HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-11, Page 46. . • - •••••••••rpe^..r-,,,ww ... 4 Ttic NewswPecord 1 is published WO? TbArsday at Tile News -Record Printing 1-Ionee ALBERT STREET, —• CLINT.ON. Tenets of leubseription—fe per year in advent% : $t.so• may he charged if aot se Pahl. NO Pieper discontinued until all art:eel:A are paid, unless tit tint option of the publislinr. Then date to winch every subscription' is •paia is nenoted on the label. Advertiiing rates -41 Transient adver- tisemente, 10 cettts per nonpariel line for firet -insertion and 3 cents • Pen nee or each subsequeet insertion. Smell advertisements not to exceed oue inch, Stich as "Lost," "Stray- ed,'" ::•/tielen," et., inserted once for .35 gots and each subsequent in» sertic>n re cents. Communicettions intended for public- s tie; muet, as ,a, guarantee of good faith, be accompa,nied by tie name of the writer. To. insure publicatien in etterent issue • copy ot advertisements shoold sent in early. "-- Contract rates-eThe folloving •table shows our rates for speeified, per- iods and • space — yr. 6 um, 3 ince e 1 Column $70 co $4o oo $25, oo 8 so X Column 40 oo te oo i o9 6 oo coittruit 25 00 15 Go 8 oo 2 50 1,4 'column z8 oo xo oe 5 50 2.0o Inch 6 oo *ece oo 1,25 W. J. ivIrrcIrRuo . • Enitor er,d Preen icti or Seaforth. The most retain:n*10 e.vtive mein toe his year in these parte is Mee George Hag:kirk, of the 'AA con., McKillte,e. Although over lto years ef age the has within the past thew Avee1'8,411g oVe// ao ads of ditch and pinced within over 3.0o0 tile. Oti Alowlay the • old gentleman wa,s also assisting in ta.king off a neighbor's hay ercp. Mr. Hein - kirk. settled. in MeKillop township see/ - twenty years ngo and has since res- ided there continuously. When be t'inre here, in r834 the Heron rood had Just hem uudeebrusued and is rood ev- ened. up to Ingniondville, where tee Canada Company. had, orected te grist ntill the year previcies. His estinianie wife is still Invitee*, baring vont!: out Q1 t the saute slop ond settliitg iii tnive neighborhood ott tie sante tnue, being but a few yearly Willa her husband' ise The Weal 1nParliament The last week of the eession of' 1904 was ?marked by the withdraw of many important public measures, Wh- ich could not be nonsiclered• °wag: the failure of the Government to pill Parliament •together at a • reasoreible date. input of age, of having the driving shens, adjoining) room leroP.114 on the arm '• Dr; " ,.140et 011140010? WWWINWPIIfflwirworigr,wip Th.o Cliptott Nows.Record . Ooderloh. , AliSTRACT 01.0 A SVIIMON ITR -Int the air." Ell. e. nhe neediness is I lie dealuess. tit sin. In ,I. ittle this LIVERED Bn; FV,A,SGYI InT en II tug the merriaete of William Watson SPEAR IN TIIE SP.`.17.1iNTII DA.Y We have much plea;sure in altleorzne . ' ' 4 " ' • • (tartness is tient to be everiestitIn,thot .closed. • the probaticte of these. =gels is Str4tb. a the Bettie Creel: Bann, and. there is n" poshalty ref Mich., Icnnterly a the 13ane, of ADVENTInT TENT, -CLINTON. escape from Ino send its penalty. in •• ners are d Cin the darkiiens of ein ini this - ommerce here, to Ansa •Roseena Le- . . 'men don't believe. in a evil now, world ; hat trout tkite darkness there he one. Pisber, youngest deuighter oi the. late Goderich•wedclinan their fathers usen to do. • -, a wey en .escalei providine a for the per.- D. Fisher, . The n took. piecein tin drawing root gt • Th zoove foreen the gate of the *can- ple "that sat is. closeness have . seen " Airs. Whitely's residence, ester of the est •ereed to let his ;maeesty. throne." o great light. isti. e. bride, elev. o, I. Hazen, oninneleg„ It Was. seta of . in.certain noted rob- Whot will be Satan'e end? For Iwo ber that when he wes .anout to come years (Rev, XX) Satan will bn. con - The drawine roont, parlor and dining roams were all handsomely necoraten Tait value great reinnire lw would bean lined• to a. place collent "the bottomless with rare 'Palms, ferns ar4 flowers, ,...ie 0 reek expressicee means t epread amain that he wits pit." .?rf the viper "bottomless, deep, 'profound" and fitly • including the famed Blenche Ferry dead.. Lulled Iltus into feneied secur- ity the people nlecatne ids easy prey. destnibes the condition into win- ' sweet pea. The bride was given away int thisearth is cast ca ,the second . coning of (Inst. At the end of the lode years Seten withall the hosts of the wiclted will stautl; before the judgment throve and meet the penalty of stn. As to what that: %wilt be read Rev. 20 : 9 :• Mad. z6; Mal. 4 : 1 ; Beek. 28. : 19. Services in the tent this coming week. Sunday services 3 p. in. and 8 p. ni. by Dr. 