HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-14, Page 7• July 14th 1904 G. 0. Maacecto,rt lioniesedkers 13ANKER. 60 Day Excursions hpaile. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS et-*RANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - . Winnipeg $342,00. Mowbray, Deloreir.e„ •Souris, Bran - den $ef.50. Lyletoe, Ienore, Ogle Wa- • Wanea 3..00. • • liinecarth, Mooseenin Arcola $31.5o. Este:van, Yorkton 833.00, I Regina $33•75. • Alimeejaw, le' a-piste:le Swan River 834.cx7. Sast itteen -1'r. Albert 83fenn. Alm Loci :eel:etc. Calgary tb38.56. .Riel Doer $39.50. beetle:pea e4(7.5o. Oehie, June tetb, -3lIt3t and .litIv 19. Returning until Aug. 5t1, 29111 and • Sept.20t1:, respes:ti vely. Tent:et:4 are eta pine OU elieperiel . Limited," Paste hees and full parlteulars from any Ca.eadien Facile: -Ag.':, oi .A. •II. Nutmeat • '12.oronto. (Successor to Air. Jpents Scott.) • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. URI:DC/NE, BARRISTER, SOLI 1 OR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ,ETC. OFFICE -Sloane 13Iock- CI(INTUN- HENRY BEATTIE BARRISTER, SOL :CITOR,' ETC ales e tees to take lewd:tete 7/1 ollice formerly occupied by Mi. 11. et mein), whooping: ceush and colds :. .1 antes Scott., in Elliott block , , eta Vepeenesoletteetbeir brentbe it. AIONEY TO LOAN. • RIDOUT & 11A141." eonveyauters, Comm•issiouers, Real . Estate Ulla Inserance. Aeency. Money to Loan. C. 13. liAT,g JOHN DRS. GUNN & GUNN • • Dr. W. Gtion L. R. C. I'. & I,. R.C.S. 1•;3li1tletrge. ••. Dr. .3 Nisbet Gun) et. R. C; 5. ling, L. R.. ie. 1'. Louden - Night calls at frout door uf resitlense Sate:Maury street, opposite Presbyterian church. OFFICE- Ontario street ,CLINTON. • d • • • DR. SHAW - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOIsf. . • OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON: Opposite St. Paul's. cherch. -.'• f.r W. .•11.101111'SON . • IIIVSICfAN ..AND SURGEON:. '817eeia1 attention git ee to diseases '01 the Eye, ear, Nose and 'throat, . • -Office and. Resideece-- .• • A.1.13ERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. eurut (31 RattenburySt. • DR. 0. W: MANNING SAIITkl. • , PHYSICIAN ANI) -SURGELIN. • ()nice formerly ' uccupi.x.1 by pr. In.ter 012 Alain stret.l. ••• , . • BA eTIELD, •- •-•• ONT • • • DR. . AG N I 'eV, • D EN TIST. " .0flice adjoliong 1111.t3) Gal:try. open `•--+ • • 4.• every day 3.n.1 hat ,r,„ay ei112.14 10 0't 10a. CLINTON, • • • • • ON 1,. .0. 'eke eel' 1.10laltitee, . opt:elev.:A e. . leen. ,,,,t. ..laige . 11 ofk. .11. D. S.--3.1-...t.......Le i.,. ‘,.0.-I1Oya1 itig-e 01 Dtittat • , sergeuns te :ulnae..10. ." . . L. 11. 6.-F i i st class . honor gieduatii (e Dental. Department •te . i...,..i.e.e. a u ill% eisay.. • .. .... , . -Special atteetion• paid to 1....eserv.etion ' ut chtleren s . teeth, . .. . . .. • Will be at tee ,Itiettr licit], ' Bey•eeld,. every Slummy lrout 10 kt,. 111 ' 1.0 i) J. FIthEINI AN VETERINARY 8CRGEON... • 24 member of the Vet...rel.:re.' ele,lital Aseoe at i 01 1,00(1011 /1.11I1 Ettin- b tire and t1e...01itar7 io 3. eterinury k.oLege.: • , • 0F1. -13.E- 1Lir.,n street, ••••elel•NTON., Next to Lummercial Hotel I'lione 97 • , idarria ISSUED 13Y ••• • J. B. Ruinbail Clinton niparetiefir.fejegiiiinfellartil-etirelEtOtletiki . • • ••• ".... An • 1)R. 01;1...S 01? I.()NI)()N s. lLic . IL,, Surgeon, Oeitlist,. i-ipecitt;ist,- le, Lit Dist:tows of ltye, her, eose andetee eel 1 111.01..1., VItiilts Llinton'itiontl.ly IN 5ILI' int let C,I,A1.4SES P(OPERI,V 1.11.1141) tee lei ' . ail tAti, N'asal tie Caterh aetiss se treated. .. k- ite • • 1.11 •,_.tj I,on(lon (Mee 225 Queell'S Ave. 1,?.., Lit • • . i[.!_li 611 Clinton ()11.ce Cottibit'S I)rug IN I.Ni Store. - • •kki j liot es 8 4. III. tO 4 i),... 211, nat. lig t1,7?„1 CR of e isi te-Teesdayse-Fele e, Int ,171 Mar. 1, #I.i.r. 29, May 3, May lee :Lei 31, Juni: 28, .1 My 20, 1e.pt.,(4- 4....j Oct. 4, N ob. i, Nov. 29. • , , el • tn.] • • if • teMersife...elatneitelf2EtiNfegetlee• Till1119. it vintsi.z.rturz,O...ma,ravaloAca.e..-0,,,,eaRt,..., i. _ . THREE GATEWAYS TO TIIE WEST . . Sipeee '1 u 1c,stt1iwcst Lind IAA the new eleetrie-liehuel train of the Utica - go, Milwaekte. ,Nt Se• t eel e it 1 W.t V', 1148 11(4:11, places in servIsc,. Chicago Kansas City, tie: eisul rely otters tho best of train services u. l.11e WeSt 11- r411g11 three important gatewo.vs-.--Kati- saS City, Oninlia. anti 'St,. -.1'4.111.' • • The. Pioneer Chic:age> to St. Paul end ' 'Mi3L1e:35.1.0es 111, ytais -been the most- popular- .1.33111 l335tiei.11 these. eities„ •The Overkeid 1 Imittel, Chicago to ()melte auci.so.v is il(, 302.81.1u1.1)138•01. .t.rains tbroegh • ()nettle. The Southwest fenifttel., ClItieeeo to Kaneite City, witl: its .41E1,34:V.1 i 711 compartment slee.pers,. lihrary :observe, ticn --ears end 'other, eicellinit • equip- offers.•-travelera ta• •ehe west better yseryice..tlata ;eq. 11.1,Nre111. to fore en:need, in: eeti eteneu las •peov.ed 2secteis54 • from its iteitiel tetp.-A.• "3: •Tatlor, 'C., PI, •• s kiug..,13ast-1,0010.0.••••• . .• • ..- . ffititual Fire • Insurance. Oornaanu _F....n 41141 'Sol:(Ll:Ca 'AMU Prpperty--, ,12111y . OFFICER. J. II,• McLean; Preeichett, • .11.7lesp. f). ; .• Thos.: Yrtiscr,: •Vice•Presitleet„, Br:Act:field P. 0, T: -Treasurer,. Seaforth P: 0, • • . •.