HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-28, Page 1• • 1 .......:. , i ii .„. , . .. ......• ..•, 25th Year MODIC/44.:=-1C,4" 4c;`.161(e=191te4etalet0-. "••> 41 if if it it it •••• v), v leieieiet;11C-TWX-4-04e,r/iMi0iWIC '-to4e10-14.1i1 14/1.X1E4017,01C/A'010101Clehelefeli Men's Clothing and Furnishings . at Nearly Half Price . —This is the time of year when stocks are pretty well bro.,- -ken in the clothing business, in fact it's the time when— we want to get rid of all summer goods. We will be- -busy in a couple of weeks marking off all the new fall clothing, furnishings, hats, etc., and we want to begin— the sealant with a brand new stock. For SATURDAY- -OF THIS WEEK we will have 'on sale the follow CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, I CLINTON DOWNS SEAFORTH. PICNIC DAYS, . 41 Rain interferedwith the bowling St.. Paul's S. ,S. pienicked heyfiel4 < > 4 41 4 „ ing list of bargains. You save from 25 to 50 per cent. < n Rg Just a few• left Men's 2 -piece Summer Suits made from dark z.m grey tweed with light grey stripe, sizes 36 to 42, our best "60 00 $6.00 Suits for ;Wc'- 30 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, merle from all • wool Halifax gsq ,c> c: .V. tweed, with double seat and knees, regular pricer; 75c sae and 00c, for Z•.> q b We have still a few Boys' Moleskin & Duck Pants that are o2 ` worth 35c and 40e, which we are selling at per pair ..;:. 19c -..0., Q S2 1? y doz. Men's Straw Hats in all the new shapes, worth up to - $1.25, on sale at 50c '6 1 5 2 doz, Boys' Straw Hats, carried over from last year, regular prices 75c to $1.25, to go at 25c 1 doz. Men's Grey Drill Overalls, regular prices 75c to $1, to go at (mostly large sizes)... ... . ....... .. , .. 50c ,?. I doz. odd sizes in Men's Colored Shirts, regular prices $1,00 , > and $1.25, sale price .. 50c U. . .. .. •••., 6 doz. Men's Cotton Sox, regalar price 2 pair 'for 25; to go Is> <e> at - 4 pair .for 25 ee 75 ken's Tweed Vests in all sizes from 36 to.42,• best $1 75 and ......,... $2.00 vests you can buy, sale price. .. ; 95c 4.<*, •4 ti• 3 doz. Men's 35c and 50c Braces to go at . e , 25c 4 doz. Men's Working Shirts made from duele -shirting etc • W regular 50c to 75c shirts to go at ' • ge5c ..e? < K2 ;I. g The balance of 'our best $2.50 Grey Felt Hats to go for II.50 <><•-') 7:1;•-• ,- - ...........................................................,...........................4..........;............... <:>c. .2 Tit The J W Newcombe Co :sg. c.,..,. J. , W. .9 —Men's and Boys'. Ready < , ' ___to-Weeti Clothing, Hat ezes >. C. < > < > . -1-Z> Tailoring— >•,-; Furnishings— :9T ,c,i,4v-w-„rAetatatecier,lototosetele-tet4ateRew,i6001(yat4;sse.*K.-xisc)..... Ac-wielemecsfm.tm,petsseraletsta9tele,(;Acraomsiepoefewhxttx,*&*- . . . . . . .• ..„ . . < . 00409 *0004000*******<$00000*****,•0 t • • The Sovereign Bank. z Directs your attention to its special facilities for issuing drafts on all the leading Owns and cities in Europe and elsewhere at thaleweit.ratese • . • . This is the safest, simplest and chew: pest method of remitting money to foreign •coun tries. : Correspondence or interview . re- qeested. • ' • 000 0000 CLINTON BRANCH . . H. T. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. • 0.0-0-0.0-0•00-0<x><>4*.oc.G000.0-0-0-0.0<>0******** +-1-1-1-1•44+++++-1 4-1E++++++++!•44 r 11 11 E 1 Warm Weather • • • • • Is Here At Last — • • * a • You will need a new and lighter sult. We can supply you at less than manufacturers' pries. This is no rnere statement. It •. is a fact, and we invite you to ,give us a call and see for yourself. You will be surprised when you see the ready-to- wear suits we are putting on sale at just half price. . • 1••• • 100 of these Men's and Boys' Suits are now on sale and will con- tinue until all are gone. You can't do better any place in the county, so come along and pick up the snaps in Clothing. It will mean dollars inryour pocket. Money saved is money earned. T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. or ; ++++++++++++++44444+++ 1 1 1 r ••••444•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••=r - a• CALL AND SEE This store closes every Wednesday afternoon during July and August, but does 'business all tile rest of the week, If you want . . - —A Snap in Boots and Shoes ----,- I call and get them now. Clearing for fall stock.... 