HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-14, Page 8Inuring July and Aug. this store closes Wednesdays at 1 p.m Some Saturday Bargains Special lines for Saturday that are Bar- gains in the best and truest sense of that much abused Word. Odd lines that must be cleared quickly—marked at prices that that will make the clearing . sure. We are busy getting all summer .stocks adjusted to right proportions. The broken lines and odd ends must be cleared, and thatclearing makes BARGAINS for peoplewho shop here. Here are a few samples White .Cotton Waistin gs' Twenty-five Cents. Cotton .Vestings at 25 'cents a yard that are re to i 50 cents, Last few ends of many.of gulag 35 .' ourpopular lines go on the counter Saturday at the uniform price of .25 cent. They are new patterns stylish and up-to-date. Waistinge at 25c, About 100 yhrds in alt fancy. Caton' Waist- '. ings, new ,and 'stylish materials this season's. .roods, Just one or two waist lengths of a pattern. "il,egular 85e, 40c and 500, on sale. Saturday mor ro f$ ing at your choice per yard., . . t.1111 Waistinge ". at x2c.. We are picking out a lino of cheaper -Waist-. in s tosell at 121:c. per yard, • They are the Must. ends that are left.ot our lines that sold at 20c and ' . 25c, There is not much of any one pattern and on Saturday morning you mut take your ' choice of 121 n • these 20c and 25G goods at. per yard ... . 2 . Bargain ih r' s s.' Shirtwaists Selling' at bargain. rices:.Clearing big:' reductions , There aresome broken. lots at blb. cede , nearly three months of Shirtwaist weather ahead of us yet. You .can get your money's worth and more out of any of these inthat time: Shirt at $1.10 Refniar $1.511 . .' About 25 : 6hirtwatste 'all : . new and Beasonable 'etylee and pulse in the lot but not • of the ,One kind, last oats; $ : that are left of linea that pole as high as. $1 50, tlearieg Saturday at Four choice', �pl.i0�. ° .of •the lot• i 1 Shirtwaists at $1.25 Regular $1.65 tc $2.00 There; atebout 30 waists in this lot.th' chtapeat wad.,:•! $.Q5 some of -them as high. fie $2;26..` They are the last 2 or .$ that areleft of it dozen different Bt,, lee; all new title season•ohoiee of entire lot.1 z7 Saturday.,- Parasols of $1.5 Biggest Parasol ' Bargain we .'ever; gave. are Not `. the' whole to sell at I.• Ko each. None in these �. he•:•f worth less ' than $h;7, lots ..o colleckion that 1s :. 75 them are :r ''..uiar $2,6o. and .$2.5o. We could ' do witha few Parasols less than we have and to get the stock down: we put :this clearing lot on for SatuY 'rda Ladies black parasols full umbrella size, strong frame, steel rod or hollowrfb, top that not out or torn rusty. Mee aesortinent of Fan iy. Handles lined that are. e .. $1.50 • worth all the wayup to$2.if0, aliota Qc f Parasols Fancy Just about a dozen fanev parasols at o.. hargain, not one worth lees'. than $1.00 , ewe good values at $.0. 2 0 We have determined cm a qutok•olperenoe an.i the priche for Saturday Will, be each., :• •, 50 White Skirts t C. •. Makin.. u Underwear your selfis wast- i;Y in our. time 'wlieii you can buy Skirts like these for seventy-five cents. Laaiep' white underskirts made from good quality English Hotton bright obambrio (unfelt, sea:nssewn'double, wide frill of handsome em« � broidcry yory oriole' Yalu.)at...: , ....