HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-28, Page 7July 28th 1904 I II II I, I G. I:), 14(1701114411.171t OMON run,1,0;„,,.; (WK. ,. t,4".• 4 13A N A GENERAL 13ANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTF,D. NOTES DISCOUN- l'-TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST , ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLIUITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON. HENRY BEArn111; (Successor to Mr. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, • ETC office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scott, iu Elliott Block , MUNEN.' TO LOAN. RIDOUT & TIALE oonveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. 13. IIALE - JOHN R.IDOUT. DRS. GUNN & GUNS Dr. W. Gum I. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S. Edinburgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Gu.rn k. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. 1'. London Night cells at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite, Presbyterian church, OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON. DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE:- Ontario street -CLINTON, Opposite St. Paul's church.. DR. C. W. THOMPSON • PHYSICrAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat •, -Office and Residence - ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON.. North ot Rattenbury St. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Mee formerly occepied by Pr. Pal- lister on Main street. nAYPIELD, - - - TINT - AGNEW, DENTIST, Office adjoining Photo Gallery, • • open every day and Saturday nights until tu o'clock. CLINToN, ONT.. 0. ERNEST HuLMES tepecialist in roe 0 and 1sralge Work P, D. S.-Grath:at:: 0' the Royal CI - lege of Dental Surgeons of Onta.r- lin IL. D. -S. -First class honor graduate of Dental Department tvf orouto , University. Speeial attention paid to 1 .eservation of children's teeth. Will be at Um River Hotel, Bay eeld, every Monday from 10 a. 10 to- SI p. VAL J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. ak member of the Veterinary Medical • Associations of Lonclon and Edin- burgh and Graduate ot the Ontar- io Veterinary College. OFFICE,- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Commercial Hotel 1Phone 97 Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY 1,13...ilu ball Clinton eloomk 13E313 E1OE3, The Clinton Ne -Record low si,ormiimook , The Eastern Question. WHAT 1.%11E SOLUTION OV IT MEANS TO +TUE WORLD. - Perhalps the most interesting topic that has vet been. presented. at the . services M the Seventh Dy Ailvottist 'tent meetings in Clinton is the te she shall cone to her end ancli 'nem marks. lhe .number of candidates • writing was 300, and of these•305 'have .. , wh;eli is being se much written: and shall help her.' - passed. The fmlowing.aie the highest ' • tallc,c0 about today, "The Eastern miAvizeeilat(ctiltiraistt)titsnteanfraniii)., • tile.: 114.11,11i:1 ' marks obtained in each subject : .- - Questicv.'' Only it was presented Reading, Ada Cam ebel i 46; drawing, • from a. different standpoint Own nsuel;% Prince, which standeth -tor the child-. • artisan, Louis Brisson, .37, 13eatriee II it was a study of the subject from . trenzilio°10/11g.0,1)1bvice;iStwahlualstrv%is..11w40.11,5.b:ina., . writing, Edith Duet. 50.; dictation, i the view potet of Bible prOdliecy. Dorothy Worry, Cameron Jaferson i . , lir speeking on this- theme! Elder ge there was a nation, •even to that • ' - same tine. And many a them. that sleep in the dust oi the eartr• .she,11 awake ••, 40111C 1.C., .everip.sting life and' seme to shame and everlusting .con- tempt.' . Su