HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-28, Page 2w
III 1 IU IlliI ,Ii1M .it 111 I
44 staffed Up.
%bat's the condition of zany sufferer0
fromm otit.arrb, especially in. the morning, ;
Great difficulty is experienced iR clear»
ing the bead and throat.
lYo wonder catarrh causes headache,
impairs tie taste, smell .land hearing,;
pollutes the breath, deranges the stom-
ach aced "stffeots the appetite"
To Cure catarrh, Carr , treatment muse bo
constitutional -•alterative aid tonic.
"I wee ill for four months with catarrh
in the bead and throat. Had a bad cough
and raised blood. I bad become die
couraged when my husband bought a bottle '7
of Flood's Sareaparela and persuaded me
to try it. I adviate all to take it. It brie
cured and built me up." Mee. Rues Ru•
DO, West-Littcomb, N, S.
ff ood's Sarsaparilla
Cures catarrh—it soothes and: strength-
ens the mucous membrane and builds
up the whole system.
dr C
0 •
1 Paris ♦Z♦
2 4
will keep
your potato
crop free
from 13ugs.
'._ 1t
,...., 111,.
vale tIW t11nii uJu,n1 IndI. I 1 111_1,! t ,
Clinton Mewls -Record,
::: a:1' ;l: a:Q', ' ;•b't(4#4)1(4 :4.*4 e
s t • ,,.'., �.l r, :->x•,.'rt, q•� ,.'s •, �`f�i..,;''�'.t,`i.n Ji";�:{"
He was not mute) Wager th..n the He was wondering whet his father
boasted time, and tsars dorm wi•li would say.. Should he tell him?a happy, contented smile ort lily No;. he could not. Time enough
handsome face, the look a \venial) when he brought Nance back from
loves to ' see on the face of the man the Continent. His father, be britt
she loves, ivh►•n she has called It himself, had only to set' her, to
theze. know her for, half an hour, to love
"You don't ask me where I have her. IIe spilled as he thought how
been and what 1 haft been, doing', quickly tho susceptible, chivalrous
Nance," he said,* as he lighted his old Irian would give his heart to
after-dinner cigar and Elle sunk into beautiful, swept -natured Nance.
e er with
n td
sail dt t
her accustomed place at' his knave. He was very gentle a
"No," .she said, quietly. . her that day. It seemed as if ho
lni they say curiosity is the fail- sought to
express his love f
or ' her
Mg of your Eek! Well, I'll tell you. by touch, gesture, accent; and
I went for my letters, theft I lunched Nance's happiness, knew no abate -
at the cloth --you see' what an obecl• went. The. slight cloud caused by
lent husband you've got." At the the visit of the clergyman's wifo was
word "husband, the hand that rest drspellecl-
ed -oa his knee slid down, and stirs On the morrow he said, almost
averted her face. Aran -like, he diel suddenly:
it u to un i ' •1 and going to t c t 1'1 .Nance g
1 tree the otc,t t n . g 1r
not o
o f
away forcouple u o
went- and • made a few purrtrasrta:. cion. I may be a ay a P
would you like to see them? There days—not longer."
Did I not
aro some boons; . w•c'll open the 1 a. � -I am glad—yes, glad.
eel directly; anti one or two little 'say you were to go. And you 'shall•
things' caught my fancy, and so 1 stay as long as you like, Cyril." •
was vain enough to think ,you'd ]ilea . '"Two days," lee said • cbrifldently.
them."' ! He had calculated hoeVlong it would .
J\ Young
{ �`�'� 3y Charles Garvice
l�,L ,�
Author of
"A Modern Juliet,/,
v f "fetter Than Life,,:
"Once ' Life."
Ones e
IIo took the bracelet and the rings take him to run down to• Sparslure ,
frons his pocket and dropped theist itt and back. "I won't .tell you what 1 `
ant go
ing about... -
I]er lap.