•iJ • Gowns at 75e. Gowns at 75ete chat are worth $1,00. That ie the story la a few wnrde. •Just about 1 dozen to Bell. • Clowne made horn fine ) ng- lirh dottnn, fell tire, uie••ly triwtneri with in• seetione nd etnbroidert a worth every pent of a '75c dollar a�ieoe, clearing ate mob.. i tJ Fiodgens. Bros Importers Clinton Clinton News..Recorcl July loth 1904 )i••l•a. purPr cesars • Mll�Mute• Away Dower very ohboasas+ rice O» a of them. The reason of it is that they are a traveller's sam- ples which we bought at a very substantial discount. An- other reason is that . they are out of season. We mostly sell . them at Christmas time. They are in good condition, as good as new, and the price advant- age is a big one. .there are no two alike and really they have in most cases features which we consider of -merit • not possss(;d by regular stock. Thie we will be glad to expla-, in to you if you are interested enough to call and examine thorn. NORM -MINTER PIANOS, Agents Parker's Dye Works, F •. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest. Always the Best. About.. People We. Know Mr. \1', J. Paisley 'vis in Toronto test week.- • Air. C. L. hisher, Goweridt, . Was in town yesterday. Miss hula Cc;ok has been, Visiting at' Mr. ll. Kerr's, Winghein, Mss Alma Retell' of Toronto is the • guest of Miss Nettie Cantelen, . A•Iiss Bessie Waltcn of "Toronto is vis- iting ler aunt, Mts.. A. Armstrong. Miss Nellie. Jcltrstone, 'Toronto, was the guest os` ;Airs. D. '.0,ilacey Bator- - day toMonday evening. ` Mr. Glenne Pair; Toronto, is speeding his holidays with his mother, Mrs, I:.ir, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. • 'Rvans,'•Toronto, are • guests of the, latter's sister, •Ms.:�. Alurclt. . Miss 1$va C1µ11 is enjoying a,. few 'Weeks' holidays' with fr;ends 'at Rip-: . 1'ey..and- Kincardine. MSS lrattll: Porter las been engaged for the `fall terns by the :Crediton • Public school board lir 11 illiann I,o1 r Of, Toronto. was the. Seast• c'f. • Dfl c lu '1 orral c5. frnlr., aturday to • Monday.'• Mrs. .1, Ta.' Cantelon •.returned. Thome•: • ''Saturday ` 'front a three wekfks. visit -.in 1'c,routo and Pickering. Mrs. (D.r,) C(iok,liliss Alta Lied and _ at.d blaster' Canfield, are spi•titl,ng a few 'days, at .uic Groat'93end. Mrs.• Gecage Pay of.Niagara,• who is . • aecesnpanicd. by Miss.; Helen. Baulchr. is 'the guest . of Mrs.. -S: Diuvis • • Mrs.: 12.•Ic Icoge'i of • Saginaw,. 1'VIil1i ,• is the guest of her .utctlter,.•ltlrs. Gilchrist•. Airs. A}ux..Be11, illi. G4orgl ?len .and. • little daughter, 111ag;;ie, of GCciericli. were .visiting .at :' Mr. R. ,tk. cors • ov(.•r Si.md ti.:• . Ilrs Dunn. rid; Clarkscie of Torcitag and 1)r. Hayden..of .:'Godericili . were. tlue guests of Miss Ida IXolnnes this • vice6 Mr. Thomas .Sheppard left on Satur.- day to.: itcncl a couple; of .• months 'with Inds 'daughter, Mrs. Alt x.: Os- borne of Kent colliatV: ' Mrs... (1).r..). 'Thompson and .:. Masters'Fred, at.d Charlie, returned on'. Sat- •t.'rdav 'fr(.nl i couple' of:weeks'. visit with. St Marys founds 11Ir and Mrs, G: U Mc1 s gait tock • possession on Tuesday of their suln- :111er . 'cottage at 1341'11,w where ere they italntially spend- Tc ly tu cl August. • Mrs ,'M. McLean. is visiting :tri-. •ends' in' .i or{ ivlo after which she, g(xs.• tct• Sault .Ste:. Marie to.,soeitd settle her•)ar •els Air. 