HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-04, Page 2atatellata :eats i.is 1.4 1.11. 11 I 1 ..
4.4;itilag Joints 1
In the Auger; teeer ertae, and 'other
partil of the body, are ioluta that are
inflamed lenci, swollen by them:0416M--
that aeld cenditiOn of the blood which,
affects the museles Wee. •
Sufferers' dread to Mays, eepecially
After sitting or lying long, and their
Condition is eoMMOnly• worse in we 1
weather. '
"I auffered arcialtully from theematlind, I
!DO bey° been eomplettey enrol by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, fee which I ant deeply grate.
OI." Mise Peenees amain Prescott, Ont.
"X had an attack of the grip which lett me
vreak and helpless and Buffering from rhea -
Tito Clinton News -Record
,i A
,. Young By Charles Garvice
Author of
4% "A Modern Juliet,"
.;. G. ir1.' sTrust ""BOnce in a Lifae,"
' etter Than Le,"
frock opine months ago. It wee true
that she, huel looked singularly re-
fined elien, but the refinement in face
and figure and manner Was even
more marked now. "She looks a
lady," thought feelicia, "actually a.
i lady."
Was it Bernet:We love and cern
that bad wrought the change? A
peng of jealousy shot through her
even in -the moment .of her relief at
the "X ain 1N1188 Grey." There wee
no wedding -ring en the gel's finger.
Miele's heart leaped •eXeitably.
They were not manatee thee.
"How very etrange," she went on,
t smilingly, and in her friendliest way.
came down here, quite on the
spur of the moment, to see a, friend -
it \Yes such a. lovely day, and 1 pin-
ed for the country-ibut she is away
and the house is let, and I was told
that perho,ps I could get a extP 01
tea at this cottage. 1 did not like
- to go to the hotel, as I am alone.
Po you live here?"
. • Nance lottS silent a moment. She
., longed with an intense longing for
this beautiful woman to g0 On her
wayand leave .her at peace. But
what could she say in answer to. the
"Yes," she said, "Will -you some
"Oh, thank you," said Felicia. "1
shall bo very glato rest for aslittle
while. It is so hot, isn't it?"
si rilitneg,troollotecianNenlvciethiontlito• atphpoealirtintl:
to do so, looked round searchingly.
She noticed the air of refinement, the
books, Nance's Mee -pillow, and .33er-
nerd's pipe on the pianteleshelf.
• "I will gee yeti some tea," said
Nance, very quietly, assilo raag the
bell. The color had lett her faee,
and the lassitude which six days of
waiting and suspense. had produced
wag; palpable.
"Oh, hout laud of eon!" said Feli-
cia. "How verykind 1 did not
know you lived in the country." she
wont on. "I had enidea yoLl. lived.
•in London. . .
"I did, I have not been here long
-a month," said.. Nave. .
. "Whet •ft pretty place Iona Bitten
is," saidFelicita "and 'ehtit 4 0141111 -
in cottage. you have, Are you liv-
ing with your Mother -your family?"
,si"yNpu)Soi thstetridifiNadie
eicsd..inx_a 'low. voice.
,• At The. moment the' door ,opened
and •Mrs „ Jo son entered.
"Did you 'ring, Mrs. Beraard?" she
said. • -
• The color Ntaincd'Nence's face.
"Yee." she said, "Will you send
in eome tee, please?" '
Felicia waited until the 'door closed
'again, titea. she said, with an air
'of surprise end apology: •••• .
'Mrs. Pet nerd!' You are Married;
thee? I did not
rlinlis.es.bleoct Setentel . Nanee'
"ilt-et eot littoWnS.'• sbe said, alt
•:inost- inaudibly.. • • ..
mathati. I began taking- good's Sarsapa. _ .4:44E+?1::034E•4140)144E+XtEtCf.3(0344;41431(...)1(11*.)1(*)14)10443(..**•
rilla ante this medleine• bits entirely cured -
use I h li I I f - . • • . . _
niy life." 111, J. efoleorreare Trentop, Ont. ceught, . and ills t i, nt ly reared. •
wet; but he diti uot lose his pre,
Removes the caOse of rheumatism -no •
outward appileation Can. ' Take- it.. • 11117, " Intud' :will hu "i4vil
. •
, ......e.....„„,..... ....e.ea s .,..,_.,,_, . a "One moment," be Said, quietly.