'Whitely. The bride looked no now teday volition) pleases his wenderfully beentectus ion a .gown: on:satanic majesty tiQ well as to have White silk trimaned with _etch locos -people believe in his non-existence. and wore a Pretty white picture hat unaware Gf his neviees Satan weaves and carried leridal roses. The wedding lus snares about them „anti they are 'panty steo•O toner a beautiful. floral entrapped. nloreevarned is forearmed, • bell hung in front of the Ifey window. ttih;rtehfeore.w.tibleesDoibileollTsgrlaeaidt calvnelirsnafreyee Lhe extstencu. of a: l'erS041.1 deltil is plainly revealed in the scriptures a truth. Thee cletils are Said to believe and tremble, Jas. 2 : T. One cried out berme theeltrist "Art Thou, come to torment us before the titre." St Pain eays, "We wrestle .not a- gainst flesh eine tnnod, but EVAinst the rulers of the dart »ass of this world, $1.1144'y RQ,V. Nen Shaw speece. Whey tke bride come veto tof he drawing: the Prenbyterian •church in Egmcnville Vtlitely, Miss Smith of Sarrile. play . - slungled. Ori nnoildser. morning about 40 Parishioners ternee, oat and' wow: to work with a, will, ecerilpletirig ehe work by four o'clock io the, aftentoou. They put cn iii bunches of shblee. The sheds are over eon feet km, so the thing ma'e was very crenitable. Mr. John H. Galbiraith,who return- ed sonic months ago front, the North-. West, has purenased .100 acres On 9th coat. of McKillop from Mr. Arthur Galbraith. The prite pain was in the neighborhood :of 64,500.. A bill was passed to authorize -the Purchase .by the Government cif the Canada Eastern railwari This weld a most emphatic o21dorset,2oni cd the CenservatWe policy of GoVerntnent ownership ,of railways. The • :Militia bill was passed.' The Opposttica suggested amendments cal- culated to keep the militia free fropt• politics, and make it a force to lie eepended- on in, time, of trouble. 'The Liberals rejected' the .sa.feestarde, bee.. cause. of their oppositionto the pet scheme of anakitig tne militinpart the machine. . .. • . .• The practice Of tne Government set - lingo polder twine to the American those ehanged to farmers was condom-. Binder Twine Trust at prices '.1zeiottr ned as not iv the interest of the ..con: stoner,_ %from whom heavy tolls • aro exacted 1-,y the monopolists. • The Conservatives .rnpved. a vote Of. censure on the -Governinent .for :its extravagance. It was shown that •• spite of the pledges .6L meettniers of the • c-ainittet to reduce expenditure,' that the cost 'of carrying on 'Abbe • 'business had gone np beyond. all . reasonatile boends. lit 1857, tke per apita• tax charges were nnekl. In 1904.they Were • $9.57. In i1904 the expenditure over-.. tlhanowed that of 1897 by f23,027,244, The estimatepassed this sessitat am- • aunt to $8o,000,000: Forall services the credit of the country haS been p1 - ed to the enormouts extent .of 416,0, West Tuckersmith.. The Tuckersmith met/ ;on July 310th, all the members' being present including the, new 'member, Mr. 'Joseph Atkinson. The chief bos- ineseof theeneeting Wan the ' passing of eccounts,, of which a large number were presented. A committee a tea: - council will meet :ditch contraeters cot tiie. sideroad opposite lot 14, cookess- ioo .5, ..1,4 . R. -S • On August loth, , .six o'clock le. in. for the purpose of letting • the ,contraet :to. construct, 48 rode of open ditch and 8 eods of to mdi tile drain aceordeeg to steeeifico- teons of; the engineer :n the Halliday aevard.lnlelr., James etnettninge. Who has • served :the corporaticee • ifeith- fully as -collector 9f taxes for • thni. past fourteey years, hos, oveing to conthined ill health, 'decided. to • re- sign the positiOre, A meteen! ••was - passed tnaasimounly by the .eouneil Placing , an record their higit. aiepre- ciatiou of the v•alualblo *services' . he has rendereb. end expressing their. Sincere regret at the cause of hie retirement. The aa2Pointment.01 Cummings' successor •. was left. over until next /et:env:ie. The. '.e011T2Cil en Menclelssolens Ilteddnig March. Af- ter the ceremony the weddine.