HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-11, Page 2Aust lith 1904 • itc zing Skin Distress by day and uightp-- That's the coniplairst et those who are so unfotiunate as to be afilleted uith Eczema or Salt Rheum -and out., wad applications do net Cure. limy can't. ° The source of the trouble is in the blood-rnalte Oust pure and this scat. lug, burning., itching skiu disease will disappear. Wittt itchinif On MY 050=Yrg.' 44 I oio _1190111 t. 4,461: 1..7._ 11111111110111,: arms which proved very diaagrettable. coocluded R was salt rheum and -bought a bottle of Hood'e Sareaparilla. In two days after I began taking it I felt better and it was not long before X was eared. Slays never had any skip disease sinceS1 Use. Ion, E. Wan)", COVe Point; Ma, Hood's Sarsaparilla rids the blood of all impuritieff ani cures all eruptions. •••••••••••••••........ re ari's 1 Green • will kdep your potato qrop free fr om bugs. • • • • e • •••••••••••••• Nov,7 is th.e. time, to spray, • • 11 B ▪ Combe • Chemist and DrUgglSt. **....44.M*400*”.•.420.4.4). y oung By Charles Garvice ,g • Author of . 1 . 4`.A Modern Jullet't was taken °Better ThanLife," clitr1 s rust. "Once in a Li." fe ' sI. : '',(4)1:4'74,1tiOtVOWIWV )1..W.Ws4)3i*K4:03i4K03**94(4.*:41 • 1441171n rsit.'11111t•irttIl. .vonde s %Is wtmlan of the • world, who a few weeks sines% bad ;treated her as if sho• wers.1 clirt. • thould talk to ber in this fashion. "I knew that he etu•ed for we long . --oh! e. long while . ago. Once be _ • .1 `Yes" vaguely, nearly told me so, and mealy ne1sts tne to- marry hint, but stopped mid, denly, as if he -bat remembered seine - thing; and 1. wondered wititt it. was that had come bete:ten up. Of course it made me very wretched, and I tried to • forget 'hint, to plitr.ihint out- -eydcreny hearts-sey-l-ifes•lett vcauststinv- -you, who Weetoyed end are hap- pily married now -how impossible Its to do thee. 1 dont think man 'ever really ceases to -1,oee the Man of her choice. Bo' you?" "No," eaid Nance. . . • She home a step, and looked ep with feverish -eagerness' and nnxietv. liut the etap Missed, and her head divined again. • • "I was always fend of hine and t thought my heart wetild break when he. left ine without the word 1 lone - td to hear spoken, 1 knew somethine Itad..conte between us; and whin he Canto hack •to nit, 1 told lkIlLt, and LINkt'd hint to •tt,11 -Me Wlint it was - 10 ten LI.r. Op .1%1.1011- truth -an •I sit; d I hat 11 slloeld nrnke116.. di 'Ter - mice, if he .would tell me • the real truth. Andho told nie." 1. - 1. YAM, TERM. CENTRAL STRAT,FO.RD. •ONT. • It pa.ys to .get a haSine.sa• •edi/co.- . Um and it pays Ao get it rn our sch- ool. Our attendance this year hies been the largest in the history of this. col-. lege. We have Placed more students in posi lit $usAliis• year than M :ar/y pre!. Vion8 yenr. Write to the. college lor a, • magnificent catalogite. W. I. Elliott, Presicitnt. • D. A., • MeLttelilan„, PrinCipal. • LADi ES' • 'einem ea no neeo for tneees sant Nance, in hor quiet, sweetly tile:allied manner. "I da .not know -1 have not bald that X cars do it." "Oh, but you must -you really must! Ask your husband to kit vou. X am sure be will. I wish ho were at, home, that nsight ask hiut myself. X am sure he would not refuso, if he is niece and X am convinced that he must be nice; pr you would not have Matartce'sitedhha" Nlips *trembled, and . she stood , with ones hand pressing the tabie1incapa.ble Hiving a Word. • `Me Clinton News..Record ' ner arms titiown out before her. •It Was true! The num whom she loved with. all her heart and soul, . on whose honor she had staked more i than life iteelf, had deserted her. 1 Cyril had ceased to love herl Ust- i consciously her lips formed. the. v.,ords 1 in a dull, ntechanieel fashion, as one , 1 repeats some plu•ase of iteporte so : awful as to be almost incredible. , i Ceased to love her? Had he ever • I loved her, really !eyed her? Miss' i Dstmerel had said that he had loved I ! her for some time , past, and had ; ! only been turned away by a muting 1 fancy, A passing !amyl At the ., thought Nance clasped her hands and Imoaned. • Not for a moment did 04, suspicion of the truth of Felicia, Damorel's story arise in her mind. The evidence , seemed so complete; there was no mistaklog the photograph, Mad , Nance possessed ono . tenth of the , guile with which. Policia was endow- ; ea, she would have seen 'the weak • points in the story; but in her in- ' 'nocence, Bernard's unexplained: ab- . settee and unbroken silence, and the photograph, etamped Felicia's fttory With tho hall -mark of truth. Yes, tho man for whom. *she had made the • supreme saerifice bad ceased to love her, if he CNTy loved her at 0,11,1 and - had left her! . '1'llere Vas -ne- anger; no -bitterness against him in her heart. If he had killed her she would have loved him - with her latest breath. Indeed in . her misery and humiliation she • ac- cepted the blow as if it were a pun - fitment ,she had fully deeerved. But ' though we may admit the ;justice or the retribution, it. hurts just as badly; and .Nance, • in her motets]. agony, sent up the prayer • which. so many in a like streit• have breathed -the prayer tor death. But . Heaven, fortunately for tis, does not often •grunt . that prayer; and Nene° knew that she should not 'die, that, . probably years .of life, a long: spite of dreary remove° and aelie ing sorrow, stretcluel betore hen. . • „ Bernard . had. said- that she .. was brave; and :after a thee, when • the • 'Wales -you- pertrairTir asked Policia, with pleasant, if lan- guid, interest. ,"Ne," said Ncince, and the WOrd deOpped like ice from. her lips. "No. Mow etrangel I should have thought you would have had. 13ttt some :men .hate being photographed, don't they? You must nersuaclo Itim , to have ' one taken, You can tell bun, ehe laughed, "that X ttsked• to see a portrait of hail, the way," as • she. held :out 'her hand,' "it's ratit- ft singular coincidence, but: your husbanti's surname • Is one of • the • Clu.istian names' tif the -gentleman I tun going to tnart.y." "Yes?". said. Nance 'list toueltilig: the daintily gloved hand, and mov- ing toward the door t� open, it.- • . -Yes. "Peenard.1 1. wonder whether .- .. , ,g , .. . She premed . . , , women's tastes' darer so: 1 w -ill shose.. • • . . •Natice absently' . set • the tenecupe you ..his portrait, You see, • he • does straight upon the. tray. .•.Woeld.. she • . never go? . - ' not:. mind being photogratilied.", . She took • •from ' her • pocket one or , • • '!It Was 0, Wninnn. •of Cal"."'". Ffr. the costly little easei of leather nod. . licia went on -in a. lower voice! --"n, . gem which; it Is TIOW the fashion foe: OK el •the lower •orders. . She was• \Mitten' to. cevry about . With theni-ea ,.• prettp-awfully pretty. IIO told .ine . mei-ease end Docket-bocik combined- . so Idlest:le and : I - was: glad ' rather with. the initiate sP • 1t," eteb seer w thasorry to hear it.; for, you see, in :pearl and turtmilse on Oa. upper •• it was • soine•• sort of .exCuse for hint, • ,. side. , . . . . ,. , . , . .1.. ..\\''forsti, .....D'uenrcillex.dt?onAd .qthitaltilcl,l'ilills•asa.'11611ert7Y.i.)-y . .: iiier,, .s110 otad; .. '. aiWaYs .ea;;v117th mit sttlilt)fot9.tlawn:githh• ebenee--liten do • Meet women of , her , ;el am. very ' fond Of laiiii, you. see. ; • lass vou know'. Tilt had foentect ate ..Th. a , .t is. It • „ . ., . a tai tia in tance With'. her., and 1 suP'•• -it ti.-'oes not flatter' him in .the Voss , nese she had. fallen in loVe with him. • least, :as:you wOuldesa;y if ',lieu eaw, • r dere - soyto a, girl of that kind him. 