HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-09-01, Page 3ROW OLD IS T
EALTilr.tt4 beat PICESOMAL rourruns.
)0Altra ONCE BED-tierf. Interesting Ocessip About Soren
VERX OLD MIX= IX TEM By conelderiug the cooling a the Trominlieat Pivople.
BEITIPIE earth, and by tracing backward* the when tee new wee spaniel( wine,
procees of eooling. Lord Kelvin oeMe (who is a son of thp Prinoeils of ow
po. tout Say' That Over .300,000)- 10"a (Waite estimate el the great- ileturies end nephew ot the young
000. yelaxa have, mooed since est and least number ot million. years meg) wait ewe; he was saw ovx
whieh can poesible have peoused elm* huge Silver vetiver and taken in to 1*
introduced for the first time to hie
father, the Prinie lifivilliter of Spain,
WI other high dignitaries,. wholied
all deceived in fun welfOrm for the
cerentenY. A eirailar performance
took re after the birth of Me
'the Earth hart been a Plane the surface of the earth was every.
The time has Admittedly gone. by 'here red-hot." This estimate, 'he
expressed in the following. worth; :
tio atteenPting to "reconcile the facts
"We are very ignorant ab to the
!of Nature" -to nee revognieed
'eldirelie-evith the chronology. or• the effects, of high temperaturee In alter-
. Bible,. Which eaakee the ageeof the Ing the 1001uhlottvittea attd 013edge
heate and meltiag temperatures ot
World raeher law than 0,000 yeare,
at Tooke, and as to their latent beat of
zodood. in Abe Egyptian. Room
tee eloteelseeeeseepe, tee ewer eau fusion. Vire must, therefore, allow
back very wide limits in such an (intimate
aee for WSW objets which go
to on outheatieoted period long An. alt I haste, attempted to Make; but
end think we ,nitte, with much probability
tecedent to 4,000 years 13,0., say that the ,couselidation cannot
greet is the wonder nrodieced on the • have taken place. lees than twenty
minds Who 'het Make their a,cqualat million years ego, or we should now
teem , In that same depertneent, have more underground beat than We.
41-Mtnit the Mitinfnies,' there is what
le- in ninny reel/eats, the 'most strik- aetaaner have; nor more than 400
ing of the, exhibits in the department Yektrii ago, or we should now
,T -the body of a man who belongs to lia,ve lose underground heat than we
twee. actually have. -London Anawers.
the Stoee Age. • It title in an
ate representation- 'of the peculiarly
I .
slitined grey° le which it was found, ANAEMIA -POOR BLOOD.
es tele it has been in consequence some-
' what irreveeently nicknamed by the •
habitues. of the l'eseilet "the roan Headaches, PiW441eisBt. Heart ValPt".
ta,tion and onsuMption -•
thanie-dish." • • ' '
IIELIO OF 50,000 .0, •
•" *The .pertitellar• interest in that Anaemia -watery blood -is a tree -
corpse -which• Men, 'women, end even elierous trouble; It steels insidious-
Childree look -unon without the least ly 'rent slight symptoms to danger -
thought or ..suggestion of the fear or eendiseeses, The thin watery blood
horror usually Inseparable from death shows itself at first in pale lips, wan
that it Is unquestionaely the face, breathlessness. heart palPitele
oldeet exhibit:etre the Musoure; and tion, lost appetite, • if the trouble
scientists Wei beat rather struck le not checked' and cured, -coneurap-
by the fact that the atitlioritiee of Lien • follows; . coughing,, witting,
tbe great inetitation have not, se to clanuey night Sweats, a total •break-
• agy,. taken tliebull by the Immo, and down and death. What the anaemic
. ' labelled thateexhibit dating suilerer needs is mere blood+-niere
from 50,000 13, Thus,' with one strength. And there is nothing in
single stroke of. the pen, 'Bishop 'Us- the whole wide world Will give new
her's I3ibliCal Chrutology is Wont- blood and new strength so surely and
• plied- by about nine, and it mey be so speedily as In'. Williams'. Pink
that an (Wen. higher number would he rills. Every dose *helps' to seed
required to setisfe the requitentents new; rich, red blood coursing through
of the age of thee paxticuler sneel- the •systeni, bringing' strength to weak
iden, - ' lungs and parts of the body,
' How long: has the earth been a Thousands testify to teeth Of
. planet capable of sunporting not only thesesstatereents, among them. • Miss
• beinah but .all forms of life? • • Eileen -re • Vilantlre, Germain,
' In an address Lord ICelvin once de-• who says :--"While attending school
livered on the subject, eatheyed My 'health' began to give way. The
-together . the:, 'opinions' of • various. trouble . came on • gradually and the
'scientific men, which cannot but * doctor who • attended inc said .it was
' of interest to 'every, thinkings. being; duo to .overettidy 'and', that a. 'rest
Darwin, ,hia, "Origin of Species,' would put inc right, But. instead ,of
• stated: that "In- all • probability .ft' far 'getting 'better I grew weaker, stif
longer period' than 801:4000,000 years fered from heacheches 'ehd dieziness,
has elapsed;" . while later' on,;. in the and at night e did not sleep: well. I
same book; he Wrote : "}Ie who can wan troubled with pains -be .the 'back,
read Sir. Charles Lyell'e, grand work me appetite left .rne and grew pale
on the 'Principles of Geology,'whieb as a. corpse. Finally ,T ebecterne se*
. the' future liistorine recogniee•ae weak: I was forced to. remain in :bed:
having - produced a revolution: in iut7 As the doctor did. not hell) -me any,
tural science, Yet - .does not wing I asked ray father to get Inc • Dr.
