HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-28, Page 414-
Thc ..lewsPecord Gaerich T."114141)"
Miss A. Jenkins of the 16th, WA
published OverY TbursdaAt • lbeen visiting ha ccusine, the, Misses '
Trkt 1,Tews,Revarci Printing House . Andrews of the West Side.
TerneWoi e4beeription-51 per year itt
advance 51.30 may be, charge:4 if
aot sC. pi4. o paper discontinued,
until a.B, arrears are paid, unleset.
the. Optien Of the publishetri The
date to which. every Subscription is
paid is. tlenated (en the label.
AdVertising rates— Traneient adver-
tieenlents, IO cents per nonpariel
line for 'Brat ineertion. and 3 cents
per line far eaeli subsequent itsertion.
SnaU advertieements not to exceed
900 1001i 804 ap "LOA," "Stre.y-
ed," 778tolen,'' ete., inserted once
for .e5 Conte and each subsequent in-.
sertime Xo cents.
Conennuticatlions„ intended for publica-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
taitla be accompailied by the name
or the writer.
To insure publication, in current issue
topy ot advertisements sheuld be
sent in early,
Contract rates—The lloving table
shows °et' rates for specified per-
iods and space
r yr. 6 •tno. 3 nice 1 mo.
1 Column $70 OA $40 00 $25 00 58 59
1,4 Column 40 00 Z; 00 15 ore 6 00
• 1/4 Column
1,‘ Column
• While Bening in the Maitland u,„ few
days ago h'redi Mulholland landed •
bar1S wtieh 'Weighed 4 lbs. 8 oz. It
' was si monster and aereve Fred a. gelid"
fightlie saptured others as well and
lett the big title with Mr. C. W. Wile
hams whc bad the pleasure of helping
to eat it This is pcssi*Iy abot the
• heaviest bass which, has been caught
ta the upper stretches of the Ilfaitland
fey yeers, but . lower down Mr. W1-
himeelf An expert disciPle of
..,Isaas Walton, has caught iive pound
• ,Ori Sanday lest Jam, the only SOU
of Mr, Rollert lleacont, breathed tis
last. I1e. att.:red for several mouths
front an incurable eiloteat, but bore
the allheticin with remarkable pateen-
ee. 'The frueral took place Tuesaay af.
ternoen to Bicaithind cemetery Ned was
largely attended, by friends rront faX
and near. ma services at hoes': and
.grave,eicle were conducted by Rev. JOU
McNeil of Bayfield. Thepallbearers
were: Jalues:Macdouald, williaza Ell-
iott, Victim Il1itt1 •Reid Torrance,
Sohn Torrance:
Me. Johiu, Wj11ia1us .wito was in
Central America, for seven -al, monthia
beg more recently hue been a citizee
, of . New Orleans', • is expected' heine
shortly. We undeestand he does rot
like tr 1 America for the d'i •
...fold. reason : The climate ie tem het
and' humid and. there are too many
•1`ratit" Powell was husy with. the
paint brueh last week erd tire're.
'stilt the depearance of the residence is
25 oc) 15 oo 8 00 2 50 , much enhanced. • ,'
8 00 IO. 00 5o 2 00
Mr. and Mrs. We Findlay were
1 .• 5
6 00 3 50 2 00, ,/ 2c, Ashfield last week attereling the fun-
' eral of William Jones,, who. was killed
W. J. Milt -HELL, . by falling oll a load of hay, lbe dee
Editor earl Profiled or. .eased wile ce brother of. Mrs: T. Cook
formerly of tbe 9th con,
Miss Nellic Hicks, daughter of Mr.
Guy Hicks, was succeseful in passiag
elm late. Entrance examieatieu, taking
•'h i u brigit etudent and •
!Las bcen, making rapid ierogreSs with -
her studies. •Edgar Caatelon,, the clev-
eleven-yeareold son al Me., Arbet•t
Cantelon, is another • of , the succastiel
ones. They are .both pepile-
W. JarrotteprinciPal of the Ifiesaeriery'
• :On Wed.nesday evening- of hist week
.yery pleeeant event occurred at the
residence. of. John Sturdy, 70:„ concee-
eicen• velem his datighter„- Miss Amelia,
.end Cherles A, Whienian, of Lansing',
were welted in the holy bands
niatrienony.. The wedding march
was Yelayed by. Mise Edythe lefillian.
The bricee, Who was • nnatteuded;, 'was
ein wilder muslin and lookeel
eeryeeetty. . She was %given away by
her father, The -ceremony Was per- ,
formed by. Rev, W. II. Graham, Gocle-
rich, After congratulations ancl1 best.
wishes the guestssae .down sump-
taaus repast. The • bride • received
many._ lyeantiful :presents. :Crone.. rela,-.
tieres, and friends, - Mr. •and. ...Mrs.
