HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-08, Page 9$ .111111.111881111$1111114111101111111111110111 The Nevv... Plain colors and neat tweed effects will have first call for fall and winter suitings. The first shipments are now on our counters. From the lowest to the highest grade, quali- ties are everything they should be and the de- signs and colorings such as will appeal to all particular people. These are a few of the many goon lines. Plata Oioths at 50c pra,in Cloth Suitings, all pure wool, clear, bright finish, will make stylish and servicable costumes, h 500.. browns, navy, black, etc„ very special at per yd •Tweed Effects at 65c Fancy Tweed Effects suitable for Fall Suits or separate Skirts, neat, small designs, green, brown, ' 65c, and blue, 42 inches wide, special per y4 Panty Suitiogs at 60c FancySuitings, neat small patterns, suitable for Shirt Waist Suits or separate Skirts, stork colors, 60,c yery stylish at per yd • Mohair Waistiaigs. at 45e • Fancy Mohairss black and navy. grounds with neat. small designs in b aels and white, very fashion- Agn able for 'Waists at per )0, itsith • • French Flannels at 50c • FancyFrench Flannels the finest assortment of choice designs we have ever shown. Mans, 'hands some color combinations, cloth best quality we can fl buy, buy, special at per yd • ,, u Plain Suitiiigs CLAW to 0.50 Fine Broadcloth for Ladies Suits. • This cloth is London shrunk and has a rich satiny finish, it is made from pure wool and give excellent wear, black, brown, green and navy at per yd, $1,00.: $1,25 ft $1,50, Fancy Uweeds 81.90 and $1.25 Faucy Tweed effects, medium and .clark color combinations, will make handsome and stylish Suits or separate Skirts, special per yd.: $1.00 on $1.25 • New Trimming's I. • Just a few new Trimmings arrived last week. Not by any Means All we will show, but enough . . , I to give early buyers a nice .assortment to: select • e0000000eo********44ot0000•oo****000****.o*** .124- • 1.24 pairs- ofr Stockings every minute of :a. worlcing 'day. is . the • .. capacity of the Black Cat ' 'Stocking .factory away over in Kenosha, WiS, , Even then, the factory has to run . • . over -time to supply the, demand. If et'eakageao-LB;adnodrd. Black .Qat .Stockings Were not good, Hosiery Company xessshs.wis. ' dos you think124 pairs could be made :- . and sold every minute, t" They Miistbe good, •or they would .not sell like that. : All sizes now- in stock; ready for school opening; . - - • 25C, 35c and 40c per pair. Millinery Department Ready for Business. The Millinery Department will be ready for fall business on Tuesday next. Misses Pettigrew and Burke have returned from the :Markets anti will be ready to receive customers on Tuesday. New fall goods are here and early buyers will find a good assortinent now to select from. . . New York. Outing Hats. .$0\ne nobby New York Outing ITats are dis played in our showroom. The very latest styles as shoe n in ihe Ameritan Metropolis, • Not many of any one kind, Conie and see them before the best get picked up: •••• 414.4•••••••••••• 44444444 •••• 4441•44 • 1300 pairs ladies' ribbed Cashmere Hose, made ' from fine, soft arns spliced heels, seamless • ifaZiolOVIAVAT)d.fpotrzitirlert ptteT pwarrat:. t.t.i.c! 25e, 4 4444•444•44.44.1144.44 4444.414 nis.4.444iinwon464•44.4.4",w,w40~~4406,446w64,4. Hodgens Bros. Importers - Clinton The Clinton News -Record I I September 8th 1904 .1.... I I The Seasonable 665 Rain Coats Question Is Bought at a Very Low Price., School Supplies • Last week,, while in Toronto, our syndicate bought, at a veryllowiprice; Sixr:hundred and Sixty-five Rain Coats, from the Canadian Agent of the largest manufacturer in England, ON THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 8th, our share of this big purchase will be placed