Alitila cry of y r ntse aad pleas. �hes smiled. She knew .that ho'
are rose frombor lips. . -
would tell her when bo carne hack.
".'031,; why did you buy thorn!" Slee And she still sniffled• with loving con-
satd, looting tip at ..hint. ' . fiiience as he held her in his arms
itt rand
• itookher facehis'd good-bye..
IIe. and sat..
A kissed her passionately, ..t But there was no smile on his :f
0 • "They are toe good, • too—expen- • face;. for had he not • serious business
O ,q sive. A'bunek of flowers-- . before him?—tfte :recalling of that
® "I said so!" .he
exclaimed, tr -promise,
the a
arrangements ments for their
umphantly, "As .1f.anything,
could marriage...
he too good' . for. you, my earring. ! • rho . morning was a feet one—al-
144 tee have the pleasure .of putting most the first they had 'had •since •
thein .on. ]Told up ,your. arm." , they had left London together—and
She. held ups the nearest to hint— Bernard felt strangely, low-spirited.
her left—and he dropped the rings on I "Don't you see 'ane one it they
her fingers and fastened the bracelets call," -he said; and don'•t he down-..
round the white, shapely arm. Ito , hearted, Nance, 1. sha'n't mind if you
did not notice that . the wedding -ring don't miss me this time." .. ' .
:vas not in its place, did not notice .I "Vet y .well, •she said: "But you'
•that; with a sffdden flush, followed are, not to 'hurry back. I . like to
by as sudden a paleness, she •dresy think that F,am not a tie upon you,
her hand away froxu him: ` 'that. you are free,"
"And. now tell rue what y.oit have Ho frowned slightly. ••
been doing all •day, Native? I've gal- . • • "If 1 ant not batik' in' two days, • 1.
en you .an account of my •, advert- give you ' leave to. 'think the wvrst.".
tures"-11e had not •said a word • of 'he said, forcing a smile, • •
Felicia • Danxerel•="now,. then, I'll He , still • held her fe• his, arms.
wager• I know. You have been for a though . t:he stableman • •rho. had
a ..:.;.._.' walk,: and the test of the that' you brought . Becky from °the . inn looked
-. have been at your beloved •books, - • 1 at his . watch' suggestively, . ' '
.OPENS. sun. bTII: say, 1 hope you will like'elite, ones, will lo• therain N
1''AI,I, TERM ' 'You sot sore
. • ryes bought •-You might. to'have. 'give',said,. . "I' can • see Cooi•g' 'outside;
en me a list
looking at his watch art] itdget�Io stopped, struck bY her• sirenc '•ing,.
and the somewhat. sad' .gravity of • "All right," said" Bernard. "Mind,
her 'face .Nance t'wo days, 'If 1` ani . not hack
'Whet..is the .looter. Nance?. Ilas ' '
an tat : h i ed toP
rt • set then —well,, • you may consider ,• that
Now is the
time to spray.
• H. B. -Combe.,
Gtr Chemist and i)rttggist? .
se "a e-2-44•04 04 4.00•444•N•
} .
f '
It pars. tc get a' base tcss cdt:ea-
tem and it pa)•rs to get it tit -tier sell-
ool. Our att.ndance this )ear'haklretre
the largest in the. history of. this 'col-
lege. We have placed .lucre s•tuilents
in positions this year than in'ar.y pre-
vious year.• Write to tl:e_ college for :a:
magnincent`it'Srloguc. ' •
• W. .T. Elliott, •Presideut.
I). A. Aicl,arhlstn,,• Prieeipr.l
Of 100 Ladies, 90- oat least,
prefer.. Rings to . any • other
kind of • . Jewelry. For.. this,
reason we pay speetal: atten-
tion to this line.
You will find all the.fav'or-
ite Stones and combinations
at their best with us.
ita r best
. t l Ve
• Ring tz
g Y
both as to value and a ua1-
i i.y.