Weinman. left Thursday morning.. for
their future lionie in Lansing, Mich.,
• • .
Hillsgreen. -:-• •
• (Intended for last week)
Most of the hunters i'the vicinity
are 'through with their hay and leave
commenced cutting wheat.. • ,•
Miss Aginie Consitt has been .visieing.
. friends on •the Gatthen Line- -the pasee
Mise Maud Farm -liar. is visiting st-•.
ends in Delhi at present,
Prof...W. R.. Pegg, :gave concert in
the 'hall Friday evigunglast .cons•istin.g
of glass eating, tire eating, enagie
trieks„ scuge, music and .hypnotic ex-
periments. , Prof. dLilighted . his -
andience as - was shown by the .. Many
encores aud • laughter, Mr. Pegg is. a
canny Septet:maxi and possesses .
.Mr. John Maxwell is slowly Tecost-.
eringifrontliis Seriaes .• . •
. , •
. . .
• • • Constance. • • •
_ Miss belsee Britton is eisiting lierei
cc.usin, Miss Potter, .in tily Oh • • •
• Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. • Coates and chile -
dren of Flat, Mich.; spent Friday the
guest's of. Mr. mid Mrs. D. Sutherland.
Mrs.. Robson vf. licnden, Mrs.; Wm..
Stanley and Miss. Staidey of Holiness
ville visited the latter's sister,
Duncan Tudor'en Friday.
Miss Nellie Sutherland returned :on
TLursday dram her visit to 13ervie,'
Mr. A. McAllister our popidare
seh Goderich. • • •
and on their way. will visit. eons: of
the "cities end towns. Ain etee the
guests fro4n a distance wine .lehre ard
Miss • ray 'Sturdy 'ifneettela,
1' '
clot teacher sent flee candidates • far . •
the Entrateee and they all passed•very
creditably. •
Mrs. McCulle;.is visiting her 'ciet:s een,
Stratford. •
Mr. Charles Andrews end sister,Mese
Andrews, "visited their sister, Mese. B.
B. Stephenson, on Sunday. "
Quarterly meeting will be held on
August 7th in' the Milburn Itletlicidist
church at i� o'clock. • Rev. 'eh. Cie-
enent will preach. •
Port Albert -
....Mrs. Theis.' Joy, Nashville; .
is. visiting her 'brother ut the village.
- Mr. cead Mrs.. Geo.: Clark, -Colborne,.
spent Sunday in the Village.'
J. Ben. Hawkins and franily„ Gocler-
ict, were in Ote villagc ?string, the
past week.
George Hawkins bad • the mistottime •
to fall cff a load .of • hay which' -ixiay
yet prove serious .owing to his tage.,. • . •
Mr, and Mrs, Wilbam .Richards -on..
had an ac'dition . to their. family :last
week, a daughter.
William Quaid and wife left, again
for Manitoba after a month's visit at
the home of his parents, •, • • ••
Wjlliani; W. Hawkins returns. ..
Chicago this week,
. .. • ,
Prof. T. A. Hawkins, Brussels,: wag'
called to the family home - last. week
owing to the accident his. father . mete
with, • . . •
The O'Connor property'svas-•s.old, by
peeing auction last w.eele. Thepeiceof
land; .seeens. ups- --thee -plate-elegmlging
$:',905. -
Master and Miss Yates-, Godeeiche
spent a few days- with theirnfiele and .
went, .Mr. and Mrs: Haery • Hayden. •
Mrs. Adam Shaefer . and son . of
Wsighame are visiting. in •the _Village.
Mr. atd, Mrs. John Ritchie and
last week with Mrs. Hawkies. • ..
daughter, Wingliann, spent Wedr.esday
William Symonds and Harry - Etie,ee
slaw, . Gcderich, eteent Sunday, 'in• the
village and neighborhood. .
Miss Jennie el aceenzie, St. Thomas,
is visiting in the viiiage. •
Miss Keiser, Toronto, spent Sunda'y.
in the village. e
Mr. Jae. and Mss Sara leraite were
111 the village cm Sunday. .•
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dttrnin of Dune
ginetzon •spent - Sunday with the • linlY'S
'. • The Presbyterian church will • bie
closed for the month of August. •
GOderiCh• •
Barrister John D. "Styanson of "Sate -
loops, 18. C., has jtiet returned front
By the tenni: of the will of the
late James J. McMaCh hiS estate of:
'about $17,000 is left to hie son' jamas .