- party adjourried " to the dining nee/a where a, most recherche wedeln& lienenvon was served. The bride's gomg away gown was of brown rane silk and her het of brown rush straw trimenedsweetly in pink- end -white. Mr. and Mrs. W. W, k9irrith left by. the 3 p. m. train for the East and will make quite an ex- tensive trip. - • ' • • r Mrs, •M. Bates of Stanley spent a ew days in town 'last week the Vnest of the feemer's brother. Mr,. Frank Beattie,. fortrierly cf the organ.factory has passed LS ceseaninia. tion -at the Tercet° Filthiness Collegto With honors,' receiving Lis dnelorna at the end of five months. We- Wipe Mr, Beattie wilt. obtain o lucrative • posi- tion, . ••Mr., George- Smith is to be coo- greteleted upon the pleasing .iippectre awe .011 his content> and•groutels :with the handsoine pipe fence m front,' The posts are gaily •painted in white ann red - • Mr: Whitely'sbeilning is now ' pro- gressing. most '-faverably on South street. • • • Mise Foster of •Detroit was the,. "neat the . pasttwo weeks •. of • the Misses • Whitely,.South street. . • • 'Thomas Bates .•.pre • spending !Ellie, season e at -their' tome 011 VcIfe. street, They spent abotit two years in Brantford.. • • Int Colbceek hotel toolth •mtiteeim- posing now with its, new coat of whi- t e- paint 'and' olive grcini trimeningor . The • dredge • Arnoldi and Tug littron are _back rtolour i.tort anda number -of• • families in town 'rejoice ttereat. Smith • Bron hane begun iit ;earnest • with the large new buildiugnor tiwir cloak factory. Aenumber of WOrkmen Goderieh. We clip the following notice from a Boston; 'correspondent to a friend here 4 nA quiet home weddiog twits celeibrat. a.gaiust wined spirits. (margin! renn in ed. oh 27th 'July at 79 Westland aven- ue, .Witen 'Was. Harriet Bentneway Cce. vac and Mr. Wilhelm Carrick, Wit of Boston, were united in marriage. The oiliciatirn clergyman wee the groponS Pastor, Rev. Dr. . John Lindsay. With- • c_ Park street connega.tional The bride was very attract- - • . gnevecti and ettended by her •:er, Miss Rena Spencer Covelk, the- roorneman) leing Enwarrl.. A. TroWbringe a Boston 'Mr. oat Mrs. Carrick will be at home after,.0etober 1st at 79 Westland. avenue.; Boston. The 'grOom is a tetain jeweler ce Bose ton, and a. highly esteemed eneneber of. the. Peen street clean" E'en§ 41... son a Mrs. Carrick on our town. •• Mrs.. Andrews of Seafortle .,was the. guest cf. her parents, enr..end'•Mrs. iver, Glebe,"- On Friday, The Soien•aticl . daughters • ' a Mrs; Blanco, Britannia; Roaci, preparedi el o'clette tea. at' her: residence te emantentorate, elle ninetieth ; aeeeiverSary. cr her birth, Mrs. Makc'. is as active as eyer • aud Looks . after • her garden like.. a, Muth. youneer.+oinae, .. L . • . We• receiven privetapost card onn • Friclay . from New Yeele, with. a 'flue representation of the "World Unice, buildiog of 12 storinS and .fit the rig1t heed. • corner , at. the ton. was .Writteti the in a • very' pretty neck land ;"Notv York,,- Aug, 3rd, 1904." • How woad l"The -News-Recortnn lcok itt a hoine: like tine ? Well, H. • Se, thanking you for your :gallantry in :remembering .'the • .correspeanlent ,on The •NeWsnincorce 'at .-Gonericle:. we -Would make . the retort. gracious and . 'say "The News-1200rd •• wc4.1d look just ais . well. a.s. trie World ;' in. a:home like nigh placesn' Epls. 6 : illfati has - not merely the world or the sinfulness of iris peva heart to contend. agtainst,. ,The • unseen powers of darkness. are" • striving to drag; bilm down and keep him from haveug a home in the king- dom ef God. nhe Bible 'brings to view thatt the angels were once planed on. prate:tier: and that some a them fell (see Jock 6.) The leader cif those which fell was Setae. His. name was ext. always Satan but lettifer. • Thus tie - edits the • prcenet Isaiah,. ehap. 10 VetS2 12. 'How art thou fallen • from Heaven Olt Lucifer, son • of the morn - i • • have fixed the salary toe . the len. are busy. . fon-name of the ditties of the of Mr. and Mrs. P. Macclortala ' end 'nee at $90 and would, be pleasen to NfalourddliYe.ituateird:, stillieeri.:rt. gtItileellvil)c41.ess liiallYyllaits- receive . applications addressed to 'Ile Rocks." • Several other town the clerk, at nleusall P. O., not later : tho :Seoterieber loth froin • residents people picnicked there 'also. • ' • of the townabk, who, woulif care, , e On 214 Anne Mrs. 