HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-08, Page 3e, , • 1118, AID BRAINS I 111111t 740I POLIORMEN FALL. IN 11011 1118 GRAVEL VIA8 „. - *OW. THE *ANX WATCHES US— • , OVER THE 8E1 INSTANOZO 7"..izs•loyee TSUCT suBBLy auggll MARRY PR,I$01117Alta. ,C1/$1011:EitS. , -,,,e- $41' 04.01' , 11411c °liar Calgary,. Atla., Which Brought Teak X. Stre,ng,er Thefl -• ' . t 33 XS 4'' Te113 4 (4494 Irsira ItS°141rea lir°M R94314/4". Which Pr". Thilt DODO'S ' ei.Meies. PII•lie RV, ' ad by Night and. by . soy jute Hie Life. . • *a. :101 MIL/* riction MOVED Tun STONES. ,...... .:. it 1* camas -114y known that a% caina' liera a! a "a!" and kus°1icitad Some years ago a walk -known att- "A duty. within ow Dal* ot England aalmoat led to take his own life On elleckert in which the beisutifill hers and. Strong :Lau nip Zona Stg- Unless the soap you- Ravoy. of .the Brigade -of cituerde moent , letter from au. Englietlitaim who was thor WrOte an intereeting atibillieg . flaw,. Now am.Abon Oravir is won itching plies, He had doctors" ad, cial who exresta her fella desperately °ring' use has thisl)rand you • oven,: ..igut. , The meet with a flt. esccount of what he aniffered from . 011ie bi accused of murder. The ale - t . 4, „seen, memong, from wenhagtoi Bar. ter sixteen Yentle Of Outfoxing was after the young lady has been found Reuben pm ', a weii-known rept- are not getting the best a Mientive .bugler at their heed and- , . cooms,40004 ,h7 an octioart may be vice and remedies to no end and al- . in love with his pretty prisotaer, and iiriatoi., Quo , Sept. 5,,,,,„,(spooto),..._ t .racks, 41Qhg. the' Thenite Embank- Iwitlittut hope of recovery, He toile guilty, aenteneed to death, reprieved ask for *be Oetramet Sat, . 20. ... ,-......e. ---. throughathe tiniel remorse and cene• ' himdent till:, vit6aecipect the proof right with liative-"So you've been visiting • anenta, into the City Avery evening in hie letter ..-ahow he, aceidentally at the last moment, and •. Of Ohristmell being allowed to break ., 13.4, mitten Road,• f.es.wsiito4nouo: Athos:so:3 on her •chlearesiii:ottaltlar'l; 'alaralY aura the nati° .1C1ChddureeaY drodulsorawvell, our schools, eh? Splendid, aren't .-- not eYea Standaa or the jnerry eight" heitril of De, Chase's 0/eta:neat, . •.; the •itile.. Margate, England. a. The proof consists of two stonee, one they? siagnificent diselplinet Stiperif 'Bet at is hardly known at all lieW Edmanson, Bates 4 Cio,. 1 a the ceitrteOlis detective (really 0, man the WO oi a Mall bean and 'the buildings! Beautiful furnishing.- BY -; • the Bank le watched end. guarded Toronto. Can., .' Of WO; family who has joined the other as WIN as A grain of barley, He I the way, I want to ask what was . •sdgice..• latInwnoevuterensuwsgetairnf it:49'11z Dr.. 1 h _ red i 1 u. e . :wenn. Past. its portals every week- write to acknowledge the great good (Matte's Ohltnient has don for . tiiir.9 graph. 'lltis delightful romance boa are made one in the last pare,- atiftzciruzinif .D.odd's Kidney Pills for . Visitor ttruthfully)- 'A pea, from a , passed theee stones and was relieved of all the terrible pains tritey comsat]. .eetering the primary department?" fbe first thing that struck you on ree......., theettgifetat the • day. . Thonaanda Dear Sirs, -I feel it nay duty to the question, as a cure for ennai) pops question, it; accepted, and the yet. who are so *Mae te the trafficad its prototype in real Mr. Brener fe confident that Dodd's Peitirlitha°ter." 7 a inc.. had sidle rent. te Mg piles recently for oval, sixteen years, and suffered .11fe, Proving the correctness of the Eidney Pills and nothing else caueed Clare,e-11 with r hadn't been: invite of the street that they rnielat almost booty at that. There have been arrest the passing peeestrian with .4., old adage that truth, minus the elna lila •cure, as he tied two ductore ed to the xecePtion, because now I outStretclied hand. • . ' times when X Could and .would have broiderY, is every bit as strange as Without getting •r and • was fast admit have . to give her a . wedding' put an end to it all if It ,had not 1 fietlon. _. been for the thought Of ineeting getting weal; • and 'despondent when. Present." Maud -',Never mind. YOU rrheRfd tWO Teen are detective efOcers Of the, 'City pence, and frora nine God. . The lady in the present instance le, rife stopped all Other tr.eatment and reeleek in Ihe morning till the liank InaY ge'P. Married yourself some day. ... . Some people ntay Oink X.ani stretch- - or rather. was, Miss Lilian Thomesch -,---,_ , • closes they - never leave their ing it a point, but those who eave.aof New. York, win,. last July had a. sta,rted to take Doddaa Kidney Pills. + She "Thalfs" ertitretilliYace;utlee