A. J. Grigg,
The fifth day passed, and no Ber-
nard and no UleSKtis.'t' frwn him. As'
idle salt in the win few, her hands
clasped in her lap. Nance recalled 'itis
hasty words. "If I alit not back in
two days, think I ata dead—or
worse!" head! The word sent the
blood hack to her heart. Oh, where.
was he? Why had . he not written?
Just one word—she only asked for
one word.
Then on this, the afternoon of he
sixth day, she took herself to task.
Wee this the way a woman . who
loved and trusted should behave?
She had told him to stay as long act
he liked, and because he had taken
her at her word, she was fretting
and honing like a spoiled child.
t4he .would go out, would go for a
long walk, and woo back the lost
color to her cheeks, the faded light
to her eyes, so. that when he carne
back—as he would to -night, yes,
surely ho would come to-night—ho
should find the happy, contented
Nance waiting for him..
She dressed herself slowly— sus-
pease, anxiety, weaken one as bad
as scarlet fever—and went down the
gravel path.
As her hand sought the latch of
the Ii tIe gate,came clown
the lane, looked at, the cottage, and
then stopped in front of Nance.
"re this Myrtle Cottage?" . she ask-
• Nance looked at her, at the grace-
ful figure clad in fashionable mourn-
ing, with a veil hiking the face, arta
.faintly a
answered in the affirmative.
"Yes?"sard the lady. Th n
Does—why, Miss Grey, is that yoti?"
As slice spoke, the lady removed
her veil end Nance started,. for she •
recognized Miss Damerel; • .
"Yes," she said, on the impulse
of the moment, "I am ariss Grey."
Wheres Bernard? 1 A
•w a eri ?
The morning he. left Nance there
sat upon him • tt presentiment of Boni-
ing •tr bh, •w1tc1 stttktohin all
the , .way tetith�hopersistence.
airloich the Old .Man of the Sea . dis-
played toward the luckless Sinbad.•
He was so tweet that he could not
enjoy his cigar';:• and when a than can
not smoke, then ire is bad; very bad,
Nance s' 'Sweet face and s d,
oyes ' bah nfed . hirn as the`
train rattled up to Waterloo, end he,
seas c'onyeiatie Mid astunned of the
insane idea of eiiing back' • to Long
itiitcu. by the .next train anti post
pont,pg i t4 heel' til'_`ieeveliia•o,.
But he .told himself. that • it. was
indeed an :insaine ideal,. and •that the.
emission be wee *tend .on . ]brooked
no: delay.Ile. must withdraw his pro-
' mise, marry Natnce, take her abroad,
'aid'.then, utter his return; introduce
...bete to, his• father • and the world as
leis wire; .No -One should ]cnow the
exact- date When •they . were -Married .
who • indeed. would be susliicious
enouga to:hem iie'l--no one .would ev
et• • knots anything ••of tho'hnhpy, 'Un-.
speakab'ly. happy month they •had,'
spent together, htisliand and wife• in.
the sight ofleet at. Lang; gI1t
Arrived • at., -Waterloo• Station, he
• was .too impatient to•'call .a hansom•,
and strode across. the park. rrhe pree •
• 'I' dead • or worse if there is':ai: ' sentiment still 'brooded • over. h1m•,
She. still. -looked ••-straight before
her, but her ;hand'stole to -his knee.
"A lady 'has been ,here this after-
' =noon,: Cyril," she said in -a .. low:
voice—"the clergyman's wife•'•
"Confound -•t" he said • below his 'his, cheek:, • "What should. 1 :do if—
m a 'r
•w01•se." - . ,. • .
Ills gravitylent significance, to his.:
words, and she shuddered.• • '
"Ah; do not say that!" she' 1)titl•-
iitftred; :and she laid her face'against
breath. "What did she •want? ..A sf : "
morning call,, I suppose?' Dash itt` ',If .10 were !not to.come' back? he.•
whycan't _they' leave us alone? I)id . finished for her. "I • wonder what you'.
you say you Eve?e' out,..X ance? That's ,tvouid do, Nance?. You 'would .be ave- .
the. thing 'to• do."• fully cut up for—fore fa• long?"