'Walter Buchanan ' of Toronto held net. nost-Ouptial. re- perforni the duties of the Office for ceptieo ',:at 'the restentien of Ler . par tire - year 1904. The, next meeting ,,,I. ealaple Leafe" . A large ?lumber Will -be held. at See:forth, on Salem- en -s attended. Mrs. Buchanan wore her day, Septeinlber 3ecl,: at 10 o'clock a. In. . .. • , .. wedding costume Mid ..ims assisted by . . , • • • • • ... Mthe Gialey 'of Londeat, •Miss Costie ••, and. itliSs Ora Bates. • • • .• azs, :Maud Telt returned IrOm' her . • • Kippen.. ; . • (Intetined for last iss.ue) I ; . g • Rev. k. 11. Bann)), and family sp. .t0 Motint e • • • . • ent last week in the home of his :fatale _ : MtEwan's Salt 'Works are turning er-in-law, nine Ivison. •Out •the salt these days, 'owning. • leg •,• • •• •• shipments both. by cars •and bOat. . Hughes of Lorelcit, has leen the guest of Mrs. H. Ivison, for aff:few Anieut ti week reel they 'leaded ansna,11 ichooner for rp the lakes and several days. • ' days ,ag,d :loaded the schooner Kolfa,,•re The 1VIisses Butt of Toronto are vir f OT 111/)Ci.'Paisitt. In. a loW days moth.- eiting their cousire„ tee Misses. Dins- •er beat • is expected to take annut dale,' 'Petty und others in this vinlen - Boo barrels to "cl,iterert firms from -t . • • • . whom they neve orth‘rs. They are al - visit to Detro‘t• last even... . . • .• Mrs. A. S. Paltrnige and little dau- • • • ; • 'hter have teterned from' their "visit How eatt thcm• cane clown to the grouted which dienst weaker' the nao nears. For theft has said, thy hea- rt, I will Meted into Ineenteo, I will exalt my throne above the Stars of beauty it is written, Tnoti soonest te> the sum •lull of wisdom ,and perfect in beenty Eeek. 28 exe. He stood- nay close• to God. occupying the positicn of .coverizg therein V. .God idle • "tiV that He created .Luel fer perfect. v. :1. Many here how a loart . free from einfill neeiree eeeild eine Let Us remember that „Testis, the holy men was tempted, it wen. eertainlY• Possible- for Luc•fer 1-io.. Lreifer and the angels. were. made free rnoral agents. God multi have made both angels and men 'o (hat they Would haire. had to nto what was. right, nut angele..andenta inould. then have been mere. •neaeltieeie. • .Cod gave the angels" Ile,' Power. of. choice, even. as he has given it to. incr. • .Detti. .30'. I9:. Lucifer end inany • cf the •alieels petferted this Pciwer choice and •sinnecln against their Melee-. Why .did they clo it ?• Can we. givo: 'le aote :for it • ? ' Y. Sin is, •ec•raethine ineeetinible. tune sonable.. Cana 'exeuse for inhe found: Or. reason be given fen its existence it would cease :Lc; be sin. All we . cars say .wlten •Liteiter sinned, is that he did something • Move u setae tinteasoralile, -When the _rebel • leaner- . and : his folleevern Shall stand before thannidgement Ohrone the : King shall iriEptire ;Why hest. theu rebelled) strb- jaegeaitseisctf aMy knil,dvd.r9oilyzi.b;,1c,1 it ewittbisee. that Ito came for -sin .exists. Wk n tl,ucifcr .'sineed. 'against " Gorn• he was encred pardon:en. the donation of • repentaine . and eubthissicat. ,We .know. thee. this is so, because . •God's dealings with. his -creatures ore ever. the ,Sartr.e. • .1 -Ie changes • . my refusing to.irepeet and Minnie nen. party vote .of 90 to 48 declared! .such Atter 000,000. Tne Liberals • lity ta! straight , e ' e• ie. of • nen-dm' o loading :salt by ..carS: every , • Itis Maker, • 'and day for. cifer fullY comitted himself into • the, wasteful methods to be in the • best:- nave'T'beenajtiu'Vi:iTing...tht: nady'e.pe tante; ,shipmatikt:tenattlereent• parts pf •Qaterio.• ielecalltvihaove6nSnyte awgsosiositiucifor, day star, nnerests of Canada. _ r. end, urs,. Alair, lately. • . ..Tnis er.prisin arm evid.eatly also bri,rhute5s, 'noines• L ." .preparmig for beg saleit of epple • barr- • , Satan. the... ad - 'but the 'nunde of. mare ne • the Morris Township. • 'Mrs. Gra.seick and, etauglitter have . large amonets of heading once •' Mr. Worsley of Belfast, was visiting • , ,., nersary and elietry of geed. • friends here last week: . . eth ties season, They haye about 35,- , . . • • • 000 staves now piled in their yords God Naiad have destroyed Lucifer at PI1S' and Jean have returned home after spend- aid ,heoes. We not iei cl terda.y an, '‘finitst Who - had not' joieed 'thee rebel Mrs. Robt. Blocenfleld,. 