HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 7Septeinber ist •I904 J . --.1.11411,1,11.14111:2 G. D. McTaggart J. j tri; 1.41.N1c;11:12. A. OENERAL BANICING BUSINESS * TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- TED. nuArrs Issugn. LITERgsT , ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLIOTOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, .ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON, HENRY BEAVCIE (Successor to Pdr. James Scott.) ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, FMC. office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scutt, in Elliott Block . MONEY TO LOAN. R1DOUT &. HALE s:onveyancers, • Commissioners, Real Itstate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. 11. 'HALE - JOHN R1DOUT. DRS. GUNN & GITNN Dr. W. GUM L. R. C. P. & L. g.c.s. Edinburgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Guru M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. London Night calls at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church, OFFICb- Ontario street-CLINTON. DR. SHAW l'IIYSICIAN . AND SURGEON. OFFICE- Ontariostreet -CLINTON, Opposite St. Paul's church, DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICTAN. AND SURGEON. . Special attention given to diseases • of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 4 -Office and Residence- - ALBERT 'slit:I:Fa wgsT, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury DR. 0. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' Office formerly occupied by Dr: Pal- lister on Main street. . • Is Y FIELD - ,- • ONT DR. AGNEW, DENTIST; Office adjoining Piety) Gallery. . •open every day. and Saturday nights until . to o'clock. CLINTON, ONT. .t -R. 0. ERNEST HOLMES' . opecialist in t.rown amt. erelge -Work D. D. S.-Urattliate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class . honor graduate • of Dental Department a nirouto University. . Special attention paid to l'.eservation. of children's teeth. Will be at the River Ilotcl, 13astield, every Monday front jo a. m.: lo e• oe 1):11.. J. • FREEMAN • • VETERINARY . SURCEON. . member of the Vetcrinary :Medical Associations •of London and •Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. ' OFFICE-- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Commercial - Hotel • . Phone 97 Marriage Licenses. ISSUED BY .J.13.11umball Clinton Nitientusistoteteeximistattsiistieneiniscientimixt Ige DR. OVENS OF LONDON •,.._,'It - Is] Surgeon, Oculist, Spexia;ist, Et] iej Diseases of Eye, F,sr, Nese and rti Throat, visits Clinton niontlly !RI • [E3 GLASSES l'ROPItRLY 1tfl'TJ1) (j (It , Nasal Ca.terrh and Deafness• rao treated. 1. f111 Lontinit 011ice 2.25 Queen's Ave, 0 N • Ej Clinton Office Cambia's Drug E Store. atti liovrs R a. tn. to 4 p,.. tn. Dat- •(3. ffs] es oi visits -Tuesdays -lochs • 2, -LIE Mar, i, Mar. 29, May 3, May E3 Es] 31, June 28, July se, Sept. 6, ED . EA] (et. 4, Nob, I, Nov. 19. 0 g41 , ktistiatlAistinIXtullaiXnalK1Stistositspiiiii -LIPPINCOTT' f - — MONTHLY MAGAZINE . A FAMILY LIBRARY !' The Out In Current Literature 12 COMIN:ZTIC NOVELS YEARLY ; MANY SHORT sToki.ebe AND i RAPERS ON 111VIELY TOPIDS „ *2.80 ',shwas; 25 ors, A COPT, sNO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMileR OONIPLCTIC IN • e•e -^wmftoweswiwka, Rattenbury Street Works itnport ers. SN'ork mit re - ship itml 11114mi:11 gunranteed. j. G. SEALE de Co. flumnall wig Margot The leading car- riage makers. All work .manufa,c- tured on the premises and guaranteed Repairing promptly ,attended to, 1111MBALL T.In,ron St., Clinton, . The =Ilion plutualfiro Insuranoe Conitianu -Farm and Is.olated.. Town PrOperty- . •• • • -Only Insured.-- • • • . OFFICERS.. T..13: :McLean; President,,..ippen P, 0. ; •-• Thos.. Fraser, Vice -President, Braicefield P. 0..; '.1'. 1. Days, See.