'f had • just • She clung. to him. .and.'looked.up. et.
But I won't out; '. I a 1
• " lid ' at hint with:. a,. tenderreproach.' •
onto t , s e sat , rnnoce y . "Go dearest or
yeti will lose alio
another time, you' can say 'you are train."
• • H tr itiod her to him as if h
not at horn.' It means—oh, youe s a
know, that' ,you •don't 'want • to see .were •reluctant to loose het.
any one:" Good=byee Nance,"�� he said. L
"I did not' want• to, see her," she -I-Dash it.! I hate going this_ morn-
paid. "But she had. come in, d ing• r d'on'.t.know why."
an - "I hdpe I iso," she •whispered..'•
stopped. � "Yes, he said; thatsit, But-
' � but—r must It' u tfo of
Well?" be. said, frowning slightly.• u m go. s a,.. q .es .•ri
'He might •lids a known that : some honor, Nance." •
She scarcely noticed the words
• one of the people 'would call; but he• 'then,....'lhey came back to her after
had not given the. matter a thought..
' "She was very kind," said Nance,' wSlle felt no presentiment.. Irrr leva.
"And what did she talk about?•The
in' the •setae derv' voice.: "She stayed Was, of idle ]rind, perfect; and it east
and had some tea. .. Mrs. Johnsen.
brought it fn. I out
took his hands and . enw.ound
"One would think yea.' were: going
I' i 1 d don't forever," she said, forcing a. smile
Mat seders difficulty, ty, his earnest-
• I don't know," she said. "It was ness an gravi er were infecting, er.
the first I't•e seen, -you remember. he said:- ,
She talked most al�oitG 0 She .laughed .softly, hiding. the rising
She paused .
usual ..thing, 1 'suppose? ' A =itin om cr
course: she asked fora . subserfj>tion•
Parsons' wives 'always ' :o,, on t • , h•
fr 1 for
they?" d t h
"Would you mind much Nancc4"
"G on, K
o, o dearest." t.
h tltv ic his
question Used l' '
q n Ca her..
• "'About soff►e young • people • who `'Perhaps' for a. day or two," chs'
came. to the village, and. who. she ••said"'That's 'what they say in the nev-:
•people had called. upon them, anii-- •Cls, he 'said "1 wonder Whether
and--" #t .tvouid, be, tike that with• you? No,
thought,- • were • married, and 'how . ' u
tip! Forg ve rite, . Nance!. One more
Her voice died away. ' • kiss—the last!"
ruinous. words] She put her sweet,
170 .bent down and kissed hoe ten- 0
. AM .: .„.. • . ,. , , e yeftilly. fresh lips to his, and' he kissed her
I 'see, Nance, • he said. "illy dear- passionately; then, as if desperately,
est, my dear, good darling! And this ran down the path to. the dog -Dart.
is what is the.tnatter, Nance? What i Nance watched -it until it ' disap-
can 1 say, except that .I ,would, give
my • life' to . spare you . a . rnoment's peered bionokheandSoft,
toured in the hen
unhappiness! Oh, Nance., Nance! ' 1. g ,
She knelt. beside him, end; hid her dory -seat, tried. to read., But it was
face on his breast. a • failure, She could only think `'of
"Nance," he 'whispered, "that we- 'him; .aitd,' against her will,• the q.ucs-
tnan's chatter has hurt von. what • tion erose: Why had lee ' gone, and
shall. I say? What shall 'I: do? Nance; ;' wlTere? 0
listen. • It is not: too late. Let : mei' • Tlie at*, passed, and the next.
marry yout Be my, wife in'real earn- . Words can not decribe the slow-
est!" ness • of the dragging heals, How
She drew away front him, and then shall one set down the state
looked into his eyes bravely through of her mind when . the fourth day
a mist of unshed tears.• dawned without his presence?
