HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 4901.111111,0011.11411011110100110101111 The News-Pecord 111 published every Thursday at The News -Record Printing House - ALBERT STRIavr, ciawrox. tr.e.• Tattoo of oubseziption-ellt per yeax in edvellas $4.50 may be cbarged if , UQt $c 1:41(1 pa.per diwontimied until ell arrears are peel, unless at • the option. of the publisher. Tbe date to which every eubecription is palei is denoted on the lebel. ' A(Ivertising rates-, Transient aever- tisements, io cents pa nonpariel line forairst insiatien and 3 cents pa line for each subssquent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inet, such is "Lost," "Strey- ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted (ewe for 15 cents and ee.cli subsequent in- . eertion cents, . Comnitudeatione intended for publtaa- tiou tuust, ,a guarantee of good tattle he accompanied by the name of tee wtiter; To rusure ptetilication cureent issue copy of advertisements shoual be sent in early. Cnntreet rates -The folloeang table slims our rates for specifie4 per- ieds end space : ' T yr. 6 me. 3 mo. ma. ; Column $7o oa $4i3 oo $25, oo $8 50 Colenin 40 oo ee 00 .15 oo 6 to 'A Colman q5 oo 15 oo. 8 oo 2 50 % column 18 oo oo 5 so 2 00 bell 6 co 3 5o 200 1 25 w. J. bIrrel-TELL, Leadbury. . • ' Miss Georgia Howe returned to her home in Wroxeter after spending . caul*, of woke at the Memo of Mrs. John Scarlett. Mr. A. 1VIOGregoe, our village black- smith, was;called to Tnekersmith on Senday morning on account of en • accident which happened his brother 'who got caught in the threshing ma- chine and had one of his . legs taken off. • 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Grieve attended . . . • . the funeral of .the • loaner's aunt, 'Mrs. Thompson of Blyth, wire. was Mrs. -(De.) Carder s mother-. • • Mrs. Boyle and 'children of Aimente who Were visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. lee Driscoll, received • last week. the .sad intelligence of .• her husband's death, . Mrs,. •Boyle and Mr. and Mrs-. Driseoll tete for •Almonte en • Thursday. • Mr, Clayton arid • Mies Cora • White intend -leaving • for • Godetich' be Wed- nesday, August 3est, to attend athe Model.. •• • • • • ' • ' • • Quite. a number of people feoni • a- round. here lett for the West last Teesclay, tinning those who went be- ing ; Miss Area:wen,. Misr,: and. Mr. Wellington • .McLaughlin, . 11/11e. Nohlt Forbes and Miss K. Lovett; . John Scarlett's, sister. •. ' ' • Mrs. Fele and children of •• Myth" called upon Leadbety • fkiendse. on Sunday.. MzKillop Townstiip.'n. Misses Martha and e Minnie Menary of Cranbrook were visiting relatives in Mcieillop in the early part of the Mrs. Moore has returned from ber visit to friends wtaBluevrate. • Mk. Jonathan Moore' of • Vitalton paid a visit to Weeds. on the L;eailbury. Line last. week. . • Owing to the • frequent showers • roets are doing welt and pastures are very fine. • • • A number of our people intend go- ing to Toronto Fair. . .• • ' Miss Alice Dundas, Who wont on en excursion to •Manitoba a couple of months ago; has returhede home look, • ing vvell. . a • • Mr. James Stapleton of Buffalo has • been visiting hie brother and (Alia relatives • and friends in these parte. A number ot men as. well as smile girls left on the excursion for the West last week. • Much regret is expressed on account of the death of Mr: Henderson of the 5th Line. •• His death was feaused by a, • tumor on the brain. Ile .was 54 years of age and leaves a widow and •• one daughter to mourn their loss. . Messrs. Clark and Williamson have purcha.Sed a new seperator with blow- er attachme,nt and are noW in a aosi- tion to do the best kind et threSh- ing. William Mitchell and daughter are rived home from the West on