- Treasurer,. Seaforth P. .c. • . . • . DIRECTORS. . . . Wi}liain .Shesney,.. Seaforth ; • 'Jelin 'Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, ••Seo. - forth ; 1John •-Wait,. IIarlock Salm . Bennewies, Biodliagen ; • James Evans, ' Ileechneood ; J times Centoilly, • • AGENTS. . . . . ' Robert ' Smith Harlock •, E. Hin7 chley.,.. 13es:forth ; JanieS, Cernmiegs; vEiguienondVille ; •3. W. Yeo, • Mimes- . • Parties desirous to •effeCt iusurance or transact ..other; bUsiness vi11 bet promptly attended to on application to any of the above • officers addressed. to their, ; respective' 'postofficcs. - Lesses inspected by. the director Who lives nearest the. scene, 111113 4 The Clinton News.IRecord Prohibition a Farce In New Urunswick • The fullowing article is written by a staff correspondent of tile Toro o News, aud is pnblishett by special request. . Moncton, N. 113:, Aug 22, Prohibi- tion in New iirtiuswick Is a lame. In the rural districts, it is said the Scott Act works 'teed `filet is to say, where the people do not congregate there is no w hiskey sold. But in exact prop rtion to the size of the village, town or city is the satiate ity of liquor ctinettined. Anti- prollibitioniste put it much stronger that, while those who favor I•ical option, end form the body of seta iti, rut I mit keeps the law in opera,- . tion admit. its tenure except in the rUlla til.eLi0118 of the Pi evince. tit, Jobe the only place where the license system is in operation, .At s.tmettne Fredericton ant smaller centres. prohibition senthnentis strong. enough to keep the law in effect, but not stamen ly militant to secure its enforcement. The attitntle of the temperance element -the Wotnen's 01u. Alen Temperance Union, and the. Evangelical Alliauce - is that the en- forcement or t' e -lave devolves upon the 441h:cies appointed for that parpose;.' teat they haVe no immediate respon- fsailitp Itt the . premises. That, is a posiCion whieh is strictly correct. It Is plainly apparent, . however; that anything; less than prohibition en. thusittsui ori tale part of the police au- thorities will fad to produce the re- sults contemplated' by. the Act, Even then the saie or in tomeants would: trot be totally prevented. This attitude of the prohibitionists has.seetningly been forced ripen them by the hetural inclispositiou of the citizens to boom() informers, moil the impossibility of gettieg others to tio the work. A ruputab e citizen • of Sr.3olin reltti«.d 12,11 incident that; beats 'Too this point. .A. carter, who stands in the City Square,was per- suaded to act, as an informer against several pet sous selling illicitly. '1'hey were bronght before ,the, court and - duly lined. When the captor took his place tvith elliele the next day. not one of his assuciatO would have Anything to do with him. lie was ost rateized byhis own class', and conic' 'get Ito comfort:ft:9in the. prehiltition- asts Thereferts whilenobody will inuier'.atke the work 01 1112 informer on the •Itigh: plane of. :piddle dtity; and. men vaiiiiiot be hired toil() it, it falls to • the.pelice to enforce a law with which they lire usually not in aympa,tlfy-; • . . Thus it happens in the city of Monc- ton, where theScott•Act is in force, tlint, :di the hotels have hare fitted up as if the. licensesystein prevailed. This standafd beands whiskies. Wines 'and ales are fon d there.: The bar- keeper is it loan proficient in the knowledge of inixed.drinks, 'and kept in practice .by tho Coustant 'demand A. gin lizz, Jelin Collins, or it •Man - hart at Oooktail can be bad in Moncton for1 hp same.priee as• hiT .orouto:: %he differeecCis itt the quitlit y ot. ilia. 11 grecl len Itt.Uu IIIIoissiems •• creel:ire. that, Sejestatitited beads have 11 -tiifferteit flavor in: New EriiiiewiCk. ; that,. in faet.thersitsfiect the tiliktare , is ada.teralted • Sly eduoation -that respect It: ing 'beet) neglected, 1 ant • unitide. to speit.k with: ;Lethality. 