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The Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-04, Page 6
lipirr7wwv"' WWW W w a w WV W W ..-W • a-.r*•....W Nr R -err w-r,r^,r-,,-v+ Kysonv Tr..er ,r, -r-.e _.-.�...-_....,.--,-w 4. SS 'S STATS 1p 8 B ( E 1 IS ri the cal•usel is to bs t yuald�la tmg +� Ill ; t l� U IJ T� JAI ^!^ lefieueisit of the tial between par- Cas'sivorowt Habit* Said to ba X*11413nTX, ooNItx rzo f)S TUE enta Ana cbildree. 'tbt'netut'al. Scientific observation has aniomi that perfect health and mental vigor May be obtained on a meatless dint A series of experiments hell lust be carried out at the University of Cali fornia, which damonetrated that nut and fruits are all that .are neresse f to maintain health wader all circutl stances, and it may not be &Mies t state that the Japanese are making a phenomenal campaign against t' Russians on a meatless diet. •N Meat is used in Japan by the meisa- es. And in Central America the na will cut mahogany logs---abau as bard ae iron—in the intense hes of the tropic .sun, sustained by a diet of bananas and rice. No mea carting laborer could perform .. thi work. Neat is stimulating, jUst as coffee tea, or intoxicants are; and it is• or- dinarily thought • that the weakness Which follows when one je deprived of meat shows that meat is essential to strength, The "goneness"' fol lows when .coffee is omitted. It i now agreed that meat eating Is par tially the cause oft many complaints; there is more or less poisonous mat- ter remain' g in the. carcasses of .ani- --mals, -- causal by - various chemiical changes, and these toxic elements gradually affect" those 'who make meat a staple article of diet. Uric acid is largely. caused by a flesh diet. In nuts, fruits, grains, etc,,' we find a food better adapted. to man's needs than animal food, ' Tile . per- centage of nourishment in meat is small .compared to several Vegetable products that can be had at every grocery, so that the body may be amply sustained .en vegetable.. pro- ducts at a much less cost than when meats are used. - Some of the ,percentages aro here given: •Percentage of Nutriment. Meat ,:. .�..,, 88 Dried prunes .. .. 68 Walnuts .,;.,' 97 Peanuts 95 Cheese ,. 66 Dried beans _..,.,.... :87 Oatmeal ,.,., .84: Cornmeal: 87 Whole wheat flour 90. Rice 86 Those who crave pleat find a par- tial substitute in milk, cheese, and CZAl,; ri. ENIII"IRtE. t ; in the 4dMirrtetrIiion ZNGLISM IN J,AP6N. • In on the In- It Is More Widely mood Than Any c><'e e. T as Since the outbreak. of the Russo Jolene war there has been steady. fib's :of books. dealing with � powsible phase of life in Ja Pen, but lentil quite receptly s no thing .Of any Striking importan dealing with, Raisaia had'come from tine, plibliehara.. But last week two books—one try a Gers taan and one by a 'refchmen--were famed, With. the eel t of throwing sonic Mitch-neeriid, light' on the attains ;of the greet .country over which the Czar •rules. The unatkifnity.� with whit* the Writ eta agree 4s to the evils which her .set the ittneda of the twentieth con- torx is ext. i�aordinary. The cur ••e* of Ruiseia are her rottsin Rt'ane1al .syAtem, the Mind; surrender of all the Affairs of the; nation to a system- of centraltxation Which, crip- ilee • all ':lpcal and individual efforts sad the-en8rlimus power of a bloats ed bureancracy, A perusal of '� ilt- pia of TO -day," translated frena the Gernitans or Baron E. von- ;der Brug PP, and of "A Rnsso-Chinese %m , Pife," ttanlated-from. the Frepch: of Almendro lar, will convince :-f.'" even the `Meat ;blind partisan of ,libsia Viet the country . is in a desperate eandition, LTX .KVELA ROAN., ""1e Bu iaxl .oligarch f," says' M. 'Mar. "is . iiiiperatively driven to find sa'i eeonezn><c base in the far ,East. ' I srjt'{3se industry, Mongolian and ManelthriasL. gold ,are to .provide the siaee►s of War for an empire ''which will be• a repetition of the empire af, Kahle Khaa,nn ' The .. only alt©raative to. the reaiination of this drettni• rein. The.tnonsesit Russia ceases to be able to borrow in Europe and. "America, h` coilapee,• at least as , a /devotee& tower, is inevitable." "The ett'ongth of the nation' is bee ing moped," says sBarou, von der Bragger;; "dishonesty'in'_the adlranjs=; bastion is eon . the increase, @,ad, , in spite - f railways and telegraphs the . Governmegl '. is less able to. keep its: arm of oicialy in order, This •ex-. Y , aggerated lkyatem of bureaucracy na-: turally leads to a `condition. of ori- archy, which .is to -'day felt_,every where abode and below;, independent activity and national :independence are being ground to' powder." As an example of the evils' of cen- tralization and the incapacity Of the. central Government, Baron von 'dor' Bruggen quotes the /ate of the last. Russian census.. ONLY 'SPENT MONEY. Daring `ve years the com>t#ission. appointed for the working out .of the, accumulat material has. givens of of even b n the ''act .th r .i sign ey. d e a .. t is unable • to cope ' with the matter.; During these five years it has' :spent; 4,000,000 pounds end published. no;:, thing. . The State' of Livonia kee' iri tliieir � p record offices : efficient and well -tried statistical departments, ;,so they. ask'.:' ed the Go er'nment to •le,ava.to.:them , the working out of matters relating' Other olive. The Englia)i. language is taught �, .throughout the echoo1a by Japanese #netructord; only in the faculties o the univiar'sities are there many for- s eiglz te'chere. The Japanese are , , et1f nt, and their unwillingness to ploy foreign teachers leads them into some errors in' their use of English, An American'traveller nays that when the Japanese pilot beat came out to meet his steamer saw cm One gide, "Licensed Pilot Boat," and on the other "License, Pilot Boat." • "Our bill of health,"he nays, "was not 'perfect, and the quarantine . off cio,la :detained us for a day. and ob- liged eta to take a quarantine hath. in'the bathroom was postefi this sign: 'All clothing shall be put into baiCa with number described .placed in the bathroom for the purpose.' Many readingn have failed to clarify the mystery, of that sentence." Another ctif' Ult passage occurred on the Sante notice : "On leaving the g-bz thrAozn-Parties are requested to put'•on the gowns, provided in each bathrooiit and then oto !wait in num- bcr. 2 waiting room for their own ciothtng;: • When this is delivered the . ring' should be'.compared and then ., they should proceed to the dressing room to put it on." • On: •laiiding in Japan you Purchase a guide -bock. In it you meet Eng- lish'.like-this : "The restaurliant in Chia ground is the first established in the ..city.: It has very fine view and • its busineee is' propective. "A tour- ist, Proceeding a lane to the north- eaStern' :direction, will see a stone :ShintoPortal and a long intone steps en the'. left tide.. On both side& of the steps,: .largo cherry'trees are • planted which give a fine. adoration in time of flowers." Otto is next led to a well in which • he is informed that "the water will never be fotind parched even at very. dry 'weather:" In the., village of Kaga "there live 'many culturors of flowers -plants, and other •.garden trees." It must. be in .the, sane 'village that "there is a' fine large pine -tree stretching•: its -.branch- es horizontally into long way," and ,• that "ii.t''present the new shrine. is set to work to be rebuilt and. its e. 18 ALL RIOEHT TEA)) DIABETES BLIT WAS txua- en ED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Cy Great Interest in the Case as People Realize what will Cure • Diabetes will 'Care any #itiney lfe Diaeaee. o . Toronto, Ont., .Aug. 1.—(Special)— As the people learn to realize how a- much the general health depends on t keeping the kidneys right, and how t many diseases are the direct result of bad kidney .action every verified cure t of 'a severe kidney disease is received a with interest. 'For that reason the case of A. W. , Hannan, the well-known butcher of 198* Mutual street this city, is well worthy of attention. Mr. Holman had Diabetes. , Now he is a well Zan. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. Asked concerning his case, Mr. Hol- s n'tan said :— . - "Yoe, i, had Diabetes for -six years. I tried all kinds of remedies but to no use. My attention was called to Dodd's Kidney Pills by an advers. tisement and I began to use them. only used `six boxes when I was - completely cured." As it is conceded that what will ill cure an ivonia. The. Gbv7.. ernment would thus, at:any: rate,-• have obtained .a piece of `work :able: to serve, as 'a pattern; and; more- ever, . free .:of cost. But the: request, was refused.. ' Such separation•, could: not be tolerated. . The Liar appears tei have no, word in this matter, . where . anilii4'ns, are concerned, : yet, as can be . seen ter tee Government Messenger,• ho had•.:timo to give his august attention' to .the. ease of a girl at schen/ at Revel,`: whose 'dentate health made it ' unde- sirable that"Whe ...should bo worried. by the learning of the "awful Ger.- man langdage," and an Imperial de- cree was published exempting/her froth this s trial. cyEND 17,000 NoTICFS;;• .