hew incomprehensibly Vast have been wIllititere Pink :Pills. Before I had
the past Periods* Of thee, 'hate' ' at esed, two boxes,. there .wan :in inn -
once doge this volume." ' • • prevenient, end when ,t bad taken. a
• WHEN ,THE hail dozen boxes I eves% agailt. in 'per.
feet X believe all Week 'Orli
Lord Keevinheraself-then, profespor,
will nod mew' health 'if. , take
William Thomson -over forty Years the pills," • e • -•
ago, 'made atteMpt. to calculate„ indigestion, .beert treuble,.
the length Of time during: which ethe rheumatism' kidney ' troehle, :tend , the
sun has been burning at' Its • present spew,' ailment's 'of, , ,romen are. all
:rete, . and in that ' - eenriection he clue. to Poor blood, and 'are all cured
wrote': seems, lea • the w-heiqt by Pr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can
most.probable that the sun has not get these been' tiny .needieine
illumniated the earth • for 1.09,000,e dealer, or by post paid at fid.
000 years, and ,almost: certain that 'cents :a box or six boxeS for $2.50
he has., not dbee, se: for 000,,00.0•090 by writing -The Dr. .Willitteas'. Medi -
years. , As, for .0e future,: we may
. eine Co., Brockviile, 'Ont.
say with equal. certainty .that the• in-
habitants vie the 'earth cannot .cone . • •
' tinue to. enioyettie light and heat es- IRISZE. CATTLE HUNT.
sential to their 'life for :many: million,
years longer, unless 'new sources, •noss•
!unknowe to us,, are prepared in the
. great, storehouse creation
'7It is a remarkable evidence, of the
acute . perception of Lord .,Kelvin's
mind, as of the rare ,ptevision, of his
intellect, that the • last words -"Un-
less new sone*, now nnicnOWn to lie,
are prepated in tile • great storeliouSe.
.of creation' '-should been added
to that remarkable :sentence: : •
As an exaraPle of the very extraor-
dinary range of time given the
age of the earth; .consider the follow -
leg statement trent Professor. aulte!s
"Students! Manual of Geology." Ile
wrote s "Air. Darwin estimates • the
tinie required her the dennElation of
tlie rocks Of :the'W,eald 'Kene, or
tbe'eroiden'of -.'spa,Ce.'1.-Isetween:., the
ranges: of cheek -hills, known as ,•the
North and 'South Downs,. at three
hundred 'million of 'years. It. May
be possible, perhaPsi that. the esti-
mate is a .hiihdred ',Ones too great,
and that the ievel' #the elapsed -did
not exceed, theee millioa ',years; ; but
on the other hand, it is just os likely
that the time which' actuallyS elapsed
gime the firet cominencethent at the
erosion, till it was nearly EIS com-
plete as it now 115; was really a hun-
dred times:greater' than his estiraate,
or thirty thousand of years.
86,000,000 YEAlt8 Or LIFE,..
Professor Phillips, in a lecture to
the University .of Cambridge, consid-
ered the rate of. erosion . I3etween the
ranges of the Worth and, South Down
to be rather -one inch a year. tiia,n
Darwin'esestimete of orie inch in a
hundred. years, so that oa Mere geol.:.
ogical grounds he -reduced the times
• to about a heridredth. Calctilatieg
however, the actual .thickness of all
-tiro known geological strata of the
earth he calne•to the 'conclusion that
life on the earth's serrate mto • pro- 7 eet-e'
bably date back to between 88 and
96 million yeare. A DANGER, TO BABY.
VVithin the last ten years, Profes-
sor Sollas; of Oxford, working on • '•
new principles applied to tlie• strati- 'bedews, haste preaChed against the
Aed rocks reduced this time very soseadea soothing medicines for
considerably, for he wrote "So far
as t can at present see, ;the lapse .of
time since the beginning of the .Cam-
brian systeni is probably lesa than
1/,000,000 years, even when compute
ed on jet. assumptionof uniformity,
which to Me Eteente contradicted by
the most salient facts of geology."