1 hail that assilralwca,, • letweser, from It ist•ntlenties of lite„..,,se.experience-• td rte. doubt oe seXeelt011p and tliSeyilni2Int. Otto cti h811' his titian.' hi the • seet los his roitifi• I /1.' pieced ' the table, the usual clioice.- My eeighttor ' atthe dinner t:thle had his,atle, a friend ip adjeinieg roam had bis "night; cap" at bis bedside,• and everybody (slitiost) did a little tippling in the bar. , Tliese•faets..apply te.thehotei where i . stayed..•• Other houses visited hal-. the wide-open bar.. and iny gnide in- 1ortilet1 nt. and Iliad other teetintony;. . hitt the sante. easydiere*raid of th.o. law generally .,prevails. .• 1"orallis prtvilege the hotelkeeper peys • expeets tepity--,:t sum in fines about equal to teliiir• license fee " Thet is all 'the DOH n aim to collect, and• pnblie opinion appears • to sanction • that, triethad of enforeing the- last*. Otieiceetien of the community-. de elarea the • -ityetien to he vicious, and. givtis as i,tr,gil or .their coin mit ion the striet enforcement would advance th general welfare. The advocates ofa license law a sert the danger of having Atari ort • it, statute book .than cannot, be (airtime( They contend (moot strongly) that I weakens respect for all law. No proo of that is found III New Bennswick Even the most vigorous opponents o the Scott Act boast of the line eltarae ter of Now Ileuti.tc tSWiek Citizenship A t .112011 •poitit is the statement that in the city Of St John, although there is a consid. entitle floating population of sea-farin Men, the ((1180 taw is •well obseryetif . and a driniken man is rateely seen on he tstreets, in St John 11 18 in the in- terest of the license -holder to op r- ate with the nuthorities foe the sup - invasion of illicit selling. In Moncton ir an netelkeeper sets the law in titi tiou he itgdinet the barber or tdruggist they (tam retaliate with like effect • A further ellargeagainst locel option is • that slakes for Lite development of hypocrisy and the eStabilehment of hypocritical staudards. As. to that, the opinion varies according to the per- sooal views ot Lite main question. To determine between, them aye would • need to reside.in the Province. If such is the ease it does not appear to infect the eommerciel morals of -the people: Ontario .mantifacturers whase trav. (Alerts are . known and welcomed throughout the Provineu coeld give eloceiont testimeny on that: point. Ns conclusion is that Prohibition - is practically Provincial -.into madisvet y little it 11113' difference. The 11)1111districts naay have 1)01:11benefited somewhat, but the- reverse effeot :has been produced in theloWns told ciVies. And this., lateen tritil of nearly a gen- eration. - I will add two stories told as actual occurrences at Glace Bay, NewfoUnd- land, whero the smite kind. '9f • peohi bi- Hon prevails. Ono of -the magtstrates tyho frequently called %mop to try liquor cases is a big. raw -bon scl ladel SeUtehtnan. In a certain - ta,se John Smith was accused The Mag-- .istrate.gent through the full toutine of question's, includin6, •his mune, where he lived, and all about it., wind- ing up with a request for: his plea of guiltysnot guilty. • • - .• • • "Oh, I'm guilty .all right," said the on! prit, 'Then 'give you fifty :dollars awl eosts,". • . • "That's all right," i'nterrelpted tho. lignite millet., "I have the money right heiir in my piste' 'pecket:". ten days in joie". eontinued the .ningistrate. "Have. yon . got that in your *pistol pocket-" .•. The same energetic magiatrate had itnOther clever indiV id ind beforelibit rwelpeitietdvh:ort- asked:where 011110 from, "came front Heaven on t Wank:" "filen I will • give you tWo we;,ka in jail to got •the tdivers ent of 3000legs." with • the. . promptuese: :of :at lightning flash -.was thereply.: • • • • 7-7 . • Prohibition 'a Grand ; Sue- e- vommus Capital' ....V-Ltzp,751, 8,000.1o7 8' Employees.. 