'Mrs: trete"tvftll .1 (. ,and m .1. C: 'Alillor. . 'Mrs, Dr, 1h1den of Toronto, who was CU visit p her Ta:titer a,..4 alter Members- of the fmaily, left on 'itces- day for •Ottatt:aa tot visit anotlu.r, sfs- ter, Mrs.T.:..1.:. Allen. . Dir. it'. I,. Galbraith,. of •Kineardilfu Was in tcwi. yesterday acid Pias; we.' • understand, ' rented . t'lte. store lit tl.e King Edward block where 1te twill carry. on httsiness as a tobacconist. • :Miss .1\101114e ' (Tla'xiur; tvlio Was. • the guest of 'her cunsinr Mrs. W. 'Mof- fatt,. Sita other Clinton. friends, left' yesterday to' visit tier sister at 1V1it-, thus 1. 5liss Jennie Shatincnt, Toronto, is vis- amA line I!tzi.1rS. S1I 1,l A i .6110 was ltecc>4nipon•ied by .h u. • sister, M. i. Smyth, who has returned.. ton tate The- fame of our q` - _-__-.. _._ _. Great Summer Sale has extended many miles around Clinton and as a result people are coming from other towns to share in the bargains. This its not a sale of old shop worn goods but a sale of the very best that can be had. Many of the lines offered during this sale were bought . at to very low price from manufacturers who were anxious to get rid of all Summer goods. Read this list through and you will see that the bargains are well worth the corning for : All Millinery Must Go Any untrimmed Hat in the store at Half Price. All are new this.season, many of them not three weeks old. $1.00 Untrimmed Hats at 5Oc $2,00 ((4i (( $1 AND EVERY HAT TRIFIMED FREE OF CHARGE Any flower in the Store to : go at Half Price $1.25 Fine Black Ostrich Feathers at 75c t ' $1,75 ((.. (( • (c (( (($1 15 Ribbons, A .Great Sale • We have had some good Ribbon. Sales'sin(ce we • came 'to Clinton but this sale is without a doubt the best we. have ever had. • Just think of buying Pure .Silk': satin. liberty ribbon, five inches wide,12I'c a yard. In.. this ribbon sale ,you will find shades of red, reseda, pink, sky, turquois, :black: and white. Regular 20c, 25c . and 30c values: for 12k $1.15 AND $1.50 'PARASOLS AT 95c Ladies', Parasolsof fine Austria cloth, fine carved bone -hand- les; steel rods: All are guaianteed to give excellent wear,. regular prices $1,25 and 1$1.50, •Sale Price 95c :1 White W .Shirtwaists �, :go on Sale �.� , at a Discount 20c TO 30c G1NOUAMS AND £1USLINS AT 12%c 200 yards of the very nicest Muslins,in colorings of blue, pink, green and linen, etc.; also wash Voiles -in assorted.colors --also black and white Muslins in different designs, regular, prices up to 30o, all to go at 12%c • 35c TO 45c GINOHAMS AND .M,USLINS. AT . 19c 350 yards of the very finest white and colored Muslins— also black and white 1VI'uslins, Silk Ginghams, etc, These aro - our choicest goods, that sold at 35c.and• 45c, all to go at 19c COLLAR FORMS AT 10c 400 more Silk Chiffon Collar Forms, in black and while, all sizes from 12i to 14i, to go on sale at 10c 75cAND. 85c BELTS AT 50c • Your choice of about two dozen Silk and -Crush . Leather Belts,the regular prices 75c and 85e,to:go at 50c 35c SHEETING AT -25c 100. yards. of 9--4 plain bleaehed Sheeting,extla:fine .qual- ity, with round even thread, worth today 35c, sale 'rice 25c 50c ALL, WOOL:SE'RGE 25c 200 yardsof a fine all wool serge, 40 inch wide,•in shade s of : navy,royal, cardinal and` black. ' This Serge is soles . in sever- al stores at: 50e, our price is 25c $2:25 LIN:OLEuri AT $1:.60.