on sale at tie lowest prices ever named, for coats of the best quality and very latest styles. We want you to come expecting extraordinary bargains, and we ai e sure you will not be disap- pointed, the saving will average nearly half. The first price named below is the actual value of these Coats if bought in the regular way. In the lot will be found several styles -some plain, others with capes, three-quarter and full length coats, and all are guaranteed shower proof. They come in the very newest and best shades of light and dark Grey, Brown and Green. Some have the fitted back, with belt, while others are made with box back. • Regular $5,00 Rain Coats at 82.00 •Regular 12.00 Rain Coats at 7,50 Regular 7.00 Rain Coats at 3.95• Regular 15.00 Rain Coats at 8 75 Regular 8.00 Rain Coats at 4,85 • • Regular 10.00 Rain Coats at 5.95 •Regular 18.00 Hain Coats at 10.00 In order to make this sale be more attractive, we will place thefollowing list of BARGAINS on sale for the three days only. We have all the convenien- ces and essentials that the boys and girls will need. Our usual good values in Scribb- lers, Slateq, Pads, Pencils, etc, We want your trade at this School opening and 11 you will so favor us we will try to give you satisfaction that it may be a benefit to you and that we may merit a continuance of your patronage. See us about it, 1‘701s.D2IEr1'iER, PIANOS. . Agents parker's Tye Works, W, D, Fair Got 75c Black Fingering Yarn at 59. • Often the Cheapest. Always the Best. 200 lbs of Black Scotch Fingering Yarn, extra fine glossy finish, well twisted yarns that will give excellent wear, regular 75c, for. Extra Attractions for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 1 I About People • . We Know - ioc to t2ic Flannelette at 8c Registrar Coats, Goderich was in 200 f th rt f Fla • elette *n assorted . town Monday. • . 65c and 75c Table .1.4inenat sod. 150 yards*of 58 to 70 inch table linen, in bleached rind unbleached some is warranted. all pure lined, while some .is only half linen, regular 05c and 7bc at M. Charles Biggart, Ingersoll, was' ' home Sunday and:Monday. - :Mr. land Mrs. D. S. Cook spent Mon- day with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett of Bays field were in • .on Saturday. Miss Maud Porter, teacher, was home and erea,m, regular price is 16c, on sale at On Thursday morning we will place on sale 300 yards of an Sunday and Monday from Centralia • day from a week's visit in Godes- 20C Ribbed •Cotton Hose at isc . - . .$I.25 and $1.5o Lace Curtains at $1.00 . 59e. 50 pairs of n yardslong Lace Curtains, fine Nottingham Male all good designs and quality, regular prides $1,2Ci and $1.50, special 00 for three days only . • 85C Wool Carpet at 65c 50c. of y1,00trnyalrvdeIl ots'etohuer centste.2-ngnagrpel:h?sratilse 01 pure. and value, speciol patterns, for three days at "e 65c... 85c Black Dress: Goods at 4.5c yards o ex eaHeavy cola y o nn , . stripes, this is our regular 10c and 120 qualities, all in lengths from Q 40 inch wide black Dress Goods, made of pure wool hard finish ed goods that will give satisfactory' wear, regular value is 85e, on 8 to 15 yards, to go at per yard • sale at 'SOU. 15c Flannelette at mic •Serges worth sec to 75c at 29C • This is an extra heavy quality in plain calors of. pink, sky .red 12tc . . . - •.. all -wool Serge, suitable for children a school . dresses, the regular. qnn . . . . prices of which is Isom 500 to 75c, all toILVLIN • . . . . . • • • Mrs. W. J. Holmes returned yester- • jell. • . Lieutenant Duncan- of the S. A. is • • on furlough at her home ins Mont -- Miss Nettie Cantelon and•Miss Jen - 1110 bars ere .spending the week in Toronto. ••. . Mr. R. J. MeC.lowanof Blyth * left .. Tuesday to visit the•Worlds' FairSt. Louis. , Mrs: Herb.. Alexander 'spent a-.