• • • . DIRECTORS. . • . , William. '811esite.., .'9:3•etalorth' ; Jblin Grieve, Winthrop ; • George Delee. Sea-. -.1(irtli , • :leen \Vett, Ben:teethe, Ilrodliaga n 3 atiles'Evans„ Ilcecliwood .; .• mites' Ceetwl iy; Clinton. • -• ' • AGEAT'fS. '• -• : • . . .. • • • .• • . Robert ,IIerlock. ; . E. Iin- ehlly, Staferili ; „Tames Cute:wings, 1.4enondv111e .; . J, W: Yee, Itelines- . viIIc.' . e'. • • - • . l'erties • desirous to .effect insuraneo oftransact tither • buitneSs. will be promptly ittteieledeto on .applicaiien Lo any Of the,- abOve 'Withers eddreaseil to thcir respective pOitallicei... :Lessee. inspected' by the eirectorwho ;lives ittareet the , scene. ..• . , • . . . I • ' TIME ',TABLE. 1 rains . will .al•rive• ,at and ,depart ,depart•I front Cliaten auttitin aS :folio -tee : •• . • .. • . •. . 13:O1 ALO AND OODERICII.Drir.., Cloing East ExPless 7.38 31 312 3.23 •.1)'.11). Goiiig East 5.20 p.m. ' Going West - 1o.a.ni °ping _Mbet Exprtss .. 2.65, p.m. 31 n r• arrive 6.515 ease 6.40 't • " " . • 10 32 p.m. .LONIMN, HURON AND prtue.ii;DIV (loing south Expi'ess ,747 •" !' ••• . 4-15 Pen. ". North EePreSs, 10,1331.01, • • 5.3,-; A...0. .PA rrxsox, Station Agent. It:.I1()PG.I.',I444, l‘Cwti Ticket Agent.' .7. 1). MACDONALD, Distriet. l'assee • • ' , ger Agent, Toronto. „:. cee• ,Cook's,'Cottait.Root Compound... • ladles' Favoette, .0-5.-) re the entlY safe, reliable •-ee regulator on which woman sesel, can. depend "01 the hour. and time of need." " • Prepared In two degrees of Strength: No: 1 and. No. 2. No,1.-For ordinary cases is-.'hy far tho .best dollar / • medicine known. • . .No. special • ce5e5-e10 ' _degrees Stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cook'scofion Root oomneend. Take no other as all pills, Mixtures and imitations ate dafigerous. No. 3. and No. 2 are sled arid ?commended by ell druggists in the Do- minion of Caneda. Malted to any eddrest1 on receipt oprice and four 2 -cent postage etarilDS. . Cook Clompany, wiltdater, 041le . . r and No, 2 are sold in Clinton by Watts St ec,, II. Contlie,' R. In Reekie J. llovev, dritreists. .• zUPPINCOTTS t: MONTHLY MAGAZINE • A FAwilLY LIBRARY , The Hest In - Current Literature 12 COMPLE,Tic NOVICIA YEARLY MANY SNORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON' TIMELY TOPICS $2,60 PEN VICAR: 26 OTC A COPY, NO CONVNUEO STORNE8 1pfgAle NIMISICA COMPLICTt IN ITS[Li . -04 SO YEARS, EXPERIENCE Tnneg IV1Aftits DeGIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending a aketee and description may tummy ascertain our opinion free whether an invention IN prohawy patentable. Communion. tionsetrIetlycoundentee. HANDBOOK 00 P33(011(S Rant free (Meat n enter for securing atents Patatita taken t Irougli Munn X Co. recelve begat notice, without charge, hi th/ A handsome!? IlItteretted weekly.. Largest or - mention of Any a01014,1114 Inornal. Tarbia.$3,4 year; four months, 0. Sete by nu newsdoniers. MONR & CO 3°Ini°adwaYt New York emus 00100, 625 Pat., Wasbington, C. • acyteiesteasemeeentione . . Laver% Y.2 ('Wiso tread Misinfectant Reap Powder s better than other soap powdera, 31(1.8 60 a do,ii.fc.k.teza, aa The Clinton rIQws-Record DESIRES TO LIVE HERE ••••••••••••••••••• PROBABLE REASONS FOR COMING OF OUR NEXT GOVERNOR-GENERAL . ••••••••••••••••••••• Xarl Croy a Serious -Minded Man With With d 11 G d X k Found It for UP Rev, James Allan, Superintendent of )(Restores, spoke at the weekly tler Lord John Ruseell. If there is anything in heredity, Cenadkt may well have high hopes of Lord Al into' successor. NEW ONTARIO THE GOLDEN. Beautiful Wife -Ras Something of the Duiferin Capacity in lffini,-Bleh Deyend the Dreams of .A.varice-Has Drifted* Thirst for Work tem.) Some Crest reo- luncheon tA the lifethodist Young . • 11111.1..teas , 1.111,11 , STANLEY'S •GARDEN mooeL. Itmilteler of the T0111011141 41111(101 •Journey Ja search ot Llyingsmoo tiit guru of Uld T1410 o the Toy. The countryside Iudiant with, furze bloom ell WALK the little vil- lage of Piriaight, and aurae here; on 4 slope of plettsant couutry, is Furze t•otattry seat of the late Sir IL M. Huntley. The great ehploree ehose well his retreet during tinlust your a his aCtiVe and adventurous 11fo. The Alen's Association of Toronto. Ile genitors. Earl Grey, who, it is announet, will succeed his brother-in-law, t o Earl of Neto, as G.overnor-Gent ral of Canada, is a serious-minded man, With a beautiful wife. He is.Just the sort of admieistralor the I.:latish Governatient might send out in troublous times; there is something of the Dufferin capacity about him. Just 'why his Lordship in the riping times of peace should care to eccept an ollice is not apparent. He has Wealth 'beYond 'the dreams of availce, and has held high positions before. In default of any likelier explanation Wo might as well assume that his - Lordship, who has been in Canada before, likes the eountry, and de- sires to live here, The Man and the office. Although the Wee of Governor- General is a mom shadow so far as . execueive power ls concerned, It cart be made important •I1 occupied by an important man. Ring Edward is 0. constitutional monarch, but 11Q has made himself the most powerful per- sonality in the British Empire, Lord DulTerin was a G.overnor-General with his power- strictly limited, and .yet his thumb -mark is plain on many a. Page Of our history. • His auccessors• exereised influence social