HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-08-04, Page 1kr:
04" ••-e
25th Year
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Furnishings- _40 -Wear Clothing, Hat g.
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-< •--' CLINTON---:---
.‘Wi.NOrrksr/..Y(XelDIC410iteiCt:3010r,i0Y.' e e... e '' •-: e '=•- ^ "eleMEX--PeitVetie .
3**191/er-X-telefosiGietelaiGrolate4e•reeVroji raiWiehNE )101,0100 )1,*alee'lefeelaeleiefair4
, . .
4. 4. 4. 41,. 4.• 4. 4.
• • s• • • • • Vv. • • IV •
en's Clothing and Furnishings
. at Nearly Half Price .
-This is the time of year when stocks are pretty well, bro-
ken in the clothing business, in fact it's the time wkien-
we went to get rid of all summer goods. We will be -
busy in a couple of weeks marking of all the new fall
-clothing, furnishings, hats, etc., and we• want to begin
_the season with 4, brand new stock. For SATURDAY-
-OF THIS WEEK we will have on sale the. follow-
ing list of bargains, You save from 26 to 50 per cent,
Just a few left Men's, 2 -piece Summer Suits made from dark
grey tweed with light 'grey stripe, sizes 36 to 42, our best e
$0.00 Suits for $3.00
30 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, made from all wool Halifax
tweed, with double seat and knees, regular prices 750
and 900, forOrec
We have still a few Boys' Moleskin & Duck Fonts that are o.
worth 350 and 40e, which we are selling at pew pairflue
doz. Men's Straw Hats in all the new shapes, worth up to '
01.25, on pale at....... . . .... 150c
2 doz, Bays' Straw Hens,carried Over from lasit year, regular
price:3 75e to $1.26•; to go at . giac
, 1 doz. Men's Grey Drill Overalls, regular prices 75c to $1, to
go at (mostly large sizes) 50c
1 ddz. odd sizes in Men's Colored Shirts, regular prices $1.00 •
and $1.25, sale price 50c
6 doz. Men's Cotton Sox, regular price 2 pais. for 25c, to go . •
at , • 4 pair for 25c
75 Men's Tweed Vests in all sizes from 30 to 42, besb $1,75 and
$2.00 vests you can buy, sale price 7 95c
3 doz. Men's 35c and 50c Brabes to go at .•:........P. 25c
4 doz. Men's Working Shirts•made from duck, 'shirting, etc.,
regular 50e to 75c shirts to go at ' 45c
The balance of ourhest $2,50 Grey. Felt Hats to:go for
• 1
The J. W.. Newcombe Co 09
• Men's and Boye% Ready g‘,
*04• 0000 444
• . The Soyereigii:B*nk..: .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Directs your attention to its special
lacilities for issuing- drafts on all the '
leading towns and cities in EtirOpe• and
elsewhere at the-lewest rates.
This is the safest, simplest and chea-
pest method of' rethitting money to
foreign cometries.
Correspondence or interview re-
. quested. •
• ••••444•**00000-00040
H. T. RANCE, Manager. • - - W. BRYDONB, Solicitor. o
:I: 1
do •
• •
• •
Warm leather
Is Here At Last -- -
• •
You will need a newand lighter • -
suit. We Can supply you at less than
manufacturers' pries: • •
• This is no mere statement. It
is a fact, and/we invite, you to give us
a call and see .for yourself. You will be
surprised when you see the ready -to.
wear suits we are putting on sale at
just half price.
100 of these Men's and Boys'
Suits are now on sale arid •will con.
tinue until all are gone,
Yciii can!rdo better any place
in the county, so„come along and pick,
up the snaps in Clothing. It will
mean dollars intyour pocket. Money
saved is money earned.
T. Jackson, Sr. Clinton.
•• •
• • •
• •
.1.441444;1 1 1 1 1 11.+4444+44++.++++:14++++++4-1,4+14+++"•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
This store closes every Wednesday afternoon during July
and August, but, does business all the rest of the week.
If you :want
A Snap in Boots and Shoes
call and get them. now, Clearing for fall stock.... • • ..
R. J. CLUPP4 - Clinton.
NEW . : ,
CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY) AUGUST 4th, i904. Whole Number 1331
BOARD OF TRADif l41r40;
A meeting of the Board of Trade
will be • held in the council chamlier
on. MondeatAeveuing next to discuss,' ae
Mr. Rensford informs us, matters of
vital • importatee.
Charlie, the youngest son of Mr.