What are the data, it will natur-
ally be dsked, On which caleulatiens
Of this Magnitude are Made? Among
thtiL Meat iMpottarit are the .considere
/Atoll of the Underground heat which
is constantly being conducted out of
the earth --in• other words,. the cool-
ing of the earth, the speed at which
the earth rotates on its fiXIS, as Well
as physieal, properties of rooks at
high temperatures;
The loss of heat by conduction was
Lord Kelvin's first argurneet for lim-
iting the age of the earth. Ile found
that if the earth had beett losing heat
In the poet "With title? approach to
young rig.
The Marquis Ito, the r Japanese
statesman, Is described as an Ind*,
fatigable reader of European and
Anierican Itterattire; He reada not
enlY the standard works, but the neW
Pdhiteatiene and the current periodi-
cals of both hemispheres are de-
voured- lJe reads German, French„
English, and Chinese as easily as he
Open his onet language. He has been
accustomed to gt1te five or :six hours
a day to reeding.
Jan Kubelik, the -famous violinist,
was only nye years old when he was
Presented with his firat violin Tile
father gave him lessons, and at eight
he played in a conceit at Pragde,
and attracted a good deal of no-
tice. At fourteen he played so won-
derfully at his Anal examination that
professore and musical erities, were
unanimous in their praise, and Euro-
pean -fame followed in a very short
time, .
Sir Edward 13, tialet, British ex -
Ambassador to Berlin, is an opera-
tic librettist and dramatic author or
ne mean merit. When acting as
British . Minister -Resident at Cairo
In the daes. before Arabi's -rebellion
he wrote several" plays, which were
privately: acted both there arid after-
wards at Berlin on the dainty bijou
stage which forms on of the attrac-
tions of the Emba.sey. He also
wrote the "book" for pr. Cowen's'
opera,' •yeatiroldr," which was produc-
ed at -Covent Garden in 1.895.
The Right Rev; Charles dart 'El-
licott, D. D., .Bishop et Gloucester,
is,en active trieyclist, notwithhtencle
lug the fact that his lordship has
readied his eighty-Aftli year. He hag
erne taken to the three-wheeler with-
the Jest decade, having always
been fassiOnately fond of .walking,
Skating . and . mountaineering, too'
until quite recent years, have been
ainongst the Bishop's recreatlEnts. At
one time, indeed, • he was the finest
figure -skater anywhere around the
City of Gloucester,' .
Sir Henry Irving was once chatting
with some brother actors about stage
animals, and a certain pony Was re-
ferred to as having proved an excel-
lent actor when engaged in a well-
known play. "Why," said .a famous
player, zs if to prove the fact, "he
used to go on the stage and yawn
all the: time I was busy at the. foot-
lights." "WM." said Sir HenrY,
slyly; "I don't .know s about Ids being
a good actor, but I •should say' he
was a geed .
Cardinal Repliael Merry det Vale
POntificial Secretary of State, is „a
Londoner by birth, although there is
nothing' suggestive of the Cockney in
his. name. :It was on October lOtli,
1865, at 83, Gloucester Place, Port -
Wert Square, • thathe first saw the
light, his father at thietime being
Secretary to the' Spanish 'Ernhassy.
Fie went to school at Slough,. and
zerepleteci his .education .at Ushaw
• College' Durham As a young nian
Wild .Vievd had Become, rieetleie; he was fond of cYclingr shooting rid-
ance to •13'armera, ing. and dnnriilg. Cardinal Merry
del Val 'spealcs IlVelanguages fluent-
Such'a hunt as Would have delight- ly-English, Spanish, French, Gor-
ed the heart of Fenimore Cooper's seee eee
doughtiest heroes has jest concluded --Freom---th'-e--Weit'ion of newsboy to
within three miles of the centre of
Belfast city, a. herd of Wild cattle
being exterminated on the slopes of
Cave Hill,, which frowos majestically
over Belfast Lough.
Some years ago Mr, Stofford Mc-
Lean, a .farmer, pat some polled cat-
tle on the bill and a young bull re-
verted to savagery and induced some
members of the heed to follow his
•lead. : In the ' course of time they
'Multiplied, and the younger mem-
bers Were wilder than the old. They
broke hedgesand fences, and foraged,
anywhere and everywhere..
Mr. McLean' was held responsible
for their, depredations. Claim fel-
towed •claim for fences broken • and
hayricks demolished, uhtil the farmer
in despair, invited evefeeee to Sole
in a grand built and put a stop once
and for all to their work. . •
Men climbed' the hill' armed with
every class; of weapon to be foul:id:in
the district, pistols, old Ishinderbtis-
'es, lowliregepiecese sticks and .knives,
and a sprinkling of modere rifles.'
