HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 6Con
Alkl)E ur EDEN it.04.44ntrdi,;siutthrtizi
At WO Wahl Peleed aunt torn laid 4
beam. a easel far its foe.
Br to his waywerd children. mai .
mean a parte:Iloilo, ItlI Edenic and *
:redeemed world4 g,lorified. with. love .
uct of Our First Parents Afteriz%ra,;,th.8411, ,brnetta,44,03;
Vather'e eel, Which is to -day Seeking
They Had $inned.
you oven be yOur shaineful biding
irtzt.4te to Act o tU »0 .to be a Recond mother to vou and
ouja to 49 . 400 p.m helped nurse you when Yon. were Do you remember ono, long year.,
We leaned atreve the little retitle
fence '
end, watelied the glea,ming sunbetens
Oinking low
Ilehind the woodlands, far awaY
and Meuse?
The seenner lereseee lightly brushed
your ebeek,
'your heir Was gilded by the fading
My heart, which, until now, bad flut-
tered meek,
Was Widened, and I kissed yen
Io ng ago,
Kwrm. Ski of to at eith. h to r Id I
eays. Rev. Frank De Witt, Talmage ter with Mr. So-and-so?" I once
Seeeeis iii., 8, "And Adam and hie around the house as he weed to do.'"
• ou QW 0 iSC 00
49999"94 9° '444C191tUt119 Mt."11. friend not bemuse he has done an ago,
meepetde erone Los ,oeugoies, coo injustice to him "Whet he the mat-
preaened front the followinie text:— anked My father. "He neVer comes
said father. "he fa nklr erule
Wife hid iheineeittea"' I loaeed him smite Morley. He
"Where Was the gartlen. of lildeur" )323f•
is the ftheme of 4 never, ending die. would not pay me hank. Hevrever,
cuegione Soule thlek its site Was. et' for old -timessake I forgave him the
the north pole. The site a the debt and said it WWI all right. But
omen does, no.tA however, concern he has never forgiven me the in'
U0 so Much an the event which took Justice he has done me." Thee MY
Place thel•e: Kan was put on hie. father tetid: "Frank, that le always
tried in that garden, and lie fe.iled. 00 in life. If a, man does eQ1.1 a
The consegtomees a his disobedience Meanness, he will always hate you
haVe come down to .11s, for all his for 'doing it." 41h, yes, that is Wel
descendants have Iteen, deprived of BY the very reason you shun nien
the blessings which would have been and women who have done you no
theirs had he obeyed God. 1 do not wrong 1 know you have done OM: a
Wender that the sterile region wrong... "Adam mid his wife hid
around the north pole atoned hallo themselves" not becauee God bated
wooed a littleg scene for the cetas- them. Thee hated God because they
- treplie. In the cottrae‘oi the ages it had disobeyed God and eaten of the
may have been tenet the glory and forbidden OW. BOWare, ' 0 ' man,
fert1itt7 Of -Olden MOT have been bow you flee your innocent victivel
transforuied into a region of ice and YOU are now shunning Olen§ In Ste -
anew. Many- heve tried to Penetrate tonic
' hidingplac1
it and have faded coNoE21.ING so
some *genie the garden of EOM ' ._
nOW does man try to conceal his
Was fragrant wi'li the flowers of a
first sin behind a mighty, bulwark- of
continent *Welt once stretched' bt.
tween, the old worl 4 and the new.
lx4a"nehas been shis sjiiheeroeugiShtaupYQiuonge. tnan
Exploring pax have gone forth wh
anti hiave claimed that tho have lo- _try home. He was raised OP' Tight.
eated with their sounding lines. the ,sietTuedhaidntohiheimfirsatt gtohsepellamleiselyanasijz
lopt Atlantis. They aseert that the in the Sunday school, and in the
islands of tbalseeer Hebrides are Only
the highest•mountain, peaks of that tbeuereslielPteow.hewheealk.,maLthelaitrtltehechseildr.,
famous continent • which was Pim& i . -
v ce, and would sleep through the
by tidat wave and engulfed by earth- long sermon, claspeciela his mother's
quake.. Some claim that the garden me Away from home he falls' in-'
se of 'Eden time in'. Ferela,' ethers ' that, ar—?4* companionship. Ile gradual,
into the habit(' or spending it was . watered by the onflowinge ol. it; bgetds
, it e. all
Do you remember how then, ,years
We wandered by Ws path upen the
And hove when night e..11 you were
Bloth to go,
ut lingered by the rippling,
splaehing rill?
1 tried to speak and banish doubts
My words rushed forth In raptur.
elm overflow;
You, laughing, mocked. my tender
•hopes to scorn—
Your laueli was, oh, so silvery —
long ago.
theMighti:Iiile aiOthers that, was hie evenirtge in billiard h
i others that it waa his Sundays on excursion trainsjf,and
central China. . But here to -day, in picnic parties. ' 1Te drinks 0.little
the words of •iny„ text, We are not He plays earths a little. Ile dresses
concerned with the eite .og the • gar- a little better than he can afford. Ile
den a Eden, but with the conduct runs 'a , little In debt. • One eight
of our first parents, after they had gamblinghe says to biraself, "Why
sinned. No sooner had Adam and while seeing Some of his companions
his wife eaten of the forbidden, fruit cannot I make a little money that
than they- hidthemselves, as fright- way?" He is a collector for the
ened hares hide themselves in the store. He plays and loses. He
jungles of the,forests from the bay- plays again and ;loses; He feels
-ing hounds, The voice of God call- again for n20ne3' in his pocket. Now
ing , them to confession of their sin his cheeks pale and Ms' bends trent-
was a summons to judgment:which he. for hki fingers have touched the
they would have evaded if they had envelope which belongs to his era -
been abhe , . • ployer. .. He says to himself: ".1
Our first parents hid thenaselves must•Win' I will borrow $5 and
after they had sinned. That is al- Pa3r ft back v‘rr some" Ile Plays
and bases; aga, and loses.