Peter Cantelon, has hem very ill for
over ai week, soknuch as that, Ifor daye
life was despaired of, lint we are
pleased to state that he is now "mak-
ing satisfactory , progress towards re-
covery. •
Wheat 88e te, eoe.
• Barley 38c to eoc.
Oats300 to 3xe.
• Tub Butter I3C t() 130*
CTOC1C Butter ire to ewe
Eggs zee to req.
LATe Hogs $5.25. •
• Tbe local Chief of. Pollee yesterday
received a telegram from Cassels &
Carr, liverymen, of •Witiglhaen to de-
tain a iiiorse hired from; them on Nen-
•day. Tile "horse was found in Anie of
the 'hotel stables andi has been taken
back by Mr. Carr who came ' down
this morning,
On Saturday last Mr.. James Reid
received from Mr. A. Hooper a cheque
for $37.74 as compensation for the
thumb .11e,17a,d injrred while' working,
ifl iho organ factcry soma time ago,
Mr. 'Reid will he entitled: 4to another
cheque shortly fon his other thumb'k
was badly cut last week whileopera-
ting a •sawin the o. f. • James is
unfortunate and •yet fortuna.te, . the
• latter': by • reason of holding Ian aecie
dent ,•pclicy. ••
Sunday last was the 26th airtni.ver-,
sary f Rev. Dr. Stewart's induction
into the'pastorate of Willis church and
at the evening service he took for his
text the same passage as he preached
from cn induction Sunday : Wit14'
What intent did: ye Send for inc.". Dr.,
Stewart can • say much in kw words
and his sermon Contained Many
les$ori.. It , is •ihe lot of Very °Ifielw
clergymen: to wear just so well . as
does • the 'popularpastor of Willis
'church, ' • •
.• •
After several mantle° seffering,borne
with much patience,', Mrs .• James 'Car-
ter. 'died on Friday ,mornieg , last, lea-
ving to inoterii her departure' her leis,
band; • a daughter aged eleven years
. and 4 S<>11 ono year yormger. Tha
funeral took ,place �ns Sunday after-
noon, the • services being ccnducted by
Rev„ Mr. kleides, assisted, as • had,
-keen recpieSted by. Mrs. Carter, InnA,bea
officers of the Salvation .Atiny. The•
pallbearers were :. H. W. Cook, A.
Ccek, 11 Carter, G. Prawnlee,. G.
Masonell, H. Little. • .. '
. • . ,
A meeting of, the,'•West Huroe • 'H-
ee:Ilse -ecaiimissioners• Was held: at In-
spector Paislcy's ollice oa 1VI-oliday • Ice
addition to the inembers of the, board;
there Were 'present .sereral Temperente
advocates:, including Rocs. Dr. 'took,
Dr, Stewart, Manning and 'Greene and
Mr.. A.: T, Cooper, .who ' tritered ti.eir.
protest agaiust So many lieensed.
s9s Clinton. The King • Eithward WAS
the principal bene of contention. ;:eidre
for tha.'remperance party Ob-
jected to a ,lkenso being, granted • this
licitel on tlie gteend that.. legal appli-
cation had not :lbeen.ruade, that is
when the license was first applied for,
'it had not boon • accompanied by the
requisite kietitioe. HO furthermore
claimed that When the pe.tition was
finally gotten up it had not heeti.open
to' inspection for three days as requir-
ed by :law. Mr. 'Beatty; who appeared
for Mr. Cooper,contended thati :thee
objectioris slic•uldhave been., made
when 'the applications were ' first con-
sidered and held .111...y could not
now be taken into cOnsidera,tion.
The +commissioners' took the ground
that action in the matter had simply
heen held over .froin the Ataril meeting
arid ,granted the King :Edward w lie
•cense, • • •
As the population of the town only
permits of, five hotels, 'the Queens was
summarily mit off; .
Art:exceedingly pleasing 'event toOk
place in the cotmeil chamber •'on Mon-
day evening when Mr. William. Coats •
was presented with an illuminated ad-
dress ,aed a grandfather's clock); one
of the kind . that °tee:dies ••froin the
floor to near the ceili1g. No .
I)e1L was spared in prcefiring them
and they were giveit Mr. ,Ccats as
tokens' of the ,esteem in which he is
held Ly the citizens of Clinton, regard-
less of polities, creed,ot anything else.
'Upon. the address, -whech was presented
by Mayor Hoover,- appears the names
of 147 citizens. It runs as follows A. .
