HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-28, Page 6DIMING likEDS FOlt BEE LIKE it MIRAMAR
nimmo • Z.I/PE POR "GOOD
4 lained Theatrical Mans Des.
" •
" or A NIVISSING MAN% WU/trate:it was formed, some of
Of grappling With the diffictiltias of
the aftPitzteed langulego, and After a
little pritetice they found that they
womouruL "covzs..,. were able to keep pace with the fast,.
%WINO." est eneakers. Then. when the new
thee° literlogralgaers Were engaged for
verate Attempt to Me,lee 1St:ie.-ken With Partial Para,lyade it, and thy* it happettue that every
So great is the &Mend for an litight Arm. Or Itigh.t *ret has been taken down and eare-
ith 'word spOkea in the I euee -of RePre-
Sentativet Tokio from the very
ManeY. ' 'Walt Unable to U� Z er
thing of a sonSatiol nature now
dart that Men* and even Mr, John Craig. a Well kneWa faVo tally preSer‘e .
women, Mei-living near ICells, NV/tieing 'dill*
reeltlessly =danger their lives in triet, Ont., is another of the many REALLY UNEXPECTED.
nmuce" krieW44 1411 well that' good health and ability' to go a,bOut Wheal he Pr9P9aotl marriage She
hard,v venture, they can. instantly winiams, ,...1pluspar. Craig gives - "This is so unexpected," s
, Said,
see novel and experimeatal petite.. paralytics, who owes hie present
alicadd they elicceect in their fool- -if not We itself -to the USG of lha he
eaked for tinie to think it over.
eoranland colesaal salaries on the his experiente as toilets ,-"Rat for lie gave her the nocessarY
music -hall stage.
the blessing of Ged an the use of and sbe finally decided that he ful-
enterprlsiug theatrical manager '1 ' P•11 do not be- filled all the requireMente of the
av bad been. reined lausinesta
spent the remaining few dollars , ha
' left in desperate atteMpt to
retalver hia lost fortune. lie caused
a large inclined plane, a. huadred
yards long, to be greeted. The sides
Of this incline were railed in, and at
the top, . at a heigat of fifty yards
from the ground. the structure tor-
Minated in a platform, haviug the
ends and aides thickly padded.
The reckless performer thea had 'an
iron cannonball constructed, h011oW,
and sufficiently large to contain:401ra
This iron sphere was so made that
it could not be opened fron the in-
side, bat fipon coming into violent
contact with some other object the
strong sprig would liberate the oe-
After advertising the details of the
performance, and that he weald be
fastened in the ball and fired train
a very large•cannon, the plucky,ad-
venturer. was rewarded by 'an au-
dience of 1.0,000 spectators, Pune-
taal to time, ho was placed in the
iron sphere, and the half-hemari, half
metal cannon -ball was duly rammed
home. •
Amidst breathless excitement the
torch: was applied to the touch -hole
of the cannon, ti mighty explosion
took plate, and ere the astonished
opeetators could grasp the fact the
• man and ball had travelled up the
• Inclined plane. The man Itad been
released by the contact of the bell
and the 'paddingarid therelie steed
smiling serenely, amidst a masa of
colored flags sed fireworks he Was
• holding. Ma is now 'clrawing.S2,000'
a week as the reward of Ifie remark-
able enterprise. .
Diving from a great .height has a
tremendous g> attraction fpr sight-
seer, and many valuable live r> have
been lost by these too adventurous
Diamariti has recently .areated a
great sensation by diving whilst rid-
ing a bicycle from the beaks of the
Tiber, a height of ninety feet; whilst,
one of the' 'English divers 'enanced
his fame by jumping off the Tower.
Bridge, London, upon several occaa
dons. At another time he jumped
from a. train in motion off the Liver-
pool overhead railway into the wa-
ter beneath. •
It is almost a coinmon thing for a
daring barber, anxious to advertise
his business, to shave a lion -tamer
in a cage of lions; whilst i•ecently a,
couple, who intended after getting of the spirt .