rather than politieni, and •.Earl Grey should be able,. to wield the 'social 'sceptre. •wIth success and distinction. Ile is not •a sportsman like Lord Minto, so we need not •ex- • house is a ilno mansion of brick, said that. New Ontario was practic- stone faced, ef a fashion something ally discoVered Milo or tea years ago Elizabethan, and about it are spun - by American capitalists. They found ions geese lands. By contrast with Sault Ste. Marie a place of unrival- the aching sunlight and the blight - led possibilities. With Lake Superior ing heat of Africa, it itt paradise in as a mill -pond, and the water fall - at ring -fence. - But the man who clIs- 'covered Victoria Nyanza and spoor - ed the Congo to its source, could. not forget the wadi( that gave Inie. 1'481%0.; in the garden -reaches below the house he had the ground laid out. to „keep Africa in mind. Air. Muir - bead, tire steward of the estate,' cav- ing twenty feet, power wa,s ed. The next thing necessary, raw material, was found in abundance. Since then the country has forged ahead. Over the height of. land wee 16,000,000 acres of clay loam, the equal of the best land anywhere. It was covered with barest, but the forest was no longer a discourage- ment to the settler. It was an ate trection, for there Was a good mar- ket for wood. The Hudson Bay fish- eries would. rival those- of the Atlan- tic. The' world's supply of nicicel was. in New Ontario. This great, country . would soon be accessible. Hudson Bay afforded a short route to the old lann for a limited time, ed out the a ork, following tho map to which Sir Ilem•y added ditch -substantial areas I I , an now a, m n - ature Congo drowses in a ben of eement through Englikh widen% oods an0 a winding pate between haw- thorn and dog -rose leads one to a. tmeniner-house .on the •topmost crest of the Mountein of the Moon. .and transcontinental railroads would . Wliat this dwart Congo lacks in. 'soon annihilate distance. Tbis would breadth it rua•kes • up in &fah. . Iie give easy access to the arkets of the middle of its widest pare -I -where a drawback. Wit new electricity from shore, to shore -it is .12. feet, 7 tee world. The absence .f coal was the mighty eiver is -a citizen yards ',could be. usedefOr smelting ore of all deep, There has been no slavish ad - kinds and up ' there, where . water herence to geegrajthical detail h the power was so abundant, electric &Signe that was Impossink• from, the. smelting, would, no deubta soon. bo first, through the eature of: tho : established. We are 100 ye.aes. be- ground and the size of the original; hind tho States as rega,rds • piepula- and the Congo of Pirbright. runs tion. OUr position, now is where the atound half an acre of island, which States were at the beginning of the 7,110 spring loth- tuenecl into a thicket. ; nineteenth century. • A boy of ten •of young "green, • ' • years would. never overtake his brn- At- one place, the Congo turns into •ther of thirty M• years, but he the Zambesi and its tt• -fleet's thunder SHE SELLS HER SKIN. ono London Surgeon Ras Bought Over X200 Worth From iller Mr taint- ing --And There Aro Others. It. may not be generally known that there is at the present time a regular tragic in the selling and buying of human skin, said a her- geOn in one of the big hospitani to a writer in 'rip•Bits. We have on our books the names and addresses of many men and women on whom we can rely for several square inches of cuticle when the necessity arises. These patients, if one may call them so, are by no means among the poor and destitute, as might perhaps, be supposed, but are people occupying an averagely high niche in society, young a,nd, of course, • absolutely healthy, There is one young lady front whom we have bought from time to time over £20(2. • worth of cuticle, and who manages to make a very respectable income by disposing of her fair • skin, for she supplies other surgeons besides ourselves. Only tho other day we had to per- forin an operation on the throat of a young • and beautiful leader of, ciety, whieli was bound to leave an ugly sear :unless we could obtain I. three square inches • of absolutely . healthy cuticle; Without our • know- ledge our patient advertised in a niodical paper for the reqtrit'ed amount .of skin, °freeing £20 per • square inch,. She received between 400 to. 500 replies from teen and wo- erten in all classes of life, Deal, for- tunately, • brought them to me .to :select from. . • • Ctiriously enough I had not opened half a dozen before I recognimed the haudwriting of the young lady from 'whom we had already obtained 80 much cuticle, and 1 at once advised our cur patient to accept her • .offer, which .she .did,- The • operation of skin-graftieg • was a perfect succesa, ,no one, to :look at the fair petit Grey Cups at the 0, -J. 0..meet- cotild easily outstale hiin in Intel- over a, nye-foot ,eolierei-e ------.. . throat of the beautiful woman we ing. If, however, there .