• '"In con.11usion," • says • the Baron,. "one .'nore,:example of the paper ,ad- ministration • of this gigantic 'empire. Somebody has calculated that . if ono of the Ministers were to set. out' on: a journey3abroad and accornpl sh it '- all the digces in the eniinre would be informed of this event by: official: notices 'te. the number of.seventeen-. thousand.'' . Much indre of the same sort .' con- tained in these interesting flocks; making it impossible: for tis to draw any other conelueion than than, mud- ' dle, incapstuity and the division ' and the sub -division of 'responsib1lit i among an army 01 officials, suffici nt, if prsperly';managed,: to deal .wit .4 ' hundred tinsels the work they have to do, have Set. their seal upon Russia' of . to -day, ,and ' are dragging •lief down to the brink of :an a•pp€ liing. • catastrophe., NO "BSG MIDDLW CLASS. But perliapss the most serious :dang- er for the future of..7ussifl. is ,the. • complete lack of a powerful middle. t class, whih knows • what it, ,Wants'. and mean to get; Listen to thiel deseriptieii of middle-class provindal life from the columns of the X its- elan Times••• -the Npvoe Vrensya; its.. self: "It ie a: fart at the present mo-; ment that not only"•. out villages bat - even our district towns, are ,falling into •decay'. fn'the' first, place; • the; • number of their inhabitants has :re 'Stained stationary in most- of then'. for decided past, So ancient, ii, town; as Uglitsch has, even like many' oth- • - ers, deiliried iri, population, its form.- er figure 61 18,000 inhateltants being now only 9,000'. "Postal. conununicatiofi has. , not progrescied beyond the early stage's.. Two or three times a week the post conies, and nobody thinks of i'naking a change .in the state oi. things; al- though the .organization of rt daily' service•wiiuld entail only a, very' trod- state expenditure. NO SOOIAL LIFE. "No libraries, no reading -rooms; no theatre. Social life is nofi-exist ent. to a imbiber of towns there aro hot even 'clubs, and where `they exist they aro uteri by the local iifteili- ente, which froouently consists ell. ' ground, to be laid out and made . a fine gard!OY', .Tho Street.signs are ingenious •disc tortions,' : Hero are a few : • 'Ladys'Tailor' • Naval Tailor. Clothier General and Outfitter, Dress maker. Dealer to ;_Furnishing, • Fukusaya; A Confectioner ' ' Dealer' an Manufacturer Tiy : IC4sutera, (a sponge -cake) Biscuit '- Japaneres 4r Foreign' Cakes etc.:, Y,' -Kaneko, 1Vatch Maker. • We can supply you with good arti 'tlos, like :next at' moderate rate. Gold,' .. •• Silver Watches, Chains, 1Ctflocks, Alarm .Clocks. .: • Valuable sta'i'n' Rings .that., are .Sets Genuine Stenes acid Carved, Baroineters, Steam gauges :4 etc. N. •B. qur office have the largest `'stock and;:•lowest price and fashions •received 'inon.thly.: • • T. Tamemasa • • Photographer. . Studio and Dealer...: The idiom of •';his'• own'language leads the Js;pollens int • • blunders with ours. The genders in Japanese are confusing to: an Occi- dental :: mind. "Fravo . you any ;brothers?" ''asked a European 6f a Japanese. `There are"four; mens" was his idioxnatic.reply, "but :they are' all women... ST, VITUS DANCE 1 MUST BE TREATED. • -: THROV H THE BLOOD, AND NERVES. •One of the Worst Cases; on Record Cured Through the 'Ilse .of Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. ` • St. Vitus dance is a nervous . dis- ease chiefly afflicting children. There aro' .a number of signs by which it may be detected such as'a twitchin of :the muscles. of the fare, shaky hands,'ora jerky .motion ' of : the arms; a trenlbling or a dragging of "St, lege; 'irritability and; restlessness. $t, Vitus 'dance Is: caused by. disor- dered fiervori and blood—that is why it • is always cured by Dr.. -Williams' i'zfik' Pilie. The ,psil'is fin the veins: with : pure; rich ', red• blood, -which turn ..soothes :.arid braces the ' nerves;- Snaking the sufferer well. Mrs. Luff,. man, •,Poueher's Mills, Ont., : tells houv Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills cured her . daughter, Louise. . "I le not hank '.it 'possible," says Mrs, Lu-'-. Man, "that anyone could be afflicted' with a More severe ftt�rzn of St, Vitus dunce than that which attacked my daughter, : Her arras and legs would tWitcli and jerk, her face was drawn, and filially her left side became' nuinb as though paralyzed. Her speech becanits thick. and -indistinct and she cbuld neither s;tnaid still nor sit ilei tt.. Two doctor`s attended her, but gave leer no benefit.. The last doctor who attended her told me she 'would .nutter get better. It *as