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The Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-11, Page 8
During July and Aug. dila store eIos, s n_.. es'�'Veciitt:edays at 1p.x,r Halt -Price • Uhl Waist Sale. The half-price Sale of Shirt Waists con," tinues all next week. The fact of the mat ter is that the cold, • backward spring has hindered early sales and we have now more Shirt Waists than we ought to. have in the middle of August. There is not an old one in the lot andiv do nofi iri#enc to Piave any next season, so all must be sold now. That is vc¢hy we are selling Shirt Waists that s- id at $1,00 for 50e. Shirt Waists that sold at $1.5 0 for 75c, Shirt Waists that •sold at $.2.00 for $1.00 Shirt Waists thatsold at $2,50 for $L25 Shirt Waists that 0'.1 at $ L4)1) fin. $1.50 REMEMBER, the earlier you come .the better your choice. Cotton Dress Goods Bargains Bargains in Cotton Dress .;C•oods' that are genuine. .Clearing prises ,on '.-the entire stock. We want the room that • these' take up and the money. they 'represent an.cl have cut prices almost in t'KO iri circler to get what we ' ant. If you wan.t'an:extra Waist : or. ,a Shirt Waist Suit, yoU can _ buy. .it now and save irione 20) yards Fancy Gotten Dress, Goods,. plain white, fancy Whites, c lenu1n t 1 sGin h ms, •etc.. . 1.ai2t enols we have left of itnes•tbtLt.sold up to 25c; per yard, cleaning 1hie otic on Saturday at Your chop c.o£ the lot,. pee yd Nearly 390 yards in this let. • Short lengths and last ends of fancy and plain 'white. suitings . ' xVaistings, etc., Fancy Linen._Snit:ings, lir .li Wrade Muslins, ,suitable. for Waists or Shirt aist Suits. Also 'some nice black and white ruaterials,•regular prices up. to and including 50c on sale Saturday meriting• at your choice' Q, p of this lot per ,yd.....,, .......... 1 '121 . Ginghams .at: 15c Regular 25c Regular Scotch Zephyrs :and Ginghams at -neer the half-price mark. • The: balanceof the season',^, stock must go, and this is how we are moving it • Just a,boit.t 100 yards of fide Scotch Gingliatns, 'stripes and broken .cheeks, last- ends of lines that sold at25c clearing ' g now at per yard. , . � SCr�� Ribbed Nose 2 Pair for 25c. Ribbed Cotton Hose, fast black, good. weight, all. sizes, special for • Saturday, 2 Pair lot'2 J NeW.. G�c�lf Jerseys The Golf Jersey is t'liepoP.+,lar outer garment for cool . evenings. .'M*,Sr..new styles to hand during, the past 'Week! 1,11 the popular colorings and sty 1e .:..A llecL tion you will find har 1 to equal, Golf Jerseys, fancy str" ices,• $2.75 Golf Jerse s, Brack, White ar d Colo rs -. 245 tRolf Jerseys, Black White and (^ai'clin,al $3.00 � Golf Jersei's, fancy ►a; tcvnc all colors,. $3 2` The New Flannel Walstings . The new Flannel Vlaistings are here People who have seen thein pi onortnce thein the prettiest and best ipnt.terils we have ever shown. Already the; ,are selling. Colne a.zd make your 'seleetidn ht•f'or • . thrt rang •1 gets broken, and best 1pinterns sold Otit, Fancy French Flatly Is. a very large range of choice patterns, suitable for '1Vatists, Dressing , Saegues and i olnona's, -fine quality itt per.yirtt.. KM, 1iodgens Bros, Importers • ,c!if:ton • The Clinton News Record Our Prices are . s Away Down Senstiona1 On a very fine assortment of -Photo Albums, about thirty of them, The reason of it is that they are atraveller's sam- ples which we bought at a very substantial discount, Ala - other reason is that they are out of season. ` We mostly sell them. at Christmas time. They are in good condition, as good as new, and the price advant- age is a big one. There are notwo alike and really they have in most cases. fe'tures which we consider of merit not possessed by regular stock. This we will be glad to expla- in to you if you are interested enough to call and examine NORDHEIMER PIANOS. Agents. Parker's Dye Works. W. D Fair Co. Often the Cheapest. :Always the. Best. About People We Know. Mr. J. -B. Hoover was in' London on Monday, Mr, Lbo Reynolds cd, Detroit was the guest orf Mr, J. Scanlon this week. Mrs. • (Dr.) 