'take it : to the light •". ' - ' 1 he • w•ould ecesa almostm superhuan. Nance tOok the ease .and . went .• to.' • r: . . And 1 thinks,I amafraid-he was eserv the .window • With. it, and leelicia Das 1 Much :taken with her; for he a,dinir- morelsatiatered• to the fire -place, and 1. IM .that 'she was -very beautteitl: and watched her In the lookingela- ,' ss oe . s ,. he t till(e0 , ohe ats•ii it were- all . his, orthe nkaiisaispiecee , ., . . • . . .. . s tilt• Ile even went so • fier•-•as :to saY • . • • . . . , . Nance opened elm caSe with ,a kied sa .. . • , lint .1n. -felt: :ashen:ed. of :hintS.elf.":. . • • of impatimt. indlifet•enee. ••...A • small • • • . She ..hingited-:softly 'add..liquici'.?.).)ack• 1 pito•tc4jAapli • wae :inserted' in thee "ins.1. -with a faint eneee an her lips. '.. I side jot' the case, ifor. a: Moment . 5he,•1 • "fert • are: .so siriaplel ,•Tleer • thine .. gii-,ehd, at ! It, thinkiee, that .slie . h1li1.. everY 'Wet kV Wientan is as., Innocent eotteshad-that' site, Was. the vic Lila. '!fts she 100k,e, and' believe everY word .01 e strange and: lifiledus: halite:Ma:- i • ;she says. •'' We know better; .40 IVO i Mon -fele the, face that, .wai-eneltteried I. .' .• : . 1,...- ..-- . •• • • ' • --------1 in MisS. Datneeers dainty' pocket -ease-. • Nance •ine!c1it.1,: uP• at her . vaguely. •'• • was, that. Of CYril. Bemused :: • . • • ••,. • hop -Ing • that she had finished: the 1, •• The 'eaee nearly fell Iroin. herhand:• et•range con is ence; hut Peliela wetit •,'s but 'she clutched it and still stared . ' 1' at it :through the nest that hails:eel- i !'ll.o,WeVer• ' Whielteeee :was. • to denly sprang. up between it .and ' her i . . ;blame, they went off togetiter7-..t.eis... cs . , ." ii le inis t eat • and, she ! sietually.! • And . 'II • dare •say -I an '.i ..1..• ' . • . soi."...:cs` aqui n . and saw plainly, die-- ' a itu le would . tese. seen so eel.- tinetly, that the, fate. Was his. . 1 . • . , . . ish as • to let het beguile, hint into •°,1 ho, . roopt . s...2,..10,1:.t...i.•spili 'rorri 1.• i aarry ink her.' - Itti t, you. •sce, it . was toe ho really loved, .fortenately • far : sails of. .05; and wear .,a Asewisewhen e throat; at here ileitis., • leak :Abe going . spinetioni. seemed clutching at... , her.. lie • grew tired, of her„••1 emppoSe-elehes. t•••9 faint-•:'dia? ' • ' • She uttered no- .cr.Y;. she e•ould. ?let, 'ante back to -Me Butadded - darkness ebeeed. in . upoh ehe • silent room, she • rope trent her knees • and tried to face her trouble, he struegth of her love gave her strength to bear her, wound, mortal though it seemed. Her lover, sellout elle had' almost wcirehiluel as a god, •• .'41144"41111MI I 9,.ovr,opma t br41/01190 ovf.st Back s - SCOTT'S X:',1"Lci OR won't malts s fl lie np frac% sirelehentlieer yoll it .make I a sht.tt leo, tong, bet it Imes soft bens ) tiett hesti..distgred here. and Is among - The feu genulet means el scsevery In 1 4 tisitets anti bone eeesumptIon. SrP 1 fl• iee sleets. ,ri se.rir v.: •it'owl:t li., Cheinting, li Tomato, - • (Awl,. 4 s.....4 p.c.; .11 druggists. '!...rers:elr'''.6..,-4,4z.d.0.4.04af4,0,,••„ -L. • see ses seSteeeleeeleeeselioeeser . . 44. 1 ! I. I ..11 II 2 ,44.#4441411,114O4,40.4140•PiP41440-4,#.4,;':;i . 1-1140#444#W4r0 Store closes every Saturday night day at 6 o'clock at 10 o'clock • teen site enangeo ner turret fOr tees whielt eho had worn when sho left Eden Place with him, mai making the lace -pillow into a parcel, she .was ready to go. • She would go just as she had come, richer by no single thing of the many ho had given her, Just as elle had come into, so she would vanish from, his lite. Tho Ily came to alio door, ancl Mrs. Johnson took an affectionate and still unsuspecting leave of her. s'You'll let me• know when you aro Coming back, ma'am," she said, e that I Illit,y_htcyp_gyfrytlthigAty0glit and