10,102 • 13,270 ," Wages . 1,030,528 2,00:3,050 " Products... 0,107,8:30 14151,170 Vrotn this table, therefore, it is wan. ifest that the Scott Act oliunties heel a larger incrette and a. larger percent- ,. age of increase in capital invested, in 11. ntitiaber of personal employed, in amount of wages paitLand in the value ot protitiets than haul the countles un- der license. What, then, becomes of the ery, 10 vietv of these filets, that local .option will increase drimkonnessitud interfere with the commercial prosperity of the place We Are certainly convinced that the "facts of the easego to prove quite the contrary." Let the people have facts, facts on reliable authority- an(1 let thein judgeof the facts unrrejudiced„ and we have no doubt that the people of the variouarnunicipalities, through- out Ontario, while waiting for the larger ineesures of prohibition, such as theetniversal prohibition of the traflid, the traffic Much for egos has been the 'Wallace of our civilization, and . the dread of tier homes, and is still the great blight and enrage' in our midst.. While the people wait let them think, and plan, for something. that will be better !beanie present license systent of today. We are in duty bound to look after the interests of ont• .own homes, ;ma no one would care to use the argument that he.canse Ids neigh- bor won't reform thenhe won't.This is•not what people do usually ; they act as units,atici the others may be slow at reformation, thoy, feeling the neces- sity of the eame, will apply all vvithin their power The toWn. the municipal corporation, is only the larger family, if the outside world will not abolish' their "blight 'and curse within,". itt. it wisdointo wait ? Is it right to remain inactive,. especially • when there. is a movement among ;furlong the most in- 11t1e1)d:11 of the community fora change of affairs ? A movement among the major ICY of men and women, . who, by• practice and example, hove been fees to this enemy of Lite health and hearts and homes of the people., and wbci are, thereby, the best able to give an opin- ion tuul the best oh e to guide in those • • • lf tho agitation, shall I cell it a • healthy agitation, has started in tier midat, all that much better. If whet may be said throngh the press and on the platform shall lead inen-to to.tlunk hard, to think with .6. perste., • teney that will 'brills about. the aboli- Hen of the bar,the: ivrecicing of the trenting'system,the clos'ng iat theopen source tettiptation to teeyoung and 'elk the putting under the ben InOre _thormighly in •ottr, 'midst; a :traffic, that never hes, tad never can be • made re- spectable, then lot men thinkand act, for the time isst hand to something, therefore, the only thing- -.within ..our reach is, at present; as 'Me. as legisla- tion i, concerned, is. ."lecal option." This we may have for (Minton .and- let ne hope that rainy will follow. • . ...We will bo gldd in a ..number.ofAr- tieleS Wbielt are to folk*: this eine (if. space be (1 Unwed) to 1V0, 1101)1 from time to . other •phases of • the •success •of leteal prollibititni, ins •wo• believe ar era! and . extended'. statement .•.of the: "facts. of. thabase'xicity. 1a Of interest to all. • I: 5. Ceeic: .