ways the inipulse a the COnscious again in
What Is the reeult?. Th next day
sinner. Itoshrinks from meeting
he dare not confess, So he doctors' his
the God whom he has offended. A
„The accounts. • He keeps on using other
famous. writer . once declared, people's,. money until at, last one
sins: of ' e the' garden of Edge are as night in order to conceal his . pest
old as the dawn of creation, yet,
they sins he forgee. Thee all the infernal
like the rising sun, each. day regimno clap their hands' for toy,
are ever -fresh and have new. aPPlida- At last they have a new victim. The
time for each chattel* hour." 'The law places HS hea.vy hand upon that
theological tertes suprampsarianiennshpelder. A etriped
and Infreiapsarbenism and eublatwar- '•su•91utnglindraaet.X1'spenitentiary .cell and a
oanisns—whetlier. "God's: foreordina- broken. hearted Mother are. the
tion started before men Or with. the Bette of the sinner ir 1 t re -
themes for doctrinal discussion in a• sins. •
young minister's 'seminary course. REgpoerseeal,rey OF sm. .
iffn. 01 offer exciting his sin behind bulwarkYng ° conceal
Thetr Faye not, however, any .prac-
tical I 13elieve in many case's the respon-
interest for an'audience of the sibility of Ede may be pieced upon
present day. . . other shoulders than upon the head
What we first want to do is to of the one who has ' to suger. But,
find out is how Adam aoe Eve sulked theugli in some cases the responsi.
away into the eilenic jungles to hide billte of sin may be placed upon
themselves after they lied eaten e Of other shoulders, this was not true
the fruit of the forbidden tree. Then. of adani's sin. It was not true* of
to ask whether living men and wo- Eye'a sin. is not .true of your
men arenotnow acting the, same sin. It is not true 'pr my sin. •God
*ay in trying, to conceal' themselves is willing to give you and ine•enough
in similar hiding places. Wine to Spiritual etrength to resist any temp -
shove them how vain are such ate tation Which -confronts Us if ,we only
tempts at .Conceilment from the om- go to bine for help, as lie Was ready,
niscient eye of Geld and. by the help to lielp. Adam and gve, , And, my
of the , Holy Spirit to, woo them friends, •in reference to our 0W/1. Sine
from their retreats and lead • them let US .haire the manlineffs to acknow-
ledge them.' In the' courts even. a
to bend .in humble contrition at the
foot of the cross. There,' there is criminal earns. the contempt of his
pardon and Cleiinsind for the 'sinner, fellows When, as ,. they . say, elle
pleads the; baby -act." ' The way to
and there may the vilest and most
polluted be sprinkled with the blood f°rerivenoss is WI bumble confession,
which will make %theta 'whiter than and there no other way. If a man
will .not take that way he ought to
the driven snow. -
realize that he is dooming bine:elf to
APPLICATrON TO THE TEXT. destruction, that excuses are of no
Modern application the first. we avail and that he himself and no
find Xdam and Eve hiding away from other is responeible. Never charge
God in the geiden. of,11/de.n When We Ynlir clUnm uPun 6161116rt' your
Wife, Your ehile, your surreundingo;
Sea'Meri and women' shunning the
when you have tei one to blame but
facet of those whom they have
wronged. We find the Satanie. re- your sinful self' DO not try to con-
ceal sin with cowardly Words such
treat of the fleet paradise in the as those which 'Adam littered when
sulking feet . and the averted gazeIme said, 'Yea, I slimed, but the 'We -
and the conspiettous.absence of those lean 'whom thou gavest to he 'with
who After' they have /injured . bine
flier flee his premence. even -as the pro -
digit' son 'when he deeired tO do
wrong planned to take his goods
find leave his father's' house and go
into the far country where he Would
not be in the presenee of hie par-
ents, whose hearts the Wayward boy
Was breaking. It is a peettlistr but
incotitrotreetible ..tact 'that , sin, no
Matter Whether spasniodie ihabi.
produees .a settee of hunilliste
.tion and degratlatiOn lit the presenee
of Its victims, Whole it Jute deeelVed
or injured. Herod, the tetrarch,
.althougli ho, Was . a great Rennin
governor, teembied when he thought.
the beheaded .Tohri the Baptist was.
risen keen the dead: Thus Gertrude,
Hamlet's mother, fled from the
rpm.. in which -she and her guilty
paramour,. Xing 014udis saw the
tragetiet emitted of the death of her
Iniirdered liUsband, Thlte the erring
husband always want. to seek the
conlijanionshin ef any person rather
thati that te his Wrotieed wife. The.