then when Turkey snail gonteto her end; it will mark lite ushering in of i the most solemn.. and nuportaett events ;melt as the close of probation, the, resurreetion a the dead, the gentling .of Chr,St, .and the time -of trouble well its never was. The scrip- tures bring to At:tin-Unit Palestine will , be the great battle ground of the ncatitri;osit! . just lefore the- retunn of 'Let the heathen. be wakened einne- up to the valley of Jeltosophot ; fo.r theta will I .pit to judge the. hea- then. round Masa.' Clime. and Japan and other heathens nations a.re waicitg from :their sleep of- centuriee. - 'flie 'Valley of Jeliosopleat is in: the land of 'aLeni.i.e. • There the fte'r West Huron Entrance Examination g • . S. No. 1 -Anna McCoy 16 008 . 4 moold fas f• 13611Xedir 46 6 rgjil ▪ Samuel Mecoy ...... 559 .. 001 • 16 LeslieMeNaughton -584 J. EROS WIIRISOr.,....002 "OW " 3 -Lizzie Sanders. 550 ' - 570 GI Herbert Beaver ......t118 ungleste, in 1853 • and again the pow- The following is the list of cancli- ers stepped in and helped al .187in when dates neseeCI by the I3oard of Examin- s, the Russian outposts were within gun- SI'S tor West Huron, together with Shot of Constantinople. But slut simile the Militia obtained by , each, The to 66 move her capital to Jerusalem and t al number required to pass is 550 «• AI Spear said : ' God . has to do with.the, kingdoms of tlus world. Said the Rattenbury Street Worli 11"lY . . .. . ...nes and watehers to :Kir413 ... .... importers.. Wm kin an- • • . 1 proud aud lifted hign,' '.'TU.1 Most • I ILI& ruled' tn the Icintklonns off linen eltip sold Material ,gueranteed. lend .giveth it to whomsoever, he will.' Dare 4 : 117. Dible prophecy 4n ancient; times foretoln the overthrow cf Daby- lcni, Medo-Persia, Tyre, Nineveh and other' countries. Jesus i oreteld • the 0.,estruetion of .Iertisalent. - Foretelling futitr.e -events is oral of the ;great char - 1 acterisUes of God, _which distinguishes Ihuh from . all other gcds, Isa.. 46. : to. The: time of . the flood, 7o:. years .essip- tivity, first advent .61 Christ, • etc., were all foretold. • Shaun!. it .appear strange to. us tha.t Bible. prophecy should deal with our 'time and • the netions of indef.? . . The 'Eastern Question' . has - two., etorm centres, one at Constantinoele, known as the near .East,, and the other uations will be ,gatherto -.A s et ot her out in Manehttri t n• the t r -E, st 4, • - !Nebuchadnezzar 'elan his heart .was J... 6, SEAI,p ec Co. withal! and illa at The leading car- riage makers. .All work inanufac- tured :on the premises and guaranteed Repairing promptly attended. to. RUMBALL and McMATH Huron St., Clinton. . . • Tlie glaKillop Mutual Fire luaurance Comtianil -Farm and Isolated Tonni•Property. Insered.7•;.! ••14. OFFICERS, J. II. McLean, Preeident,'.' 1.nppen 0. ; Thos. - Fraser-, - Vice -President, Bs-sit:afield . P, ..0, ; T. E. Ilay$, • Sec.-. Treasurer, Seaforth I'. Q. DIPECTORS. William Shesney,' Seaforth.` ; JOhn Grieve, Winthrop ; George „Dale, Sea - forth ;. John Watt, Hat -lock. ; John' 13ennewies; Brodltagan ; James Exams, 13eechwood ; James Connolly, Chilton. AGENTS. . • Robert Smitle chle,y, Sealorth ; James Cummings, E'gmondville ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- ville . . Parties' .desirous to effect inSuraiiee or transact other • ' • busirsCss,• promptly attended to on . 'application to any of the ,;etnone officers ,addressed to their reepeetive. post:offices. Losses inspected by the director-. who lives,. nearest the scene, •..' • TIME'," TABLE Trains. will arrive at and .depart - from Clinton. •statiosi as...followa BUVALO AND. :GODER.IC.11.DIV - Going East ExPress • ' '•' .y-7:.38 a.m. 3:23 P.411. Going Emit . p,.m. Going West Going West -Express • 12.55 p.m. " " " .arrive 6.15 leave 6.40' " • '' . 