a feeling t.)f 'relief 1 ti.41.0;e mroaY ,eller bsellinddo,mblir: utilises gitt1:00 p at leant, atot' together. if one has Plftrtseredtltitesmi"ateerstonnee. otatoes- Poultry Egg But er -Apples Root- Ma:fermi, as I heve will know. terrible. Impatience in the BronX, stiertvIce: . . the other alWaYs .roolatoo; aut. goo_ could takelot ( d' cut away the ' was walking one evening near 16Ord. over people . in lapse parte ae• .it of an •octilisf.. q Let .a. have your consignment ei stay of these articles and we will . set, you .good• prices. erecataien to be absent for a moment, At other times I . have 'felt I . outlying district of the city. ---,,. I . j • I - • k I - a 4 e an arally spealtioga they. face each ,other Parts until I. came to the bottom. of : Street with a- Mr: Charles ROxbury, the evil, but thank .it is thal, whom she had known for 'fifteen Teacher*: -"Tommy, you should not - . 1.4 imit•d , ttun is that 'there is never any know, I .eftetle to • Why' are .they there? The eXplana- Past. -It was quite by accident the whole day long, . ' • know ef Dr. •Ohase's Oint- . a them and, with a heavy club, felled years, when a negro stole up behind thougitt to be. unavoidable in ease of shows those terrible o,perations, long Gravel, are noionger necessary.- too young to go around smacking meek ,Yourlipe. Tontroy--"Well, I'm other people's Lips!" TINS DAWSON COMMISSION 0.2.0 2 asp. west IdArkot And dildbortui eta. T9119r t se Mr, Roxbury to the, ground, Miss ...* ing when. they Maar be wanted. There ment. i haVe had doctors: advice Thomesch fled screaming' and sought . , • • is -a .species. of gentry- to whom the and remedies - to •rui end and could Bank of England .le always prime not say bow much I 'spent in that - refuge in a house three streets away. Boxbury staggered home and died a be innocent, . and these pewit; . were I of ' the country. than all other diseesee There. is more Catarrh in tide ,sectiort BETTER. :- game. T Baeknetee; again, for var- sixteen, years. I lied 4 ettigavy -pa--; not surprised • when, three yettret later,. pet together, and -until the • last few . USE -20us good reasons, are alWayS being per *tent to me itnd there I saw your few hours later without weakling.- . the mystery was cleat red. up by, the • Lir was supposed to be incurable doctors pro- LOWER As soon as the.murder became known confession of • her brother, on .whose a great eta" Yea" . presented by . and saved' ir ' • • . . .-er-a • CILIALITY PRICES. . stopped, and there' le never a ... mom- Ointment ab ,ertised,- It just metounced it a local disease end prescrtb- Luke la Gordon,Gd, a policeman attach- behalf sae • had, knowingly, . ed local remedies, and by 'constantly • .44 when a stepped note xney not be my rase,. as it• said for itching -piles falling .t to cure with lacer treatment, • . A .. ed to. the Tremont Station, was Beet ; SILIVIMRED •DISOilkOK. i itzgeeene ;reit' 'eel A T. reez,.. caesTutt=91 As I coved net get Dr. Chasse's . to arrest Mass Thomasela and during Mea,nWhile, the - .warden, 'having disease and therefore requires oonstatu- , A SHADY 011ARACTIm. • -: ,. oiatments from my chemist, I wrote . the meek following be kept the youn 'Intent this hapPens, one tif . the alert lady 'under surveillende, taking her a k b lif • little tiOnal treatment. Ball's catarrh Ciro, to my br.other, ?Jr. II. Shelley. .of . g taken an haerest ill the case, had - manufactured by F. J .t:hineeY .40 .90., watchers. •aPpears in the .1'sl'ote Room 1 many times to • court to give evkience easier.1 • bygranting her .sev- al cure on the market. -A is taken iii- -manage to ma e her e a ' Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution- caxgarY, Alta., and he sent me one . . n prison , as if *by magic ,... ' , a • box Before I had used onathirdaof . • ' BEFORE, .111I1a.. CORONER. • eral trifling. concessions, which • she ternany in doses from 10 drops to a ever, fa not Of an innocerit character. an ramet. Attorney Jerome. Gor- was not slow to uPPreciate. When teaspoonful. It acts. directly on tna blood and mucous •surfaces of oho * . - Every .incident at the. Batik, how- the box I Was ,perfectly cured by this • e re • ' • ,Long befere the., gigantic frauds ' Of I am sUre 'you will. bsurpriseda e .to ly struck -don appears to have been immedlatea - ' • - the .eiri receitied her "pardon" at' tem. They offer one' .hundred' doh= oint*ent. • .., .-Auetin -13idivell' and his confederates,by .. miss ..r._ __ • „... . .was the warden . who read it over. to nomasen,s un- her, and: as 'he .shook 'hands he , toid . for any case it fails to cure, • Send for • . Any ielrat-011ase Oniony Can Illessid7 Yalu •• , , and though it was stated by .the pro- her that d there was any way • by . ..