HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-14, Page 44
goimoimt iiimimmmimameammor
The News-rPecord
In Published every Thursday at
The NewS-Reeord Printing TIOUSe
Terms al 1ubscription-4j per year in
advance : 111.80 may be charged if
nut st paid. No paper discontinued
until all are -ars are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. the -
ate to which every, subscription is
paid is denoted on the
Advertising rates-, Transient. adver-
tisements, lo cents pey nonpariel
line for rirst insertion and 3 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Small advertisements not to exceed
one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray-
ed," l'Stolen" etc., inserted once
for ss cents and each subsequent iu.
sertion to cents.
Communications intended for publica
tion must, as a guarantee of goad
faith, be accompanied by the . name
of the writer..
To insure publication in current issue
copy 'ot advertisements should be
sent in early. •
Contract rates --The • folloZ-lug---table:-•
shows oar rates for speciliad per-
iods and space : • • .
yr. 6 mo. 3.1110:•1 1110.
. 1 Colunin 570 oo 540 oo 525.60 58 50
% Column 40 oe 00 15 do,. 6 eo
Column 25 00 15 oo 8 00 2 50
141 Column 18 00 10 OQ 5 ao 2 00
Inch 6 00 3 so 2 00 1 25
Editor and Divot it I or.
Hullett Township.: .
Mr. W. .1. Miller re!' .the :int • con.
sold and di livered on 1Corday ta•
Taronte lint) a carloa(i. of three-year-.
(Ad cattle which had an aeerage Wei-
ght of 1 465 potada.• The buyer • said
it was one cf alta.,,best benches . they
(ace .1)cugnt. The cattle N'vere alt win-.
tared by Mr.• Miller who. wi.1 I' knows
to. fa tjlietti fcr th..: Old Country
. .
Mr. P. Reynolds of 111.• sill • con,
sold his four-yea:a:4d driver laStaWeek.
for the tidy suet ef .$2 0. . „.
Mrs. Luke Lawson- plate:Wilt ' . • to
twins, both boys, en Friday teat. .• A.
couple of . weeks previous the of
a brother oil 111r. Lawson's also gave
birth to 'twins, Durrell for :the Law-.
- 110S. .T. Tigl e is on tl) iek liStas
is also Thom Carbert. We •hope there
• . may be a speed recavery.•ia both eas4
Bella Cook returrad lanne orr VOA.
day. • •
• •
Mr. Thomas . Tremiex is &unlit:eat.. to
th house yet. • • • • ,
Miss Gertie Preenieri attendid, • the
lawn social of St. thurela
ton, on Thitraday.- last ..
. Mrs. J n McKl1i Itt,aii.d 'La...Oiler
. visited -Mrs.. Richard'. '.Tasker•. - this
week. ; • . •
, _ .
Mr. Frauces Kettle 'attended the' raca
es at Seaforth on d tv•Cif• haat
week. •
• • .
Wedding bells will soon riag•on the
second, •. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark Visited
at her sister's, .Mrs. Lue :Peacaela'Sa:
last l'etih, •
Mr. James Verga son is: all sinileS , on
account of the- arrival of a •Iittle.. &l -
at. his. place 01.Jtily.: 1st., .
.Bros, have taken.. down t.h.9
barn oh their 41h concession, .1 arm,
movt.d it to the homestead and • Will
convert it. bac, a straw s1i4. • 1..
Mr. George Riley. of. Constance • had..a.
Successful wood bee last Friday ••ir.Mr..
Jelin -Riley's besh. • - . •
Mr; Thomas • Dale has gold 1.wei fite
. -
Mr. John McNeil' has started -10 wo-
rk with Mr. Lae Peeteoek .for the sem;
Miss Sett na. Glaakr Was a .ge.dat •. at,
Mrs. • .Toa- Freeman's last.. ...• •
An enjoyable time. was SpeliCIO4-.the.
Lansing homestead cn. Friday af Leta
noon week when Ma. D.- Leasing
tip swings,. ete., for -his gtandeltildrew
Sydney and Lehi, .who invited in over
thirty a, their 'chains of the yaighbet-
hood and they all -had a. merry picide.
It, may he -.added' that Crandlather
Lansing and •• &tad:Wife, enjoyed
thealselves, just .as notch -as dia.. ;the
children and all .present will long..
member the Ihiminio.' n Day-. of •19o4... • :•
Mr. John Glazier of Loudon -is vis-
iting at 1%1 r. Hoary Freeinati's • •
Miss Bella Ccok is aWay .to-Listotvel
to visit. her -sister, . FlOra.• • •
An increasing-winber it -.the toant-
ship are 'read'ug The NeWs-Reeard
which gives a more ecmplete reecirdof
the happeniaga. of the epletty'tleataalaa•
es any other .paper.. . • . • • • „
Clinton News -Record
14101111111111111101K I I
Auburn. Myth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coupland ef
&Mille were the • guests of Rec. T.
13. Coupland the begianiva of last
Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane of Clinton
were de guests cl •J. Carter last
week. •
Mr. Echlin. if Ihnver, Colorado, is .
the vast al his cousin, Afr. Echlin,
Miss S. Brown of Myth was- the
guest ch Mrs. S: Scott recently.
