HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-08, Page 4The LewswPecord is published every Thursday at The News-liecord Priatiag Hons. Attul4atT STREET, — CLINTON. oatbsviption—p. per year in lx.so ray :be charged if *cot st paid. Na paper diseontineed _until. all arreere are paid, intleter at ;.11,14 Optiosof the publisher. The :data to which. every subscription is paid in denoted on the Advertising ratea—•Transient salver- " rtIOSinents,. cents per nonpariel • The for first litssketion and 3 egats pee lire fey emelt subsequeet insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one ineh, suet' as "Lost," "Stray- ed," “Stolen,". etc., iuserted once for 3s cents and taeli subsequent in- . sertion 10 coda. •Cormnanieations intended for ,publica- tem must, as a guarantee' of good faith, be aetennpanied by the name of tie writer, To insureputilieation in. crirrgut issue coy ot advertiSenients should, be sent M early, pontraet: rates ',L..The folloitlng table shows' .orix 'rates for $0,etia,3d, per - Was and space : yr, 6 ino. Alio.' r :no. Coluinn 7QQ040 �o f2.5, 00 S8 5° . 40 pc; 00 15 00 -6 90 conion 15 op 15 00 S 06 o 3o 'h Confirm 18 oa 10 oo .3 50 2 co, Invh. 6 oo .50 200 125 W. J . n(litOr F..1 4Pro 0, Jet or Earl Pray Appointed Gover- ,nOr,General of Canada. • London, Sept. 1,7 -The King bas ap- p reyed Ihe:,appointinent of Earl Grey as. Governor-General of Canada in successionto the •Earl ot Minto, . Township. . : Miss Clara . Daley of Seaforth Was hast Week visiting ner • friend, MISS Flossie Cole, . Mr, Arthur i•Welsh spent Sunday last. in Clinton with relatives. ,.. • ' - Mr. E. liegaiviii Spent 4iihday and Labor Day with :Goderich Mewls, „ :Miss Stefart dr.Benmiller, has ' for the past two weeks been visiting :With her".( sister, Mrs.., 'C. 13. Middleton, • Bayfielci, Line. • . ' Mrs. W. H. Steep of Michigan vvak. recently visiting ..with her two child- ren- at Mr. J. G. Steep's of the "ilth. concession." ' ••• Albert: Anderson is buying ap- ples . for Rebert.Elliett. .We wish him. sueeesi. •• • Miss " Patterson of, Wakefield and Miss Walker el Lachate, Que., • were spending a few Weeks at Reeve -Mid. „die:totes 'bet have returned to their ..•;...respectiVe homes. . • The Miasei Lawson of the. -Lake Shore- Read; Colborne, were guests' of Mrs. john Middleton last week. • . The -contract for building thecem- ent bridge •opposite Mf. David Cox's farm on Ihe 51.h con. :was awarded .to Mr. R. Walker' of ,Clinton. The council supplies the cement.- The con- tract fur % reMoiring some earth a the 1VIait1and hill and of stream:ling the • batik with "railway ties was given.to Mr. Wheelley, of Clinton. The Council 'bought. the, ties whien are being Used instead of posts .. as being the ,stronger. • • Huliett'Township. The NewssReCOrd until Jen., 1905, for 25e. Miss Nellie Medd in 'Vitiating her ,brother George' at Slipcoe• .pres- Mr . J.11. :Hunter' of Groton; South Dakota, Called on a 161,V friend? here last week. Juke was a pupil: of the old Bandon school and is now prin- cipal �f Groton school. He gets .a handsome salary, • Mr. William LiridSay ,has purchased a blower attachment for his thresh- ing outfit. Mr. Joseph Riley has been laid off work for a week owing to a sprained ankle. • •. Mr. P. 0.