. "Alt; I wish I hard ttot . told yowl" Ire had said two days, and this
. she xnurinui•cci,.."slut--but..X had to. was thai sc» rr#h.
1 want to• know what' to do if they She tried to anile, to swing, ..to eat,
. Crime again." to sleet);. but she could do none of
Do as I ask you, to said,en
deft; euteeringly. '"Ile my•Wife,' time the tt'ain was due, she waited
Nance!" for' him; dreamed .h1 the frock he lilt
' "No," she said, '"ant that, If—if ed beet, with a loving senile 'ready
there is any Shame And disgrace for him, with .tenchr•woids of •wel-
new, it is mine, only thine. And it come trembling on her lips.
shah always be mine." Iter. whole being ached for hint, She
lie Sighed and said no more, but could not .rest in any one place for
mentally be vowed that her sacrifice adore than on 'minutes at a time.
should end. Mrs. Johnson prepatad the daintiest
As lie smoothed the beautiful hair little meals in vain, and grey/ snx-
from Iter forehead and kiss t, he ions, in a motherly fashion, for the
resolved that' he would o his beautiful girl who spent the hours
fathee and get a release f his sitting by. the window, or. pacing up
pfathe se, Ire would marry darI- and down the gravel path between
Ing. They would go ai/ay t of
the door and the gate, with Eadie
I.ngland for a time,• and c back wistful and expectant tun,
mart and wife..No one would,now- "Xooat he ill; ma'am, if you
it abilost. seemed as if shead his don't eat," she said on the fifth :'day
thou Itis, for as she rose, ' whiff.
when the dinner had. gene cut un-
g ill ora surety,
"Cite f
touched. "You'll uciu 1
pored., ',Never, (`yell, never Then, and then what will Mr. Bernard say
derly r rnor.
Igo Home, is,
so Attractive
but that , artistic
photos will, improve
No matter how
much you enjoy' your
home, photographs of
your friends and
members of your fam-
ily will increase your
make you a beautiful
characteristic plot-
ur e•
flei :aY '° PHOTO 8irunno
"Ii t " t °tens these things. .Each : night, about the
and. he stepped out etlickly to.walk
aid ay frpru it.
1 •'want a . ` change; • that's what's
. the matter;"•.. . he said to' •• hint elf. ' '
"And. Nance wants a change, too.
We 11 go to Switzerland; and then on
to 'Rome, for the. winter, -and spend
March 'end April . in. I'Iorence. and
Venice, and then home to ' 'England
.and settle down.for a •time witie the
dear bid gov'nor,,' It.'s'a:etfestfon,
once he has leaezied to know ',Nance,
telic thee. he'll ever lett: her go again.
Well, there's room and' to' 'spare' at
• the
:Hall. Trow delighted' he would be.
.to; have: such 'a 1 e. lit, beautiful
Mother's Ear'`
.4 Wow IN morrows affIRI WHIN
$OOrr'5 gale UL.S1Q111
Send for froc rample.
soon & DO\Nk, C;Itenests,
Toronto, antirio,
goc..itnct.s•oe 1 all struggler.
rorr4rr.ysw , l4114I11..1,
time. I'm not afraid of him.. 'tan
ride a little bit, you: know," •
"t know," be assented, with; a nod.
"Well, watch him, or he'll be up to
mischief. Good-bye,"
"Good-bye," she said; then she
leaned forward; with a' mischievous
twinkle in her bright, audacious
eyes, "and give toy love i.o—your.
sI tel walked .on,
quickening Itis
hnui[Aletttto«slcandpack a bag „be-
just have Aline to
fore starting for the train.
Ile had, reached the corner of St,
.rattle's Street, and was glancing at
his Awatch, when he .heard the sound
of a. horse behind lieu. IIe glanced -
round •acid saw that it was Lady
Fanny, .and he ' thought that the
handscuno ,. clevtl" tt'usng of
rather too bot a rate for the streets,
when Lady Fanny pulled -up beside
hint, ,
'Oh, :lir. Yorke," she said, "would
you mind looking to the curb -chain.