They waxily stalked their prey, but
the animals were quick, leaping
hedges and ditches in •Et manner
which no hunter could equal. One
or two men got within range, but
their entail shot whistled off. the ILO!,
Male' hides like bail on the pave-
ment. *
The hunt on the first night was a
failure but the men came betteepee-
pared and, as ti result, most of the
animals have been accounted for,
arid there is not likely to be another
such beet in Ireland for Some time
V "
L tJ
OHM 4. M12303 MEMO Ilet
DOD.D'Fil • 013T MILS,
E� Had Chronic, Iniliomamation of
. the radwe....ser, sie Brother The satisfaction of having th..
if oirootoro con won on. Ahont it. washing done early in the dal
!Darnley, r.. v, eo, Aug' . 29_.., and well done, belongs to ever:,
(8pec3a1).-Joha, J. ihtras, a pronain, WI' Of Sunlight Soap.
eat meMber of the L 0. V. here,
whoae core of Ohronie Indemmation litUNICIPAL ABATTOIRS.
of the Loins and Kideeri caused a
beneation eon* time ago, reports
that be is still in splendid health.
"Yea," (toys gr. Burns, "tay cure is
entirely satisfactory. I have had no
tremble wince I used Dotld'a Kiduey
Pills, They drove away': the •diSease
tr Ora Whie.11 1 iniffered for eight
"Io, Pll never forget Dodd's Xid-
ney 111. The doctor could not
help me. I got so bed I could
scarcely walk, sit or sleep. I was
about tO give up entirely when an
advertisement led mo to try Doilervi
Kidney Pills. NoW 1 am in good
health, leodd'e Kidney Pills saved
mY life." '
If any one doubts Mr. Burns' story
be simply refers•them to his brother
Feresters, . They all know how lie
suffered and Phat Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured. hire.
The advocates of a. municipal abat-
toir for every city or large town .
find a tine example ot the way In
which 'gulf n. piece should be equip-
ped in tbe one at Berlin. There 10
fitted refrigerating machinery for
:Making about 200 tons of ice per
day, and there is also steam gener-
ating plant for lig} • I )1) 1500.
Killing is usually confined to two
days a week, and the average 931Mber
of cattle slaughtered is 7,000, with
20,000 pigs per week. The refriger.:
ating plant for this place is of the
type known as sulphurous add plant,
which acid in a gaseous forrn is eom-
premed and seat tit:tough, a long
range of piping. It is clear that the
arrangements and cleanliness of such
a place must be lunch better than
each private butcher could afford to
have by himself.
Germany possesses a miniature but
moot useful railvvey, to which no
parallel is found 31t the world, Its
• peculiarity is that Ito; trains' lialre no
drivers,It is Used' for carrying salt
from the salt mines at Stassfart.
The trains consist of thirty trueks,
each carrying half a ton of salt, The
engines are electric, ef twenty4our
horse -power each. As it approaches
a Station, . of which there are nye
along the line, the train automatical-
ly rings a bell?, and the station ' at-
tendant' turns a Eavitch, to receive it
He is able to stop it, at any n.unn-:
ent. To start it 'again be stands on
the lecomotive, switches ore the Cur-
rent, and then descends again before
the engihe has gained sPeecl, •
the chaplaincy of a. workhouse is .a
rather •big stride, oll-t: it has been
taken . by the Rolfe! Th Mims 'Mason;
M.A. (Durham), of Thornbury Rec-
tory, Bromyard. Worcester, England,
who has Just been selected . from
eight candidates . for the office , of
chaplain of the ,Paddington Work-
house. After Mr: Mason had served.
his apprenticeship to newsvending. he
worked in a confectioner's siiiip, then
became. a Inarket,-gardener, and final-
ly entered OS Chards. „He wits or -
&tined deacon in 1.89. and priest in,
1895, ' He took the degree during hie,
curate's days, and was appointed to
his incumbericy.at Worcester in 1892.
•,:Lord Kitchener went to a small
school, named. "Grand-elloe." about
four miles: from liontreivi.: It .. was
kept by a• Bev. Mr.Ifennett,. and
Kitchener and his twelve schoolfele
lows had a very jolly %line there; ,At
fifteen, according to an old master
Of his, ,Kitchener- was "of medium
height, broad -Chested, a veil- model
of strength, but not paesionately ad-
dicted to sports: Solitary in ' • his
habits, not chumming especially with
any of his schoolfellows; he Worked
quietly arid steadily, and preyed al-
ways arneriable -to discipline." just
the type of boy, in fact, to Make
in ideal soldier. . ,. •
President Roosevelt Is a mighty
huntete but on one occasion at least,
When aelittle hey, he is said to have
been frightened of "big game." One
day a sexton caught 'him peering
euriceisly end timi lv through the
open door of . an e pty New York
clench, "Como in,i zetr .leree, if troll
like," said th,e sext te "No, thank
you; I know What you've got in
there," era Roosevelt; but every
now and then the sexton caught him
leaving off his play to Took timidly
into the choral. When he went hem°
he told his mother that be had been
asked ,to go he but was afraid to,
as he • thousbt the "zeal" might
lump outtrain !under a pew or setae -
Where arid eat him up, on further
questioning his mother found he had
heard the 'clergyman read the text,
"Poe the Zeal , of thine house hath
eaten n� 21f,' on a previous Sun-
day; and iniagieed that a real must
be a dregen or alligator. which Was
kept somewhere in the chitrehl
years, but they are still used alto-
gether too much. The fact that they
put children to sleep is to sign that
they are helpful. Ask your doctor
and he will tell you that You have
ineeely drugged your • little one „lute
bisensibitity -- that soothing medi-
cines are dangerous. If your little
one needs a medicine glee it Baby's
Own Tablets, and you give it a med.