Friday, Mrs. Mitchell remained oyer in Lendon till Monday. They wire most of their time in the Frobisher and Alameda district and were greatly pleased with what they sew and heard of the country, •• .James Chepinan of Citledonia here to see Ms brother, who is not making the progress towards recove ay that could be dealred, Mr, Ambrose Smith., manager of the Sovereign bank, Markham, and Nits. Smith arrived here on Saturday on a visit to relatives, • The by-law publisbed in the Obser- ver granting a loan of $5000 to Mr, Kelehon to Mart a machine shop ought to receive the cordial and strong suppert of the property own- ers of Hensel. The interest is all that will have to be paid and that is reduced eaeh rear, Mr, Kelehon bita de himself to start with six men and to increase to twenty before the end .of the year.-ObserVer. Most Valuable Paintings. • Three Original masterpieces of oil, aggregating in value $200/000, will be al feature of the Art Building at the. Canadian National klxhibitiott Tor- onto, August 29th to Sept..10th. Through the kindness of Sir George A. Drummond these paintings Mee been loaned to the management, who have reserved a separate room for their• hanging. Another extremely interesting ex- hibit is a picture by Bertram Tittles, the celebrated armless painter, ••WitOse work has created such a sensation In the English Aeademy this year. The neither of specimens of Canadian paintings in pit and water, of statu- ary, china, painting, drawing and photography will far execed that of any previous att display held in Canada, 4 The Gllutou Nows-Record Constance. Hicks' September Foreeuts. sible and probable at such tinire, they oteight to be informed aud West Tuekeransith. tional way, but with a eaillf, ins -truce • Sr. of hee.forth drove to tbe home Mrs. McCallum and daughter of A secondary storm period beginning New York spout R few days last the last two days of August will last week the guests of her friend, Mrs. into the 1st and and days of Septeme Albert Coatee. ber, storms baying moved into vea- Quite a number ot our young men tial to eastern parts by the let and left for the Weet on Tuesday. Among 2nd. nigher barometer, westerly the number were : George Taylor, _ gales and change to much cooler will Edwin Button, Jas. Medd, Jas. Fere .follow behind these disturbances. Pluson, W. Clark, Thos. Adams, John - The storm period beginuing on the Rands. 1th a,nd extending to the .10th prom - Rev. Mr. taceelter preached to the ises to bring many prolonged antbse- young men ou. Sunday night. . • vere perturbalions. At least live as - el r. Richard Taylor of Paesadena, tronomical causes will help to disturb Cal., is at present the guest of his - earth's meteorological elements at brother and sister, Henry Taylor end . ibis • time -the moon in conjunction Mrs. J. Proctor. with earth and in perigee, the Vulcan Mrs. Jolm Button leaves this week joree, the Mercury equinox, the 1 for Toronto and Stott:Nine where Venus disturbance and the greatly she will spend some time with her increased tension of earth's auturne daughter, Mrs. J. Emerson. • nal equinox. The disturbances at Miss Maggie Macdonald was called this time will almost certainly be ag- to Strada owing to the death of her gravated in character, and.Peoloneed, grandnrother. . • With possibly very slight intetrais- sion, into and through the reaction- ary storm period central on the Ilth 'and 12th.. The moon eqing at new and ., Seaforth. in perigee on the Oth and on th,e cotes- ^ tial equator on the 10th, •the chances Dr. Cook of Clinton occupied the . fee prolonged and violent disturban- pulpit' of the iViethodist ehurch Sun- ces into the lith and 12th are unusu- day week both morning and evening ene greet_ and his sermons were highly mired- During the early