HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 5• 4 • September 1st 1904 11444+40.44.4444444.44114, THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by Amt of Parliament 1856 (Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Capital paid up $3,000,000 Reserve Fund $2,850,000 —REMON��TAL.. haveremoved'from.aur Elie Public will please heal in mind that we old stand, Rn c.tcnbury street, 10 one new and spaefouii office (which Isom* In t1n' centre of I act own) in the. tnew (Millie block, turner of Victoria and Albert, etreets (opposite J. 1V IrwinNi grocery.) A, coli frolic the public generally is solicited, .. ---SAViN(S: BANK DMPARTMENT— Intere'st allowed at highest curt ent rates from date of deposit to date of withdrawal-. ....,.,.,. til.. C..BRLWER Manager'.. • - - CLINTuN 4. WANTED—A. GOOD SMART INT elligent l3oy to learn the telephone operating alid jewellery business, r� �.. •Riamhall & Co. .. PAM TO RENT OR FOR SALE.— •-• Lot 32, eon. 9c Ooderict,t township, * - consisting of 80 aeres, 40 Acres seed., • • ed dawn,, 6 acres in fall wheat,, or- ehard, brick house e.nd bank barn. • • anile front scltoc•1, ..23i miles from Holmesville, 5 miles from Clinton.' Immediate possession can be given.— George 3. Connell, Clinton P. 0, • ]Ofl't IlC3S •• If your vi.atch e .,4 t•, tea' i1� T:ar Jeweler and Optician CLINTON— --= . - »1••i*-i-•1•d«I ++ab • is not de en, .1 let us clean an.d .. regulate it or vere., • DR. BUTLER, EYE EAR, NOSE; and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avent.e, London, 3rd door cast -of St. Andrews Church, Glasses sup- • plied. Will be at the Rattenbury Rouse, Clinton, Apra 28, Tune 2 and • • ca. sell you'one.a a very reasonable rioe.. pq We couldn't. Cou!rl Yoll'? nave • built up- ,t . first classy.. • 11 - trade, such as we•` have • unless our goods, were • right in every way. .We sell the Finest Goods forthe finest-, trade, One trial convinces you of this. • Among other lines we';ex• - eel in . Fancy Biscuits,. We keep Assorted Biscuit`s: at .10e.. ;per lb. up to Macaroons et 50e, in Olives and Piekles we have wily the best Chutney Chili Sauce, Chow -Chow; sweet :and. sour Vinegar Pickles and also_. Horse Radish. We still solicit yotur trud•, • ' . O'Neil. CLINTON cases for -Sale: x—Good Cottage ard two lots on Isaac street. • t—Good House and two lotswith large plumorchard on Fulton street. ' 3—Comfortable • House and Cue lot ea Joseph street.''' 4—Brick Haase and two lots on Mary street. 5—Two, Hooses on Rattenbuty street west: .6—Large Brick House, With six acres of land, barn azul driving barn, good orchard, within amile of centre of Clinton. • ;7-i rame Hotise With eight acres. of land, barns add orchard, et Din:sley Terrace, ' :For terms, etc., apply to liE 1 •Y B 4ATTI1, tsol,'Qitor, etc. Clinton. 1:We are tarrying a, nice tae of 'Vases J'ar4inieres .Toilet Set's • ;and would be pleased to have you call •;tut1 inapeet• . Y Our stook of Neveltics, Eirie*a-brat:, artware, Tinware, cte,, is complete. 11esales these we carry candles and Vele? t,isettft;i. Eggs takeri in exchange for' goods. : ShierSTa�t0. THOROBRED • REGISTER3D lei R- , hem Bull for 'sale, • 13 months old, Have two will sell one cheap.—Ai- bert Nott, let 24, con. 2, Stavley, Clinton P..0. 