- • cess in New Brunswick. . • . In'the Inarhitne pkivinces. there is roininunity strongly in fairot.of piihi- 111 • ioit eveii t,s presee t em,nitinely the Scott Act. . These peeple have'. re- peatedly sotisl Itt favor of the measune eillte 1878 /Mil in the litige majority of the vionstiLuencies have sustained iv Since them It' must 11 gond thing elset hey Would mit keop it in force. films* the repprt of the, "Reval..Clinw nissifin on the Liquet Traffie'? appei•et eit by th, got, etenietttsonic* yistrs ago.. we galley the &Mewing tteta• "In Frei feeiciturt, thirty-eight .Nvitneoloss were examined ; four • of these were clergYment thirteen Were public OM; tie s, Dominion; provincial'and nutni- • lea'. T wen Ly -three ex preSsed the ap- nea that the tScott...Act,bral • been lie- nelleial,•elevendid not think :it • had bine any *good, • ..• • • • Fifteen witeesseawere examined 'in ;•four these were 'clergy - and -six: Wereofficials of those goes.. 111 110(1 atom t the effect of the Scott Act •igh s.bel ieved that, ithatt Itione•• good id twa believe I it had done' barni Surely here we have at strong ehowing.. of evidencehr fateorof the Scott Act. , Mr. Johnson, Donn nioti ' statesman, Wos asked to furnish it report relating. to. connections fer feline in these parts.. if the Doinittion in which prohibitory aws were in•nperath»f. ' 'With regard. td.New Brrinswick the Se:loping ere the tsetse Of the case ltp o tho tlinnitf the meeting of the Heyal • fatet that theta:lire frotis.35 to 40. places , • Treins• will 'arrive •at .,depart Alt:beton 'where whisky ean be• puts ' from :•1_1.1nton station as follc4a ' chased. reuniter .varies,• for some 4 lif the :-.".sPeakeitsys".• close pp svilen ; -'I31.1iAI,0 AND por)ERICil Div, . proseetited; to open a gaio later on and • 'Going East Express 7.38 aan• ,, • , $.23 p4n. CiDiimi East " • 5.20. .m. Going • West . 10.13 et, . Going West ExPress , • • • 1255 p.m, arrive 6:13 leave 6.40 : . , M.32 p.m. LONDON', HURON AND •• BRUCE DIV. „ • . . Going Seattle Itkpress . .7.47 a.m. . . . • • • 4-15 iL.111- '1 Nektit• Express' , seas eat"; • : • •• • • : • S•t3.5 • ., • . , A.; PAVIISON, Statue.). Agent, . F. R. HODGENS; -•ToIt•ti Ticket Agent Il'keDONALD,. District 1?assen- . ger Agent,. Totouto, Cook's Cotton .Root Compound. Ladiest Favorite, Is the only safe, rellabld regulator on which woman, can tIepend ."In the • tour and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, 3. -For ordinary cases is by , far the ,beSt dollar medicine known. 2-Plor special eitses-10 degrees strouger-Ahree dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook," Cotton. ttoot Compound. Take no other as all pills; mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any addreSS on. receipt of ride and four 2 -cent postage stamps., WinPartnors; Ogee a e ce Na. and No. 2 are sold Clinton by Watts & II. Combo, R. P. .Reekie elel 3, Hovey, 'druggists. 60 YEARS' • EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MARKS DtsIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone/lending a sketch arid 0RORTIONOR MAY qutOkil ascertain our opinion troo whetRar invention is probably pateticatie COMMUlat.R. DORS tersolyeetindentrat nAROBtiOlt on Patents sent free. 101dOlit agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn ge Co. receive speeiginoties, without energy, lathe SCietItifiC MftlerkaL IA hint :lotion: inaloyilltlIbuos,torauteodowt:ookylay..i.rt7e: ciliation of any neterittno inu.rnult ..rtglit. a NN &up atioroadway,new lot Branch 0010, 426 V iIt., WashIngto.n. IX a Iswer'sY.Z(Vitisellead)Disinfeetantfloftp Powder Is better than other neap premiere, edi it. also PO all a disinfeotat% continue till forther infermittione are laid aghast •tinen, , A, keeper of a iiestanCantliked Gat umber of pinetia•. 