. . "My 'sleeve -link. has caught-' .
••••••••••••••••••••••• Before he could finish the senten'e,
• the ill-teniperea beast rose egain, •
• this titne as high tts• he could go
without falling over. Berner(' lost
• his footing and ' fell.- the • horse stria -
hg WM oil the head with its meta
foieboof.• ' ' •
elect with temper .and fright, the
•. . struck Bernard. Tidy leanny felt, th•?.
: • 1- cutimal reared again, and again
f .shock of the blow, and, with a tees
is• of aluriti Sting henell front nip
. .. The . groom, fortuttately; shoWed
. • more . peesence of' mind _than ott ,
would have expected in. a "perfet t,
V. 'fool," and taught. the litirSe just. Ili
.6 7 it was about to: bolt.• . .
".kia you limit?" cried Lally Fauna,
t- :expecting Bernard' to -jump to his
• feet eed answer cheerily lit the 'toga.
'40 -Owe; but liernard lay quite still, wit h..
hiS . face upturned and his 0,1T$ (lOatql.
1.•.;11O. 1)Vat; over ISM and utteroci a-crs'
ef 'alarm, 01 course a ' crowd was
formed, and tbe inevitable- pplicentaa
ptisited. his way through. :
4 Lady Fanny,. cool and coitrageous
as she was -it was. not the. first ac-
• cident she had ' set n -was terribly
. 4,4 • . alermeci 'by Ilernateles:White .facie and
. ave no es tation n saying it saved Tim animal ieeeee ease, sen
Hood's Sarsaparilla Bernard was dragged off the poem -
•I Green
will keep.
• your potato
• crop free.
from bugs.
ae• — '
Now is the
time to spray.
H. B Corribe
Chemist and Druggist:
"•eleeed eyes, and: She looked .routid
. frantically. •' •
• At the mantel:it, while the police-
man was. keeping the' crowd baciOare1
inquiring.. for 4 doctor, a. brorighara
• •carne up.. It • stopped; and a lady
got out, • At sight of her, Lady
,Fanny gave a geed of gratitude.. .. •
"Oh, .Miss ,Danteeel, is it you?
00180 glad!" .she excalimed.
• is •the Matter?" .asked
• ere,tus She made her wey. to 'Lady
Pentase Side. • Tse.,j thecolor left
her. face; and she stared down at the
• prostrate figure, and ' "ternard
• rose Trent. her liPs. . .
. "Yes, it is Ale -Yorke," saki Lady
. Fanny. ."Me was •loosening my curb-
• chain, and -and . that. best -he had
•••• a
ho is • Ho does. .sts:;
that of the injured man, aneltbe-
• side him in the dusty road and rais-
ed -his -head to her knee. A thin
• strewn: of bleed trickled over her
halide and epee her drees., . • •
...As she did. so, -• :0,•'gentleman made
tat* way -through the curioue, ' open-.
It pays In get a buieireise 0e:ca-
tion and i pars to 'get it in cer ecle
her place W her; but the doctor found
her waiting In the eitting-room when
he entered it an hour later.
• "West the same -still unconscious,"
ha seed, in ansWer th her mute in-
quiry. "He was struek twice on the
worst possible part of the heed. No;
I don't think ho will die," he added,
as her face went white and the terror
sh.one in her eyes, ' is very
strong; I never 'sew. a. finer made
man; but he will have a bad time.
Hadn't you better go home, Atha
Dement? You hare had a trying
"No," else add; "X will wait,"
And when Sir .Terence arrived she
was there: to receive him.