, Mrs. Win. Pollock and cLildr1.1:Of
Flint,, Mich., are Oat guests, of her
parents, Jr. ar.d Mrs. .L Wiflad.-
Mr. Yolingirlut of Tavistock
Sundayed at his sister's, • Mrs. Letup's,
recently. • • •
Mr.. S. Marshall left for Fort -.Erie
last _Tuesday to spend a fear .weeks
altir her brother, Thomas.
hien-fliers of . the Presbyteriar«. eau-
gregaticin • met at Mr. D. l'atterson's
recently and presented , Miss E. hL
Patterson with . purse containing
thirty-six dollars as a tokeni thew
applaciaticri of ler .services as solo
ewer in the cl:oir. •
, Mrs. Wiu. Pattersan is able • to be
around again after her heal j1css..
• Igr.. A. A s'•with • is citang*.e. niebirg
business with, lus ljterv, iI. has
bought amither horse and i.
' pr. Fcwler, cleu ist of Clial.on has •
'becomity, mit itcre-evehliontlay
and ha.s betn kept mai busy,
I!ir. fitewar.i. of Listowel was • the
gtkst of Mr. Jos. Cumberltrnd last
The early closing by law wilt into
force. a few days age., but 50 Jar some
are na sobservitig tt• very well.
The -remains the late Mrs. la.
Metcalf Sr. were taken front hat' sons .
residenee to the station for the early
train to be deposited ire Mitchell ceme-
tery a, he laid alang side her laisligntl.
who depaxted this life. some yeans ago.
A largenumber of sorrowing 'friends
Were at the station ta mourn her de -
On Sunday evenin,g last Rev. J. Ed -
meals preacla..d a spec al sermon. to
his brother 'Ora:piton 'en Trinity ch-
urch. - • •
On Tuesalay alto -ream the angel of
death once mare visited one of oar
peacettil homes and took unto him•self
Mr Ward who has betn sufferiiiea. for
rome- time of that dreaded disease!
consumption. He leaves a wife anti
one . child to mourn his departure,.
lir. John Metcalf af Loudon, was
here attending the • funeral 'of his aged
mother and has returned lio:ne.
_Mr. 3. G. Entigh of the Commercial
Was; attending the fineral of his cousin
in West •Landon last N`;''mk.'
Last week the Inneral • of Mrs, Bala
'Walt() -took place froin her late resi-
dence to. the Union' ceinetery.
the guest .Mrs. A.
of her sister, .
Miss hiinnie Thompson -of Clintoniits
was t
!vIo.ek,Tionl•a3',' for a ft ,clays
.Mr. A. II. Musgrove, prim..,tiv41-0
Wingliain Patine scl col, is •presidireg-
exantiner at Blyth l'Ublie school this
. The 1Iurn1.1 sernian to the Ot'arlacinien
• of Myth and vicinity was prow:aid ay
Rev. 'J. Is:attic-aids; in. Trinity: ,.1L0r41( ou
Sunday evening.. • •.•
Mr. 3, A. Anderson' 'was. in. ( 1 hawa
last week attending the ten. . or l•is,
uncle, Mr. A -.-O. Small. Deceased was
awl,. for 50 years. . • ,
au old and prommint residcw tif
•Mr. James.. Stewart, :fg,4:0 has made
his home in Myth anti viciniity • for
many years, . 114S :gone to . Goderielt
where 1;2. Will reside' in future
14011, Mr. .C.ecire. Stewart.-' r • •
Mrs. 0. 'AL:Sherlock aid three elalcl-
reit of 'Winnipeg are visiting • at • . the
home of •thei•lady's Mother', Mrs. Chas.
'• I -hey -purpoi»e.. spending two
months in Myth. .
. Mr, Isaac: 'Crittenden reeelv.ed•' .
letter •lasit . week rem/a: eiii„•r 1 sad•
telligenee- 'Of -the 'death Of his brother,
At. Wita Critteaden, at' Neepa,wa,
Manitoba. . ,•Deceasid was a, 'respected
residet.t of 'Myth far- Many years.. he- •
fore going. to Inc arairie pravinee.a.
' Mr. Wia, J..• Ward died .. 1. his
dence • in -Blyth •Tuesday afternocat.
Tuberculosis -Was . the cause' -of•-, death..
Owing ta he sold l'Ais .farni, iri
..East Wawancial: last Winter and itioVed.
to 1 3lyth in. the hope that a rest •frout
active %trot* .e.,:ould int:ploy:a his• health,
WMI4:-. •
•.. Kippen. •,,
Mr. AleNetin of Dungannon • is
sin mting a. few . weeks here,. with his
sat Jahn. . •
Ferguson of Torantois visiting
it' the home of Mr. D. Orassick,
'Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilbert. of Port. Haron
are tisitieg fritnds here and in Chisel -
Mr. •ancl Mrs. 11.41111a4 Camerea of
Vaned ar 'paid -a friendlY visit lately
to their old fritnds Mr. •Faequkar and
Mn. 'and Mrs. R. Not -theca t of .Sex -
smith slant a day itcI j.i the home
a Mr. Johnstaia . • • •
Mr. Fennell and family of Toronto •
came up •ori the DOA, ir n Day exettr,
sion t() see their, fi-iends, Mr. R. Mot-
eison aud ' , • . .