stages 'of these ated. by large congregations. general disturbances, an excessively A team belonging to Mr. Geo. Gray ' high temperature, or heated terra, is of MeKilloe Koine frightened, by e sure • to make its appearance over passing tram one day last week end post parts of the • ceuntry, propided ran op iViain street where they were that 'West India storms with wide captured. No particuler damage was and deep' berometric ' depressions ' do done to the horses or wagon. not come promptly out of the. sotith A horse stolen from Ward's livery seas, touching our gulf and smith At- nt WAS at the ComMercial lantle States. House stables here for a. week, Chief We predict that Wednesday the ath, Crich was notified by card of the to • Saturday the 10th, will .bring aede, t•lieft and after the horse had been eided. crisis showing that equinoctial same days in the stables, he was hurricanes of great extent and violence told of the circumstance by Mk. Hen- are neat, if not sweeping our south- derson. Mr. Ward was notified and ern, coasts, or that phenomenal beat came on. Wednesday end claimed his over the interior, covering the greater property. The horse was left at the part of the country will be culminate' stables by a young Englishrean giving ing ili low barometer, thunder 'storms the name cil Anson Moore. Ile arrive •and possible tornadoes in many first on Tuesday with trunk on. pieces. If hurricanes and marked the hack Of his rig and enquiring the barometric depressions roach our way la Mitall' 11 "M.'s' In thal direee south coasts early in this paled, Lion. He returned later without the very ceiol northerly winds will flow 'trunk and it is supposed ;tool; ehe - southward over the central .and west- inorning trai,n out. The authorities ern states, followed by backing have not been able to find any fur- winds". -that is, shifting from east to ther trace of him.north, northwest and veste-attencled ' As Charles Mugford of Egmendville by several days of dogged, persistent was walking along • thedank of the cold .rains. .• We believe • that the elver Sunday morning. he came epee. equatorial cyclones' and hurricanes gruesome sight. Lying in the Water will achy their approach to our sou - back of Culbert's brewery lie .s.(ew the than coasts long enough to cause a body of a woman. Hole' was iltun°d'" severe heated: terin during the first lately procured When it was found . to be that of Mee. Thomas Holland., storo hall •of the month, or untilo:itsieivaenred ins n and touching the who had resided opposite the cerhe- 12th. Earthquake and volcanic ahe- lay. The unfortunate woman had !lemon: will be reported from. various been Missing since 'the, Wednesdae pre. parts of the globe on and sabout ' the vioue and it is: supposed the body had 9th. . If. very low barometer'. and equinoctial hurricanes reach 'the southern boasts and states. at • this time, northerly • currents will ioduat marked boreal conditions over west- ern, • and central ' sections, bringing teoste to northwestern. etates•noe far from the igth to 15th. . • •The next replier .eterle period exe, tende from tee agate, to the 21st. This period is: covered., asivas.. also the previous periods, by the 1Viercuty equinox, and by •the earth's • autum- nal equinox; • neat its .central date and influence. : Those- who have studied our forecasts during •pest, years, coin - paring the ,;pliehomenee.ot nature by persisteet•and intelligent.observations will knee? -that . the chances ;for equin- octial hurricanes in the •couth will be increased . atathis time; if such have not made •theie appearance At previ- ous periods. 