• "My. boy!" he Said, brokenly,
"Tell me the truth!" •
• Ile was white and haggard with
susperise; and ne 140 stood before her
his hand•went to his heart. '
"And you havestayed beside Iiitur"
lie said, with tee tears in his eyes,
when she .had told him the story.
"God bless you, my dear -God bless
' •The night passed.. Felicia Still re- •
• natined, ,•• .
"Is there any reason why. I shoultl
not. stay :and -and 'help?" she asked
Sir Terence, who 'paced up and down
the room, .pe,, 'sunk hi an artn-ehair,
hid his face in his, hands:, "Please
let me! I -I .shall be very get:aged.,
X know the tense cies( do everything,
but' -'but -if • I might only stay -e'
Sir Terence, looked- at, her eteaciily,'
eyes, stay, My • deer," he said.
ter •clevetion to ':'!his boy's touched
him to the quick.' • •
The • night passed, -arid •the snext
and the next,: and still Bernard
, lay as. if dead. Init. the doctor did
not seem to despair, .thpugh chills of
dread' ran.. through the 'hearts of Sir
Terenee and '
"He" may remainunconscious• • for
seine tine --for days,": said the doc-
tor, gazing ,dottn at the white, niot-
ionless face thoughtfully.. "There is
.a ease on record -I dare say you re-
• member. it, 'Sir Terence -of 'a yeang;
• man. "who Was• thrown out of his. dog-
.citi and Struck his head against.
Imp -post; he was widonstious,. dont-
plotely so, for six weelcs. 1e recove
meecl, • and is .hale end hearty now.".
Sir Terence -groaned. ., 1 •
"MY .pOor boy, my •Bertiardt"., he
'murmured: ' .• .. • • . .; •
.1.elicia. heard •the <lector -4i words,*.
• and softlywentout and genic into a
• chair -in the sittiageroom.. .,• • '•
• • The .teeribIe *strain whieh the'. ace
• cident .and enspeirse •hadectiused had
• relaxed and her ,'woolan'S wit vias•
WOrk.' Fate- had thrown Bernard
Into her 1.1ciaa dCould .she• not:keep
him, keen him .forevi.el*? Surely this
•stealige •turie of the .wheel should be
to her advantage. • ••' •
•For the next two . days,' as she
stood beside the bed, soinetimei hold-
ing Bernard's :hand -the. hand..en-
• consciatis of hey' loving pressure -pr
placing the bandages on his burning
forehead, her brain w.es at week.
• .No tidings, no - inessege had come
front. the:girl., wherever she was. 'Was'
it possible she did not know who Ber-
nard Was or wherc. he lived?If she
• ware bis Wife, if they were reelly
• married, •lid• would 'heete told her-eshe
would have been. luta' to inquire for
him. .•
. All through the silent. night -watch-
es• she "thought and planned. Fate
• had befeleilded her, bad separeted-
Berrated • froin 'bee 'girl with wham he
• heel: been infatuated'. . Could ehe , Met •
separate them eimipletelY?-, ,
On •the sixth day; while Wee ibeein-
'.WaS• ;hard at week forming :and: re-
jecting peheinek. the doetoi•• cenie to.
• •lier.. • . •. • . . •
"There .is 'itri irearoeemeet,"• he
said. • "I is is slight, though mien's -
He .may recover .eoneceoes-
• oess at nay: time, • ,
"Thesa theee 3 neeet
stime o lese,"
she said, uttering her • thoughts
" • • • •
beg your parden," he said, with
grave surprise. .• • • • '•
• She colored slightlY; I.
•, "I••,1.•reeati that perhaps it, would
•. • :well if he were not se Sedeme
SOMA .he • edrees to," 'she faltered. •
,..,The Os:peter' nodded.
•"Yeti eMi
re alwaYsethoughtful, ss
'Damen:el," he said, 'You would
,• Make an eXcellent nurse." .
• "I Will go away Corn few hours,"
.•she eel& "Perhaps. whet; 31 • come
back. he may .ask for me,if-if you
tell hini X have been here."