• To William Coats, Esquire, Regis-
trar of the County of Huron, Ontar-
io, sometime Deputy -Reeve, Clerk ;and
Treasurer of. the Town of Clitetcn
The citizens of Clinten warmly .and
sincerely eongratulate you on your.
elevation to the itie,ortant office ef
Registrar of thel County of Huron
which the Govertmitatha$ selectedyou
to` fill, and were it not the 'oecaisiore
of your removal from this 0.0/annuity
would kel , unmixed satisfaction in the
honor and advancement bestowed upon
a fellow citizen held so eoerving an
worthy. We take the opportunity to
oiler our formal recogratien . of . the
eclearable heartiness end • good will
which you haveealways cots:tined with
your • abili•ty to repder public service,
end of the Mei* and exertion which
have aided your talents in the various
executive aloe you have filled from
• time • to trine through two decadeS.
The part you hava had in the 'Wilding
up of ceer clerk institutions and in hay-
ing the foreetlatielis of the achninistrtn"
tiote of Our public affairs has left its
sofficieet impression upon the lestory
of our town. The merry Mende you
have made in public and private life,
aPpreektieg thews and many other
Weep, ask leave to preselit • you with
this memorial sUbseribed With their
A dog belonging to Gardener Wise
bit the young woman who assists
4/3coss Gardener" Allenson, Mr, Wise
Ines had to shoot the dog aud, pay
Some changes are in contemplation;
in the Londesboro Methodist .Circuit,
It is proposed to make Londemboro a
,Seaticn with e minister of its• meth. ;
while •Constance ' together with • Alma,
reel Turner's will be made a Circuit.
Civic Holiday next Wednesday,
Rev. .J..Oreene occupied. the •Baptist
pulpit on Sraiday last, • . •
Mr. Harry Routledge has 'been ,laid
up for a few days with blood poison.
• Mr. J.• G. Mold, the Ratteninsy •
street tonsorial artist, has ,bought an.
eighty-frve dollar chair. He endeavors
to make fit as Comfortable as Possible
for his customers. .
• + • •
• •• . . e.
+• Mayor Hoover has pro -
+ claimed .Wednesday. of next
• + week as Civic •Holiday • so +
that ..all places of busress
• n. will be closed cu that day.
, Onr •ec.rrespondents will plea- +
••+ se note • and st•ncl-int then' .+'
+ bedgetS -e; day earlier than n. •
+ • itSual• so 'that The News -Ree- +
sa. ord staff may enJoy the hce +
+. Belay. mei .yet get the 'Peo•
• ple's Paper carton thne; •+ .
.4. • • . • .e. •
• 4:4.
• .3. G. .Hanmer of Brantford, an.
ixtereive dealer in thorobred sheep,
and who is making up a shipMent •for
the . Western States,. visited. Maple
Geove . Stock Farm, . Stanley, ou
<ley, last and bought from Mr. jelin
,Maciarliene twenty:three • yearling
Shropshire rams. Mr. Haunter. seid-he
knew vehere to ccene ees get good etoch
and after expressing ; hi:itself • •as miich
idleased. with ,lits purcluesosael he wou-
ld be-baCk later. for still more. •
Mr. elaefarlene lias yet a flock * of
reo,ShroPs. Ile has, aliva.ys bad faith.
in. -sheep.. Iireeding. • and., while others
went. Out ;of the industry he:kept right
en and gett1'fig good' ,prices ' for
his stock. Last weeks, Sale wan quite
satisfactory to him anc‘i he has...every.
confidenee. that . prices will rule st•ill
• .
higher.. • .
.Varna, • .
MT. C. Ward, and kiss Anina!attendcld
iaveedicimic r.z.d Bend one day last.
Miss. Maud' Davidson of London is
this week' visiting- with • her ' uncle,
Rev. Thos.. Davidson. . • .*
Mis's Jennie• Mackettzle of. 'D•etrcrit .4s.
spending•lier holidays with her...par-
ents . Mr. °and Mrs. R. Mad:err/A& •
Ili garden 'Potty •in connection' with.
St. John's churcli e•lace ,O.I1 Tiies
day. evening and decided success.
The, evening. was fii•e awl. •very. 'alto
crow& turned (int' to cainn:themselves.
The 33rd battalion, 7Seafcirth
-was in attendance and .reedereO# long
program' of select anteSicl, The mei-A-
cts el St.r',Tolin's•,:elfureh are • to • to
congratelated ' on ' tile. success of their
clam -14;414r era. •
Mx: and Mrs: .A.tuos awl. two child-.
rep: of :McGillieary toweship °visited an
Mr. A. Dungian.s. on• Stinday. Miss
Jean ••AreOtt is also visiting at Mr.
Dittman's at present. "Mrs. Arnos and
Miss Areott• arc sister§ of • Mrs..