- Reynolds' little son Fer- gus was , taken suddenly ill on Sun- day, but is now about all right ag;ain, . The following shows the relative standing of the pupils of No. 5 for month oe August, • based .on test papers, attendance and general.' pro- ficiency. Those marked with an as- terisk attended every day ; Si, 4th—Essie Malt, Mabel 1VIeCool; John Wallace, Effie Jackson, Elia Webb, Frank Hibbert, Jr. 4th—G-ertie Voddee, Elsie.Bro- wn, _Maggie Cole. ' Sr. iird--Ernerson Jr, 3rd—*Della McCool, Ernest Voddmi, Mary Jackson, Flossie Bro- wn,'Mabel Lee, Sept. Wallace, Orval Rapson, Armand MeCool. ' Sr. 2nd1`Chas. Vedden, --:tore Me- - Cool, Sam. Appolby, Ephraim Snell, Helen Little. Jr. 2nd—Wesley Hoggart, *Richard Vodden, Edith 1obhs. Sr. Pt. 1st —Edna, Webb,Floy Cole, Addie Little... CJr. Pt. 1st—Maggie Mair, Willie ‘Veyrnouth, May Appleby, "Sr. Pt. lst—Mary Voddeev, Elva IVIeCool. Jr. Pt. 1.st•Ella Lee, Etta Brown, Pearl Hoblia, Mary Gokbett, John Gorbett, Ika Ra,pson, Edwin Lee, Enrolled attendance 41, average 28. • Londesboro. Mrs. Jas. Latigles* . has returned' to her home at Niagara Falls after a, vita to relatives arid friends hole. • 1Vt1ss AL •M�ilvcen of Toronto Visit- ed her coedit, Miss. FlOssie, Moon,la,st week. mo A few of our local sports ,enjoyed the lake breezes at Baylleld on Sun- day, • - , The 'next regular- meeting -of Lon- deeboro Council It. T. of T. *ill be • held on • S'eptembet 12th, As it is intended to resume the meetings a full attendance of the officers, • and, Itnembers Is reattecited.. . The trustees of No. have shown their_ appreciationof the services of their .teaeher, liar, A. P. Johns, by re-engaging him • for -his fourth year at a ,OubStafilial increase In Salary. Aubilta. Au old piorieer. in the person of Mr. Gabriel Sprung of the Base Line passed away oat Tuesday morning of lzit weak. He was well knowu iu these parts, having resided ea thc. fan on oliich he ilied fort fifty six Years. He was a staunch Liberal arid a Methodist. He Was. „born in Prince Edward county seventy nine yvars age and leaven a widow and •two. sous, Robert of Starbeek, Man., and Richard of Goderieh, but of - late employed by the Government on the St. Lawrence.. Rev. Mr. Coupland conducted the service at the funeral which was very largely attended, Mrs. (Rev.) Ceriplapd and daughter are visiting relatilves neer Torontoat present, Miss Bella, Wilson left for Toronto last week, also Miss Zella Dyer. • • Mr. Ge FL Erratt and his Sister. Miss Dora, had a .narrow ..esea.pe.frorn meeting with .serious injury while dri- ving,into, Goderich on Monday, 'Their horse shied at some tranips, while go- • big down •tlie nig hill and threw them ". out. Fortunately they eseaped with 0111)' a few „bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Munro are taking. in Toronto '101,1r,, also Mr. Ed. Ilelwig this week, - Mr, J00, (141:ter and mother are vis- iting friends near Hamilton. • Rev, Mr, Coupbr.nd sand Mr. Small, uephew of Rev; J. Small, Will also attend 'Lim Fair. Miss McLeod of Kintail is engaged to 4.7ke charge of Straughan's school. is a relative of the Straughans. Mr. C. Moore, while driving Mi. Young's barrel wagon„ left the hor- les standing on the road while he went `into aJi orchard. The horse itaried and ran .away, breaking the ,vagon 'ell to pieces. • IVIrs S. Lawlor had a, runaway. re- ;eutly. Tbe horse sided at a " honey ectraetor. being puts into the buggy, at Mr. A. OsnaldestoWS and relining -rWay broke the buggy and cut its leg io that the vet had to pet in sever- al stitches.• • • . There will be no preachin in the Aethodist church next Sun ay morn - ng owing to Rev. Mr. Coupland's absence. The following Sunday Rev. Mr. Sniell will preach in this church in the evening. : • Miss. Me0utchon of Paris is the pest of Mrs. R. McGee. Sunday, week. Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. R. Jonee-Sif.- Goderich Sundayed -al Mr, . • Miss .Jetinie ',Ionian, of Clinton Sun- . rived at home.. , passed, aWay at hek honie in Goder- . ich; She had always enjoyed geed heath until the death of her mother ,-;ast-r.. May, but since that time -had : 'rem more or legs ;desnianclent.