I think tuy than has got it too
tight. He's a new marl, and a per-
. feet fool, •and if he gets down ori h1s
own horse,.I know he'll hoer be able
tri i
t et t a n.
g l g
Berrtattvl laughed and examined he
"Yes,' it •is too tight, he said.
"IIe hes fidgeted, I suppose?" '
"I idgcttele nether You'd think
he• was on ]rob bricks." •
".Sell • Bite," said Bernard, seuten-
. •1Iesl
]knw a; horso when he saw it.
"Well, perhaps 1 will. ',Iiave you
dont; it? for; the, horse fidgeted and
reared slightly,
"les,"' sand .Bernard. "Mind. how
you go tvitlt .'hitii."
As lie sliglce ho felt a tug at his
wi•1st, and OW that hie.gold sleeve-
link ' had caught in his . curb. "Ralf
a nioment," he said; but Lady Fanny
had touched the torso. with. her whip;.
• ('1'A 13E;CONTINUED.)- .
.as my darling ,Nance' about • him!
Yes, it. will be' a happy .time.! • '
His heart glowed with anticipation'
e-oi't1ro futtfio'his fatncy painted • its
'such roseate. colors, • and he 'felt more
cheerio]-: as• he passed 'through. the
• Eardy .as it leas, there Were a good.
niany people riding. and driving,, and
his :hat was off .ct•et•y now end then
a some one of. his many •friends end
acquaintances. passed hind.
Presently he.. Saw :. Lady ' raiiny
. Howard coaling •along the, Mile,
mounted ' on' a' • good-looking horse, -
and she; •instead or being .satisfied
with a nod .and. a' settle, -pulled . up
' close • to the. railings and .. stretched
out her hands. • • •
"HoW do you do, Mr. Yorke? What
On stranger you are? nut there! Ian
..03PA m,d.a;.,er
Thirty. Years o•f
Pile . Torture
Doctors failed arid Mrs. Row
• : don never expected. to. be well
again =-.Dr. Chase's Oint-
meat' cured. '
d.astW.RownoraNort St.,Si. Catharines,ines
• Ont,.sate:—" For thirty years
I was severely
•saflaicted .with piles welch gave me ape such pro-
longed torture that I Olid not expect to ever be
well again.- 1: have•'been treated by physicians
who .have grown gray
,. ''• " in the practice of medi-
cine without obtaining
relief, • ' I .don't suppose
there ever was a more
discouraged star's re r
than I was. '
Finally I was fortun-
ate enough So :come
across Dr. Chas,e's
Ointment and after us-
ing a few boxes my
long-standing c o pis'-pla
aant fr free '•
smptont. I may say
Y 'his. O arms t
that if t
MRS. BOWDON., could not be got for
- fess than ten' dollars a box I would not be with-
out it," -
Dr. Chase's Ointment is the 'only 'guaranteed
•-ure for piles. 60 cents a box; at alt dealers, or
••teiruanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Portrait and
inttatttre of Dr. A. W. Chase, on every box.
July 27th 1904
dye Spedallt
There :and very few cleans-
ing : operations in 'which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to., advant-
, age, '.: it makes. the home . bright
tired of makini, that •remark every:. and clean. ` IS
time I meet you. Have you Conte . • .. - -._ _ _ '
back from Aftrca? Oh, no, I remeut-. :! •- 0 •
bel and she smiled significantly, as • p&.�'e 0 'i i. ij l i ' `• '�•'
Only she dared .senile -"your Africa a1A1 a II �� � F esie:ill
is no further off than ; Long I)itton, ,
is 'it?'.', . Bel•ilai d tried hard not to EXCELLENT N r smi.VIC1±; TOR SAT -
color,. and very nearly succeeded. "I tTItDAY To MONDAY OUTING.
should like to ask who she was—I -
mean: that awfully pretty girt I saw
you driving with=but I. don't• like
to, • You • would. bo sure to tell me a
story, wouldn't you? You'd say -it
was.your' sister or your cousin. One
man actually had the audacity to
tell mo .that a gh'I.I. saw hint wadi•
wan his aunt( Oh;. you men!".