' The .dottor nodded mid :returned to
the sick -room., Felicia got ep. from
her chair and looked rouad. .A photo-.
graph of Bernard -a. carte-de-visite-
• stood on a side table, She :took it,
hiding the empty frame behind weal.i-
net,' and put it in her pocket, tale,
lea.ving the house, herself drit set
.:to' Waterloo Statien.
Art. irt'esistible deeire to find Nen e
Greyeathe girl who .had lured hiin
from her -had got •possession of. her;
• and One of the' :schemes Which ,she.
had fortned still •lingered in lee.
braIti. It was but a nehtdotts idea;
she woukt have to net as .eireenia
stances dittated. But to net the .
was resolved. rate-Proeidence--he d
east the man . ehe lotted• Inter her
hand:team! she would keep him if she
Mouthed' mob. Re Was a doctoreand
. With .aulet • promptitude • gave.' his
ore. Our nettutiance this 'year leasleee
the lateest in the history. of' this col-
, . „ •
lege. • We • have placed More etecheit's
in positiens this Year Altari.,in aty pre-
vious year. Write to the et:liege, for -a
magnificent catalogue.
W. .T. IClliott, Presultnt.,.
• D. BIcr,achlitn„ 'principal;
. .
prefer Rings to any'
kind of Jewelry. °For :.•(,,h1,
r,,a,.4on we. pay • speetal •atten-'
Of 100 riadies, 00 at leas -t.
tion to this' line. •
You will find all the favor-
ite' Stones and conibinations
at their best with us.
Every Ring at its very best
both as to value and anal-
A. 3. Grigg,
No Home is
so Attractive
• but that artistic
ph.otoo will improve
• No inattr • how
much you enjoy your
home, photographs of
your friends and
'members of your farn.
will inorease 'your
pleasUre. We can
make you a beautiful
characteristic plot-
ure •
• "Nearest hospital,' he said:
But Felicia looked lup, and as
quietly said: •. • ' • • •
"No. X know him; I know where
he lives. It is not far. My car-.
riage--" •
• leo interrupted her with a nod.
• "Right/' he said. "Will setae one
help ine Bit hint?"
. • .
The policeman stepped • forward.
•but Felicia; with white; set •face,
'motioned him beck andput her arms,
under Bernard's shoulders.
The, doctor looked at her curiously
and admiringly. •
. "Tell your man t� drive slowly,"
• he Said. , .•
• Between them they supported Bet-
natele-bet, it was oo Felicia's bosom
that his head restedand, with Lady
• Fanny followingan toot, they:zees:h-
. ed. his reoms..„ '
Robson stared aghast as they care
Tied the ,lifeless form up the Stairs,
and Lady Fanny -,perhaps becieuse She
• Was the innocent eaeise of the des-,
aster -sunk into a chair .ancl wept.
• But Felicia.Datnerel neither cried
• nor trembled, She waited in the sit-
ting -room. while Robson undressed
his master and the doctor made his
examination, tend stood, apparently
quite calm, as be came to her to re -
, "Concuss:lee of the .brain," 'he
"Is /he eltingerously-will he- Oh,
"X don't know what to dol" moaned
• Lady Fanny. , "It was all -my .faulti
• That beastly horse?"
"Yes, it is a bad casie," said the
doctor. "Are you relatives of htse'.'
• Ley :Fanny shook her head.
• "No," said Felicia; "but friends -
aid. friends. X will de anything,
• eVerything, you went."• ,
The doctor looked at her with the
keen, peotessional /4ance.
• "Very well," he sad. "My name
. Is Hill -Doctor Charcot Hill. You
ettn send for his owe doctor present-
• ly-ihough his man.' tells me he
hasn't one, You had better come to
,hirn, Miss-Detrierele thank Yoll-and
-perhaps the other lady will take
'your 'brougham and go to "St.
.Thoteas's Hospital and bring a nurse.