-should be lectual and physical nower. -While intitation of the Victoria Falls, , had eperated. On, week) believe that an unexpected political 'Storm, -Earl. the VnIted states' population in- ; When Sir. Henry wits in residence, , a. knife had aver been telex it. • • Grey will be a -capable man at the . creased 14i thnes in the. nineteenth 'wheel. . • . . .. •century, • Canada's • in.creasee 82e there were canoes and a punt on this , safiryouatent11(15ruienst; 0. off flecsobtat'siesseuoth. orecopilTreesti. in . , .z..0 0 ) ) 0 . wat(r, and the youngese members of g. to -day 41 £'iOO k ( ,. i.)3.1, or Ile PtibIla House Trust, . . . • • .times. • .. . . Earl. Grey is best - known an. the • - . ... . . , . ,. .........i. .tit1hiligiegtflittleltliriliillyi.d.ultvirk. thole tern at spiv,. ;Cannot •bo obtained from -one person, • aonfd cttitit; and theta 'have been occasions ellen • .... ly three-quarters of . our entire na- founder • ot the Public House Trust, y0ftoth•then. e°'11.1rot" . . , . . Ito* she pot Even. which. aims ..to control . the retail • A good •• French•-Crina.dian story . witted on the Mountains of the Moon. liquor 'traffic of ItIng•land, and eiiiiii-. : • front the l'ioYinve ef Quebec js- re- . : Iligher .up' in. the grounds in Vice ; beim used by =Ilium; risila ti,,711131:11tellf:i;Ajtrilltii‘18er• 111,a; thtir children- while ticoes.:mliennnr•of1f yccIlitis; I turliell by :ogle, awl I Teta by 41. eicic 1.'hild still. 'ring and crying with pain of tatteig teeth rend ; at onee and it a bottle c'i "Aire. ) Whiskey's- Soothing Syrup" ten! child -- ren teething. It will relieve •Lhe po-or little sidlerer immediately. Depeed ttpen it, mothers, there 15 no mistake about it. It elites Diarrhoea, reett- . lates the fetoniach and Bowels, cures Wind Corte, softens the GUMS, reduces luilanntiation and gives tone end ea - 'orgy to the whole system. ',,Mrs. Wilislow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female. pliyeicians and • tuirs-s in • the Un t ed Stetes. Price 25 cones a bottle. sold by all drug- . gists throughout the m,orld. lie sure • and ask •fpr "Mrs. Winslow's NoO1.11, lug Kyrup," .4•••••• RISS AND FALL. OF CONSOLS. something About a ..Va.vorItO Vorm t'of Eng. • 1141.1 Investment. Consols form a. very acaurate meter of our national life, says The -London Daily neve.. When trade la •-• good, and ,the general outlook .hope- - ful, the price rises; when the retina seems unsettled, either • cinnuierelady . (re 'politically, it falls.. . At. the eminent' of writing, owing . . to heavy municipal loans and a vane. iety of "other - causes, the price. • •of . • Consels is titan it bas been for thirty-eight years. . Like, many ether terms timed on the . Stock :Exchange, where'. t 'and. . words teee preekath, "Consols:" is a • ehently . abbreviation. Just as thee • War Loan .is known as "Khakise1 • • and 0,111.1111 London Beltway ,shares are" Called "Tubei;" . so 'Nonsols" ig 31 colloquialista for: Consolidated An- • nuities-a fund • wItith dates -from : • 1751; -By • a statute. pasreed. in that • ' yetie .a -variety -of Government- stocks were thrown into. one fund; consist - we have' had. to requisition ,every • •A ProPortion of .thia..,vast anan and woman on:our books before amount is, howeVere "locked up" -.- securing theeneedful• quantity of .cuti- • • that "ire to. say, purchased b,,to • nate matte .of its •unpleasant Water- Tee torte Nyanza, .a fine sheet of water,. - g young- -.hilted • ••lny ,e, • corresporident • of . es, So • far the trust. has 130 licen- : fenin Wbence iSSues, as :is dile and. breught into the. hospital with 'half • ' • as a peeniant•nt investment, bringing Boston Trenecriet: Louise Lehlaiie. in a fegularincenie, and Min" a cent- , ses, and .year by year the .number is • . ts•as engaged to •inerrY.Joe. Belaire, •,nretPer, the River. Nile. A`' bridge , ,bis face terribly scalded. When 'it, Paratevely :smell -aliment • is usuelly inereesitig: Etteh peblic house run but they quarrelled about politics. - atians the. lake, and there are boats was healed We knew there would: be availablt• for negotiation; As in tht. by the trust is nutdo into a mini- ' Ife was a. Bleu' she a Rouge devot- 00,1t, and :in this' alonel the Congo.. at, vely disfiguring sear unless skin- . . . ease af . other stocks, the •pi•ice per .tittire•botel, and is not a mere drink.... -.itself draws its water front Victoria. ed to Laurier.• .IIer• enOther ,tried to • tag.. 'saloon.. Non-alchelic' . betaie ages ann :more solicit refreshments. • induce her to marry hire. But no... NYneett. • 'Ibe :whole :scheme cost a are served, as: Wq11 as the ordinary , • love for Joe • Louise admitted she'. was...siek "With ' vei•Y•laree. sum, tted Wile 'an ideas ie. but '' She ;could :not, ...wiecle 'Stanley' • himself • • took • • ehe .t p. .. . t,,t..d as a peptic pet et. rise, is nontlec . change hoe Politics, 'and . she would .:.greatest•.interest, : .110. spent many an • . .... . belie, epirits and . wino. :The whale ei1-. nuirry. him uniese he woted efteention, atom" -. - -c 0 it e, 1 . 10s. The' other. extreme wits.reachect • . , t for:private gains. ... . . .. • iiieimiso to vete for Learjet.; • "As ..:er in eennalnY with his Wife, in the • chants"' were .• suntin•pned, . and . from in .18.06„: whoa it rest: to.. A:al.:3 .1.7e: trust -and no , • . . ThIrst for 'Work. •• ' • .• told . by it '-• Mutual" friend Of , Louise' :femme:I.-bons° 'on -the Afouritaine of • •the :arms 'of each weetoek 'a .ceetein Despite. his temperentei sempathiesaI. .-.. and Joe:. '`JOe Wee,' one of tho'ste :.tlet Moon.