Bove that I would be alive to -day. eituation. Then they reached a point
I was ritricken with that terrible Where they could discuss matters
affliction, partial paralyeis, 1 had calinlY.
abSolutely no power in my right anal "Of course," he said, jokingly,
or leg, I was not able to sit up --,in wasn't really unexpected at all.
fact if I tried to do so I would fall "Oh, yes, it was," She replied.
over. I had to be lifted like a child. "Absurd!" he exclaimed. "A girl
and my family and friends believed always says that. She knows What's
death was very near, The doctor coining and when it's corning, be -
told me that he could do nothing cause she is just naturally an expert
for me, and that I Was liable at iri such. matters,"
any momeat to have a eecond stroke "I' thought I was, but you fooled
which would carry inc Oa. I was in me," she insisted. •
this deplorable. condition when I was "And it was a complete surprise?"
advised to use Dr. Williams' Pin% aae wastr,
MS. 1 seat for three boXes and be "I don't understena it," lle cm:a-
fore they were all used I could move
_, =elated. •
the Angers on my hand, which had , , well .i. A S b 0 explained, ingenuously,
hitherto been. aliSolutely numb and “you had overlooked so many splen -
powerless. Yoe. can scarcely lintlg'' did chimers I gave you for a „pro-
ino my Joy at this convincing Proof posal that I had begun to thialt ma
that the pills were helping ma From thirig ever would give you nerve
this on I kept getting stronger and enough to speak out, • so it really
tho control of my paralyzed limbs was uneap cteda, i
grachially mune back until I was
"Olt!''• he said, and that was all.
again,. able to weak about and oven -
There didn't th'
tually to work. To my oeighborsseem to biaany mg else
my cure see= like, a miracle, as not
mie of them ever expected to see nae BABY LAUGHS.
out of tied again. I ghtdly give Per -
Midi's= to publish the story a my
cure with the wish that it may Baby ' laughs when raother ' gives
bring life and hope and activity to 'bina. Baby's Own Tablest; they taste
some other aufferer." good and make him well and happy.
The cure of Mr, Craig gives addi- They are mother's help and baby's
tional evidence that 1/r. Williams every day friend. Guaranteed to
Pinkrills aro nat an ordinary medi- contain no opiate or harmful drug.
cino and that their power to cure The tablets aid digestion, cure colic,
in all troublea of the blood or ael'ves prevent diarrhoea, cleans the bowels,
places, them be;vond all other ,meali- allay teething irritation, and care
eines. You caa get get .these Pills all the common ills of Childhood.
from any medicine dealer or dirset' No croSS, sleepless children in homes
by Mail at 50 ante a box" or • six where baby's Own Tablets are used.'
'boxes for $2:50 by ' writing The Dr. Mrs M'', "Ready, Denbigh, pnt., says:
Williams Medicine' Co., Brockville, "I don't know what higher praise 1
Ont. See that the full name Dr
" . ' can give Baby's Own Tablets than
Williams Pink Pills for Pale PeoPle" to say that I would not he Without
is Printed on the wrapper around
them in the house. I have found
every box. •them all that is claimed and keep
them: on. hand •to meet :any where, -
eenvee.ycheSrcZidorbyseaniti 41ye (Ifni cal at 25
• dealers
cents by writing The Dr, Williams'
THE MOST BUSINESS -LIKE IN Medicine Co., Brockville,' Ont.
THE ••
The M. P.'s • Are Not Kricrven. 1)7 Deeds answer doubts.
Warne, But by Distinguish, . Old gold is better than new brass.
Lovo takes all •wearineas out a,
ing Nainber.
The Japanese House of, Comnions, The groaust gain of life as -tee loss
Or House of RepreSentataires, as it is of self,
really called, is like most other in- There` is ho 'serfclore in. Christian,
stitjations in moliern Japan in that service.
it is quite new and has been careful- Criticisza is not tone of the fruits
ly established On the best models
GRAVEL ovaxo Dr Domes
Tried Taitlay Medicinea but get no
Shirt waists and dainty
Belief WI Ile tied the Great linen are made delightfully
Canadian Kidner Iteniedy.
1osedene, . 18. (S *-
al). --lar. Samuel ,J. Crow* the well-
known rausiciali of this place, re-
lates an experience that adds to the
already great popularity of Dodd's
Kidney Pills la this locality.
"I suffered for years with Kidney
Trouble," says Mr. Craw, "which be-
came aggravated with every attack
Of cold. and caused rue much agony.
The diseaSe developed into Gravel
when I was totally unfit for any-
"1 triea different remedies with-
out the desired result and was in
much misery when I decided to try
Doeld's *Kidney Pills when. to my
astonishment and delight immedi,
ately began to recover,
"After using Ave boxes the ailment
had entirety ceased and I was again
enjoying perfect vigor, all of which
I meat° Dodd's Kidney Pills."
The fact that Gravel yields so read-
ily to Docid's ICalney Pills is goad
news indeed, as it does away wilh
those terrible operations that were
supposed to be the only relief from
this trouble.