Mention my 'name and state the
Carle." - ••"
Grateful for the errend, Lady
Fanny departed, and Felicia, followed
the doctor intik) thedroom.
Bernard ley'ioj. the bed as he had
lain on the road, .to hli eppearatele
lifeless, dead; and a shudder ran
through her as she raised her eyes
qttestioningly to the doctor's.
"No, no," he said, 'Ire is uncon-
scious -,-not dead, You are not
frightened? If so, you had better go
away again, IVIiss Damerel," '
Sho took off her hat and Jacket and
dropped titbit on a. chair and looked
at Mtn, •
"I am :not frightened," she eel&
"I Will do anything .you want, I
Om an old friend."
"Good," he said; "send the man
for some ice. Pull down the blind.
Now, please, wire for his nearast re-
latives -his father, mother, wife."
voncia Dtimeol winced at the last
word; It recalled Iden Place and all
the hatt•heard there, She Went late
the beet room and wrote a guarded
telegram to Mir Terence, and dis-
patehed.it by one of the servants of
the house; then returned to the sick-
room, and, with a Steady hand and
calm face, that gill% no itidieatiott Or
the quickly beating heart., carried out
t the doetor'e terse instructions,
fiesnyw Ewa griiimm..tiastedy Fenny returned with the
burse, 40 A witoLui reluctantly roliel4 Atteided
Hump Back
SCOTT'S EMULS1014. won't make 0
1 Is• hump beck atraight, neither will It make
a short leg lent tt.t It frees soft bone
and hem* Olseeeed bone and is emeng
the few genuine means of recovery In te
rickets and hone consumption. '
strafe. tree rtrople.
SCOTT & 110WISIt, Chemists, Iti.
Pii Toronto, unlade.
sec. and $1.oet all druagists.
, . gg
,...›...„.. earce eileezmmor,
•t...?„... !...
greet deal of time? Your husband, la
he awey all clay at business?"
She put the question in 4 totie of
affable patronage and kindly inter-
est, end Nance inclined her head half
"Yes, so I supposed, You must find
It rather dull while he's emay. Your
work w,ould amuse you." She pause
ed and looked round the, room with
a sigh. "Ilow happy you 'Must be! I•
ate sure you have married a good; a
nice man; though they say there are .
no good inen now, that they're all
alike, selfish and Janet:Ile. What . is
It the. Mall SiLYS In the Play they are
all rasing about? 'Moil are all nton-
sters; the only thing for women to
do is to. feed them!'."
Nance 'natio no remark, • but • sat
with 'downcast eyes, and .ears on the
listen .for the belated step for whicjz.
she had ' waited in vain '. so Many
weery days. .
Felicia looked at - her with covert
watchfulness.. .
"Of poetise it Is difficult for men
to be good in these times," she went
op, with a sigh. "At. the hest; they.
are '-:-well, bad enough. • But I think
•it is foolish to be toe heed on men,
to expect too much. One .has to
make allowances. AlIsI ask' is that
there shall be tull confidence, One
has a eight to know' the worst be-
fore one marries, and that the man's
past. life is really past and clone
with, Don't you agree with ane?"
Nance looked 'up with: something
like et start. She had scarcely 'been
listening: e • . •
. "Noeares,"•she faltered: .
"Yes," • continued Felicia, "Web Ive..
a right to deMand-triat, and, I 'p-.
pose, if we do insist upon their mak-.
free a clean breast ot it, we shafl. all
hear something like the -smile story..
I myself have had e narrow esetepe
from shipwreck!' . . •
She paused and sighed, 'as. if invite
• eesseeeseeseasessesseepeseeteseeeseeeess
-.• •
• Common soaps destroy the
• clothes and render the,
hands liable .eczerna.
see; tinder:Jame" said. Felicia,.
. • .
and She laughed softly. "A eun-
away, . secret marriage! 11 ow dottght-
ftilly I quite envy you.
Everything end' • eyet•ybody 'ie 'so
• prosui a1 50 01.1e1.1(3
11tia1l)147i7;• ibilattheenti..