- Her :Leath., . which was due to pernicious - anaemia; was herdlyexpectedby her ,large circle Of relatives ]and• friend. Mrs. Murdech was ,forroerly Miss La,ura't 'Erratt, eldest daughter of rhornas and Sarah -Erratt of- Hullett township,' • near Auburn., Who're , she aas born some thirty-three 'years Igo. She was Married. to .John D. •vierdoch of Lucknow, iWbei until his removal to Gederich abut three Years ago Carried on a general store busiaess at • St. Helens. Besides her 4otroVving husband • the deceased reevestwo: children, time, eldest just Ast tavo y.ears and the- yOringest am ant n ..nfiarms or only a• few ' da,ys, SId.. • She leaves • two 'bro- thers and two sisters, 'Welsh, the cldr. o0boy, beteg in the West, and Elds- worth, Dora , and Mabel at home ,:on the farm, .„ The -funeral took • Place torn .6-oderich to the home of. her. 'girlhood, Rev. .Jas. A. Anderson -of- ficiating at. Gederich. mei'. Rev. • r.: Coliplancl,assisted by Rev. Mr, Hun- ter of Brussels, • taking ' cnarge of the services at -the homestead and , at Ball's • cenietery, where the remains were interred in the..,a,fternoom -A number of Auburn friends met the funeral while on its 'way here and the. 'cortege as :it Wended its way.' to the- :ee"rnetery '• was a very long one. The Allbearers were : J. C. Murdoch, J. 0...IVIardoch and D. C. Taylor, Luck- • how"; • T.. Hamilton and Jos. WaSh- ington. II. Elford, Goderich. This IS the third death in. the 'Erratt family...insides of a -year.. Erratt died in December. and .Mrs. Erraltiui May. Miss Dere Erratt of -Stanley passed . away a °few molt- tlis ago... Mrs. Murdoch 'bit very. keenly the death Of hek mother and predicted that she toe' would . pass away suddenly 'end seemed- unable to Shake . Off her deapendeney.' She was an active member Of the Methodist church herefor, fourteen years, and was also zealous for the advancement .of the Temperance cause. She was a •life member of 'Wei -timid Temple No. .301. Our sympathy' goes- out to the : family which has . been so sadly • be. reeved. • Colborne, Township • Threshing is the order of day. : Mr. Chas. Treble has purchased the twenty -acre- farm belonging to Mr. Jas. Manning. We are glad to say that Mr. ,John Stevens of the Maitland concession is doing as well as can be expeeted. He is under the care of the doctor. Mr. Edward Jenkins will leave for the hospital! at Guelph this week where he inteeds undergoing an op- eration. Quite a numbek attended the ',lento at Point Farm on Monday and report having had a good time, ' Mr. Itobt, McClure was the guest of. Mr, Earnest Mitchell on Sabbath. The work on the railroad started•on Monday. Mr. Joseph Beck has been going through this locality buying timber or Mr. John Walters is in the Old Country at present with a carload ot cattle for Mr. Itobt. McLean. Colborne township council met the township hall. Moved by seconded by Mr. Robertson, that the following rates be fixed for the cur- rent year County rate, 1 7-10 mills, township 2 mills, and special school rate of 1 mills -on all the rateable property In the township. --Carried. Mr. Horton'sease was again brought up and it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Snyder, that the Reeve be instructed to see Mr. Hor- ton in regard tcs a settlement of his ease. Moved in amendment by Ur. Robertson, seconded by the Reeve, that no xtetIon be taken. Mr. Moser voted with the amendment, which was = carried, Adjourned to meet agate Sentember 20th at 2 o'Cloek p. rit. St. Helens, Mr, Frank Todd left last week on; a visit to friends at the Soo, Mr. Wm. Nu. Farrier and his mother have, returned front a pleasant visit to friends itt Morris, Mrs. Cranston and children ' have gone to Guelph to visit friends, Mr. Chapman, St. ThOiritie, is Via- itieg itt Mr, As'quithis, • Tho Clinton Newis-ReCord Handsome Moiauinents. Among the shipments made by J. G. Seale .