• few „days Of 'the past week with •Strat-:: ford friends. • -. • • . -• • • . Mr.. Joy of the, Molsous Baek,- . treal, , was the guest of Mrs.. Shit.- . nsin this -.week. • •• • . -'• Xis. J. W. Elliot -t- and Master Mer - Vitt are sPending' .This Week.. with Toronto .friends. , • - Miss .Hattic Rumball 13. A....left. Tue- sday c4(e go k,:st itnrrditan1;erpdanties. in the. • Airs. Alex. 1VIeGiegoir of Winghain 'ent a few days of 'the, patit weeks • with ..Mrs. W.. 0. Brown. *.• • Mrs. . Lock . Crce spent :a • •few. d.syss of the„pasti .week- at the parental . hoMe on the 13th con, of I-lullett. 'Dr. Thomsonwas in Toronto on Sat- urday and' spent Sunday and Mon- day with his brother in Hamilton,- Many of 0111 citizens '.areln Toronto • ' this week, - Including J. *And- rews; S. G. 'Plummer,. Lou Pickett, Mr.. and .Mrs: Alexander are - sending. a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Green of Port. • Huron. Mr. Ben. Rutledge, I Ode Conbe's . driig. store, left* Tuesday 'to begin' • his • 'studies at-lhe,College of Phar. rnacy, -Toronto. • • . Mr. awl -Mrs. R. 6..Rarnsay and fain- ' ily • spent,the Labor Day • holidays in town with Mrs.Rarnsay'S -mother,. Mks. Gilehriat, ' Mt. and 'Mrs. • John Wiseman returned Tuesday from a visit to fiit lids at Chicago . where • Mrs. Wiseman spent ' -• a couple of weeks. • d • . • Miss Lizzie Middleton of Godcrich • township: left on Friday last to 14- . some • her duties as teacher in the. Presbyterian Ladies College at Ot- awe.- Mr. Wilmer Gibson of the staff of the • Merchants . Bank, Hanover, spent Sunday and Monday with his sister Miss 'Alma Gibson, and. his aunt, ' Mrs, Shier.. 'Mr.. C. H. Wallis returned on Thurs. lay.last •from. Manitoba were he di- sposed of a carload of •horees. Sou.: ris and. Methuen were the .p6ints at which he did business. • Mr. Robt.. Doan 'of Detroit has been home the past .week. after a some- • what lengthy absence. tic locks so; well that his friends have been co- inplimenting him on his youthful ap- pearance. . .• . • • Mr. James Eagleson of ilsaderich las been spending., the past ten days in . town wielding the brush of a pain. ter, MA.. Eagleson and Master Wi- • lber Spentd'a few days of last week With Clinton friends. . • Mr. Couch of the -Hamilton 'Lice nference returned. home .on Friday after spending a couple of days with -his brother, Mr. A. Couch of town. He had been in Harristoa attending the funeral of his wife's mother. Mr, 'Dan. Macdonald accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Macdonald of Bayfield, were in town on Saturday, having come over to meet his daughter. Aliss Addie, and his son • George, •who with his wife and son Gordon arrived from Berlin by the one o'clock trate and went over(lays. to Bayfield 1.0 spend a few, Mr. George Buskin, eolpOrteur miss- ionary of Algoma and the North- weat, paid his annual trip to Clin. ten on Saturday. Mr. Buskin has been engaged in this Work for over twenty years and is itbde to • relate many ' instances of .when he aPpessr- ed to be at the end Of his resour- ces, lico,has received aidifrom SOi10 unexpected' source. The contribut- ions in Clinton amounted to $171/85, more thair doulfie as he re- ecoeitivetfrom any other place in this fl y. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. Kernyi, Mr. George Keine- and Mr. and Mrs. Thos Ke. rim, London, and Mr. William Kemp, Stratford, were in toWn Sunday and Monday. It seemed like Olds times to see them, all on our streets again. Mr. M. Kemp, the daddy sof the .Kemps, is as brisk and hearty as lever and so well satisfied With London that he is building a residence. With his better half he Also visited his son Henry in Godes- ich. Mr, and Mrs. Thos., Kemp al - 60 Spent a couple Of days in Myth. 100 pairs of boys' ribbed Cotton Hose, extra heavy make, assort -0 n 20C Sa.tarta at isc ed sizes up to 8, regular prices 15c to 20e, to dear at. U • • • 200 yards of black Satana, Cloth), very fine quality, bright satin 1 'Rn • finish, would makoup.nicely in waists, regular 20c value at I %nu ine heel2a0 nrtiZes, owfean YevCcitertilli 01311a Sliig Ottet Cashmere Rose, double sole; Heavy Winter Vests at 25c • 200 extra heavy quality of Vests, long sleeves, open front; nicely 25c made an i finished, regular valess:to-claris 85e, our price ...... I $1.25 and $1.5o.Underskirts at 53t.00 • . Ladies' Underskirts, made of a, good ..quality of Salami, Cloth, : • • nicely trimmed with frills, 'assortedlengths, regular $1.25 and $1. It 00 on sale at. . . . . . •• 3oc Cottonade at 25c . . 300 yards of the very heaviest:quality of 25C Cottonade, in assorted o . • - stripes, regular value is 30.c, for __ $.i.00 White ,Quilts at 7oc - . • White Bed'Spreads, made of a good quality . yarn, in 10-4 size,. 7 nn regular 31.00 value at . . . •-• • ' I . ....--,- -----s. -•,-- ' ••• ' - . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.50 Chenille Table Covers go at 85c . ., .• New Fall Dress Goods. . • If you want to see :the newest in Dress Goods, you will have to visit this store -Our stock, 'this season', is the larger . and finest we have ever shown Every new weaveand color is represented in our display. ltoti:•are cordially invitad to call and 'seethe new:. things= ---no. need to buy now, if you ..are pot ' . Your money back if you want it. CLINTON. THE TIME FOR • Personal. •1 • . • CLERK DROPPED DEAD. 7.• Miss Annie. Rdss rethrned*. home • .; to Chicago on. Priday, • • • Hartley W. Watts.is. spending a; week • in Toronto* , .• Miss. Mable. ohm has been:Spending a . fortnight with• Toronto isiends. ' MiSs Nona Miller is in Fort. Williain d where she has accepted a situation as nliCliritnieSai r.Ld '. Miss aSeaforth was the guest of .Miss Bertha McRae during the past week.„ . • Mrs. Stewart Seymour returned home • on Tuesday after visiting friends in. Petrolia and' Wyoining, • . • Miss Clara: Beaeoni of Henderson, North Carolina, is the guest of her. • cousie; Mr. Thos. Beadoms ". • Mr. and Mrs. John Ireland visited Toronto. Mid Niagara Falls the past. :week. Mrs. , Ireland -also spent a. • . 00111)10 of days Avith • Seaforth fri- • d ends. • . Mr, • and Mri,d- Tisdall; • after spending the smn T umer ioronto,. . returned Mine the forepart • of the • Week.. They autoed up. and' coming hy way Hami ilton made the trip . in remarkably good time. • Mr and and • Mrs.' John Sherrie, of Morris 'were- %guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Finch- oyer Sunday. They were ac- compaeied down by Master Clarence Finch, ,who. life on the farm for ten weeks. • . •• Mr. and Mrs, Albert' kiekards and. Master Lamont' of Stratford were • the guests of Mr. Robert Stevens • Week. They were accoinpanied home by their cousin, Charles Oliver, who intendsaod4..making his . home in .Strats f MAKE AN EXAIVIPLE. . • A citizen said to 'rhe News -Record on Monday : "As I was. returning from church Sunday evening and passing along Isaac street,. where it is quite dark on .• account of so rininyi trees, a •boy on a bicycle Whisked past me. I did not see him coining or even hear him and the wonder is that he • did not run Me down.. There was no necessity for him being utsan the sideWalk at all for the roads:My was sm dry and ooth." It is this reckless disregard for the. rights of pedestrians that has made bicycle skiff% on the Walks a punigh. able offence. And if a citizen cannot wend • his way homeward at night without having to keep both eyes and ears o'pen lest he be run down by some 'smart Johnny, it is high time Chief Welsh- Went out atter that class, This does not apply. to the great maturity .of wheelsinen, who could very