leitte guaranteed to containtie 0111-
ate or harmful 'drag: You can give
these Tablets Just as safely to a newborn infant as to the well grown
child, and they will Cure all , the
Miner ills of childhood, /Ira, tY. M.
Oilpiri, Bellhaven, Ont., says: "Since
I gave my little one 'Baby's Own
'tablets there has been a tharvellotts
change in her appearance, and she is
grOWIng splendidly, You May COMA
Me itletaYs a. friend to the Tablets."
Ask your druggist for ,this niedicine
or send 25 Writs to The Dr. Wil -
Barrel' lYfedielne CO., Drockville, (Mt..
milforniitY for 20,000 million years,
and get a box by mail post paid.
the Amount of heat lost out of the are as good at My trade as most of
, I --"e My fellows.When they " are looking
earth would have been about as much
118 would heat, by 100 deg. O., a PLAIN LIVING. for work they bare their arins and
gentility of ordinary serfage rook of walk about the streets.
Do you believe a man ean,
100 times the earth's bulk. Thi Veil.'
Wotild be More than enough•to melt , — - • • LOVE- BAC/ILLUS.'
le liVe on breakfaet food?
a' a MASS Of OUrfado rock eqtral in bulk Isriresehhealte-wnYr Ohre! mY hare Dr, cotton, of Chicago, member of
to the Whole earth. No liyPothesta ber lives on iffiiiVings, the Itugh Medical Society, says there
as to ehemicel action, internal 'fluid!ees--
- cannot be the ..
-, .
, i that
KY, effeete of preesure at great depth "A- judge Will sit on his benelt all tovo is cringed by a bacillus like
or possible 'character of subetaneet in day and efty fifty thus* You are die- scarlet fever or influenza, and that it
the interior of the earth, Posilesellig elialged.' " remarked the observer of affects the brain, even producing ef.
the smallest vestige of probability, efterite andl thinge, "bet when he fecte eleitilar to madrieee. When this
tan justify the tupposition that the goes home and hie wife requeste him inteillus Is diecovered, Pay* the doe -
earth's upper crust has remained to go into the kitehen find repeat fere and meow are found to deatroy
nearly es It Is, while from the whole those words to the cook he'll 1%40' it, it WM , bo !enfeeble to put Mar.*
or from any Part, of the earth 50 for the Weetliv," Nage on A Viound pritetietel Wig,
13oreleigli-4Vve got the pbesis
Cal culture craze 1i y head. Do
you think , there is anything fli' it?
Penelope -:-I certainly thiok there is
semething in plivsical eulture;
..Sumtiter• Colds •
Ton should eurethat cold at .once. It
is•not only niaklbg you feel miseralgei,
but it ix; doing you harm, 'Paha
• - T ng
..Cure •
TOme ..• • •
. .
It is. guaranteed to cure you.. Yoi
money refunded Alt doesn't.
At all druggist!), Ses 60e: And tip A botl'
If you -we-hid .eee the ;latest electri-
cal novelties you meet board- an
ocean 'greyhound. The auternatic
egg -boilers, like those On the Oceanic,
are destined to cook 200 eggs at
once, a. clock arrangement causing
the basket containing the eggs to
hop ,out: of the water at any half
minute up to Six minutes. Another
novelty is a self -dumping _ oyster -
cooker for stews. At the tele:nines.
tion of a given time the cooker polics.
its contents into a soup -plate and
antoinaticelly shuts off the electri-
"Tee! heel" giggled Miss Passay,
"Mi. Guschley tells me that X in-
spire all tbe love soenets he writes."
"Yea?" -remarked Miss Peppery. "I
noticed ell the ideas in his sonnets
were old and not by any means pret-
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by wear applications, as they cannot.
reach the ;tangoed portion of the ear.
Where in only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness la caused by LW inflamed con-
dition ofi_the mucous lining of the Hue-
tachicin Tube, • When this tube is in.