10:32 p.m. LONDON, HURON AND 1313.I.TCE DIV. . . Going, South Express ...7.47 a.m. 4, . 4, 4•15 P:111. " North Exists:es -10.15 a..nt. • 5.K1 P•111'. A. 0. PATTISON, ,Station -Agent. F. R. HODGENS, Town Tiettet.'Ageiit. J. D. -MACDONAT,D, District. Po.ssen-• . ger Agent, Toronto. ; liguAlEigKit x LI'14 Ni,,, DR. OVENS OF LONDON nit Is .ILK fin Surg-uoit, Oculist, Specia;ist, ,L.111 rj Diseases ,ef Eye, Ear, Nose and Jpil Li Throat, .visits Clinton, monthly ,ibij DLE]Ag E (ILASSF,s PROPERLY FITTED, laci Le 1.1.1i jg , Nasal 'Cate..rrh aid Deafnesslide k Jif treated. / ali OR 0 i London (mice 225 QueenA 's 'vg• ci :El0 ,est Clinton ()Ince Coinhe's Drug, E C3 Store. ff.4.1 IDrte.] rszt Hours S a. in. to, 4 p,.. no Dat- 0 • O es of visits-TueSdays-Febt 2, [3 ,E mar, 1, mc.r. 29, May 3, May Ee] ,,EI 33„ J1111t1 28, July 26, Sept. 6, 0 ,ip Oct. 4, Nob. 1, Nov. 29. ffill laji._ 0 : s as x alluliasallallIllalulItiStlx1/IllulatlXittlatlu DII LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature : 12 CoMPLSTS NOViati YSARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.80 Part Yeitei ; 25 CIS. A COPY, 'NO CONTINLICD STORIES 4 . . . _ Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies" Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator e11 which woman candepend "in the hour and 'time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No, 24 NO. 1. -For ordinary eases Is by far the best dollar medicine known, No. 2 -For special eases -16 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggist a in the Do- minion of Canada.. Mailed to any address on receipt or_priee and four 2-eent postage stamps. Whe Cook Company, • Windsor, Ont, I Na. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Clinton by Watts & Co., IT, B. Coutbn, •12. Reekie end 3, H. Hovey, drungiste. %ISO 'YEARS! EXtERIENCE PATENTS TriA05 MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIOHYS &dr ' Anyone Sending it sketeb and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion tree whether an invention is probably nateptab „Coriontiniert. Mons strionyconactentraktiftee 00K on Patents' oret trite, oldest agency for securinwpatente. FatantS taken through Munn &co. receive 'pedal Itotielco Without e rage. In the • $deillifie ifrittritalt. A hantidornely iihistrateel weekly. tersest tit. cuitition of Any scientists jottrnal. Terme, $3 a years four Months. $L Bold byell newsdenlers, MUNN &C0,3618,:.roadwah New York tea 13' ets Weellington, . k 1 6 • a . seripture ostatea it the visits of Both '•have to do -with the self sa4lee • devils. go forth .finto the kings of . the thing, ,namely„ the Rossian egression. • . 14'1Ver since the days of Peter the Great Russia has, been looking ' for a seaboard in a 'wa:tart climate. Her ' • TEST THE KIDNEYS. . ports frump-, up cd the . Baltm, and .. Allow twine to, Rtand. Lei •a, glass ves- northern cesastsi in winter, the.. cclossits of the north has Covet:misty cast her •sel for twenty-feer hours-- and • if. •at the end of tLet Unie .in 4s clouded. of. eyes Amen the territory' of other wekdi-, er Au -Album where .she inight. obtain- the . has left a sediment in Ow bottom on snuck desired bocit of open. perts ;ft the vessel yea; 'may: ba sure that Your '. kidneys are diseased.' As a. means of whiter. .' . . .. ' - . invigurating - the antioo of • the LIdnevs • Peter the Great eneincd in his cele- brated last, wilt and • testament : 'Take,- end...unikitig. than strong. and keenly every possible means