6 6 R. J. CLUP14, — Clinton. ••••••••••04.0.14•11.044..........***.....04 match,. Clinton vs. Sdaforth, played on the local green on Friday After-, neon last, • Text, notwithstanding • the sodden lawn, the bowlers enjoyed the game: T1:e result was an .easy. victory, for . Clinton. AN ENTERPRISING 'FIRM. Messrs.. Jacksen Bros. of Clinton have placed their order,for a complete electric light • and power plant with the Electr2ca1 Construction Company,: of this city, It is pleasing) to note how the various manufacturing ceneerns t.hrougliont Ontario are qiptipping their factories in the same up-to-date way: -London !Free Press. . THE COUNCIL. . •-a 'meeting. of - Temperance • work- ers )held onartday evening 'last it wig decided tocirculate petitronst in favor of local option and the town council will he asked to. let the question he decided by the vote .of -the people.; (Phel matter is now the Rtillcieet of - much diSeussion and a very decided. stand Ts betng• taken .1ty. the Optionists • ad the. Antis, - • HAVEN'T LOST•A - The indications are that the Strath- eona lacrosse team will win the :chant- toionshlp of tire (Usti...et-for they -have not -yet lost a game, while three wins staud to their. credit. The next home game will be played on August Iota), with gineardine. 111 tke .list 'given he- lowshould be included a. draw game 'Winghato vs. IVe.pardine • • • • Won Lost To Play • Clinton • . . , Waigham • '0 : .0 • 0, - .1CIneardine • , • • 3 • .THE' RUST IN THE WHEAT, Is • the rust damaging the wheat badly ?" sadet.The News -Record to Mir, Thos. •Cherchill of Goderich• towriship.. on Friday last. • •• :. • . , 'Le replied, tlp to Satur- day last :the prospects were that 1. Would, have as good a prop: as over I- 111).44 hut the heavy deVy of Saturday ancii• Sunday nights 'and the • hot. wea- ther of the tWo.. foIlowirg' days ;brou- ght on the: •rost,.which will reduce the: yield' one half, I have Started cuttirg as 11 ponsaler it better in 'the ;shod: even .it a -little• on. the 'green side, than standing: -eel afraidtha,i ni cl of this • year's 'wheat •Will not .be fit for Milling. That ,gro.u.n 'On high: land Will. adtlie (":. badly rusted:"; There, will be An average crop La y though some of .the old meadows may be a little Tglite luome; seetien the' oat'. . x;yd• barley prcimi.Se aynJd • .gcoe • • . . • . AN • oLn. cip,EBRATioN, • , Just , the other day Mrs. Japes • 'Finch • came across an old half -sheet poster announcing a Queen'.s.birth•dcuy celebration • in, C.lintct. on May .2411•1: 18'65, The program 'on. that. °Cession was' a- long oilerbat inclUded a: number of 'events, Which are not now tconsidet-' ea necessary 'to', the• success . 'Cele, brat:fen. Among • them .were the Col- : • • • • Catithini(pians• • . Throwirg thierHanimer'' . . Throwing the Heavy. Stone ,Throeving the Light Stolle • . , Climbing, the Greased Pole. Race on Stilts• •' Sack RaCe ' • • " • Wrestling, •Side Hold. • . Wrestling, •Square. Hold. ' . • Catehing the Slippery . ,Wheellnirrow. Race, l3bnilioId• - . The, day's ,evttnts •'concluded With '. . Match • for a Shake Purse." It... .D, -Dickenson •was • chant/ail of committee 'and Xi.. Cooper • eetary. The 'judges . were :� S. Doan, George Fulton, geed John deslin, Of these. 