• Circulars and testirnenials. ,_ • . . Address: P. J. CRIEINY: • er co get -ibis letter from this •corner of doubted• • . eurriag •iitt-emptd to • defraud ,the the - . acknowledge e great good - Dr. 8ki Hall's mitteifit; Pills fee eseeP• , INSISTGIETTINO. appIrm. . . and '''ever since, there have been . re- good idoks and refinement,• • one o O. the. world, • but I felt it nay dutyr=a1.0 ' • ' . greatest financial institution ,ef 'the • , secution .• •that • she was withholding I which he could serve her she' was to • 0 Y b D lets ' 75c.. ' infa valuable . evidence, Gordon always let him -know. The ex -prisoner took Take. • . • . , - .' . . . 0/Mee s ..-Ointment has della for • Country, end he would have to he a You are at liberty to .inake use of - • genius' •ilaeunning vtino coufd • now declared that the was hiding nothing. hint at his word. and .a. 'few week's • ' ---, .- . . acppaoai CONVENTION: - , Downton-' 'Here wince BI koro . hope to:succeed in his .designi upon later wrote asking •- 'permission tO PtectiCal. Pather-c'SO yoa wantl thia ' letter as, yqu. see lit. All ' I When. altimetely Jackson.- the* ne- Should like to say . to anyone who visit some Of the unfortunate women in . my daughter. ehr ..1" t got a neei.. baby, and he'd talk . it I know it cures.. ::"With • manyy en as the DeielIataa to the Medical Aesocia; He's Salt . comas a neighbor, of mine who as. a /taw setter deg,. Let's introduce . . , it, „' The.'liarmash trial of florae-tie:ie. gro who •hittr assaultede Mr,. Roxbury„ , . tte ta death," . •Upten--'1411, h here staffers from this. dreadful- complaint - was caught, 'Gordon' was. again •chos-- tvhose acquaintance she had made Lover •:-"Yes, air, ‘rl'avttatild lie down Baja ' Fr000moo, 1 tioe et Vancouver can reture through: one to, condeet Mese Thom- during her imprisoenaent. Of course Los . 'Angeles; ,ago ' proved that even Schmidt-aca, aknowledged' to be the cleverest bank- thanks, I •reinain, %.'• • • - ascii to and from the court -house for ' her request' ' ted and the, a' ear /I • • Mould • ti get- up. and was gran , a - la. • .a •,,c 0 11.d* die lfer her." Practical. rather • , Lake Ity, Peavey and the "NVOrld's , y p tei mg • , • --:nOte forger that ever reanufacttired.a -41114011. " note--cOulda not succeed . ln a ',. • Yours respectfully, " • the ur os i ' -v.' • ' , it ' • - • Warden. biznself conducted her to the work for ;ewe, . • . •• Fair" Sta Lotus b u • I as' tick- them to each other and leave 'em to . . Paeraing. his all but perfect imitations . . • • T. Shallelr• dence. Jacicson wes found .gtilltYf This was ' the . first of. rnanr, visits, . sirmx,• ial. Lo --117,--n; r.,..,„ m.,..,,,..,...:, ....KVightstsToennutre. me g etfi sold to San Francisco, adcount • then fate. . . • •• 4 You eneros'e a •Sball1P for reP1Y, sentenced to death,' and „finally oleo- 8 1 froeintinA•ugusb 3.5th 1 some of , the outside' banks; bat When warden ' delicately hinted that she _ .,._ ... to September 9th, geed for returna _Minat.d's, Liniment Curei GolOyeici . .. Shelley would no • doubt gladlY, troeuted at Sing' Sing. At •the time and -when, Some sic months later, the . fi"4.-Pj.7 WAi . .1. , over the counter of the Bank. They : sueceeded' in. deceit/0g the catehiets a cases .emong dng, . but She died- soon after.' the. trial, Vitt .the Chicago and North Western until October. .29rd, with stopover 't .. ' ''. • • . • . .-a-- . • . • • ' ... . answer any cfuestiorr About his case. 1 of the at.urder Gordon'a wife kvae liv- aa _ .they finally' reached the Bank of Eng= might be of evert graater -comfort to asailwaY, 'e my y.Sept. v • ' da from .I5th ..__ But there are similar. . „land's ceunteas they, entirely Sailed.' your .own friends and neighbors, with and •subsequently the .polieentaa - pre-- the prisoners if., she would take up a - . - 1 •privireges in eaCh., direc tide,. This. ii I ' 'G • tie- ' ( t . ..evei.iing oatOr... . :tsOapreeniroatteic:aa ...t.he .Poblie, , gs. t4tk:' tEiinnaent)-"Fardon ine, - buf aux • Y • a Per 'Anla . . _-: posed.to Alms •Thomasele And ;was ice- to•O t 15th settlers orte•wayseconc . . . . . . , en man a an guarded every Moment of the day' by with the merits of Dr. Chase's. Oitata . bars:. : Gordon was "interviewed hopen.'.' . 1, :Gincago to .pourte hi Utah, Mentatie, IOW aateS y01,11 : i plan. The rate. from .Tordato* wili wyfys?,, . k. -°w., in ' himself tervievr. • If'you are • not acquainted capaae. • , .. . . • • .