• need not mn one has •only to look.
M'ly.-otIl.''0nt quite. ha.P.py‘',": Mu. i"inueed,.
Nance in a low . voice, • •
"And your husband's . name , is-
. What did the woman 'call yotteeBer-,
nerd?" asSed Felicia, drawing' off•.
tier long glovesand leaning „ back
With geticeful ease and friendliness.
"Yes, • Bernard," replied Nance,'
with downcast eyes. • • • •••.
• "Ilernarci! how • strange!!! murmur-
ed Felicia; as lf to herself. ••. • .
Naneedid not •ask her whyit was
strangee•and:. sat. Silent until .141isl,.
Johnson; ettte$414.41.1..b,..6p. tea.-- Her
hands shook as s p red •ont • :a
-Cupful and got up to •carry • 'it 1 to
Miss banterel. *. .
"Oh! thanks; please don't 'get' up.
How glad I am to get it. And:, so
vett ' are inarried!:-And now 31 suppose •
,You have given up •lace -making,' •
•theugh I seri you still keep the cosia .
•ion, pillow, dr Whatever it is. • X .
She reached • Long. Baton, and in -
for Myrtle Cottage, • What, :•be
should etty when she • found . it, • tine
foundherself fare to floe with Newer
Grey elle knew not, and hee heart
beat thickly as she saw the •slirit,
graceful • figure, the Sweet feu'. of
Nance herselfearning down the path, ,
* 0, 0 « • .
41N9r 1, am, Miss arey," Nance
said; cold as she spoke, the color rose
to her pale face, and her 'eyes drop-
ped. She remembered the prowl
beauty quite well; but she was cos.
imiouS of a faint surprise that the
haughty Demerel ahould remeni.
her her, end Diet ehe ehould,eddrees
her in etich a friendly tette.
"How strange that X should Meet .
you here, VOA Grey," *aid Felicia,
with a smile; !Alt Itrr dark eyes scan'
nod Nance`e ftwe keenly.
th girI waa pretty -more,
beautiful -evil h a rare loveiltase that t
made otte iltink of the hoeing' tell
spriug flowers. Anti ehe as he 114. -
ed. tto. There Was a fit ditle
once., more easily Alt then
in the tlegettly thotigh plainly drc,.s- 1
ell girl and the Miss Greywho had
Artonitect the lace round Poliaiale
suppose ypu only. *cep it as: aaneres
.en:to of old i n.s? .• • . •
• Nance was about to answer in 'the..
af4r,mative; then 1, something- -cothied
her to change her itend-en impulse,.
rather than a .thought, that perhaps
.--perhaPs she would need to work
agea'N11-"o" •PI shell •' etill
• "Olt, •I gled to hear- that -4
can't tell yoa how glad I" ...said'. Ire -
"I don't know • any one Who
makes lace as well as you de. Bose, •
den -you. remeieber iny maid? -swears..
by ,you, Mies Orey.s-I begyour pert.
don, • I xneen::Mre. Bernard.", s
•Nerree . averted her fece...,' „ •
"She is very. Itind,!'. she. Said:
"Yes; I am very glad,' arid I hope
you will Make soine inoee for ine., I•
Want quite .a lot"-eshe• looked down
With feigned.: elienteesiee"foe 1 am go-
ing to be :ritheriedS'
s Nance looked. up.
• 4. Yes? ' she said, siztiply. •
"But not yet, of Course," said Fe-
licia. "Masi 31 'have another ettafel?
No; don't get Op; 1 will Whig nty
rep to 'you," She To8e • with languid
grace and stood by the 'table, sc'zn-
.Narice'e fare. , betide, dress, tte,
she poured, out the tett; and thekeett
eyes did not fail to notice The tele •
mor .of 'her battle, "Of melee!' I
eretld not he me:: •foe 50100 1110DIJI:g, •
at any re.ta„ You haveheard, of
Lady 'Wiltshire's • death, Mrs; 1.3.0-
*L'Ir,". Saki' Nance. • "/ .ani :very •
Sorry." e
Felicia sighed,
• "Yes; she met . With an accident,
It was. torrible-terribleSeeeshe fait • •
her lace -edged handkerchief to her
eyes for a rnoinent-"the.t . is Why
your account has not been- paid. It.
got overlooked in flui confusion."