'Thompson, and Masters, Fred, and Charlie, are at' • Grind, Bernd, r. Miss. Lucy Stevens left't14Tanda)'t for . a couple . of weeks' visit to • her sister . in 'Toronto • Mr. Bert McIlveen, P1'orosito, has been • ]tome on a visit to his father on tie Base I,itie,, . Mr. and Mrs.- David Steel, and.,fainily ,aricl Miss Miller spent Sunday With Bayfield. friends. •] Henry„ and Alts, ' rDa"er, Au��irtt, were the 'heists at •'•Mr, and a Mrs:. • P;i h• Ball, last Sunday. a '' Mr. rhos. • Moore left Monday; on a driving .trip to; Petrolia, expecting 'to away tcuclays or more. - Will, • ore;Will .King,'Montreal; cane haute . to, attend Otte,. wedding of hissister which tool. +glace .on Tuesday, Mr. Charles Cook 'had ;ap slfght• iiktack .' of typhoid fever • the: past• week, but ,s now about' all tiglit,aga�ac:L ' . Mr.Jc,1tir. .Rout of Stratford was the . uest' . of Mr. .Tables • Dutiford- • Iron Fric:lay until Mondayy afternoon. Mitis Jessie Sterling of vis ,' B •yfieid was • visiting .1 cr friend, Miss Hattie Co-.. attics, for .a• few clays this week.14Trs : R. '.J. ',Chili and Miss: :M.l1 e. Clr,fl are• spending .e. couple ,'of; weeeks. with Kincard.ane ae:d Ripley: friends. Mr, Thos Jackson•Sr.. spent. Sunday at Point. Ferre where 14Irs. Jacksoai, leas been;; a guest,' for the' past tete Mr. Georg, Sheiipard, • 'the Patriarch of rhe•;' ,Nile":• and his dont' Thomas. visited friends in Clutton on Mon-, clay• Master Arthur Brickcnden of. London is. spending his hoh'days with his uncle, Mr E. W. Rodaway of the Huron Road, . Mr. Wesley Steeps of Chicago arid Miss; Hattie Steep of GGdericlt were gues- ts •of their • cousins, Mr. D, Steep, a few clays ager:, - Mr. and.: Mrs.. W. Drydonc,, Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurchie and #.Mr. Rand are enjoying sea breezes at Atlantic. • City, New Jersey.. ' !arra.,- C. 'P. Johnston, Miss Dell John- ston, 'and Miss .I,ickarcl, of Galt sp,, spent ` a few• days with • their. arra; 1%1E -R.. J.v i" Cburtiee. The two Misses :Grahams alit', 14Tr Gr- ehear cl I,uckno•w, .were the igetests' of 'Mr.•a)td Mts.; Harvey . McBriei, a fewdays last week. Misses Eva E11ictt' and Vina: Ernnmer soli of Kincardine .have. been- guests thep,ast week. of Miss. • Eva •Cluff 1 and Gtdericlu township friends. Mr.t, aanc'i; Mrs. Wallace Wheatley . and ' child. were • guests at the fornmer's parental. home, Mr, Joseph AVheat- ley's, a few days,' of the past 'week, Mrs, Annie Beacons Brad Iter' daughter, Cela, left last week. for Toronto` and • will reai•.aitt in that city for some weeks.. Her little sou is still '. an inirate of the hospital there, Mrs.. James McRae 'and son left Mau- day on a visit to,.the parental•]ioane in retrcalia,' accouiliar:ied any her sis- • ter, Miss 14TcQueen, wit.; had, liken her'gucst several weeks, • . Mrs. Fred. • Catapenter, .+aud Messrs. • William' Cole and. Clarke of Buffalo, • accompanied by Mrs. Robert Cox Jr of Palmerston, were guests the: past . week' cf -Mrs. Tl:os. Kearns and Mrs.., Albert Nott '1'he1o110W-14; of our citizens took:part in the 'antral touir itneit : of the Bra- ntford , Gin Club this .week ;' J. E. Ceintelott, J. 