dissolute father feels. 4 coWerd's 'hue
erliee he looks into the
clear, lioneet, bine eyee of his son
wh� itistY not be at that time over
fifteen years Of age And Who could
in ito way injure his parent if he
Vallt 1/0 Wt IktOT rOfteaVE,
Why' Is that lifetime friendeltip be*
timed you and your achool chum
6rokim up? You were both born in
the seine countey village. YOu grew
Op together, You played ball to-
gether, Ilete kites together, went
fishing in the old bfook together, at
side by Olde behind the etaine school
desk and ate your lunehes Mit Of
each other's basket, 'Vote tittlee to mien for very Imre they trerabled 67116re) 1666°646 16 r6rid" Th666
'the city on the sante trale, lived in with delight, Then. It wag affection, birds- fly at a veloelty of over a Mile
the same boarditig litee1.3 end Went wooing affeetion, and
teeWork at the nitrite city stare thanting tendernees. tut noW the
tender:test., en- per minute.,
I •
the -day. Why are you batteries of the Morn.* are -
eetreteged? I Wili tell you. YoU bered and the thunderboltis r itn BralerYiel GOLDEN GileT.
with ...or, uutukt040. ut- XATERIAL IN Tam BALT8
' tem and cress sere deluged until the
011.101.0 111E S S LESSON
; a...tuna output flavor is lest. Then
, lee flop oVer to pickle.. School girls
cox f6AXP oTHE SAY* .e.e
• literallY IlleentaThdlest olives, mixed,INTERSATIOSAL LESSON,
EST TO 1/132,
▪ maul dial pliek.100; set them between
SEPT. 4.
elets0100, tett them at pierdes and out,- Senee Subetsallofte Are of tlee.
• Inge, Most Dangeterate and, Vielets0 Text of the I...0one Z. Ilr•inge xix.,
rrobably no article On the table hi , Charact.er. 9-18, Golden Text, lase
e Mod Mere leviehly than etalt. be -i
ity of men tie deluge a dish with
'alt. before tasting it to see if It
needs an added salting. Radish*
and celery are really far better With.
Out it. but you see the taste has been
trained to its use; it has become ,
fixed habit. Butter is ter more
agreeable to the taste moderately,
even sparingly salted, than to rival
brine in its uee,
Seine *titers consider it criminal
not, to educate the children to like
everything that mankind has proved
ta be desirable as food, and aIso how
to eat. This hes a liberalizing em-.
feet,. makee one hearty, whole-eouhed,
taking thing.' as they come and lik-
ing theta. It also ehmluates, the lin-,
leky habits, end make.. it so Dwelt'
easier for the heneewlfe. There is as
much true &aware in smelling food
als in eating it: An orange tastee
much better when peeled Mid eaten
from the hands, than when. eaten
with a sPoon, Pineapples and cu-
cumbers, 'have the same aroma, The
very hungry man stuffs and crams
down his food, Whereas the epicure
eats slowly, relishes each dish and
enjoys his meal, lingering over the
flavors and arOttia0 that stimulate
his sense of enJoyinent. We are too
apt to base Mrs. O'lleagans "ban-
ana, tliiret" when it.cornes to eating
what we like, and like her, 'fetch up
at the "soda man's" for a "tie °int
xli,, 10,
• .-e-e-i..-,re-e, e i e . . . . cameo et teed habit with the majote thtpopenareenratIlesitoheetutern. br4lbsieledditsaosateze•ento.
Elijah hi new at Hereb, lodeiug
FOP, T130. 0001e.
eral overhauling- of life preeervers all a cave. What sustenuece he foetid,
0004iseboeeberremy ypuctroldingp g.wthimetcu 4 may gatci a bet: over the cowita.y, says. the Brooklyn here for his nedy we' are not told,
lgogle, Every factory in America is. bet if he need on iocuete wee wita
made either from Irma or bottled
fruit. if prepared as follow.: Stew flooded with. old preserver.. that hatvhee
the fruit gently till it will, pulp, then condition of - thousande el these found Quilleient. However that mei
base sent in for eepairs, ' and
beat It up. To every pint ot pulp
makes one wonder if there was a ves- have been, the God who cared for
add a quarter of a pound of sugar. uel in America, posseseed of service- him, et Cheritri and Sarenta and
tor betwteeir,"aeiltene. (Luc:4°4 •oofnee, PQ:nuncice, good many vessels vvere suppliecl the wilderness would not fail to cure
abbe egelptnent. Apparently also a sent an angel to provide for bain in •
egi breed crumbs, Mix all together With preservers se far gone as to for hint enewhere• There le great
except the eggs„„ wnich should not be be beyond hope of repair.
and ther. stirred itt thoroughly. Pitt tehantevtehreiaLstoturdg lloovvees,
added till the mixture is quite Cool. The very day after the accident or- e91,11gaelretopt twhiltsit
ders begun pouring into every menu. and knowing ail about as loves Ile
the mixtere into a buttered dish and tattering eetablisament in the court. to the tad (Jer. xxxi, 8; John xiii,
fore eervinge try Snip...elite were made In care 11, Here in thie tave the wprd of
load lots in malty cases, until the the Lord came to bitn. as at other
bake for ban an beer. - Strew a lite
tIe sifted sugar over the pudding bee
Fruit Syrup Wickens for Cool accumulated steak was disposed of, times (xvii, 2, 8; xri,ii, 1). Itt Vzelc.