- • .Fiana ••iltere • tee' Whole • amount. Of 'Mile, the half-do.zen sup- '6°''' •••• ''' - • • •,..e . ... .. . . . . . • he. enthe management 'of - onr Earl Glee( epesseesee ..e.the hereditaiY• : 'Consbreateurs so bteu:' dat ythetive' •• ' of :inc. eitiben'a be and costly • toy can BlViitg • eufileient -,te. cover tile wound • - • • -of 1.10. 1151 ' Ilritish, aristocracy,".. ' 'nee. Wash "htte 'oft 'The (.3 - • d • ' • Ure.trie to. • • be Seen ad ..•t ' • • -• • .• d' ' -1..ft, - a th • • "Of ),1 ' 1 1 1 ' •t1 , a 1 te cintous an not, a -• e o • c e 1 1 a c the c , sy te softie:In empties)). tvith.ttlin enst "of the . • thirst . eetiorial debt, is witted ein. the Batik ••:• bat'. it 'is:a:rel.:dent for' *work.. . Sir get, .hiin to promise as LoUise 'Wish- .• .111 tieepathetie ets think that the 111(121 - scald., The "I 1(1.1.300 was a: tedious • of i.:ingland, •Nellien . acts • in 41)..is !•e- • :..' . Ii_enry 111ak'' ' of ge, 131en,. lo '3 ;tell -do • Care,' :'who bored a road thi•ougii t lie Moak." :•.; 600,- but ...peefectly •Sticcessful;:.,,irid• •.. sp,,ct...t-t#:,the agent of ,the eleyerne • ....... •• .: t Kong,. speaking on' this ---------------------------------.int,.. once ':Alsiete• tire,' (lees no . US6'. 'for 110Stil.lty: anti tin iniemit _dangers. .of . there is new nothing to indicate that g o, - e•..1 00 varies, according to stipply entl though .the pe tient eves' fartoo poor deitiaittle• t6 pay. !tor the. tisstie, we • t'vere .for- tunalelyeable to draw. oe A special • Foe tho lowest Oleo .011 redOrd:•we • . have t� go • back -to '1797,- •when . the fund which proviees for stieh easee. eepanish : wer.. sent- it• down 'to- 1:47 .. •• . The- bank.' keeps "all, the ae- • --e....• ..e• .. genie "lewd - . Grey . liae taken the the proinise. .I. can't ..chlinge. eny polite_ eit unknown. •cottatry should. derive .. the' lad's. 'closet: has been •Cuilt ; up , --.1-11ent-'• . pleasm.e .by Means- of. channels' : and. • with tie SW' I t ' ti 1....• . • .. .c11.' '. om sec 1 - cotetts and pays it is . a pectiliei..ity :of this fund that • . . • • : -• • . the divIderelse and "..'.., • ' -' ..- • . ... ..., • lead. in operations. agaiitet ouiegreate• quo.: .171yeneettique. dass my principle, e in o s eine 1 est and deudliest toe --the- fee • that 11 „eue my.. principle. dess. any boanvai... • Wends. in an Engliall garden, Coned,- e.feint People. ' • - • 14)ti conquered. W1 Oa moya -thee alt Survey; you :(10-11.t.' ha* 'um for 'foss • . Nile...and • !Zambesi! There 'were nam- - SOMetieleS • Of eoursei• we can ob- • ,. a-. seller,' '..inust • 4-Ltenc1 . at the -banie',......: .,,-.-.,,..:,• • 11. . . • . . the encinieS 03 1111 till ,the • eenturiee . to .. tint:. • ',Atter' 'thet.-..:t11.4.e. Meth& of - es• that. had tile force 'of. •technicalt-. . tele .the ' skirt .frorn tlit• patient him ..e... :nit c..I Ill pe .244 al.. 1)y. ette..ney„ to . , . ... ,... •clue.:k 'and ultimately desteey- the en- Lenfee.she:g.•e0111e• fer .see .the Cui,e-' .•11344 fOi` .11114-th(%y 2.34331 31 a paet •61 hie . • 'shlf.. 1 13.1013(121(1 0113211 . a" ease" when. • .'isign the trenefer• 116(71c: .-Tee•.ametitte$ :es. • • - warn .• SW00p -91 the, • Anglo-.Stixon and ne7e• .week .de: Cure is ge for. see • -- t rieh-end. %rhea ..he had toted theta, I Was • in attendatiete at , the lexeeter. •-• ''''T 'w.erk1-tlitis eaeited is nrteazing;..litte.e.: e race,. • •.'lltat . kie• iti . drink. e * a7; .Louisee Ale's 'spik' long ialun' ‘i,ft3 : Is ' in a de . them im•mhitatere to keen Rye Infirmary..." There . was te yew*. - 'eonie .idelt 'e1. it se yarttnesa niay. • • 'bee-. •••••'-• .A.ckno.wiedgentents ' are .,particularly • , L o u I tee, • till ,he •get •.‘lter: for 'consent '. :by • hitn, •as ert old ' sett eantain. keeps' Man 'brouglit. le who had Met, with a .derived feent. . ten feet Anat. •Piflai .. , :- ' -'• dUe ihis Lordship' for ' the. .• interest eto. be marry, So.. (ley 'vat married. •a: glass -eased • litedel Of his' ship,. : <ateliers 311.1.1(13 31t wherebn he hall bed 'lost- .. .thousands :of the muirterly diYidends. •• ' • -. • tbat • fol. limey yeers he .has. taken in ' But. e'hat was .it af'sieu •cle Cure- 'ton • : -It• *as ' eseentitilly Ilia aleme..- 11 • his left eyelid,' :: The eyeb II' 1 . . ... are for.. eunis like l.3e. pre•-ir.e..• eil:- .." ..' wok her consent, .after You as c a •vi tiger of t ie ma ter you .. cowse, was: . exposed,. . and besides 'These, (15 331.11 as -the larger •amount, '• the -aitairs • of.. the .Itoyal Colonial •In-. ' 4,•intioe, what. -.• ' • .. ' : • I 11 l• t • ' ' " • ' • ' - -stItuto, and I .Congratulate the . ire 'hoe. Moder •'coulde't •inek liere• :• Welt, e•et• a blank :stare. ..."Coego'? - I don't. :being very unsightly ..caused the pa- ' - are. Pitid *: by .p.opt• In. the form -.. .of I 1.:• : •-sti tete- :upon . having such a viceep,re.-• , Sell; ah 11 tot' you .• It wits • lak d is. . know et Otning . about no -COngO,"•• ie •• tient •considerable pain. ' : : • - ' • ' I • * • Rainey' order' .. ol -cheque, maims 'the- indent .as Lord Grey:" ' •-• • - : •Arstett • hi 'Gene. 'he's say; 'Louise, your: answee. "It. e est a heap of The work of " grafting. an • eyelid is . • proprietor •of th(• stock, ..eives ' noeico e • that •he intends to 11)311(0 personal •ap-.' , . . . . . • . • . , 1 1 . n a, .,. a e my. a else. an • . „cowmen ,o to n 3' and • s vett, • se ma a -, . • • ' t f .t1 • ot eas d i • 'Id .'t . : . . . • . An emperiai rederationist • : • •• - 11 01 ' e f ni t. lc d •' '• • inoneir," is first IlisiLoedship is' an 'aCtive -Iniperial- - Inarry Joe ••Delaire.