of gaminej too- .thete, i$ no preparation.. so prompt and stantinopleptnetrate 'AO the -Persian -11611"0 thurcnh- as -4)r- '•Chnse'S I; i.d- gulf,-advanee to the Indies, -Which' are ney-Liver Pills, . the. greatest • depot of. the world.' lystcry hears ont how .perSisiently - .. . Rtissta . has ' fel:lowed- the 'above pOliey. earth eta thti"• WhOle world,to gather .Agam. and again has Russia endea- -them to the battle of . that ' -great. day nored to ohtain Constantinoele. •St 11' cf . -God 'Almighty. And tlhe gathered ea . • • thily and surely has she extended. her terti t ories 'toward: the• Persian. golf and the, present crisis• the. far --East now • IS front IetisPian. endeavor - .to 'reach the seaboard. The speakaaid that there wits a propheny wItteh Lad to do with tl:is •"Eastein.' Question' i•.;1 the chapter• Ieniel. Ie 'the closing, 1' erses, . Daniel NT a 'lower is hi -might to view- elesignated as the, 'King -of the North.' .The first few verses. writ. Itele in; td. utderstand who is referred to by this expression, ...Said- :the angel to Daniel v. 2)., 'llehOid there -Shall'stand-up yet three •• kings: Persia,.'" Cyrien was thee. king. The three n ngs Which ue- .ceeded Wel iyere CitiObyse,es„ *limns; Do.ries the Ortet: • . And the • f OUT 01 .1;11101 11,6 r/ir Helier thati Allay all . 'ane. •hist!strength Oiroueh his 'riches . Stir -.tip. all oeeinst • the realm of Grecia...(same- yerse.') • Xerxes.. weS tine 'fourth king.. 'after Cyrus:. •Ilte. asseinisled • army smelt as...the world- has . set n and led it • against. Greetan 01; that ••vitst lurks!' Of '5,eoo,cloo Alien only• 3Lxy,Csoo-re- tut ned ex4 organiztd form. Verses three and Liar read 'And a Mighty:king • shall • stand not that shall rule'. with . great. ex,minien, anct. 'd-6 corclivg te his- wal .and wine, he shall 'stand trp `kiegtlosil snail .beilyialLen and 'divided tower(' the Imir ..WintIS. of Heaven. ' • . After,- Persia- •had defost14"une der the letiniers:1:1 • oi • A texander the Great, " the. .-Greeks irti-aded ,-,PerSia.' -Three- battles,: Granicus and An - belle placed' Alexdinier upon: rine throne of • universal ,•esekiirp, .the. prime Of' Itis life Alexander • -wee cut ofi the" lanes of death. ane his kingilotis divided. fileete, years -• after his; death .einorg • Lis . four itadinn. gLihrale. Cessattder litid:hrocedeii,:and Greeee -liysitte4eni.ta• This* Ond 'Asia -Minor ;.-,'Selettetts, • had Syria. htid .13ebylon -Ptolemy, Egypt,. :The', prophecy makes Special .referen.. ce..to the 'port:here. -ro.d 'southern devi-' sions, de.signat tug • one as:the '''King Of the Nc-a-th''. the other as this.."King of the South.'- Egypt ,.Wit$ the, -southern dLiiiicu of :.Alexander'S 61115)0 ; Asia Minor, 'the northern.- . • ": . then the poWet oe-, etsinn'Asia Minor,• the nerthern portion (sf Alexander the' Greats knigslcitn, at the. time . to which the 'prophecy -applie. ed, that power • Wc;itletne the "'icing of the nortlni .. : • - • .• The .‘kine -of the North'' in' versa 40 is spoken .cif es .existing at the 'time cf • the end...! :Other propl7ecies that the. "time of, the • cud:- began in the • year of • • 31798. What ' power • ,ht.41 contra of Asia 'Minor, thenentit, ern part c,:f 'Alexander's kingclonn, ins (7.98. ? Why,. • Turkey :controlled it then, . controls a today, Turkey, is . -therefote the • lkitg of .the..Nortli,'' Versa 41 • snows that, this power 'the king of the North was to intee'ecintrol over the glorious- land, Mods; • is the land of Palestine. Pelestine has leen in the . hands of Ttitney, now for many Y°''antusiltity heti poWer'oVer the tree:tenni oC gold And of silver .and -,over all the precictis things Of Egypt. (Y.