HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 8A' .,. II. I . .- 11 The New Dress Goods Plah'icolors and cleat tweed effects will have first call for fall and winter suitings. The first shipments arenow on our counters, From the lowest to the highest grade, quali- ties are everything they should be and the de- signs and colorings such as will appeal to all particular people, These are a few of the many good lines, Plain Cloths at soc Plain Cloth Suitings, all pure wool, clear, bright. finish, will make stylish and servicable• costumes, in fifinp browns, navy, black, ete., voy special at per yd • . , , 01.010, Tweed Effects at 65c. Fancy Tweed Effects suitable for Fal. Suits or separate Skirts, neat, small designs, green, brown, and blue, 42 inches wide, special per y 05e, Fancy Suitings hoc Fancy Suitiugs, neat small atterns, suitable for Shirt Waist Suits or separate Skirts, dark• colors, ftn very stylish at per yd ULM! Mohair Waistings 45c« • Fancy Mohairs, black. And navy ' grounds with neat, small designs in black and white, very fashion- 45c able for Waists. at per 3d French Flannels sac. Fancy French Flannels the finest assortment of choice designs we have ever shown. Many hand- some color combinations, cloth best quality we eau - buy, special at per yd Plain Suitings $x.00, to $i.5o. Fine Broadcloth for Ladies Suits. This cloth is` .London shrunk and has o rich satiny finish, it is made from pure weol and give excellent wear, black, brown,.green and navy at per yd; $1.00 $1.25 $1,50. Fancy.Tweeds $i.uo and $1.25. Fancy, Tweed effects, . medium, and . dark • color combinations, will make handsome and stylish ' Suits or separate Skirts, special per yd. $1,00 ►s $1.25 ••O.4...$..••••••••O••.1•...••••••41•4N•••••• New Trimmings. Just a few new Trimining.s:arrived last week, /tot by•a:ny near s'all We will show, but enou • • gh •too• e early buyersa ni, 'a ssort men t to select •••••••• t`ra••4N MN•••.••1*••4*••• *1••NN•••• i24 • airs. a Minute. -.124 pairs . of Stockings every minute ',of•a working day..'' is : the. capacity of the Black .Cat Stocking factory away over in .Kenosha, Wis. :Ev,en'theli, the _ factory has to :run over -time. to supply the demand. If, Brack cat Brand . Chieago.11ockford Black Cat Stockings . were not good, hosiery Company • . . . Senossa,ws. do you think 124- pairs could be made`.: and sold every minute ? They: must be good, ; or they would not sell like that. All sizes now in stock, ready for schoolo. opening; g; C 'OC 25 � �SC • and 4 per :patr: Millinery.. Deartment ead for �ir loess The Millinery Department 'will, be ready for _ • fall business. on Tuesday next. Misses Pettigrew' Yg. and Burke . have ` returned from. the markets and will be ready to receive customers on Tuesday. New fall goods are here and early buyers' will find a good assortment now to select from. x No* ='or% . . Outing Hats, Some nobby New York Outing Hats. are dis- played ed in'our showroom. .The very • latest styles • as show n in the American Metropolis, Not many of any one kind. Colne and see them before the bast get picked up. 44.4,.1►••••••••••i•••••••••••••••t�►•*4VNW e 000 paha Indies' ribbed Oashnnere X'fose, oracle from fine, soft 'yar`ne, splfeed heels, heanntes, feet, a capital stocking for early fall wear and ani, are good value at 35e,, speoial at per pair LSJUI !!••!a►NON•••••V1i1VNAA/ AN1MOWW.•••4•••4•.•. Hodges Bros. rnp+arEers ,Clinton r The ointeniNewe.Recerd September 1st 1904 ll 1 ..l 1111 T,J ^... _ _' r:_.�. , _ le . ., ply.. I=• :; .Ii i i.pl - wave ••••M1e...+ •4144"Nr•'R44.40.441100.1141.444.4440401. +►Q* 441444.444 4440.11.114•1144144.44.44.4-* . 4 4114944.11.4044• 4 The TThisStore's Wednesday .esday - ;alf Holiday is over. . oNotieel Wewill be open for business s ev. day until Question Is L six o'clock, Saturdays until ten. Sohooi Siipplios. We have all the eonvenien- ces and essentials that the boys and girls will need. Our usual good values in Scribb- lers, Slateq, Pads, Pencils, etc. We want your trade at this School opening and if you will so favor us we will try to give you satisfaction that it may be a benefit to you and that we may merit a continuanceof your patronage. See us about it. NORDHEIlifl R PIANOS: Agents Parker's Dye Works; w, D, Fazr Go, Often the Cheapest. Always the Best_ About • People W Know Dr, Shaw, was in Stratford yester- day. Mr. W. Jackson was in Toronto this week, • Mr.. M. Stanley was in London on Wednesday. . Mr. S. Jackson returned to Montreal on Saturday. Mr. Fred. Stanley is spending the week in Sarnia. Mr. R. Vanstono,.. Wingliani, . was in Clinton 'Tuesday. Mrs. W..13. Latornell has retutned,to • her bo.no in St.. Thoinas. County Engineer: Ainsley of Wing - ham was in. town. Tuesday.. Mr. 