15 COAL 1 LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW , • FOR YOUR SEASDN'S SUP- PLY Or COAT., WE ,CARRY ONLY 'TIE VERY. BEST GRA - bFS 'WHICH 'WILL nL.OI,n A.T• THE LOWEST POSSIBLT PRICE. E • I3F ('TAT ORDERSMAY .I,. E DAVIS . &, R01\FLAND'S HARD- . WARE STORE, OR WITH s sevenora. For yourself I ow much a shoe has to do with the ippcaranee of your foot. .What is uglier than a poorly . shaped shoe ? What is .daintier than A' TRIM CLEAN' COT SHOE,. that fitsclosely about the foot ' and brings out its natural .artistic lines. We; ci,•n 'find • a slice to fit •your feet' no 'matter how lard you are to snit, Our spring stock has ar`'ved and the prices are right.; We are showing :' a. line • cf shoes . for .,nen at $350 that can't. be beat for price and quality. Also a line of shoes fez 'women • (The Queen Alexander) for $2 which is extra value., Come in and' Lave a look at our stock.': No trouble to show goods. Groceries. Oar stook is complete. We have c: goody line of Japan Teas, green • ar.d.. black. In Package teas we carry the Ludelia; Red Rose, Blue: Ribbon and Lipton's celebrated teas. They were bought before the advance in, price which we will give ors custoers the benefit of, ('lam in and rancy • Biscuits,. Boiled Hann, Sinokecl Roll, Breakfast Bacon; ' Pickled' . figs 'Peet, Canned'' Meats, Pickles, in bulli ' and bottles • cf all kinds. A trial crder will convince yon that, We tarry a stack equal to any in tte trade and the pricesrea- sonable. Also a cat a^ Redp.th's.sug- ar just arrived which we are selling at cost, in seeds we have got .'good Red Ciover, Alsike, '1'imcth ',: Mangold and Turnip seed aril all kinds of garden' seeds, orchard grass, In crockery we .have a few ' dinner sets we are selling; very . cheap. Your ikadc selected, ` R, GRAHAM Ogle Cooper's ole. stand. Cash for Butter and Eggs. ('hone 23 T•LOUIS .STAT COt� lreRinIAN NONvemitir1 noaite , NEW ORLEANS Through Sleepers and Dining Cars E1'W Ire N St Louis And Mobile, St• Louis and New Orleans Axl O• 1[t.,1t Waimea. HROWNLEE—LITTLE,--At the Man. se, kgzuandville, on August 24th, by Rev. N. Shaw, MT.Goor.ge Bro- •wnlee of Seafortlt, to Miss Maty Jane Little of Clinton. TAY h,I)R—McCRACKI N....At the re- sidence of the bride's parents, Wingbam, on August. 24th, by Rev. Jas. McCracken,brother of the .bride, Albert L. Taylor of London, to Emily. daughter of John McCracken. TULLOt,`K--,JOIINSTON-. ()n Aug- ust 17th, at the residence of , the bride's father, by Rev, Dr. Gundy Andrew II. Tuilock of Sarnia to Clara May Johnston, eldest dau-. gltterghaofin William C. Johnston of tiVin .l ACLL.—CAMPB '.LL• -vii Aug. 24th at the home of the bride's father, Goderich, by Itev. George N. I-iaz- en, assisted by .Rev, W. H. Gra- ham, Mildred Ethel, youngest dau- ghter of Mr. William Campbell, to Frederick George Eagle of Toron- ELLEKE 1t—SMITH—At the residen-. ce of the bride's brother, Ged'er- ich, on August 24th, by Rev.• J. A, Anderson,Francis 1-1. Elleker of Walkerton, to Sadie L,, dau- ghter of the late Jaines. ?.Smith, ESLER—CAPI,LNG—Al the hotel Clarendon, Winnipeg, on August 3rd, by Rev. Mr Stewart .of St. Paul's ' church, Rosetta, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Cabling of, Blake, Ontario, to Dr. ',John Esser of Milton, North Dakota.. DAVIDSON—BARNARD-- At Mance- lona, Mich., on. August 17th, by Rev. A. H. McConyb, A, J. David- son, formerly of Exeter, to Miss •Donna Le Barnard .of Mancelona. BAKER--HARVEY—In the Presby- terian church, Wyoming; • on . Aug. 17th, by Rev. R. Hobbs of Stra- throy, President :of London Con- ference, Rev.' R. Smith Baker, Walton, tor Alice, daughter. of Mr,. A..D. r a of .min . Hav W o y y g The Clinton NowiReco'r'd Births 00'. 