& Co. this week were two i bushier:err granite monuments, one a red Swede for Mr. W. E. Mk: - Kenzie, Ooderieb, to perpetuate the memory of hi* 4,ttaal, Albert said Ev- erett, the other was -a earuation Scotch granite, erected by Mr. leerd- inanViteleh in memory of his wife Ellen Nebo is interred in Bayfield ce- metery. Both lots were marked by massive corner pouts in imported limestone which is now mueb, in use for decorative purposes. Mr. Seale did a unique piece of work recently in Colborne cemetery. The late •Wil - Liam Lashani, "Ooderich, who was nothing if not original, had a boul- der or what is commonly called a hard head, weighing between two and 1 three . tons drawn 'from the river and :placed in bis lot. Ile had it rudely embellished with the Masonic and other emblems. After his decease the executors decided to have part or the block ' cut out and polished ammd Og.. ered the work to a Goderich firm who confessed their inability to handle it. Subsequently they learned It. Seale had the necessa2.7 appliances' and they placed it in his hands. A pan- el was cut, polished and neatly in- scribed in a highly . satisfactory man:. ner. The bolder was found to be of an equal degree of hardness to that of Scotch or Swede granite and is being inspected by the various visit- ors at the cemetery, A .Bayfield. L Miss Mounteastle of Clinton Snclit the past weeks With friends in the village. A vote of the electors of the village will be taken on Oct. 4th on a pro- . yew. 13 to William Mustard to re -build his saw Auburn. Mr. Charlie Weatherald of ,iViielt. spent a few deys at his sister's and aunt's recently; ' I Mrs. Geo, Anderson and son. of Dungannon visited recently at Mr.An- derson's of the 'village. . • Mr. Wm. Sheppard of Atlantic City was the guest of his sister, Mrs. 'Mies. Nicholson, last . week. Mrs. Railway, Pittsberg, Pa„ is the guest -of her mother, Mrs. James Moine' .„ • Summerhill. Miss 1:4 -Colborne has returned af- ter a visit in Blyth. Miss Gem -tin Lear of 13lyth• spent Sunday .with her cousins, the Misses Miss. -Minnie Proctor of Hohnesville spent Sueday with her sister, Mrs; J. Lowery. • ' • ' Misses Annie and Luella Challenger • spent a.lew days ot the past week in Goderich. 1Vliss •Ella McBride was a visitor at the Toronto Fair this week, 'accom- panied by her brothergarnet of the Neiv Era, Clinton'. ' • Mas ter Eddie Kitty returned to his home at Greetoe on Monday, after spending his vacation here, Miss Winnie Thompson, teacher near Blyth, speat Labor Day .at home, Mr. H. Beacom -has been nursing a lame leg accompanied by lilood-poisr.. IVIessrs. Jo'sepli and Thomas Wal- :his - kins have bought the Noble Lovett farm, the..purthase. price being $2500., There areeighty acres in the lot. . 1VIrs. George Hill has been visiting her •rnother at. Parkhill. :The regular monthly meeting of the Orange. Lodge was held on Monday -Holy 'communion was disPensed in' St. ,Peter's church last Sunday. Iienmiller 13 » Straeglia,n returne.d to Tor- onto on Monday after spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof. " Miss Annie Yelland is spending .' a couple of weeks it Bay -field, renewing former a(.quaintanceShips. • Wm. Good nes rented a .horfse ajid lot in Goderich and expects to occup) •the same in a few weeks, - A harvest homofestival, under the • auspices of the Epworth League will be held on September 11tih. An ex- cellent program is being arranged'. Zurich. -- Mr. Charles Greb • has sold his hardware stoOk to Mr, A. • Charles- worth of Egmondville, who gets possession about Sept. 20th, Mr. John Decher of the Babylon delivered a two-year-old heavy filly to Mr, John Torrance of Clinton last week • for which he received the snug sum of $150. At • .the same trine -Mr. Decher delivered a two-year- old heavy gelding fo Mr. Dail Haug to Mx. Torrance, for which Mr. Haug received ' $131, East Wawanosh. Mrs. R. •Adams of Kinburn spent week with her friend, Mrs. T. Noble, of the 5th, Line, recently. ' R. Roberts and A. Haggett, spent Sunday at the home of _Mr. William 'Nethery, 5th Line. Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. Edwardsof Goder- ich visited friends on the 5th Line last Thursday. • Miss •Maggie Murray of ' Goderich who has been visiting at J. Wight - man's of Westfield, returned home on 'Friday. Gordon .Wightman of Westfield spent a couple Of days in Toronto, Mrs. K. Cameron.ef Lucknow called on former friends last week. Mr. John Cook Sr. left last Tues- day for Manitoba. Miss Lecta Coultes of Clinton in the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Coult- es. Miss Elsie Garton visited at Mr. George Coultea' last week, Mr, R. Noble of Clinton was •a visitor at Mr. Thos. Bell's recently. Mr. D. Dunbar and Miss Dunbar StindaYed-at Mr. ./. Mescal's, Miss Nellie- Anderson of Dundalk - was the guest of Miss Minnie Nether) last week. Mr. Percy Black lieu gone to ' Wingham to learn the blithering. Per- ey"-s smiling face will be missed. Mrs. W. Scott was the guest of Mrs. Wm, Nethcry last week. A doctor has been called from Tor- onto to attend Mr, Jas. McGill who still continues very 111.. ME, Harry and Miss Mary Leishman left on Tuesday for IVIanitoba. The Misses Wightnuur, who have been the guests of their aunt, Mrs, T. Black, have left for their hem at ECho nay. Tekelkersi in Training. 'he following leachers in trainlug are in attendance at the Olinton'Mo- del school • Arthur S'eott, Seaforth Ada, Sleeth, Seaforth Maria P. Gaetzmeyer, Seaforth , Annie 111. Smith, Seaforth • Chas. Alexander, Seatorth • II. A. Dorance, Seaforth Mary Kelby, Egnionriville . Helen Kelly, Egmondville Hannah Wilson, Wingharn Agnes Wilson, Wingham Pearl Wynn, Winitham • Ariel G. Park, Wingliam Isabella D. MeDougall, fllenfarrow Elizabeth 'bury, Whitecbureli Oscar Ro ers Clinton Lizzie Chulloy, Clinton Olive 'Cooper, Clinton Wm. Freeman, Ethel Isabella McKay, Clinton Pearl McDonald, Clinton Bertha, Fla,yter, Greenway Oliver Henry, Blyth hllsie (Mark, I3lylh Minnie Pentaale, Bayfield James Cameron, •13ayileld " • IIester Armstrong Bayfield S. J. Coulter, Hensall .Grace Murdock, Brucefield Aikenhead,•Drucelleld W. McDermott, Comber Annabel MeEwert, Clinton Lottie Grassiek, Kippen Mildred Graham, Lucknow, Stella, Purcell, Sealorth Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. ,goyes left On Tuesday for their home at Nashville,. ,Tenn,, after spending a couple • or months. in this township. They had a very pleasant holiday from which they both benelitted, The renewed vigor- obtained from these few 'weeks spent in the old .home municipality will 'enable Mr. Keyes to again apply himself to educational work in Nash- ville in which he has been engaged successfully . for some years.. . The sawmill in Bayfield, which was recently destroyed by fire was orig- inally built for a drilished, shortly after the leenia,n Raid. The frame was a heavy one and at the raising the captains were Mr. R. Penhale• of this . township and his brother who is now in the West: " After it ceased to no used as a drill shed it was used for a. variety • of purposes until final- ly it was converted intoa sa.wrnill. , Miss Mary , J. . Reid is at .present • visiting relatives at Lucknow. " A number of young people of the Front Road pienicked in Bayfield on Labor Day. • . Mr. Richard Peck, 'aceompanied, by his sister, Miss EreMa, and Miss M. Dalyrinple, visited Clinton friends on Saturday last, , Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Anderson and daughter of Wyoming visited last week at the home ' of •Mrs. Aederson's