Though Fewer, They Are 33etter
Than the French.
The influence of the War in the Far
East is manifest in the "general
idea" of the British naval manoeu-
yds, which will be held as usual
this year. While there will be •• no
a,bandonnient of the operations, as
has been erroneously stfeted in some
quarters, they will ba held on a much
smaller 'scale then Mit year., The
great feature will be torpolti tactics,
which have become Of increasing im-
All the destroyer flotillas and the
submarine squadron arq to take part
in ft variety of denionstrations,-
whose Main purpose. is to ascertain
the best methods by which•battle.
ships alley resist torpedo attack from
surface boats and elude surprise
from under -water craft.
• The Manuel and home fleets are
to take part, under •tlie Supreme com-
mand of •Achnirala Sir Arthur Wil -
The ex-Chilian battleships Tri-
iimph • and Swiftsure, which are be-
ing Cornmissioned at Chatham on the
21st instant, ma3r be added to the
"home fleet for' the spatial purpose of
the manoetivers. The operations are
t l'k 1 to begin • until the end
of JUly or early in August.
It is necessary to wait for . the
znapeeuvers in order to refute the
sweepiiigt assertion, with 'which •• M.
Bertha he chief of construction in
the submarine of lis country is ten
licernen • . '
married to open a' public -house, were throughout the civilized: worlda The lire of:a familyaaliar keeps the years ahead of tale British boat.
actually Matrie'd ' M a den; Of lions. An ' English politician .. wile - net . church Warm. • ' . • ' "Our •stibniarines," :said • one :of the ,. '
There was a packed eaidience ef. local long agoavisited Tokio, and had the e ailing blossom is the promise ciffleers: of the. British •stibmartne . ..
flo- ' ' • ' • ' •
For Oyer Shay Years • ..
people„and thetcourageous 'couple are. opportunity of seeing the parliament - . tilla, to a, press representative, rec- ..
4orlS. WINsLoW'SSOoZurNo Stale* has been used 4
of the ripening fruit. . .
now (Ming a roaring trade with the at work,. declared to the writer' that . A little bible in the heart is arcieth •ently, "are as efiectiveas any in the 11
14-045 ofthInctibig's fgReihelt;•;ohildren rule leeching.
inhabitants, who admired, them Mr. it was by a long way the moet busia a lot under th6 h . • • world. The best submarine, is the '
at. . .
. . vagegilhaWitaartteit:aneergif ticgV,:nna Cill
0 es way to sin a de o d- one that; can remain longeit under sold la/druggists throughout the world, Be sure sod
I • beet. remedy for Marrisces. Twenty,fleq.cen4 a Basle
their coca nerve. . : • • ness-like parliamett. in the world. In The b t •g b tgi
One of the most extraordinary at- no other is there anything like so, Water; can dive and rise most ''quick- ash for " Mad. Wnistott'S Sol:quill° armor," 22-01
en is to . bey 4 brown. . •
tractions atter placed before sense- little talk in• to the • ly a I h s th f stest it fac ' and
sr es,
done, is apt:to be long on creed.-
• � h it h :
way accident. Two expresses.; which: . speech -making on the part of• the sunnierbed speeds." .
the Frenth zurvy, is credited-
clean and fresh with Sun.
light Soap.
Unlike the famous blades of Toledo
and Damaecue. Japanese sworde are
not flexible or °Maio. They are un-
equaled for strength and luardness,
and hold a very keen edge. Japanese
steel is said to excel even Swedish
steel in purity. Tbe manufacture of
the words is a very elaborate pro-
cess. Some ceremonials and super-
etitimiapracticea are Intermixed with
the scientific operations. The sword -
hardener is regarded as the most im-
portant personage connected with
the manufacture. It is hie name
that, is inscribed on the hilt. and his
reputation that enhances the value
of a sword. Those who shape the
blade, sharpen and adorn it are of
minor importance.
How's This
We offer One Bemired polaris "Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by nall's olatarrh Cure.
F. J. ClikINEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned,‘ hew° known V.
J. ()honey for the last 15 3tears, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his •
wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Oster* gore is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous- surfaces of the system. Testi.
rottia.le 4:1114 bir'een,11 DPruisegelstre* Per
Tok Ball's Vamily rF'ilis for coast!.