ready?" and' Nance, forcing a wen smile, nitirnittred; She had fornied no plan as to. her future; but she was possessed by the idea that she ought to • go to Eden .Blacet to hear if her lather had re- turned, and', with the ihstinet of economy,. sho walked from Waterloo. to Chelsea. . If only Dernard, lying unconscious, could have seen .her slowly walking, 1 with limbs that ached well,nigh .as • acutely as her heart, along the crowd- ed streets! . • • ; The sight of her -old home gave her • a fresh pang, for it recalled Bernard's ' visits -the first words of love he had • spoken tot her. - Struggling with the faintness caus- ed by the poignancy of her .sorrow, had wearleni•her .and east her aside- 's -had left her- for - weinan of his o*ri• rank, one of the beatitiful; refits-. ed women whom phis .had told. -tom he shaild marry. W..ell; lte had Aitken • her at her word.- lie • had ' accepted her sacrifice, hatl on ed. her •adviee... nmet bear it; • aed - teed bear ie without complaining. • :Bet We was over for • her,: Tatinstel - had she pushed Open the gate end. knock, ed at the door, Sarah. opened .it, -end gave the sabdued ,seream which - she deemed appropriate •ta ths oc- casion. • • - "Lor', Miss Nance! and ia it pally you?" pito exclaimed,. "Well, I never! Mid all alone, too?" shesOdded,, with, precocious sharPnese, as, she looked beyond Nance as it 'she expected to . see Bernard. "Wells et'e lucky, I was Sm. for X ain't here all the. time, 0'. course. .But, Lor', eiaisst. how queer you do Idols! 'Ave you been ill?" Mearcely -knowing what reply she mode, Nance w.entt into the Tittle sit- tieg-rOom and sunk into a elute*, hnd Sarah stoecl, and gazed. at her with saucer eyes.' s• . . • slain W1 that was Ng:V.1011s In life With . that soft, . intioleet s•oicti 'of hos. Sheninst 'en •on .t:isting with-. ...I neVer expected to see •yoo•baelc, • 0.11 st 1 Jr: the- vl.vect deal shich will not take oft yoitr hat and jacket; .and ,h•••••; en. at in.71-s bidding. • ,. • elake you some tea."- • rnint. autl ill tis she. was, she faced' ' , • •• ,• . • • the sititat kin.; • • There :IS :fictitiotts '1 • • cro . tis CONTINDUBS keength dvsliair nerva seseeeesseeseesessees.ese•ss,...S.;.•Sses• esss US -Mt aetioe, ("sets nethe necessity ' - f ' • t. t s •stils :Orel i•oved and • Nanee, white . and shivering,.-.1ooked z.ound Ow roma -. tin& •aaked herself what .she Amid(' ,do. • • • . . leven. that :glitnee .caitsed, her fresh- •Aitsetty,.. tor WhesOVer lier- eyes, tested •tliey: fell upon• soinething.•that- re - 0(11 led 'her •of -Bernard.. Mechanically sh0. picked tep ••tt coat ;which, ho had :MARRTreattft.aL‘ se • • thrown upon • a. 'eltetre--She , was the •tnost untilf W(ll- • caj) whit% he , • 1•11Cie are • very few. cleans - had tossed on to -the table; and' as 't uelied (ho thiti rg he had worn mg :operations In Witch Sunbelt., she fell to- trenrisliug as: if -• with an- Soap eanuot- .be used .to Advarrt- . ogee; 'and, fOrtunately for _here the . • , age inaleeS • the iguue ..bright tettrs that 'seemed. to hove been scorching' her brain welled from' hhr and E. el:: an.. ' • ' . • ' . eyes; • The fit tveeping, though : . • • t .1)01)1','with reteoere Sol.. her. erne miss' Nance!" •she said, senterttlously,. ant. cellipittliole • t.1 nd 80 • ItIllSt ,n.'att. And you leolcing so' ill, tots! • -I • don't think. he smile'''. Would have done so if her life. depended on . s,esia lay gseece, al, . • • , had almest asked me to be .111s Wife. • 1.1°°r •I‘ce1( linCie1r her' and- ga.1:a at 'happiness Which her love had brought • • • • • • 4 the night, and.. • • . „ R • t, living over again the short spae of • . • • • .• • 4 eine :baiik I1. it had not sheea that he • • it; •She could. oely . stand; feeling the , ' • ••• • 4 Ile '18 the soul of.:,hotiote. and though'. . the lace 0! the man she hived, tht3 her; end •every'litth' instance,. trivial • . I/ ti t Man Whom tliis proud, haughty WO- .of Bern trd's loei-------. 