Brogden McMath. Shoula he not at-
tain his majority the will ,directthat
the property stall be devided, 'half go-
ittg to the Alexandra general hospital
to establish acct, to, be known, as
('MelVIath's Cot" and the other half
to be given Knox Weesbyteriine cheetah
to be invested: in the tiew districts of
Ontario or itt the Northwest Territor-
ies. Tim • executors are his brother,
McMatin Torento, 'and Judge
The guests of Botel Ooderich lield
on the hccol on Tuurseay evoillitg.
marshmallow bake and on Vritlay 6%.•
ening they hem vaudeville perfonnt-
Itchert McLean made a !brig shiP!..
mut of cattle from Locknow to the-,
Old Country last week. 5, johitetan
of Goderielt tranship Ito the eattkt
fit ehaege,
Walter Mitchell t frs . acting iOr.
Charles 'rhodium at the 0, TL
' Hotel Goderiele•was in quiteas. flutter
of excitement ?the ether inorn'itig:whet4
eel was, annc.unced. that a illazaar and
entertamenetit would be held that
evening ander the inana,gement. sciely
of the little Misses Annie Lassie and
Geraldine Graves, Sydney Dunlop and
Norma Clark. Three quartettes were
nieely given lay the whole camper -1Y' a
skirt. claince by' Sydney Dunlop and: -a
cake Wale.. bythe whtc. four., .1 Belia
Howrie and Walter Aleedenald, • aux .
well known Scotch dancers; also as -
slated and little liveeyear-ald Douglas
sane • "The Good Old Su
tmeer .Tiene "
The receipts'. of the evening amounted
to $8 Which the children donated . to
the eVIarine hospital, • -
Mr; Charles Tlonias sprained his
encle tlie other Say which will lay
him upfor a while. He is clietker of
baggage at the G. T, k. station. • •
The. ' funetal of \Valiant Mitchell,
town .clerk, todk ‘alace. on . ThursdaY
afternoon. Rev.. J antes A. Anderson
conducted the funeral serviced at house.,
„and. grave. Tne pallbearers were M.
Ge. 'C'enieroa M. I'. P., Judge Holt,'
Willinin Lee,. John ititox,. lexelela.yer
Thompson 'and Ex-Aederat an J. C.
Marti. The funeral was very large,
the members of the town council, the
members of the Public sehool board,'
the town officials and representatives
of the 'local • press all drove tol the,
Maitland, cemetery; to Pay their last
'tribute of respect to their late collea-
gue :whet: was %owe clerk :Since Oete1ber
7th', e889, Mr. Biala being then: ena.y-
or of the town Ile was only . eight
-years ot age when his parents, now
deeeased, come from. Cleveland to
Goderich and opened pp, a kkoceryif •
Remeinber est Aeguet is time • civie
holiday. .
• The regular meetitg of the W. C. T.
IL will not le Lek?, until 8th ' August
at 3 peen., 'in Temperance hall. All
white rilicotters and ladies interested'
in the catese are cotirteonsly merited to
attend, 1
Applications for the situation cf
town, clerk were received up to 28thl.
July. The salary is $5oo per annum,
Mrs. MeIver's sale at her residence
on South street took place on Satur-
day, It, was • well attended. 111re.
Mayer and family leave at an early
date for Winnipeg where Mr. McIver
holds a, lucrative positica,
Miss Orank Illydges has returned
team the Stratforel Business 'College.
Miss Reliertsoit cif Toronto is the.
'guest this month of her relatives, Mr,
and Mrs. John A. Rollyertsoh, .
Baby's Danger.
The simmer Months are a bad time
for, %ethics,and ea anxious tittle mor
mothers. Fermentation and decant,.
pesiticen in the stomach and hoWele
are the ,caluse of the many summer(
complaints of babies and young child.
ren. This is the reasee why the' hot
weather months are more fatal to
littl' ones then other season.
Baby's Own Telljtets should, always be:
;fouled in every Instee , where there are
ye:1m ceildreie and their prompt tee
during hot weather may save a preci-
ous little life. The tablas cure cons-
tipation, diarrlieea, ' and stomach
frotibles, and are guaranteed to, con-
tain 'no opiate or Intruded drug. Mrs
Waiter Rollins, Sissons Ridge, N. S.
says:—"13efore wring Baby's Owe Tithe
Jets my little 6ne cried altuast con-
tintrentely With stomarlb troalles..- I
can' truthfully say I never( hcd any.
nfedielhe act so ierounetly and give
such satisfaction as the tablets
do not think you lenike any elan for
them evzbielt their use will not sulne
; etantiate," The tablets caw bet WI
Item :thy Medicine dealer r by, 02a1P
Oren The Br., Williams Medicine ' Co,
Brookville, Ont. Price 25 cats petfocc,
. On Thursday of last 'Week: a'..quiet.
hotr.e weaditig took playa at the resi-
dence of Mr. W. • abort: when, ht the
; presence uf 30 guests "his daughter,
twill candidates. Ile had only two
Henrietta, was ut.ited ;n marriage tc
Thomas Pearson., moulder et London.