at:1 this discouraging time we' decided to give her Dr. 1Viliiams'' Pink - Pills.. After taking two boxes we could see an improvement; she could sleep. bet' ter. and the spasms were loss severe, From that on she steadily grew bet- ter, and was as strong and hcaltby a girl on you will' find' anywhere, and she bus not had' the Utast symptom of. the trouble spice,"' Dr, - Williams' Pink Pills are the surest euro for St. Vitus dance, hy- Aerie, neuralgia, nervous exhaus- tion, "paralysis, and all the nervous' troubles of men, women and'child- ren. But you must get the genuine with the full name, - "Dr, Williams' I Pink lyills for I'ale People," on the 'Wrapper around. every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post I paid at 5ll cents a box or six bones for 42.5A by writing. the Dr. Wil- t ions' Medicine Co., Ilrockville, Ont,. irely of drunkards, as a iort Of vident eiteryWhere; the streets are Vergrcitvri With graSS, the fen* tooked, the little houSes of the hunt - ler inhatiltante half in ruins. °Very - where you Sae untaled building plots. l'radei MO the rettentie of 'the tOWnS decrealling hopelessly," The towns are burdened with taxeis thee teefte of the 0teiVertanef.ja They X bite after &tether' in Weer of the Da olio* district* vriiere the pow - eggs, ..end 'no one need fear.that his health will -suffer if he is fqrced to subsist. on a vegetable diet for" a time. On the contrary,.' many com- mon forms of disease . will be .greatly diminished by a natural diet—for. na- ture . never' intended Man to eat flesh,, ,.BABY'S', OWN TABLETS, For Weak Sickly Children Durin g. ' the Sot =-Weather gnths.. Thousands Of infants rand chikIreni die . through the hot weather monthu because• .summer complaints • and sto�rneach: ` .roubles come suddenly, , and mo hers - do . net have the means at hand to promptly check: and gine them. In honied where Baby's' .Own Tablets; are 'used these little, lives can be saved, and no home ,in the. 'land where' there =are •ehdldren .shoild. be -Without the',. Tablets.. They. prsoaizptly 'cure •.all. stomata and bowel troubles . and give relief to teething children, , and •the mother has a guarantee _ that then•, • contain no . opiate , or' harmful drug, • You can crush the Tablets to a powder' and give them, with, perfect safety to a, new born "babe. Mrs. S. M..'. R1ack, St. ' •Peters, TT,S.;: soya ""I have used .Baby's Own. Tablets: for 3nost of the - troubles from which' -lit - tie ones' suffer, and. I. fled' them..: the best medicine x -have .ever : tries." All. medicine .dealers• sell -these Tab- lets .or you camp gest' thein by Mail at 25 cents a box.. by writing Thu +Dr. Williams' Medicine •. Co., :Brockville, .A:• RUSSIA'S ` WEAUST SPOT. OFFICERS ARE INCOMPETENT AND - CORS.UP T. Ballroom Knights Leading Brave Soldiers 'Against the' Japs. ;Few men are better qualified . to', speak of conditions' in Russia and the g_Russian army than is G. M. Hutton ;of Baltimore, ' who -as American .Vico- Consul -General lived in Russa�te., fro* 1868 to 1882 and has since`"kept in close touch. With Russian.affairs. He lays the blame for Russia's, military failures• and the - corruption .in her, military service on the officer's alone.. Mr. Hutton married the daughter o3 the late .'Tomas' Winans,, whb with his late brother, William L. 'Winans; equipped and managed' the Nicholai Railroad between 5t. Peter - burg. and Moscow, and built'. up a great fortune'' y the undertaking. 'Ho is himself the master of Alexandretf- sky; most picturesque' .of the estates in Baltimore. "1' lived nearly fourteen years ill Russia," said' . Mr. Hutton to -day, "and have quite a nuiriber of friends among Russians. They aro all good natured, kind-hearted, and, t might oven. add, generous people; but as a rule. the educated classes are Unre- liable and superficial, The perteants, pre. the Backbone of the empire. They. are brave, and can: be generally ra- ted upon.. They cannot, help pilfer- ing, but as a Russian gentleman once -put it to me, "They are born that way.' They attain the acme of obedience, and -therefore, 'they'mnlee wonderfully good sold•Itlrs when . led by mon in whom THEY HAVE CONFIDENCE: "'However, obecileace is •not all that is required, when pitted. againet such intelligence as possessed by tho Japaneme. In regard to trio Obedience of the 11118shilt Seidler. one of England's foremost aenarals elra on.co Malted to watch the artily limns oeuvres ,neer St, 'PeteesbUrg, On his return from the hinpection, Malan of rank asked his opinion of that 'Were he Emperor of, Ituseirt tied ost a battle he would hang all the