1st' line, 'hi sperid'ing. a few weeks' With friends at Holmesville. Early last Sunday. morning Gebrge Kerr, whose farm adjoini 13n:seers, had al heavy draft foal killed • ati the pasture field by lightning. •, . Will. McCall of Dresden) awl Nisi Belle, of Chatham are home for a Short time to see their father, Alex., BIeCall 1 ill ' 7th Line, who has bean serious y • John B. Kerney, 4th Line, WSS aid • re) from :a hick he received while Nap- nessiug one of the hcanes., He got the blowen the left ' leg and for a time 'Kneed poison was •feared Out he. • is getting arotend all rfeeht now we .are pleased to state. • Manning is hotne from nes tripe to the Wegt.• • Master Harold Hall, en ntoronto, ia visiting his nerandparents,• Taints.) node Mrs. Hall, 6th Line, • • • • Mrs. ,Will Lowery, of London, is' nisj. iting relatives in Morris and 10naleltY•1 leader. had ••bienme perplexed and Con- ing week with nei.ends in'Forawinit. iinnienso.vantity •,of coal piled. around , . , the. tint :inst.i:teshesit•Moest,4hOdpinittaarei,.1‘thitenNwV06 .1•1:‘614:401,Z16,1etYamees,Olellodui..1.1nmi.t slefestliate4nthfitil,d-.. bath School keld.. ' Bayfield. The ..'weathen Was all •that . Messre, R. and n. Bamford ho, sheete.vtiodeostoedoiyacilrottlille jOrl:rs)wc.pu.old oiu was .sPent. rhe • tntaider elhoWar. iii the -Kisox •citurch pulpit . wee fdled oWn'love.: uttelti'malia'.itseli. fay tould•be•.desired and a sidelidid 'ate . Ore: other 'sett Werke in this r 14:67,. mail ieveal itneif itt all its eyenieg :epoilt. the pleasure. :cif filen 'Stile/ay -licit et both 'services home coirtin r • • ' • • Ur • Stotleiant.. of Lebanon, :Kentucky, ...1.ticleo•ol,,es• .and .cleforinity God pec - . • ••• • ' eVening service the • therch wos . nutted .b+1.a.ii tr.. (MA. featen has eon- . troibet the enerte .oi many,- in this • crowded. Re Mr Stoddett took for world. As. thee olainittutte of ,other his. teXt. est Timothy -4en "Goodness is warinis behold Ile misery, sorroweand ftale.1 • Unto all e things having St. joseph. peomise of the 1 fe ehateeow aro degradation resulting from followeng °•chicken that. has four le,ge and et le Me. • Stodilart .is a rising ecclesiastic arell-LIcecieer will:stet:nee hely uumasie. Mr, Henry 'Rau has a/ spring of that' which Is' to tome.", 'Satan's PrilleiPles cloara.cter ofethe doing well. Henry was offered/ $5, and mast deservoin cif praise. At the, ed. The. exPerieece of tele j iit this for it but will not sell it for less egereoey . miss Mevittle, in :her . usual world witn ite resultant woes will a salegened ,ageinst its than !leo. • • • pleasing style, sang "Glory to God n 'forever be .1,1r. W. nharette, Of Steplien,, . was the Highest!' : Miss Campaign preincl- repttitieti. • ' here recently. eiel took the contract of ed most effecientln at the • orgen dein W here was ••Satin ever When: lin was leaving the old store, which the St. ingthe :fi.bience of Mr. Lon:bridge. ril(eivelt or of Heaven ? 'lite popular' Joseph Separate School have bought We had a defightitil call Cri Monday lea is t tat he was • pia : ihto a plea andi eivhich they iittlend lixit,g1 UP es e. a, tn.,. from. - Miss • Clarice Lefties:site of fire eiel brithstone ern whenever o school roCrat wnen it hie. teen moved and her grests, Miss Tinto*, ' Detroit; person • dies and goes eetee that place auto the het recently tiurcleaeled fon miss Platz, Cleveland, and Xis§ Nes- Sortali lrelpg . in .increasing their suffer- ings The seri :tures state that Satan that purpose. • • • . : • hitt, tie:eon. . . The e•fishertneit. are going tci lift The • Woodmen of the )World froin wasOastto this earth; Thtts :11evele- . f their 'Cenci nets eel 044011.6( 1)1 4zt,.§ville Woodstpd: are other towns tioa chap,, 'verse 9, says : '; lie' Dungannon. • The brickwork on :the new Methodist parsonage has beer completed and thu. build,ing is now rea.dy for tile root., . As James Bruce and his daughter, Maggie, of El4enezer, were driViilig, tha buggy tame tool those • toi 1ftope cans,* it to frinliten and got beyond the control of Mr. 