41 _30 mappo.1 nt:..ed lit • se's disa (tinted in • 411111111111111151110101Wlit .01,14,11 1,104icall1111111111311Mal •. During July and August this storelwill be closed Wednesday afternoons 4 4 4, • 4to 4 4 . 45‘ 'iseAllietriattst.J0.1 4ktgEtienffilaMMINIIINMSE — Motith 4 1, 14• BUTINOT EOR US, August brings with it the quietest month in the yearifor the retail mei-. chantslalso alhousecleaning; month for us. All t * 4, our summer goods must_go _out_this month, and ton everything in the store bought for summer wear, is marked down to about Cost Price. A call Will Convince You. Ladies' Hose, 2 for 25c Ladies' cotton hose, fast black, sizes 9 and 9i only, worth 20c, harvest month, 2 for 25 • .;;:: . 25a .Corset Covers 19c. 1 . + New.goods this year, made frorn-good quality cotton, . , 1. trimmed with •lace and •ernbroiclery, regular price 8. 43 . se • le 4# • • 25c, harvest month wc • • Ladies' Vests 10C 4 oz Made .of fine yarn, and Lisle thread,square and round . 4 necks trimmed *.with lace and. ribbon, short sleeves or no sleeves, price - 10c 4 $2 Ladies': GoWns for $1.50 1: 4 , 411• • ' • 4, Made of fine white nainsOdk and cottnn, Empire or .kse high 'neck ,style,. tastefully trimmed. .with fine. lace and embroidery,full.insertiOn 'and ls.ce frill, : .• •reguls,r$2; harvest sale ' • Ladies' Govirns for $1.50-$1.5o a: 4 Made 4 of fiile:White cotton, several styles, lawn and einbroidery frills,..regular $2, August sale ; $1.50 3.* Lace. 30• - • • t 4 500 yards more put on the bargain table, lacesworth . . th•l0c, for • uslins, Regular 10c'and.12i ust sale muslin. for $1 Men's Shirts for .75c t • • 41 Men's dolorecl, shirts, still fronts, all sizes, regular 61, 4: A... ugust Price . 75c t • • Men's Shirts 'for $1 * * ... , . , Men's.soft fronted outingLshiits, new goods, up-th- . 4. date st) les for young and old, regular $1:25, • . 1 our sale price - - • . . 4,. 40c Balbriggan Underwear 25c F' * . t‘ Men's Balbriggan. Underwear for summer wear cool ; . , *, And light,..regular 40c, ou.r. sale price : . . _ • 25c -brief, mixed lier front brain fever; 1:-..setteseetes""S•seesseee"eS 'see:77 • . . , ' .1 . • . honor to sleep • It t:ad when:. her' man had deelared she, was •going , to her but increased hey agony. Poor f ellow 1 se . 1 P " • a; Y• • • . And• yet .she' knew thOt •it it were. • ',lore. . •• 4 • , harm beg.an t'o• lose its hold upon • . . Of 100 Ladies, 90 at le,ast • hi, • • "1 tes-left her?" said Nerice; absent- - • prefer ' Rings to .any . other •!feeling that.she...was-' expeeted to • kind of . Jewelry'. .For thi ,a,t.:.soineptiAg... . .. .. • • . , . . ,. . . , • yies-ob,-,..yes.,., It . is. all Past and.. reason we pay '. sPect4 ..a.46/1.- : One • w iti 1..... Ile einne . io ine.--tat ' me , ti011 tO this Elle. • : ... ....,1•71. ..v...41,aie,'. when 'was it? 'Oh f live days .ago• ' •• ' .- 'rid told -nit 'everything, as 1 •say. You will find all the' favor- t forgave .hlins—nearly every man .has: ..- ito Stones and. coMbinations 97' Pa41, 04. know -and 216w. aln• 0•0 • at their best with us.. ..•• ' ' °lie hall" 'with 'il? "5IY seer'ts. ' • . to ,coneeal. Of course he will come ,...• .. peneate the girl for. her disappoint- . DIAMONDS, PEsem,s, : .loeef. • Hc -well, I tuight, shy wO, . for. ' E M ER A LD:3, RUBIES,' , ....1; am • rich- now, you ',now; Lady; SAPPHIRES., • 'OPALS, ••Winellii•e left, me all her meney-eve OlelvIES, ,tonclools,.. • . . .,ctk`o going to Make her an alloWania . • • • --quite a nice stool, paid regularly, so • Every Ring at . its. very.: best •. • . thet she will besquite •content and ' •e0mfortable '' - ' • - both as to 'value and'. a nal - P • . The coloe'rose to'"Nanta's face. he: • i V. . lied got the S'srist"' of, the story by'. this time, and -every- word, every- • .