` of 2Pci' Ce0 nt. $1.00 Waists to go at $:-, .80 ..' 1.25 :« 1.00 1:50 " (( ; (( 1.20 2.00 :;(( (•: '1:50 .11isses • Irate and rte t Mf Goclt. 1 , ., lend, I'Irs. Alex. Alexand(r, also ,guests • of Mrs. wee. i1f1 1)k. f3.' Tic•iintsiv is• iu :1)cin.yb1•ool' ladi,.v and (;II 1 •,s •returiu will 1311 etc- ieti •IV4; .Thompson ccanrpunied . by • M .... 1 nl sllttl Miss Wyatt or -Loudon). •whotwili be the. guests of Mrs,. Itiettneiey for a • few dayss. • • • Dora Keurrrdy . - of i131ack, .late •of• Ire- McT,ean, Gertie'anca of Godericl:•, were• R. A. Bell last :Vfr. and `Mrs..Albert Ball' • e.t.d. -soar, who were visiting Mrs. Ball's moth• er, 14ri for tluree w'icks, n•tui»vil tt, '1'(u(Ol((. lust we'csk. 1`itey were it(r(rtupatli(d by Mr. Allen Ray - Ali•. Joint iVIeAllistc•r crone trp iron St. Clafr, 11Ticli., pts 141on(l(I1 • and with his wide W1104.Ii.ts. been, visiting fir three weeks. with her iuntt. Mrs, rt. Gl(uiier. kind other friends,' 4111.411. ilk. 'Twelfth .fit Witttr'hmnt. They te- • tarn hoose (01(011,7w. :Sir. '1'Ito4. Ir(x•ki11, 'I''.(onto, 41xa'at from Sitlnrdily ttr Ali e:duv- i'vettut}; visa. i11g his 'ftithvr, Mr...1( lint reek itt,t,tul alit bt•oticrs. Ile, and several tither ...young lura .stave taken It voltage for the :suurti,cr ott (.'volt(. 1'rilit►rd where they enjoy thelake ln•('.cren,• the day's work Lying Mel'. '!1r. Ed, I'`lutdv of 'Toronto viritie up with' the Old 13ovs' excursion $el- urday, , but hats to go back •to thecity the saltie evening. Mr. 'Moody •is one of the tucst indeft.ttgable of • the Old Bc,ys 01111 it is largely . ow- - big to his energy that this exeursit,a lay .rtc canimal s' affair. .Tr, J11' Crooks of the Palacetu t staff1 • left • cot $aturclicv last t(7 sped his holitiays nit Grand Bend. Ile - has -remained elc;oety with business the Past year and will be the better o the ten days of 1t1i'itrg Sift stns and water bathing the is enjoying at the herd, Mr. Itar•ry Itewsoit of tit Molaniis Bark was holidaying at th seti'e t:lacn • Personal. 141avoc . Ilziuver was' .in I,tindon11fon-'t • In a tennis match- played on the loc.. clay. a.1 ' ccurts .yesterday: Cf,nton defeareci lllsti 1.•!4•9‘..... ,Y,„ ;.21•it gt.,., 'TS : atsit''ln,r 1 Scafortl:s by_ oua_evi;'-:t„as_follciws :, •I)otibles—filleTa);gart and • l=air (e) Tcrcnto rim ls. beat Killoran. and Bright (s) 6, r' :.'b-3. : miss. Leat ha Foster, 'Toronto, i.e' visa. Irving and Brewer • (s) beat Hovey and 'ing .. liaton.Iriencls, •.r ... • • - • - Cc,rsto:,tine {cp, l -o ti.,... -6. . i1rs• Fantuisel,' Torolitrl:..lids ' been.. $ittgles 41eT•'ks•gghrt beat ICillorast visiting :it. Mrs.:•Alex. Taylors; •6-t •C.6-2. Fair (•c). beat 13r:'ght ',(sj.6-t: Miss Ida. McKay of T'croitto was .the ""673. S\'ilsut•t (s beat I)olierty.'(c) O-3,:: . r. '6 :. 6 11'nvi a beat Brewer ). • but.st o. Mrs I2, Baker ill. pas! 4 3 v ..() o (s) week: 6-4 : - (i 3. Irvin • (i) beat 'Constantine • Itev: ','';alcor : 'Stwnle't of • Lo• ndon is' a; (c) 6-2 •:. t. -r'. 'Dural ; (c) beht ICirki)a,•t- . private ' 'g'uest ' at' the; I2a.t.teinbur rick (s) o•.