'Bruce, Dalt occ- upants of the leueeegy were thrown Ont. Wiles Deuce received a fraktute'. of. 0, bone of 1.er arms and dislocation ne. an. ellinw but, Mr; Bruce deed:pen) moth a severe snaking op • The municipal fathers Of West Wa- waintosh met on July 2,7th and receive ed a deputoticin composed of 13. J., Crewford and • Dr. Me Dice coilarzeinte the laying of cornett siclewalke Duegannon. They were favoranty re - &heed and the council will. nteet again lon A.unitst 24th: • On Seinen-lent, July 3oth, the A.shfield councel met a deleg- ation formed of T. E. Dorithr, TeW:. Little htel T. G. Allen nt reeled} to cement sidewalks on the Ashfield side of the village! some o p . . a • of the pCor Catichea •lAeing ' Made.. on that lii'le came in oinntIorelay. Her- Was east out into the earth and his Verb of them will ba left, ewe. at Ste on's welcome swats full of ozone. atgels were east out with hiin." 'Joseph and one IX inilee soetb. Mr. James H. Bell and son left on Sa.tan is represented in I Peter so. 8, as . .• 1V1 tinit• for Termite." 'and Niagara being co. this earth •ternpting. people. .‘ Zurich. •The Woman's Irstitute net on Thin ly eon go ,back to lurniog places. Bet . The Voter's leist',91for the Town- ship elfe Ray, has jest beep issued, rsday on the laWn. "Willewlierst," there not a teict whirls says thet the (pretty residence of Mr. 1. L. Ose angels were cast 'down to hell ? tics eetweittc;nke tithe;* Net:jilting:P*0f pseti.asotiesS'• Aitkin,. Mrs. Isaac Salkeld acted. es Yes tltere is. 'nem will find ench el text president' in the laneenee of Mrs., A. in 2, Peter 2 1 4. For. if Orel spared entitled to vote for members, of the Deck slut Mrs., Biseett filled the cilice not •the angels t.ltel 'SiliArd net east I.egislative Assembly', fin6 neinbar • Fans' and will reteirn. to Olivein some .a.ten . could no be on this earth and days. later. Thy were the guests of en For if he had the privilegenif M ll'e mother,Sirs, II. -Dell. being on this earth, he. would . certain- 'of ' secret:ley in the absence of Miss them ' clown. into eell" and delivered persons entitIed 10 vote ei Municipal. S lk Id • Med •Coliei Cser Teetell delielete them. into. • chains of diekness • to be etetts, 96 ; totEd numbee of ittrczs • • • or, the list, 495 unto ' pidgment." 'e es soys .ed all in her rok cf deneoustraeor. reserved . We alwayS edvocated Ole fortning of one, that is e kat I thosight, 'Salmi; line, has sold gels 8o acre farm to Mr- the Woman's Itistitete here but were aged his angels nero :et hale. yet; iMr, Joseph Smithe;of the Bronson tbe never so thoroughly impressed with 13ible says that they were cast; dowtt McDonald a Parkhill, for tne elan of the real usefulness of it until Mrs. 'to the meth. Dere • is an 'apparere.t . $200o. IVIr, ilecDonalcl gets Campbell undertook her two feat's of contradictions. To the careless ,student •Novetnner tst. Mr. Smith ipossessfee n.tends ta- 'demonstrating. 'We , eaw hth ow it inakes the Bible appn m ears iany • plates • to . king 4 trip to the Northwest' to site if ie Riots leo will else members more atocions to under- contrandet itself: fle alto studies tarc. that country amt. Westfield. IVEAs Laura larydges of Ooderith with ths Aiueet oi her fricred, Mise ristiata McClieton. lniss Maggie Murray, ot Ocderiche was the guest at thel home of Gorden Wightimari. Geo. lirannorn,of frorontri has been, spending) his holidaya here with, his parents, Mr, ,,and Mrs, Samford. Mrs. and Miss;Steplienson, rttft. onto, are guests of Mrs. Stephenson& brother, Wm, Derttford, Mrs. jacks= Wight:rune, who lean been very poorly lot the. past two weeks, is, we are pleased to know., tontewhat Utter. Oaf.' Wallace trael &anal ;rat • it 1.ixecic •to add te belt to ids laaent tkatreeting the natureI now whielt: •he luts.lately raised, Ue, 4. river at Port Albert,. The etext :nate tend haying a, garden party e;t the neeipeneea ; eet this the weird trar.,.