She Watched Nano over the hand-
kerchief, Had Pernaed been to Uden
make and learned ot her visit?
"It does net Matter," sitid Nance;
and Irelielet draw a breath of relief:
"Xt does not 'natter in the beat."
"It Is vary kind of you to say so.
X will see .that It is sent to you. But
about the lace, Do you think vou
eould •inakti me HOIDO for an evening-
dresa of black grenadine? Afterward
tvan,t some white lace of var-
ious kinds.; oh, Olt() , a large ankh-
Nance hesitated.
"I -I don't know," she answered;
and indeed she Aid not know what
t� saY.
Her head ached, her eyes blerisci
with the oppreesion et retie& Pa-
avrerp presence. Cyril mieht 00111e'
it any nioniera-even While Felicia •
,aniorel was talking Nance Was
• wog' for hint- And' trot,ld antiot•-
ed at anding a stranger there, If
ffof. 1,•,,01ild. only go!
"T 'do not know," she ropeated„
tittiolo•ly. "1-1 will send you word; I
will write," ••
"GM31 hope you Will be 'able to," 1.
sold 1,:e1lcia, "; suppose you li4v0 4 `
•.•Ask tor the Octagon'. Bar . 211
August 4th 1904
Store f5uring July and August Satuiday
closes this store will close every r nights
at 6 o'clock E Wednesday afternoon. jo o'clock.
• Still tiammering
At Our =
ugust 'Sale
t.,3 Ribbon le •
kit .
• .....im• Itl 4700 y airod.gs.(atn
,) ass (0) rtec ciprieaperclortc:dd pieceo, all
Ice 3c.
04; •
"'" •
500 yards, regular prices from 5c, •, -up to...
10c:per yd; clearing, Ont. -the years •
•buYing. for, 3g. *c_
"et •
• ex,
• mg a question from Nance; but ..•
Nance eaid.vothinge • '. , •
•"I: really don't know'. why I tell
you this," said' Felicia, drawing •ou
'her gloao and gazing at it pteSiee-
":I think it Mast btabeeause von
..ern:just marriec1e. and you has such
'a ssatripitthetie • 'kind of 'hice, Miss
`c:lreer-.4.. mean Atm:. Ilernai•d*.":•.•
'Nanee.. winced .as lit' . had. 'winced
. at. every repetition ofthe name, and. -
over the . :.ge.s.;%.
ture.ef pain and embirreesinente • •
' ei"Yee, my story nearly ended ,
happily," she said. -rile gentleman. 2t*
I ent going to marry ie Teta': 'pope-,
-ler. If is • 'very. haedsorne." She era .
smiled,. But I seppose •we all think •
the man we, lore lieralseamee, 110 We
hot? •But •he :retitle 'very • goOde.
:looltingreIedon't think • T know a
:handsoiner natn-tuid; rr: of • coarse -4
well, beauty is as much a fatals:gift
for men, •as it is for eeemen. :Don't
eau think' so?" • • '
Had .111ot Strength
• TO Do His Work
,iNas laid tali for a month .and
sufrored zreatiy bdt cure
came with the use of •
Dr. Chase's Remedies,
While Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is extraordin-
ary as a system builder it is Only ilightlylaxative
• and persons inclined constipation and liver
or kidney disorders obtain hie best results by
using Dr.. Chases Itichtey-Liver Pills at the
same time, taking One pill at a dose as often as
is required M keep the bevels active,
Avenue, London, Ont.,.writes " I used nine
boxes of Dr, chase's Nerve Food and six boxes
of his Kidney -Liver Pills for a run-down systent
Tnow teal ikenel:Zr:7Mlfe ggiste,FOd
up for A month, as 1 had not the strength to
Land up et my *sprites machinist and suffered
inuelt from headaehei, stomach troubles and:,
pains in my legs, .