0000000000 •000000 000000 00000 The News of Goderich. n Irl oaanich.Aftg AND 1I NE • lyCr, aawd Mt,s...rAntler+eoti, who s cart t-""-�'--"• O p i►•`+-r-19yitnr>dM p : Ott tlsolor. A. Skirtitl . � couple o1 weeilat,• fi4, i�oltri: at t;tia rest s'!.tt.� • Bence of their friend, Mrs,. S. t.ox, of x<elrie tDdtsiairu•. utoce " ' CQrroKd4rapsat' �? lett tot thcii benne at London me :woe We copy with pleasure the follow- ing ollowing clipping from the "On DR" col - tuna of bee turday'.i.Mali and Empire A pretty wedding Was celebrated in. (loderieh on August 24th at the resi- dence of Mr. William. ('ampbell, ex- poetrnaster (loderich, when hie you - gest daughter, bliss Mildred Ethel, became the wife of Mr. Frederick G, Eagle of Toronto. About fifty guests chiefly relatives of the bride and groom, witnessed the event. The ceremony took place at high noon, Miss Mabel Sharman, a cousin of the bride, playing Lohengrin's bridal march as the bride and groom with their attendants took their . places under a large bell of myrtle and whi- te asters, The bride ,looked very pretty in a gewn of ivory poplin de clime with trimmings embroidered of mb o ered chiffon. She carried a. shower boquet of white roses and maidenhair fern. Miss Clara Sharman, a cousin of the bride, attired in blue eolienne, tri -m- sllower boquet of pink roses, made a charming bridesmaid,. The bridegro- om was attended by Mr. W. H. Rob- ertson, editor of the Signal. The ceremony was performed by Rev, George N. Hazen, assisted by Rev. W. II. Graham. The hymn "0 Per- fect Love" was sweetly sung by Miss Ida' Harland. After the wedding zap Pest the couple left on the 3 o'clock train for a trip to iMa;koka on their return from which alloy will.,,t1tycicie in Toronto. The brides tveb ii, suit was of blue broadcloth,with white silk blouse and white fell:ic- ture hat with green and white 1 rim- mings. Among those present at the wedding. were Mrs. and Miss Eagle and Miss Emily Eagle, Alis$ " Addie Campbell rind Mr. James Whaley of Toronto ; Mrs,: H. H. Dickenson and Mrs. Walter? Fuller of Detroit. Mr. Stephen Langridge, formerly of MURDOCh-In' Goderich on August 19th; to Mr: and Mrs. J. D, Mur- doch a daughter. hter..• HORTON-At Carlow on August .10, to Mr. .and Mrs. Arch. Horton, a +• daughter. • TREWARTHA-In' McKillop on Au- gust - 2hth, to Mr.. and Mrs, . Tree. wartha, a son. C: RIIOL=In Brusselson Aug.0 1 A L A 1 gg to Mr, and Mrs, R. Percy.. Carroll ofWolseley,.T. a son. f N. W J.� , Deaths. ' ALLANSON In Clitton on August .25th, Joseph Allanson,:aged 75I years. , COTTON -In Clinton on August 27th Mrs.. John . Cotton, aged 80 yeah • SPRUN('--In Hullett ons ' August: 31, Gabriel Sprung, aged 79 years and 7 month THOMPSON-la Blyth on August 23, • I''uphemia Govenlock; relict; of the late Richard Thompson; aged 76 years.. HENDERSON—In McKillop on Aug. 20th, Joseph Henderson, aged. 54 years and ,5 months, WILSON-•=-ln: Grey .on August • 24th, Margaret McKee, wife. of John Wilson of Harrow, :Essex county, in her 50th, year.: WHEN YOUR - APPETITE FAILS And it makes you dizzy. to even think of eating, you need Ferrozone, the greatest of appetizing tonics. It builds up the whole