'E. I;Ivvey, G. E. Kral- nres, -R. Grallsatn, Dr 1ai1, r.• Stent- ley, N. Blewett and W. 0, Doltetry. gay, Dr. Cook left on. Monclay for Kincard'iite accompanied i;y his dau- ghter Alt- Li xl and will spend tean weal.' ,cr so in that •town.. Mrs.Cc'oh and Master Canfield have gone ,,to 1Vallaceburg . and from thence go to near Montreal to visit Mrs, Cook's another. Rev. C. R. auntie of Clinton • con- cluded; the. services in St.. James' church, Parkhill, i] Grace Church. Greenway, last Sunday. Gummi always receives . a warm Welcome front his old Darishioteers anter friends lure. i'arklirll Gazette -Review,: Mrs, II, J, Callender. argot two ,children who" hal been on a visit to her Oar - easy Mr. and ,Mrs. S. Davis, for a couple cit weeks, returned Tuesday to Woodstock, Mr, Callander, who is a, sOat'oil the former mayor o: intoe, etas ,been a meait'bbr of the reporting stiaff ofa IWOodstock piip- er for several years,,dnit leaves sho- rtly tet accept a more lucrative pus - Aloft in Springfield, Ohio. Mr. Harry' Willeatns, taolt of Mr. C.V. 'Williams of Gr',derich township, re - returned home on Thursday last frcmm, 'New Orleans, Miss., where he had been for sonic Vilna. Previous to that he spent several inontlts nit a, plantation in Hoiuln'ras where thou- gh the pay was 'big and the dut,'es light, he fot.14 it unprofitable to remain awing to unhealtty climate, As a rule a pilau will tint stay long in a eritititry Where fever `i4 rite and tle doctors have no conscience as to fees. 111r. Williein§ ptirpnses remitt- ing at Moine ft+r $c'ttts time August i ftrh 1904 .For this Week Only 4.1; Just now we're doing considerable price -cutting in order to adjust stocks for the new goods now being bought in Europe by our Syndicate buyers.. But for this week we're doing something extra special, We prepared a list of bargains, in reliable, up-to-date, seasonable goods, that should draw you to c l.lr tore. Your • NEED ard OUR necessity work hand in hand to the economical satisfaction of both parties. READ THE LIST; -- SHIRT WAISTS 01 Will Price, MN gess. Black Cashmere Hose at 25c We would like to clear out every Shirt Waist in the stone this ' Talis is the best stocking we have ever had to i;:l^1 at 25e, -- week, and if lowness of price v 111 (lo it, there should not b't rs : rl'floyare made of a very tine quality,of Ca.1,,m_t-e yarn, and waits left -in- a, week. In spite -of the -backward season we -ha V13 are guaranteed to-rgive axc•o'.Ient weal. sold more waists than we have for three seasons, aad now, .fter a big season's. selling, . we are willing to take a big ' lose on the balance, every.one,of which is made in the newest style%a 1 be prices marked on the waists are the same as the'first day I • `?%•'' 20Ctton Hose at i oc they arrived, and you can bare your choice at exactly half l 150 pairs of Boy's Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose. in sizes 6 61 prlc1.00 {Waists at 504 1Vah is n.t $1:I?. 72, and . 8 only. Toe regular' prices are, 15 and 20e. 10c All to clear at • • 12 5 Waists at 62ii! . • 2 50 Waists at 125: -.i 1.50 Waists at 75c 2.75 Waists at I.37• ' • 2 0 ) Waists at iI : 3.00 Waists at L50 35 fl 45e. Mus.lrs and G nghanis at 15c A few colored waists of Gin ham $1,.251 to sell at 30c ' Gingham, regulart . 200 yards of White ..1V,Iuslina, also a few pieces o£ Black and White Muslins, and Gingharne; there are all eery goads ... • • •.• 4 ... • EARLY FAI:.,L, MILLINERY'', •and the last ends of piec©s that Hold at 85; 9,0 and 45e. i 1 o clear at ... , . ............. ... ^ .. 