Summer Drinks.—The following pro- aeletdinatehe ralahretoaresunpepWlyrtiihnenhuignporv; i', 0, it le written that the wOrd of
the Lord came expressly to Exekiel
cess may be wit* to ,cherries, cadent Nit Leland. As a direct result
bla.cleberriee, Exprow the deer Juice ocifuttphuct Solt° clot fine preservers
tthoor Athmeerpircea: messages from
the priest, and unless we receive the
the book es eoming
grapes, raspberries. etrawberries, and
of the fruit in, the usuel mermer, a.nd expressly to us individueely there is
boil it with sugar in the proportions ent year will probably be three times no benefit, rt then' are manY. whe
of one pound of sugar to one pint of arofess to believe the Bible who look
Juice. Boll eve Minetee; stir con- "shotrlena: iithsetit ahalas regIewprboopoonrt ioDnef":t with surprise upon those who eaY,
etantly while cooling, and seal in can vessels was worthfess. "God hats spoken to me in His
the /he -saving Apparatus on Awed.
glass jars or bottle*. Thie juice is wone,e uniese theicueo•owrduoixiaf vGeoryd
tvith a: little Water entlailigar, It depends upon the material nsed, well. As plainly as by a voice %rein
not yet learnea to
speaks directly to our heerts we have
now ready for use at any time, !MX
Corn Chowder —Cut 4 twoeinch the methods or manufacture and the ,heaven has Ile said to my soul as I
cub4 of fat salt pork into smell piece care taken after they have been have red His beek—Joba 1, 12; Ili,
es and dry out; add a smell onion plcieed in. service, whether the so- 16; v, 24; x, 21-29; eiv, 1, 27; L
utes, stirring often to keep it front called life presa:vers are such in John 11;12; iii, I, 2, 8; Isa. ell, 10,
fact. oe whether they are death war- 18; . xliii, 26; Gen, xxviii, 15, atul
sliced, and cot* slowly for five mine
BaUcepan. Cook a pint of sliced raw rants. 'Dead teen. tell no tales, and many, many ' more messages which
browning, then strain the , fat into e
A hot-water bath in which has been ITnrow how many have trusted theta-
thIl8 reason no one will ever are engraven oe, MY heart, and for
which I do heartily praise Him.
Do you remember, long, long years
That night when countlese stars
bedecked the skies;
turning, torn wleh pangs of bitter
Debeld leve's fickle light within
your eyes?
I caught your hands mid vowed r
. would not part
With them until your lips had
whispered low
The inner secret passions of your
heart; ,
. Then you confessed you leered me—
long ago? •
--Leslie Leigh Decree.
A smart youeg. °Meer 'belonging to
a cavalry. eorps- In India was sent
on eick leave to the Convalescent sta-
tion at Sinda,' and i whilst -recovering
his health amongst the hills there,
was robbed of• his heart, aid
turn eaptivated the, charming' thief.
The young fellow 'proposed aed• was.
and with all possible die.
,patch the. teeddingeday was fixed. Bute
the coleinel. of the .expectant bride-
groom's regiment was stroegly- .op-
posed to ,.1the lieutenatit'a marrying,'
and telegraphed an unwelcome "Join
at One's)" to the, .atnorOus Sub.
The chagritied Soldier. handed . ehe
peremptory message to his feir one.
She glanced:at it, and then with
heeoraing bleehe of sweet slnmphielty
'lean. more than glad, deae, that
your colonel so Approves cif. eiour
&Oleo; but what a hurry he in for
the •weddingi don't think can be
ready qiiite so eddies but I'll try; for,
of course, theecohniel must be obey -
"But you deon't seem to uhderstand
the telegram. eleeitheartee teid the
lieutenant. "It Upsets every plea
We have • made. •• You see, he says,
',loin at once,''"
Cartainly cloeee. dear," .replied
the lady, leokiiig up. with an arch
smile; "but It is you Who. donet'eleeirt.
to understand it:. :When the colonel
says Vein , at ono,' what does he
mean but get married inimedititely?
What elthe, ittleecie can he possibly
mean?"' ..
"Iiiniett.elee, indeed, 'darling?" dee:.
tiglitedlet exclaimed the ardent lover,
rejOicieg in the tie* reading, . which
be received with the Utmost alacietY
SO - forty-eight hours had: scarcely
passed before the colonel received the
following: 'Your orciere have been
Carried ont. We were joined • at
once." •
" Don't 'Wear a dress suit. if you are
working in a sewer: , •
' .Gloiree nre not to be :Worn Milees
you • are • handling, live wires. •• •
It is not itecessar3r to say "Excuse
me" if you fill from a.' ladder and
land on top 'et the foreman. The
foreman. will do. all the talking . that
• • If) eteceseare. , •
me, she gave inc of the tree, and : Patent leather • ehoes. are not being:
did, eat." Inexpressibly eonteelPti- 'wain 'ore -scaffoldings. .
ble was this cowardly e excuse, old the • It Is the proper thing to aisle
*Oman caught the infeetion. She ff. you buest.
Would not hear the responsibility for baton. • • •
'Do not bring your. Egon
he? . Own and. her litisbancee sin, but 'thA.pacttu.v . ,
On this serpent. ' • Ah,. nol Excuse.. '
attempted to fasten the entire blame She,eriutee'rs, aprons reeo iongee:oi!,
Of the Great judge. •elte open, be 3rSal. than 1461c're. ..° • ;
It is not .goOd form to ,put ort you
and Mtasionn wither in the. presence r
true, acknowleigeeyoue sins; and ho , coat before closing time -unless the
• faithful and inat to forgive your foreman has gone home.
eine and cleanse • you- from all one • Half worn may be made quite
righteousness.. It is he Who tries elegant by the Meant •Iron heel taps.
to. Net* himself by emceeing othere Foerein-haed ties are not worn in
who Will be condemhed. factories this 'eleason, aletthey may be
LOVE -REIGNED AIVERYWItliRE. 'tangled up in the machinery'.