• . -•' •••• • -• - _. _ her permanent . reildente at the war- class tickets at Vent., den's -house. she consented 1.1,1 do so,. sold !on.. the certificate ! i I not addressing the liuke of Wynn From this it Wilt be realised, . why. the, Bank needs to be watched and eurepOnw.. ArrheaSzltir. )1111,11Z.... meat . yon' will .be. surprised at the Both); aftee the wedding; when she in --a a' to -day she is the comfort and , Nevada, „Idaho; *Oregon,. NyaOlogton, rates fron3 Other ' points., Tfekets ' - be' 470.25. ' Corresp.ondingly I 1 .curee whieli Aie being brotight aboat formed' ,a. reporter that •uotii She met'. • landreds of women and' California,' also to Victeria, Man-, can -be purchased going via Ye.ncou- '. their trained wits' are keen, . otg gc) Iris 1. who are doing 'various couver, New Westminster,. Rosatand- , I .gam' the beadbwalter." • men whose. actions are ise 'swift •es ever .been more heartily hvv ' hesband 'she' . ttlwaya iiiiiikeda terms -of imprisonment in the-cenvict and other points in• the'KooteisaY. in your own neighborhood. No pre- '-a Ser, returning through above ,citAes, ': . • -77"*" • • , 'At. has been • already said, they are endorsed by people Who: ba.ve used it . inion of - pOliee•ofileeret ," • the • said . establishment 'over. which her lunaband District. • Cerra* on,dingly .low rates or -vice versa: • • . • Gabber- You ought te., ineet Dyer.. it rarely- Seen 'untii they are wanted, la Para.tion has policemen, "I never had a high op- ' the wall : Which divides. the 'main, en- .., ,. .. rules -Loudon Tit -Bits. , • ' • from all points Canada.. . Full By writing H. F. Carter, Teavelin 'Aitefully clever imitator. . • Efe. can ' trance 'into .tvca"pertals is construct - Ad a eittingOex Of joinery and. glass, and heke, facing each , attar, M con box at "'all -dealers, or Edminson, Dr. , Chested'. Ointment; fie cents • in turing piles. . • - . 4 . Wee; the anost polite poliCitman I ever ' atidiced against them. Mr„ Gordon' • 'ONE FATAL' OBJECTION.. • "I have -considered your proposal,*s . . , , . .-- . . • • - . • . . particulars from: nerti*st ticket .ageat . . . Beet King. Street Termite, Oet.., Ont.. he , will give you fun infornm-- • ' mall. .II.- Bennett, .0ellerel Agent,' 2 • • , .-.. tion. - . • . : . La:de r Vir jAateens., .. •1133'iliiiiTiingP,allocrolinatio: t(ewkelatt.tify ttt,t13;ds.".• 'i iji i ;I 0 WiVra Di Sial e r eDnuo7tzt. . . . and nona-has ever been: so successful '1:oone., in fact, Was' znore or lese pre-. - I ' . strait rea'clinees, • the. two , officers, sit. met, and • he • • treated me .with such throughout the .day. 'The. one 'with. sintunial-: courtesy that I natinally St. ....iyiargaret'S Bates Si Co., Toronto. , - • . • said . Mrs. .Bidks, the :builder's. widow*. •"1 stappose," 'said the rphoercian, , '• ' . • . can observe every person'who leave" MAN' To LIVE 4...CENTURY, ' are :very balmy,'" • •''' to the expectant 'softer, Me, Jerry; . '''and -r admit that . your persona[ 4,-_-.... after be had wended the new.,patient He -"Is she happy, °Ittle ;patsy- tnat you exercise judgment ' in • the •Woottiy?". She -"Oh; so 'happy! . ,Ia •• riant o. his hack towarde 'Threadneedle Street • • -:.a., a.' f ' . • - ' • • fell In love with 'him,. and now • , we or on bis left; the ' other/ With` his .Britisn Scientist : 'Says- 'InfeCtion British police•.force in the North an 'whilst . your baldness • . knowledge &do in it to foolish excess?" allo ' happy i" She -"What wotild topitY- • ' . -,-.-.,- . • . Coltege,..- To qualifications are above reproach.: ;matter of smoking? You do nett •In-..', topsy-nopity happy?" ' He-a!Olik. so the Bank, whether on his right hand. ' ' . • •••---0`.; - •• - • .. There 'is' at the present time in the' would I have no doubt -be' useful in hawed: a replied • the invet.erate intik nopsy do if there. teat ,'' no ootsya - ' Rei -open Sept, 12th, face ,towards the street, 'can similar- • • .. - • I .Be• • ' ' . o . officer who first met his wtet under • ' ' (r t .. ' • . . - carrying' on my late. beeean ,e•trat e vidottl, • •"I 'never sinoke. more theta' wootsy in the. world?" Gruff 'Voice • • "A .ht i ly see every person Who enters , . ,• Length of hunian life, approximate- circunistances which 0110 WOUid. hard-. . ' ' ' • . One cigak et a time. ..-: -' high-ciase. residential . and 040' . mg-, the • years enjoyed. , by the ly expect to lead to the altar. -This .. "Yes," 1,0 a• an .• in e Bushes -'"Topsy- school' for, girls. Modern equipment.. - -THROUGH THE -GATT4S, ' . • a • , . . .. , patriarchs of the later Meggido age, -• official was -one day • on duty ' ontside. was-tbe reply... • . -------------------—- ,,,,. „popsy would be begging sorne•. other . -. Spedalists of European 'training. and .. "But there la one fatal objeCtion.• -.7-77 7 a•..•• girl." .. . a . , - , But neither, incomer not' oligcser Can iii predicted bY De. Oliver rerguson . a.big desie.rtritent-.store, whee a sales, ;.. , of the highest academic 'and profes. trim present sign -board .wmild have to .