'Messrs, Dickenson. and.' Doan alone reinain' and they' mac geod for -years to • come. • ' • 'TOME' FRgit THE INT;STe • • .Mr, John Bell returned hOnne •Thurs- day night last front a t.r2p• through. thu Northwest. He luid. rot been out there..Tor a few years and witnessed a: great •change. The conetry is growing •aliacc. • • • • • .1.1e visaed. Morden; where the Mess- rs. Redden,. natives of Hullett, locat- ed some years .ago, and have done remarkably well. One oX them is mem- her of the Manitoba Legisle.tive ASs- emblv. A ''few miles. from Maple C-realc Pr, Graham,_lornerly of Cliaton; is ran- ching. He 'sold to endcy it, though there is scarcely' so lunch. money in it at the present time as in inedieittet At • Regina Me.- Bell called Co see George Hinchley, elle; °Wer former te- Sidents of this, town. • George's shailew hasn't grown . mt. tem and the same may bsosaid. of the others. . • , Mr, 'loll was at Calgary -for' a thrie and spent a day at Banff. It's a very attractive . place and lei- would 1ik ••t6 have remained lengei but Icouldn't.' 4°- 50. On his way tip to Ec'utientca he met Mr. • JalliCS • MCOOL • who is carrying on a store btisiaess at Crossfields. This isa new' trade centre., bnt grow- ing. 'Mr, John McCool is homestead- ing in that district, They wish to be remembered to their old friends here, At Red Deer in Alberta W. /4, Ouie mette and Itugh Willae, formerly 'of Londesboro, are engaged, me a mercan- tile business. on Teesday and the Ontario street S. 5, yesterday.. Both were favored wills good weather so that it real jelly time . is reported, so much so, indeed, that the youngsters' have not yet ceased talking about it. • • DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT, 141r. John A. Nell -es , for twreity-five years 4 resident of :Guelph, died'. in that city on: t•lunday nieht of• . heat. failure. IL: was boin at. York on the Grand. River ifl 184.1 . and was of pia - tic!. kiitenciiidiree Litr oy4Ictin tieistA:ekoi ,cIIieint4wc04 tod bet left hen: in the eerie seventies. He was the first town elcae, land Ejs well carried 011 0. bc.ok and stationery VIE 'LOCAL MARKET, . The farmers are very "busy, eon - sequently there is 1.c.t it! very . large volitute of linsitu.ss melting' in .from the couutry. Pricesreinain about. ,a.s they were last IWh'ttt V& to Oats 360 • to 310. Eggs: 13e to 14e. erodk Butter ite to lee. . Tub. 'hitter Tf.20 t 130. Like ilog,i A' L'AI4MACJ SERMON, - • • It's .not . ever.4,:pcly that •eares read a Talmage sermon, but Many. eq.. and for for the • benefit Of the- manywe puhdish a 'sermon each week on pave three. Perhaps • your . OWn. pastorl.P.:pre-' sentatiori Of •goapel truths. Will please you. better -that's .1i.dr 'you deeide- but he it herefoje known that we are.. no.t• preseething • Talmage- as tie- 'only :enre foryour pperitual. .'Ile oia.y not do yeso any good, but he'xi,.• • not likely ,to ..de you . if any, LEST' THE'S.' li'ORGET: •• • Several mouths ago, Motsieitt Con. tine, - the.. Wizard cf. Gt. Joseph, set „aft electric ruilway• project oir foot. .The lice front St. -.Joseph tii.Stratford was located. •and .staked out.. The ,right• Of 'way was bought, hut We • have riot' yet: heard ..that ithas'. been paid. •for. Op•• piCed.()i11 U.hlflLlt. 'for. CoxiStruction work ...woldd, reach the• laSt FridaY ..two" Steeet 'cart; .aitiveil ear._ at :Henson. station They:are- CMS. that' have:been in. use Upon' Litt tlu,tr at. .rival s ill keep ,the: project itt the:.pub: lie mind; whieli"..1,.es been rather • can-. suring itself. for so. 'lunch at:ten-. twit tr, tilescheme:. The Wizard is • now:More. than - ever, 'a. c,oninalruin, to :the of. Sinitli We. • are ..tot 'saying that:he does mit .elijciy tam. eciitro: 1, lue.ta age '• ':,* • • GOLDEN • N,yEDD.ING.... • . • , • • . ..• . The following. is tatren irem a' 3r0 ser, Washington pe.per, and refers . to former residents of Ciiitton : • "A nuMber of relati‘.-ee heti friends tendered . 'a 'elicit.. enjoyable • euiteise • party Friday evening, ,J nite, 111.11, to Mr. and, Mrs. A. Angus, itebeing: the occasion of 'their fiftieth weddiug , niversaity.. '''Phe Party met -nt tLt. tes,'- clenee. of. William .K.uowles .arti " prat, ee&cled in a body -to:the Angus home. ale affair was: a••eoitoilette sarprise • to the old folks who plainlyShowed, their appreciation riP the esteem io which they are held by all who knew them. 