„ take •conhillg Plealitlre. II%vcrY- 10Y will find, • however, that there:is bre: lafid there. I looked go eagy and so satisfac- Ituritiony in all atonic tleachine, The,re tory to tliC taste mid eye whet, pre- is muck popular. nusepprehens en la pared: A voteeof thenks Was tendered, - reeard • tel the, meamine of the vont Ashfield 'Township. IvIrse Campbell for her skilful cookery hell, • Our word hell is' tranelatcddrean • . and to Mrs. Aitkin. for the kind invi- the three Greek worda : wht- . The Ashileld township council mot tatien extetidete the Woman's Itistitin tit sienifie.s the miscue piece, or. place, Jtily 315t . with members ,all 'present. cockles were mane by Mrs. Jaime a the deed. „This. term correspond,: Minutes reed and APproved. A letter to. Nice, tasty'. oatmeel and eatc, with Oil itehrew tteen shebl. We learn. from County Clerk Lem stating that Millern the recipe of which we will irom the Bible that both the righteous the amount 'of Ashfield Coitiity ten give next issue. An institute picnic end wicked go there. it is represented for current year was 4205,25. A . was aNiSeit wince, we will know as a placeeoindakkness, silence, for - deputation from Deeigeettrott, presented more ,later. Miss Murray lies hem getfulnesseeNtelt of knowledge,. etc., leat a petition sigue4 by the ratepayers eel. attendint the school of 'Somatic tetdotteltedly refers to the grave not it the village asking that 112 rods ce Science at Toronto. It is hoped she place of suffering., e—The word'Oehere cement wale, township to pa,y at will deniocetrate "Doughnet Cooking" na refers to. the ;valley of Muncie least 4o per cent. of cost. Council et the next meeting. Of a certainty south of seeenssiem, where fires wore agreed to meet said deputation in the making nice palatable food out of . constantly kept. ' burning to 'consume -village oft At•guet. the 4th for the Pur- acmes is untelt mere ddightfel than fit 4•Ions refttee of the, city. which was east pose of viewing the old plank walk the kitchen for those little spirit lame out, news uses the term. to Mutt -tate do 'their fait toe fire into E which the Wicked etted tee consider the pesdleility of Ps have little hat bet they building /8 rods, township leaying 40 Work well. P,verything is cooked .vfell will be test after the jungenient day. per cent. A ritanber tteeolutte were by •the epirtt lemp. 3—Ternovo is .the third worn trans - Paid. 'The reeve was inetreeted to Mrs. W. Mt,k q1)5'ortitig fated h 'II in our version. ry kiftigt(.!Itr...r; Et is defilted beilig the take action against the totsity n1 month Ett Xi:teatime. the pest of Mee. Iluron for damage mused by, bridge... Walter / itdetron. eilt-ovehere eurroanding tete =vete:). ' ilia hullo of nt. l'eter'a 'church:on nees ieeftg so %tow ifuttn.),nfze the .P • • • • . • • • • August ilth 1'904 _ stilltrr'0111.111111111 ;44 44,40..04 :• .4001;":1.7: • ".444 MQKINNON & 00 .100111,4AVV41.4"11.1 ^WV 14.4..A1011.4-. The Last Week • Of Our Great Sale • IN WINDING I.TP 01-31 GREAT CLEARING SALE W1LL rua.ke terrific reductions in prices to clear out, odd lotte Thie tick Ivo have marked. down a lot of beasonabla goods without regard to (lien and they must be cleared out this week ; • Remnants of Dress Goods; from 2 to $ yards', nt half price ...?. Indies' Summer Gloves, in coke s, worth 26 cone, for 10 cents , Claildren's Hose, in odd sizes, worth from We to :ftfc., rner,,.. t . Ladies' White Skiets, made of fine eatubrue tritomed with tucks anil MP,- •;.• btoidery,. regular price $1.25. Bale price 75e. • • • tee ... Ladiete White Skirts, with tiounee awl tucks, wet I It We; for Se.e. • '• A Ladiee" White Cotton Drawers, witle tucks, evottli 250, 101' l'The. Ladies' White Dra.wets, made of fine cambric, tritutoett vi, int torchon law eet, and nnertion. worth 00c, foe 88e.• el. • 0, Fine Whilte Vesting, figured, very epeteal. 50c, foe .eoe. •. 0? Ladies' White teuslin Shirt Waists, trimnaed with yult lace end insertion. ". .t.. worth $/.. for '750. . New Military Feature. As, a regular feature of the'progeaan before the ,Grancl Stolid) /both after- noon and:. evening,: at the Cam/delain National P,xhibition; Toronto, 'August 29th to Sept. loth,. will be prescoted L11 Artillery ntlesican Drive,' rCrr ' the &it time outside 'of Ergila.nd this ex- innilticts :will be given with six : • in- etead of four guns and with 'six hare' see tie (mete gen. The ninsie will te fur- nished Iny the. feincies nita.tch Band, the nienic,eil'• 'feature ' of this yet.