1111010 N;;INe.y: could hnti at 88. fre exhibited itectitstte keoiviedge of : tilD traffic., in untiaer that hp made the count,. . • J ; A4ki.d as to his own views, on the question, lie said. the Ptiblic Schools of New lirtinsvt ick are doing triore for • temperance reform throi the Scott Act can ('VOL. adeomplish.: ;A:0 importnnt iifficial• of the. Intereoloidid•,•Railway with 1; 18 r :(.0uv,rsea, eoneurred itt 11118 opinio IIYgietie and tett) per- enee ere. etil fleets in the.scitOols. That tile tAirrieallnin includes these is dile o tiv? :1 etivil y (41110 prohibitionists, and in that the's' have•rendered good ser- vice to their Priivinee. • Aptiblie Mall the city of St John, hittself !Wm...able to leen I option, told tee I mina not Intse (101 tel as te the working•of I he Act upon the conditions hi Alancton,' He admitted that 'there, and et Frederbaon" and Sussex, the law is not observed. As to the two former, being cor.siderahle (start's; the Acc tetally failed of ita .purtio 01 aveared with much positiveness, boWever, I hat it wAS stleeess tile rttral CistrietS. ' sotight conflemation of his faittion from three trovelers whom I inet se- perittely. They were riot inclined to gree with it. Two of. the gen lien i en are eesiden t of St .1 ••11 it, covering ' the Province fer loeal Itoti-ts, They gave it .4s theie ('X, 01111(10 that there is searcely tt village in. New 13rtinswick where whisky' cannot be had if one knows Nyllere . to go It is not sold openly hotels as at Moncton. • It 11111V the battier, the druggist, or the confectioner; and in on • instonde noted -the villnge cobbler ' purveys the exhilarating fluid. • equently 11 st rri tiger would have • le difficulty itt locating the bott hitt in all pro- bability it is in the . hunietliate neigh- berhood. As to whether the results are good. or bad depends upon the viewpoiet of the individttal The prohibitionist says, "We have deprived the traffic . of le: at' Ballet ion* and in tho villages at len et have coin -wiled the vendors to adopt surteptitious metheds. It IS disereditn ble in the generel estimation and, more 'important still, it is ills - honorable in tIto °roe of the • rising generation, rind Affords protection to adolescence." The same attitude iS emitted in Moncton, The letv is defied by the • botelkeepers, and ignored by the eat - 2e Its generally', Stijl iS tbe Iitv q*;.e. teen, who WI linnor itre brealtersould as such" cannot hold tho teemed- of the coninittuitV.• Theyonng mon who are growing up learn to look upon the saloon and the bar as an its Whitton under the ban of the law, 10111. eveirif be scot; it matintained it is ' under conditions that tend strongly to keep away from such association 4,t These views are held sinoerely tutu firmly by those who deplore the • evn, • 001111)11SSi011. , •• •• ., , : ' ' . . . . . .. I !l'Air (11A0te!-;"We.,litiVe seen • that there were .2 ),8 la , convictions in the: prov nee .during teri Yeara :Divided itecordine, te Scott .Act man t ies and. tion-Seott 'Act •countiee.: there • were 8,7c38 in She eine Scott Aet countnis and. 14.102 in the other 011110 12)18. on 381 per). cent. in the nine counties and 810 per cent. in the riiiti,Seett Act 'counties'. ' J udged by .the ,etatistics.• , That 'is to. say 01 per (met. of the population, 381 per:eent. of thecriminal convictions and :30 per cent, of the nopitlation. had, 011 pee cent of the crime; as indicated •by the ccinvictione" Any: I-Imam:me, thereford; that reduces crime' must be of benefit to the cominunity and this'. is the recordof the prohibition wher- ever itilinited :Anil oven partially : ea sl fot e 4. . . •; .. In • New 13rueswitik the facts . speak for themselves. That • drunkenneas Ives t•editeed,.very onnsideralil yis snow ti I by the fact that of the above - 22,8)1 convietions. 13,508 were "or the• effete:It of drunktentesti. Of these 4 980 were . in the Scott Act mantle and 8,012 in loss - the counties in whict , ie enw ce • as, in eperat ion.. '. The elm o "fruits of the . ease" are taken from the Royal Com- mission as sittilltiitrizod by .10.S.Spence, , Another fact of importance shottld be veinembered and that is, the. people ot New 13runsw ick litve• had repeated' ti -i1 e of the Scott Act in Isieid Option for counties Front the 'Statistical •Year-]3o'ik, published in 1000and issued by the Department, of Agricultare. we • have the following faets regarding the voting : In 1000 it wee in force in 28 places, It WAS Siibutitted to. the peo• ple font* Hines in IVredrictOn, N. B.,and cart loci tin each occasion, . 