5 *r Last Saturdaywe made our firstshowing of NE W OUTINGi HATS, ,They are all New York ,Goods, and coma in very ( u pretty styles: neer Vests :at 'Xsc _ ' Ladies Vests, made of Fine Cotton Yarm; regular value .Bed Spreads at 79c I 25c. To go at' . . 15C: 18 Bed Spreads, of fine white Marsailler, regular value ! to -day $1,00: Special at ... . , .....:. 79c C Prints:at 1MOre 5 roc J 1.1 • 2,""0 yards more of 3G inch wide Print, in light and dark colors, -and all wa^Tented fast. liegular 15c Print for 'Vt., Dress '�la��n .:,Deparimenii- i Ready for R Y Early Fall ' ��C Dress :� Y �Goods at 38c C Our Dress Making department is now prepared for l ! 200 yards of light and' dark ce.ored. Dress Goods ina ,:. P p ear.y fall ... s • r; orders. Oar• nets. Dress Goods:are `a sorted designs. • Our best 60e Dress,. . arriving orally,and • . �, Goods, ttr.; go e,t •... ��. who intend buying early will find' an elegant assortment from' which to u. ,shoo cl. �r r1 J o 1C � coders �' yy er � altars e o' y a may favor t.ils depaltlnaat with will th:ar: �� very best At*:ention No disappointments here. %?: 3 dozen .Cellars in ays•arted coloas t ..moo �� 0- 1 Z I er y or..�el.. , o �s ells deslD us. Iiegu- Will ha r•eady a•t the• time. pr•ornise�i. lar 35 to •sac, l to; go at, : each �S� L Yearr money back if you want it. Personal.. Bayfield Mr; M. .Stereley was' in' Sarnia on The follow'ing.. guests. are .stopping Tuesday :. at the River hotel ; Mr. and Mrs: Ja=: Mr. .NVilltarn . Niitrer.'s, Toronto, is Vass- roes: Scott; Ith is 11eatri a :Stott,' Mast ting. leis mother on Maple street. • ers. ".Arehle'and Clarence ScOtt, 'Sea;- l11r • •Nornitait Snyder . of the•Nile, visi forth ; Miss Grace McNaughton, Lww ted his uncle irn.:towt:, .on' Satnkdaay: don , : Miss May McMahon, Birr ; Miss Mrs'..Tlbimas Danford, "Brussels, is. Agnes Sanib'ert, Arva. Chit • finest of Tier sort, Mr. ' .James ' Mr.. and i4Lrs. Trow of Stratford, h' e.tak av t en t their./residence Rev .I,.ather Stanley,London ,'was • w p i encs iii the private guest ahe, Rattentbur 'White' Crty for the sumiit,er; ` Iioatse on .hri�' 1ay last. y 1Vlasters H. and R. . Brewer. 4anek T. Mrs: Jane Johnstone,. Mrs.. R.Welsh Rar;ce, • ]rave• taken. at cottage in the and itl'asts Lorne aaid wi1'(`er trisi- )vha tie Cit•y. • tea Gcdericlt::'riends this week:. Miss Edith ralconcr bf Godevi rieh, - 16It. Douglas Calder .of the. Toresita spending her holidays under the Par- ". ar- World staff, has 'liteaea the .gayest l , of ental roof. • ;.'Mr. Thos ' J'acksrae jr., the bast. Miss Meta; Erwin is spending , her A' holidays • withher frienei, .1Vliss Sadie Mr, 1'i;: J: Stinson of the Sai:.ibile Line, Watson of the Sate( le Line. •Stanle. was its t ' . y , ai. z o}vii Yesterday on Mr. .Ititchen of Brucefreltl is spend. his wav ]ratio. front Oc'rontc' where .iiia his via,caticin in the, villatee, 1 he had becit..witk two carlgtds, . of Mrs. P. Scr,ll' and t children, . cattle. y t two l t dmen, are Bliss Belle Aitchison el Seelc•rtlt, 14Iis-. i tnc Pests. of 141r, aged Mrs; F.; A, sex 'Weibel- and Gerrie Wills and .Miss 'Edwards this i week. They are from Berlin, Rev. A;bray of fdoneton; occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's churcI:a last Stinclay evening. The anniversary of the 'opening of St. Andrews church will be heldon Sunday next. Rev. Maxwell of Ripley will prca'eh bons wonting and eventing. Miss • Boyd of Toronto ',will' assist in the song service. • Miss G. Morrison of 'Landon, •was the guest of Miss Alooreliousefor a* . few clays this week. T James• Rouatt of .n�poscjaiw, Ass., is visiting his tuiele,.Mr. Robrt'' Itcnaatt, m Mrs. Card left last week. for the north to visit friends. CLINTON. Pearl • CcKl(1idtonn of• Mitchell, Miss . Jennie,illarris of'''Lonaawanda., and :Nig. 