'Their bear:1.111A little.hoine was crowd- ecl , hy , the Visitors who 'immediately took Atilt! • and 'proceeded to make the evening.- Pass pleaSaMly for all .preSent. • .... the • Sei1-apeointed 'Feats brought .• with theni a lteaitti•ful' gold- It1C)titttCd 'Mantel. 'clock ,and • Jneksaffi, itt a• few ivell•crliciSen ;words. the . liigh•• regard in wideb Mr, aincl Mrs. AligR'S are held by their neighbors, 'presented the sauce; omit"- ing thecouple that the clock- .weitild Inver mark • the' monieut when their. friends -would tease to loyeoonc. 1-11.0er or them'. • Tie recipients, though., both nearly overcome by emotion): thanked their friends '.and 'trusted that they %void(' telWays in their friendship and esteem. itJr. and Mrs.. Angus were married in 'Iootfarshire, Scotirund,Jtine zifth, ifl.54, and came. ,to ...America in. • -.They resided • Canada' -until /894,•:„whien they . came tc this seetiort of the. - • Mr. Aligns has, always been notedits one of our most ireltis-. triatts and upright 'citizens. • Ice cream coal ,eake was served by the Ideies and. hotfr or two •NI"E•.'4 spent in Song and ,social intercoto•se, when • the party dt,S- persect, vit'shing Mr. atul Mrs.' • • Anglia Many . more years of married Mr, Bell was much pleased with the appearance of Edmonton which occu- pies a commanding PositiOn co • the north bank of the Saskatchewan,. There is a, good 'coreary around it and with the advent of more railways a bright future is predicted. In the Yorkton district Mr, Pell had, the pleasure of meeting Mr, William Weir, until a eottple of years ago a ciintoit, 'Mr. Weir owns a whole set - tic* 11,4 miles front .the village Of Saltcoats and ita,s.,,o neat lionse and goat', farm lotildinp. Ills crops look well soul . there is evcry Itidicaticpt of a. large yield, ,"rhe land is being talcett tA) vary fast," r•faial Mr. Bell, "but t doi not think ,the policy of selling large Ilotks to syndicates is a good thing for tko eountry. On his -Way home, Mr, tell quit a few' days at Tort Trancis With' his daughter) Mrs, /4 04,1k:114 • • GliveiTtibute.VVbere Tribute Is Due. AIR. a. N. LEWIS, . ' JULY 2&th, 1904. WILL BUILD A TANK. • .A. Grand Trunk official was in town last week and marked out the ground for the water tank the Company pur- poses building here shortly.. It will be south of the track and between the station and 'the hayfield Road. It will be built before fall and have a. capacity of 10,000 gallons. . NOT FLATTERING. The Free Press of Tuesday contain- ed a picture of Messrs. W..Jackscn, J. Fair, W. Brydone and I): A. Forrester' • t e . crack Clintoo rink which last year won theLabatt trephy and is this • week agat'n taking part in the toutronient. The picture is the rever- se of flattering) especially to Messrs. Fair and Forrester, theklatter -particu- larly. They are a good-looking quar- tette, the Free Press artist to the contrary, •• notwithstanding: LIVE STOCK. SHIPMENTS. The • 'shipments. of cattle from -ton station. 'on Saturday consisted.. 'of seven carloads., three:11)y C.1X, Reid, as Many. by Ford &• hIeNi1 ant" one bt- IVIason. A trainlo-ad of live ••stock was made uti- here, twelve carloads being brought. down from, the 'north. • . This week Cantelon & Wallis Shipped. hogs to London and Palmerston.. and Mr. Fitzsimens shipped, . to Veerolea. The prevailing - priee was, $5.15 . per cwt. • . • -. • . • .• • • • • A GOOD MANAGER. • ' • • . . .Mr, W.. :J. SteVertscin. was jlr Toro. t� last Week and bonglit frourn :the. Canadian ..General Electric Company .a sixty .killowat..ariternatoir, a• tvrio kill- owat „exciter,. and a two -panel marble switelehoard. • These will arrive short-. ly-and 'be installed .hefore. the first of :September. They will double thecaP-- acity of the 'electric light -works- and enablc. it to handle•the Inereasino 1st- ness- Which. is -the . result of the efficient inanageicent ot Mr,. -Stevenson..' When Ite tcok hold. the•• system" Was anything but. satisfactory, but the .service is now good, • . • • BOWLING AT LONDOFT, • . • The ninth !annual howling . tot:Ma- w-Mt of the Western Ontario' Lavin howling ,Assoeiation is in progress.in •Lonclon .this week: Clinton: repre- sented by four rirtles as follows :... ' 'A. Forrester,. W.: hrYdone) J.: Ftir W, Jacksoe., H. B. Combe, C. E. Dowing, • R: i5,gnew, 1106Ver. " • J. L. Courtfee,. W. J. Tozer„ E. J. Howard, W. Spalding. • • . . • soiTi„ jLr.!,C.)