• Teter:, word., jarred on her. A...43% Grigg, nun. she . be . content?" she coold • • • : : not help say ing; • with. a• half-conceal jEWELER AND ' OPTICIAN', ,d bitterness... • . • • •. "Oles.eee !e. rejoinied ...yeliela .:1) mere), . 'with a smile. "It itt 'more than she deeerves. Whys only think, Mrs. Bernard, she mIght•luive induc-.. ccl him to marry her, and so ruined his lite, to say nothing of mine." .. . "Yes; she might _have done that," .ettid •Nlance,• almotit inaudibly, "Yee; and, of course; it would have . ruined hinn 'A. 'tam always 'goes tin.; der,' and forever, when he makes ',. such me awful •hiletake, It IS a blurt- • • der which can neversbo repaired, You , eau live out, inost AhingS,. but. not.. not midi. • a, marriage as that Would have 1)' 011, rotir fellow/ he would • have k died of eltante after a. few months, when the allusion was over, , and he realized what he had done." : ' •'lle would have died of shame," echoed Nance in a dull voice. .. Seemly the woman would go now-, now that she had told her story -the 14.4-0 Honie is shenteful story --so fully. • • She sighed with relief as reliCia • aro. so Attractive "Well, I must bo going, Mrs. rier-' : nard," she said; "I .tun going bank . 4 . by train. Thank vim So. much for op but, that n.iitiAtip ....... ______ cop of tea, and the ?vett It was ' so photos will improNre. et:rouge, meeting you herof And it. • about the lace. Do :you know, 1 . bliould feel so much mot o at' ease if No matter how von would consent to take the order definitely, .11y the way, Lady Witte M13.0 you e • njo our shire' did not pay you for tho last, home, photographs oi: did she?" Nance shook her bead, your friends sad i. . Felicia took ottt some notes and MeraberS of your ram. laid theta on the table. ily will increase your • 1,1:;tore looked at. them ahetheticale I i pleasure. We • . cal. . "I have no. ehettge; this is too, make ryit a beamtifu.1 - much," she Said, ivith faint sUrpriso. Pellet& Deanery' sinned. characteristic pieta. "it won't be too Mitch when you ure• , have done what, X Want," she said, , "Piease let net pay you In delvane,,- b ' • d" It was •Cyril, -her Cyril-ethat *the '• f I t • • l' • • the ij' ...Why, I:thought e was -matt. e posst e ier 0 le els a • • , woman had been talking a to . if. the chalice were gin her, .• she "Me•isi.' • tho color faded from her face, ' her erould x,•epeat the sat:rid-co of self, that • • . ; s• her e 'es distended with Wild • • 1 utl All • hor;;or, her hea;t. centracteci with' *a, that- it is better •to haye Iteve and : who fights and runs away, svi?tdc.1 accepts the _poet,'e 'tied:Ram, • 'teemed. Pooishmeirits., ' • 11 she $1 • • spapni of agony... ttiet she. inust that? ...nei•er ers !have !It.eseir.• Let velger wttrriors scout it, I . • ; • • • *" --:'" ' -7-7 - - • .' - . • • misery e. Win live to tell his friends seine day 4 , , • 4 . dreamoig-tireantingt Yes, that was :ell!" Let! Pate have ts•hat . . what it was. She had fallen asleep . ' ailoring Department. . - . T • .. - s silo might in stale far em.,, she had . A it, - The dead cold feats shout tt. . ' ' - ' ' • ' • • . . I • 1 Oh if he could only wake! She joy which the gods vouchsafed to 1 --- - - -e:',•?:-=--, ---••=rs------..-- ---- ee• • i TT T , . * and this awful tlredm had, fallen upon ..e IS Emu. vv orkmansliip..Gu•aranteed. . • • • while waiting and •watching for Cyril • been happy, •had tastecl of that rare ter. • , • men. • • tnus •wa. o • g . , _ • • Out of the *mist. ef her torroW• and. Banterer watched her through 'meet grew. a 'decision and a Yesolu- the glass, and her own (two waiiiiale Mop. Most :smitten, • mord delleatay under the stress. and.. amain of , the nurthred • than Nance, woule have moinent. Would the girl• never :Meek? given way to hysterics and helpless.. Was site going to faint. and make a. repining, but Nance had been reared scene2 • in a hard school, and her experience , “Well4" she deicl, and her own • ef trouble eaine to her aid. . voice. of affected anilabiritY 8°Uilded She musts leave the cotta e must ' • • . • straintid iri her own ears • • • g ' • false and • , . , go away and - hide hereelf at once. I "Well, - do youthink hint ,good -book- 1 Sho must never. see • 'Cyril ' again- ing?'