Macs MeNevin . visited frteum
Dungannon last week, ' • .• • • '
'Messrs.. jets.. Grassiek laud John BO.;
foto- are . away to the Weat ...for • the
smulaer. 7 , , .
• Mr. T. Moore 'a Clii..ton • visited • a.
;manlier of friends •hare' Iasi
" It. Cuchnote is de;ng• a- large bust-
le:Ss in shipping hay now.. . • ,
Mrs . T,: hIcKaY, who was in'ared
a Cow, recovering slowly.; Her f
11(18 willbe splad Ito see her , around
• Their many friends join:in.:Wishing
'mr...and:n4. Jasmustard it.haPPY
:ity•age aeross the matrinienial. slam •
• •
West •TUckersmith.'. • •
mis.,•IqupVm .' of ..Detrai 7 111,1-gueSti•*, Of her ditubliter, Ilti, Wa Crick
an& .hlts. Chas: Layton.. ••• ; • ••
• Mrs Albert Seeley of dinti•Ut
part . Of the . week pa.stat her' old.
home. • . . a • • . .
Mr. Byre n Wa,:dron, .aeltoo recently.
rettirnedi -110)4)41 from Nicaragua --for a
month's .vacation, was in TorOntct seV-
'ral• dap:. tl'e ast week r n business.
, large nienber of our people cele- .
twitted Domirion Day in •Bayheld. •
• •••hirs... William ;Falconer of Clinter.
is..Spene.ing 'a • few ility's under, the..,parL
1i -1a1 roof (ni. tl Landon: Road.
Mrs, J., O. Crich 'slient• several days
die guest of her brother, Mr. P. Roma
ell fie, near St. • Thomas,.
Miss E. 'Turner Clinten is the'
guest Of her brather,'•Gearge:
A,. and Miss Ella Johns • ate
• apenditig . vacation at their" old ' hpite,
. here •• •
Masi; Wm. Statbury is not improv -
Mg, aslast. as her. Many Vienda, would
. •
,iilr. Win: Grant has -greatly 0001.0
4 elle ,alipeaxante Of his residence bt tlie
'addition af a verandah and ...other .
grow:molts. . •
lVhss. M. Ahem; ofClintons • Is the
pieta of Inc tild: frica-A, Mr.S.., G. W..
4,aytein. • • . •
Rev. hIr. Greene tocik. the' sercieeSan
Tarner's circuit on Sunday, last. .•
Another 'of the.' worthy pioneers a.
'Tackersiaith has been reniaiced.. • from
Tile.- Mr, Alexander Forsythe passed
away at the home of .1.4s:
301114)14 G.' Chestey, tut conceesmii
ii-Sattrda Forsythe -had
reached the age a .8() yearic tatal three
4 •
.uontlis. Ile was a Mete(.1 • wi cancer
in the: lip and far several months Was
a very. SeYere atifferer and notwitlistaM
11 lag that everything •wits done
him that love and care conlc;) aug•gesta
hia departinte was a• reliefto hanatill.
and his friends... Ills wife .e.io .firt,ier„
• venxs ago and sinec...that time he has
• made his lanue with his dit .gliter,Mrs
4.11esnay. Mr, berm/he was a 'Miley
Live Stock -Markt.
.• •
Toronto,. July • 21.11-1 lt • reit the..
city cattle marset ,todar was 4 loads,
wi 1,03.4 Lead of. cattle, 71445 ScieeP
and lielibs • 1,028 taiga 1: tut. •
gotxl demand for good
litittliers' cattle at lilgit.,prices, but for
the rest of the mar:ket it •was dull oral
&palsy, though ati the close there - was.
not mreirleft (Nen ,
Export -1 here were sone •good loam.
of {wavy cattle Offering,' lint sales
were slr,w .and. Prices realiz«1 were con
siderably below those. °ca. week..or -8()
ago. As one dealer 1)1(1 11, • there IN a
demand for exporters hut at, • a price
that is to say .buyers nave roma fur
cattle, hat they have Of late lnan
having their ,cattle at sitch high. prices
that th•ey must even in) by leiviag. the
halanee at lower figures, Whatever
there may be in this yet'siou of • it, it.
was certain that buyers were heliffer-
enl, not seem •to eal•e- 11 farther they
the cattle or tote tirilesa ci.t. the
lama. prices go:tig'. (hi the ether heal
the drovers 'say they eatirat , get the
cattle any cheaper in -111.! -country. and
that they must. lose .100i.ey in the'
present state of the Market. •• Good
export cattle today fetched from S5 to
Butehers-The wlicAesale butehera
were eager for. good 'cattle and .were
evidently prepared to pay the price.
( bake butchers were going. rl 114.1.5
to $4•85 and 54.90 inuditur. at $4. te,'
$4•25 • inferior ht.:tellers. were ai drag
ard not Wardt.C44. •
Stockers -alba market is steady • for
good' stockers, but. inferior mit ,watit-
MilIi ce-ws-liarket ..and •plenty
of cows
Sheep aid Lambs -Lambs. are about
fivady, Ian sheep are ft5c xdf. Vittport
ewes 5:t.65• and S.:4.85 Der cwt., •ttner
(101 at that. familia $3.25 to
floats-- The hote Market is. firmer
and iec higher,. Best seleets at $5,25 ;
lights and -fats $a,
41 .Rosshire, 'Scotland., ,canie to
ecaaltry in. 1849 and settltd on the
farm on' the 3ed eoneession• upw act:fi-
end 1..y. Mr. Ileitry, 'Monteith and tam.