cormnanding officers on the nearest would undertake to march to hell and know that if I Tailed would n;vself be to blame," "That is the• rank and filo of the rmy. But the rank and file hates o led. There is where the Rue - Ian army is week, not to Use f £1 a kftight of the ballroom nnd drawing room. Ho is too. mu& .f ent oft catalog to his own pleas. wets to stuOy .hfs profession. The rtussiatts aro not students arid, they oopise work. The cant:600w is 'A travelling savinge-banjr, lately a en e• lectric motor earriage, carrying s elielves) for depotitorte end seats for I the driver, tWO cleeks, and A testifier. t jotirtieys about the country, Mak- b ng short 'etope in the eilIteree on fitated daps, to receive tuch *unto es he thrifty workfolk may bo desirour More than half the battle In cleaning greasy dishes Is In true:• soap you use, if It's j.ertljght Soap it's the best; as. ROCKEFELLER ON MODESTY. Mr, John D. Rockefeller has, like Andrew Carnegie, Rumen Sage, Pier - pont Morgan and many other multi nrillionariea, been worried to give ztdvice to young men starting in life. until he has been compelled to sue- cumb. Here are some gone froze Mr, Rockefeller's crown : A. man Possessed of genuine worth, dignity, and sol£ respect always speaks of himself moderately, if he speaks at all. Self -praise usually marks a serious. defect in character. Self -commendation Is wrong wh vanity, and f :se i11 • OWER PRICES USE SETTEE pu*ur r P OAND�HAD IN ._ Palls, . Wash Basin it Pans,o �, Milk Any Mist -Class araone Cain Supply feu!. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S• it springs from personal when it exalts itself x it a at the •a rinse ' f others r v Potatoes Poultryc o he o o en in comparison with , Eggs � �U�ter' Apples th .l them. Half of the people in the world tar - Let uef have your 'eonsigssimetnt of my of these articles d 111 cure. Dtabetes w y idnev dayaro on the wren scent in per- get you good priceq, Disease it must bo admitted that suof happiness. They seem to TSE'. DAWSON COMMISSION mi Dodd's3 Kidney Pills will cure any thinks it consists Of Navin and. gett- e•* ION RV7 CO, Limited g One. Waist Market and Qolhotno Rte, R O. Kidney Dii�easa. '�• iQ QrT ....#n n and of being served by others, a 1 a m •staken idea - It con- - and the numerous naval catestroph- sists of giving and serving others, ies at Port :Arthur• Self-sacrifice tar others always -wine "But worse than,the incompetency abundant applause. It is because Of its officers •is the corruption self-sacrifice, while universally .ad - among them.. 1, was in. Russia dur- mired in others, ' conflicts with ,the ing the Russo-Turkish war and well ruling passion of. selfishness in the remember the horrible corruption un-� human "heart that . it is 'so rarely earthed then. Thousands of pairs practised# of „boots were supplied to the troops 1 with the soles glued on or with BE SINCF.R'E. pasteboard soles, with a thin, piece of - • leather stuck' on top for the sake of . Associate reverently and as much appearances. Contractors agreed by as you can - with your loftiest thoughts. Man's noblest gift Ito man is his sincerity, .for it embraces furnish, say 100,000 blankets, and delivered 50,000, but: were always able to produce a receipt his integrity also: Tho finest uses FOR TH1:'FULL AMOUNT. of things are the accidental. Routine• "There :aro not o r c rd more is a : grotmd .to stand on, a :wall to e ° flagrant instances of graft ir2 the retreat. to. Tae rosea itely and faith-. country and I notice that flog sort fully ; whoa you 'tire; be humbly what of thing is no better today :then it you aspire to be Disappointment. v Tek f i t will make'us conversant with - the as en my tame, e, or ns once. the caso"•at Harbin, where tbe Rus- noblest part of :our.. nature; We ren- Sian officers were .selling ponder out der men the best assistance by let-. of the Government stock to the Chin- o them see' how 'rare ..a thing it is. ese merchants, and, as if that was to need any ass'," nee. not rascality enougn iii ascii,' cheat- -* • ing the merchants by fining the"box- tiow's . This ; •Gig• more than `three-gtlattrs full. of . We otter One Hundred Dollars •llewaed sand .And sprinkling' n: little -powder ' top. With '.such dishonesty' run- y Catarrh. u► • for any case of•Catarrh that cannot be oared b ' flail's Cure. ' ' on'o ning through the. supply' departments F: .I: CNbtt' k;Y do CO., o, O. calf it'be<wondered at that the bravo VVe. the untimsfgped, have known F. J. UhMg for the last '15 years,' and soldier's axe short pf food and have believe hien: per(cctly hnnorabie fn alt • not .the stamina to . withstand ' . the ' business transactions; and financially scientifically delivered shock of the by his firm able to curry out , any obligations: made Japanese army?'