'Chester 1tXr)tiellaii, o" .AJitctti„ were guests sit the haute of Mr.'. Th- emes' itIprck this week; St.: Helens. Quite ••a..nttn /her : from ,around stere took in the S. S. excursion tc, Kince: reline just Tuesday. • Mr., and Mrs..Rtxbt• Barbot.r of Erie, lave returned a home aftc,r visiting frie- nds aren.iucl here. . •ATr. ' Baxter, wife and ,.family spent, .Srnday at Mr, M. Buchanan's. The barn of Mr; Jsunts Acheson ,ot,, the iotl:, cCnsessiola, was struck by lighttning*' on. Sunday afternoon and ltn'rred. " E'1i barn eolttain'ed aalbctrt thirty- tCeitS of hay. Masisrs.. Alex McCorntell and : Tol:'n W. Reid Stanley, were itt this, vieit . sty �loK.•kang for• cantle ton lat,'y. •1111;t week, Mr. Tilos Jaya has returned from shipping ashes oat Illyth. - A GREAT SCHOOL. • The attendance at the Central 1iiie j- ilcss College of Stratford, Oait,, has peen igreater this year than,, ever V- lore aril the good wadi, of placing a 1•atfga .mittilbnr ,of students itt 'a,gtxtcl liesit.ylcins each year gees on success- fully: W, .1. 311i'ott is President/ of the eollealie and 1).. A. 114T0Lac100 is the Principal. Write to the' college ,for a caita'logue. The Fall Tern. • opens Sept. 6th. • i Marriages. DOIiIa:R'1'S'-Icx o-Atr the re»»idenee of the bride's mother, oit August .etlt,. by Rev. Dr. Stewart, Flossie Kira, delig iter of Mrs. W. 0. Satfitit, to r;. -.yo, Iioiterty, all /of 'Clinton. ',It a tt for to, ii sa ie nlc endo.Piet � e C A 1 °'! theist determine whether Canada shall halve a Government owned railway or a railway i;,wired: Goverronenit." 141r. R t,,tlordctn, announcing the Conservative. policy of Oevertttnei-it railway owner- ship. PIANO TUNING.-W,1,'RED, A. Lp W- is, piano tuner of ,t3er1,'n, expects to be in Clinton 1'it Septei$ter. • S'CANLY cOITRT Or • REVISION. - Notice ishereby given. that a Court will be held ,pursttattt to the- "Vot- ers' List Act" • by Itis Hor.'or the judge of the county court; 'off tlie.'.Cc•. nntty of Huron, tit Viable:, on Thurs. day,,' Ai.gtist 25t11 at lx o'clock,t a. tri, 1903, to hear and determine tire • several coniplaitts of errors and; o- mission! in U e voters' list 'ei'f ' the Municipality of Stanly for ON. All persons ltavirrg business at tite court are wilted to attend at the •said tune attd place. Dated the loth day of August, 1904. J, 1f. Ilarierwell, Clerk. • y Ca or kali Wear. s Jttst in this week are sozne of the new styles - itt Peril n Caps p : for m , men • and: boys''' ShapPes that are vitt ..of t he.ordinary, but still. becoming. from Dude fro'American b.. meld - els, right; u •to•date: in every right P u ry wEty. Drop in and ,dee them. They sell at 5oc and 75c each. Scotch Tweed Suitings New Scotch Tweed . Suitings opened.. up this week. Made leans the purest of They Wools in. neat and nobby patterns. i rill wear as only Scotch Tweeds can wear, New r' and exclusive designs No two Suits alike. The finest range ,of high class ;` ttit- ings that has ever been in this Store, We are now hooking li'all orders from popple who like to get the choice of the Season's patterns. The time to get that is now. Genic in and let ns show yott these swell Suitings. Made to your order; beat linings used throughout,- fit and workmanship guaranteed, at 1$22.00.. $20.00 n nnn. $25n00 odg•ensos0 Clothing OHS Ifin43