• Hulled .1c• reside f.here until the dt at h
al his wife.' • . . •
. At the itniainatiOn at Strong'Ss shall,
. to fill Ole vacancy Caused. bv thedeatl
of 'Mr., Wm, MeNattglitore 'It resulted
in the election of Mr; .Tosepli Atkin -son
• • .
• • - •
• •Leasibury.' • •..
A very successful gaxticat paety, ua
amaaices. of the Ladies' Guild _
of St. Gecrge's dettelt, Walton, was
held sob the 'grotiacls • of ,•Mr.. join;
.Scarlett, Leadianty, ati the: e•vening of
June '3011t.' Tables were sat. • - on di,.
. grounds and loaded with all lita .goaid
things •proii.idtd by the ladies. A
WaS 11150•Creete41. arid decorated
with mottoes and, flaw; and everlthiag •
that would be loyal 1•,• 4.1en'.1, Xitig (ncl
Couittry. There was ne vrmni.•81
berries, liatiailas. and everything .4) smi
• the taste. Aboat sis n'elaCk the .
'cadets of Seitforth Collegiate ar-
rived, under the leadership of Mr.
- ',Brown, 1111111..bering 80411C over thirty,
k football ..111i11.4211 WAS eligagee bit be-
tween the boys .cf the ne•ighborbood
and de cadets, the restilt • being a tie.
Afterwards the cadets, went through a
i.P•trse of drill its if ott actual service
ird South Africa.. They aceatitted them-
selves . well, -showing. what can be done
1)y 0 course. cf training. The Brussela ,
braes band was itaa•ttetulance ander
the lea ere, tip of Mr. .70Ir'S And re11-.
alered sweet music: to the. pleksrre of
all. Full -justice was acute , to the •
itlxid things, prGvided. TI:(-IZetr, Mr,
• Powell gave • a thort address alai in-
troduced MiS8 Mehlwer. of Leadbitry
and Miss A. Ferguson of Walton who
'rendered sclos after which Mr. B. 13. •
Gt11111 of Sea:hull. gave 'a 8111011.1 Ad. -
dress. Ne/t cattle a rain fall. when :
eVerybody had to seek shelter..
. •
• Colhorn?,1).
• A- \Ninth wits. laid 01. 111:1 lanai: -
of Mr. Harry hfurt•is wits
.e.esa and a; Natty pleitsant time' was:
L.' 0. L. No, 153. celebrated .1101
,al. •
'1Ve. are sa. re iti say 1 lia. Mr.. a An-•
drew: Trying . had t lie in Wert
lose , fine, tiro( (1-11141-.4.1 -a.
COnaiderablealoas 16 him..., • • ••••-•- -..•
Vanstone • Beirmiller•
sold. a • twoAwat• old -colt far ilta .511111
IA .• •• . • • •
. . , • :
We are scrty. to say 'that. Mi... Ed, '
is laid: ap US:
• hope to • SOO •SeC him aro-
:111(1 owe more. • • •., •
The survetors- for tlie..C. P.. R. • are
Surveying through', this toWrallip
-11,11 Robert I familial.: of ,ESSea itt
visiting 'friends in. this hatility. • •
- •
' • • Morris Township. .
-- A case Of tecOlt ineerest • to the tate-
,4aaYers of the; towitallins• 01. Morris •acid,
'Grey was in the 'Coi ftil Chain -
:bet, We -Wawa itIchality end Titesday of
. .
ata •wca. . • Aat; Durand- a Mar.
,ris is askir(g• for annpuecatical for the
loss - pf water ,priyileger „by a ditch -
being 'chg. by- the tawciships.. J. 13.
. . A
R ait.:111 V.. a • Chad' an Dealtiliger
Referee, • presided. Of:
Gaderich.fra Plaintiff Pi-604151ot ..
of Goilerielt. for • Grey • tparislii• •
- Vanstolie 111 • Wingltait .••Morri.h: .
. •
township'. Many • witnessaa wei•e ea,
attuned . find the case was father ad;
journed antil -Augus.t '3ot11a •
..Mrs. Jelin •Pciteltetcof Lucliteitv was ri •
visitor with her •eaitsan.• Mrs.. Jas. . D.
-Shiire11, 4 th•Litte„ for 'a..few •dayS: 131111.
.ca.it •cil• (.1/era:mien was • also
. . .
here- •
• . •DIrs. peorge. Barth,rd. Who has been'
bit.. 0 visit her gralichimiliqr, • :Mrs.
Lucy' . Barkley.. Of: Ilelgra.vc, has. return.- •
c'd to twine att, • Toledo,- Ohio. This.
being • her first visit to 'Canada'• since
childlaicd she -.1acoved• it very tench. .
.. Miss Nettie F1n1latLr 114154 10 •
Ptismareh, Nortitlieekotai Neltzrc She will
engage is. Deal:ones:a Work.. 'She had .