well be allowed certain privileges in wet weather Were it not for the smart Johnnies. - • A Local Option meeting will be held in the town hall next Thursday even. Ing, • 1%. r. Wi 11 are Stothers, Clerk of Ash- field, dropped 'lead while on his way to attend church Sunday morning. He was for many years prominent in Inunipipal Matters and was much respected for his sterling integrity. . • . A WRIT 'ISSUED 4 %4' • Ashdeid •township has issued a writ against the bounty for damages al- leged .to • have been sustained by • a washout at • Port • bert which is said to have cost the township $500, Warden Bowman ca - rim clown from the north _yesterday to enter a defence, DEATH OF J. SEWARb: • • Mr...I. T. Seward died 011 Friday last after several months' illness. I -le was a native of. -.England, but lived in Clinton many ;years and was well known as an honest, industrious man. Ile is survived by his Wife. They had no family„ Thesfunerar took place on • Sunday afternoon, the services being conducted by, Rev. Dr. Cook, with whose church Mr. Seward was for • for Several years connected. The pallbearers were : William, Thomas and George Shipley, ...Mph, Will lain and John TipladY, Don't Fail to Witness It. The Strathconas of Clinton and the Elldra team, last year's champions, will Meet on the local grounds next Tuet,- day afternoon in the semi-finals. This will be the best game of lacrosse ever witnessed irrOlinton, and our citizens should turn out largely to encourage the Strathconas who have not lost a game this season. Hired a Horse and Hasn't Come Baek. .4 young man of about 20 years of age canie to Clinton from Loedon. He wore a kharki uniform and repre- sented himself to be a recruiting off'. cer from the Military School, but, as was snbsequently found out, he was a deserter. Ile hired a horse from 'War. rener's livery and has not yet come back. The law is looking for him, His name is Ed. Twamley and ho for- inerly lived in Stratford. Pure Seed Grain. We have opened out a flour and fee 1 store and keep in stock flours bran, shorts, cured meats, etc, We madea special effort to procure and have on hand a supply of clean seed wheat and timothy, and farmers making their, purchases ft ow us can rely upon get( - log their seed its free as possible front all noxious weeds. Ford & McNeil, This is the time for.. Ram Coats. With showery ' weather almost every other day, it is hardly safe to venture out without . one. One Comes in handy 4 for a fall Overcoat as well. Many new styles are here, nobby garments that are just a little bit out of . the ordinary and have a >• distinctive sty e that is all • their own; Big assort- ments of the every -day staple styles too. Every garment made from hoii. • est, reliable cloths that are . well put together and will give: the wearer satisfac- tion; Come in and see thent. If you are think- • ing of investing in a Rain coat we can interest you, and perhaps save you a little money. Raincoats for Men at $5.00s $0.00, $7.50, and $8.00 Better Rain coats at *310.m $12.00 and $13.50 MudCoats tor rough weather at $0.00 and $3.50 For Threshing Time. Smocks and Overalls are in big demand theSe days. Olir immense stock of than bought before the great advance: in cot- ton prices is going down fast. We are still selling at old: prices . but when present supplies are gone we won't bo able to sell es good sniodks and overalls for these prices. • • _s Mons Heavy Derry Overall* black or grey, all • seams double sown, double seat, riveted . - - pockets and buttons, warmal speehll value at per pairs sten 4 Moleskin Pants, $1.00. • Mons heavy cotton Idoleskin Pants, nice assort- ment of neat stripes,. seams double sewn, $1s00 special at per pair Denim Overalls, $1,00. /4 et, el) liouA gtg.,--no Bros* Cialideg and Nal raLL:i!,20. 141111011101E •