` , see the tea. watchers until he ,..comee of .Cheltenham,•,,Krigland. who to say, , Man (lathed out. and infrirnied ',him, i. almotat abreast of the bcor. . .., the leant, is. ..a pleasantly. optinaistic , that his presence Was required in •.' :. be. altered, and I am afraid it Would • • - . • • a: . ' ' ' Por.Over Silty Tiara . DILA li CHASE'S 25• .-• --,-- , !Menai Standing. in every department; A of work, Foe.booklet apply to MRS. ' . from. 'Binks, bitilderl• to ,.*Jerry, . •si asze direct to ea tisesied CATAIIIIII.atmE... GEORGE DICKSON, Lady* FrieelAs• It is when the clock of the RoYal scientist( - . -• • • ' A CASE OF SHOP-LIF*IING; . ,. 'not be'to •our advantage to change it ' . , m...wiseteirelloinnixa SYRUP kill been WM. 1/11 . • OP lit MUMS Tor their children while teething , . ly, .of the "last- half-hour, 'that •any- of the .0`sweeting oiCknessey . the bustle.. oi the last hour. especial, mastodoe... of the "black death" and 'officers are most alert; for it is ' In wartif 'the eXtinct aammetli end, the . the last. hour Of business, . that - ,the alt disease, germs' their have gone the thing May happen. ' • stopped note, a secoed may attempt happy people who. shall be living .a . Oa° rogue may hope to pass a bk. Ferguson . said 'that "fer • those , . LeCturing the other day, a.t Oxford, -- ;where he- - was commended to . 'arrest • piece •of lace •.:She had 'been search- ref a h me there Was nothing.. to be .done - but .... a 'Modestly -attired 'young woman, ' 01. cotirse your ' •own• baby' is all . ed 'and the insiperty found 'on her, so e - II,- •13.* ' 7 . take her. 'to the station.. She 'looked whe was aceused of . stealing a , small right, but that. of y,olle. neighbor *is a - ..1.3ght shoes cause 'cause the bleed to Litihr_.mis 311,0.4•• . . ., • . . .. . _____. • • .. ' • . • . trifiglettligetirstergifg ' Teecher--"NoW. .10,*;*.Ynk.''' who . throat and permanamy cum Wafer bins. WiNILOIT,B.SOOTIFEING 13YR1/1%. . 33. -us.. 0) Catarrh and‘HsFarar. Blower passages, stops droppings in the • told btdruggiate throughout the world. Es lumen!! Heals..tbs ulcers, deists tha aig . 1 bestremedy for Diarrhoea Twenty -fire opts a bottle rector i.f.tte)., In. Blinks at home?'4 I . ' . " toluiabus'?"'.•No- ciffinter, • ,'Tertcher .. • . . I Itsoothass the eight softens the gums. alleys pain, ettro.i „.et. .GuoRGE vicacs,-qq. m.A.t. Di.. , (PITOFt.,,iiigletr. :lane 'ther'.111v--; collo, regulstee the efornaoh and bowels, and is the r / ...? , . . NY'ai4 'Dominion .Line Steamships MONTREfil. TO ilifORPOOL. , Meisel Upper Canada . • , . • ExChange. strikes 8 p. in., heralding lie anticipatei the. haPpy tithe when !The )•ioting o.ffieer entered. the shoPi b ild .' G d d " • ' ' ent** Improved Blower. ( wind • to pass a forgery, a .tided . May. . he. hundred years. hence there probably ., • SerVant-"No tnalani " Lady-t"Can cla 't, dil zir IViodektte 'Rate . Seryica. lie • i So very yoting and appeared so. frigh... mount • .te the face;, yet neere':3:0 "' , . .. . , . ,.. • • . .', 'eartigingeuttst=geraTbanO.Pilartent ".:' off ' with somebody's cash -bag, and and 'a Monte' tflarlo.q.' ' • '' -•• . . L. , . ... 14Ver000l. or s42,to to London. Third oloss to ' . ,1001ring for an opportunity to. whip fOintli may try to loaf unobserved 1 . moot, Landon Glasgow' 1t1, Qtleolhn •ow ' 15 00 ' . le! r !al ..,' until the doors are -doted, in :the - Lever's Ir -Z 'Misr,- Ileatl) DiStrifec' t - ti icing 14E.11, T.,ronto, 17 lit, sacra -anent Bt., hiontres hope of .a chance to Make . a haul. • For-itheee..reasons; .one of the *Al.-. tem 'always remains within the Bank. precincts• until, six ••. .o'clock, his col - Magee being free to leave at •four. The.Governor..and Court of the Bank • pity, of course, for the two hours' additional service, .and there is every. ' •justificaticei for the extended preCatt- tion. When the detective officer has closed his duty, • the military guard march in for the night. .. USE— l'ISLAND CITY° Rona AN)? FLOOR PAINTS - win. Dry In 8 Howe, On Bide at tali Hardware eeelers P. 0..DODS & Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. •AD.Blelb Pans, Wash EiTnr link Pans, &o Jened that, the offiter kindly die.' young ' alea ' wh° cant -.huagk. ., . wt&y no longer will be .any, dread of infer, -you •• tell. me. :when 'she.. wil be at tion„ for perhaps before then -thanks • - . •- •home? . .Servant -"As soon as the . . e q. e, y -. un e Atilide giriS. 1?.1784:: ' to radium and its Congenere-We Shall ' ft:it:he:Ili: nliesSentird°r. 