•D•tetcan. • • •
. Mrs. Joseph Cook of 'XIensalt Spent
a Ifew days last, week with Mr, and
Mrs. Wilson •Coah, ' •• -
The thunder storm of., Wednesday eV.,
eking .of last week raged with • great
severity in this section and • caught
many of the picnickers who had heen
spending.' the day at the lakesiOe.
What looked like e of fire fell in
front. at the hotel ehe'd and exploded •
with the .noise of a. revolver dischang-
. Mn. 'a.m•.; Mts.; Hoi G. !Hutchings of
boelerieli tcwiisliip spent. Sunday under
the' parental roof. • •
. .
,• The Misses Ettirria arid Milne Reid
and • their eousin, Mr. • A:•Thompson,left
ort 'Friday for MaMtobe.
• Miss. S. 'Cite returned home on Mon-
day evening from. eisiting, friends in
Chatham. , •
• Mr. and Mrs; T. Johns •of Exetee
spent Sunday 'under the, paeeettal roPf.'
• hIr. joe. Ward was taken sick with.
the appendicitis when he was coming
from' Clinton. •cii: Saturday morning,:
and Mr. Arthur johns went .for '• the
doctor in• hot haste. •
• Me. Arthur • JCalr.,g Eihtdv1Vir,,. VW.
Clark Spent Senday in Exeter, •
We are glad to . se lS Mt. John, Gab,
raith . around. once more.
• .•
• A number f here picnicked at
Goderich on Thursday of last week,
Mrs. Hooglin and daughter of Tor-
onto are the guests of Mrs. .A. J. Co-
• Mrs. Stanley visited Metals in God-
erieh last week. .
• Several from here picnicked at Day -
The ustlal quarterly services will be
held in the Methodist church on
Mrs, T, C. -Pickard has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Fisher, At
' Goderieh.
West Tuckersmith•
Mr. Thos. Lane, Tuckersmitlx, re-
cently purchased from V,i1„ 3. Iligge,ns,
Elmhurst Farm, Die eleverienonths-old
Shorthorn calf, "Pride of Fashion,"
one of the best calves that ever left
Bluilittrst. It is frotro imported Prie
mole, and sired by hueorted rattcy's
." I Defy Anyone
• . the Busine
Monday night's meeting a Die towe
council was. the most largely attendedi
of the year and the reason is not far
to seek. The Estunatesewere up for
discussion and the tax rate was Struck
This is au important qteeetioo to All
who contribute to the local reveure,
but it did not •bring out :the unusually,
large crowd who were attracted rath-
er by the prospect Of 0,n interesting
debate' on the advisability of submitt-
Mg Local Option to a vote of the
eleetorateA' petition of 2316 luemes,
asking that a vote bet taken at the
January , election, was presented • by
Rev. air. Manning, who made a strcog
eppeel, to the council for favorable
consideration. In part he said '
Before Confederation the meinicipal-
ities had the right to ptchitlyit the, ree
tail sale, but • that privilege was taken
from them an the passing of The
Canada Tenlkieranee Act. it was again,
restored in 1897 by the passing oh the
stored in 189P7 by the passing oh the
• Local Option' Act. • •
• 'Ilhis Act proltilets the sale iu !Owe
tities of less than. five gallons oe
elvelve, battles centaiting .eighteco,
quarts.. The• li,citior.must not be 'COIIB4
sumed ate the prethises'or any buildiag!
connected • therewith. • The penalties
for violation cf the law are the same
as. those for illegal selling -.under the
present License Ace, A wholesale li-
cense' costs .uot less thine two hundred
and fifty &liars end forfeiture fol-
lows infractions of tue law. The pre-'
• seut eliceitse maeltizery is used toi
force rt.. •• . ,
111).• .tO .December last eighty one
muoicipalities lid adOdted Local. On -
'then the number lien
.•.. •
. • •
• It's on •We.eknesSis that • it only
embraces 4cne nitmeipality. •
•• We. want to close -1.4 bars, .•
The- petition which we haee present
ed to you. .contains • the naines of 236
citliens,"ineluding 13 profeSsionanmen,.
-i07 mechanics aad laboring mem
8e women , • ; • • • •
236 electors 0,01c you to•sulilniit. thih
1371•9•1.: . • • :•..*'••, •
Grant •the ',Myer of theepetition.end.
youithroW the responsibility, tition the
shoulders -• of the eitizettS ; refuse., rt
00 the responsibility . lies with .yotir-
selt:',es. • •• .•
• :Youfavor. the. llcpaor traffic by • ra-
fusing to submit: :this qiidation •1•toi.,ai
Vote of the people. •• • ° • • • 1
-.1 would .not slander • the conntry
people by -.saying that they, will, not• do,
their. ttading - inClinton if• •:strong
drink is not sold here. • .