" lt I ever got run down in health again I
&huh not belong In trying theso. medicines,: for
1 have pros en their excellence,"
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 cents a bee
ellagt'S Kidney -Liver Pills, 25 =esti box,
at all dealers. The portrait and eignmure of
Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book
5(0 00 semi, box.
Tilt DAY .1.`0.i MONDAY 'OUTING.
Sptial • your Sundays e the eopelar
eummer resells. Rete.rn tickets areiett
sale frcui Clieten to Occierish.eoceIS'in-
card 'fl r.6o. •
Good gait", all lefties Saturtlayi
etslitS, returning walk Atoticlay. Por
licketS and full information call et
(lintel Trunk Th..ket Mice,. • , -
V, 1, Itudgens Torah. Tieket A"gt.
• .Clhllcu, Ont.
LaTTIOn rinxit
Tile Greed 'fritilk World's Yale kid
058 which is tte finest speelmen of
railitruy literature yet issued on Oa
,ottistatur Purchase Ii;xpositiow, is in
great. demand. A good sepply 1)08
mon isst.red and anyone sending four
eats stankts to ‘1, 1), Maec!olnl1d4
Passenger Agent, Thrente,
an Seettre .eopyt
Musliiis So,
Regular 1.2cll'ancy. mess arrtisiimi., nil
net& ood s, July sale price
Hose 2 for 25e.
Ladies fast black Collon•llose 1sizes, •
• • pri41. 2 for.„.; •
Ducks and Pique- at So
• .
Cleaning rip :our .s.toelc of . pucks and:
PiqueS,, all on one counter, regular
12;ike for • - •
• •.t;! ..... • . . • .
Fit6 Cotton nic..
Vour.'picceS left, ektrit heavy factory cot.;
• ton, regular. Me for.;.„,;.„ ..... . .. .. „.
.en's Qptrtment
Men's Ilal fHose 2 pr for 25c»
lUens hose:. cotton. and. 'wool, cotored
splendid value,- c for....
Men', Silitt8 7.50
N.lene Cbiored • reg-taar
price $1.00
Men's Softfronted. Shirts -$1..,Q0
sc.)ft fronted outing- shirts,. 'all .the
newest stripes ana dOlors regular
$1,25, for: 1,0a
Balbriggan 'Underwear
t:00 .
Men'A:.13albriguan Trnddrwear for slim-
. er c'Ot)1 n CIA t; • al 1: 1ZeR.
25c, 118c.
ell °ring Departmen
•.ancl Workmanship .Guarttnfeed,
. .
Spedial pttro 13Otrua y
' sted. Suit 7 boughtat a snap, -vcrorth
$20 00, inad.e to your order: .. . ..... 15
10 Suit lengths fancy Tweed, .• regular
$20.00 and $2,2'.00 to ."-o ,... $ 15.
.117•••T ;VIM,
• . at: ' •
: •
• ir
cee tet
• •,.,
i"ye. eer
• a
• .••••••••
• Will make regular. visits to Clintot and is equipp-
ed with the most modern methods and. apparatus
for testing your Eyes in the most scientific • manno...
The Doctor is a graduate in Medicine with ten
ypars experience in the pritetiee of medicine and stir-.
gery and has spent eight years testing eyes and fl.
ing glasses. .
• If you are in need of glasses do not hesitate to eall
and have your eyes properly fitted.
The Doctor carries with him all the latest styles
in Spectacles, Eye Glw.es, Chains and Pins. Yo
cannot secure better styles or better goods in Toronto,
New York or Chicago.
EVES TE,--IIED FREE' If you. do not need
glasses the 0 or will tell you ,<o and it .costs yon
At the Rattenbury ifotel, Ullnto
trAUCUST 15, 16 AND Iz