The Sultan has forbidden the Wear-
ing of red blouses by Arznenian wo-
men, The coley is believed to sym-
bolize the bloodshed in their cairn.;
try. • *
Millard's Liniment Is used by Physlciani
A private the Royal ,Marines
has just beep sentenced to nine
months' imprisorunent for throwing
a piece of broad at a laace-corperal,
No other fly killer compares with
Wilson's Fly 'Pads in' destruetive
qualities. Insist col getting the genu-
A certain speeies of bean, in China
and japan grows a, yard long, have failed
ftoonedintroduce it into En. gland
. •
Ask for Minard's and take 110 other.
__— • . ,
Scotland Yard, Londora is the
largest police -station in the world.
It has accommodation for 3,000.po-
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs Butter Apples
tot 48 have your consignment, of any of these article* WO Win •
,00r, West Market and Colborne Atm,
get yott good prices.
1!:6114. Wash Basins, Milk Pans, ate
Any Illrat.Clato Grocer Oan Supply You.
"Your husband eeems to have an
exalted °pillion of you," remaaked
the bride's emit. "He says you are
his right hand." "Yes," rejoined
the young wife, with a sigh; "but -
he's one of theft men Who never let
their right band know- what their
left hand does!"
House files carry contagious dis-
eaeee* WillSon's Fly Pads—kilt
the flies and zee contagion too.
Papa - "Been quarrelling with
George again?" Daughter -Wo, in-
deed I haven't! It's too near my
birthday for me to quarrel with
anybotly!'' • •
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Heady Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder. is •a boon, to any
home, It. disinfects and, cleans at
-the same tirae.
"'Why, that coat doesn!t -fit a
said Edgar's sistel-; "it's alj waves
up and down your badk.'"`That is
what I told the tailor; but he said
you had •to expect that .because
Was a surge suit!" ' •
• .. • • .
proportionWhen a man is short n c at 3r e
tion seekers was a prearranged rail- amount of solid work
There has to be a lot of go in the .
' A comparison of the. chief • es -
chased bv. a wealthy ,syndiaate,
an- a There is nothing Satan levee bet- .
submarine of the Z class, at present
a discoura,ged to the utmost, ri
had seert a lot of service, were pur- Ja anese naember of parliament - • • t sential qualities, taking a French -
huge space arge enoug to accera- B h
Eat small quantity of
Morniag and evening and you
protected Yourself in the best
sible way • against smallpox,
modate a million spectators was ance, siich Medical Talk. '
a Home Rule Bill, if v,er . hh submarine of the Holland ato 11C
and a er an a sane rata ,F$ .
d• r •
government; bill of extreme import- t th ti Mous inner un er cons
y time you , e down a ars
railed off, and a, real track built.
there were • Occasion te bring : cnie word,you lift a whole world. ,
d nun d dr'17 d ar- r sults as follows'
from two opposite directions at week.. our or five new acts of All It is always easier to weep ever. Displacement, tons .., 350 1 ,
experimental class, also under con -
The enginea were driven - Yeah's:tic forward,' wouhrbe debated and either When:you Walk towards the sun stritetion, ,e
13 h 1' • h
• 1 s , ienc .
rangements 'made for them to start passed 'or rejected • in less that a all your °shadows are behind you. . .
,either end= of the single set of rails.' lints are tin araerage week'e work. a prodigal than it is to welcome Length, 46t -
k . ' 14 11
200 135
COLLISIONS TO all ER This is becabse' . it 'is a rule that,
:---.--1:..)---• . when the' governnient or a priyete It, ' 'fa alwaya the biggest eraven NSuubmmileerrgeodi stpoerepde,141:7 toutebe.s. 8. , .:
had been Made that both engines, bill, it is not allowed to ba present- aiaa
, man wih 1133 I ing ,o go
th dvanta e over the
Surface speed, nets
'Careful matheraatical calculations member wishes to introduce a new who gives the amid dog the heartiest
Radius of action, Miles .. 600 500
when trairelling at the rate. Of siXty ed. clfreet to the Hens° at the outset. The Vell• t to.. It will be wee that. the 'British
miles an hour, Would Meet at cer- It must first besubinittecato .a coin" heaven alone going to .a lonely heat 111.1-s g
collision would take place.. Exeur" ough, exaMination of and digest • Panrciencthhe tvwesoletlsype,israreevery particallaaa
tain spot, when s ef &terse, 8, fearful rnittee, who in private mike. a thorheavon -
dons were run froth and all the arguments for and 'nattiest men be enerally has a good dealt
When a mail gives tegor scout save. the number of torpedo a tubes;
the syndicate netted aa 'enormous which are likely. to be advaneed con- h'd f g th 1 d
• esta stage of development attained 3
present the lat-"'
• e a
. . cernieg,it: Then 'he committee sends When you give a brother a • cuP of Pas eh navy. • • .•
Unfortunately the niatlienia,ticia the bill along.. to the HOUSO with eela water yna don't:110W to Peur RUSSIANS As LINotasTs.