11 such •• have already , a,pproached, • 'reaching our part of the globe, :they will he less probable at this and subsequent $epteinlier* pert - ods. Iry tgenature of things we • are .0.0.Wat the season wken the vestefee- tricel :and magnetic forces aregener- ated ni abnormal intensities, out of .which the, great •equatorial cyclones are. developed, If these forces are: aelaeed they: hiceease eeniulatiye energy and show themselves at later periods. Hence 'all careful.: obseeve ing students of these • forecasts maya know .what the real Orobebilitiesate lot each September storm perioa, °be- ing well assured that at least •one great equinoctial perturbation • will rush up team the equator (luting this month and express Heel( in many • storine and gales ever land and sea. - One ef these groat -West India eYelones or Mariano • has' the iite time :of more. than. one Ordinary stem period, so that they. Often ' approach the southern coa,ses ,of emadoritinent) in a wandering sort of way, occupy- ing many 1days. But they take an renewed •energy at the centres of the regular steam periods, Working their .greatest devastation on both land and . Bentniller. sea, nine times in ten, during these regular periods. Whatever character Mise • Mary Gilpin has been the of stmens are in progress during the, guest ofMissMabel Mohriee the past period, 16th to 21s(,Sundaythe 18111 week. to Wednesday the 21st, will !wing the Messrs. Ed. East and Jelin Cooper, •culminating erisis of the period. . of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. If an • equinoctial hurrica,no, or Norman "Snyder of the Nile; at his cyclone, is in Pregressin the gall, or. home here, . • adjacent waters, and does not reach Threshing commenced in this eicin- the southern' coasts before, it is ale•, ity on Thursday lest. 'The work Was meet . certain to be felt, in, violent satisfactorily done by Mt. Currie of gales ew high seas, 'within tweirtYefoor :Goderich township, end the yield was .hours of neon on the 24th., . One of the. up to the standard. . ' ' &litchi -bet perturbations, whatever • The temperance hall is receiving a a may occur at other periodeas almost oat of paint. When the Sallie has 'certain to reach a decided, if not vio- been aPplied. the appeeiranee of the lent crisis at this time. This isalso hall will be greatly irnprovcd. another time when seismic Yeleente and enetedrie phenomena will be re- ported from many extremes of the Morris Township. ,gIobe. In every probability a. Trish ing, high barometer, violent northa westerly gales, and change to almost cold, will -spread over the country fromlbe northwest, as .the storms of this period give place to the • high boxonietric• area pushing close behind them, A ropier Vu:can storm period is central en the 20th, extendinf from the 27th, two or three days into Oc- tober. As we enter this period the barometer will fall, the temperature will again rise to quite warm, and scattering storms will 'be advancing eastward Over the country about the .29th and 30th. In ell eve have said abOut the pre bability of hurricanes and high equi- noctial storms and gales in Septem- ber,. we must not be understood as forecasting thiugs out of the ordinaty for we mean no such 'things. We do say that storms of decided energy will be perfectly natural, but thereas !rethink; in the astronomic outlook to excite fears of more than ordinary phenomena,. As we so often say -an ordinary. West India cyclone, or great equinoctial hurricane -things always from Detroit Tuesday night,accom- to be expected in greater or lose ine ponied by Master Chris., 8" of J. J. - tensity in Septeinber-aarc net to be Clennan of that city. regarded tightly at any time. To tho- W. a Wilkinson Apt daughter se who are exposed to their fury, es - Bruce ceunty Were calling on old fria pecially where wind and water Com - tilde in Morris last week: bined art to be encountered., no warn- ing should seem • untimely or sensa- tional. No