The hapteer, couple will reside lien
Clig.cou News -Record
Mr. E. C. WIlford, who has been
tea.clier S. $.• No. •••;',. Irtillett, for
the past year end a half, was very
same:dui with his entrance examinee
While assistiN his eon Will at haute
ing in hay on lItursday„W. Chapntair
Sr. was very . . Y .1 • Tbey
were driving into ttiebtan when by
making too short a turn the head upset
thrawnig Mr. Chapman, a heavy men,
tot the ground with great force. /lie
was at s.once. carried to the house and
medical aid summoned. It was feared
at ftrst that lie was injuxed internally,
but vood hopes of his recovery lard
now entertained.
Mrs. A.. Joberston. re
ceived sad news of the death o1? her
brother, Mr. Robt. Nicholson of Dottie. Morris Township,
, candidates and both passed. Ile is
givieg up lies schnol ilia September enee
will enter a enedteal cellege in Octob-
Mr, John McElroy Jr. of Morris
scimi a heavy draught entire colt •• lust
week to' Mr. E. C. Attrill. The colt
is 13 months old wid -weighs IlttO
poruds. The price paid was $215.
•At a special meeting of the Prallie
school board Shse Georgina Murray of
. Clinton was ensaged to teach the
:primary deparetinent at a- eatery of
$275 per ennunn •
las, Man., but' formerly . of Stanley,
which sad event took plaee 'July Iethe
, niter about sex months' illness of dia.-
'hetes, The remains were interred he
the Carbtery, lenion, cemetery, eondetet-
ed. by Rev. -X- B. Smith, formerly ol
Miss Matheson of Clinton wasa
guest at G. Snuillitcanhes.
N. Cantine ,aitel a load of his friends
were ire town recently.. His ..eleetric
railway - scheme, 'appears to be .ad-
.vaneing very slowly, , •
. • ..
. Meltillop.Township.
• We congratujate. Ittees rlaiennenStitt
.having euceessfully . passed the exe
anunatien itt plume which - she treed
recently. In the neenee of .College
Music students her name stood high in
the hareor • list in , Primary Pietio,
Miss Stitt is. studyinAl :with Miss 111a -
rate Meretven. .
Time.• haying • hoe ban in 141- swing
for the -last ten (rays and a 'great
quantity orliay ltas, been seeved .itt
.gcod condieion
The Winthrop:Orange Ledge went to
Winglunn .ou. the vetle and bad u Very
.gOcul time. • • • • " .
Mr: Herbert Bali Went on. the. exeere
sion to Niagara. FIl ati Seturday.
Tide ,exemrsion was from Sieratlierd. to
the Falls, ,
•,,,Mre James • Nash had 'an exciting
runaway ' in • Seaforth een :day. - kast:
weele..e.,Alelibiegh things .looked • sus-
picious Lot. 6.. time there wasbut little
&image dam either team or Wagon. .,
• Messrs, • ..13.ennowies and ItIcIntod1j
Lave both prcericied . thems.eivee,', with
hay -loaders this seasoa, , • . '
-Boys and ,girls whO are inclustrimie-
ly "inclined are nutting ire their . spare.
bum picking' raspberrice. • • ,
Wen. Jackson of Harristene William
.jackson of Lindsay and W. Lauchlandt
-a Oshawa were here -atteWieug the
fitneral of the late Sirs. Ilarry Dun -
•cane -
Rev,. rnest 111a:onders a Newaygo,
'Illicit., is home for .a vacatIon of rafew
weeks. Ile is well pleased with his
leiCathrt in Michigan and looks as. ef
his work was agreeing with him.. •
Hiram Csimpbell of Westfield, .Mrs..
D. Rogerson and 'saes of Jamestown;
N. Y. .; and Mrs. H. Iloovercand dau-
ghter .of Pigeon Mich '• were visitors
with Mrs, • 5. ,Walker,' 6th, Time.
- The trustees 01. Video school, Hull-
. ett and East Wawanosb„ have engag-
ed. Miss Maggie 13ielby, 8th Linee as
teacher for the ,coming terra.
• •
• .
:Retail .Merchants Would Do
Away With Division Courts.