father, Mr. Jos. Richardson, . ?Jr.. and. •.Mrs. -IL Peck were the guests of Mr. J. Watson of theSau- lite Line list Sunday. Me. James- Boyce had the misfor- tune to have a twozyear.old.eelt fall: into aut. old well the other day, Mrs. George Kennedy visited at the honieof her 'daughter, Mrs, Ed. Jo- linson; last Sunday. • . .Miss.IVIartha Ratlfwell has returned to Detroit.. • , . . . • • Messrs. J. Steep and J, Mak us Sundayed at Mr. . James Cernabell's. Mr. . Rob. Penhale and his sisters, MiSsee•lVfaggle and Hannan, Sunslayed at IVir. Andrew Duncan's; " . ' . . Miss Yelland visited at the irme of Messrs. L., . cleric arid Ed,: Johnson last' week. . • Miss. 1V1innie Penhale, whe passed her exams successfully at the Sear forth Collegiate, has gone to Clinton to attend the Model school'. ,• Mr. 11IcK1inton of Lucknow spent a. few days last :Week it the - home : of , Charles Johnson. • . ... - Mr,,' E. Middleton of Goderich,, town- ship Visited at the, home -of Mr: Rich- ardson last Sunday. • ' .' Mr, Sam. Bates, who spent his vacation at home, has returned. to Seaforth to resione his studies there-. -Belgrave. „• Air. and. 1VIrs. AdamHalladay arid Miss Tess.,- who spent the summer months in Manitoba, returned last week. -,Miss Ci1a Leishipan is thaw guest of her cousin,' Mrs, jas. Nichol. Miss .Lawrence of Michigan was the guest” of her cousins, the Misses Me- Clellaricl,' last week. . Miss Cassia Fraser bas returned home after a year's visit. with (love - land friends. ' ' 14Iiss Anderson who has been the guest of -friends here left last . week tor her home in Dundalk. 7 Mrs. L. •Nethery and her sett Wil- liam visited the Exhibition at Tor- onto this ' week. . Mr. Percy Scandrett and Miss Jena, Anderson were quietly married last Wednesday, Rev. William .Lowe of Wingham perfortned the ceremony; alter which the happy couple left for Poronto to visit the Fair. Mr, Jas, Anderson visited ' with Morris friends on Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs, J. Mason and Mrs. D, , Cook left on Tuesday for Toronto. to visit the Fair. Mr. and 1VIrs. Jas. Smith of IVIorris. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Waugh of 1Vliehi- ean and Mr,:R, Coultes of Clinton Sundayed with MN. J. Coulteg, Mr. Artie Wililams Sundayed with 13rUsaels friends. Miss 1%t. Kennedy of Toronto was the guest of Gravel Road friends for a few days last week. • Port Albert. R. R. Anderson and W. B. Hawkins spent a few. clays at Toronto Fair, the past week, Miss Tena Hawkins spent two days With her • mother the past week. Geo. and Albert Curren have re- turned to their home at Toronto. Jas. Hawkins Sr, is in Toronto at opruetsreenut. visiting his son-in-law, A. V. . Miss Rosa Sehoenhala returned Sat- vuirsdiaty from Milverton after a long Misses Gertie rind Lizzie Curren and Ethel DeLong of Goderich spent Sunday and Monday in the village. ' Bert Cunningham, Goderich, Sun - dived at hope. Sk. A. Green Who has been Sallies; luring the mat few Mantles, is luiMe at Present, *S. Clark, Colborne, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hayden the pad Week. If reports are true our worthy reeve has been one of the lucky Grits to get e. job while the party is in office. By the way the "sits" are filling they must expect a, rough voyage during the emniug election. Mr. and Mrs, W. Conk Sundayed in ColbOrne township, Mrs, Nels Pearson W tho pant week. AS in Toronto"*.00lsok4Aboeibeweemorolowei • Septarnber 8th 1404 1xTZoss' Majority Redueed to Two. I 41 John Brawn, M. P. P. tor North Perth, Was wiSeated on Monhay for + 'corrupt practiees.