one should be alarmed at the probability et such disturbances, geptember lit 1904 monad; . Not In &foolish, Mew- On Auguat 21iti M. Oeo. 13rownlee been in the water since that 'time. For some thrin she had been acting queerly and it is supposed that her Mind had become deranged. On Wed- nesday morning abort two o'clock she was . noticed by her two little. sons, tvlio resided with her, eo get up and that .Was the last seen of .her alive, The boys did not think anything :cif her going away, as tliey • thought she inust „have gone to Dublin to visit fri- ends, ,as she wae bathe habit of going ayeay. without saying anything: Ar inquest was held on Monday morning ahd the jury - returned A. 'verdict of suicide • by drowning while in. unsOund, mind. The unfortunate woman was about 40 years of age, Her husband has been dead for some years. -,• • Mr. Thomas McCreight has given ep his position in Wingham and is at present holidaying with his . parents here. • • .„ Mrs. Charles Gibson and three children of Evansville, Indiana, • are •visitiag at the home of the lady's pat- ents. Mr. and We. Alec McCeeiget. Mr. James Pollock has sold the vacant lot on the corner of Dinsley and Vornbs streets to Mr. Luxton Hill, who will erect a house on it. The price paid for the lot was $130. :The barn belonging to Mr, . W. A. 'ruler, cone -7, Morris, was struck by lighting on Monday week and burned to the ground. There was no insurance. • • Mrs. Euphemia ThoneOson, relict of the late Richard Thompson of McKil- lop. • died at 'the residenceof her dau- ghter, Mrs. De., Carder, . last week. Deceased has • been confined to her Nem for •the past two months suffer- ing from . diabetes. • She • was in her - 77th . year. • a live eerueatness that, while it does. 1 of Mr. Thomas Little, Clinton, where auliritro oreicoadiogioacanIting dauger. Within mit alarm them, will put them on their guard ....nestayttlinegit:ustthiaalegb70.Fat shaw tied the mot securely, after 1 bLeittlte.e.ceiTigy itiihsenbz.didreo'veMtisolliteMminitiliil se at Eginondville where Rev. Ma ,sueh disaster's as the Galveston which the newly -married couple took ,calainity-hundreds of people haat!, a drive to their •farui in Tuckersmith l .iienrdischtehderailirigurotd. omure eoptiostpseee_labormos II. Little, a brother of Mrs. Brown - which is at present oCeupied by Mr. whom :night have escaped suelt doom lees. On reaching there to their - by a thinlyword of instruction and surprise they found all the members warning. of Mr. Brownlee's fatuity presenteiz. it isoy s etntisraeIy: proper and' pertinent Mrs. Little, Thomas ei. Brownlee, inelosing these fore- teacher from Hay township, Mr. and toru eaets that today, August the 15t1, Mrs. Robert BroWnice• of the etli also en yesterday, Sunday the little aeon. Tuckersmith, Geo, Brownlee, the ventral day • of a special storm machinist of Exeter, William Brown- perioe, phenomenally vicious thunder lee of Chatham College and Russel esetk.sittoeduisall Bthre waroegoivoenrs. Brownlee of the parental home. Al- sroWurnmd.sabolirt , ter they had extended congratula- whelining thunderbolt at noon on tions and welcomed their father's Sunday, two of our ueighbors' houses wife jute the family, all sat dawn were struck and the lightning ares- to a well prepared supaa after which ter in our own borne at Sky View ' the evening was spent with music was burned out and seatteeell over and singing rendered by the family. the room. We may add, . also, with- • Towards midnight IVIr. and Nirs. Bro- wnlee drove to their horne ea Seater- :•th. They „have, the well wishes of all , who know thein that they may have really happy years. . Township council will meet on Sept. .12th, . • •The many friends of Meg. Jas. Clen- nan, who underwent an operation for tumor at