• It is 'claimed that Local. Option rains
the- business of a •teavri. I defy,:,:any..-
one• to prove sucli a statement,
• Soiree object to the names of women
being on the. petition.' Yon' tax thek.
teroperty, why. • refuse: •them a voice
in this ilie.tter ? • " • • •• • • • . •
• There Was °So pronounced ,rmg• about
the. • •kW • remarks. Made by.. Cciuxidillor
Walliswho moved that the • question
:be given to .the 'electors. to. decide..
.second themotion, " • Said . Councillor
s 4 • •
Wiltse, "we ;have no, right , t.•o igitore
.. • -
such •• a • petition"' Their -• resolution
was as, 'follow0,,
That. in accoolatee. with. .e.h'e' •
• , +prayer; , of *the petitionaLecel Op-
tion • bylaw be prepared••and,, huiln
Mated' to ate eleetors at the next
manicipan•electidit.• • :*•••• . • - • •
• CM:nein:dr. .1For1 said the' petitioners
thelansclves dO not'•ask for at vote until
january..so there is no necessity foe
haste. • •Let us first' get information
Local Opticu in towns evrlieteeifl
has beentried before we try it
selves. Witch -eve . learn More abut . it
we Maylike it *less. Before • acting
upon this pet:Lilco we should also.talce
•pinatyoe 'rse.c?couti.st
.., the p:er.:ses.un.e.1... the pe.
titionerst Are :they .our largest • rate-
The views • Counedlor Cottle coin-
cided with, these of, Councilic>r Pot&
•We Meed mote information • on • the
cluestion • liefore we should !act • and,
eurthermote, we ..sleciuld, take time • to
see, - what . • the petition: aenoritits to
The: views :of these two councillors
were einbeelied in the, following annend-
nient: • ••••
That in view of a Petition hav-
• ing been -presented t� this . council
, praying • for a /bylaw to be ' ••
milled to the electors 'on the 'e,aes-
tion known. as Local Option :and as ••
• our knewledge of said law is excese
o Sexily lhnited, this being ' the first
agitation of the kind in. this. tertian,: :
we • therefore deem it wottletilie in• •
the best interests • of the toWit to
gather • information as :to the • el-
- feats preduced in the •municifdali-
ties 'where it is already in force.
• Therefore, be it resolved that . the ,•
,inatter lee laid over wail such-.
infoninationl be. seenrad 'anei then• ' •
iscoupaltnptaii..sithSeqt.iefit trileeting
f. kh
Comeillor '•Gitlebing; took exception
to both motion anc amehdreent i and
made the following .amendnient to the
• aieerteliinteitithe •
receive a seconder :
prepare £11 bylaw. in, the forte, pro-
vided by the Local Option Law
tied submit the setnie • to the cotio-
The vote on the Ford -Cottle amend-
•ment was as follows :•
For -Ford, Cottle.
Agaiust-Lavis, Wilteie, Wallis, Gib-
The °righted tnotioh thet the people
be Allowed to decide was then carried
ony the following vote
For -Hoover Lavis Wallis, Wiltse,
Agairist-Cottle,, Vord,
• The result was received by the Teme
perm= advocates • quktly, • but with
• evident satisfaction. • .
• The foiloWing nada were sititc4
to the petition presented by Mr,
Matinfitg. : •
Thee. Jackson Sr. J. G. Medd
•' •. Sas. Scott - W, .1*, Plurneteel
, A. Turner W. IL 1 NewcoMbe
Mrs. Stapleton Of London *tilt iv 3, W. Neweoutte A, Armstrong
kw days el the paist Week with Ifer ter. Doherty A. T. Cooper
• brother., Mr. T. lh, .1c1utgoitx
11',t D,t. Chant W. II, Manning
to Prove That Local Option Injures
ss of a TOWfl.".Rev,u. m, manning.
-Dr, Agnew • Dr. Fowler •
John Ctominightime W. II. Ileliyar
C. MeMatli
R A/tanning D13:,..ETivillitespson
John Jackson John Gigynings
Henry Stevens D. Stephenson
Rev. J. S. Cook Rev, J. C. Dunlop
• Rev.H.M.Manning John Stephenson
A. mersowp • yred, Rionball
•11G..11; Rogers ers C.,•P. Cook •
J a,bez Yawls
R. A. Moore • Mrs. J. Johnson
Thos. Gibbings Mrs. Diencanson •
J. 13rickendea •II., Townsend •
M. C. Kaufman J3o.hoW.Iihriowou
Geo, Abell Geo. Sage
Mat J Bowl s • Joseph MeK
W. Watts S. Iea*rence
• •
I4ti. Stirling
• "H. Baker
Wm, .Cantelon . • Robert StirlMg
• Mrs Peter Cook Jane F • Rudcl.