Every, educated Russian knows
three languages' besides his own, and
caaculations had a Serious flaw some- a lengthy report upon it, and in. it down the back of hur neck: •
where, as the thundering engines Met
• too soon; there Was a disastrous ex- NINE CASES OUT OP TEN • • '
. /
plosion, pieces et the locomcitives the parliament is guided by the re- , ......aaaa ..
r were hurled tremendous distances, port, and decides upon the measure .. • A BACK LICK.
and several of the spectators were with very little discussion. . . i, . __.
killed. An enterpriaing photographer There are 876 members in the jap- e ase
Settled the C With Her.,
engaged to take a snapshot at the anese 'Haase of Commons, and eadh cu u e.
many of them lotin, 'NnoWledge of.
the English; French and German
languages is. coneidered neocissary , to
'1 h ' i• 11 hil-
actual moment of the collision. did one of them is paid at the rate of MeV .great dieuoveriee have .been dren employs tWo to four governee-
not live to develop his senaational *deer $80• a Week for .his serVices, al- Made by accident and things better ees ; learn whorl the children '1.ertrit
piature. • : though they are elected by coestitta3. than geld mines. have been • found- in foreign tongues before they are
formed his parachute decent from the in this country. The actual fee paid accidental discovery that coffee 15 the i aught the Mere difficult Itugslan.
This command of languages makes
When Professor Baldwin first per- eneles in just the same manner as tide Way, for example when even the
clouds huge crowds were attracted to there is $1,000 a session; but* a -------------- f one's Sickness \ preves' possible the fact that Russians. have
holt/ever, at the A.ston. Lower these M.P.'s are known -not by name, it loaates . the cause and „the :peraph affairs than any ether peciple.
by the noVelty. CPon'onie.pecasion. session • only lasts twelve weeks. All of Most tremendous valtte because a better knowledge of the !world's
Grounds, 131rmingham, England, _he nor even as the honorable member has Vim a, chance to get well»
had a very narrow escaPeafroln be, for this or that constituency, but "Ivor over 213 years" says : Mis-
by a distinguiehing number. :marl woman "I suffered untold agon-
Ins killed, after successfully inaking
the descent. A *number, of Ilirming- when era is elected he La given lee in ray stomach, and even the
was only rescued With difileultys the such a number, and foe the purpose physicians disagreed as to the cause Tettimonial g altirs Are at Wovk
ham rpughs surrounded him, and he
of identification afterwards he is esti- without giving me war permanent Throughout the Country.
frame of his parachute being torn
, ally referred to as "Sixty-seven," or help, different ones saying it was .
Santos Dumont, flie. inventor or whatever he may be, .This munber is gastritis, indigatioa, neuralgia, etc., Messrs. Ildmanson, Bates A Co.,
into matchwooda .
painted in big figures en a hinged. so I dragged along from year to prdprietors of Dr: Chase's family
the latest arid Most successful air- flap arbith is attached to his , desk y'ear, always half sick, until 'finalli 114jiCines' desire to warn the readers
of this paper against having any -
ld d u tl 'f h d d
, ,. ' ' in the parliament ehamber, and aa . I gaVe tip an hopes ef ever beirig
cOramand a large salary by alicaving thing to do with these fakirs, as
himself and his airship on the =tisk- eosin as he takes his seat he lifts up well again. ' they positively refuse to accept tiny
hall stage. 7 the IMP On its hinges as a token that "When taking dither, with a friend
. testimonials except directly from per -
REWARDS 01 he h; then at work for the day, When One 'clay she said she had a new
medicineS• '
sons who have actually used their
1' he leaves the sitting• he lays his num-. drink whidh tarried out, to lae Poe-. .