'VW§ we started this eerinon with •It is not usual in Faris to Carry
• garden; we ore going to end the- Watch in the nall pocket.
with a garden. '. The &poetic Paid hate • :are . not worn in the
Seek In the Story of. our 'Mat home- :building -trades as they may be itie
Stead a' tvrecked and disorganized Jured by.falling• bricks. .
animal and vegetable and ichtheOlo. Strong leather belts, with steel
gicel and ornithological and human hooks at the ends, are popular
World. lads us to see how the anent' window-Weithere. • •
whole ceeation—the birds of the air,. Coal handlers are ,recemeneuding
and the fishes. of the sea, and the Urge bars of soap for theecompleX-
Neste Of the foreet, and the flowers let. • -.• '
of the fields --were influenced through, The 'report that the Loudon brick -
and had 'their natures changed by the layers eerier ennes while at nitwit has
64111 61 16f61' 1)116 lcsve reigned beet. found to be incorrect. '.• •
every,Wheee. Sow the law et life le
depencleot upon the •'"survival of the •
fittest." The eagle begins to mount -
higher and higher aild higher, not to
oome oeeree. to the heavens to see The pigeon poet 15 largely used by
God, but that ou account or the both the 120..Val and Minters!, forces or
greater ratiteds He eau have a, *mei Japan. A Movable left is attached
to the headquarters. Swett. are tur.
horizon to stvoopi that with his keen ' 4,,v,„.• w,1•4„ .,. 1,,,,,,•,,,,„1,. ,,,,,,,,,y,c, •
eye he may eee the helpless dove 11"'"'"" "'"' ' """P" ""t'u 6'
etal, off, into which the feathered holding four birdsj, when they wish
murderer can plunge that terrible to ' tonanunicate with headquarters
they write out the ineesuge and place
beak and rip and tear and slay. Once it an a tube, Which is attached to et
the trees as lovers atretched forth
their Mane of branches and with bird's leg' The pigeon le then abet -
rustle And tinuin talked to etteli other " and ghee to the movable loft,
POtat0011 itIlb five mints in boiling
water to eover; drain and add to the serves. to the. life belt, only to find “What doest, thou here, Eiilahe" is
fat. Add aloe a 'pint Of raw sweet that instead of buoying them up to the great question of our lesson
half Lk teaspoonful • of. sale, a gait- weetottydzdiri• gtho%rnehadnoewenottoraesweuaeietlyt .f(ov:rses 9, 13), and 4 great question
coen cut or ecratied • from the ear,
spoenful of pepper, and boiling Wa- grave A drowning :man clutching. who ,c.ettalaclasaq;, u,s,i 'oat thIverryLoarrde., tliotosto
tataes and corn are teader. ' Melt at a straw ham long been a figure of Thou didst send Inc. and I am liet:e
ter to cover, Simnier.until beth p0- at
• rounding. tablespoonful .of buttee,' speech edweetccievtlyinel.yofatuatttc.,:wesptehlarli at Thy bidding for Thy pleasure
and an equal quantity of ' flour end Elijali Could not. reply thus, but he
gradually 4 . pint of railk. Let it be dragged to the bottonl: of the did ea;v something about the sin of
boil te:few mieutes, .adia to ibe.eliowe sea by an inetibu.e of rotten reeds. and Israel; 1114 own faithfulness.- and zeal,
der, .settion the mixture, More if need- eaTievtiarees. •eitii.,•ely.. ditT' ere. n.t. ,ina,,teiaio tainiide.tthhaet Lhearivdahsatdheie,Ottniyazrecitirileissertitiafo-
.calelit bo c(gmi itd. pwieliktshin.rov•pa reit:vo es, • and pole tule and cork. • 0.e. these 'cOrk
ite the oldest, the most common and nor was.. he sent ef god, as when be
Was being sought, and therefore • he..
of the Way. place. lee was ttot eeek-
ing thogloty of God, as on Caeaie. el,
have been., authorized by the United
toge';'-pered and sliced, may occasiOns manufacture of . life preserves, 'lute Was hiding la this cave in this out
ed,. boil 'up well aid s'erve velet 'IMt.
With " erackers,'. A cupful 'ef tonne- States GeV -eminent officials 'for the
• Wellies ...Ttre. eggs. beaten , •well, incomparably- the best; and kapok slaft t,o, ..1,0,he,rith, or Sarepta, but he•
The kapok life preservers," says slaketaln-Y" ,e'repiy•°:01YthhelsLooewdn's:PZe:at
yokes and whites .seParately, Mix is the Most recent end the work., eee"'ng '
ono teaspoenful of soda aml.a little
salt in betterimik, 'Which add to :one an authority, “should be consigned ,
to. the beatemiess, pit where they . el, 10)7
art th'ou?" was a very sed one (Gea.
into Oda 'batter- the yokes ,ene , de- was authorized by the United Stetel Abraham's reply. to Abs -
• • of flo.uis, ' The batter' shotild
authorities only. about .a year. • Meleck as to why lie hue done
be as thick 'se strained, hones,. Beat belong. The usti of this mateeial
sertspoonful •of ,inelted lard, and age, honoring to Ged: (Gen. xx, 11), and
as he "did, was ;anything but ‘ . •
diseolved abut two ounces of coarse
salt will cure tired, swollen feet.
Tender feet Should be rubbed with
siiirits of camphor after being wast).-•
siecirieldri Wairm wate! aed, thoroughly
For moist handle; put. three grains
a alum in a pint ef elder -flower wa-
ter and after drying - anoint the
palms. ,. • • .