St. Mary hospital, Detro- it, will be pleased to 'cern that she is steadily improving, Lastt. Sabbath afternoon -Rev. J. E. Hunter occupied the pulpit oe Jack- son's church. Rev. John Holmes, the pastor, is away for a month's holi- days. Among Morrisites Who lett on the excursion to the West were Richard Bewley, Peter Jaekson, ,Mise Lizzie and John Bielby, Geo. Cole, Miss Illartha Kelly, J. and Mrs. Bolger Joseph Ardell, Thos. Marshall, it: and Miss Pratt. Prank Bennett of the Dominion Ex- press Co., Detroit, is visiting with his wife at Jas. Clenrian's. Mrs. Samuel Barr, 411 Line, has not been enjoying very good health of late but we hope she will soon be fully restored. Miss Tillie Mennen arrived home ALMOST 'MOM WOMAN and if the proper precautions are take Is inclined to habitual constipation en and the proper watchfulness ex - and should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills CtCisd, the dreadful lists of casualt- of Mandrake and Butternut which les and loss of property might be redu- cleanse the system and regula,te the ced to almast nothing. If- there is a stomach and bowels. For mild and population living almost at sett level sure relief use only Dr. Hamilton's along our southern coasts, and if they Pins. Price 26o, do not wtdotstand that danger is pos- ... out a serious breaeh et emenities,that the United States weather bureau an- nouncing officially for both yesterday and to -day, fair weather, warmer and. no raintit sight. •Today it is much cooler, with vontinuous rain , and thunder storm. -Irl R. Hicks.. St. Louis, August 15th, • Gatlerieh. • We are pleased to learn that Miss Jessie Linklater, who graduated at the GI C. 1, has obtained a school at Paisley, Bruce County at a sal- ary of $325 per year. Rev. Mr. Manning of Clinton spent some days in town last week. Some people have neither plums nor grapes this season. Mrs. a, H. Edward is now able to be out again. • Miss Rogan , whiese life was de- spaired of SOTTIO i.11110 ago, is able, to Walk out daily, " Mies Pringle of Ayr, was theguest in August of the Misses Queenie and 011ie Robertson, • Miss Kathleen Kelly raturned last week from her visit to Stratford. Mrs. J. Ciente and Miss Mary re- turned to their home •at. Londe!), on Friday last after a pleasant visit et the residence of her sister and moth: er„eTrs. P. E. Bell, and Mrs. W. Sau- lt.. Mrs.. Barnhardt and ber pretty lit- tle daughter, Isobel, have returned home. to Galt. Mr, Miles of Toronto was the guest teat week of his sister, Mrs. W. L. Eliiott. Miss Eva Godwin of Exeter spent bet vacation with 1V1iss Linda Stur- Mr.. Harty Henning of Saskatoon, Saskalis expected home this week, Mrs. Joseph Codville and her moth - et, Mrs. 13iggins, of Woodstock were the. guests last week of Miss Harris, Aliaemeriti() is a grand -niece of Hon. Josepb .Morley ot England: • .1Vir. and Mrs: W.E. Wilson and fam- ily Of Chicago are the guests of the lady's mother Mrs.. Thornburre We were sorry to • leatn of the 111- 11088 ea a little daughter of 1VIrs.Mor- rew of atiltan•n Ro ad . •• . • , . - • • a,,-eeaeee.-aeaeaeae• - • -••• ,•• •• • Looping The Gap. For some years past the. special at- tractions have been one of the great- est drawingecatds of the Western Fair for to speaa two hours in the stands after "doing" the several buildings is always a pleasant relief. The attraction Committee have at big expense secured W. 11. Barber in his heir raising act "Looping the 'Gap." 