Nunaerouri reckless navigators have tier flat again. bun and I liked it so well I told her This warning is nuide necoaary On
at varionS tithes creased the Atlantic During a debate, whoheyee he.teatits I thought l. Would stop coffee for account of recent disclosures in TO -
in small boat% and OM suctessful to express approval or diSapProval awhile and use it, which I did, ' route arid other cities where these
sailor fleeted sufficient money as the of avfiat fa beim; said, or to attraet "So for three months we had POS- parties aro at work. Though the
reault of his enterprise to buy a nice- attentiOn to his own claims to be tura in place of Coffee without ever police authorities made an, effort to
tilted farm in Canada, There is no allowed to speak, he does ko by rat- having aria of my old Spells, but Was put a stop to this fraud onme days
doubt that Fournier; the cbairipion tling this flap, and by' long Practice alWaya healthy and vigorous in- ago, it Is still going on., and
French automobilist, many Unice ran he has brought himself to such a do- stead. : thoughtless persons are beilig incluo,
the risk of being dashed to pieces gree of akill in the process that he "Husband kept saying he was con- ed. by the offer of a dome, free
during the recent anotor-car rates ciai moo mere noiso in this way vineed it was donee that caused photographs, to sign fraudulent
' front Paris to Berlin. At many than any other. these 'spella, but even then I etaternents about inediethes almost,
points a tho race he was travelling Whoa he wants to make a sivech wouldn't believe it until one do we if not entirely unknown to thon.
at the uteri& speed of eighty antics ea further emphasiees hie ,elesire by got out. of PoStere and, as we lived Evelw. testimonial and etrei'y photo -
an hour, and the elighteSt ' failure of shouting out hie number as lottdly two Vince from town, I thought to graph used in' reference to Dr.
either nerve or eye would have meant as be can, end If the president of Ilse the Coffee we had in the house. t_lhase's remedies is backed by a
mutilation and betent death. Prov.
the chat -elm -I' ebooses him for the "The result of a week's use of *500.00 guarantee that it is goalieo.
Ing suceensful, he received close mum
00,000 and hip .eneeees wm Pro Inv. next oration he does se by simply coffee agaih was that I had another The original, signed letters of per -
REPEATING THE NutmErt. terrible epell of agony and distress sone recommending 3 ,
/r ehitee'd medi-
bly itiOatt no less than - $20,006 a
eirterl are kept on Ille at tile oflices
year for um for d o Ao.. The chaMber is semi -circular proVing that it was the eoilee and' I led t end wil
xw I(140W YET.
shape, and the members mit, together nothing else. That settled it and I , '
at little groups of desks throe or said good-bye to Coffee forever and b° ehet)rfullY aim" to anY°11° who
• four together. ell. round, Tri the ten. sinee then.' rotation alone has been doubts the truthfulness and accuracy
of era/ publiehed testimonial. You
tre is a high elevated tribune, and our het mealtime drink. aro al invited US call en the per.
when a member epettite he ascende it "10 frie"cla all say 1- ant looking son whet° mune appeara le the testi-
Lady of the tiouse (to eeok, hav. for the purpose, and thus is lit fitil , worlds better 'and my eornplexion IS In
nig diSCO`trered a polieeman in the Viett Of the Whole Rouse. Juet be.: much improved. All the other mem- Insittal istvraiht6nteetv.ectriPfali,13Z realty pee-
kitchera).-PVett told nits When you hind hire eite the president„ With a bees of our femily have beert berte. ple 'are ready and willing to certify
• mine here that you heti ea Sweet- bigbell in. his right hand. Whieh he fitted, too, by Postern in pleats of ter. the merits of Dr. Chase's Medi -
h , wl, rings loudly whenever tbere is any the old drirtk, corTee." 11/412,rirne given eines that it is quite ,enheceseary to
. .
Cooke -"Yes, rtold you SO, and lt.'s indieation of it breath of order. bY "Nation i'`.!o.„ Battle Creek, Mich. oriPloy persons' to 'solicit teStirriera
a .
the truth, too." The trapatuale Prolittment is the Tett days' trial. of Postum in place etie„ ,
"Who, then, is the policeman in the only one in the world *Which has a of codee or tea is the wise thing for Day by day letters ere pouring in
kitchen, if he is no your sweet. toMplete Ant of abSOlutelY Verbatilla every toffee drinker. /nch, ft trial direct, horn persons who have been
• heart?" ' reaOrte Of itS Preceedines from the Aelle the exact truth often where cof... freed from sickness, disease and suf.
"Ile ien't My sweetheart, Mcleod he very commeneement. • Shortly before , fee .04 nett suspectedfeting, arid who, as a reettlt, write
isn't. Men only trying to be» arel its entablishment a hotly of /students Look in each package for the fano- with a heart fullof gratitude for the
/ don't know whether he avill eite- joined 'together and invented tt, twig- ;nue little. book, "The 'Road to Well- benefite obtaitied from these great,
lased oe not:".
