimmings, and her. travell- ing suit of blue broadcloth with hat to match. Many beautiful presents were received by the bride, that of the groom being a gold watch and chain, On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Barber left for 'Winslow, Arizona, where they will make their home. Ln route they; will visit Detroit, Chicago and other points. They have the good wishes of many ,friends, in- cluding The News -Record, 'for a.,pros- perous and happy future, • NEXT WEDNESDAY'S WEDDING. ' GASOLINE' WILL EXPLODE, On Wednesday of next week the home 'of Mr. A. 1I. Goodwin, Ratten- bury street, will be the seen° . of e happy event when his', eldest daugh- ter, Maude, will bc united in mar riage to Mr. W. Glenn Campbell, organist and choir !Master of Willis church, i THE TEMPERANCE RALLY. The %temperance meeting which was to have been held in the town hall this evening has beeii postponed until tomorrow evening. It is in the in- terests of Local Option, but oppon- entswbe c of that Act will accorded a hearing. There will be a musical program as well. • FIGURING. PROMINENTLY, The' doings of a fcjrmer 'citizen of Clinton, .who figured! 'prominently in the Soo election as /'Mr. Ferguson," aro being brought to light in the election trial now in progress. Th reports. of the trial which appear in the daily •papers are an interesting revelation of the methods by which the Machine has won victories . fo Mr, G. W, Ross. A NEW DRESS, The News -Record appears this week in a new "dress," which gives it a. still more attractive appearance. Our. patrons, 'we feel sure, will ap- preciate the change. The People's Paper never had just :so many read- ers as at the present time and the number is constantly ion :the increase. Will you not, deal' reader, recomm- end it to, those of your friends who are not already, subscribers ? :' OLD FhIENDS .PASS1NG AWAY. 1VIr. Wglliani Fluker, in speaking of the death of Mr. Thos, Lawlor of near' Auburn, saidt. to. The News- . ecord' yesterday • "It i• s only three .'years since .. wi; caine from that village, but inany charges have since taken place: Yes- :terday ' my. wife:and I.cot..ted the names of twenty-five ofour old fri- ends of' Auburn and vicinity who have 'croSsed ever Jordan since we Tt1E, LAST CATCH OF TROUT. Whit th' .. D n ann'o a �ti' ' C in e, D „ �< o SCG On ph Saturday .Mr.. E. J. ,Oantelon . visited a trout, "hole" .upon'..which tie had his eye for stnie time.and .landed a dol- • ,en spe .tiled beauties: from nine to thirteen inches in: 17 ngth. The • lar gest. weighed a. pound: The.. • flee . mess made., the mouths of . all •who ;saw. 'it'' water. E. J. as usual` re - :membered his friends, especially those who are .'sick. The.. trout season•:endel yesterday and the , open season ' for ' partridge,' 'woodcock and -hare it• new on. Quail. are protected until Noyeiiiber ;of ,next` ARMATURE 13URNE:D•: OUT.' The armatureon Ache .. alternator at the electric: light works was burn ed out last Thursday and: had to be sent to, the works at Teterboro t'u be rewound. This left the works'. with only the are .dynamo and all citizens ;on.: the.. incandescent- circuit have sine°, been without light, ' On Saturday the manager: and his as- sistant very ;obligingly,, pet.arc 'lights in as many places of business as they. had lamps:for'; an act •which " was much appreciated by'those so-; favo ed. On Sunday evening the 'churches were dfrnly lighted with coal o'I lamps. lr.win's grocery ane flarland's hard- wareshone! 'as "usual both those , places i being .lighted by acetylene' gas.: DIED A1'TEit. AN OPERATION, Leonard, the seventeen -year-old so; of 'Mr. Josiah Irwin, died in: Hamif- ton on Thursday last from the effects of..an operation performed upon him ten days previously, Ile ,had beth living for•the pastthree years in Hamilton' where he -Was employed in a Wholesale, house and about six. weeks ago paid a visit' to his home in Clinton.. While here one of the family noticed that his neck was swollen and drew .his ;attention to it so whenhe returned to the city lie consulted a doctorwho advised an operation which was performed on. Monday. On Saturday his parents were informed, by. telegraph that h' • was in :a critical condition- and at once left for Hanmilton, iiut he linger- ed •until the following Thursday. The remains were brought home and oc,, Saturday the funeral took place to Clinton cemetery, the •services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Cook. • TI4E ROAST TIT= CAUGHT, • A despatch from Windsor last Fri -- day records thearrest of :Pte. Jos- eph Twamley„ a Wolseley Barracks deserter, • who hired a horso from Warrener's' livery and never ` carne back. Twamley left the Barracks at London without leave some • fifteen: days previously, He had ju:iied • the service only a week before, and ap- parently had soon wearied of the regimen of the 4iarraeks. The charge laid against' wamley is that of horse stealing. 