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing. and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
uniess the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored tO ts' noria.
al condition, 't hearing will. be destroyed
forever: nine cases out of ten are caus-
ed by Catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucous
surfaces. _ •
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by cat-
arrh) that cannot be cured by . Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
P. .1. CHENEY & 00.. To:dodo, It.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c,
'rake Hall's Family Pills for consti-
• T.11 the rapid progress of education
in Canada institutions, such as Se
Margaret's College, 'has.re coins) to
fill an important and 'necessary place,
St. Margarets. which le a residenti-
'al collegiate school for gitis has Piet
issued a neatly printed booklet re-
plete, withinformation regarding the
School. The academic department
giVee instruction as fat as the core:
pleto 'preparation for University hon-
or matriculation, 11 eEtch depart -
molt in this course i in charge of a
university honor (graduate of the
higlietit standing, the teachers ' of
modern languages having taken post-
graduate courses In Franco end Ger-
Many, Music, drawing; painting,
needlework,. scripture history', denies-
tiC• science and physical culture are
also most efficiently taught. The
different instructors In. music and art
have studied under eminent teachers
of Europe. in Berlin, Vienne; Leipslc,
Paris, London and New Yorke -
The college is attractively situit-
ed in the residential petit of the city,
on the corner of Bleier Street and
Spadinit Avenue. The • class roortis
of St. Margaret's Were especially de-
signed for a residential college, and
thus', as felly as la possible it cora.
blues the featuree of both home and
college life.
"Sol exclaimed the rejected lev-
er, • "All yoti • have wanted of me
has been to photograph me in every
conceivable attitude, because I am. a
'good subject'!"
.confess it, Mr. Spoonamore,"
saidthefn camera. timid. ".ThAse
"Before being shaken I have been
well taken, anyhowl'' he liewled,
grasping his hat and rushing . forth
Into the chilly dark -nese' of the alga.
was Cured of Acute Bronchitis
• ' CAM:(1.8F,LL,
Bay oi 'Islands. •
I was Cured .01 Facial Neuralgia
by MI,NARD'S r.,Tisiriktawr.
' W.34, DANIELS.
SPrirghill, N. S. .
I was Cured of Chronic Rheims:at-.
' Albert Co„ N. B., '•
&MS of the Japeneee tra,deereen' in
the steelier towns of llippon have a
curlone way of advertising their bus.
ine8S, 00, their right forearms they
taetoo,*11glikee--the Shoelnaker a, shoe,
the wood-tutter EtRei) the butcher a
cleaver, Underneath these; elliblefele
are such inscriptions as, .ut do my
work iriedestiy and theaply," r1
But mamma, he called 'Mb. a pie -
fate.", .. • .; •
"That didn't hurt you, aid it?",
" "It didn't, mamma, until he be-
gan to mash the crust with his
Imuckles.'' '
"Mrs. Dineen is in immaculate
"Is slid?" •
"Yes, iadeed, Why, she was the
hostess at a picnie the other day,
and after we had eaten all We could
she made. us pick up the scraps, anti
corks and waete paper, and olive
. • • .
%MN'S CURS Imo lo Iowa,
14Pu,A'A.014- S _or4w
win nry In 8 Houre.
on fees at all Aarsivitvre pomera
Montreal, Toronto, Vamcouver.
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs', Butter, ALP.P.!eths..•
Let ree *have your consignment of Any of these articles and We rill
get you tome erica,.
Oor. Wait Market and Golborno StS TOROIVVit:
Palls, Wash Ilashis, Milk Pans, &c
Any Plrat-Olainv GrOoor Oats 51IPPIY Von
Delegilt6.• to the Medical Aia*
esoc- * • • •
tion at Vancouver can return through College,- Toronto.
FSaa;,,Frsetn.cLisocuoi,s,.Lboys iwareoghealseisa;a. tSiecklt,_ Re..00
Lake City,' Denver and the ''World'e .'
ets sold to San Francisco, account A. fifghla-ssenr:eirettill!theine das, .
Kaights TeMplar nieeting. . school for girls. Modern equipment.
Tickets on sale frone August 15th
to September 9thgood for return Specialists of 'European training and
, • '
until October 23rd, with stopover of t h a kshiagn1hrdeoisentgb aoic )0 si:i.ee tin applyl can dt to
MRSr of es -.. ..
aPnrivoiliTegnes:rainte etochthedirectionlbl ic.', as liti side! solf"wa0ir
ets Inv eot Sold ou the certificate GC:::::: DI°KS-11(3-NveLyaCiclYePal.PtInit11
Plan. Tile rate from Toronto .Nlvoivill preaeltioraEcOitRteGEFI:i'DnitipCIC.41S.04,pekri.CAit,naDdi •
be 70 25 Correspondingly
rates from other points. Tickets
can be purchased going via •Vaneou- ,
ver, MtUrning through above cities,. D.rninion 'Line si...miiiins •
or vice versa. : • - :„ __ _77,77_77 "..r .