;Tbe glass- Of hot water for
laxative purposes should be drunts
twenty or thirty minutes before the
When bathing and drying the face,
alwaYs aub, and make the strokes up-
ward, as the muscles of the face re'
12tIcelidvo ote nuws:airtdh. soap 4 .0 snp oilcloth.ooge1.d caosi
water and.polish With a flannel, To
improve the color and repplisli when
dim, beessirax and turpentine mixect
and avell rubbed' in, -eery eparingle,
will be found .to .greatly iraprote.and
restore 'both coloring and .sniotitness
of -surface.
Hands that perspire .too freely
should be dusted Svith ehe following
powder: Precipitated' chalk,' four
ounces; powdered etarch, two ounces;
itis 'powder, two °tames. Wash the
hands in ,water that has had ii, pinch
of bores, added, and after drying,
dust . with the powder. , •
' To develop the eheet, breathing ex-
ercises should be taken :morning and
'evening. Stand straight and .clasp
the. hands at the back of the neck,
elbows teueliing. in 'front, Inhale,
force elbeessi out and back, .exhale,
bring elbows forward until e they
for cheet andAting,expapsion and. to
meet. . This le' an excellent exerci..se.,
strengthen the muscles of the back.
lastly the frothed whites. Have the but already it has been placed ou the, reply of " Elijah at Horeb was.
waffle irons tot, grease Well, and hundreds of vessels. It is mode of not like the'Elijah of Carmel. It is '
pour into them from a pitcher the the fibres of the kapok -ex seeeles 'cif a great thing to be able to continue
wattle mixture, They should. cook silk cotton tree, botanically .related little in. our own. sight and to . seek: -
quickly, sholild he genital, yellow, to the ordinary Cotton, 'plants. It always- . and only the glory of God, '
thin • and , crisp eneteen , to be eaten grows in he least .an West Indies, and to given. testnnony like Paul in
'reit*. th0Ii1112:erS, jliSt as grackers are. the Philippinee and meny otlake trope Gal.- ii, 20; t Ger: xv, 10. The re-
verses et), 14,- of oer '
lirollen Clee ens -Take' fat, broil- ical couttries. From Ceylon it . is Ply of Elijah In
Ing -size chickens, place in a state exported in large-quatititiee, .and lesson woui elinost,. if not wholly,
a, tablespoonful of 'butter, two slices on the' market are made from the servant of Jehovah, left, it wthill
of bacon and pepper -and salt • to
pan With a sinell quantity of water, most of ehe kapok life -presenters now dedicate that, he being the only tree
Ceylonese' Aber. • The production of be a . poor day or :the Lord's
taste. • l'evee ail I cook 'sloevly in a the fibre is one of the infant Indus- calls, if anything should happen to
On 'a broiling iron Ferve with the and stinadatee It • is ueeful in the become : of • the, :Lord's. cause ? ,
they . seek My life
mediuni oven, 1 heting occasionally; tries of tne Philipp,ines Weieh the biro, . • "And
to take: it away." -What then woeld ,
until tender. Take out 'and - brown Government At anelious to eneoerage
gravy in which it .was cooked poured manufacture. Of Mattresses. cuehions When. We allow ourselves to be thus'
over it seilelieg hot. ' ' . • and for eimilar purposes, as seed as. delnded by htni :w11° w°u1d, if he -
in its latest application to the reek- coed,: dethrone God himself, it is a
ter' and pee and .a. half cupfuls of 'appear_ poor day.for is, for it indicetes that
the Lord may not be able to use we .
:.Bock Cake.—Beat 'a Cepful of but- ing of life preservers. In '
light brown sugar to a cream, ' add mice tee fibres closely reset-10Se rew
three eggs,. a teaspoonful. al einna-
mon, a level teaspoonful of soda .dis- gcpoiaitztitotonni v;i:gex
ccheal)rtattger ' a•cinrd shiny,
1°11ger; •We
go . forth and stand upon the
see in this
solved in two tablespoonfuls of het lack of flexibility, ' They are
cupful of chopped nettneate, prefer- almost impermeable to water end mount before the Lor(I" (verse 11),
Water, a cupful ofchopped raisins, a
Gen.' Sir ran Hamilton Translates
. a Favorite Song.
General Sit Ian • Hamilton has
found time, while waiting for an op-
portunity, to see some Of the war,
to give an English metrical version
of. smile Japanese War ppetry, and
tfile hes been sent be a correspOn-
dent to The London Standard. The
words of the original, the cOrrespon-
deet confesses, are political and•pole-
talc rather' than martial and patrio-
tic, so that, if 'the General's trans-
lation seems some -Whitt cut and dried,
the fact does' not lthpugn his abili-
ties as aopoet, Here are. a few char-
ecteristic Stanzas froia the favorite.
Beng of the Mikado's soldiers :--
Sons. of Nippon, down with Russia!
• Lawless empire -lay her low,
Faith and justice she despises.