-eety pleasautt- trip. there Anit..says- for
farm Lomas thca•Stittea 41at7.1. ecanpare
. Canada. .
Reeve Iabister. and Win. 'Fire -Bitter
Went. Lo • attend an 0t1 lIcys' Meet at
• Wriggles' Corners,' North Diatifries ad
are visiting. - theArietals tlid relatives
.their boylioed days. Mr. .,. Isbister
„sr. was the first seliiiolteacher there.
'•'''Wni.• and Mrs.. Tallith! awl of ()idea:Ave,
avIto have Iii21n.hcre 01i a s..;11 deNs' vis:- •
.to Wm. ,Shedden, who has been laid
•••ip ;duce • last 'fall, and also Mrs. Gil •
bert Spelt., whose health has -pat hem'
....cry good this spriag, returnedd 'home:
last: week... . . • •
Sintillpox.„ even,' of.* tight type, is a;
eostly epidemic • lit a aleighborliaach As
Pea seen by the minti tes of Morris
council the, toanalup had to contrilinte
555 to the hied ieal 'Health Officer aral
.535.50. to 'Edward Irvine for • serviees
rendered . in the sameconi.eetian,
Morris gets oft at that. figtire they do
well. asi• compared willt some - other •
anetticipalities. •
Hot Weather Dangers.
Morealittle ones die during the hot
timaths than • at any oilier season,. At,
•ltis ante atotietelt. and bowel troubles,.
assame their meat. eatigerons 'farm, •
and scatetimes a few hours Oclay in
111,3' treatment mettles the • lass of the
little life. Baby's Oun Tablets is .the •
-best medicine itt the world to preventa
"these trembles, or to cure them if theY
attack the Aittle eine ut".•...xpectedlv. I‘Ws-
sq.v mother should have a ltrA of these
Tablets _ in the Louse -their protein.
ince may Nave- a (.1111(1 a. life. Mrs. •Ar -
thin" Cke, St. • Fortunat,. Que.., says :
little one was greatlY :troubled
volt. .colle and bowel -trouble, !Alt .
shied lacing Baby's OWt., Tablets tlie •
trouble lias tliaa.g.wared and she is
growing nicely and has good health."
Tliese tablets are guaranteed to con•
'fain na Opiatt And 1e as safe -fot it new
born 1.4.:by or a well grown child, Sold
by all medicine dealers or sent' by Mail
kit 25 *eine box by wraing the Br.
C0.1 Brockville,
Sightseeing At The World's Fair,
floSCribe a trip to the
World a Fair INOUld lill a page of The
News. Recant, very mut h more .s1. ate
Allan 15 al om. dist (aal. .
'the nat from Clinton to St. 1 tads
Is made in twtaty live hours la tak-
ing' the Wabash tart te via J)etr.it .•By
wa.y o CilleAg0 is loiaper, but 11. '1.
there are many who avid' themselv-
es of this eppertunity .ui. visiting
Porhopolis. •
Before cressing ••ti hot der it ai-ouldi
he as 'Well to, eachauge• Canadian CUT-
reney for Utak of your L'nele Sam.
Otheracise you vt ill be sicenewhat ilt-
corieettiowid for ia few places. in St,
Louis :is our money' accepted. The bro-
kers make de exchange and tilAr$e
three, per cent. Not Mach wonder our
cousins acruss tha line flare"( we - are
'-'eaay" and caw of the minor reasons
is that we allow their currency to be US -
ed at par this country whereas. they
pats a distantnt tat ours.
Aceounitudation eau he easily secured
and so far at moderate- rates, say at.
ene• to two dollars per day for a taxon,
Wi th meals on the Etropean. plan.
'1 Lis is the lowest, but there is scar-
cely any limit on the' useend:ng scale.
lt noth ng is good tuctigh ou
awat tle Plautersaci-alte---Jaiffersean- of
Co.trse • You must be prepared to pay
sweetly 'for it.- 1 faney that winm the
rush 'begins. nt Septeinher the rates
will considerable increase, but at Pre-
set -1 tIier 114 in thing toCalriplaill• (yr.:
Tbe Fair is truly great, Leo great,
indeed, • as regards the, ground it. cov-
ers. If instead of being spread, , over
• 124o acres it. had been confined 10 nay
Soo, I cannot see that tha gtnaral plan
wouldhave- limn any less itaractWe•
However,. the protooterS;Startt-cl out to
make it a "greater than tea been"
. and -they have acacia:did very .will•
It is: difficult to get your bearings
- and it is ot.ly by' laming - to..'Vestit al
ifall, the -polar ,star . 1114 11. were; , that
you: eau very c lien tell. 'it lwre aant -are
at, But -at the heat it. is three :ar
hair days la:fere a visitor can Move
abaut 'Mid reach a given . destinatian
.witiamt • aikkiag a great marey questi-
alia. However, • tp give stieh lidarrea-
Lion is.the 'dila duty of •he esun'
Ge0rds,.' a bo(1y. 'of • 80c) nan who •keep
'order, etc.,. on the gromalae ;They are..
aiformed and ist vat iably Coarttious....
• Of • all . the. buildings ,thegreatest' ie.