• :You .krion, he's • • „ , men on, the • •entate; and it is only ' .•tertanted in England.- '..However, De. • . A Olati.021; • • .. , • • ; ... • '." • . • , '' qt. .: . •Federationjst, . as ...hie ..'r ecere • will ' .. love you good 3111' • strong,' . Yee ,tiros.e with' 1113(1 31 hand in 'Making:it ,,TOsswollaep. • well-known • eye.,spenial- ' . -...ManY y.ea,rs ago •Consols •paid eight."...•' ,• e shOw. ' 77)8 101.13115,5 an. the•stibject ' • know yoins lioye...11101. jus do -Stone: ' Who. knot . welch is corige and which. , let • in• the •• .WeSt of ,Eilgiandae....deter e.,- .• Per cont, entetes.te• This- kat° grade- . ' : • ,htive• 'been mtpressed in the TolloWing.' . laic . dat, .Yeu *marry him •tind--1 %.,ill. . is Nile. •••It •has •eaught no ,geogeapbe , iiin0d to :make' the' atteinnt, • eatia,• • 'alike .deCreased. and ., in.; :irlf38' Mr.- • words- on' the occasion of ie public - hask labor) Wee 'for , blesseyOur Mare • . (I 11(1, 31303360(1 310 local jetere'ete. : It••• -.taking •yerieue niinete. portione • of' ' 'Obsenene reduced it ete .2",:i. and -See '.'... • ranged for- . a: 'fiiithei• reduction .. to .....: •dinner at • Which hq . preposed elie, riage.. I will 'pray God to 'give -'3itetz.. , was Stanley toy; 'his nionnente et ' skiri 'froth the netient's Stria stitched le hig'e. health before . the. coronation ; 7.7." big family; Also • I. will peak dat .. 'deys• wlum. • he • carried lives in : his. ;them' id. whit .reinained of the eye- 4 1-3 in 1003. -That is •Why Conseds : , "Wu will: receive . this toast with en- all eou children be boys ,• • Den , 'yen •hasels tied • pushed the . hordces of W. ' ..The opera.tdon. was.• a .fetirfully :ere • . Soinetimee faCetiouslY . called- •,. ' . thaeinstn, not only ' 'beCeuse• of our.: .• ;can. •bring'•:de "whole . lot hup to 'vote, 'civilization further and furthtli ..t. • • painful one - but the; • • thtlent.•Stocid • • • .. apex "Goschens." ' , •• : . • ' " • - ••' • ' •'"-' • : "........- .: ...., . • , • It excellentlY," and ire tight 2.2.321.1(5 • . -.• ' • • . • .: e e. . , .. • . devotion .to. his ,person, but because . for Latirier.i., : Se 'she niarried Joe : • • 1. • .FLOIIENC " NIGHTINGALE, •• • • • ' • .•-• - ' . ' • .' ' -- . i- our. StiVereign. Loid. the Rieg..18 the Belaire. And-, :. begeshe dere :eves .. .. ' • • ••• ••• tante sufnment slue ...40id. beee; grafted - •:•• • . • • : `.7'01".'eN°- Would . • .. • .. incarnation of our Empire, the vis-. • levies two tahm rennin! alroaay, ee • • • • • ' • . •• to enable the 'sufferer to close r. ealileordrinthgat6a.ttil of the Baroness BurtletteGoutts it •-is • one 1 ntiehnt tee tiht • bw.iartsl,teduarY... ible enthodiment of :ehose widely 'and dey's hall beysf" . • The noble woman of whom •Long-- °Fen: kis °Ye 7vith considerable . . seattered intereste whice, though ex- • • fellow wrote th • I • th 't f ea it3i- • e • nu s 0 e • reported that the great Duke: • isting eveey pertien of the gliibee' • ': ‘‘,Like.a stne,S Sheep:. ; hes ',lust passed " Ypt• . eighty-fourth • TO ,giire. feiv iaches• kir). :does • rently: repo • or Wellin ton anted her for wife. - ' • liirthday, having outlived alinOst all g VI - tui smce her work in the. bosjittal 'T'f't -!•''' '•' enet regtilre ireey; leech, ceuratene.the parts of thaeaetli to. pit3i eheir .loyel. of Cahada, told .thein by an Englieh world., fete to the victim. b(1.1n0g Ipslalcled9unede the Eitipire Will assemble from :all . this historic year, wheri the 6i. ..011,,ttieir ' wey . to St.. John.' by.. an of • the Ci•ime 1 h • • - f - • ' ea:awing' Story of "British ' ' ...• ' ' ignoi ance , throughout. -the - . 17•31704sh"Peakiilg e . nue e ti &mous e • ...antil Apse Artgela, Buttlett-Coutts . de-. zerved te he a deelie,SS," not that - I• . ., : . and .nteroted honiage. to Ante Ring,. cOmmercial traVeler,. who wet a fel- L f 11 ' • . ter that the 'patient on :whom. the ong e OW, in it nete, seye: ' At • • . • ' . . • though curiously: enough, it is bet- • c'' 4 e.- - g . 1 he influence of • ether • if desired, •vhat- the• fatnotte Soicliitr, said .172iss , her one ....n Itharin • • • ' the chi( featere' which will arrest. : low -passenger • . on the train from Pisa the Chute:It of San Franeleco • . -v uld • In k • ' n Burilett-Coutts reintti'ked .qUietly, "T . • the steikingt evidende .of ho • neW bo tips. ue is seo •ne .e.rrafted. sit?' Aid the 'attention of. the World will . -he , Montreal. Only two . years ago, Elmo-- con tains. a chapel dedicated letely to • ,min.k Ills. ceraee: should have 'said : • : . Santa I ilomena;• over. the altar. he a a operated on while e,wake, - e . - o 1 , eould- instead of .iVcioild." ther English ""commeecial " who had • ' • strength Whith has growe to vigor- aftei etTc. s . et amount to vet y tt e, aro.' Vet. fonessea• within the .-protect- • . . .. • ome. of the delegates to the Pres- her eontern )or-arlos It la half a vete-. When tho rennet reached the W ter - g c lc of th . . byterian Assembly woke entertained ' I idea :beine; far **tree than the actual e titt• Ile •*ci er • bj et- too hero he 'Made *this .2 comment: • "I•• in •irc • e _British Crown ' not only Canada but Australia 31110 South Africa in his round, decided to do his two rounds in one, and on arriving in leancouver, took ship for Australia. He had left a largb (Plan- bus maturity dering the feign of tho place from which e skin has picture by Sahatelli, representing the . To Polish iblooieuln, Queen.Victoria, ahd.which rejoices te eltattillk down • from heaven, attended . " •vaccination mark' inimediretely after . . . . -... •BeesWat. and turpentine' polish -for .