—This rednees the ,Majority of the Ross Government to , :two. ' • + • 4 - To Heir the Black :e • „ Watch Band. to Arrangements have been Madewhieh will give the' .peopheot Clinton' •1",:‘, faverable ,opportwilty- to .hear the celebrated Black Wath Band atAft, Stratford next Tuesday °Vetting, tembet •18th. The Grand Trunk is to giving a special rate from .Clinton 4 tOt Stratf�r4 Ana return of 80 cents, or 40 couts for children, going by the regular ..:train at 5.20 p. inand re- turning by special traits after the concert, ram HoluiesVale the fare will be 85' cents for adults oath: 45, cents for anchor. Seats far the • eon - cert may be secured from Wm. Jack - ton, Clinton. OgiYfield. • Mrs. Boyd and family, Miss Eva and 11/fr. Fletcher Boyd of Toronto, wbo have boon aPending the • slimmer with 'her sistei,' Mrs. Johilaton, re- ' turned home the past week. Miss Nellie Biggart is visiting hek sister, ML's, klaker„ et Toronto, this. week, Mr. , Harm Sperling and Miss ba, Fowile are visiting friends in George- town this week and will also take In the Toronto Exhibition before re- turning. ' The Misses Macdonald of Brussels are guests et Miss Parsons ' Mr, Eddie Reid, who is engaged on the Government survey boat,' Bay., field, IS home for a short visit, Mrs. Yelland and daughter, Miss Anniet -of Berimiller have been visit- ing friends in :the village •the past week. . . Mr. and Mrs, .James Morrison . of Hibbert were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Leech last Senday. Mrs. F, A. Edwards and. Saeghter, Miss • Floy; vieited, friends Kin- cardine a few days thepast week. Miss Lonna Erwin is visiting fri- ends in Seaforth. • . Misses Lottie and Florence Martin left on Saturday last to spend a week in Toronto. ' Miss Winnie Dailey . of Seabarth was the guest of IVIiss Luella, Rouatt the *past week.. ° • A successful operation was per- fOrniect on Mrs. Thomas Stinson; of this village for appendicitis at (+oder- tch on Monday, Latest .report says she. -is doing as well as can be ex- pected. . • Mr. and Mrs, • George Macdonald rrnd Mks Addie Macdonald: of Berlin spent 'a few days _with their parents, Mr. a,nd, Mrs. Daniel Macdonald, this Mo. Chaddock and. Mrs.' Newall •of• Detroit and Mr. Glen ,SelIars of Gladstone, Minnesa,ta, •were called home the ipast week on account ot the. serious illness . of • their mother, Mrs. Sellars. Mrs. Bridgets of Beigrave is the vest of -.her .da,righter, 1VIrs, l3randOn; at present. , • ' Miss Gower of London is .visiting friends in the village. . Brucefield. • 'A, great Many. of .our : young pee - plc spent Labor Day it Bayfield; Quite a number 'or our ' neighbor's are attending . the great National Exhibition at Toronto, some of whorri, are , Messrs.' 'llobt.. Murdoch, . Hart, Andrew Scott,.L. Beatty and Albert 'Robertson. Mr, Jos, Robinson. has been spend,,, ing a few days with his family.: • Miss / Pearl Wilson will leave to- morro* for Toronto where she hir tends tO live for a time. Mr. .J. C. Reid shipped a car of ' cattle from our village last Satur- day, Mr. W. J. Stinsori one car on Mmulay, Mr. Wm: Taylor one car 'on. Tuesday and V. J,' Stinson live ears on Wednesday., Mr.'Vanstone shipped a car of hogs on Monday, Making nine ears of stock from,our village in four days. 1 Our. Fall Viallpaper Business promises to be large owing to the very late and cold spring , -septein Der is one of—, --the best months of--; ,---the yew, to have:-. —your papering done. Our assortment and Prices ate hound to please you. All peeler trimmed free. - .0.04>c000.0.Nx).o.o Clop in Coo.J* Clinton. 4 * 4.4 •.? MCKINNON & CO 8 * LYTH •_4: 11 4.4. 4.4 4+44 4,4 .:40. 4,4.444.10, 4...:044,4,44...:*.c.i...;• 04:4 - • , IWKINNON & 00,1 BLY:111 - e all Trade Is Booming And weal* fully prepared for it. Never in the history of this y store have we shown such a li.tge and varied stock of .New Fall X • Goads, Dating the last font months We have been busy selecting ,3 goods for A hig fall trade. We doubt routine ourselves to .anywu wholesale house, hut we buy tor opotash wherever we el41,1 get 1be hest value, q matt y being the first 'eeeeidera Mop with U. MOO ...