Agricultural -Ball which covers twenty
,aerea. -A.,day, 100' ton,unied
in visiting • it., thatai5 115414)leate.
something, for where there is sucIt. an
lairmense- windier of exhibita, a liaaty
visit means al jamble and leaves' liG
1111preNSiOn- whatever upou tha: invitee -v.
n this • huildiag.t he corn states ,- take
...Ow' lead in Ow (pi:tally% a their ea-.
labia.; • !but the • •e.o.taiii,...and tolatecta
aid sugar si ittes • are 'Mach i11. evidence...
a Northerner., their displays axe
the leen!: •at traetiye... Far -iustanea, i1.
is interesting •to Warn of life on a
vat ton plitutatiom tlt,4. 1 1. re arafeur
pickings •cott t•Itat it ,a ginned•
separate it from the seed awl that
de .is grOund• ilia'. aimed tor
vattle Sec d or as .a•fert ili,, r. The.vara
iens staires, of . tedeac 0, ..gro wing • Were.
•Illiistratid, iron the plaiting .of the
seed, 'thi.! "treaanlattainta of
the Weeding,- .Ciiltivating, pulling - itnd.
(Irving. Liicht 'coli red. a obeeeo' abrinaii
the- highest • priee. The col.ars depetals •
,tqaat., the soil ard• early rieenne..e. There
0'C 5414(1 p1111 iIIg-,6.4..• l(n-yes, on . ahe
eame plant,. eachdarken. titan OW clther
:ant . less • i•caluablea, In this luciaeling'
Were aPeeimenia of the , inipreeed.anacla •
inery used -.on. Weatere' :ratios, _liana
great . ihreshing outfits With staeker
attachment:: to .1)61.ato, lifters, - • a:nd
eight -gang • steam plows wliiili' " • turn
over,. ibirty..aeres of land 111: ten h�nrs.•
The, ph,* Is.-.ajseritted la._ a :delta horia•
tower engine :end the:.eostatIt.Lliti.Ott-
1.11 1 .1.1... Dal1Ota.-seetipie 1;1 a •
eePliCa oE the' cabin nsed by President
RoeSevelt • when lie. was. rate:Muhl ira,
that. Statesome years ago,• ineltal-*.
as • 'Teddy 'a'' c-c,wbov tugs tc. .and
I ebacedathat everylagly alto visaed
thi)$. scetioe dut,ked
Timer prof essing to h a- people : . • °le
great. .clemocrat ie sintpIieitv, (ar COs.
iir .1(niathau are 10 truth great hem
itorshipperla• • ..• ..• • •'• • a . • •
Canada's ' disPlav iiasa etooda...• that •
every " Cenadian fcls lineal (if it. It .=
itt Made 111) of .eXlifbi is' seat by theca
thonaand .* farmers Iron, 1111•• oaks. . of • •
the ...Doininioa, is admirably arrauged
and attracts ititieli:. at terit ion : emu .
Sautherners, wha .11ave. lean taug-ht •tia
believe 1 hat'. . Lady a Alie'Siti:Ws"-•
WL s if the 'frigid' youe, 4)51)1(514 1111.411
unali .
surprise at the variety and excelltatee
of the tit ()ducts of our larinii.
Many queaticats are asked and the re-
sttlt must. be a still greater iin ut It
of Western farmers into Canad,an ter-
Thc., same way be said of the exhibit
in the Horticultural letilding, which is
in charge rt Mr..Race of 'Mitchell. Mr.
Race has ingratiated litatstlf 8eao the
goad graces 1:1 the Sanaa.? nen. alio
will persist in call na hint • Cc
Colonel Race, forsooth.
The Canadian' building., alai:his just •
a short distanee from. tlw Agriecitaral.
• building* is much frecittailLed, • not
by Canadians but Mall: other visitars.
The chairs are easy, the shade acipre-
ciatcal coal - the pad old titian Jack
:waves over all,
The Philippine village is in the same
• part. of the grounds and sot ati interest-
ing Place in wt it, 11 to sinial an lueur.
The Pltiuo5 live in their uative• huts
and follow their astial oectipaticava
'I he men are well developed physically
and are clad in an miclogy. for a bree-
ch cloth. If a white licAn.amieared 111
. public with no more elpthing he Wotild
be arrested for indectut exposure, hut
with a brown man nothing is thotglit
of • it. The 11-1110: Wr.nien are .bet tee
•-clad and neasi7fir-Tlit,in ll11i'li(T4MIlil
. the village ' the ts d States has
buildings the -Philippines and also •
Sac aimiles of the better .elass. of• •An C K •
July 14th 1904
• ********************** *44+44
it. ..f.
- , - A111141INIE Illir tr-,.-----'-'--x.. , _ *
14P 44
iv Nov ttallie Millinery 1.,e1o,oti is tlin tying to a close we are .anxiona, ea
aa • to reduee tair stoek to the lowest possible point. WI. will parry i'.
nothing over .1 o another season 3f low ipriees will clear them mit at
a. ;
y • Our stock is all new and lip -to- date in Trimmed anti Utticitimied 1.
..e, Hat it. Read yit 0. wears, Sailors, .11; 1. a , aleo Fancy Trimutittgu, Feat 11- a.
y . ers, Flowers, Buckles, Ribbons, Chiffons, Ete. From lam tillthe 2
y end of the season we will make terrific -reductions in pricesto elear, :::
0•••••‘ • ' . • ' - • • • • • • • . • ••• • •` • • . -• I
X - . lal I SIT.31 III E.; it GOO D S +. -
el le ea
o • . s •
. . . ....