- • place .itielf. at.;the. dispesel of Ring linelenm Is hard" to 'beat as 'far as its • by two angels bearing the lily, palm the le Edward. '4)- .* * it la the hope .of and jairel in *and ' bent.a 1 h : in. the fore- . ' wl 0' enter appearance is cOncerned, but it has one. His IVIajeeter)(e. eubjeets: in all parts 'Of . course, some patiente i saint a.g a beautiful nymph-lihe (noire I been •taken'being about as sere ae• a • • tity .of We samples in -.Toronto, and grourid, the Wel( and. niaimed. Whit are -the hospital •.for the purpose, of un- defeat. It ceuace slipperoiess, which. after m.alcingtile. trip round e tho. • healei.e. lay ' , 'her •Intercession.e-airsdergoingSkin-grafting have nitlilY ' thaybeoo'PvlA very •daapg9eiatis titN.lioyelheihha idiensn-endo world, came back to• • Tbiante . to • 'Jarneetan• Sacred and Legericlary, lib. ' friende who are only ton willing to : • oldp e .• - • "Pick- them • Up" -ere returning to II., 298.. • - '• , • . • -, • • : supply " the needful itlaterial; ,. and ..such objection IS Made ot.equal. parte ' Eitgland, :Ine m . theantime; daetriten ring • .. e.. • . , e•er a tioble deed Is •wreugh' twhee they al healthy we allevv .,. ' • . ' of Reseed, 'Oil and Vinegar. ' Apply n ..les absenee, a 'big Vancouver• firm •weeleeesp r • is oken a Mello thm •oughte - 'the. to .•make the .siterifice. • No one, little to a flannel cloth, ruhlt Well on •• had written ice tlth travelees; fir in ill • . • Our hoarts in glad slit prise however, , need ever eitici bay difliculey.- •- • . .. I it ' the linoleum and poIls 1 ev b a clean - - London, England, • asking partieulare : To higher. levels rise. • in obtaining as !Mich cuticle is he or • 01 thn'worl4 that elle reign' .of King Edward. May witness before its close the crowned. completion • of that Im- perial Federation towards 'which- the 'tendencies of an; irresistible evele- tinn.are •hastening the Empire." • Settled a Rebellion. ' :Apart' front. his • activities in tem- .peeance and Imperial I.:etiolation cir-. cies, Canada's: next. Governor -Getter- • . al le hest known as the administra- tor ot Ithodesiti 'during a very, ery- g. Period,,; -Earl Grey ,succeeded Cecil Mode's 111 tele position ; and was in • charge When the 'ugly Alatabele -war broke. tette.' l'Or the cninparatively small loss of life. 'which •.ensued the ga Pent ry of • tee set tiers 113 respon-: genie, • but • to the atiministraeor C.0 131)31' is, owed' the gretitude' for thewisdom. ahd tact which hattened petio,* and secured it permanently 41. 300 once' rettehed. Ever since, hiS .1.ortiship has taken an act VO part in the atanagement of tho 4puth Af- rica:Company, the greatest corpora- tion in the world, and is at the pre- sent time one of. Rt moet sagacious ditectore, Thatinguented A.neestors. -Though the- Greys, 33.8 pehs, *are • merely a promising young family of a certain lina of goods of which yrne tidal waves of deeper souls they proposed takieg a small quan-... Into otir Inmost being rolls, • • tity. The London firm, lel-Lowing that o And Wm us unawares their traveler would be back in To- • . Out of -all meaner 'tares. ronto; wrote him there, remarking, n ..• • • • d sa y EL • 11 • she requiem so long as they can pay - • . . . . . • • • for • it, for there ale. thoesand.s ' of ' •-.•. - . • , • , • people Who: would gladly part- with • ' The Matchmaker. • • , as' much skin as • is coneisteut with : Itis 'a e Onnnen tbing• to'llepreente a • ' f t • t prices as low as one shill- 'Woman for being what is celled In . "As •yoe are. in the country, you' . onor to those whose wet* or common parlance "a matchmaker." • 4. • And by their overflow . • . . ing ehe square inch. .. negett eall• on Messrs, Van.' _ • "Thus help us In our daily neede,. .butlf sbe possesses tith.neeessary qual- couver. r1 impressioe eeidently noise UR front • Was that 'Vancouver was n. few' -eta- Hone up the lime '"Weeii. he got backe home and told 'them he. Was nearer 74111(104 121 Toronto' then he was to Vancouver, they looked at him like a stuck sheep". was the. narrator's ex- prerisive way of describing these very reanuenctoreeneL surprise. Too Ttt3ady Withi. the letilie.• Sir Frederick. Treims, the eleinent England surgeon recently delivered' an addres in which he took the Slew that the knife is used tieo ha- tily in mane! caae-s Of appendicitis., Me Dld Not Dite. 1 There l� a new London story about 1 tempered with the Putidolialde, for Charles Parwin* • 1 ""I`wo Eoglish hove" said MIAS 1. instance, the present Earl, fotirth Of , tee ille,•„han had seine illustrious an- ' Leiter, . "being friends of Darwin, ceetors'. IDS great-grandfather • the thought one day that. they ewould I first Earl, wits ono of the managers play' a, joke on him. They caught a ' of Warren Hastings' trial, a leader butterfly, a. graSshopper, a. beetle creatures they made a strange, corn- i tho debtors' prison, and on re's s ---------------------., Ttoo the centi- : in the motrement for the abolition of. an