'rile most daring and sensa- tional teat of the present century, combining the features of "Looping the Loop,, and "Leaping the Gap,'' but far more daring than either, The gap in this act being the top 'of the "Loop", cut out, leaving an open spa- ce of 18 feet through which the cy- clist actually flies, head downward. The most thrilling act ever pektoem- eci aeywhere. Among the other • at- tractions, so far secured" are John - Ston, Davenport and Lorello, in a funny bar and ball turn ; the Flying Bany.e.rds in a thrilling aerial act ; SareaYoa,- the Central' American won- der, on swinging trapeze ; Brown aed Howard, the world's greatest barrel -jumpers Todd Judge and Cabellos Twins, in difficult aorobatie and *ire act ; Martin and Crouch, acrobatic comedians ; Rae and Benedetto, com- edy on a ladder; and Kitamura's Ro- yal Japse .The latter are ten in num- ber and aremise to entertain the vis- itors to the fair better than the trou- pe that appeared here a few years ago and delighted every person who saw them, .The Firework's display will be giv- en by Ilene & CO., who have prepar- ed a peograinme .specially tor ehe We- stern, There Wile be five evenings, each to include a ropresehtation of the Bembaremene of Pert:Arthur by the Japs. . • , Western Fair aetractions have plea, stet in the past. They will do so again this year. "Nothing . but the best" is the motto of the Attraa• tion Cemmittee. okustiticasei.AA'-2-, agifitamoidisaitam COOPER'S ..1600K STORE . . .Head -quarters for School Books and Supplies. Your Patronage Solicited Below' We '*give a. partial list of the Books re- , quired in the:Schools, .and any of these will be. sent (post paid) on receipt of -price:. . Books for Public School. OntarieeReadfr:., o15, 20c, soci 400. •Ontario Phonic Primetend Mor. :angs Phonic Pruner, • Part I. 10e; Part 11, 15c, Ed'el,11 Pub. Co. Note Books, 10c to 20c. Public Scheel Drawine.Books, • Nos. I to 5, eadh, . . ..5e. Public School Copy Bnolt;i. . (Vertical and niedial sluot)„ Nos. 1 to 0 ae, No. 7 4.10c. . . . Fiddle SeboolGrammar 25c " .25e • PractiCal $pellet25e Physiology Eiticlid,'Algeben,25e . Agriculture.... 300 Geographz • 75a History of Eng- land and Canada30e • • 1.4 41 4 4. St ! High School and Collegiate Institutes. History of England and, • Hall and TOnight's Trigon - Canada, .. • Mc ometry $1.00 Book-keeping .. .. 60e First .Latin Book and 1teetle/41.00 Granueler • 75c Homer Ilaid I, (Elem Classics) 85c Geography (new)...., ..,..'. $1, 00 Homer Odyssey XIX (elerrv) $1. Ancient !story.... .. .. c Lueiaus Marion limtland..., 000 Greene! History of England$1.50 Lysies-Contrie Eratostheves- Physical Selence, Part 1.......50c Sehuckburg $1.00 Part He 75e Francois Ooppee-Contee " Sunplement35c Ohoisis-Skeat ... . . 60c Ohetnistry . 50c Leanders Traurnerein... 50e. Advanced Chemist/7- ...... 50e Baumbacbs Der Schevieger- Algebr a 750 sohn, Barnhardt and Euclid, 1 to 3". • 4 • . ... 4 50e Horning .. . .. , ....... • • „moo " to 6 75e Wisbert, PostFestum and • Zoology .... 75c El; Eresbreicht eizer- _ Reader . . ..... suchtig, Vanderamissen. • Practicel ........... 50e Longtellow and Wordsworth .Atitinnetic (new) 130e 1005 Literature for .., rrenth Grammar and Regular $1. Shakegpearefteheabgbk.551:01c, German " " $1. , First 13 reek Book (W hite).. $1.25 VergiI AencidIl, (Henderson)35e 11(5race Odes I end II, eaeh85c Cicerio in Catilinam(Wilkins)00e Hall and Knight's Higher Al- gebra $1.00 Special value in Scribblers and Erercise Books, at 2 for sc and .sc each. Cooper's Book Store 3 for sc Lead Pencils— Best value in Canada. Complete Stock of all School Supplies. 13110.ke for Ifiodellftec Gordy's, Psychology. •• • SchoolManagemerit$1.00 Tilley's Methods in Teitching$1.50 Strong Manilla Book Covers. ree 12-ineh Rulers,• Clood-quality Blotters. —Fr 004.11W•••• .H.04440444.444.8.00+444+4444.: :.:14.4444404,440 ,f1VicKINNON & 00 -EL 1TH MILLINERY, .!* l' ----Qur Fall Millinery is just received and will be opened up end ready e for inspection on end, after Stoma:lee HeptembPs. 