.. A resolation of the Retail Mer-
chants' . Associ ati on, at its meeting -
in Toronto last week, 'if .adopted by
the Legiel t: re, would' pea.ctieally
do- away with the Division Courts.
The :Association .recounnend teat. all
claims under elloo be collectable• be-.
tore justices of the , peace,' instead.
of MI the Divieion. Court e that . cola -
'plaints be heard it) ••ne- city, . town
or . township. in Winch the person ,
complained againet is found` .or itt
which' the. contract was .ximdee the
• Magistrate's fee to be 25 . cents,
the •pomplainaitt to have the .right
, to serve his own stiimnoas ;: justices
, to have the power to order •payment
, of judgments by installments, . and; 1
in default to issue distress warrant ;
:$7 per week lei lye exempt • • in the'
ease •. of a iparricd ; all • idg
-meats may be registered with Di -
Court :Clerk ore payment
35 ,eerits; and thereafter all Proceed--
ings May . be • taken in the • Division
Cpult• Thc appciatment of additional
justices _ of the peace to :try only,
'such, cemplaints .ie. also recommended.
•A . • hill will be drafted by the „Leese .
lttUveCoreinittee to Make the necese-
. ary changes „in the' Tieinsient -Traders'.
'and Pedeleiee Act e. for euineissiem tal
, _the Legislature. • . ••
' Ashfield Townshtp.
Mr. Beeetie Webeter is builcling a new
cerhent house. . • • .
Mrs, • Sahli Elin?s daughter has , tl.e
measles. • • •
The iterniers have a good crop ef hay
and have it all ek,
John Mitchell's Let-
July -27th 1904
Growth, Of The "Wage& +444044++++++.444+.44++.64400, •
Lceedon and 'distriet.an hditrt, launched
4Then thirty-seven • years agora little
band of citieene, with the htterests of • MoKINNON & 00 RP .BLYTH-
a Pair in tic Fcrest City,little di4 they el. .• e... eseeSse1ereeoe11ee'deetseSsee-"emseeteele40004, **S;
realize that some day, in the future the ?
exhibition: world tea& immense praetor -•X.
tiotis au0, be. entitled lito 'rank as tbe
• Our Great Side COntinues
forentest'agrieultural• sinew' in the whine iee
le cf broadtelevadai. Such however is ea 4,e
. the transformation that: has been bran -
Ott about. 'Every vear has seen some- le
thing Vetter., The -Fair leas been • in
goodi hands. What is more, it is in • y
Om' very lush of Canada's finest ape- Y.
cultural country, Yeluelr hae playedl no 'ete
small part in• giviug et the title 1t1 so. .:•, well; deserves.
Ilemanagement is leaking forward.
to September. .9th to -1.77.0t, when the ?(
graencle and buildings at Queen's Park •x:
lion4on; - will be thrc nged evith thew. &-
sands freni every eeetiorayouag and old te.
big and little, it .matters noe,for there 10
is ;room for everybody ahclno one •4
k); or s4onli.s. inore.weleeme than the ether. e:e
'they. will finl
elenmey changes at the
Thi new 'Dalry Hall, eating '5 teetaa,
• will be in us:e. The Agricultural and
Horticultural Hall, heretaore inaele- 4,"
quateloineet every deminid, will be us ei
large again as before, giverig greater
scope for the, display Of:knots,/ truins,
vegetables, fruits ante floweret, eindl lee X
Other departments impreevenients. will
be in order. •
As an indication of the place the
Fairwill oteepy and the val-
ilefthat is already heing placed/ upon
it, it carl be stated tliat every mail
brings enquiries from firms andtienli-
vidt.els , derdringto exhibit. Machin-
ery men ,arei• asking ler -space . and et els
'confidently. hoped that the. hall will lxt
filled with the things ltip.t are of Par-
ticular int ereet. tethe tanning cam-
ittuniey. The newest iaventioas. en all.
kinds or agricultural implenierits will
.1;e .shawn, •,
- To ainuse. the thousands befere. the
grandstands. eyery.afteretocie and even-
ing,. the . attraceion? • cornea ittee • . • has
ecoreclathe -.United Statile and Canada
for artists- and already re. number have
been sect:red. They.' are the best that
motley can buy., . More will be engaged •
later in the seasca. • . . • • • . •
What .• woeld. 'an eveningat the West;
ern . be 'without firewark s It Woti id
lertainly be 'lacking • something • ,..that.
,every. 'visitor enjoys: And hese heel: it.