"You shall talus ' your choice of. the
three, Lady Farmy," ' he said, with
an, outward self-possession which] jest.
inesked his annoyance. '.'Some day
J. will; tell you the truth, 'I tern'
you thought, her pretty."
Lady Fawley nodded and laughed.
"I thought her simply lovely, and
so did the roast, But. .you ought to
be very grateful to nae."
"Grateful?" .
"Yes; for 1 made the people who-
wore with. me swear a, big 'oath that
they , wouldn't mention having, met
you; and I think they have kept their
``vomit 1 know 1 have."
"Well, I'xn. grateful," he said,
"and I'll prove it by offering you tt
word of advice."
Lady! Fanny pouted, Somebody
Must hater told her that a pout be-
came' her, for she. made the little
grimco frequently, and always
• "Advice? Oh, thanks! 1 get quite
enough of that article frotn papa.
Well, what is ft? Now, don't tell •Eno
to. get my hair cut, .or ride in a
longer .habit, for X sha'tl't do eith-
"No, said Bernard, : smiling in
spite el himself, "I was only going
to advise you to keep your eye , on
this horse of emu's,"
"Ohl don't you• like him?" ' elle
Eked raa'i»
a with sour) •tsd "Ire's a d
r c.
"Ire may be-••h&'s ;ttotty enough
for half a dozen darlings—but, judge
hig by hin'ilre and the way he )coves
his eater, I should call hila something
else, also beginning with a 'd.' "
"'You mean that he's; a devil?"
sated lady Fanny, Iftughhtg. ",4o he
las. Gb, I know that, thanks; unci
X,rxl ieejrin4• bot!' (To oit hire aid the
ed i
go t
of sight and With a capita im ta- t
titin of Mrs. Johnson, called the own; for he'll blame me fa) ore.
"I Aut all right, said Nance, fore -
to plat e, s in n, stone into lite pale Mee. "1.
But the resolve, silently made, t•et ant quite well. 1 arta a little ninxiou.q,
emitted with him, and all the next that is ant 'Whets is the next
day he was thoughtful and pE oe- train?" =led, ... ... ,. .�
woman's self t nand
a a teems s - when he mince Lack? Try and eat,
slit put (ho sadness away, T it out for my yaks ma'am, if not for your
- ,Spelled yoer •Sicutcleys, at the popular
steamer resort:re • Retun'n•.tickets aro'cnt
sale 'front Clinton to Gcderieli •4oc,Ii1tt-
crt•diue $1,6x6..
toil going all trains. Saturday,
va>lic't ret"►n'it'tatr until. Monday, • For
tickets gaut fall itifovanation call �t
Grand. Trunk '1 ieke.t 011ice. '
F, R.'Ilodgcris 'Down Ticket A'' t;
Clinton, . Ont.
1' nertON 1)1C LUXE • •
The Grand 'Trunk World's 1' air, fad-
er,. whi�h is tto finest speeituex of
railway literature yet issued on ,the
l.eufsiana: Purchase 1;xpc'sitiorr, is in
greet deutancl. A •.good nupply etas
been isst.ed and anyone sending e icor'
cents in stat. rs to J. I). Alaceorau.ld,
I),stric.t:.Passenger Agent, '1'orcrsto,
can secure' a copy-. . ' +:
Si�:gle fails for ratted ten),
Geese going .Telly 23, 2h and 25..
Valid retef•H.ing until August 2ot1t.
Voters' List for 19x4•
Township of, Statticy.