Aussie is our mortel foe, ,
Shameless, traeniling down the teea-
Grasping countries far and wide,
All tho ,was. turned against
possess very great buoyancy. Ale, is the Lord's Message. to Elijah, and
he could Itardly fail to recall that on
parently these properties alone . were
ably English Walnuts; and. two and this very niount god had said to
a half cupfuls of flour.. Drop by the considered. by the authorities . when
they. authorized the use of this ' me_ Israel and to Moses; -I am the Lerd
small spoonfuls on 6, buttered sheet, tweet, , - thy God ithieh brought thee gut. Of
allowing araple room for spreading. the land of-Egept, out of the house'
Bake in a 'moderate Oven, The cakes .FUEL FOR THE FLAMES; of bolidage" ' (Ex xx. 2; xxiv., 12),
• , ,
settee. after ,a feW days and are re ."1-1Owevere itis 'as inflammable as and as he thought of it a senee of
eoriunended• not Only for 'their excel- gen cotton, aid:life preservers made liis own mathiegness and God's,
'knee, but because they are so eleaily of It would spreed a fire on ship-' mightieess may have.come over him. .
and quickly made. , .,
isareeerkledYiblaes ehaattrtahine eart
Pineapple and •Orange Iced.-- :Pare authorities 'were aware. of ibis feet Theniicocitimee anthao omit) giihrtey, rbiuutd, the
• -
. . board almost adeirsexta
Lord •did not reveal himself in - ei-' .
lialf"a ripe Pineapple and cut :Mt° when.they legalized. itseuse. - It. ivae ther, of ,; these; thenethe Still' small
half inch slices. .Then .romagee ' the likely . an. overeight, end they T otve it "voice le whicb the Lord spoke ,. ' to
core and cut tho slitee into dice. Peel
sections, '...nd . remove eyery 'bit 'of atockathozescieltveest''haendbtlouiltdhber peanbldie slee
Very still to hear. a. etill. small 'vetee.
His .servant, and one needs to be ;
three ,orangee carefully, separate the
that the sale 14 - stopped-. ' Already • God has Many ' ways sof :dealing
membrane and the thin skin. Divide seine scores, or pernaps hundreds with people, and dieerent ways at
each i into. ' two or three pieces. : Mix pf vestiets on the Atlantic, the:Raci- ditlerent times of dealing witli the ,,
the two fruits iightly together and fic and the Gulf- coasts and me our tame person. ' He had spoken.' to
place in a glass . dish Or salad bOwL inland takes aed levees, are equipped Israel from this very mount, en fire
Sprinkle with sugar and, place on ice With these dangeroes aeticles. If und..eartlicamke;. Ile had just recent -
for two or three hours. Theo cover then" continued use is permitted, the ly spoken -to the people through Eli -
with a layer of finely -shaped tee, and disaster to the General Slocum May, fah by fire Oil Carmel, blit now it is
garnish with. pitted cherries. Serve find Many parallels, and Is very like- by the. still small voice. " Some. One
before, the ice has time to melt: • ly to be eclipsed in horror.- The 01s• Mfly be looking for a fire or earth- .
littutikinelon • Preserre,—Oither the dinary Method of stowing the pre- quake. • experience ,becttuse Some ' one
Melees before they are fully ripe.
servers just under . the deck, : Where else has had it . or . because they'
Feel and slice. Soak four days in they' can readily he seized in ease .of themselves haire had it in foemer
weak snit water, and then in fresh; emergencY, 'gives .every facility fee. times, but now Oita .is speaking in a .
'until the salt is ietrieved: Put in at
the I spread of fire by their meites still sniall . voice and they' do not
piteerving kettle end boil in clear
water for 4 few minutere ;Arabi , and when , an inflammable- material is 'hear because they went tee' fernier
Used. A. blaze. starting in the . far- e*perienee. Let us .how head and
drop them • Mtn a -•vetet !Weak alum Ward part. Of a, vessel would he ca'- heat and ' BEVY; "Speak; Lord, as it
Water, in which bolt them for a few ried back to the stern themigh a eine pleaseth Thee, for Thy .serveht, hear-. •
minutes. Make a strong ginger, tea. of kopek 'life preservere almost With, eth," Not inethode•nor experiences,
Take the fruit out • of the Mem Wa. 'the rapidity Of a flash' of lightning' but Himself ' alone, Can satisf3r the
ter, drop it into the ginger infusion by the breeze ereated by the vessel's heart. • . • • • • .
and iet it. boil a feW minutes, • Lift motion; ' • . . s , And: the Lord said unto him, 00,
the fruit opt With a strainer, • and
For her lawlessness and pride,.
Tell us not of "tussle's vastness—
Vast, may be, but poor _and Wild;
Boast not of her swarming millions,
What are swarms unless combined?
Bat our own dear, precious country
'Neath UN Emperor can combine;
For one thousand years successive
Reigns that same immortal line.
Military . providence; itecording to
Naponton, Rays the New York Times,
Was oh the side of the, steottger bat.
talicee .N•owadayei it le said to be
on the side of the best engineers and
machinista. But is an excese of
lOgic to push the principal to the
extent of
11 ..4l.. nuiehine poetry.,
and ones that cannot he juetined even
ley victorious japan.
rntwxx SER11111.
place it in Old water for a few min- returit •and anoint a king „ever Zyria,
IN2/.4.1ToArT:OthsTat TmOiehl: toStrIh'ell.rintrviCsTeI0:.0 prophet
in. thy room (versos 16, 16).
utee. Lift it out of the •vater and a king over Israel. and leisha to be
cook until thoroughly , Aerie In a .oheeked *eould never be got This is what We said a tittle before,
syrup mode pi two pounds sugar to unda controleeliould it onee reach a that when a man thinks that the
elle Of fruit. Flavor this syrup with
lemon cut le very thin alices. • rapliasecetorwiehdei7ptc,gene giusailtwiteirees orstothi:dsi: iwtorisk.tdiatart get along without him
to appoint !his suceeseor.