By writing IT, F. Curter, Traveling .11•105111Eltv, TO LIVERPOOL. .
"'''the great aetret of success," oaid
the ritooperous mini, "is the ability
to see an opportunity."
"es,' answered the less fortu-
nate friend. "Rut the trouble. is
that so many ePportuniitlea turn out
to be optical illusioas. •
II To prove to yen That Tft,
D ilir.11.113,euro tgro.,Vb
Passenger Agent„ TInion Pacific Rail- sModerate Rate service
road, 14 Janes Building, TOD0110, Second: eabin,imseengers berthed in bait. µcowman.
,ee ;. 113
0nt,, he trill give You fun'. ..ilif°rula" 111:441tho grgerteatilri ilti6. V. rgir (1°' fl!4° to°
.. . Fermi Darticula'ra imp y to looal agents; or
ItEITOAT. CIVI.t. , , ... ., . .
it Mica Si. E., 5Jronto, A1 St. Sacrament St., hlontrea ', • •
0.1file:--Hi,. old Mani My, but • you • ' , • ei••:
are a sight! -1-low'd you get all the CARPET DYEIN
•Spiaks (with hauteur) --Not h
poking it let() other ' People's etisic Send particulars lig post and sio are aura to eisibilg •
nfit3s; 1 'c4n tell you that! - • ' Ildikesi lei 15A tilentreal.. :
tion. • Liverpool,Lrndon• Glasitow.or l'.ciueenst .wn' $015.11101:
skirierithlied off'the end of yotir• note? . and Cleaning. This A:specisity with the
Mioard's Liniment. Cues Colds, etc . COUNSEL'S BIG
• . '
The largese.courisers fee 'for legal
work e'ver kiloWn has been paid.to.:Mr.
With the e$Oeptiovi of yourselt, ee-
elybody, is, more or less. deceitful. 13Waitawmho raopmtiearweleld, oforthteheArnperielachn
.•••. .• and every form ot itehinst„,
bleediegand protruding plias
fia manthieturers have guaranteedit4 See tee
brioniale in the daily press and ask run' Del*,
tors what they think of it. You call use it and
105 your minty back if not enrol. abox,
di dealers or EromA tolos.DATits & •
or. Chase's 0Intrhonl
Street Daeorators Take to Win -
demi in the Winter,
During the winter racer:the many of
the street artists, or "ectiveneree" as
they are generally called, get a pod,
living by going «round to the small
publicans and tradesmen in the poor-
er distriets of Londoo, and, by means
of sticks of yellow soap, drawing
f iful draWing accompanied by
Per Over $lity Years shareholders -in 'the • , receat Panama
of Mothers ter, their children while teething. of the purcha ra n k'
Itiootheathe child, softens therms. snapped% cure. . o ey, a, Ing .a.
sold loodruggiste throughout the' world.. Ite sure and
oak foe Pdhe. Winegow'S Soarnin firatuf.". 22-41i CANADIAN NATIONAL FACTS,
Withagowle floognitto Bran, hes been need bp Canal, ease. He -received 5 Per cent.
alma colic, regulates the stoma end bowels, An is the slim of $200„000. .
hutretnedy for DierrhonLe Twenty•Ave cents a bottle
.Dyer-``Yeu shoat& be 'satished • The Independent Order of •Fokeeters
"I have •just Witted •frosa. the press a
with what • yott. have? Mack
very neat little boOklot giving a
Would lop ' ever.71.1ing, ' eegarci
wantedi!' • : . • great grist Of facts and figures with
to Canada its resollress,.•
Lovo's Y•f•L (Wise •Ilead) Disinfect - nano& and . agricultural,: etc.. His -
ant Soap Powder dilated ih the torical points, -territories arsi other
bath, softens the water and disin- Canadians information, of greet value.
feets. • ' . , • - : This little booklet should be in: the •
— .• bands of all; • It be sent on ap-
Mts. Geyer -"Men have dillerenf, plicaeims to rir Ororilleeteklie,, Sup-
ways..of making home happy." Mrs; • prone Chief Ranger, of the 1,0.1e., •
Meyer-' How so?" .Mrs, Geyer Teinple Building, Toronto, Canada.
"Some do it by staying at
and thinne by going away, ' . First Cliappia-''The 'only thing
• ----•- ' ' that worries inc about that girl is
' i • that :she is too good for me.' SeC-
Khali liniment Cures Blotitherii n
o-,. ...happie-"Nc•nseneei. old fellow!