body, the, taste beconies aware of. new flavors in •food you never noticed, before. ' A • ,relish and after—satisfaction in eating is. another result,. from Ferrozone which improves: the digestion and converts everything eb,ten into nofirishment for the blood and brain and nerves. Just one Ferrozone tablet after ;neals,easy to take and pleasant; Try Ferrozone price 50e at :druggists. • FOR SALE. -A. WOOD;FURNACE' nearly- as good as newA., bargain for some one. —J. B,' hoover...84-1* FI3.rk1 •DOLLARS ` REWARD.= -IS offered' for the conviction , of the `personor personsstealing flowers or'plants from.the cemetery. -Thos. Cottle, chairman cemetery : commit- tee. • 14-1. THE HOUSE AND LOT ON COR- ner of Mary and -Princess streets is offered . for , salt.' The house is in good ; repair ., and contains eleven rooms.' Stable, hard and soft wat- er,and g acre of.land. Apply to J.: Ridout,. or J,' Croll. ' 34 WANTED -INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR w`bntan .as permanent representative of big manufacturing company; to; look after ite'' business, in this coun- ty and adjoining .territory.. Bust- /less successful and `established. Sal. ar T .$20.00 weekly and , expenses. y paid weekly, front home of - lice, Expense money advanced. Ex- perience pot essential, Enclose eon - addressed envelope, General ;Manag- er, Como Block, Chicago. 33-8. Kingston; has' finished two cement paths or walks for Captain Inkster and Mr. W. Watson. Captain Inkster has had his house painted !White and 0 o with its new.stone foundation it looksquite a .delightful residence. Mr, A.' D. McLean • was very • ill last week,.,. . We were presented with a Russian sunflower by Mrs. T. Bates,' on'S'atu. relay which was inches in circum- ference cum- ference but the one she was keeping for seed. • was 7 inches in diameter. Mrs, Bates broughtthe seed with her c f tom Parsonstown Mi h , Miss Emily Bichan, teacher of a Mission school in one of the Caro. lines, is of her' vacation at the' home . of her brother, Mr. Bichan, Bayfield .Road; • ftOUSE' AND' SEVEN ACRES OF land for sale on Dinsley -Terrace; • just outside the corporation • of. Clinton, Thehou,5c is in good re- pair, newly shingled, hard and soft water, Barn with stone wall. Good Orchard, A desirable property and will he sold cheap and ' on easy ter • - ms. Apply to Mrs. A. Macdonald, Clinton. 33 - Harvest :Excursions. Winnipeg .. , . .............. $30,00. Regina ... . $33.75 Mowbray, fcloaine, ISourfs- Brandon „ $31,50. Moosejaw, Kamsaek, Swan River .,, . $34.00 Lyleton, Lenore, Miniota,1 1 - gin, Wawanesa ..,.,$32,00 Tlinsearth, 1Vtoosonuin .......$82.25 (Arcola ..................$$2.50 Este'k"aii, Yorkton ..„.. $33.00 , Saskatoon ...,.. ' $35.25 - Pr. Albert.,,... $36.00 Macleod ,.,,,. ,.,.., $38.00 Calgary , • . ,.,.,,u Red Dohs.' r,.....,,,,,•r $30,50 fatrathcona $40,50 (toing Sept, 13th and 27t11. UUeturning until Nov, 14th and :28. Pamphlets and lull partki'ttara f om any Canadian Pacific Agent,. or 4, tt. NOTI4IAN, Toronto, L CATARRHA DEAFNESS • CATARRHAL. 