(i : '6-2 unfinished, Clinton . y" twins by olio event,. tIcntsu. . Mrs. Arthur CanteIon..and Miss Mabel 'tlt SICAL . EXAMINATIONS. have .been visiting Atatford••• friends : •' the fciurlh year ill tie ni nils . the past: week. ' . • 1 i • Afr. till Kens , c f. Wharfe r l s )trio of • •Dllss Carol Newcombe A. L. L. AL few clays last week ti'1iltliis r(atllela, trying .exa,niItatior.S',have passed: -with .crect'it to themselves semi their teacher. t 1. -,cntip -Miss Sybil Cni tice,,a ipupil�.of Miss Ri v. Dir. (;aline Was 'one of` the speak.. itieteeounbe, : has, foe the 'sccond tilt -no ers at the (')r Inge dc;ronstratiors at'had pupils' pass• wit* 15.gh hooters, •Thio 1arklii11..on Tuesday. : • result tf. the local exanittatirdis .in DIrs. E(l. Ploody• and Ea, Floody Jr.; connection. with the London 'Conserve- 'i'urantc, avis' spending • a • few 'clays 'tory rf'Mnsic are as follows : 1.Insiea1 tvitlt (`lintan frjencls. k<srin, Syhil • Cocirtfee, (.loiters ', • tst .s Ii••i,r• �11m M. WI1 dd n I3a• Miss Mabel' Ilarl'ancl icft rift AIoitcla cl.t's• ui < s , .a a o , y • 011. art exte i It'd visit to 7rien l . in lielc',. 1st class. Itcirors .Ti n'or • IIar- l(r(:nto• and other ►laces, • to go': 4at$1. yard, , wide60 Linoleum, good heavy- quality,regulai $2.5.i, ALL SILK WAISTS REDUCED► .$4;50 Silk 2 . Waists:at.$35 $ 5 r5 50 Silk' Waists at �4 $6.'50 'Silk Waists at $5.00 YOIJR.SIDNEY BACK Th' 'roil WANT Val !1 1 e 1 lel .1. • CLINTON• 1CLINTON WINS -'Ar TEENIS • Irony, Rudiuteitts, • Ills' city, , L. A, Dir. G, C. Petty. of 114 'installed fttstltllccl IA'• Kaiser, gist .class honors in each yui)lut Primary' Ilarmony, Dialicl the officers • of Clitttcrn 1. O. 0. Ir. , ' • �r. honors •� Musical C )ti ala cl Au1,ur torso t t c I l r Lodge u • I 1 r' U7 Tuesday r wtI 1.e It venni . t a evening. class , `• I•llistory, �Alulxt Cc:upltulcl, 1st �.,ss . Annie McCorvie, - who leas hcdlt' juniors ; .i'rianary Theory, Pearl Wise, �'isit;nl .l,ucicucaw friKtras for several' 1 Brucelield, 1st class honors.; Alta•I,ind w(seks,• has returned- hc.ane. `C'ock,. -Clinton, 1st class }so,nors ; Mary Mr. • t,etigo • S'oiitricetntdie of _tlua. Morey iMac;dc,ltald, •11rt;celicltl; 1st class holt- ' & .Suutliconrbc I'i,,in Co,! .'1'orouto, ors I' 1vt4 \\'iltse., tst .class lic;ttorit ; visited'lbis • 111otber•her this week. ,Lillian Cantek,n, Pass ; intermediate Mrs. • John .T()hiistc,ti, ITtsrcnt street,. Piano, Anna M. '\Vhiclaptl tat class and Miss 1;f1tK-•,Y,,lulsoti,- Mown rented; lionors ;.. Junior i'irno', Pearl Wise,'rst • el •c(rttoge.' at • hayfield where they( class honors.; Primary' Piano, Iantaita: • will spend• tl.c luilitlays, Lavis, tst class 'tenors ; Sight -Sing-- . Mivnttit:l;'; who since the elosiiu(;, • \\1►ingic121ni�) lxm,its tfce, 11ot,ors ; 'Anna cif Albert 'College, • Belleville; for the , ltolidi.ya hits been. visiting her. .sister ........1_ __ at !Brampton,lets returned latatre. . Mr. Robert Mcalveen,•.of Watford pias • SWilmerliill. petit spending. a few clays with • Itis.• brother; Arr. I'`rank f1Ie11veen of the Mr. Wili'iun Colborne intends .rc- Bast. Lim'; and miter • friends t17e past turning ter C1iicts t, this week,' week, . • - Mr. John Potts and .Miss ida fun - Mr. ants Airs. W. 1"o ,tel' (}1-Montreal,now Visaed • at Mr, •J. Colborrtc's. on • .'ft(Itim11', 0,1 1.1111 ton,, tvi11 ccliihrate. Suntlay1 • t... • Ate" 250t nt•nitersary. of their • wetid- 'Mrs. Woodyard and Master bltner ..Ing. clay old Monday next: Ann(*lfg' left for eoilingwood Saturday. tete invited guests are Mr. and Airs. Miss Otto dill is visiting 'friends in 1'`. W,. Watts, Wroxeter. Rev, loather Pcnsonscattlt'was in Iain- - Miss 1M1intiie ICilty left stere ort TIM- . cora on Tuesday etterttVe.