-43) re- eeiving :'.'runt Egypt 'millions 'of dollars* annually . as tribute, . Bet . tidings 'mit of the East afd• Ncrth shell tratible hint iv, '44.) Adam Clark, the great MettLidiat commentator, ie .ecen- ng ter the ex- planation: of this verse wrote - 1825, that, Russia on the North and 011 'the • Valst wOuld would sometime seriously emberass the Ottoman (1411.-I titre, We live to see 'ICS prediction of Dr, .Clark's fulfilled in the, Crimean war • from 1853-1856. 'And ne shall plant the tabernacles of his palace be- tween the in the glorious • 'holy sr mintaiii, yet he shall come to . kis end awl. • rictne shall help him: Taber-. naeles of hie .palace would refer. . to the Tr Os' s capital, the . glorious holy incutitaill. Is Mt. Zion 'the joy t whole earth' upun Which Jerusalem is built. .Ternsalein ts •between the seas, the„ Dead sett and the Mediteratican sea, According tu this prophecy. Turkey will one, of these days move US Cal*. tal I rC4I1 Constantiimple, where it maw is, ard :plea it at Jerusalem, 'Ile shall come to his 'end end none .sliall help hint.' Turkey received help frOill• the powers ill 1838 from- France Mid ver'str•Z(WitetteadMioltifeetaritSaa - tveRy NUMOICP COMIel.ttE IN met* Wderichefter than other soap powde - ea it a)ek 401 as diainfectant, them oil() a place called In the He- brew. tongue Attnageddert.' Rev„ : 14, 16. Arinageddon refers to a nical- itv • in Palestine. 'Hes nations of Europe tolerate the Turk 'in Barone today ointy becuou'a they cannot. agree as who, shell heve vsneb, valuable territory.: Nepon lemi said, the 'Czar- a RuPsia, , did best to get •to 'neestitt" te Rua, sia's pessessiOn ef Constantinople,. q would ).not give tt, ! said. NapoleOso„ becatiSe foresaw:that .onee Mistress . Russia would : • be - co ee • a great naval 'power and the balcome power Europe wentld be destroyed :.' Kossuth: • the, ...greet...gull- gArni,n petr,ot said iIii,Turkey Shaul be deceit& the' fate of the When Turkey Comes to let end., mis prophecy says that it'will, '11 hallons will gather in Palestine to tight fur her territory." f•iernices• in, 'the tent thts en•none Week, -W.,- IT, S. St'Rn12.11-3E DOcToRS: •• Most. daetUrs gre. astohishol •ina results olytained by Dr. Chase's Oint- ment -as a cure:for erzetua,- salt rheum, - end itehieg akin diseases wit eh -, "are often.. . ecns.idered e;•ell gh By weird of month. .ftqui friend. '. to friend. the nier"tf; ' . of Dr, Chase's Ointment. have gradually 'be- come knewn --until ie now standarh the . world over end: hiss e record... Of Cures unparrellee sn the-hi:Story •of - - Prevent The Trouble. • -It has been proposed. US authorize 4/04-treasters and elepotieseto opett.letn .teris •on ivh i eh oto pc -stage 'stamps' have been put, to learn the nanfe; . the Writer, atid..avidd. sending- to he dead,' letter alga.' If all .who Write would have 'their nantess and stedress ,printed on •the envelopes• they: use, as. •' the post office .e•irects, no setelt • ...trotilse watild arise, We cati fernish, yon with envelopes printed. at this. ofiire at .reci. sonable prices. • • • ' ROUNDS .0.1.,f .TIIE , • Per,soins who, have. becoine • pale,.turaat afte4, thin by ,overwork, wcrry • or- disl tape. find that Dr. Olinse's Nerve Vcocl, is wondernnly effective tet forming oeve litopd„, restoring a• bealth fel glow. tp the complexion and roan-411,ns .out . the form, . You Will -soon feel Ltel tenefit of this restorative treatment and . cap prove it oy noting' your increase weight. . • • MEMCINES y011 CAN TRIT.ST, There Are no family medic nee that have such a firm held cir the confident ce of the people