3rd, when tvo will ? show all the latest Paris and New York styles in Iteadvaro. Wear and e. Outing Bata Feathere. Wiegs, Flowers, Ribbous, Trfooninge, Veil - A toga Etc. . -t —rhls departmepa is under t he able menae gemnt, of Miee Hm oe with :S; A ftill MAW of astestants,who will be pleneed to !eke youe order for eny r ta style of hat, and trim It up in the lariat 'eels on ehort nota -e. :is --we win liepleased io 'Mae you rail and vietv our New Fall Mann. : a ery, whether you, are prepared to bey or not, .i. a a NEW MANTLES a .. .e. .. 4 . , + —We make a greet showing nt• Ladies' Mantles, Jackets and Capes, in ,e all the newest designs, in Sleek mut Oxford Frieze, Bleck Vicuna, KeeseY Cloth, Broadcloth, Venetians, in the very latest styles, the prices run from $3.50 to $15, with ell the prices between, We show / special value at $5,, $0,00 and $8, • LADIES' FINE FURS .1. ---,We have' :lust received large ehiprnentof Ladies' 11' VA t'S in Caperines, Rutts and Bees inConey, Asti:wim h, °opossum, Black and Grey Per- i" elan Lanib, Sable. Electric Seel and Mink, ranging in price ie Qin $1.25 to $15. Now Jetta time to select yonr furs while the stock is at its best g• and you have the first (Melee and you have the use of them these cool evenings. 4:• MCkiMMfM PO me -1*4 $4.' • ' . . .3 , . 04:4044,14408.0.••••••••••••4#•••••••44 .4774,74-••••—ii•—•.*****114**4344744#-iii*i444-44-44-4*-**t REAT • CLEARING SALE. UP=11°=DATE FOOTWEAR ----AT— 2 Wm, Taylor and, Son's • 41, For the next 30 days we will give you the best bar- I pins -in all kinds of Boots and Shoes,. ever offered in, • Clintori. We have the largest. and best assorted stock to choose from, which must be reduced to make room for our Immense Shipments of Fall Goods which are already coming in.. School commences next. week: The. boys ,to and the girls -will need new Shoes. We have some special • values' for th.ern during this Great Clearing Sale. • • • • An Honest Bargain is our Pride. • Come and see what we are doipg. • 2 • N. B. -TO RENT that first-class two story brick residenee now be- • ' cupied by W. H. Newcombe on Ratteribury Street East. .4> Apply at the stole.. • • ea ..***11•444.********•••040•04,4,044•••#4e.44' :The :Old :Reliable • iJ..B. HOOVER. ..- • • . NELSON BALL* FURNITURE - . - ... .., : ' IUNDERT AKIN6 -I : i .. . • E nay now safely.Predict the advent of Spring. You , will require Furniture. See us about it,before bt6ring. . Sewing Machines High grade, up-to-date, made in Canada, Ball -Bearing Machines. • One price to all, .HOOVE BAL.L. Night, arid Sunday cAlls aniweved resithnee of eitber of the princi- . pals, •• • . .444.444.40•44•4444•44••••••••••••••••••••...4 • t THE GREAT CASH STORE NeW Goods: New Goods arriving evety few day's, New Reedy- to-wear•Blouses very special, New Blaek Silk Blouses merle in the very latese styles, An immense range'of Fancy •Btousings, all new patterns, see them and get •your choice as they are selling fest. New Wrapperettes and Common Cloths, also (ethic range of Flannelettes, a•— New Fll Co1s..—ietrereei_evcee:tetiseneae_ew Dr-ess Skirts ina0tit tyles, all the • ' Boots Shoes and Rubbers an Immenseve"11184°111e" has just arrid. • now in stock, also several hundred yds Boys •,Sehool Pants of Dress Goodierrints and Cottons we are rushing out at svveeping reductions, also !Rene tremendous • beegains in Suite for Men and Boys, • Miss Morrison has been in ibe business centres for tome time eeleeting the very latest end op -to -date novel- ties in Millinery and will be here again after September 511.1. • 1 • ilitealavaelaereeeleeleWaleaeadiewsealiaresebeiseeWeeseaweiliesee 44, ,11•41444%,. Any quantity cif Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. DI 1\11. MoBEATH, — BLYTH HAVN YOU.A. :FRIEND AT A inSTAI\ME ? SEND HIM -- or her—erhe News-Reoord to 3ari, 1905 ONMY 25 CENTS.. 1 •-e