(, the Inner- rsday fa•,tendik'g ten spend a few days • al of .kev. Anther O'Neil, • who was with her atutt, Mrs, '1..i"aTtlnater, it: charge of ti)at par�slt for thirty. Hillsgreen: . three years. lather .O'Neil. was for • Mrs. II. l3.• McVittiel'left oil Titers - forty eight years a priest and ht his day for her .11oitue in North flay after early years served as 5 4n'.ss:olrary spet,dit g' a couple of months at the in Africa. old homestead. A'motig those who cause up front Thr- Mr: sort itk Iltellvecit, we are glad to onto on Satlir•day on the Iluron OId 'say, is still improving. t • Boys' s' • excJ rsic u we t :u.1 . 1. T i sdall, Mr. Ste wa rt hill ;idea S unday near los. It� tk Mrs. T. T. Tr's, Miss Cotarirh. ' DI tti Cook, (e(tWt COOT:, Arti. W. Isa c..txto, wife awl faniTv , 11ithanu, lered. atter01.71 T. C. 'spent 'Sunday tit Mr. ,7crlt,'i Johnstob's. Pric)hctui, Wiiheln - (.il,Soii, Miss Al- Master Ogle and Miss Anrcie 'Miller tea Rogers, James Brownlee, Miss .have retit'rned from a v :wit to ITeitso:.tl I Thrower, Miss - Vcacoek., Mrs. D. frienJc's. Diek.eusori, :Suss Edith 1)ickviicotr, ()tate' ;a norm;er *oat here attended Mr. Sets Mrs. Airliner Sutitlt, Mr • the Orange celebration in '\''rebate on e end Mrs. Neil VelTowlees, 'Prof. 5. Tuesday. a 'T. Omuta, Miss Matte Mltedolu,II(V, Mr. i)ittt RI:Ater Sundasye4 at Mr. MISS Nellie Jallrtstoe. Nesbitt'sr. 1 • 2.and. 5.09 egular • ` .. • analL,rn(es we want:to keep the Workrooms: busy for the next three 'or four weeksuntil we start making up our Northwest orders: To do so: we are offering two:lines"of Suits Made ;to your order at greatly•re- duced.prices Herethey are. You. can.• save.. money on either. - Stilts .at $1.2.50# Usually Sold at $16.00 to $t7.00. Mensanhde front nz fn eimportedpoitc1 Tweeds These are the;last ones that are left of lines • that sold at $1(3.00 and $17.00. They will ho well trimmed and nide up just as. carefully as if we got the full price tor thein. Choice of the lot cofntttencin Saturday each gy l� 12,5 Suits at ..i5.00. Usually Sold at $.Zo.00'. . A few of 'our :line Scotch •Tweeds and' A'.nnlfslt • Worsteds in the lot. Last -few that tire Heft of lines that sold at $18.00 and $20.00, a few in • • the lot that were $22 00, 11 welt trimmed will b n t 1 made 'and tv a ,.as carefully' e y as if you pad': • .us the regular price for them, ' Un sale at each each *a.....:.... /r�, Just because we want to keep the Workrooms busy and to clean out any _balances of Spring and Summer stocks. You can buy . these fine Suits made to your order at $.l:;oo and $5:oc less than. their real worth. KeepCool. Do not swelter when a hot day coshes around,, but get one of these light weight Coats we are sell- ing for $ i.5o. $2.50, to $3.00 is really what they are worth; but we want to clear out all we have, and have cut the price just about in two in order to do it. , 26 Mens' licht weight Summer Cloats In Lineae, ii'le,nnele and 1'4uetree, trade froth. Strong Wsteria1B that will wear well, regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, all sites In the lob, pride each, t l 50 t fldgens Bros.. Chilling and 1No'S . furnishings,