'It' is all- eged that he deserted from the • bar- racks to come to Clinton and that he worked his way fromm here to Windsor by stealing' 'horses at var• sous points along the route, Ile is said to have admitted the theft of horses and rigs . at Longwood, Chat- ham and Belle River; erchangim stolen ]horses for fresh outfits at ea- elt place. The last outfit was recov, ercd at Amherstburg, Twamley is only%nineteerf years et ago On Friday last Mfrs, J. 13. Hoover made ,use of; gasoline in cleaninga garment which she lifter wile Is ender - took to iron when it !burst into dame, but presence of mind enabled her to extinguish it quickly. There : havo been times when there were serious consequences from little acci- dents of this nature, TIIANICSGIVING. SERVICES, The annual i tvest thanksgiving n g services of St. Paul's church will be conducted by the rector, who will preach morning and evening. Special held on Sunday .next and will be music for the occasion will be pro- vided by the choir. The services will be as follows : Holy Communion 8 a, m: Matins and Sermon 11 a. m:; • Even Song 7 p. m. Everybody; wel- come, Bayfield: Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury is *fling fri- ends London this week, • Mrs. William Elliott visited friends in Sarnia the past week. The following i from here. attended • the ,Exhibition at London this !week Mr. and Mrs: Robert Rouatt, James Rouatt, Mrs.' Moorhouse, ., Mrs. ' J. Fraser,; , Mr. and Mrs, W. Mustard, Mrs, . J. Tippet, Miss .Alice Tippet, Mr: and Mrs. H. Erwin. Mr; F, A. Edwards left on Tues- day to'spen.d a,few weeks with fri- ends `in London and Lobo. Mr. John Whiddon'started his :ev- aporator on Monday, ' T'i'm following from a distance at- tended the• funeraltof the late Mrs - Thomas -A:.. 'Stinson on • Saturday. : Mr., and Mrs. Baker Of .Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biggart,' ,Per cy 1: gart, Barrie;; John Biggart,' War-. saw, . N•, Y:' Mr. and Mrs.' Wils'on, • Greenway Andrew Stinson,:. Ripley ; Mr. and Mrs, Chas:. Simons, Mr's. Jsnes RCid,. MissMaggie Falconer,' Goderich ;• Mr. and Mrs, Robert Big - Miss Jessie and Mr, Biggart of gart, '�fa, Clinton, and. Miss'' Falconer of Lon - When Mr. McCartney fell of[ the engine it continued to run and: Wil Whole Number 1336 Fletcher McCartney Saved the Separator but Lost His . Lite. Mr,Fletcher McCartney of theMaitlancl concession, Goderich township, died at his home at seven o'clock Saturday evening from injuries inflict- ed,'a ae t a. . Minir, r11IcCartneyadonwas one of the ,best known threshers in the township al Goderich and had ''been thus engaged for a number of sea- sons. Inorder to bstiii bettat meet the demands of his numerousP t- a tons, he sometime since bought a ccmplotelyy new outfit consisting of a . . traction! engine and separator with rear cut attachment and blower. His helpers Were Arthur Wilson and William Easarn. With this staff he was on Saturday -threshing for Mr. ,Alexander Ba - dour, also of the Maitland concession. The separator stood in the barn. and the engine on the east side of it. Between the latter and the barn stood two straw stacks about fourteen feet apart 'and on either side of the door. A few minutes before twelve o'clock one of the stacks was noticed •Ito be on fire and notwithstanding . the efforts of the men to ex- ) flames they ,quickly spread to the other. 'i2SZ•i3ES'7C' DOOR .