%t.i.,i.itticeia."4,,giIiIitlitcrt T. Sack‘:. Mr, Jackson's nil::: is the Same that won the:- the blue rillbon cv- ent of the tournament last, but their defeat on flue, first day illustrated the uncertainty of•• the game. _Mr. Spal- ding was not any more seecesse,n1„13,14;.• Hoover's rink alone winning, - At the 'annual ineetitig of the West- ern Ontario 14.11,11 13c,wlitig Associa, tion held in. London, on Tuesday, Mr. W. Jackacin was re-elected president. There are few bowler's -just so' 400pular.. as ,the • • • BACK' FROM NEBRASKA. * Mr. Will. Thomaa•of Oinalte, NeL braska,, is now visiting. his .sister, Mrs. Ephraim Butt. on his way home . from ix. business trip to .NeW York. Ile is' the seinebay to • his many ciinton..fri ends ' and • has . skown his .old - fondness for. i'Cpd. stock, ' having. Wee ght some of the best: cattle •aitt well . known herd .of Aberdeen Anglia. deviled 153, Mr.' .3 clic McFarlane of'. Stanley,, alsd 'softie young. draft ectits that Ife. intends 'raise lot the Wesh.. ern Market, W. T, 4.nd' Alfred. Butt will look after' the stock here ,. which .will •tecieled • to as they sec .R AO bitty -whi1e-141/TT.--11tom a will keep :an elope Personal touch with the• Vt7estern mar- ket.. • This should be of great benefit to Clinton • as a market as wady the best stock will be hanaled.. It will be a' pleasure to Mr. .Tinymas':• many flea sends int Clinton to learn that he' is now' 'superintendent: of ehe-largest re- tail dry goods store r, Ontabee.. About so° clerks are regularly .einployek answer to al question in. regard ,to the chanees for young' men tdday, Mr, 'Thomas., enhesitatingly answerecte .the.yorng into, mould leave, cigarett-. es, • ' etc., alone 'and realize what is their • employer's. interest' is , their tetterest, there • is pleesty , of room at theetcp for 'brainless. mere are •always or.i 'the lookout for active young mete 11: ANOTHER SPECIAL avigumro.77". The Contraetors are uow going, oVer the- line cf the Gaelph-fo-Goderich railway and it seems probable • that construction, work will begin tie a few mouths. This Brie has been a passibility . for several ,years) lett that it is la:condi-1 .an. admit feet, . this <late is •cluiei in no email measure' to the tireless. enere .gyl• • (•,,f Mr. E.• N. Lewis, Mayor Goderielf, •Mr, Lewis is, of course, primarily eoncerned in the welfare, of his own town, but the people along the line, who are' bound to benefit by •itst.: operation, are scarcely likely to all at -once forget his energy in its promotiok , A meeting of the road and bridge comMitteeof the county council Was, held in Winghani on Tuesday with the following: members present! D. Cant, elon, W. Lamout, S. Ferguson and D., Poteerscn. The comanittee •visited the Zetlandbridge between Wingliam and W.hiteelturche which lies been. for some time tri an unscife.condition: ancl has now' !been elm:cr.-1d the 'public; The bralge is eso feet lonlg. A dew one will.' cost in, the neighltiorbood "on $91. 000, it ts estimated) -and, whether this .expettditure wilI be midertaken this year ce temporary repairs be made is for, the 'county couneil 'to deckle at special meeting to bo held. tom Friday of next week. There are other hricliges which need attention. A horse recently broke through one of the 11ay-841,4volt boom. c'fary bridges. and the county is • eitt against n bill of damages. 