't %bit* ••' ..;•-•"''''t , - gets the . drasving-room dusted, ina - . .. liave,exterminated -all noxious ,bacter- young woman and Conveyed her to ST. IllARGABLW'S COLLEGE. ..ant, an' She's ..nearly finished now.' - . ant Seep •PoWder dusted . in- the Jai. and our grandchildren,. ,thereffire,1 „ more. • ' t . ''. According to Dr. . Fergueon, up to . . . . %merged.'" • . • It .' Wee. • ConelusiV.ely proved that:. she had. undo.nbtedW . . . . . in Canada institutionsr such as .St.. , Marizaret's • College ' . have come to 'i ' sis the .rapld..progress. of . education! . ' • -- -______.— — ' '' . • .1)010€11, I so f tens the, Water and disin- Scientists furring 413 ' '." • .....- roved that the . . , -----, the police -court, where she• was duly • -..,11 • . ell will live a. hundred years . on ,.-,_ TO EXTERBUNATE KOUSE FLIES. (mtg. -as . besa ' 'Guilty," - but as it was a brat . of- fill an important am nerasOary.plaetet.., -,,,namo . it house • fly ;is ,responsible for thdelehachat erelinidenthecenigalhatl!-eachwoeo'll 'that stolen. the lace; indeed, she pleaded - • '.. the present time humanity h St. Margaret's. which is .is residen at. brim prematurely, 1 and the last Inin-i 1 fence ..the. was given 'the "option" . of the spread of some •otythe, most. deads. people live longer ..nowadays than dred years in science have been worth a- fine.' of $10 or a week's- imprison.. al collegiate school for girls Has in ly diseases, it becomes :the duty of they usted •to live?" The ,young. man t. • As the nuntey Wsta not forth-. bitted 'a neatly printed booklet re- al] • the , thousands' that Preceded nI every housekeeper • to mishit in extee- LA the little pests. ' • ' - sewskikttlic,h'eb Ellie lillasid,eajthe °lied oprteefleOttheadt. that:. In support. of :this argument coming ahe was ' 'taken below, ' but plebe With information - regarding tho• i.minati_g be stated- that within' the:last sixty Many contrivances' have Ewan used used . to live' are all deed,. ain't years' the average length a life has half an hour,later, it WAD paid and nchool.; , The academic department i 'forthe purpose, including lly trans of *Sheer been attended by. about a -decade. . .the girl liberated with a Petition. • , gives instructiOn. as far as the • coin - With the advance of medical science It . afterwards transpired that the plate prepar.ation for university lion- many. kinds, sticky paper, • and stiffen- . policeniari who had arrested her had. Dr...Perg,ipon .conceives that there paid the moreiy, and as soon as the. may be no weaker organs in .the. girl •disco-vered. this she made inquir- human -body ',hereafter." If that les, found out ' where he lived, wrote shOlild be the case, to nse words,• .' "the' .•last. apt (death). will 1148 •°Ign him a letter of. grateful 'thanks, and returned the money. In this way. consequently come to all quit'e sud- tbe .acqualittance begun ender such. denly and painlessly, when all our . adverse circumstances, ripened into organs shall be equally worn out to-. gether, when all shalt giVe and stop friendship, ' and . In less • than three months the two were married -the and cruznble and ' dissolve together-, alliance proving an unusually happy Just as it Wile with the celebrated one . • . . 'one-hoss relay,' "' . . . Commentators on the Cheltenham At one of the State prisons the scientist's lecture amert that ho. chief warden Is married' to a young would have illustrated his meaning woman Who for three Years was an 'more aptly by quoting'Rider Vag- inmate' of the convict 'station. She grtrd's description .0f the peeefee lute ' been ' charged with Insurance irattds, and* being . found guilty was away of tha mysterious, "She" In sentenced to imprisonment for • five that author's reniarka'ble . African years In the •'"second degree," Though- remance. ' . the evidence appeared to be 'flawlese ' I • there were many who believed her to. WREN RAny • • • • Don't dose him with natisecina cas- tor oil or other harsh griping pin- gatives.. 'Above all things don't give hint Poisonous "'soahing" •stuff. These things only make him worse. Baby's Owe Tablets are what your little one. needs. They are a gentle laxative, and make baby sleep be - %Mee they make him well. •They cool his hot little mouth, ease his sour stomach, and help his obstiriate iittie teeth thratigh painlessly, They are what eveey mother needs for her babr-and the older children too. Airs. Routiiier, Greenwood, B. C., bays : "I .consider Baby's Own. Tab - late worth their weight in gold in everl home where there are thildren. Afy only regret • is that I did not SENTENCE SERMONS. learn their ' great Worth sooner." .Paint does not make purity. These Tablets Will help every child SoW a ein and reap a sorrow. from the molnent of birth Onivard; Words are the windows of the and are gizaranteed to contain no harmful dreg. Sold by all nieditine Re cannot help Who does not dealera or seat by mail a,t 25 cente bOX. by writing The Be:. uu pe Medicine Co„ Ont. . ' LEARN/NO tantos. We Are Ali in the Apprentice, Olass. 