•' - - WALDITG, KINNAN &MAZi:VIN. esale Druggists,... Toledo, .0, &carr*' Cure,' is .taken-interne.P "There is.. one man in. Russia who tsllys9 t3 is . - sincerely to - be pitted. - That is lr, acting .directly upon the ..blood .and. the Emperor., H. is a man of the mucous surfaces of the system. Testi, g ntlest nature. cultured, lovable, bottle: 'Sold' by ail I?ru tats, PAPER PALS)`+, TEETH. ' False teeth made of paper- are the. latest invention from . Germany, Some of the dentists there aro using them, anti. report then to 'be highly satisfactory. These paper teeth have several advantages over the ordinary ones of porcelain or miner- al composition. They are very cheap, do not break or chip. are not sensitive.to heat qr cold, nor has. the moisture ' cif .the mouth any effect upon them. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head)- Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is .a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. . "Then you have no• sy-rnpathy for Elie : deserving poor)" said the char- itv `worker, , ' Mie?" retorted the self- made man, "Why; sir, I have no, thin buts 4 B , yinPtithy."; • Kee Mleard s Lieimeet to the lime, A rather •pompous' orator rose on one occasion to make an'extended speech at an. electioneering meeting. H'e began in. 'this rather sententious fashion, "Mr: Chairman, ,I have lived. long enough---". "Hear, hear;" yelled a number 'of the''audience, and such- a stcirfn of laughter: broke out that the aspirant for political hen, ors :Was forced• to -resume Ills' seat, -. kindly, and`. in the highest degree a . Take IIall's• 1+amily ,Pills foe' coat!= nobleman,. But tan any. one imagine: Potion. a man more unfit to be the autocra- • • — tic ruler Of 'a people like the ":upper '"BSss and Mabel :have ceased to. • .' • :glasses/of the Russians than' a mon- 'speak es. they pass by," said the arch :of ..such a gentle nature as Ins?". girl in th • tailor-made costasue. "Ito .,. 1 m .. ,y. 4 . A, elsandreffs)cy, the Baltimore home deed!. oxclainaesi the :' girl .i the of Mr. Sutton, is.one • of the cnrtosi-' home-made go'trn ..: 'What's the ties'.'. of Baltimore. It. takes its man's naznrs'" name from a 'village in Ruse* where Thomas Winans established his' man - For Over Sixty Veins „ ufacturin4'•plant :during the 'construe-. max. wisetow'e sooTmse ersuP has beau and he tion of the Nicholai railroad, and a b alta i aura+ win li r' latestheetomnc and Aorro] and is the !Milian' of :mothet8 fol. their Children white' teething• honorees the obit , softens t e game, e% a a was. built by the late Mr.' .Winans deo a eft' h after his return to this count rl+he. bestremedy or Diarrhoea. Twenty- ve cen a e-' � 5010 b>♦d d b tb 'hoot th world. Be care o�nd • I was Cured of a severe cold by MTNARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford ,N; S. R. 'F; . PIEWSO�T: I was Cured of a• terrible sprain by MINAARD'S LINIlF1I;l>T'l', PRED 'COULSON•. Yarmouth, N. S. Y.A.A.C. 1 was Cured. of Black Erysipelas by '.MINARD'S LINIMENT. '' Ingersville, J. W. RUGGLES. site -covers about' three city blocks. 1,11for"Biwa.wiriaLor•ssooTutxusriior." 22-01' • - The mansion atl . filled •with . art tress- ores • and ` the grounds' aro laid out Weary' Watkins—"My folks r always in elaborate fashion £ ld I ut ' t f tl o me' . was c ou ora gen e •1 man."•. Hungry tliggins.--,'P'r'ops CFJriNESE •VISITIPTG 'CARDS.. you was, mate; but if you was you In, China visiting -cards are in com- belong to rho. misfit ':department," • mon •use among. the "civilized." But' wheroa.g in this country the. cards ' l�tiliaid'S Lla6meat Lutes. u�tubth are. practically el one size and of small dimensions, M China, the Size of the.eard and the letters therein in- • NOTHING WASTED. ' • "Why did you invite Brogden to spend Sunday with yoe? It nearly broke 'hit beert when Jennie Hark- ins' married you." "I. know its I thcinght if Brogden raina ap anti saw how Jenaie arid' her . irtother rule things in the house OVer which I am, supposed to preside, he'd be 'vas' thor pleased with himself after .all.".