'rhe ante' mint asked, we tuiderstand, is $soo. It is ,alleged that the horse, whiehi had to .be killed, wonderfully increased it value after the accident. It will surprise many of °dr maiden) to . learn that there are lit county brMges iv Huron, the different branch,. es of the Maitland river being respon- sible for the most of them. At the rate at wheat ,they are playiteg out IL will not be limey years before w°c411 bridges 1.30eNniea tt.tingi of /the' .past. , • . • It' ; ie somewhat currently reported that Mr,. Aiiitley; the county engthreer, purposes resigning. Ile has 'held that position for twenty: years. 'W10 will succeed laitu it is impossible to say, but it 4)0.g been Matittered that Mr. Donald PattersOn'of Wawatioslt knows more, about bridge building than any other member of the conitty COVIICIL II 1 III 1111 • 11 1 LITTLE LOCALS. Whole Number 1330 Bayfield The 0. q,„ R. pay car Passed 111.' the Rev. 3. IIocigins, wife and faimily, line last week, of Senforth have taken: up their resi- Rey. Dr. Stewart and Rev. Mr. dente ;for the summer iit one of Alarks'i liagnitton, Lontleshoro, exchanged Pill- coltrags.4 es. tSenday . Mitchell arid child and Miss s la.st pi. 31.iteltell of London are the geests of A citizen said to The News -Record .-.r, and Mrs. F. A. Iliclvvards. the other e -ay.: ."What aboat , the Mr.. W. Robinson, principal of the; • clods which, was promised for the pest- Pelibfe school, who lias Leen spending . bffice tower ?" _ i - the past lew weeks at Detroit, return,4 ed to the village this weele.. • —• At a piano recital given. +last week . me. and um .i.v. V. xateari. 01 Sea, - by pupils of Miss 'Sybil' Courtice• the forth spent Tuesday in, the village.. • program was • furnished by l'isses - -----'-- Mk, John McLeod ol Huntsville,14Ins- Olivine, Levis, : . . t. 11 !sic, Jeanie. • _ 'coke, returned on Tuesday to spend a, - short while with. his family. • The following persons. registered at the Commercial this week : Or Met, calf, wife. and family, Mr. and Mrs, Moncrief, Mrs. 'Chas. .Degner, Detroit Rev. Snider, wife, and daughter, r. Meek, Loncloa ; Mr, and.Mrs.5 It. Xing, ..Messrs. W. Mitchell and IR, Pcistlewaitej For the benefit Of a feW friends Me, r' John Westlake, last week, gave a: sup eieNtlepart:y 'which was thoroughly ta-• jeydcr, The big kettle was hung in old Lane .8tylk>, over a plow fire. • Then e over two gallons uf good maple syrup was poured, into, the kettle and tally, ' and cake sugar was made. • Theo a few, - poonds of light brown sugar, the same " in appearance as the sugar:- purchased in" the grocer's, was mannfnetared, Westlakes are tip to:. the •sugar. •husi, !teas, • • .. Miss Inez- Jennings speat a few days • this week visiting- triends itt Gorier:eh Trick and /viva Lasts." • ANOTHER OLD RII;SxDUNT • pg,AD, On Friday afternocur last ianother ok the old -residents of Clinton, was laid away in the cemetery in 'the person Of Mr. William 'Dodds._ lie was born in- Roxbutryshire, Scotland, seventy-three years ago and whew twenty-eight yea- rs of age caffie to -Canada.. For. cifew. months he lived in tBlyth, but for the past - forty-Lyeyears he has been a ettizon this town. His occupation, was that of sawyer .which he followed •until a fete' weeks' ago. • He was a. quiet, no1r7assutning man .and much'es-, teemed in the community for his sterling integrity.. Mts. Dodds; pre- deceased her husband tweoly-three:yea.-- rs,• the, only two re:mining members of - the family now •-beieg their daugh- ters, .11(Irs, A. -J. Holloway „. and, Mies, Jessie - Doegis' The funeral - services Were. Conducted by 'Rey. Air. Manning, while . thepallbearers were :. Theenes 'Holloway, ' Thothaal Beacom, S. Harsy Nene,. Thomas Mason, : James. Walkto- shaW. and W..C,.,Searle:'. • • - Brucefield. Miss Maggie Ross of TorOato . is visiting her iriends heee at Present, - Miss Edith Hent• and friend, . Miss Chisholm of Torditto,are Spending their Mrs.. :Chas, Iluiit of Mr. • Jos. ' Rt. en, on spent ,Sraeay with his , family,. He intends moving to London* in the' near future where he has engaged .with mr..elhomson, car-- riage 'builder. . • •• • ' . . • -Miss hlay Beattie of I/ondore who, has been spending a' few Week.s With: her atint4 Mrs. NV7I1,. SeCat, re -turned home last: Friday to 'lake up her duties, a'sinusie teacher again, . • .M,r; Andrew ..ItItirdeeli and. family' of alfw days with his brother,, Reflet.