• . BARN DOOR $NaiNg ocaoo� Q Hi Mr, McCartney wished to save his machine• and turning the traction he backed . into the barn and hitched on: But in -the meantime the wind 'had fanned the flames and his•passage out' was through a seal of fire, 'through .this he guided the engine, . but'.lie had no • sooner • emerged than he .fell . off, saying : `Boys, save me,, I'm, done," : His clothing wason fire and his, body was burned.: from head to. foot.' He was taken to his home only half a mile distant and Dr. Shaw sent for• The Dr. made all haste: to reach the scene and did all that medical skill could suggest, hutthe injuries 'were 'too' great to: he overcome and the 'Suffer-. er succumbed.at •seven • o'clock: From the time the ,fire :wasfirst seen until Mr, McCartney emerged from the fiery'ulnaca not many i'muYes_had elapsed. Arthur Wilson,who helped to couple to the separator. . jum ed out oft ..t � P he 'barn .on the 'west: stile and thus esdaped:- .Hart he remained 011 the traction he, too would in all. probability have 'lost his life. • ' ' liam Easoin jumped .aboard. Not ,.unders.tanding the levers, however' he Mr. James Strirgeonleft on Sattir- day for`, St. Thomas to visit: his dau was Unable to stop'it,; but Wilson, who had in the: meantime rtsn atound gaiter, Mrs:..Smith, the barn, succeeded •in doing NO, hi ruing his: hands `where' the gas cd The following iron here::attonded. ilio:: Toronto'Exlhibition :last week : Messrs: W,;; Brandon;' S. Moore, II. Drchmann, ' G; H. ilewson, •13:. Spen- cer ;and ,James McGee., I, • 1VI'r: aid• Mrs•, .Yanstone, who have been residing in Wingham • the .past few months,.returned here last week. • • Messrs.. Alex. McLeod and ;Joha.W.. Whaddon left on .Monday..to attend the Normal School at London '. 'Mr, and Mrs.' Kne:Chtel of Seaforth :spent' Sunday in the village: . . Mr. and ; Mrs. Gray �pf Dettoit were guests at the .River. •Hotel: the • past week, . the levers T'1 ' 1' d tl ttp..against the •engrae ritu,nt naso ' by the.leg. %but for ornately l i caped without muni• injury,• y ze e., From the stacks :the .flames soon spread to the barn whicl, • was coin- pletely destroyed; together with all its contents: Sparks set fire to an old 'house oh!. hundred' yards away which .also went up in smoke, . The stack ,in which the fire 'started was an old one'i:nd thus orous looking , to threshers and it is said Mr.. McCartney drew his: mens at- tentien to it and urged 'them;io use every precaution.. Possibly the lire. might have been extinguished;. only' that, it broke Mit' at an %hour' when the supply of water in the tank happened to' be: low. Mr: Fletcher' McCartney was the eldest sora of .Mr,, John .McCartne .: of I-Iolinesville, He Was horn :in Goderich. y ' e t township -forty two years late • When twenty three years 'of age he; married a daughter of the late: Wal • gate • Tebbutt who survives himi together: with their 'family of seven child- •. ren, • The funeral which took place on Tuesday ''afternoon was one ' of the largest ever seen in .this district, • the cortege:' being over two: miles in. e its was on an site me an le attached separate: bumping Word has been receivedbete of the death of Mrs, William . Parker, dau- ghter of Mrs; Parsons of this village . which ,occurred : at Milton, North Da= kota, on Thursday last ': Deeeaseil left here about a year 'ago' and was shortly afterwards married ; to; Mr. William Parker, a former ; resident of Bayfield. She was well known ' here and very highly respected andt`the bereaved ones have tho sympathy of very many: friends. . • We are exceedingly sorry this week to "record the death of Mary Eliz- abeth' Biggart, wife of Thomas., A: Stinson, which occurred at Goderich on Thursday morning ` iast. She un- 'derwent: an operation .for appendici- tis on Monday; arid was doing ' as wellas could be exec ted up till Wednesday evening ,When a hemorr- hage of the, stomach set in which resulted in her death on' Thursday morning; ' ail :6 o'clock, The remains Were brought home and the • funeral, ' 'which was a . very.' large one, took place Froin her lato residence on Sat- urday afternoon to the Bayfield cent- etary. Thepall-bearers were Messrs. Joseph Archer, John .Lindsay, Chas. Manes, Alfred Erwin, Albert, Van - stone and Frank' Keegaa. Rev. L, Jennings conductedthe services. De- ceased was in her 31st year and was highly respected by alarge circle o ..friends. She leaves a husband and one son, aged seven years, to ,mourn their' loss. They have the sincere sympathy of the, entire community. Mr. Stinson. Wishes to thank the many friends for their great lcindness to him in :his sad bereavement. Rev. Rural Dean McCosh of Chat- ham and Rev. J, Parke of Amerst- burg'spent tt few days at the resi- dence off Mr. James Parke. On Sun - dive/ the Rev. gentlemen tool' part in the services ,in Trinity church, Mr, McCosh preaching. His many friends were glad to hear him again, Miss M, %Partridge visitedat the rectory this week, On Sunday next Thanksgiving ser- vices will be held in the English churches of Bayfield, and Varna. (rho decorations will be in accordance with the