Out, stock is fully amearl ell For de hot weather. Most nf I be fidl- s:.
I. owing goods a el e bought mouths ago ls,cho e the advance in d'?
ii. prices, and will be sold at old prices:
Nene Bat heigeno Underwent', in air sizeS, nt 25c, Mc and Me.
c. Ladies' Fine Iftalerwenta in vest./ and drawere, at 7e, 8e, 10e, 15e ,e.
.;.. and 20e.
Ladies' FitneY !lose, with lace fronts. in all sizes, at 25e.
,, ' Ladies' Gloves, in silk, taffeta Mal L'Isle threnth in plain and lace
at. .
'effects, in deck white and eream, t 15e, 20e, 25e and 35.
•Y . Ladies Frelleb Kid Glovea, white, black and colors, at 75c, 85c,
• t
1131111113-13.$1'21mere Sox, silk toeatind heels, at '25e and 30e.
.1. Mee's Overalls, in blue and ranee sti with.. -or without . •4•
. Vet. -s ))c- 1 t "., ' .
:: JVte01 Faney. Straw I fats, new mid 'very swell, at rale &-75e.
• X
1:10 s'• Stilts, In all sizes, from 25 to :,h om $1 rm to $5.
Meno Snits, 141 great variety, at $3.50,. $4,50, -1101, $8 and $10, •
• X
weaving • their nal ivy el o: lis. Outside •
a the old eathedral and castle at .Matir:
I At the ladian School are couple of
hundred pupils from the different sell -
o015 establialted by the P.S.00vernincitt
throughout the . West. '11'N' • ere 4)14111 -
lairs of yarioes tribes :nal are Man
nire la nineteen Years af age, the mare
1 promising children lwing kept • to 11,
-1 greater age with the obiect of fitting
1.iivin? for .teael ers. 1110re advanced.
Ip'ilS were reead differt handl-
crafts, same a them being printers
, ar et -abed out A amall paper. • Fifty•
yards from the ,scheol are •ttventy • Or
•tkirty tepees in which . Leo, his
l'acitiaw aid little ones live the life trf.
the plains. Gerochtio,. the. famous
:Apalelie •is .the _licist WA'S C.•
ecuple of weeks. ago. He Was the
.aicourage of the SauthWest .for -years;
Govennuent frOotis evenatirilly
eapt.ured. him and na.is now airtually
• prisoner. . He is Seventy six •yi. ars . of
age lint is still wily and wiry. .• .
• One Of the' liest show 'places on the
grouttda ''The. Sauth 'African-44)er
11 was 11110 nevi,' .a St.
Conipany with a caliital' Of over •
$2.00,(xio. , 200 •• tiawaapired . British
soldiers and 300: Baers were brought,
-.beer:from Sousth. Afriea ship sPe-
tally .charterc , for that re rpose. , ley-
ery anal of them served through • Ova:
late 'war. •,They .are niquated and;
liave quick7firing ••-guna•• mitt • twice' daily
- fight over again. the haft lefe.oi.Paardea
:barg .and Telenso.- 1:1 ri islters .are
the '•. het ter riders initt•are .yOtirej nun;
a fcw.of flout bein Y Canadian's... • ...bit
'.shiphoard .• aeries .4f..hoing. contest:i
had • hem arrangt d. but. t he. ald •feeliirg
li not, died uat, and the'y, :Iota twilit:.
stopped. ..A the 'Wars is. General.
Cronge,• bearsa•marked
hlance, to' Mr.. B. C.:M.1,00U 021iitt on; •tha
"APPla: King 'LI .terun..'1'.'file. Wier-
t(.1- •:01.• this show is • the B.armon . • of
• South Africa.. •• • •• • • •
I liappeurd• to lie° On tire' grounds the
•.day on which ..the "Liberty 'Betl"''
frynt • Philacklphia• was, placed in the'
Vennsyleanis: bnilding.' There was • a
. tong .proeession of ...stale troops ad
cadets , .'and • the. usual., addressies by ,
flawery. oratoas: If there are. any ma:-
PleaW110. 1 'Ste ne.t. 111,14-0 hat 1111/ .ft011l
Public • Men :than. 01
Prated, States, '1 latee vet .lo learn, of
atlient. I was. father smneUhat
ed ,the number • peca,le• who' pies's- •
ed thraugh the . throrag,'. 10 a h. da• the
.and turned ;away as rivasesi 104114- -
jflf aa..1 1.. they. had• received. a bleSsiit
Perhaps they. • were prempted cur-
ty,.• bat, if so,. •they • looked. tuigtav
• sermas ,aluad
Ilt the. Mines and Mb!
.ii(g.anceli may be leareed o1. the; eon--
e:iitiona nyder _which- the men Who were •
engaged. in the great sitril.e .0f 'a- yeat',
.ao• 1.401,T • far lac .aimiles„.61 „Mines,"
may . seat ie ,operatiatta: The • pro-.•
cm.; of • makieg coke 'from a1o1l'. coal ls
-alaci. • illrstrated. - 'The :cede- is enclosed
•in huge fureaces and btatuda.with eery'
eapeaure to (1(4. air mad t 11
• • • •
,gases and 'tat' pasS off. In the Ala-.