Cork Will been readily enough to reit NO one is .essential to God or • to
013ILD'S TASTE, der it objectionable, could anY other His work, but tie is graeiousiy
material of equal buoyancy he .01)- 'pleased to use such es are wilting to
Do you ever stop to coesider what tattled of less eorribustible qualities: tenth:me- little in (their own sight
a finicky set Of people yoU have in but there can be no'possible OXIM180. arid - God be glorified in theta.
your house, from the wee toceller• up for subetituting a material a hen. We must learn to magnify the Lord
*0 Sohn, the good man? Probably deed tiines More inflammable. 4. Jesus as He Magnified the Pether,
never in the history of the family
fase, k touching ft ilexes up into eu "Yet have left me eeven thousand.
have every single Oho eaten of the uric ntrollable blaze' almost in an in Weal whictehave not bowed uuto
same dish, and prOnotineed it good.
inst t.. A tiro at sea is the most Baal" (verse 18). How utterly fool-
Xow tide duo the fat that the awful and the most dreaded of the to think that we are the only.,
child in each ibdividual Case Was ale Oceatt'e' polite If these preservele. otes who krovt the Lortl or are real -
Reeved to eat What he liked. and to are bitted the danger WM be Multiple, ly interested in His cause. He rd.
rejeet that which he did not like; as ed ten -fold,. Let the kapok life pre - ways has His own, lumwe to,
if a little Child knoWs the differenee server therefore be consigned to the Hint if not to others, and we muot •
between salt and sugar, tea and milk limbo of departed tinisaneee And oie not judge loot we misjudge. Judge
crackers or eake, only you field Mistake§ before some great cal- nothitig before the time, 'elm Lord
ed him to distriMinate. amitY, reeti)eing In utineeeesary loss knoweth them that are
Greeted that there may ba some
one food which le extremely Of lite and destruction of property,
awe/tette the publie to a realisation
tasteful, has no special food value
and in no way enters into the diet-. Of the feet that official nalegueeds
arY, Why he Might be let tiff partak- 7,(rueigioe.ofnetinies but 'Menaces dis-
trig of it, but it Is far Wiser to train
The Bank of England note Is not
the ehildish taste to conform to
everytbihg edible in the daily menu. MOST &MVP, VOLCANO, sof the game thickness througholit, It
4e.,,,„ thicker hi the leftelmeld corner', so
Nearly every ehild peefern freshly /rnant SantOY must an"— as to retain a keener impression, of
baked broad. It should be taken in- volcano In the world. it ts situated •
the vignette there, and It IS also
to coneideration that bread a, little in Ecitedor, le 17,120 feet in height thicker le the dark shallows of the
etale, light, arid sweet and Well- and has been io corodent, activity centre letters and beneeth tho figures
baked, le far better tor the educe 1728. The stmnds of its crisp. at the wide. Counterfeit notes ere •
Stomach. AineriCane are said ta be
*0s be of Tree in Treatment of
Pulmonary Diseases,
_Dr, Raymond Petit, of the Pasteur
Institute at Petri, believes that he
hem discovered a powerful counter-
agent for all infectious dielmees of
the peritoneum, the *era, etc,
Three years ago .he dieooyered that
Ordinary heated hark. eaten, applied
locally, acted as a aort of mageot
in attracting to the dieearied part the
white cermet:cies of the blood. 'A
long seek* experimente. made On
various animals Inoculated with diea
tease gerins coilyineed lift that heat-
ed horse serum had remarkable °M-
atey, when thus applied, In increas-
ing in tho affected part the number
of white bloodeeotpuseles, the result
beteg the .eattplete disappearance ef
the diseate. inferobee, /t believed
that the oerum will be eepeelally Vale
tieble in preventing infection after
surgial operations for appendicitis,
peritonitis, and such, &Wise& tione are §ometimen heard in Quito,
150 relief. distant, end 267 reports
sUlt are espeeitilly nervous, AS the were once counted in one hour.
bOth fell in loVe With the saMe ed at their hearts, Row the Mrs, Gerding, of /slew york, who, result of luxe: Conditione due to an Wife—"Vott deliberately- deteiVed
thus( quickly deteeted, tliey tire
inordiriede Meet eetere, and es a re. Inver/ably, of the Pattie thickness)
021. In order to Win that girl's mighty forest giants, not ee lovers, on hor 'Wedding -day, twenty-five years oVer-SUPPly of the proteld element Me When you seked ina to mar*" SNAICM, ,ormiTzpvor" and
ear! ..ections you mut about your old but as dyilig WarrlOre, groan arid ago, rectiived a plot of land Worth in. the diet, Ilhen they educate the you1
." ,1, udbandr-.11 did nothitis_, of other poieonous things may 006011
nNencl• Yon oironlated evil reporte totter and tail, Once the lion and $2150 as a present, sold it a few days taste for too much eWeete. NO the sort" Wifee-nYei, you diel, You you in your walks- through field and
about his past life, When you knew the lamb lay down Aide by std. to ago for *100,000. .1 eountry usee I* triudi candy and told me that yOu were finite well forestlie sure to have a bottle of
that no squarer, truer man ever elev. I3ut after the oin of man We ..—.---41' - ' -- ' sWeef, Lattioles, or hem such an enerfn- oft" Thiliband--"Yeti, attd so 1 Was; retry Davis' Painkiller in the house
'Wed, You said his family was not Wee& of the shaggy brute was the tt takes the cook to do the beck- etle Sugar trade. but 1 was foolish enough to imagine and you run no risk, DirectIone on
reepettablo, When hie blether need prelude to a bite by whiolt the help- wheat eake up brown. Cereals, coffee and tett are made 1 Would be heater off With a Wile." the wrapper.
Some rrien • are free thinkers and
fame others are married,
Teachers of penmanship naturally
do a flourishing business.