Minnie G. Rudd Thos. Little.
Mrs. Lucretia Steep Miss 'Annie Rowe,
Mrs.Annie Moffatt Henry. Steep
Mrs.Elizabeth Hill II, Newcombe •
Elie. Gras= • Elizabeth Waldron .
Saanuel Penniebaker Kis. Kate Carling
Mrs, E. Turner3, . McNeil , -
Mrs.: Chidley G. Davis •
Fred. Brown • • Elizabeth 13rown
Jacob Becher . Robert Brown .
Rdbert Menuell. David' -Connell • •
Rodoway • Geo., Nott
Mrs.•John Shipley 'Dios Shipley
Mts. 1VIegridge • .W. -IL. Simpson.. -
Isaac Doclei , Elizabeth Ctieh ••
..H. Plunieteel. , Cnas, Overbury •
D6liald, Smith - 701:11 MeGarva
W. Shipley . A. Wilkin • , • •
jas W. Reid • Geo. Potts • '
Mrs. E;liz,hlonteitli Grace Petrie .
Mre.Grace: Petrie 3. • 11.10111PS071
Mrs Niinere • Hannah Mcl3rieo
. •
Sarah McCool Rachel Game- • •
Maggie.•Hibbert Rosetta Glazier ,
*,XV1�roJohn McClaehertye
T.. Blacker • " Maggie Hill' •
Mary J. Hill, ,12, Horaley
'. Baer .• J. Dayment
We HI, Speer • • Geo,' Marshall..
Mre",, A. .Cook • • Jennie • Holmes '
Mr; Stta.thMis.'
Lo.:.‘"d.s .• • • win', Alexander
Jeanet \Used], C. J; Wallis
Francis C -Porter Maria Bichlideambe
Harriett Porter Theo. R. Hale . •
Filiz,,,Sotitheoinhe • Wm.: East . • '
J; • P. Slieplieed 'Ws: W. Murphy
1Virs.'Xsi:Scott Mrs. 'R., '
Jas.. Perene• Mrs.Elliz. Sperling
Johil Hanaack • Mr s .A .Whift tipighatin
3. G, Seale • Mrs, Neil Matheson.
W. J. Nedige. J. E, Hodgens
John, •GovettMrs,. M.A. Turnbull
.1/Leek-more . W. R. Lough
Amelia :Johns. Mrs. A. Taylor -
Jennie Taylor '1.!G. Courtice
Mrs.Hannah Watts Mrs. P. A. Mills
John•Snider • Win. Johnson -
D. L. McIntyre. • Rev, A. Stewart :
Doherty • Will. A. Killpegh
Mrs. I -I. Nichol , Jobe Ford .
J. P. Rehbock Elizabeth Betts
Herbert Cassel..• Jas; Walkinshaw
Arthur Cock Ileriry Carrick' ,
Walter King : Williains
Rev. '3. Greene • A. Hooper.
Jane Tdbibuitt . Hannah, TrOuse
Lawrence Me:tilting Entine Stephenson
john Beate. ..° • -*M'rs'. D. Barge
Mrs. T. IVIcIlveen. Mrs. 8. • Crich
Mrs, Agnew M.M.Bay..
John Leslie O Jasiele 'twits
Mrs. MeIvor ;' Mary Rose ,
Annie 'I -Manley• A. WhittingliaM. •
1,....Icerine • Francis Wise . •
Maggie Washington, Mrs. A. Vocideu
Airs, R. Brigham Lena Mason ,
Mr, Chambers • "Maly Cooper.' • •
'Joshua Peoria •J. 1.0. Courtice
Inn:1. Moore •
.1 .,T. Seaward
Ai, • A. Shannon
II; Pennabaker,
john Torranlice".7lir.eladrel Misses Mag-
gie and Maud Isorrariee oi. Clinton were
Visiting their grandfather, Xs. James
Macdonald, the past ten days.