as those of Dr, A. W, Chase, the famous physician and receipt be/ok author, The superior skill as mid the integrity of ellgracter for which Dr. enase 18 „ everywhere kiiown stand as a guaran- . tee for his medieines, oit every box of '60 whicb are found his portrait mill sig - 24 patnre, Goderieh. : Dirth-On July- •38111 to Mr. -sled Mrs. J. J. Howrie . daughter.. • All the haying in the conntry is re - 0(.40' nearly cOmpleted hut oda& Liu the • town, there are tons we. ;eight say not etrt yet... • , g are hinetie, Albert Luxton, Howard Walter, Herbert 13eaver, Grac e Th om p. son, Ellen Agar 200; gralnil)ar. Mary McLeod 134; geography, Archie Toni 87; composition, Rose ititkin 83; his- tory, Sophie ‘Verry 81; physiology. . Irene Young $0, Total, Rose Aitkm 867, OODEnteit MODEL SMOOT,. ' Girls :-.Aitken Rose807tBeaton Oath - urine - Oatnpbell Orissm 552, Clark Retta 600, Clark Lizzie 575, Cantelon Crissie 710. Ellis • Grace 712, Elliott Vera 824, Howrie Isabella 613, Handl- . ton Agnes 760, Ilarrieon Beatvice (182, Knoxl'ear: 670, McNevin Rose 750, McLeod Mary 831,• McLeod Augusta 832, Munnings Gertie 040, Nivins Gertie 630, Platt -Gladys 000,• Reid W Male 040, Sharman Nina, 007, Suth- erland Effie 032. Smith Olive 712, Sal- lowalolorence 033, Thompson May- al, Therlow IVlay 808, Vanstone Ethel 701. I3ovs-Allan Gorden 007, Anderson Melville 700, 0 irey Robert 550, Craig Willie 032, Davidson Hugh 593, Dyke Laurier 031, Elliott Chester 737. John - Stop Roddie 072, Johnston Harold 087, McAu ay. John 580, MoVicarJames 551, McDonald .A.ligus 049, Platt Reejnald 713, Prieadfoot John 027,- Salisbury John 636, Swarts Clare 06,3. Tom Archie 818, Wiggins James 053. 46 46 44 4. 44 OODERICIL TOWNSHIP, . 1- Lizzie Salkeld ... . • Nannie fialkeld 2 Gertie Sturdy ... . . 5 -Rhoda Heft:es May Lindsay 661 • Bruce Cox °Of 0-Myrt1e Blehan • 677 Letitia Johnston.. 054 Dot Mcilvien -773 Margaret Ross. ..... ,.737 •Thomas R. Johnston ..039 8--lliossie• Hari won 589 • Ellie Weston Thomas 8anders......700 " Mitchell Willis.....„..697 " Edward Willis 633 Elgin Amy 603 4 ‘4 0 -Chester Mac Whinney 010 Sep. school --Mary Ryan • ....733 0;7,8 newarei amid runishistents. 1 . . *le who fights and rens e.waY-. .1 SmAtinnr . • Let vulgar warriors scout it- UnionNo.1-Lulti Snider ±,3, 5, No. .3 -Lillian Peck ...... if Bella Dalgetty . Sadie Watson . Harold Stinson......,.600 RheaStirling . 6-MenaDavidson...... -72 Roxie Palmer . . 55 Ethel Johns 72 A+ “ Kate Stinson..., „ Alex Davidson ..... .01 " 7 -Emma Conga ......,67 " 9 -Grace Thompson 80$ • 20 -Tena Fraser 11 " • James O'Neill 62 • . Mack Ross 0' ". 14 -Edward Clegg ... S. No. 5 -Pearl Short '5.7 tnitlonNE • (133 Win live to ten his friends sorns dam !The dead, cold facts about it. . • 017 ! 002 EXETER . , Millie. Bissett 589, Irene .Handford 010. Bella Hawkins 744, Mary Hawkins 597, ila Johnston 584, Mitudlohns • 660, Litiu _Martin. 591, Edith IVIelCity 04, Leah Remmer 780, Ida -Rowe 589, Jes- sie Russell. 053, Blanche Sheere 008, Bertha, Seeli 578. Flossie • Sweet 010, Sophia. erry $19, Dorethy Werry 715,.. Frank Bawden OA, 1•Vio, Q. His- sett.(187,:Manrice .Bobier 594,' -ley Beene 041, -Lloyd lIodvein 058,- Oaks Howard 726, Frankie :Knin,ht 029, Dar.' ry Rendle 035, Trott 094, john .Walker 593.; • . • . . • GODE:wit SEPARATE SCHOOL. • Martha Dean 708, 'Mary Doyle -, Constance Griffin 707, John Hood 032,* • Cliffoed Webb .017. • Emma, Bullard Gladys Brandt 68$,Pearl Beck 723, Flossie :Foss' 730; Maud Petty 565: IseatriCe Reynolds 683, Neva. • Welsh 077, • Alfred Clark 714, Ivan • Ferguson 671, Bora Geiger 092, -Wm. McArthur 0.70, BertitnStorteman ' DITNICANNON '- Ellen Agar.701, Annie I. entiand 013, Gevtie Sutton- 7:38,:3 male Stothers 557", Laura- Irwin. 