„ tem of ehorthand Whith Wee captable jville." medicines.
, ,.• 4
I was, Cured of Bronchitis and '
: .7s1R.S.,‘„A:. LIVINGSTONE.
iamilLoxtesxuweni.aolticPseni.reEd. eIt. .rt•
by : MINA.RD'S. : LINI-
sifirere attack of
. '.'1I awhe7srle.CUBraeyd. Of a sJOHNee r el yMApsprained'ra'
leg by MI. NAlijoDs'SuLTIwyMENNATc.Hrz •
V '
, :
BridgeWater. • :
. • „
"Yes," he proposed, Miss Passay
contineed, blushing; "and when papa.
came into. the room he foiled me in
Mrtiliggin's arms." "Ah, now- I
see!' exclainied •Miss Speitz. "1
wdndered what your father meant to-
day when he told me that Mr: Hug-
gins had an old head On young
There aro many imitations of Wit.
son's Fly Pads; . all arc ,cheapand
somPatativelY useleas. Be Sure to
get Wilsen's.
"Ar' you the man who painted
that 'ere picture of 'Moses in the
Bulrushes'?" asked a countryraait
of an artist who had recently startl-
ed lhe town by; an exhipition' of ell
Pa"ilYntesill,g's' 'replied the artiet.
•• right; then I want. you to
paint my father.
'Certainly, if he gives inc a fe1v
"Can't do it; he's dead." •
"Let 1110 lia.V0 a photograph* Of
do that neither. He never
had his photograph taken."
'o're'nt, afraid, ' then, vrattst de•
"Decline? What for? Raveret you
pabited Moses! You 'didn't have a
photograph of hini, did you ? .No:
I thought not. Well, my father
hain't bout 'dead nearly so long as
Moses. if you ean paint Moses, you
ought te knowenough to paint rey:
Appreelating the situation, the ar-
tlot went to Work and °Volved such
a portrait aS he thought might sat-
is'rY`Orslitoymll'gietlxncilaaltuse°dn'this art pa-
tron, on teeing the completed paint-
ing. 'tint almost beats that por-
trait of Moses; but, 1 say, how he'
has changed!"
P Ina glits?1,1001.gemeent is 7ocrertaig
To prove to you. that Vr.
I WI, and every form of itching.
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes,
Imonials in the daily press and ask your neizlr
tors what they think of it. ou can use it and
cet your money back if not cured. 60e a box, at
Il dealers or Evicassotr,Pass & Co„ Toronto
gore Chase's OIntrh.crel
". • 1 .1- •
' "Do you think I am capable of
acting a part?" asked the stage-
struck•youth. •replied the
busy manager; a'ad- the ' farther
apart we are- when 3c.ciu act. the bet-
ter at will suit me,' ' •
s Liniment tumberman sirlend
•" N
"It's ridiculous," remarked the
prosperous tailor, •"to say 'clothes
don't make the man.' ". "Think so?"
"Certainly.!" replied the tailor. "Why
they've made riae!" ' •
The folloadrig mattereof.faet
vertisement recently n,Ppeared:
"Wanttel-.A. really plate, but ex.
periented and efileient governess for
three girls, eldest eighteen. Music,
Preneb. and German required; hril.
Haney of conversation, fascination
mariners, and syriurietry of form ob.
lectecl to, as the /tither, is vetch at
home and there are grown-up sons.
Address Mater."
.ISSUE NO. 2.0a-04.
. • ,
WIlson"s Fly Pads. ,Eativ 10e
packet will kill more flies than. can
be caught ..on 300 sheets of sticky
paper, costing $15. .
y d di •t
oa never saw my an sl as y
as that," said mamma.' " 'Cause , , •
never. saw yeu when you• wefe a lit-. Wilsore.irly.Pade. No d&t
tle.gial," Was little: Irene's prerript • dr • bo wa e properly ,
Works well both on
stacks and in barns,
unlonda all kinds ot '
hay and grain either
loose or in sheaves.
, Send tor e ataloglee to
M. T. BUCHANAN & CO. i Ingersoll Ont.
rogidtAztAtivreattoetr Zentrog. ivirra
Attractions •for Spoztsinen on •thei
. Line Of the Grand Trunk.