•' - :- •• .though it was. net probable that he Nance. remained' motionless for a Would seek to ,ifeit her.. : , moment, .thee, without 'turning, she... If there had ever. been: the' • least hold, out• the. case. ' 1.: . , . spark of love for her lit hIS heart, Its ''Yes " ehe said, hoarsely.. , I'elicia toek Ott; casm. and elil)Ped But .she must not -chance it., lutist not • coulj. not endure to see her •agOtry. To Protect You Aga:wig. hpitations The portrait and signature of w. chaso, the famous receipt book authOrs are On every box of his remedies. 'The greAt .prescriptions of Dr. A. W. '. Chase have attained • such enormous sales • that the temptation to imitate thein is cote tinually • • grow ing stronger. bit order t that you are genii g you may be certain Successors tor'' Loats ec Son his ,tenurnr. remedie-, 1.01.46.iibititgt6eStgt 0.41********141,1140.9.4.4,111"4".00.4"11"1041101P 4' the doetors portme Our special black worsted pure botany .twill •• $20. .8. . I Just received fifty new fall -suit ends. choice pat- s„ 4 • erns. Mow is the time to older 'your. fall stilt. ' . •fr • 4. . .1. ! ........w.yw.."....... 4 . ...... .• 1'. • . 1ZER' • • • 7;' 11-1----into-he ..-k t. - • . ' ----wart until some One calm with the . rk 1, i 'and signature are rn . 'I thought you wotild," ehe said. • 'offer of money. • Motley! • 'For in- ' . e•S",:sitisr.".1 rise' everyhox or bottle et . . • • . . • - "you can • understand that girl's in-:. stant the pellor of .her face gaVe:: 02...„ +,,..$3. his remedies. This it • . 1 s. -40A-, .4,-4.- 4c/D •antee teat any wed!. haste:Mons poor thing' and -and heti:, place to a burning red. . • --es es- the strongest guar. • it, .is I can forgive hint. Atter all. Felicia. Demerol, the women he weee.,...=,,,,s,-- • eines can have. • • he isno s*01`s0 limn ' ("al' • goingto, marry, bad spoken of corn- Dr; Chancel •Teldnee.Lister Pills, one pill a They are all alil.e.. And the g i r I shall peneation, of a Itheral.incothe. Oht • dose, 25 eetivg a box, five boxes for '1,00. • .ho Well provided foie baesseeie Mrs. itow little he had knoWn. Inn., that he' i ' Dr. Chase's Naive Peed, &Scents a box., • should deem her cap -able of taking a . , .Dr. (Mates Oietuanut, 00 cents a boxs. :Pr.-Cesse's. fettarre. Shire, 25 cents a box, Bernard. • Viettse do 'net disappoint • me in. the matter :of Ilicr lace. ' . penny from. him, though that • in n ty. • hand touched the. w.'essi to stevieher from stareation! • Despair still bent her strength . ; 5.porr.teillsro.e's liack.1 ache klaster; 25 cents each She moved to the door, but as •her- . . handle, Ilance'st • voice stopped her. - . when she went down -stairs •in the 131tre. 0011h:5:tee:as Lsiy-yreurpeottfeencacedntasnalieTturtler. on. • "Waal"' . she _said, hoarsely, and• inortdrig. and helped her to' faco Mks. tine; 25 and 110 cents a bottle. - with difficulty. The word, short as Johneon's kindly curious and pitying Attach:Mere or by mail postpaid on receipt i , ented • to choke her She 1 .d i i. i . a pees by EtIntanon, Bates and Co., Toronto. • t e ass se . ooks an nqu r es. . pointed to the notes that still lay Last two aut. eel/ be sent by express at "If you'd only stayed in bed, what Mr. ,Bernard will say when he se etrner'e cost. - on the tattle, "Take thetn-tatio them!" . ma'am!" Oho said. "I don't know eller,. smiled arid shook her •head.