'When a ethyl°. ehange Of diet brings back health •and happiness the Seek happinese, you .1ind heartache. .-otory is briefly told. • A. lady of , A little charity mekes a lot of • Sprineeeld, Dl., earl; ***After being 20 Cherishing malice is nurturing nals- i and heart trouble, X receiveki a ,...-..-.... .ed the driver of the exorcise, and wee 'Your husband has quite recovered cheer. • . 194111e -tea for years with. hervouseess AN PbCcITING CHA.SE.., . 111ftiettitiolinent Coif Istmor. . ..4.,,,, ualll eneountered on the line and the "Yes," answered the other, MY. . Sitio& four years ago that Telt me in EvOrY idOgranhY .erahrae08 all his- etieh a condition: that AV We was deepaired of. • I could get no relief A. certain barrister is in the .411,wail.i. heaellsetr;;;Iaged folYrusmany'Yyji.3158.:Oin 1111 . d°°1°,..1 tIlloililltgZod‘' than tittle. lose • heart and nerVe medicines x and this frequently leads hint into tie idea. of my own. in the near fu- 'lob*: Be began tlataot iteectauslattelie what. One a feW P3ara au la RtIssia'.1 Tie World needs righteouenege more leotit doctors nor item the tturnberA - Of alluding to his client as ' e One night, When Sleighing abotit ten . There is no work in anything that :tried because I didn't 'know that the difficulties.: rot instanee, thee India tura+ I hope to be able to stop an 'the' bill woUld be, and concluded he Mitee front my destiziatiOn, I disesv- *an baying followed by a pack of rth t i ' • 6 or 6 Is a Atte ernbabin A id Make WaS daily putting Me back vidual referred to rose in court a lite el.,TR!lefle..s.11.1n, travelling at slittY 'iliad been ill, as long tte he could e- ared tri my inteteni horror, that ' I N?:/4 what do yeti tiltrnic°wortf thlaetnfil• /1.°r.d....."...14i!.....he.7.en,"...13_,Itek to trmrk'''. • - 0 • leade to waste mg u more *an ths Drs. eimtd put Me tle time back with a 0011ildent Mine """' 14U hour, %Vefilleel 4 I fired blindly, hit* the for religletti. . On his lips and stated as followe :- Not mach!" Was the. blunt re. •-•--- • • . If you Would be a force you must rostuin and rigainet my eonvictions the debt wee centracted. • We have . other, "I'M afAid you lenow very ' i • • .... - -....% AN • I...... ..., 4.• -. ..I. 0014 killing one of the brutes, and, t., ahead: ( . allure nay make a good founda- . **Finally at the requeet of a friend :1We repudiate our liability, my, littd, joinder. to iny delight ow* the others stoP - "Rut, my dear man," went on, the ! ,; ft left off coffee and began the use of tiecati110 we were anatics at the t the there Wan may one wolf left, yet oft oven pertraite. . it &Otte, With Its nerd° eye§ glaring You eannot save %tendering ones and thcete terrible slaking, wealten:4 ity to whip up my horses. Pittally, I'll i tkr w d k 1 6 8 tli X h 13/3" judi in atitieltintiOu of a• good hot our- with a field glows. , teen entirely free front nervousness ing spells of heart trouble. summer 41• "14eiiie....a. . . . . g)Tey IS, otp P10 wenotuhliedelt :4;7 I:1 r . 1...:Ataelanets:m7an- Bother the dodo with the faille reault, 'and None to &vow, it, I k'ept on repeating tisn Isr Stlees148' . eaelt detasion gave me an °Met tun- la" "ur feelings' I gradually Improved in health milli, s, - . . • ''' littlo about your business to talk •••••' Left ' eville.nce to nrov • We Were lUtlatie like that. Iti what distance tould e p c es e a mire nut e our or the petit or mon ft aVa lat:1,711lier "Why, the thing IN utterly Ints AN nsen et" eirculateci the other. Aittlei7 . A men (loft not have to ith've fe "My troubled alI Caine from tho inst . ''. Whooping Cottgh . 'You , iti the Corner burst forth into a tit wilt. /lee the man who had basil sitting frOzen heart, in ord'er te have a fine coiled *bleb I had drunk front childhood end yet they disappeared? colhaldrattriertaremthonetriteihelthwtruttentt Religion is sure to. havo a queer *lion 'X quit coffee and took up the is away. se ntitehitarder to get rid of, Pogablet'' of laughter. "Rut I may it aln'tt" • lthlithig itilithy, men," Aaid he, "by your Unite to the thee Wit° only takes it . ute of • Petition," Mame giVen by BS IL, • I IL. * "l/i0e11, hey( /Would you Mt about !. Vaist way of reckotting the Ittet wolf mink °nee a 'Week. POBillift Ceo BAUM Oreek, ldieh. imciliOn. S . it)" demanded the paseenger. Wilsort's liana had the tea Of the Pack laalde Wil no PIO Pral'Illg for a lieavell. 'MahyPSSI/Ieltarvelattks Contme.,/,46pAS eeLaiii. ; ly bletisinfewhein you won't pay your ef leaving oft coffee and drinking . 