010, Warn& .BegleY 589, . Edgar 'fickle 650, Lorne. 'leers 552, John Roberts., 051.; • Clifford. • Treleaven 701, Itirry.Teeleilven 597. • . . • • • - FraSp.r Braun, 629, Gaenet SweitZer 727,, Madeline Bertrand' 736, •WalbUrga Hill 074. • • • • • : . • . • VietOirAppel -692, 'Fred E. Hess 753, Ed win !Coe bier .581; :Milne R. R.enuie 737 Roxie Eilber 506, Lillie Fan:4'061: Luella eseloh ,. Pearl Wurtz W 600 D4sawooD.. .• • , • . . . Eldon Opetz 588, 'Olive Fenn 550, Al- bert Walton550.-. . • . • • .43.1inmzun. S. S. No. .1 -Evelyn Hayden Blanche Olver ........052 itbel Austin . 682 Foley.- ,.........70Q " , Miirgaret Garvey. .702 ". Nellie Garvey 002 " Lizzie Griffin 550 " Maggie O'Connor623 " Clotilde O'Keefe...0577 Marie Sullivan 665 Thoines Garvey -070 Kit Kenney ..... . , .638 "• 3-,Agnee Griffin 583 " .4 • Flerence McLean 572 ": Mary. McMureby 610 " James B McDonald., 557 " Charles j. McGregor • • 591 • " 4 Sara McCharles . -615 " • Rhoda McKenzie 754 1)onald Finlayson 607 " Edgar' Robb . . .. -500 ' 5- Olive Gardner 502 "John Andrew :..,617 " David Andrew... ... ; 692 " 0 =Olive (Muff. .. .. ,732 - Alex. McKenzie 010 Albert Shackleten039 T Bertha Henderson554 Florence McDonald -672 Ada McKenzie.. . . . . .095 0 Harold Treleaven " Hawkins.. - " Annie Burrows , . 588 " Aggie Hawkins 574 "- Violet Bog.ie '.593 " 12 -Stanley Bissett, .......639 " Kenneth Boyd 665 " JamesMcLenna,n " 15 -Mervin Cowan 092 " 16 --Esther Hasty „ 534 " Victor Curran . ... . .,000 " •' Percy Finnigan 66$ • • " * Milton Kilpatrick 652 " Willie Myers 553 " Barkley • 552 " . Laura Pentland 051 COLBORNE 1/111011Nod - Ifaina Gtrvin " Celia IVIcIlwairi.....,4300 " -01trY. • • • 6,6 • • 6 .684 " • Willie Girvin 092 Harvey Pentland 590 Olive McPhee 008 " Irene Young 661 Tena, Young 062 " Howard Walter ., 829 ". John Young 660 " }laughter' Somersall767 , Jessie Oke . ... -736 " Straughatt 574 " Clifford Gledhill 580 " Ray Moore 705 8 - WilhelminaStraughan 600 " 6 -Maggie Bissettt 672 “ Effie Glenn ... ....055 Cecil HamiltOn577 " 1 -Edith Durst 702 " Harold Allin .. 581 o Edgar ICurschenski -017 " 0 Jean (Mutton 050 66 Sohn Edward Shaw ..083 1IA'n• . S. 2 -Mabel Dining ........078 o Bessie 'Welsh ....710 • William j, RUA:sell.... 085 FOR OVER. SIXTY YEARS. • Mrs. Winslow's Soothitig $yrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If dis- turbed by night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of eutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer inimediately. Depend apon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea., regu- , fates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic softens the Owns, reduces Inflammation mid -lives torte and en- ergy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the ivOrid. De sure and ask for "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrtsp,," Goderieh. Mrs, 'W. Logan' of Buffalo says Htniti !if 41.. if if .rn••••••••••*.• g Indigestion and 9 9 SielleSenaS" tc, 0 7 Are Symptoms of nervous ex. haustion which clisappear with the use c.ri• Dr. Chase's Nerve F0001, Plenty of people who have a horror of nerved* prostration and paralysis, stiffer from indigestion, sleeplessness, and other symptoms of nervous exhaustion not•realizing the danger they are in, 1 Nervous disease develops slowly aid by restoring vigor to the wasted nerve cells by the use of Dr. Chases Nerve Toad you can prevent serious 8 results, j5 Ma. MATTHEW WHITE, a retired fanner, jr111"411% I I' sr1-1 nogr saotm6le Elginy ea years S' aSvie. 