'might., he Said that the - display
[' Year evill include sonic 'brilliant pieces,
thee grandest spectacle. ' being r."1'he
Beanlleardment of Port Arthur "..-a xepe
I. resertaticn of •, the. frightful hammering
Togo. aT4 lus Jappeveseeehips "gave'the
beleaguered tawn—shipsand forts' Will •
bit ,ehcwn ia • , action, making a sight
. that. will not • 'some be fe.rgotten. • '
. • A iaaeting Word ..The Fair of 1904 le•
approachieg: •Iti•a.few,.weeks it will 1)0. . . .
Are wtt 1 its eivecresting eeatures,
and • et well -net hewisefor yea • tee
- • .
With Spurs Upside
. ▪ .„, •
- • • • •
• ,,, . • .
• eete▪ awa, me. .—Tlie. 'two. officers.
vhbti' ItIr, .FIttltr was metiennental itt
having ••appointed to tlie 'Scottish:Light
• Dragoons'. have • turned ent anyelang
. • •
• ters on Labor. Suinmer Cookery • . . •
Mitthell has gone td.Europe • '..• and Entertainment:
,veryLody knows who. John Mitehell is;
IV is an easy matter to recall that he
• is head Of the 'United Mine Workers'
and that lee piloted that arganization
through tbe :geeat coal strike. He is
a Strong Man and n brainy man. He
went to Europe primarily to attend.
the International Miners' Congress at
'Pares in August. But ineidentally he
purposes seeing something of Europe
mid naturally, he•will study .10pr eone'
ditionse 'The .resitli of that study will
be •einhodied in a• series of ,letters now
appeering in 'The .Illustrated Buffalo.
Express. ••
s. Every . employer; every ennileyee
every student of pretsing social prob..
be intensely interestece
these lettere,
• •• • • '
Prof. C. A. .z.avitz;
On Clover Sod,.
. .
Clover is one of Ont. rio'e
valuableferm crops. It itt .generally
recognized by Canadian farmers' to be a
Leavy. yielder .of bay, which furnishes
a large amount of valuable toed, or.
stituents. It's beneficial effects • •Upon
the 'soil, however, nc•t seem to :be
so clearly' undertsteiod. Scientists who
have made a, careful study of the ine
fitienceeof clover on ehe soil, fell us
that', after large 'crops have been re-
moved Srorn the haul the soilis act-
ually richer insraitrogen afeee growing
clover than it was before, owing to
the large amount of nitrolgen, which '
the clover roots have olytamed from
the:. hie. As a rule, faesners grow'
.claver and ti•mothy together' end are
therefore Unable to ascertain the com-
paratilve inflitence't1 each of these
erops on the.soil.
We have conditeted a series of ex-
periments at the ,Agricultetral Cclle.ge,
Guelph, ora three .different occasions,
in order to ascertain the comparative
value of eloyer. and • grasssod for crop
production. '•We first . grew clovers
and grasses upon separate plots and
removed the crops, afta'whicle the land
was plowed ',rend °the; •crops weep, sown
The results, therefore, slio* the in:
fluence of the teas remaining in the
soil upon the .prodactiveress of grope
following the clovers and the grasses,
In 1902 barley was sown after eaCh .
of four varieties of clovers and three
varieties of grasses in four 'different
• Places la cur experimental grounds,
'rhe average results of the four tests
in pounds of barley pa acre were as
• follows : Red eic•ver e516, Iamerrai
1450, • Alsike clover 1417, MaMinetn
Rad clover 1403, 'Meadow rescue grass
1450,. Alsike eloper e427, lVfmteitioth
946. It will therefore be seen that the
Red Clover seed gave an increase. over
the Timothy sod of 57o poituds,) or
neuely 12 bushels per acre.
Itt another experiment which was
completed in xuoo, in' which winter
wheat was showb on both clover and
brass sods it was found that an
average of '3194 Pounds ni wheat Per
acre was obtaitted from .the clover .sod
and only 2380 porrels froni the grass
In 1899 a mixture Of eats and bar-
ley was sown on clover sod and also
at, grass sod. The results were very
marked arid ate average of .2256 Pounds
of auixed grains per acre .0.,es obtained
from the clover sod and only iri78
pounds of 'mixed Vein:3 per acre from
the grass sod.
By averaging the results of these
three grains we find that the crop
grown on the clover sod gave an in- .
crease over the crop grows on the
grass sod of fully 56 per rent.