'A T..Cooper `spent. a couple of .clays in Toronto this week. • Mr. J. C Stoneman and Tuesday. Tien - sail, :were •in town. on. Tuesday: •Mr. ,Thos. •Moore is •nisi tirrg.his ,neice; Mrs.. Frank Yeo, of .Mt, • Forest: Mrs, Frank. Weldon of Sarnia is the. guest. ' of• rho Misses Stanley /line ve Mrs., Slreriock of Winn .ipeg. was the guest of Mrs. F. W.Watts . • on • Sunday:. 'Mr W. • P. Spaulding: Willmake. a business trip. Philadelphia, Pa., this week... . Mr. James, Ciendenning, of Huntsville, Muskoka, is .visiting 'his sister,lVMrs. • Williaril • Canteton: Tom Rance; Bub Brewer: and Roy Campbell have. returned .from their outing at Bayi eld• Miss. Dollie Shaw of Brandon;.' Man., is .visiting. her parents; Mr. and Mrs: John Shaw. . Mr. James. Mulligan of 'Sarnia was a • private •: guest at the Rattenbury House on Tuesday: • • -Vlrs. Geo B:,'Hanley..returned Satur- day from a'inonth's visit with rola, tives at Souris, Man Mrs. •W G. Moffatt left Tuesday' for Toronto • where . she will spend.: a, • week or so with friends. Mr, .Walter Baker returned; to Galt yesterday to resume his duties in the Public. school.at •that place.. Mr.. Lester :Whitely of the teaching • staff . of 'the Collegiate, St. * Thom- as, :returned . to that -pity yesterday.. •:Mr W. Colyer, head 'cuttter.: for the Jackson -Mfg. Co.,:•.is enjoying ., a well-earned' holiday. in. Toronto this week., Mrs. ELaird, • who .bad been visiting relatives at Belgrave'and ,Fordwich for..several : weeks, returned . home yesterday. .• .. Mrs. R. Fitzsimons has returned froim•. a.Visit of several weeks with friends ie Winnipeg; Morden, . Carinen • and Portage la Prairie. Mrs. Neale; who has been visiting her mother and sister,' Mrs. and Miss Gilchrist, returned to her home in Piattsviile yesterday,. ` Mr. Israel Taylor, who has.been in Selkirk;; Man,; for' seveal months, is ,severing his connection' with that place and will .,return to Ontario. Mrs. David Steep, town, and :Mrs. • Charles Copp of Goderich were gu- ests of the latter's sister, Mrs.John Farquhar of Ifullett, on Thursday last: Mrs: J. Taylor and Miss Della, .who had been visiting. London for a few weeks, and Master Will., who spent part of his holidays with .his uncle in Toronto, returned` home on Tues- day. Mr. John' Wright' arrived . from . Port- land, Oregon, on Saturday last, He came home because of the ill- ness 0f his daughter, but alas ar- rived too late. He is somewhat un- decided as to his future moveinents, but may remain in. Clinton:. 'Rog E. C. Jennings 'pi Bayfleld was in town en Thursday last. and has since left 'to visit -old friends in .the) fdanover-Allan Park parish of which he was in charge several .years. Mr.' Jennings has many warm friends in that parish who will be much pleas- ed ta have the opportunity of meet- ing hien again. Messrs. T. Jackson Jr. abut C. C. • Rance, the energetic representatives of the Jackson Mfg. Co., leave next week: on their fall trips to the Coa- st, the former through the . North- west to the .Pacific and Mr. Ranee down to the Atlantic, visiting the principal points in the different pro- vinces en route. Mr. W. J. Lougheed, late mathemati- cal master in the 0, C. L, was . in town Tuesday and Wednesday, leav- ing yesterday for %Iamilton to en- ter upon his duties hi the Collegia- te there. In addition to being an excellent teacher, Mr. Lougheed is affable and Popular, so we expect to hear of Mint meeting with succ- ess in the Ambitious City. Miss Mary Lough 'left yesterday to resrine her duties as secretary of the Y. W. C. A. at Teterboro The Y. W, 0. A. is a very prosperous institution in that town and for its accommodation a $30;000 building is now in course of erection. Those who arena position to know say that WA Lough ,is one of the most efficient Y. W. G. A, workers in the province. MxK 4444lNr*Nl+1s•INN•44•*0•114 •••tMN••4N44r4 114•.4 iM4041►•i••►.