• creases with the importance of • bloodsred poi** • itu• Mort ,POonle **ado's. hear a, lot about the conservaticei of Waste, but • owner. The cards. are u.sually of a • it is astounding what a number of ecceutric commodities are utilized tor trade purposes. The skins .of • mil- lions of eels are tanned arid used as Coffee 'has a Curioda Way Of gia. leather boot laces. frogskin, hap be - ally Attackirig Some Organ, come .911" of the mot, beautiful and , , Useful articles knoWn. to the binders Ails that come front. toffee re cum- of fancy booke " and tne makers of ulative, that is, unless the coffee is fans; waires whiskers Prcivicle the ally appearing aad the old ones get the modern man of fashionr and Worse. • . • • beetles Of a certain kind are eanort- I Was a slave to coffee jest "To begih with," says a• Kansan ed by the hundiedwight.'fOr use on could not live without drinking ' Te. Prove re yen that 'Or, is not only mildng you feel miseranle, barn itkdotag yen mem. wake • hiloh S-. Cork. sumptioit . Tonic 1 It is guaranteed to aura yes. ••Your Diener refunded lett doesn't., •. • . ' At all druggists, 25c., 50,a. 1,nd 14.00 ahoitha strong coffee every morning for pile Cliese's Ointment ia a certain -• ••• breakfast and I had sick headaches S and ever Mon of itchina. and absolute care for eack that kept me in bed several days meedingand peeteeilieZ Piles, every month. Could hardly • keep th74111 garfanstulcrn hg°, Ttrantled.3!,ts°,'Vs' My food on my stomach, but would tore meta they think colt, You can use it and vomit, art long as I could throw anY- (et soar money back if not cured. 600 a, box, at Iloteelers coffee to stay on any stomach ornescaNsostnerss & COsTerento thing up and when I could get hot Ivo'', two years. age this Spring i MEALS BEFORE LESSON. I was that sick with rheumatism I\ . cotild not Use my right arm. tO d° \Lender" Schciol May Provide Chil- anything, had ',heart trouble; Was . nervous. Aly nerves were all WI- dna With rood, streng and my finger nail's aed ti The •• London England -Cotintv were Wile as if I had chill all the Council has More than the limns iv time end my face and hands yellow tha empty heeds of the 'PoPils in its as' 0, punipkin. My doctor said it schools to look after. letington is Was heart disease and rheumatism demanding that the Meal authorities and my neighbors said bed Should be given power to food intder- Bright's Disease and Was going, to fed children. Something of the knit' die, ' bat' been urged by certain municipal "Weil, I did not know what oft bodiet 'before but riot directly iritere earth Was the matter and oversr Ceded as they are hoW in the Manage- . Morning would drag myself out of ment of tho schools, ime come „‘2 After' Tiventy Years of Suffering From bed and go to breakfast, not to eat of their representation:4. Kidney Disease and Dyspepsia, a Peifeet Cure is Made by would beat like everything. less attempting io teed% tineerfed GRILLED LIQN STEAKS. An explorer who hits often by com- pulsion eaten the flesh of animals not generally used as hunian food says that grilled lion steaks are delictous, rind much superior to those of the tiger; that the flesh qf the rhinocer- os, properly prepared, has all the good nualitiest of pork, that the trunk- and feet of sailing elepnants resemble veal; and that stowed boa- tonstrictor is 'a dplendid substitute Pains in • • BUCHANA,N'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works Oren both on etaekp and in•barna, unloads alt kinds et hay and rale either loos. or ih pheevea. denditweatalogaeto M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll, Ont. YOUR ' OVERCOATS lad faded polis vivid 1oolt better d.yadd,, It we lett of ours In your wan, wdto direct Montreal, Box 153 0RlTliil -AMERICAN DYEINfi• 00. $ONTREALs HAUNTS OP FISH AND GAME. Attractions for Sportsinen on the Line' of *the Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Itailway Company, bee .issued . a handsouto publications profusely illustrated : with halt -tons engravings,. descriptive - of the Wane? attractive ;localities for . sportsmen co their 1vao of In$W5%y. Many of tbw• regions reaches¢ by the Grand `tYorgsti seem to .have. been apecia3iy. Wepareoi • for the delectation of mankind, mmol where fora brief period the carnes of business are cast aside and life is given up to''enjoyment., Not only do the " ]highlands of. Ontario",. present unrivalled . facilities for both bunting, fishing' and . camping, but the- 80,0061 Islands of . the Georgian Bay, These: sand Islands and -St. Lawrence Rive er,. Rideau River and Lakes, Lake Ste .loin, .and -the many . attractive lo- calities in Maine and ^New: shire, present ended opportunitiee. for health; pleasure and sport: All. those localities are • reached by the Grand Trunk Railway System. ' and on trains unequalled op.'