••• the price. We.show special values le the. following 110051— New Dress Goods, itt all the latest designs [IL close lees, in biona, zatailinestitalied. goods:holm • New Mantles. Jackets and Gapes. in all the new alsles in ',leek And colored frieze, homespun, viruna. venetian, kei soy clothreto., frorn $8.50 to 111.5.. Misses' and Chiltirente Coats a specialty, from $1.7Zi up'. • Cur Millinery Dena I inent is to full 14W.1411.:, WiketV we show 'all the ot latest novelties in Park tted •New 'York Mflhnory, Ready.to Wear and,Outing flats it soft laity. from We to 83, Ladies r rine uts, in Electric Seal. Astrachan .tind Greenland Seal s, Jackete, also thiperines, Wars, 1#04111i 1a0,1, in great 't ',NewYawIritellifit% etettes, in new natterney worth UP. for 10e., " • • 'Nfew Lint.leunie, two and four yards Ntide, ame, 450 and Zhe per •; :NeW$4t311‘1,1p*etsY,ailactgreat rink ty, in union. wee', tapiStIT and hemp. , • - • at popular prices. We show greet values in Lace °attains. ' ,e************.teee.****44.*****.i.«.•••••••.: GRAT- CLEARING SALE UP=T°.'DATE FOOTWEAR AT Wm. Taylor and Son's t For the next Wdays we will give you the.beat bar- . 4'gins in all kinds of Boots and .Shoes .ever offered in ' Clinton. We have the largest and beat aported sto:,k to choose from, which Must be reduced to riiake room for t our Inintense ShfphientS of Fall 04.3eds which are .alrea'cly Z • corning in. School commences twit . week. The boys • and the girls will need new Shoes. We 'have some special t *slues for theta during this Great:Clearing Sale*: An Honest Bargain is. our Pride. CUme. and See what we are doing: The OldReliable TAYLOI/ , $ N. B.—TO RETthat first -clime' Iwo story' brick resicteii?:0 i)(2 • copied by W . Newcombe on Rattenlatty Street East. • Apply. at'the stere. • ...eeeeeeeei*****eee*********ei*****.e.eeeeee*: . . . . • e**********-eeeie***.ee,c4eeeeeeeeeee.eeeeeee.**** e • . • .N1fs.0N pALI:1-‘, . 44"FURNITLJJIE • ITINDIE,111-T.1.:4411NG • tat VV May, now safely predict the advent of Spring. You will require Furniture. See Us -about it before buying. Sewing Machines High grade, up-th-date, made in Canada, Ball -Bearing Machines. One price to all, oei-ocs-,0*.cs-d-o-o-oas- Night and Sunday calls answered rip residaiee of.eitheid the peincit. pals. •440•f•tb•41•4404,••••••••11.44.4*********+.441.4 e• * ...1‘1...1.40). --THE- :GREAT CASH :STORE"- New GoN8ods to -wear Blouses very special, New Blaek Silk 4° W Goods arriving eVery few days, New Ready- Bleuses made in the very latest atyles. An inamense range of Fancy . Biousings, all flew patterns, see them and get your choice as they - alt selling fast. New I'Vrappmettea and Common Clotho, also it, tine range of Flannelettes. •• , Nevi Fall Coats l'isturrivedi , meat styles, also New Dress Skirts all the so Boots, Shoes and Rubbers h s just a rrived. ann immense.consignment # now in stock, also several lin'ndred yds Boys School Pants of DresS Goods,Pritits and Cottons that " . we are rushing out° at sweeping reductions, also some tremendous bargaine in Suits for Men and Idoys, liff left* 11/1/114,401Th has been in the business centres for some time gliaa Mu' 14mul eelecting the very latept and itp-triAttio novel- ties in Millinery and will be here again after September 5th, , OWN .Any quantity of nutter arid Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Da M., M°BEATR, Boe-rH • •••••••••41•111.4•••• •••••••••.1•10410•••••••WIA•46,4•,"•••Ots•„..,. 1 . . Have You a, rriend Who Does Not Read The Nevis -Record? Tell him the price of a trial subscription - To it of January, 1905, is only 2sc.