184 "You know the curve itifit thrOthrivi *0)131/' riald the red -fated man, earthly bilis, • Postum, but there la nothing mar- ....f.. ! koAlre I" 14141gt 111,3A-711, the JuitetiOrir, "Yes." 0111610 I retiteinber, It dhl wobble n One WW1 righteousness foes not: 'oleos about it -Portly cannon settee, onlit 'Veil, if 1 juet closed my eyee on - 1t1-:Fly..Petds WO" *ill cure pion quickly. ,, There is fin thilf eiguals attn' want straight through . 1 ..1.1 'ti` f depend on his Ability to prove. an- Coffee le a destroyer--Postunt %Net - robuilder. Thet's the reason: •--- ...tretywhere. 10 cents It011 may kink, i You feitY Shatter ft (Itheii'l Wr°111"6".....* took ht each package for the tem: latuarikee mile in it ind it is pleasant ! 'dvzoiwthnott:xprettitoopplitogri, twheatsIttouutldve*anteenklhei 1 • . . boned if you *1110 but the.h0P66.0f Re Alter a 1Xted Anil Into debt. he °us little beak, "'rho rtottd to Well. ' i Ainiditirrisfortfeelealutd$1.00ihstAs. ; reckon Nee should ptill un pretAy 1 - - • • rativii ii43, 3-'8,44, oni mpg tO It MD, • east- 'oats out or gars 'hi. _4, .. , .Vitte q Imeuee.......e, tat i 'eaddeal" ... ..,..1 .. reek,•,.** and Cleaning. Tits Is Ospeoseir with the RPET DYEING BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 00. Bend pertioulars hyped. and we nrosiire itoni:fdy • Address BOx tilt Montreal( . . dinowantranswatt..z,4.. roar ,, will . kill settle ' • files there Always mall I A Linuncia vinue , , : - ill t or matriculation, and eath ilePart- mit makes of poison, bntnithough all., ul.,..m. I intmmii Nog Diphihr •. - . unillb.311vterritythi8h=rr" gtattitactlieariirtfhae, seems to be as mem left as -ever. . . , 0-:•,-,--• - • • • highest standing, the teachers of There is wily one rettitly ,effectual way. , A' GOOD' FELLOW. ' . - modern languages !having:taken post- to kilt them all, and .th.41; i0 WileOil'a to gradziate course' In France and Ger- 'Ply Fans„ •being sin* to follow the ":fiihen they tell me ,about a royal ' many., Musk, 'drawing, Painting, directions carefully. h needlework; scripture •history, domes, packet el 'Wilsari's Ply lapaedstebnas• 113lie3eant. ettgortodh.;f,e,lIaw who hese ,e4n enemy on said „the Millereeic philosople. '011t WCSt tic science and , Optical culture are known to kill sa bushel of flies, and a er"I •always know of one abat he also most efficiently taught. The few pada propody used will kill all , has, and Oath; ,hirnself." , different instructors in mimic and art the files in any ream in a few hours. - ' " ' '' ' -L'-'''.---' And • have studied tinder eminent teachers ' ---...- . _ .111ITATION ONLY. . . bpfarMisu,toLopon,dionnBaernldin,NVewie,n3enoat,.k1.0e. ipsi,c, The college Jo attractively tatuav. tryiscshIeenvet,,S;ant-e '331•1:0,, an °Pal. ring 0, (3. issollAstpfs ,f,D • rni . • • Dear Sirs,,-- Pox Sonte years I have , .. • f • Rates • • on the corner Of 131.0031 Street and !Bo yota-er-like it?" 0 signed for a residentiat college, and .afraid it will bring me bad lirek." caused 133rylretaiddee strain. I have without effect, - Spailina• Avenue,. ,Tlie class rooms Miss Inez Sent -"Olt,.. of St. Aftargartst"s were especially de- know the old supeasititiohe I'm Peed eV'c'r37 remedy ' yes; but you thus, as fully as is positible it Ootn- i Miss filiarpe-"I wouldn't 7,007: mall I got a sample •laotitie of MN- ARD'S LINIMENT. The noneat I re. Wien the leatures of both honte and 1 This can% bring you anything Norse I 'rented froni. it ett.t.sed inc•10 •COntiline my arm Is cow lately restoeed. ed in the residential part: of the eity. Mies Sharpe (exa.minfng 1t)-"H'ret hod ti 1 osit of my arm, =. • t. • . college life. • ,• than an Imitation of bad luck."' Its one, and now •X am thaPPY salt * Glands, Ont, R. W. HARI! 1:SON, potey-('What do youl•think? Clarice mem gurel cow N Amin went and sang at an entertainment in f— a privaiAi insane asyluni." Erne - she say whether, they showed they fleotifsd her three tirade." The talkative traveller ,had corner- WHY lin ioncovEnnn. holding forth on the dangers .contin- I %WU his finless?" said one women. nee of reforms. I"The doctor's medicine must have ormmealell•• 1•••••eemom eiretArreem, their insanity much?" Oh, yes;• PU°BA•111,Y. $33 Chicago to 'California, ,n� , way. daily Sept. to Oct. 15, Good in 'tow, ist simnel*, Berth rate ex- tra. • "Well," said the red-faced Man, "the Mon exciting abaft lever had tory • ,OhIcago Co' Oklahoma, In-' .diari Ter. and . Texas;• ' • round-trip, Aug. 2:3, Hoot• , 13 and VI, ftret-Ciafia, three Weeks return lindU Chicago to Peeps Valley qf New Mexico. Same dates as the ;Oklahoma rate. Por further information, ask P. 1,, IIIIINORY, aro,AnT. 151 Oriswold St., Detroit, Mich.