For the mother •who is .ptiezlecl to
provide novel and•ateractive forms of
holiday , 'and birthday -entertainments
,fOr theelietle ones an article on Chil-,
clren'S Parties, in the Delineator' toe
August, will be of value. In the same;
number • are .exeellent cookery
gestions m the Senn of an "Ireland'
Seaside Dinner and many, recipes of
dainty and appetizing dishes forhat
claye. Reconienendatione fcr hot:weas,
tiler hent -keeping will also prcere nee -
• :
Direct cEnneciion for all ports om
Georgian Bay, Muskoka Lakes,- take
of Bays, Port Arthur, Duluth, Rewire '•
(bit Lakes, Saide Ste. Marie, .
aw. •
Fast Exprese "flair's daily for East- ,
ere, Reeorts.—elmitreal; Quelice, ,poete •
land, Old Orchard, White: Mottntaiii;
Halifax. •
Toieriet •Tickete en, Sale Dailye
For tickets, Illustrated litera.tnre end .
full information, call on '
F. R.. Hodgens, Town Agent.
ite. 0, :pattison, Depot Agent. •
Our Great •Clearing fhtle is ti. arena sitcom and u ill be twain-
ued till..evei y vestige of Summer (i.00ds is clot lied out, Thisou eek
W5 otter special drives -hi These Goods, Prime, IM uslins, Dirtiltiee,
Lace VI.Artitinti and ot ber good m w hitt we 'ha to mt t en t oAuval.
Below we quote a few pt feet, whieh me it out to LO ptr (cut. be-
low our regular telling prices: (
Prints, all ite' goo ds, including Grande' Celtin at ed Prate, Mitt
colors, regular. 12ee, side price lee. •
New English Priat,s, ',vile widcla sale price fie, Ole, 8e and De, all
woren 25 per cent. more.
Drees Goode, inplain and. fancy ccii-ore, 40 inches wide, ill 'four
13SerrPgwbelinaDdete•tristrriloqideti's3.11°111:vili:icti;r:41c1);:atliiicliti Ir2vt(ititg(ty.6;', r5e4gitn4itallt.o2i45weiitil'ael,eslleillyeetp15eecintl
worth 05c, sale priee, 48e.
blrirtenye7Ottivbeellieute'tel,nlidteilirneelheelest wutifcri!,ss' ilittlarlitille'Sillt5:4(1)1118oct.irs or eleiriSi
regular 1131.25, sale price $1.
Lace tourtains, yards loug, 60 ipebee wide, hey Midi centres,
heavy bordere, good value at $1 for 85e. • r •
, •rir
Heavy teottonedes, in ,tancy etripes, tegular 80e. fel 25e, '
Shirting, feat miens, wore 4 iov, tor 12e0,
Men's billets, fancy stripes, worth 000, Bele price 60e.
... ' .. White Apron Lawn, fauey border, worth Itie, lor Se" .
. •,....
. • _
:::•;•,:•.:•?•:,:,..••••:. .:•••:•,:•.:,:s.:••:••:. ,.....".:•1„:•.•:. ,1•1•1•1.0•:...1...x.,:ss.:.•.:.•:•.:.„1,1••,,..4.1.:$44. 2
s -...?
I .
.M r. Taylor, is now on his way home and 'will likely be here about
in all kinde of footWear. ... .. •• '
able tit supply our customers with t In thae is. stylish andserviceable . •
tire still doing business 0 clays in the week, tonhare more than ever
Although Mr, Taylor has now,been away about two months we. .
* •
, .
. .
• :
: . Our•aiin is to satisfy ourthistorners. .
* ' " and also to ask -for it continua:flee of the .sante,,
Aust, 1st. 'We thereleire take tide opportemity to thank onr .• : ' '
numerous eusteiniers and ft lends fin. their pateoraige in his absence •
. .
(1)—Ey Selling good god
(2) -By Selling at prices that are rie,,ht., . • - ' •
. . . •
:*Our stock is 'well selected and contains. Shoes of all kindir at'very , , 4,' .
I. .-. ... reasonable prices. .... . ., , .. . . . .: . ,•
NIP, Ws line 1.1(4.8. f:r./:'" i $.1'75.t° $.100. Outing 'Shoes .of..... all. kinds.
1 Womeo's • " • ,, ". • 1,50 " • 4.00 .
t Boys ."
alays cairied in •'
r " 1,50 " 3.00 . ..w • .
Z Giv.is' . ., “ 1,00. "..7
1.5 .
' * - ' Stock.
1. • . -
Trunks, Valises, Suit Oases; 01111) Bags, Telescopes, etc . *
. in all mei; and in:all prices.
. We are Sole egents in Clinton foe the Worth Onsbion Sole Shoes, ' `e
• . t ,,. : ' . Prices,WOmen's 83.75, Men's $5,00 .•..
The OldRellable 1.. ..• .