••••t411wR04••.4r•Mw4i1•NN4e. 0.40.1e4VIE A Complete Dry Goods Store t has always been our endeavor to make tlliis a complete and,. ii), popular store. We are pre- pared to meet every taste, to cater for the trade of all classes. our shelves and counters • hold a stock of merchandise this fall greater by far than we have ever carried. Our syndicate buyer has travelled throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, Prance and Germany and has been successful beyond. our expectations in gathering togetherthe finest stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Millinery, Ladies' and. Children's Coats, L' ,mens,1-Iosiery, Etc,, we have ever shown, all of which we nark at the popular prices for which this store has always been noted.. We always demand quality, however low the price at which webuy goods. ' It is our stead• fast rule to give good quality, new style and dependability with our offer of lowest prices. Dress Goods Serges at 40c At this price we are showing a very .fine range of serges in shades of navy, royal, cardinal, black. etc., 40 inches wide/ extra heavy quality and all pure wool. Dress • Tweeds at 60c to 75c The very nicest Tweed'Dress Goods we have ever sold for the .money are the ones we are selling at 60c and 75c,, they come in a fine range of shades, such as the new brown, green, navy, etc.,. some are 'flaked with white while others ' have flakes of several shades. Those : wanting' .a medium priced. dress will find this a good range from which to choose.. Tweed Suitings at $i, $1.25 to $1.7b . 56 inch•wide Suitingsin assorted colors and designs, they. carne itt the new shades of green, blue, brown, grey, etc., and are just the.weight for the fall suit, many of these come in individual lengths, no two being alike. Broadcloths at 85c, $1, $.1.25,:. $1.50 .and $1,85. For the Fall trade :.vveare showingthe finest range of Broadcloths' have ever sho�vn• they c e in shade �o g greenandare by far the best vat Black Dress (Gods. The largest and . finest range of Black Dress Goods this store has ever shwa is now on display here.: There are so many different weaves that it is almost impossible to describe . them, If you want to buy .a black dress,you will find a choice here that would do credit to a town a great deal larger than Clinton. We will be pleased to have you call at any time and see what we. can do for you in the way of saving your money on the purchase of a Black Dress... Prices range from .250 to $2.50 per yard and every price between. Eolienes in ' Evening Shades; These Eolienes come in light shades of Pearl Gray, cham- pagne ..cream, white, etc., :some are perfectly plain' white and others have neat little figures.These are the very newest: goods for evening dresse3, prices $1,25, $1,50 and $1,75, New Dress Trimmings. More than five hundred dollars worth .of New Drees _Tri m.mings have already been .received this fall' everyone of which was' imported by us. Black braids with a. little thread 'of gold interwoven to be used for trimming,infact there are so many kinds, the only way to find out the correct trimming is to come and see for yourself. Br es fnavy Millinery browir- hi -inters h n Ers ai�d black _ .� nes we have ever had —those who perfer plain cloth for suits...y prepared Oui' Milliners. Will back`Monda: and" be to will find a:ve&y nice assortment here;;from which -to choose. accept orders for Early .Fall wear.. Live Stock Market. • :. . Toronto, Aug. • 30—The :runwas ii= • ght at the city cattle market today, consisting of 70 loads, with 1,042 head of cattle, '1,554 sheep • and lambs 530- hogs :.and 79 calves:. For good t0 choice cattle 'there was a'• fair, steady Market. For inferior' grades there was :a slow and dragging market. Export --There wore a few loads of goodexport cattle`offerin , arid prices for these were just about steady to' firm.. Wilson & Mabee disposing of a load' of extra choice at a little over $5., For the rest there was nothing of any quality to speak ofand, the prices ruled anywhere from 14.05 to $4.80, the latter' figure appearing to be about • the top for the average run of fair to good exporters. Consider- ing the price of cattle in the British market to day • shippers are of opin- ion that local prices are about • as high 'as they will go, except for any- thing extra choice, which will coram - and a good price all through,: For. the medium grassers prices,.they. say, are quite 'high enough, if not too high. Butchers --Thera is . a good market for the best butcher cattle at from $4.25 to $4,50, but . very, few of this Clam claof cattle offering. The large proportion of today's offerings Were considerably: off. in gdality and prices in consequence' were hard to get. More good butcher cattle would have found a ready market. Buyers were wilting towait to see what. the next market would bring rather than load themselves up with beefof a poor quality. r • St ck -- o e s There is a' few stockers moving, but market= is not active,,, and the quality is off. There aro . more rough easterners coming, in than can readily be. disposed of. For at go d sto ketspprices are about steady Sheep and Lambs -The run was light,' everything 'WWI sold and trade was good.-.Pr.lees are steady ex- port ewes at $3.05 to $3.75 ; lambs at $4.50 to $4.00. Hogs.. he market is weak. To- day'si�atatiotis' from Harris are selects 15.50•; lights and fats $5.25, .Brakeman:.McDermott-' Killed ., Yesterday at: Clinton Station. A, brakeman named John..MeDer_ mott:of Stratford Was killed as Clinton'. 'Station yesterday' afternoon. He was one of the crew of the eastbound freight, which was shutting in the yard; • and while drawing a -coupling .. pin the engine backed down upon lrith crushing him to death. The body was awfully, mingled aud,'the poor fellow diedinstantly. He was .A1, years of age, wile married a tr. ied and' had one child; Coroner Shaw did not deem an inquest necessary and thebody was'. taken .to. Stratford on this morniug's train. Personal, Miss.Gilflllan, M. AA,'., of 13owinanville, who has been the guest of Miss B. Rumball, B. A„ for several weeka, has returned home. Me, and Mrs. George' Swartz returned .on Saturday feom CleRelan 1, Ohio, where they had been visiting their• daughter for several weeks. CLAS9$S RESUtvIED,••—Mice Menlo 0. Houston resumes work next week with her classesin vocal music and piano, lithe will be at home Tuesday afternoon to arrange for boure for for- mer or for new pupils. WANT Appl WO GIRLS. ry House. 34 rf WANT ik?p," AL •SV1- vent ' 'for r xCe ; e o ail family. Highest w+ : Apply •; tb Mrs. Richard Irwin, Clinton. 34.2 s• Stratford ,Herald, Special Train Week End Excursion to Goderich Sept. 10th Train Leave A. M. '1#,'d Trip. Seaforth Clinton Holtnesvlllc, .,..., , `/'rain Leave 05 .Stratford 40. Mitchell: • ,40 Dublin • A. M. It'd Trip 6.40 1:40 • 1,00 85 Tic is' gond gialtyf ori special. .tarn only, Saturday laming,- Suit, 10. ft,,eturnin /,'good. nn •afly regular train iep to_,3 p. nt., or orf special •trrahz t leavfn4 deielc 4L 10,,30 p. m.t 14Mot1•iiify,• wept, .13th. • • • .r + eady to -put on. We are showing the greatest stock of•Men's Ready-toWear Suits to be 'found' it this section. Every garment is made from clean, honest ' mater-: ials,• good linings are used, and the workmanship is first-class throughout. The values are such that you will not find their equal anywhere here -abouts, Here are two lines just giveyou an idea how we. sell Ready -Made Clothing. • • Serge ,Su its $8.00. Mens Suits made from. strong all wool 'Sergei: hard worsted finish, good linings usexl ' throughout, Every size 1 alt, . No skimp; ing of materia -or workmanship,. cut in ea n the latest style, black or navy,special each ea . UU Tweed Suits $10.0o. Mens Suits made from pure Wool Tweeds, neat patterns, good weight,. good quality lin- ings used:• throughout, workmanship fir't- class, every garment properly cut and put• together, a ince ran a of patterns to •select from, special at each.. . , ... . veralls, $10.00` We have the greatest value in Overalls to, sellfor a dollar' bill that you will find in the trade; We bought hundreds of dollar's Worth before the: recent advance in Cotton materials and to -day are. selling Overalls at .$i.00 per pair, that if we had to' buy them to -day, could not be sold for less .than $1.25 Denim Overalls,. $i.coo. Mens heavy Derry Overalls, black or grey, all seams double sown, double seat, riveted pockets and buttons, extra special value at per pair ......... .. . .,,.,.:,,,.....,, Moleskin Pants, $i.00. Mens heavy cotton Moleskin Pants,•nice assort. rn.Pnt of neat stripes, seams double sown, special at per pair 1 ., Iiodgens ..„., Claim and I enl3 a,.I'iL,l s a