'Westsonii, land voted on it five times and Carried it pitch time. Charlottetown (city) voted.on it six thrice, carried it three timearejected it a fourth, ' adopteti it on the fifth and rejectedit on the sixth. Thus we have vietory for the connty on six suceessive occasions and vintory fot• the cities of Predrictort and Char - lot I down eight times to two • defeats, Thus„tur to the year 1000 the people of these places. of cennty, city, town vi lege and township, went strongly foe prohibition from the years 1878 to NM and, es far as I know, they are still maintaining their ground, Mr, Johnson was asked to report on the question of crimebut he went further. He prepared a table showing the changes in the amorint of capital in- vested, persons einidoyed; wages paid, and products in the manufacturing in« &retries of those •sepopate grout 0 Df counties fotothe 'veers 1*3'31 and 1891 thus setting out the progreas Of menu. faettwing development in these groyne+ of counties respectively. His interests log tablesteeording to "gr. Spence,may bo summarised all follows t- Seol:ir Aor Con...a:wits 1881 1801 (MOW .... $0,805,0131 •. f8,07:81„:461.$8) lilniployeee., 0.820 W 2 972,071 ages 1,011,483 r 11,431,457 redacts, —0,101,223 ,Thp. inability. -to •Rest 'grid Sisson Is a markod syrnp:Loon of ner- vous exhaustion; the natural oUtcorne of which is paralysis. , The person whose nerves are exhausted can- dache eakily not keep quiet but is restless and fidgety, irritated and subject to spells of severe hea 'and indigestion: Dr. Chase's Nerve Food thor; ought), cures nervous diseases by building up the systetn and instilling new vitality into the wasted • nerve Miss M. ANDERSON, 135 Creighton Street, Halifax, N. S., states ",My whole nervous qiitem . was deranged, 1 could not sleep and had severe at- tacks of headache. I pro- cured a box of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and by the time I had taken a few boxes I was all right My appetite was very much gs'*- improved I was cured of. 411 - sleeplessness and head- . rams ANDERSON eche, and me system gen- erally seemed to be thoroughly built up," By noting your icr..-ear tn weight while using • ' this great food cure,you can prove that new, firra flesh and tissue is being added to the body. To protect you you ag_ainst. imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, arson every box. • • FOR OVER 'SIXTY YEARS. • Mrs. Winalow's Soothing §yrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If dis- turbed by night and broken of your rest by a. slick child suffering . and, crying With Pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's' Soothing Syrup" for child- ren tecthiitg. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend up•nt it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates theStomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - reit teething is pleasant to the taste 'and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the *United States. Price mite a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs: Winslow's Sooth- ing -Syrup.," flt , •;(1 ••,,e gusinc0 Eech pupil is given in. v44 dividual instruction. The Shorthand System .taught ie that used by all - newspaper and court re- - porters. keneielisntg, siyeattionniaurnshoifp, Allroiotich: of ricronLeetuiel, eTeliti6loroug,wIlly \ taught. Situations guaranteed to every Graduate, , • p.R...4e0404444470=0„.CAMOOinl itsttee. . socct fvenyiL Fall Tom Opens Sept. eth Et 'Ants tO0 7011,1t, to take Medicine met be- er d ef mina, whooping eetigh and col (Is bv its; vesiseresolinte -they breads/It. • Guessing at the heat of an oven spoils more food than inexperienced cooks. Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are z-utned if the oven is too hot or not , hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can teli to e certainty when the Oven is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the • 1 '1 ..,\L,11.111111P-mimilm •,. 4tar " •^#,•- hxkperiarOxford Range Mot cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the even is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you call at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? The Gurney• Foundry Co. Toronto, Canada Montreal, 11717inniped Vancouver For sale by Davis & Rowland. EMMItzt,-;202,11V-403;:ls' s's:..-.'s••••••.S•• Touch Typewritirkg. Touch ty.pewritihg means operating the key' board : .without • looking at the letters ---just watch the copy and. continue writing the same as a Musician plays the piano. wi.theut looking. at .the •keys. 'Ey the. touch system an operator can write all,. day without looking at the keys—means faster work and a big saving iri;time • ..The Forest • City Business and Shorthand College teaches touch typewriting. and business methods thoroughly. . Students may enter any time during term.' Booklet free. • J. W. Westervelt! PrinciP01,¥ M C A BuildiriA! London. matasentaraimtatarlek Canadian lational Exhibition 904 TORONTO, ONT.. 1.904, AUGUST 29t14,To SEPTEMBER pth • Largest and finest exhibits of Canadian manufactures, agricultural ;products, Jive stock, etc.ietc., ever shown. New buildings, unpreved fee- ilities and greater variety of attractions than ever. . ‘.131,..AOK WATCH .BAND". The Bend �f the "Black' Watch" (the famous 42ricl'lloyal Highlanders) • will attend the Exhibition, by permiasion of his GraCions Majesty the... . King and officers of the Hegunent, and will play three Coneerts daily thro7 • ught ite entire course. THE RELIEF. , Qr ILUCKNOW. The grandest pyro-rnilitarY disiiiity ever seen to Canada will (*.ores- peted before the Grand Stand eaeh evening with hundreds of .perfortners, brilliant cost nmes,gorkeous pyrotechnie setting and assisted*by the pipers. of the "131ack Watch: .' ' - • .. SPECIAL. ATTRACTIONS "DARE -DEVIL SCHREYER" in his leap from a hicYcle 108 feet into :tank of water •' THE BICKETT FAMILY, wield-fan:vas aerial acrobats; WINSCH.ERMANN'S WONDERFUL, TRAINED BEARS; ADJIE'S TROUP OF LIONS,tbc most remarkable group of trained animals in the world,and many other acts of equal merit. Special Railway Rates. Ask your Station Agent for Particulars. Remember the Dates, AUGUST 29th TO SEPTerIBER 12th W. IC. .111eNAITGHT, -3', O. ORR., • ' • Pre.sideat.. Secretark.cmd Mit:Auer, . ,„,.•..,-.,-.;(000:4.xixF., • oo 00000 o ,o oz,G;v0000o • 'XG(4c•Ye.)X•s's'ees.).4.;'s.)..S.:,0% • •• 0•• -1,0i's•s0sf0se (i.Si(f)(sisisi,Xe)Ob CeXt(21, • Sent. . London, 9 'to 17., 1904 CLOSE 8111 099 . fs) : 0 A NEW $1.9,01343 DAIRY BUILDING (•• 0 • 0 Improvements all along the linetxhibits unsurpassed. 0 • Attractions the best yet— Kitamura's Celebrated Jap . 0 Troop of tO oeople, the Flying Banvards and, the • best Gymnasts, .A.crobats and other specialties that money can procure. •• MVP; EVENINGS OF FIREWORKS CONCLUDING EACH EV- • ENINO WITH A REALISTIC REPRESENTATION 01.0 THE Bombardineut of Port Arthur" • • A holiday outing none should miss, Special excursions over *11 lines of travel. For all information, price lists, etct, address. • (t) • • • • 6 Lt -Col: W. 11. Gartshore, J. A. Nelies, • pResiagivT. SWIZETARY, 0..0O OOf 00 •000000 u00000' .00000.000 00000000 • 00000000 • 00000 • 00000 • 0000 0.0 0000000 o 0 0 0 0 c, 0 0 0 0 0 HAVE YOU A FRIEND AT A DISTANCE ? SEND or her—The News-Reoord to 'Tan, 1905 • t is. 2121'. . ONLY 25 CENTS '