:baqua .sectiov is a- hnge, inal•stattite•Of
.Vnlean -.fifty feet high: • • ' • ; •
• •
i• . INNON -.8t. -CO BLYTH . I:.
. ,. . ...,........... . . --,-,-7.--.,. . .. ..,......a...1114
4. • 44.4.•••4444.4.444.4****••••••••••44444.••••••••
• I
AVery Pretty Shoe
That's what they all eity about the "Peet leas *Shoe" for Ladies, which * .
• .:: .. . .
, • •we sell for $225.• •
•• •
• . .
. .
t4It is rnade of fine Dengolit Kid with apataint tip, Cithan heel Allell-
him sole and ineditilit rotinchtoe. • .. .
. . . • .
• '
, . SpEX404.KX•34..,K4434143if*KA.V...*YY,4.444KCX*44.A...44•444,**v4. tsnx....o.mi.ourex-A.?i,ottitY* • :
. • . .
. . , . . 'Pi ts well.-- . - .6 .
. •
A -Shoe-That , .-. , -. . ,Loks well + • • .
. . . Wears. well . . •
4) , .
• • .
. . •
. . $.- 0
. ; ' •.
• . . 4
. •
• .---0.,..,6,--..*i•-•4 *.ilk3( 4FAXIMErak TielEit:if *30E4 .7E..".k....1k .r...:,:qm-43E-,,..* r... NA.. *4, *oxximr-A-r• ...
• • • el
;• All -sizes from 24-07. . gall and have a look even if . yeedon't buy. -
• • - ., ! do
go' . ' ' . 4
+ In.111en's Shoes we have SOMP very Ilk° 1118184. f rom $2.50 ti) $5. - ' a,
0 'Here's sotnet hing few the boys-A:aide,. fiat canvas slate, with all
----------- . 7 to • 10 .f.tir '05e, ' • leather Soles • in siaeir front
. • . • • ' . li to. 1 for 75e ' ' ' 4.1
••. . . . .
. . 2 L.) 5 for 85c,
. sle
0 ..
Just die thing foethe Sturm:ley lIolidetys.• • . .• .. • -'• •
. . .
Poe the' Git.1:s.-Abont•;i0'.pes of Itid Tirittonetl. 1...1C(41 .BoOt:t A lid 4,
• Staap.Slippers, siaes I I to 2,. worth 110111 $1.25 Lo $1..75 ell going' v
. •
•. .
. .. . • . a . . • . • • • . a • , - • . 40
. • Also 25..paitiOhildrerea Oxford itnd Strap Slippers to Clear at 65c. • *
1 ',. ' ...... ••T. .,.' :... :.- . . %T.:11. er Old. kellable.... . • • '...:
. • . • •
000 000 0000000000
Putting on 1/4 4101
• .
Wall Paper
is th rnobt effective
.and most economical,
method of improving
and brigfitentng of
the .interior appear..
an e of your dwelling.
IN on' the many beautiful patterns., many of
them exclusive in out netv line, WO ate certain you
.rtin select easily the right raper to suit your taste and
Let us Show you'our handsothe array of styles.- •
• •<e.
, Carriages and
Go -Carts
The trete 1004. GP.Oitt ts with
their swell automobile gear n lid •
rich enamel finish nee on hand -
They are decidedly mart and.
no•tn•ditte, prices ft otu $10,00 t0
Children's Carriages and
Express Waggone$Ito $7.50
0 0000000000 000000 000 0 .00. 0000
. , *
: WM. TAYLOR- & :
0 •SONS .
.********************** ********************** •
- . ,
. . . ,
1..4...B. HoovER. .. . . N4LsoN BAL17,
• .
; UNDE 217_1 A.IiING
; WE Play now safely predict the advent -
of Spring. You will require Furniture. . e
See us ab."&ot it before buying. •
• Sewing inaellines
pigh grade, up-to=date, made in
Canada, Ball=Bearing Machines. '
One price to all, •
0.0-0b-o-0000-000-0-00-000-oo-o-o-o-00-0-0000-o-oo i
• • • • • • • . ".. • • • • . • • •
Night and Sunday calls answered as residEnce of•either of the prinei-
p tis.
t4.4041k44414.4,4•4144•••••••••••1444.4:t•11140+4,. t,••••4
• ;
.000 • c.) $ciosq)@?•):•)•;•-)0x-ovix•)••••:),,•, (•..(..x....,(....A.,0x....(ox•xly.•.x•)c§iii) • 000 • @it?, "
Par the next two weeks we will offer
Department. Everything pertaining to Suinmer
• Millinery is to (Yo at sweeping reductions (6)
It will pay you to see what we are offering in (.0 •
We secured a bargain in that line and aro selling co
. them at greatly reduced prices.
See what we have in
11 will be to your advantage to get prices before buying elsewber
• CO
We h1W(4 a snap in Men's Harvest Shoes. Also a fine range of
.3> •
• (0)
Any quantity of 13utter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. t.)
M. MoBEATH, surni
0000000000000 • 00000
rogiessive business me n
advertise In The
News -Record.
• ••: .