„ Murdoch, . . •• Mr. Chest' Reid wae in. Toronto with' cattle 'last week., . ..1‘1hs 1)laty. Munroe spent .Stinday with fri iends n, Clinton. . ' Miss Ralliwell. of .Qoaciich is 1visit- ing hercousin, Miss JAZ*, Ratten, - , Mr, 1' George • Penfound and .familY. of Oil Springs are ..ipeadirg, their • holt-. days with George's father, *Mr. ;Henry. Penfoond of the 5th ,cpacession of St- Mr.- Fred.. Bush. and "wife of Hensel]. .were in townover :Sunday,. .• ithe Presbyterian ''Sabbath school lama 'holding their' annual picnic '. on Friday :in. 'hayfield; health -and '•Weath- er All ediee 'and enjoy the Mr. -Arthur •Ketchen of Ottawa; spent fewclays ;at home during the week. Mrs. Yellowlees' little gild, has taken, scarlet fever tmt as it is not very:•Se- vere 'we hope site soon. be • out, again. -•c--• • • • • 1; Miss McAllister • of IIIllsgreen, visiL ed with 'Mrs. Fred Toin1itiso. during the' week: , . • • • Miss Ethel Reid ',of the harittockhitrit :Road aerived 'home fequi • Miehigan utt Tuesday • tnueli refreshed by her trip. . The following delivered livehogs at Alas, st'ofirin. on Titesda,y Mr: R. Fitzsinipas• of Clinton 1 tv. Login,i A.. Mitehiell; J,• .Watikss, J....101111.8ton, w. rot..test,.Dowson, w, . anti - 121,: Fepper.. • • . ....West, Tueicersmith.. Arr. , Byron Waldron :left" last' week for .Bliiefields, Nicaragua, Where he: itt. iicterested in' banana. fainting. F•11, rott-. te ho wjll visit,. the %t.. Louis Pair. Airs.' Win. Stanbury • was taken • to Gunp's hospital.last week and we •ard sorry tohcar that 'she is in • a. critical boudition. Mr. l'raak LaYtole paid o„. leeenteas. trip to ,leer.don en • Saturday. • • 'Haying, is nearly a, thitig of the Peet in this. locality. Ilarvest has cola - moved, and the hunt of the threshing inachiee will soon be fraiiiliar.' • Mr; William Grant . has1 greatly hie, proved the appearance ofhis residence by n coat 'of paint and cu new,we.rati- 11,1i. • • ' • ' 2-11rs. J. Sh:ipley spent Sunday. at her old . home, at lisborne, • • • The voters' list for. Tuckersinith for this year 'was first ptisted up , the office on thelath day. of J.uly,. There are .in the teweeluip 825 'voters and eso to :serve, as juniors. There are 647Aw110 are entitled to Vete at both' parliamentary and municipal elections'128 entitled to vote at municipal elections. only,end se en- titled to vote at parliamentary . elec.. tieckts There .areeee municipal voters, and. 691 parliamentary voters. There are 73 female, voters, . • • • • .Miss Jessie Morrow of roll Jere, Manitoba, visited .at the, .hone of Mr. Wini Taylor the paet week, Miss Senitie Ralltwell of Goderich township speitt a. few class last week with her friend, Miss Stella Rathavell. Mr. David Taylor a, ttrother of Mr. Wm. Twice., atrivea here on Tuesday to visit Hs brothers and sisters, /Ie has Ileen,away for twenty-eight years mid spent the 'noel; of that t'inie itt the United States, • Mrs. Lanty ,Clark spent Sunda3,. at the home of Mr. IL Peek, Mr. Wm Reithwell• and •Vharies Rath - well spent Sunday itt Seolorth, puile a, 0•41111e0 frOlti • here attended, the Foresters` picnic at Dayliehl on Sal‘titilsts(14AYLitie Pellock is .vieit'ing iu this iteighboiliocd at preseat, Miss /dit Reid visited at the home of km. AleX. Ieltnetote of Ilaineet.k. burn Iasi Sunday, Stanley Township. township. . • The -Church Of England garden party,' . war., be hcld an the rectory grounds on the evening' of the nth of August, for eearticulars, .