I)i0 Baa LgbCEL
Will make vegtilar visits to Clinton and is .ecluiltp-
ed with the most modern methods and r •apparatus
for testing your Eyes in the most scientific manner,
The Doctor is a graduate in Medicine with ten
years experience in the practice of medicine and sur-
gery and has spent eight years testing eyes and fitt-
ing glasses.
If you are in need of glasses (10 not hesitate to call
an, t have your eyes properly fitted.
The Doctor carries with him all the latest styles
in Spectacles, • Eye (laises, Chains and Pins. You
cannot secure better styles or better goods in Toronto, •
New York or Chicago, .
EYES TESTED FREE : If you do not need
glasses the Doctor will tell you so and it costs you
nothing. -
t the Battonbllry Hotel, Clinton
a AUC U T 15116 AND A (
Store During July and August
closes this•store will close every
at 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
i o .o'clock.
At . Our =
1.Ribbon 10:•.
• esi; •
SQO yards,. assorted •colors; 'odd :'piece ,rill:' hro
to.go at one price alt per yard 1e Fe:
Lace 3c
500 ara
)regular' Mar)tace� f�)z .,,..
ip #a
.. 1.0c per yd, eleui•i:ug'"CIL(
bttyiaig fc)r,
Muslins: 8c.
'Regular 12Fancyc Dress:Miislins, till. • :
y p.
new ;:(loads , July sale :..:..:.....:...:
Hose 2 'frir 25c.
,Ladies fast 1b1n(sk Cotton Hose, 'all sire' ,
S4ile price '1 for...:, •:,...,
Ducks d Pique
Cleaningtip. our stock of Ducks ant.
Piques, all. On one counter,regular
'.121 c. for ... ...•
et •
re, :
Factory Cotton 7e.
Four pieces left, extra heavy. fkiczro'r,.ot-
ton, regular 1Ot.•.' fox
1 Len9, D.e ur
� �l'il�ll•� ..
.1 jen.s .i4 f-H.oso. 2' r. • for Zoe.
'illefi ht.y e, cotton ansi wool, • colored,.
•'s0ei),4li . Verne,- 2 for • : .
Notice Is hereby given that I have
trausnritteca or delivered la the pers-
ons ittctttiotted .iia sections ii and 9, of.
the Ontario Voters' Lists • Act, - the
copies required by saki sectiens to bo'
so tr&rismittecl or delivered of the list
made pursuant to 'said art,. of all per -
sorts appearing in the last revised
Assessment -Roll' Of the said Munici-
parity' et elections Or ntctnhers of the
Legislative Assembly attd at Municipal
letectioits and that seed ,list was first
poetod. bp•itt nay &lice ifv the Town-
shipComity of
St e itt the c t
,lxi) o � all]
F ,.
• 1 Yy
the 11 clay at Tal
) G
or( ( a
Tttrtr .r)4
I G ,� , y, ,
and remain there for irsspectien.
tors are calied. upon to all and exam -
;tic sc,ici list and if any omissions of
any other errors are found therein to
take immediate proceedings to have
said errors t'crrectCCJ according to law.
3. E. IYAI2•NVi1T'iT,rL, (.lent.
,Tiny tit, lehet • 27.3
Shirts 75c
Mens Colored Shirts, all: sizeg, regular
price .$1.00 for„u....... A......;.; 15c�
Men's. Soft -fronted 8iiirts $1.00.
c.m .soft fronted: ott,tll3g. shirts; tell the :
newest :stripes. and colors; regular.
$1.25, for • $1400.
Balbriggan :Underwear
-Men's. Balbriggan Ttnderwear for s•u.in
Idler wear, Cool and ligiit, all sizes
25C, 400. 500or-
Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed
Special pure Botany Twill black Wor.
,Sten Sitit, bouglrt..at a. snap, worth,
$2000, made to your order. ...... .
........ $ 15,
10 Sttit lengths fancy_ Tweed, regular
• 20.00 and. $2)2 00, to go at
�. a
S �,�,