clay. Rev. E. C• Jennings visitedthe parental 'home at Parkhill on Tues- day and Wednesday of this week. Sunday night's storm' materially effected the church attendance, but. the rain was' needed. Preparations are being made for a big concert to be held in the town hall 'on the evening of the second day • of the Show. Richard Wilson, comedian, Francis M.) Evans, elocu- tionist, Toronto, and others will take part in the program which will be the best presented to our ejtizens this season. • length. The services• at the house were conducted by Rev. Mr. Swann of the FIolmesville Methodist church, assisted by . Rev. Josiah Greene of Clinton. The interment took niece with : the rites of the . Orange Order,' of which the 'deceased was • a member, 'Mr, George Vanderburg,: Master. of L, 0; L. No, -189, was in charge with Mr,.: John Woods acting as chaplain: The pallbearers were ` representatives of the three societies to which Mr.. McCartney :belonged.; Orange -George Bradford and. John II'alstead. • • Chosen Friends -Harry Sweet sand •Joseph Jarvis. Canadian' Foresters -George Stiir;cly.and Wesley Marquis, In each of the two.latter Societies. the deceased held; an insurance of $1,000. The Hired Boy Saved Thos. Lindsay. ' • J Mr. Tiros. Lindsay oft the Base Line had.:a narrow escape from %ming gored to death . by a bull. on, Saturday: • He was. tying the animal in the ; stable' and . while' stooping in to ` lift P g fC the chain from the floor; it; trade a' drive. at him` and knocked' him into • • the crib: This ,saved him from further injury for' the bull. could :not' gel' at 'him though it tried very hard, Mr. Lindsay cried lustily for ;Jhet p and his assistant came. to his aid with i with a pitchfork with which hc-drove P the bull oft. Mr, Lindsay's'.breast was scoredby the bull's horns and • he, !etas • p,iso somewhat bruised, but the has ,not n acre much fuss about his injuries, . fully realizing how much worse they might have been. Goderich Township. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Webster of Ashfield spent 'a few days of the past week 'with Mr, 'and Mrs, John 0. Elliott, Their•, visit would have been lengthier only that they had. to re- turn home to attend the wedding of their 'son,' James, who on Wednesday of this week took unto himself h wife in, the person of. Miss' Agnes Miller, daughter of Mr. Thos. Miller of West Wawanosh. The happy couple will take up their residence on ` the groo- m's farm on the 9th con. of Ash held. • . Mr. W,. Crooks spent a few days in Toronto last week visiting the Fair and• old friends in the city. Mr. Fred. Elford 'left for Ottawa on -Monday and expects to start for Manitoba • shortly to spend a month in that provinee talking,` up poultry fattening. We understand there is' a probability of him 'moving , his fam- ily 'to the capital. . . Mr. Wesley • Harwell, a' former ' teacher of S. 8, No, 10, Bayfield Line, visited in. this community last week, Mrs. V. Stewart of .Stanley visited at her father's, Mr. S. Rathwell',s, 'on Sunday last. Mr. W. Elliott returned from the :St,: Louis exhibition this week. IIe thoroughly enjoyed, the trip. Service: will be held .in Cole's ch- urch next Sunday evening at 7.30. Mr. C#eorgc Miller of ton. 0 is go- ing to civet a windmill for puntpiugc purposes. 25 cents will pay a sull\:,crfption to The News -Record until the end of the present year. �r# Bruce fie ld. Miss': Lizzie McGregor has %returned from visiting Detroit 'friends. Mr, and !Mrs. Jack Swann are tak- ing in the London Fair this week. Messrs.. G. McCartney and H. Mon- teith left here for the Nor'timest on Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Rattenbury returned home on Saturday from a very pleasant' two weeks' visit at De- troit. Mr. 1?. McGregor is holidaying in Detroit, Bay City. and Other Ameri- can towns. Mr. Jack Snider has purchased a' house from Mr. Aikenhead, Mfrs,. 'S. Jackson of Ripley called on I3rucefield friends on Monday. Judge Doyle held a court of {re- vision.. re- vision here on 'Tuesday ' . . Mrs. Robinson“ and family havo me - turned home, from .visiting Varna friends, • Mr. Jack Snider is getting mater -ti ial on'tho ground for a hrr•rness shop. Some of our sports' took in the - lacrosse . match in Clinth•n on Tues- day. Mrs. A. Cameron and children aro visiting in Goderich,. Colborne Township Miss Susie Pennington ieft rt few clays ago for a visit to' Dundas and from thence went to Mortimer'n Point, Muslkoka, where she will re- main solve;MK;