- • • Nance ower ned aface away, relichei affect:MI not . to ,, look at comes 1,03110.,, • • . , r.rorivs.li. ..;.. TM - "No; but, t•eally, 1 Would rather-" . "'1 do not. expect him back-yet,'li i .. YS1•.$ i'l L.,, • "Take them!" reheated Nance, with she said, as Steadily as she could. . .. AZA, , 4 ! ph•aso do! shall feel then that von. - - tel 1! be obliged to set to work frig f.16$11YA. PHOTO M1110 me. and I Nally want the ity•c still extended, ti•enibling hand. "I QM going up to London this mi; Something In the facts--ellite as it, OrnIng, may be away. fiome little • SIM.VIctV012. BAT- marble Stathe's-in the violet eyes time," . distended- by agony, and yet aglow'Cloinf to join Mr. t'RDAY li,IfiNuAy OuTtX.G with the dignity ot outraged wonialt- Bernard, r suppose?' said Mrs, spette, your Sundaes at the Popular hood, awed and daunted •her. J'ObliSoft, unsuspiaiouSly. 'slimmer resorts. 12e 13(31 tickets areion elho took 'ttp the notes, and her "Is -is the rent paid?" askixl poor • • r !•ase tre•to CI:ntoi to Cedasich eoe;le'in- hand also shook. Nance unconsciouSly revealing hoe • ••rd'it, CI et) • "AS YOU please," .she said. "You consideration for others (Welt t110 • • . • . n wilt write, will you not? (lootebye." midst of her owh Misery, 1. C nod 50 33 all trains Saturi•ay, The door elosed bch'nd her; but for real!, 3,09, meant! mg, Bernard seliet. team Wing tititil Mothlay. Vor a itiontent Nance Still stood pointing paid it last Monday, a month in ad- tiei,ets rout full information call at to the table eller° the notes ho lain, then, withoet a dry, she fell face downward on the floor. • ewes • Cl/ 41,11•1111.xxxx vanee, though I begged him not to, Cran Ti•en's Tiebet Mike. and all the tradespeople's book too. ' • I never had lodgers as paid So ' V. R. Magi as Toter. T1e1et Ngt. promptlY as you, Mrs. Bernard." 1 Clintdu, Ont. • Nair.° made a pretense of ea.ting some• breakfaet, tend ordered a fiy. I Nance tame to by herself, for Mrs. Johnson had ttf3t heard her fa , an 1110 'a nil" suggested Ittrie• Johnson,. did • not (titer 11t' room. • . A t first tete i bought thia, Felicia h 1/ute no; &oleo said she %% mild ave a fly, The sight of the dogw, Demeter:4 vi. it I n 1 terrible if:lova used, and %% Melt 11..rig faintly in tho were the letagin h ,s of a dream; bet presently tit, perfume svitich l'eliela packed.tttand l'eelty wOuhl, she knew, have le oken down all her selt-ec.n. trot. Then she went upstaire kw( far, foreed hue to realive the truth. First -she collected all the jewelry . rht. steggered up to her room anti Bernard had, given her, and put theta drelVed on or LUNA heel& the bed, atgoins hia own things ia a dram:i3l. 4 Ali 4 4.4 r • V.BITION • 'Wont you hAVO iii6 dog -cart, • • 'Orgral Trunk World's fdld• yiltitit is ti e sreci of milway literature yet issued Dii Lite iseitieittna l'itreltase neecsitioe, is in grewt •dmItand. A good tinnily lut.. been issted ard ati;..one sending four eenta in Mani, s to J. D. Iiiiftedohaid, District Vessitis;er Agent, Torcido, eau secure 0. ropy. Specialist Dr. J. 11. Egbert Will rnake regplar visits to Clinton and is equipp- ed with the most modern methods and apparatus for testing your Eyes in the most scientific manner. The Doctor is a graduate in Medicine with ten Ltiv$E:17, years experience in the practice of medicine and stir- , gory and has spent eight years teiting eyes and fitt- , ing glasses. . roam ' If you are Ineed of glasses do not hesitate to call And have yourmeyes properly fitted. ThelDoctor carries with him all the latest (styles • in Spectacles Eye Glatses, Chains,a,nd Pins. You cannot secure' better styles or.better goods in Toronto,. New York or Chicago. Eves TESTED FRen : if you do 'no.t need glasses the doctor will tell youso and it costs you noth g.1 -it the Rattedury Rotor, .01illton: tsrAucusli 15,16 AND Mtn