• • Varna.. •The LC1iL0 of, Court Yarna. o 264, .C. 0. F., took Place at hayfield" .on. Saturday last •and was very' .largely, . atteaded. both by the Foresters them, eelves aud, those •te'• whom they had set kiridly extended, an 'invitation tool share , • • • in their holiday. The weather was all that could be .desired Line:: it ..t's safe to say that no more ipleaSent nftentioon was .ever 'spent . at "breezy J.:mil-fir?: .134yfield We 'congratulate the offers ' and members of Coort Varna. an. 'the excellent preparations made for the ' • entertainment Of themselves and thelt• "guests. The. Forester laki.ii3S prOVitle<1 0.11 exeellent table 1 &chin with. :. :the choicest products Of the culinary 'art. • • 4t. unique feature Was the furnishing, of • free eancly, nets, :lemon& and oranges ito qqantities . and. qualities. Sullietint • to satisfy 01011 an epicere: • • • ...In the eVening.a beet:lady 'chartered , boat ...filled ..vyth the' geurestersrand..tlici?; it „friends •chased the :setting,.sun..behind•.. the clouds over 'the geatty: swelling.: . wet:ins . at. Lake IditrOn. ' It is to be hoped that the Pierde will be Made an * annual affair , by, the , Court. No Moro • , pleasant and uSefid way • of :bringing .; the ' Order berate: the public ean ResiaMr. .i\lt.rray preathed : in the . Methodist -church on• Sunday • eVeainge The people .of Varna, have ,alviays it 'warm welebme for 'hon•'Whee, te.coune.S. „. here :on a visit'. • I • " . - • htiss WiLnie MeN a:ugh:ton is spcii4- . inga week'a .hielliclays in ,Sea,feeth witls her :grandmother, Mrs. . hleirray is this. week visite inge friends .01i. the Tart Line. • " • 'Sirs.' Ruth Murray.), formerly of Ira; widow of of the- late P.,.I1. -Mut_ray±. . • was married on .July .ipth to Mr. J.' 'Pyle Cif Niagara,. Fa1s,. ' • • . ' amnia]: garden' party in Cenneee , • tian with the, • (.hut ch 01 tt,jt1h.tid will• . be held on '.1.'uesclity next on IVIr. Me- A.sh's lawn:, The ..13ed: hattallien banef haS.,been engaged 'tor !Se: eirening,and„..o• ' "NAIL usual kender • dry perSon Come mil enjoy the treat • of • the season. • Miss Mary' Galbraitli ot Ye:040 tatned home -eon lerideereemeinag to , ace her ,f ether who has been quite. ill,, 'bet are Pleased to say is retovetl; Miss 'Galbraith returns . Mrs.. Will 'Woods has returned home ... ,to Listowel after spending a inonth 'with her niothere Sle was accompanie • ed,by her aeice, MiSe Edna Beatty, . • Mee: Wilson Cook had the misfortune. • • to slip cOming ip the cellar steps whiehhas laid her up ror ai few days), . • •' , bat is able 1,o he atoued again, . • Qur:i7nw 'school, -is going:, tip quite . rapidly. . Miss S. Vitt: spentSiinday at hire ,James John's. • . • • • . . • " • Messrs. John . and Arthur. Joints. . speut. Sunday week with their sister, . 'township, : • • • AlItet; Itu.te,hings of Goderieh n isiti vet his paecitts, Me.' and Mr. Join Arelier ,of ArkateaS bee . has • The infant son tef Mr...and Mrs. .Tas, '(eyes, Pare Lillie, dice, on Mcnday; morning, of last week, . . .Bc.rry picking) is the ,of the sea. Mr,' A. .MeIleatli has got the ens engine lixeee and lt.'s •.: cibit are ;grille • 1c.ialigwkoiritk. has be Hay ten:the 'Order of the day, but• itll may be said, td bo •Galtirecith 114 inulprdiI 8. Into left on. Wediiesday for. Chatham to_ visit fnientle, Mrs. .11eatty Sr,. eavl fataity. • have moved Mee, the liteCtse lately 'occupied • 'Mr. 'Edward Wanless of Detroit has by Mr. Jaeepli roster. beea visititig his pereiits, hin. and Mrse j(13).1.11r11, ;1:‘17,IIIIIe.ssipps has had Dart giti. his barn newly slqngled,, •• „ „IIrs. 13. A. Higgins htas returadd from visiting her .Sister iti Lucane Mr, John ItleAsh tete undergone ani operatioe iot itt teneer the Taco and is inkorovibg slowly, • • . •.. • Stanley Township. . mirss Rot el Clarke at Seaforth spent Sanday at her Lome. . Mr, E. MeGavin of Seaforth visited last Thpmfity at the Lome of Ms uncle, Mr, Itralavin of the Rabylon Line. Treasurer Reid has pm•elmed it lieW Iffaesey Harris hinder filen, Mr. Fred., Tomlineon of lireeefield. Rev. W. 0. Richardsen 11. •A, and sister, Miss Maggie, of Wvontaig, aro visited at 1.1a. Nene of their fatterl Joecel.. Rieliardson. • •