3 Thomas, Oat., states1-, suffered more or less front indigestion and nervous dyspepia, and as a,result I .have been subject to dizzy spells and discomfort after eating. , used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and found if improved my digestion, steadied my nerves, and made me rest and sleep very much bet. $. 1%,1:o...1-3VditatomriAloIr.werngt19011.- .557 " Mabel M cTaggarb.. . , .57 6 '7) . Mabel -Mute. „ . ; .... -61 " 2 - Clara Stewart 504 " :3 -.A del Me Turnbull ' 61 Earl Copeland,. . . 679 . ..6 Edwin Unriliner 700 " 4 -Albert 'Luxton.. . . .. : 832 if May • • 702 ' Lydia, Hanelford 741 5 -Jennie Feagne ... .. . 730 Malice Kern! k 000 Clark Fisher . . . . 615 di . Wesley Dayman . 6(1-1 . " 0 -Olive berryhisl . . . ' (Y- - ' Flossie Francis ' 6. " .. Robert Coward (65.(2 " • \-N, Mid Johns 13) • " Alden Johns ter. I can truthfully re. 2 MR. WHITE commend the Nerve Food 3(3 to anyene who suffers from the above ailments. 8 or. Cheee's Nerve Food 50c. a box. 7 To protect youltgainst hnitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous 0 receipt book author, are on ever' box. 15 • .7 -Vera. Batten 4. Edna Ta:ylor 671 .64 Roy UOUltiS. -EAST WAWAN0111. S. .:No. Boyle (310 " 13e1vti0ampbe11„.... ... 054 " 16 -Edna HI L*1130)000'11 . 072 -" l‘litia Currie ,737 "' Elsie -Sheill 672 " • Edward IN tzpatrich. -501 Edmund Irwin 653 •Stew,irt MeBurnia 500 4. Elizabeth Anderson -550 Jean Clark. • • 693 Sarah. Durnin 567 • Mary Sheriff ...... 628 • Elliott Miller ... Margaret • Anderson . /747 Clara, Craig ; . :086. • ; Obristopher Forest- „ .707. Olivs Leishman • 733 -Eva; Oatepbelt";, ItaZel Campbell -.023 - Myr! le Beene)! t , 550' 13essie Laidla w 055 Kate O'Connor 037 ..Lewis Beedroft, ......,119 1)rinstoir...13eecroft -Alfred.„EinerSon • • 577 - • tk illiiiiir'Keinmey • •.Nelson Thompson :• '.• 558 Cameron. Jefferstni022 Ada Campbell 705 Earle Mallough 072 William :Wilson 673 , • Sep. school Mary Cummins 584., • ." Leddy " • 3 riessie Love • • Ai • • II • 504 id Flossie CaldWe'll " Lawrence ilageti, John It. Taylor.. ..... .701 , 41 4 -Roy Geiger “ 8-,Tohn • 0 Ellinore Trneman......573 010 L MESS:OAK 14J ,-b3858 AT.,0 ST.A1104 „JP moi.freonorr.. noeite tiEw ORtsee.5 J4CKSONY11.41. Through Sleepers and .Dining Cars BETWEON St. Louis and Mobile, St. Louis and New Orleans • 1012o2osimisitansittelitc4. mil Ask for tickets'via M. & O. E. R. rAsigimmr. . at the square formed at the jenction TUORE118MPrin of Elgin Ave. and Victoria street S. S No. 4 -Laura Dining ... roses atel other flowers, shoeld " -Grime Horton . .... 504 platted. Miss Smith of Toronto. .1!s• the guest of her cousin, Miss IThes Tye, Mrs, W. IL Otaairy At her reception -last week wore het we dug gown. Mlss Volhertsort and Miss Washington • aasisted her in receiving her 0131313; -vttestS4 Maggie Horton 554 ; ; 61re tut MoNaugli ton -506 " Efsenbaeli- 505 Warren Livingood . , 670 di 111.01% Ittopp " 14 -Letitia,MwnoUand.. .1100 Seo, school -LonisDrisaori 054 LaPortl .001 5:1; It is a superb t011iC and best conditioner in the world. It saves grain, aids digestion, and makes growth. Thousands of stock breeders and feeders use it. -One :tOtipio.ilialof the many - o haye. roomed "Lastiwinter a steer 1 was fattening went off his feed. 1 fed him Old Dr. Comp. ton's Favorite Stock Food a,nd ho got all right and started to 'thrive as soon as I started to feed it to him, 1. beliove it to be, a goocl thing."— Vs illiam Sinclair, 16ih con, Goderich 'Township. Old Dr, Compton's Favorite Stock Food. makes the finest, animals, the tenderest meat, the easiest fed at the cheapest do'St. Manufactured by The Ellipris6 Works, Clilitoll 8.3, ANDREWS, MANAO, ER,