'CAUSED By 'a thickeningof the lining nieiin bran of the .middle ear owing to prolonged' inflammation from catarr- hal germs:. he only cure is ,flagrant healing Catarrbozone,. mm: which • is carried by the air you breathe to the remotest parts of the throat and. ear ; it reaches the souree of the tro- uble and cures deafness permanently. Every sufferer from impaired hearing should use. Catarrhozone " `which has effected many ;wonderful cures. Yoe simply breathe its healing medicated valor, _very eastand . Pl ease t Do this and your hearing will he restor- ed. ''Catarrhozone never fails ; it is guaranteed. Two months' treatment for $1.00 at druggists. ` 0000.0••000 The sad news of the sudden death' on Sunday p. m. of Laura M. Erratt,. wife of Mr.Murdoch has been received. Mrs, Murdoch leaves besides two lit- tle children a nine days' old infant. (ler mother and brother (lied sudden- ly and Mrs, Murdocli's mind was al- ways upon the, subject of it being, her fate to die early, The doctor and nurse were perfectly satisfied with her progress and say that no cause could be aligned for her passing away only her constant thought the last 'few days of her life of the loss of those who went before. Miss Sara Smith of Clinton is the guest of her,aunt, Mrs. J. Yule. Mrs, Joel l3. Marsh and daughters, Misses Nell S. and Edith of Toledo,. Ohio, are registered at that St. Law- rence. Miss Matto of Detroit came through last week to be with her sister, Miss Adeline Mette, who is ill at the resi- dence of Miss Morris. Miss Mette has, a brother lying ill of favor at 'that home in Detroit. ' Mrs. Levis is. getting on nicely at present. We have •'much pleasure in inform- ing . our readers that our new volume of verses has been loyally received by our citizens and many friends out of town.. We control the sale ourselves and any order from our readers will. be attended to with pleasure on re- ceipt of. $2.10, the postage being 10 cents and the book $2. The sales for one month up to Monday noon, al- most reached the 200 mark. Mrs. .Anderson of Brantford is spending this month the guest of Mrs. T. Bates.. Miss Nellie McGillicuddy of Toron to spent last week the guest of Mrs. J.Ilel ae. Mr. W. Thompson om on of Forfar, s F p e r, Scot., land, and his wife and little son, Leckie, 'have come to town to reside and occupy Mr. Daniels' house on Newgate .street, Miss Puddicombe of Toronto is the ,. guest. of her:nephew,. Mr. W. D. Tye. 1VIrs Joseph Herten left last week to visit her., relatives at Port Huron and ,Detr:oit.. (sur clever. young •elocutionist, Miss Nellie Jamieson, who spent the past few years with her uncle and aunt, Mr. andrs M. Hick, has genOto visit her otaparents at Drayton, North Da - Mrs, . Cook, mother of Mrs. Huck- step,has gone g ne to reside at St. Louis with other' members • of : her family. She is a bright, .smart woman for her advanced. years, 88. . Rev. Dr. Roper preached in St, George's .church last Sunday 'a; m. • On Monday we receivedthrough the 'post one .of the •.handsomest• handbags, inold' gold, the. gift of Mr, Frank. Barnard' •of.Toronto.' <l 'Many thanks, a hear cousin: • •P. DESERVED II PITY • His suffering from Sciatica was se' great,,but thanks' to Nerviline he was cured. '"I suffered for three years frons• sciatica, writes E. S. .Jenkins. of Portland; "and no mail ever: `suff- ered more. •I spent a smallfortune on different: remedies but the only one with real merit was Nerviline. I used ,a few bottles of: Nerviline :and wasperfectly cured. can ree t n' end NeiviIine as a sure cure for eclat - ice ; ciat-ice,; it's •excellent . also for rheuma- tism and neuralgia." Try. Nerviline; 25c at all druggists, Mies .Jessie Swaf field of Ulevelautl,' who spent her vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Swaflield, accompanied her line t and aunt, Ir. and• Mrs. Anderson, ,on their return to London. Tlie •millionaire jeweller, Mr. Ben, Allen of Chicago, did not forget his one time teacher, Mr. John Haldane, of the old Grammar school, for he sent him by his relative, Mr. John W. Cox of Chicago, a box of claret, which when opened 4be health of the donor was drank by 1Viessrs, Haldane and Chisholm, an old ,agquaintance of Mr. I•Ialdene in the pionkecr days. Mr. and Mrs. John jiahtane of Toronto are spending the :summer with the Messrs. Williams of Leeburn. IIr. Haldane was the teacher of tom, Grammar school Here for the fust years of that pioneer institution. In, the last years of Mr. Haldane's prin- cipalship . the late Mr, .Williams Avas his assistant teacher of the Franch. language, under whom the writer oI these pages studied French. Mr, Chaeles W. Williams of near Ilolmes- ville is the only son of that clever gentleman, who tired of teachingand purchased a farm,: When We met Miss Bartram of London while she was on a 'visit to Miss Walton, we• did not know of her being "Audrey" of the London Advertiser. We make our courtesy to you "Audrey,'' Quito a number of ni.edical men vis- ited Goderich this season, among the slumber beingDrs. Clarke, Hamlin arid. Campbel. :Dr. Clarke is the Matte family doctor and he .visited with. Dr. Taylor, the young lady of that family, who is ill at the resi- dence ofMiss Mary Mor is. Miss1 Lu1ti Eag aeon. is practising the • 'milliner's art under the manage- ment of Miss May Elliott at Clarke Co's. Wholesale Millinery Emporium, London. . NIr. and Mrs, William-Trumbly of Durham have returned to Goderich where they Will in future reside, af- ter- a two years' stay at Durham, Mr, : and Mrs;. •J'ames:. Fowler' (nee' Miss . Christina, Keag) and pretty little daughter, Miss Leona, left. on 24th tilt. : fort their he home in Larsen villa, Mich. Mr; Fowler . is a pro- gressive merchant tailorand gives himself and family an outing every August: This year they were all the guestsof M •. Powl 1. e1 s cl Mr: undo, eorge Fowler, Bayfield Road. At a large spreading'. maple on the Bayfield Road near the residence of Mr. Isaac Salkeld there is ' a rude bench which allows any pedestrian going that way a place to rest, es-., pecially pleasing to anyone carrying a basket or. other other heavy parcel; . We hope all the, farmers; or at least a few of .thein, will follow Mr. Salk- eld's example. MRS. M. BRICKNtR - .r.•-o-s.•,r.-.r-• •-•- 99 Eleventh Street, ! a e AAIw uke,Wls,"; r,,A short time ago I found my con'; . dition very serious, I had headaches, pains Maze back, and frequent dizzy spells which grew worse every month. I tried' two remedies before. Perms,and was discouraged when I took the first dose, but my courage soon returp,d In less than two months my health was restored." -..Mrs. 14.1. 13rickner. , The reason., of so many failures to cure cases similar ;to the above 3athe fact that diseases FEMALE TROUl31-E peculiar to t h e I NOT RECOGNIZED IZED fema4sea r �.e AS C A .i TA . . �n'9 t oxtixn nl Y recognized as being caused by catarrh,. - Catarrh of . one organ is exactly the . same as catarrh of any .other organ. What will cure catarrh of the head will else cure catarrh of the Pelvic organs. Peruna Cures these eases simply because it cures the catarrh: . If you have catarrh write at once to Dr. iiartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleasedto give you. his valuable advice gratis.. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Banita•riuin. 001111111:41194 0, 4fY•, Goderich. Miss ' Edna -:Levis of Clinton is the guest of Mrs. L. Lavin. - , Mrs. Charles - - 0bisholm and babe. are the giests. of Mrs. ' Chisholm's,.: mother, 'Mrs. Warren. '• t elft G. M r til ay., • who was given up• by the city doctors, left last week for a trip up the: lakes. ` ti•N••1.1••..•N•H•.•:••••.•N•N••••.•••••••,•.•••{4.•..•N• 0*.1•••..•..• ..••••••.••.•N•.•••••N•..•••. ••••N••••M•.•• •• i_• OURGREAT:ROOM-MA'[ ING• SALt •_• •y:. • ' n1ird er I0' make tnore' rooln. fee 'Mir New Fa11 foods, some of : which ." s ' have already arrive i,`.we must clear out during tbe, next 80 dais hun l7. Y T reds -Of dollar's worth of Staple and Fancy' Dry, Goods. �s• • •S• In order' to do this we have marked these goods (regardless of cost): at .2.. - •2, .prices that must clear the tot in a few weeks. .•, •.•.- • • Below we mention only a few of the .snaps to be found du.rin.g this sale..;. •. LADIES'` WAISTS. :MEN'S. SHIRTS.•; J. About a dozen waists in white A lot of Men's white and col- A: • .b and fancy stripes,regular price ored shirts,in stiff and soft ._. •_.:. '50e to 85c,'to:clear at..;.. 44c fronts which sold at from •_. •_• 00e to $1:25 all at one price, ,48 •_e Roue( $I:0 0 krill • GODERBCH and: • Setuir:day, Septembe,fr:10 Return Monday, September 12 • Leave Detroit 8.00 A. M. September 9 Lv, Goderich '8; 30 A. M. September 10 Sunday. In. Detroit . RetUrn I;eave'Detroit 1.030 P M. Sept, it: Ret'it I,v. Goderich 8.30. A.M. Sept.. 1? •; STEAM4R GRAVII01/ND iw 11.41,11:1t, tixcur.iou Agent Granite Ware .2. LADIES'. CORSET COVERS,. .2, • • .'. of ood quality cotton g q y ,some; .. •_• trimmed' with lace and baby �• ribbon, and others with em- • 121c to ISc per pair, while �_� .. • 'broidery, regular price from they last your choice for.,. 4 4 25e to 35e,; to. clear at ... ....17c 10c per pair. •also a `lot of , •:; tet.• • Higher priced ones equally Men's Wool Socks to clear ' These are all e goods, MEN'S CO7.TON SOC.113.• new god made Among this lot will he found socks ranging in pride from .o • ._• cheap, at 2 pairs for...... . . , . , 25c ,S, •_• LADIE'S WHITE DRAWERS. MEN BOY'S .•. ?. & ..:....STRAiV HATS.... S • •=s We have just a few pairs left All oda lots of Straw•H'ats -' ': s:.. •• that were. good: value at 35c; -will be cleared. g _ during this •••• •_• which we are selling at per sale at:,....., , 19c •.. :i: pail 22e This is a chance to secure a• �_• A 65c . Drawers, .....at ....... r,42 , nice looking hat"ti.t• price •_• • ,t. 85e to $1 " . • "...........60 of the common s. W stra • ' •_` ..S_ 4_. • PLUMSTEEL, The Old Stand, • Clinton •r„,• 47.•�••OO•4N:••)4N4.•:•.i••:••:N:••:•.:N:N:••:,•.:,N:N4• ••4,N1!N:N:N:•4444•:444:••:44+N:•O4i.4,444:44:":44:4 - F'U LN MJE S Tinware • (STOVE S Eavetrouh Clothes Wringers, Carpet Sweepers Daisy Churns, Screen doors and wif dews Spades and Shovels, Forks,Rakes and 0YI. Ready Mixed Paints, - White Lead and Oil . 6 foxes of Axle Grease for 25 .cents. Samson Portland OC1neDlt, only -3 per barrel, Chet our special prices oaa, large quantities. - • " all sizes, hesnut,. Stove and Ooal Egg. Leave your orders at our Store. STO'VnaS > 111 w .. HARLAND BRAS.