a con . • , • k death became -SeeroterY of State, pede's body, tbutterfly'es Wings, first Dart Gley was the authot the grasshopper's legs arid the I slave trade in Great Britain and of together carefully. Then, with their - of . the measure which abolished the ‘' I ad and they lued them. another tketich removed disabilities nee/ bug in a box, they knocked at from Roman •CathoIleS and perfnitted Darwin'S door, . them to hold coinniissions in 'the "•'We'Ve cough this bug in a . army and na..vy. Ho was Premier field,' they said. Can you tell Us , . during Wellington's interregnum, and what kind of ti." bug itis. sir?' • : intr in looked at the bu and son, the' second Earl, Will bo foreVer then lei looked . at tho boys. /To 1 e first Ilritish states- . Smiled slightlY, al oduced the first reform bill. Hie "Darw g famous as th Irian 'to entliiii* the „.doctrine that " '1301 1. hum when you eaught it?' • the eolthfies to id be governed for he' asked. ' their Own benefit and not for that of " •"' 'Yee,' they answered, nudging the Mother Country. He held eke el0 anetilr• in M the elbourne Administration and 'Then, SaId Darwin, 'it la c ita gel° ie tine humbuiA,' Mae e ny 9 't 4 •,/ • • • ••••• .4. • • • • • • - • • • • •• • . • • 4 • • • ji f. • 111,1s; thought an by .nIght rotas Of the great army of the dead. The trenches coal mid claim); ••,,.• 1 • 'rite ,starvea and frozen. camp-. . 7 • •5•2.••••• .*rite Nvontalled from the battle -plain . In (livery hospitals ot pain, . • , I 'rile cheerless eorridors„ The cold nue stony floor& •• ", •Lo! in that house of misery -.0 . .A lady with a innip I see . • Pass through tho glimmering glooni, And flit from room to room.: • ea spiliewe Alms In sanftfleri:efirnittlfling4, USN Tier shadow as It falls ' . Upon the •darkettleg walls. • • • / .4,1 If a doer In hotWeit should be .• For the benefit oj those . Who may "exclusive," or ''stuck • op," or who prate about blue. blood, etC„ will 'bo well to• rettfomber that if we go back but twenty. generations; or • 700 years, each'. One of us has 084 516 ancestora, -and is related more or less .closely to at least 270,, 900,000 of our fellows. • Going beck but • a couple of hun- f • 6 cl • lw . I -Opeeed end then clotted suddenly, • The vision tame mid went, . ' tee light shone•and was spente P • • ' I Oil England's nnuals, through the long • noreafter of her 'speech end song„ • ' That light Its i•eys shall dist Prom portals -Of the peat. .0,1 4 ,A Lady with Lamp shall stand Tit the great history of the land, ',V i 4. iffetole womanbood. -;veen • 'Not even Abell be %voting flare I ' I 1 he palm, the my and the opottir, The symbols that et yore, . Saint Pflonietin bore. Mations of discretion and tact she is an almost indisponattble adjunct to ace cial..intereOurso Inny prove the greatest. boon' to lov.ers Who lack time and opportunity to bring their area - tions, to a successful 1st_ jLie. • - • „ deed years utth r, an title ins c o n , our genealogy, we should find that, we have more cousins than there aro ril a ti.7. 11;s-6' a ,,r): &i,t.' (3 e ; ri people in the world, and that on the ae The diserepancy is accounted for by it1Tdd ta:1:11370.7(21; .11:.,-;;;;:,!..f ::,.4t',f t. basis of hot two children per ftunily, the feet that there httee been se •F many CoUsinS as there are people in the world to -day, but are rela,ted to a groat numbor many Vines over: EleSt A Disraeli Celebration, The. Primrose League- in England is making preparetions to. celebrate tho one hundredth anniversary of Disraeli's birth on Doc. At. A noble typo of good -Long f In running strings threugh curtains !hat have been laundered use a safety ,7)111 instead of a bodkin, and the cur- - tins will not tear so readily. ora -m••••••••••••• A. WOO Of ehthols wet iti W41111 wa- *Pe Is the hest thing to tate for wiping .ort mirrors and windows after sweep15- 31 - go.-- -a-46.. To Hang Picture.. When banging pictures people often spoil the r wa ng nalIs hap -' hazard, only to find tile nails bend be. ciltIse they are being hammered against bricks. The right method is to pierce the wall witft a darning needle to find the &erica, between the bricks and then drive in the; nail. TO preserve stair carpeiS put pads of old blankets on each step. Xf there is no store of rtnelent blankets to draw from use several thIckneases of brown paper, Arc CUrodq):, Ofeeetet`..,1 '• Cirenetebrot.. .- Afany.of the CMOS brouIlt abi extraordinary n541191311%1 1-r11ito.5 of I • °Chase's Ohitmont are truly to ' 1.:czeina. , • salt rheum and itching skin tl; Is • to defy the skill of ph: ase bee§ 'thoroughly and 'permanent)/ •treal by De Chase's Ointment, Ms. Intnl Paeeeep, Echo bey, Algeent Ont., writes 1-- "Lest amine I., 1 a r -emit. 7 tore, ngot on the MtL(533(51(533(51nod +.010 re, .t..v get arouta with it. 1t 35.-1 • ), Jst X aver.had ;)nd wonitl 3 p told bleating. Thine.: I 3.0 .1 my metre., it • '1 pitmans they di, loot 1er.111 00 15.3 rite any tee,. 'Dearing about 1)r. Chase's Ointment 1 1-ei. cured a 1)Ux and can Nely ml)' 12. 111(32(1 3315i tssid1 cannot speak too highly of itsevotefe....1 healing power." - tor. Chase's Ointmete, (10 cents a box, at all •cloalers, or leimaneet, Betts te tee, T0101310. To preteenyou Against imitaae .1 the paitelit and signature of Dr. X. W. (2hae., the Emma 'receipt book Authoriare on every box. • lee