. , • ' V.".ott easibr drag her dorm. to
TBE.Ii.TISAIC VOICE. • , your level!" ' •
anc .
lettering, on the mirrors and on the
shop windows. Mir
i -
One street artist, who has a •
"piteh" during the summer . menthe
In the West End, decorates till the
mirrors in a seaport town triS north
stones, and bottles and peanut, shells -6,0ni sep.
tember to .laituaxy. He
and string, and things. And then admits making so much as
we had to dig a big hole in the sand as a weok end gatin g his meals
others, Dr. L. Laloy cansea several ' nato Liollieot Corea
tl'o prove that a man's voice does ese
not sound the seine to himself as to reSI
persons to speak into a phonograph,
and after a few da '2 1VProduces the MISTAKIIIN IDF,NTITY.
sentences. Each J Person' /wogs
nises the veices Of his friends,. but "How much your little boy resew. .
not hie own. Profeesor teener ex, Wes YCAlr hll(41)(111-d?" mid the "mring
plains that paosage thimigh solids politician. ,
augmente the intensity of sound and "I've always heard," she replied,
modifies its quality, and the sound of 'ghat people grow to look like those
°nee oWn voiee is given different they kre much With, but this qUito
timbre by reaching the ear thrOngli it remarkable case. We only adopted
the air alone. the dear little felloW last Week. '
and bury them all -and by the tithe and drinks free in additien,
we got through *111* the ieh It Was Ilacehue, surrounded by it number
so late we had to Start, for home.," of pretty women drinking from eups,
la a drawing in soap to be Seen tit o.
Small inn at, Liverpool. 11. waS
dreeen by a welleltriown exhibitor itt
his young and inipecunioes days. The
artist reeeived five 'shilliegs for it at
- the titne, and recently be offered the
owner 45 for IL The offer *Was re-
fused, however.
• Setae IStiblio-holise artitite prefer
whiting to Roap for drawing en glens
and some beautiful deeigns can be
drawn with, this' material if one 18
gifted with any abiount el artistle
! ability.
ly Pads
Itill th* Men and
dieoaso garrote too.
O. 85.;•••04,
kin on Fire'
With Eczema.
McDougall Was for 'twelve Years a Dreadiul
Sufferer—NOW Proclaims the Virtues of
Dr. Chases Ointment
-:. rocemals itch is torture, the skin
SeetlIS on fire with the burning, sting-
iilg humor; at limes it becomes al -
latest unbearttble, and iii desperation
• you could tear the skin to pieces.
You dare not exereise for fear of ag-
gravating the itdhing, neither can
• you sleep, for no Sooner does the
body become werni than the trouble
begins, and instead of restful re-
freehing sleep, ft is Scratch, scrateh,
serateh all night Tong. There le
scarcely a :061)10)1tql respite from
'this Maddening malady at any tin*.
101 coueee yon have tried nearly all
1 the Waalies, salves, lotionand meth
eated . soaps, but like thousands' of
others have boon disappoidted and
Mr. Alee. Mctieugall, postmaster,
1411)&4 Cove Mersin, N.S., Writesr
"For tWeIve years 1 was a great
sufferer froni eteerfia on the inside
of the leg. There Was a rats patch
of lies& about three, inches square,
and the itching was sotriefking fear-
ful. ne-half box of Dr. Chase's
Oiettne t' totripletelv cured me, took
away the itching and healed up the
sore. 1 Mimi • tio hestitation in re -
A yotitig artist named Gibbons) re-
cently sat forth Iroin. Birmingham to
London without st penny in hia pock-
et, but with n supply Of whiting. 110
stePtied at wayside inne and ()tiered
to draw dettiglis on glees for it meal
and it few pence. Out of seventy
houses lie ealitid at he was glVen
Werk at fifty. When he reaehed
London he had a sum of VW As, 2d.
Iti hie poaraViltion,
commending it as a Wondelfttl cute
for itching skin disease." \
Yen ulaY be skeptical regarding the
ability of Or, illuise's Ointment to
cure you. Most people are, after
trying, in vain to relief from a
host • or remedies, but Dr. Chase's
Olzitnierit will t disappoint you. •
You will be sorpritted at the marvel-
lous control tehieh it has over all
itching, berning inflammation of the
skin, and the wonderful healing pow-
ers whicb it possesSes. It takes
time to tPoroughlv otr o eezerna, but
1)r. Chase's Ointnient will do It.
You will riid relief altet' a few ap-
• plietitions, tied gradually and natur-
ally the cure will follow. Besides'
' being a positiVe eine for ecreema,
Dr, Obasn's Ointment, collies useful in
a hundred ways in every home for
every form., of skin irritation and
• eruption,
Dr. Chrtee'S: ointment, no cents a
box, at all dealers, or Edtnanson,
• Bates tit Company, Toronto. To pno-
tet you against imitations, the por-
trait unit signature of Ile, A, W.
• Matte, the fantOtte rerelpt book tut-
• thor, ere on (piety bOX.