., the continents Abstracts, of• O:neario, Michigan, Qin, :-bee, New Hamnps l ire and Maine• fish and game laws ire inserted in ..,the:' publication for ". the gu£dance 'of :sportsmen. The Grand Trunk': Rail-. way has • also issued descriptive il• - lustrated matter for each district se* arately,. which are seat free on - ap- plication .'to the , agents of tlio'. Com- pany and . to Mr. J. D, McDonald, •bietrict • . Passenger Agent, G. T. R.5 Union Station', Toronto, • Publisher-="T4iis work of •.yours isi'.'t as good as it used to be.,, Au- thorn-` It :doesn't , heal to be. I've got a reputation wow;" • lialmerst Is -used by Physicians, Edith•—"Teli roe frankly, George, if you were a rich plan; do Yeu thiuk you would ask. me to marry yotz?" George --"I don't think it would be necessary, Edith; in that case, you would 'probably do the aditing.'"S. 850.00 TO ommeoaNk,s: ANa Via the Chicago, Union Pa"Me alkti Neatli-Western lino from Chit -age. Aug. 15 to Sept. 10. Choice ot roUtes going and returning. Carres- pondingly low rates from all points M.Cariada. Two trains a day from Chicago through without change. Dadrand•-personally conducted tour- ist car eacunsions. Write far itiner- ary enr1 particalars regarding special train leaving ,Cbicago August sto easts Toronto, Ont. Minard's linhaelt for sale everywhere Distinguished Artist—"PerImps 'it you conio here you will get a better light on tho picture. This studio is not nearly largo enough." Pair Visitor (desirous to understand).— "Yes, yes, I know, One can't get far enough away from your . Pior ack • • Now All Gorie. anything; but to force down, some An old School Board merriber, now more coffee. Then in 'a littIO while on the London County Cfmncil, the , / would. bo so nervous, my beaet. May. A. Jephson, tuitid:—"It le tiSt- "Finally one morning I told my children. I am not greatly concern- ' husband r believed coffee was the ed es to how it should he done, but DR CHASE'S itiONEY LIVER PILLS Cense of this trouble and that I It le essential that yoe should first a s thought I would try Postum which feed the child, 1 don't care if the . T had- Seen advertirted, 'lle said parents- are thriftless ot• drunkeit; the 'All right! SO tve got Poettun lied child must have food before we lame • • although T did not like it at melt s any right; to teatih It, 1 say, Seed - A meditille which' will cure such a got rirrht down to business arid the ehild, even though you have' te :lovers form of kidney disease as that made it aecordieg to directions, Prosecute the parents afterward:4, T then •It tvas ilne and the whole fam. have eleelys e.dvocated Prosecuting Hy got to tieing it and T tell you it those parents who eat give their hue worked wonders for me. Thanks chilrb•en food. hut don't; 1 hali, eiti. . It SeentS frilly to experiment With the meadthee you must feed the are thousands I-eady. to eertify 'that untried r&tnedies when there' incowt thweoenyeiriarsbeadli.roiitligtbslickhrh.cridtattoli achiroldi.ntrWlia,tevee changes. of. method --Dr. Chase's Eidney-Liver I'ills have 80 years before I began roaturn and that. IfurInirdrilYtletiehilviderenntuat?st tftleticie beet:erne inufriatuirdellyn.tea7rmedamthder of this pain- haVe • no trouble from my heart or my nerves aro note strong and ./ being taught. So 'frie there hos rot ' Mr. d'Ohn Gefirbi, On old resident boon any serioug difficulty in raising _of Thorold; Ont., stateer—"Por rem the rhetnnatient. • eveiria et' twos en %Nay th bin. lit.. very helpful. ("f tourers if voluntary 'bladder derarigemente. During that ifenis who coins tert, avid taste my ageneleS fail, then 1 see 'no objection . time 1 Wars o. great eufferer arid hed Postum say it is delicie‘A. ' Nitii,e , (It:II:L:17, the motley out of the rotes to get up six to tweilas times night - given by Pottuni Co.„ nzi ttle Creek, tk8 proposed bv' the Tslington Dor:it:eh Mielf.• doctors and used all torts of medi- . ly to pass water. I tried different deeerihed below tan certainly he re- lied upon for any. ordinery caso of. this ailment. • villa" in, each puke e TIME lttr. "mutiny, I began using Dr. Chese's • KisinciplAver Pills mid soon found relief. Thus encouraged continued to use these pills and after having. taker" twelve boxes was (Lenin in per- fect health Ord vigor. I can now *neap undisturbed, the peins in the kidneys and back aro gone, and ani fooling well and strong. con. skier Dr, Chase's gidney-Liver Pills a great boon to suffering humanity, rind had I knoWn about them when 'I was a young num could have escaped sullering all the best years of my. an dealers. or Iedmanson, Dates Company. Toronto. To proteet you signature of Dr. A. W. Chaso, the fattens receipt hook auther. ars on eVery box, • •