•..r's exhibition, sato which visits Canada for this event by the graetous. nertnissiori of 'His. Majesty Kiag Ed- ward VII and .the, Commanding: Offt- cers Of the 4e. lid •Inoyal ;Highlanders. •-• • Ai COMMA Walt Inrilt virokrn ing Of the •council veill held ott Mabee Park grounds on the evening lated itt 'Peter Salm ia Werth. August nth, of August Mit, spoken of as. "the prime ef the power • •7.1e1P. THDOUGII.' ISLANDS.' Ladies' White and Goloind Shirt Waists, in al/ sizein slightly soiled with Y handling, worth from 15e to $1.25, your choke for tiOa. Ladies' Silk Vital= Vollar Forms, regular Inc, for 5c, • Wrapperettes, worth 12he, for 10e. Traine connect at Ga;narionue With eteamers for . delightful 'trio 'through woo Islennis and Intends 'of fit, Law- rence to-. Montinal, where connection is Made for all Eastern resents. ' HIGHLANDS Or ONTARIO. :• 'erne .Ineclicite Chest of American) Express trains make direct conneas- ion.„ for . ports en, Musltoka Lakes); Lake"of Days, 'Oecirglian. Bay, also to Sault Ste nnfa,rie MackinaW and Do- luth. Touriet • 'tickets are. 'ore„palo daily. • • • • • • For tickets, 411ustraten ,literature and . informaticn, at Grand Trunk Ticket Oflice. : • , P. R. HoegenS Town Agent.. A. O. Pattieoni, 'Depot: :Agent. • nennventeeneenneenneineeenteinnoteeneleint, August Sale Nifty on 1VA and see the remark- able values. we are , offering iri See bills far details Ladies' Golf Jackets and .Ladiee' Skirte, in black and &ann, in boraespnns, *Z. e venetians, broadcloths, cheviots and fancy flaket, goon .. •e. .. New Large Lace Collars at special prices. , •oe •.: .t. New Belts in all tbe latest styles. 4 New elorsete, in the B. '& O., D. ie A,, B. & I,. Crompton's E. & T., and', e4 w ray e, in all the UOW makes!, ...e. e -- 3 . • . 1.0,1".4. 4$1, S ...---,1,". $ •,./. eeneeeteenoneOneenOnneetei-O-OnnenCe loos? 10 I JIUUlltii .J1I0 Clinton. eloweeeeesWeeteeeeiebeeebeiVell,ewei MoKINNON & 00, 21:1TH 44;4 444444.444411140cs**4.4 4114•0 0.1444444,44040•44•••• NOT CLOSET': • UP YET .1 Although Mr, Taylor has now been away about two months we . , are still doing business 6 days in the week, and are more than ever able to supply our enstomers eseth all that is stylisfnandserviceable • in all kinds of footwear. • • Mr. Taylor is now on his way home and will likely be here about t . Arigust, len ' We therefore take this opportunity to thank our e t numerous customers and friends for them patronage in his absence - I and also to ask for a continuance. of the same, • , i• Our alai is to satisfy our Custeinaer);. • ' f• . (1)—By Selling good goods, • • 1 I ' • (2)—By Selling at priees that -are right. Our stock is welt selected and contains Shoes 9f all kincle at very • reasonable prices, , . . • .• Men's fine Shoes from $1,75 to $5.00 '•Outing .Shoes of .all kidcls 44, Women's • " • " '1,rio .., . 4.'00• Boys••• 41 ... 150... im,' ' always carried in 1. : Girls • • " • ," ' • 1.00 " 1.75 •• •Stock, • 4, • ' Trunns, Valises, Suit.Cases, Club Bags, Teleicope;,. "etc •• • in all sizes end in all prices, _ • . e e.,' .' We are nide agents in Clinton for the WOrth Qushion 691n blioeP. Prices,Women's$3,75,. „ Men'e $5.00 . . 0 . The 'Old Reliable . .. . . : e 1 WM. ..TAYLOR &. SON. ..41.: .11.41......t.......t............#4.0-4.11•04,141A ;... ••••••i•e4o.44******•••4.41•444.•••••••1*********: J. B. tioovER.. • . .NELSOS BALL 4 FURNITURE UNDEILTAKING - I WE flay noW•safely predict the advent • ,44 of Spring. You will require Furniture. .4* See us about it before buying. S.evving Machines High grade, up-to=date, made in Canada, •Ball -Bearing Machines. • One price to all. oceaceenceot6e)000-o-oo-o•Oeno-o-o,o-o-ch000-nt0000eneeo-oo:0-0-0., H*0 OVER •'IA. B L . . . .Nighe w and Sunday calls ansered as residence of either a p4e. princie • +4•40.4*.4.44****0414.40********************IN:. eleeleeeeeeeeteeeeieeleieekeei.weeteleeee. THE GREAT 'CASH 'STORE Great August *Sale Here is a grand opportunity to secure seasonable and up-to-date goods at Greatly Reduced Prices0 ztre going to rush out thousands of dollars -worth of Dry • Goods, Millinery, Cloth- ing, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Curtains, Boots, • Shoes \\and Trunks. • ' • e-----o----noneeereeeeneeno-- As space will not allow us to quote prices ooine early and get your choice of the 1 Many Bargains we have in. store for you during • AUGUST • D. M. MoBEATII, • BLYTH f Wi46.011164141b414.01106,411446.110,111W0111~01,A101,411,11011010160,1011,10~11.. . - . • • Progresszve• advertisP: r r ewsc ft..,(2.cldt„ irwot . r +4.. , .,.• •