Th Grand Trunk COmPana
has issued a handsome publication.
profusely 'illustrated 'with half -ten&
engravings, •cleseriptive of the many
attractive localities for sportsmen on
their.lino of railxva,y. Many' of the
regions readied by the Grand . Trunic
seem te have been specially prepared
for the delectatien of maakind, and
where for a brief period the cares pi
business are. east • aside and. life is
given tip to enjoyment. Not only 'do
the "Highlands of 'Ontario". present
unrivalled facilities. for both hunting,
fishing and 'camping, but the 80,000
Islands' of. the Georgian , pay, Thou-
sand Islands and St 1, Wrence
er , Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St.
eJacihitnie,oaniod tlxieoimooanoyndatiteeasvetivne
share, Present eqtfal opportunities for '
health, pleasure and 'sport. All these
localities are reached by thn Grand•
Trunk . Railway System, and' on
tteins nnequcilled on the, continent:
Abstracts of Ontario; Michigan; Que-
bec., New:Hampshire and Maine fish:
and • ganie•lawe are inserted In . the
publication for the guidance of
sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way has also 'issued descriptive 11-
luetrated matter, for each district seta
arately, which are sent free on ap-
pi cation to e agents• C
pany and: to Mr: J, D. -1felponaId.
District Passenger Agent, Yr; sr,
Union Station, Toronto.
' nab r'' fitst
bell as if it were only yesterday."
nillidia-ot``AhVoh4t1;•?. wonderful _memory you'.
• •
answer. . .
flies opp gau e
...:ASuinscier-Cough. TUR"B.INES FOR GREA.T
is thehardest idne, te get rid Of awl the
, Meet dangerous kindto tegliwt. '
Shiloh s
Cure It tAing
will ante Yeti quickly and stttely-sto,
-24:77724grg1r.th° 111#10 ana
At all druggists; ?.5o, 50e sad 41.001 bottle,
.! •
That "meriey talks," net deny
May be quite tree. : • •
But it more often say i "Good-bye!"
Thin ..11ow-dY-dol"
The nian Who cannot take a joke -
To be a. bore has grown;
But worae, is he who takes your
',And tells it as his own.
Two large and swift transatlantic
steamships, to be haft for the Cuna
era line, are • to. be propelled .br
steartatnabines. This fact is- of
great interest for shirabuilders and
engineers: : because the tilrbines re-
quired will be far larger them any
now in use: The largest turbines at
present in marine use are those . of
the steamship Queen, whmcl plies be-
tween : Dovee and Calais. A. new
French . type of steam -turbine, re-
cently 'a.pplied for the propulsion ef
a first-elass ' torpediabeat, gives a
speed of more than 26 knots.
Keep NlInard s Liniment In the House:,
• •
Fine -edged tools lose their temper
if exposed to the light of the sun
for a considerable length of tinie,
Priend--"I'd recommend you to
drink a cup of water every morning,"
Dayalid-"I always de that where I
board; they pall it coffee."
Experience of
Two Nurses:.;
Who Have Had Splendid Opportunities ire
Their Practice of Testing
the Merits of'
Miss C. Stanley -Jones, profession- '
al masseuse and .nurse, 288, Shwa°
street, Toronto. Ont., Writes: -"In
iny ocettpation as a nurse. I have
coma tteross many cases in which, Dr.
Olutse's Ointment has been used
With extraordinary results. One case
/ recoil Was that of it child of six-
teen Months who was in. a bad wily
With aealy head. It was a really
nasty ease, Musing tho child to stif-
fer very much and to be very trou-
blesome. 1 persuaded the niother to
use Dr. Chase's Ointment, -and fri
ten days the .child thaw -entirely cured.
"Another ease' was that of a IOW
Who , Was glatitly troubled with
M11115 ofi tlie Nee. The doctor Was
dositag her with thedicilie, which was
doing ho geed. la this case cure
11111111611111111611611111.111filiiriau. _
was °fleeted in seven day* with only
°he box Of Dr, Chaee's Ointment.
noth cif these tures wore itteting."
l‘ers. 13, A. Loyno, nurse, Philips-
burg, Que., writes: "I. consider Dr.
Obrise.e Ointment a perfect medicine.
t have used It myself and as a nursc
have recommended it irt a good many
eases for itching 'piles, It atwar
gave perfect satisfaction in every
ease, and MCC* people used it they
would not think of being withotit 11
In the house."
Dr. Chase's Ointment, tin cents a
box, 'at, ell dealers, or ledniansoti.
Bates tt-, Company, Toeonto; teo pro.
tea you against imitations, the per -
trait and signature of Ur. A. W.
Chase, Pia lemons. receipt book aa
thor, are on every box,