Mr. Harry Morgan of 'Toronto was ,
the gnest of Dr. and Mts. Staull'Ary;
the ihnist week. ••
hirs. Keinp and family of Seaforth
have taiwn up their residence for the
•satin:tier in one of Mr. T. J. Marks'.
e°• Itti7giess'evith deep.; regret we learn elf
the illness of Miss Mary Stinson, for-
• merly of Clinton, but whot,has been
• lately visi.tinn Mr„ T. Stinson a the
• bauble Line. The many friends hope
tci learn of her return to health; in a
short time,
Mr. and. Mrs. Heath and, family cif
1,oronto are guests at the River hotek• ,
blra Cluff and Miss 111: Cluff were
visiting' friends in this vicinity last .
v• iriplprest..thlilburn and family of Berlin • •
are visiting her brother, Mr. John
• Mr, Arthur Mitchell of London ncaa
the. guest of Mr. and Mts. Y. A, -Id-
wards a few -CayS this week. •
Rev: • •.Albray, .wite and, •fantily of
Moncton. heve taken one of OfreMarke'•
cottages fee the sea.eon„ • '•:
• The Misses • I'etty, of Hensel]. :are
guests of• Mrs; Jeproings•at Dm rectory • •
this week:
• The following guests „registered at
the Cointhercial this week E. A. Fox
and wife, Sclaforth.; E. Hunt, 11,t: Cha."
ter, Toronto P, Mr and Mrs. C, Hunt,
• hirreefielei ;. David, Tnylor, Minnesota
to SI: Mabeee Goclench A.W. Thom,. •
, • •
stele wife and family, John. L. White, •
head; Landoll.; Hays axe,
St Marys; James Duchanan, Goder-
. ••
• Miss ,• A; Wa.keley ancl Miss C. •
• ver of Detroiteere guests at Mrs. John
• k'erguSon's„• •
• The following • persons are gues:rs sib •
the Akion vend ; Mr, and nirsa .* •
• Harding,. Mr. and •Mrs. C. 'Ward, lefre •
axd Mrs. liCrerikanancdf CI;o6tilltdt°s110;1 1‘'Siit'srseest:
toy e Walter Baker, po.t. , •
.:Atassrs.. Charles. and SOlint Tippet
Were called to -Marine city, • Mich.„
this week on accoitat .of the Serious:
illness of their mother.. '
Mrs.1 Walters of-Defiatee, Ohio, is
• visiting het parent:4 Mr: and Nips
James ThonniCen
Mr. Fletcher •13pyd of Toroabo is
visit2ng his aunt, inifies • Jam- •
sten, this weelc. • • , • .
: •
Mrs. Trebileock • and , the Misses
• DunnS' of :Louder'. are guests •at Mrss
2 George Virwin's. : •
jailw.41.,3rIvr:sicir:ssce:orgaxechlv1Lioittitagaillert•toctihiie-IrdrLe: '
chellii°Mtt•eGee.•Of TOrento • i •
spending, her holtdays undex,•the apair•en, ••
• MS. Haipei and grand-daub:ter of
HolyzOod and Mrs. 'Moore of Ilsneleesk,
•.:v11.1e ;are visiting -the folntrier!s'xiauLlak •
. ter, fMrS. •Drehmente. . •
'•Derothy; the :little daughter of
W. Heidglins,. Met"Wit.1.4 a painful ac-
cident on. Tresear when she broke her •
arm. The little one is doing. as well, :•
. hriesarMit be expected: we .are .1:ffeased to •
ScOtt. 'of the So-vereign B • • •
• IlhellIsa.l'.1.I;Iricgetheir,iP1.1;.11niofriasiahetvei vdisayitsiti‘
at Mrs.. George King's„, has retarnedi .
' t h. me at Blyth, •
W. Ladd ,
Jas. K. Maie3. ,
G. Cook .. •
Kail. Sehnert/ :-
Win. Walker
Wm. Duncan • •
Mrs; G.•Flittoff
Elleabeth Taylor
.Leslie G. Sage
Gem Doherty
ThaS, Carter .
W. S. R:obscit-
hlzia Washington
G. Swallow •
Mrs. ,L. Smith ,
Thos. Judd
Mrs. II. Andrews
Geo. Sanders .
11. 1'. Ker • -
A. Cassel .
thee, Manahan
• F. CooPer
I. 13e2zo •
.H. Gonld •
Sohn Powell •
J.. G. Chown• •
William -Smithson
•',Samuel ;Kemp
Mrs. l'inr.ing
A. Ginn ••
, A. Twitchell '
• Mrs.Agnes Stewart
D. K...I'rior •
Birdie Ileywdoei:
13 latest reports .we :are: *amid to •
ledxs 1 iniprovement in health (>1
Mr. Tit:ilk:Vs mother. • •
Re,ineniber the I.itglish ilhni .lt /gox
dem,party on the irth. It will be held
.on the rectory •giounds.