__.„ , :
late ,credtably to that ratite. •• . , . • -- II •
pre of th,
m turned up at the recoil,-
........*********************44;0.****0.4-0****: • . .
camp.with• a •tia,ir of •gitite.is on- and :e %.e. ' -....' - 'aeee-eeaeaeeeaeae.' - ' -......... ' ••••e' seaseee- aieeeesia-e- - . - •
. eI • • • • • . •
. .....
small box sppre fitted' upside:down. ****.*********.*****************00•0***********. '. .
' F URNITU11,111.-:
WE ilay now safely Prediet the 'advent
• of Spring. You will require Furniture .
* • .
See us about it before tbuying. : • ... ' ' •:. , . - • • .,
, . .
, .
, . . • ... ,
. . •
He alia had tWO swerdS, cne on • each
side and, to 'complete kis picturesque -
nes( a.. beautiful, black 'eye: • He was
sent horini, .
' The • other hadn't been Joag in camp
when he 'was fined $20 'for a diva:
offence. And' it was for these two of-
ficers that Mr, • Fisher byhis meddling
got ridof the best commanding offi-
cer Canada ever had: •
. • ! - • ' '
• - ' ' - ,
It es ait infleantnatton of the inueeue
liningeof • the throat, broncleial tubes
and nasal 'passages exeited . by game
that ceily can bestroyed by fragrant
healing Catarthozone which .ig breath-
ed threet to the seat oil •the cleseesee
a:deli/el never -Yeti: fal aa'
sant .to tese;: absolutely eerecein'tocure,
CataerhozOne always gireed tatistace
„"I 'suffered 1rons7 nasal catarrh
so badly that I couldn't biree.elie theott-
gh..,iny luestrile, writes G. K. Wilmot
of Meriden. I used Catarrhozonc. for a
few miiiiites and Was relieved, It etre
ed in a short title." No other rem-
edy just. like Catarrhozoneseit's' • the
beet. :TWO months.? treatment Sim ;
trial size 250, •
is the niost effective
o< apd most economical
81 method of improving
o< and brightening • of
o<- the interior appear-
s I ance of your dwelling.
. . '
000000000000000000000000000000000 •0000000000
• ttkc") 4') ejj8
Puttitig on •
4• Rife - 1111 I II
„ Wall Paper •
• The results of these experiments. 0 4
help us to appreciate the betieficig, ' 0
..7 .,
suitability, •of • a. 1Properly. cultivated .<4 , . . • . •
*lover sod ar; a preparaticit lot wilt. • *..3...,:A.-ki.....--.,A.4.eik...,-.i.c.4.-4t.-4.,,4.Y).4:-4:;:..-Y....:,,e,.,.t-...k-....,A.4‘,,,,d,,,Aqk:,4d.,.L....
• ter *Wheat; or fpr syrin$ grow., . .
1 1
From the many. beantifol patterns, niany of
them exclusive in one riew' litie, We are certain you
san Seleet eileily the right paper to Suit your taetennd
Purse, •
Let us show yea our handsome array a peyles• ,
Larriages a'nd
Go -Carts .
The new 190i Go-Chnts with
"their swell autdinobile gear and
rich enamel finish are on hand --
They are decidedly smart and
nrsto-date, pricer. horn $10,40 to
Children,s Carriages mid
Express Waggons $1to $7.50
"..-...rra ••*;...r.r.4%,.
0000000000000000 0 0
•s ,
s.0.00 000000
000 0 0 0
Sewing Machines
.tligh grade, uip4Odate, nide in
Canada; Ball -Bearing . Machines
:Orie price.tO all., s :-• . • • .
.F.112 spy.E BALL.,
Night and Sunday cells ane-„eprecl aa, residence of either of the princi-
ee) :
r 0000 0
,..) • •., 0)•. '
' (49
i4; .- . .
',1f:; to)
. . , .
• See the special lineofCorsets that we are.offering 'reg. lo
? .
utar.76 cts for 45 cts per pair, sizes from 21 to 25. .?)
..) Some tremendous Bargains: in. Millinery, all trifnmecl 'V, .
and untrimmed. Hats, Fruit, Flowers and Foliages at half
price (V)
Ladies' Whitewear,all made from. good English Cotton,•
at clearing prices. . .• -
• See our Prints,well worth 1216 to 14c for 10c per :y'ard. 0),
Also some special values in Dress Good' and Musl'i
Men's and Boy's Canvas and 'Straw Hats, 50c to $1.00,
• your choice while they last for 25e, o ,
• •
Some very Special Values in
• Booth and Shoes.
.Any quantity of .Butterand Eggs taken in exeli.arge for goods. •09
---- • &:)•
• D. M. MoBEATH, sLy-rH
0000000 0000000000000
• ti.11.1"00
Progressive business Men,
• advertise in, The