,The tax rate ;was. struck at 23 mills;
same as hat year. Councillors Cottle'
and •Gibbings wottld have made it-onn
half mill'ofess but . Councillors- Ford .
and • Wallis drew attention. • to Inc •
Mary street ,draiit upon which further
expenditure is aibsolutely necessary;
They, hold that a thorough joie shonid 1
be nice4. .0i it Gu)..several hundred
oollars.:eaisecl by 'the sale of delaceettir-
• es, but • they doubt, if stick ai bylaw ,
would .reeeive the sanceon of :the rateq .
PuYers. Still *e.intist. have funds for
the.. work,. Said 1; they in effect, •• and
leaving the rate at 23 iltilis Will give
the street committee oe couple oB huu-
dred• dollars :More titan we have esti- .
mated: upon.
It will be retnembered tliat after a •
heavy rainfall - of a cauple of months
ago Mr. John -Leslie's premises, cot -
rite Huron street, were, flooded, Mr.
Leslie assessed his daulages eit fifty
•cleollars which he *requested efite cotiecil
to kiay, alleging that the ovevflowwas
due ta its negligence in not providietg
Itd sufficient •outlet. The committee,
which was appointed to einefaire into.
I the complaiiit, reported Monday )0von.
ing that in their opinion the commit is,
; not li'able. The report was adopted,
I so that Mr. Lesl•ie, must now either
• drop the matter, or enter a suit at
The street committee has been scene-
evbat hampered the past month lowiltrii.la
to the difilerlty itt getting met
tonne to drew the miaterial, hut the
rush is notv to some extent over and
, work is expected to proem., vigotoue-
I ly for the balance of the iscasott. New.
Stretches. of cement kidewalk havobciui,
decided upon, '
1 iltarte
,tniatat:iftreas vaity111;11Is47515-6itte
will belroa.wist Jed
(t.)`fcgeAultly Pf".et°Y • gti :11.1111111ss'
The ministers of the various towns
are finding their way. to our village
Six in town last week, •Baytield
comes. theni,
Stanley Township. •
Mr. ' aud Mrs..;A. Duncan • of Varna
werevisiUng at Mr, R. Perchale's,•oue
daY..laSt. weck
Mr. 1,Villiiiin Soluisteinis not, .recov-
ering as quickly As his many friends
would( like to see,
Miss 'Kate Campbell wasethe gueet.
cif Miss, Maggie Wilds., a few-daY,,S1 this
folks of this vicinity ini• Thursday.
' ....
'A. very .pleasant veos speet. at
Grand Derid• by a nuniber of the young
Mr. W. J. Stinson has about exte
hundred aild eighty head of export
cattle on• hand at preseet.
Mrs., Jas.. • MeGee and 'Miss McGee
were, guests of the Misses, Wats= ,
Friday. ' • • ' • •
Mrs. atitei . Miss 'Zlis of Detroit aro
vis'eting,t at the .former's brciLher's„ Mrs
Robt„ Greer's• df the Browtison Line.
1111‘risisssMProet. spateentr o.
days this week with friends on the Go-
shen Line. .
Mr l and Mfs. S. Goventock of .Sea-.,
forth spent Suralay and Monday with
the latter's , sister, Mrs. W. L, Keys..
Mr, XI. Douce:lee c>1 IdeKillop was
the guest -of ,Mr, Melvin Keys one day,
this week.
Mr. aud•Mrs. J. McKinley of North'
Bay visited friends in this vioiraty on
Saturday of last week..
Dr. and Mrs. Stanbury of 'llayfield,
accempattied by their friend, Miss 11.
Morgan of Toronto ' were the guest
of Mr. and. Mrs. W.it. Keys, on Frkt
clatylro.. flasetawaterielk.)e.u. '.ana
Miss Jean, • have returlr atvg
home lit Matillon after havihg /*pent a
feW days with friends on the Goshen
O• Wednesday, evetting of last week
the barn of Mr, John MeEwan of near
Woodfield was destroyed. 1 y fire which
was 'eausec?, by lightuft. Upon the
, tterci wasneliide,ado ,Ittirtttryaneetot
3eoo, arid upon the be11 600. • .
• The funeral Of the lute Isalitlia, May,
111c144venv second <laughter of Mr: Dun.,
can McEwen, took place to. Ilakdre
cemetery 011 Pride)" afternoon. The
services were eoltiltieted by Rev. Dr,
StaWart while, the pallbearers were -e
Sohlt and Alex:outer MeEivere ache
and Harold %nee, Ariltnr Anderson
and Jahr, fultottl